The Hall Coefficient (HC) and the Magnetoresistance (MR) have been studied in two-dimensional systems. The HC and the MR in Rectangular Quantum Wire (RQW) subjected to a crossed DC electric field and magnetic field in the presence of a Strong Electromagnetic Wave (EMW) characterized by electric field are studied in this work. Using the quantum kinetic equation for electrons interacting with optical phonons, we obtain the analytic expressions for the HC and the MR with a dependence on magnetic field, EMW frequency, temperatures of systems and the length characteristic parameters of RQW. These expressions are different from those obtained for bulk semiconductors and cylindrical quantum wires. The analytical results are applied to GaAs/GaAs/Al. For this material, MR depends on the ratio of the EMW frequency to the cyclotron frequency. Indeed, MR reaches a minimum at the ratio 5/4, and when this ratio increases, it tends towards a saturation value. The HC can take negative or positive values. Each curve has one maximum and one minimum. When magnetic field increases, the HC is negative, achieves a minimum value and then increases suddenly to a maximum with a positive value. This phenomenon differs from the one observed in cylindrical quantum wire, which does not have maximum and minimum values., {"references":["E. M. Epshtein, \"Odd magnetophotoresistance effect in semiconductors\", Sov, Phys. Semicond. (Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn), Vol. 10, 1976, pp. 1414 – 1415, (in Russian).","Epshtein, E. M., \"Odd magnetoresistance of nonlinear conductors in time dependent electric fields\", Sov. J. Theor. Phys. Lett., Vol. 2, No. 5, 234 - 237, 1976 (in Russian).","Malevich, V. L. and E. M. Epshtein, \"Photostimulated odd magnetoresistance in semiconductors,\" Sov. Phys. Solid State (Fiz. Tverd. Tela), Vol. 18, 1286 – 1289, 1976 (in Russian).","Pankratov, A. A. and E. M. Epshtein, \"Kinetic theory of longitudinal Hall effect in high frequency electric field,\" Sov. Phys. Semicond. (Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn) Vol. 16, No. 9, 1689 – 1691, 1982 (in Russian).","Shmelev, G, M., G. I. Tsurkan, and N. H. Shon, \"The magnetoresistance and cyclotron resonance in semiconductors in the presence of strong electromagnetic wave.\" Sov. Phys. Semicond. (Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn.), Vol. 15, No. 1, 156 – 161, 1981 (in Russian).","Bau, N. Q. and B. D. Hoi, \" Investigation of the Hall effect in rectangular quantum wells with a perpendicular magnetic field in the presence of high frequence electromagnetic wave\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 28, 1450001, 2014.","Bau, N. Q. and B. D. Hoi, \"Influence of a strong electromagnetic wave (laser radiation) on the hall effect in quantum wells with a parabolic potential,\" J. Korean Phys. Soc., Vol 60, 59 – 64, 2012.","N. Q. Bau et al., PIERS Proceedings, \"Influence of a strong electromagnetic Wave (Laser Radiation) on the Hall Coefficient in Doped Semiconductor Superlattices with an In – plane Magnetic field\" March 25 -28, Taipei, (The Electromagnetics Academy, Cambridge, 2013), p. 416.","George Kirczenow, \"Hall effect and ballistic conduction in one dimensional quantum wires\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 38, 1988.\n[10]\tH.C. Tso, P.Vasilopoulos, \"Magnetotransport along a quantum wire\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 44, 7 pages, 1991.\n[11]\tYinlong Sun and George Kirczenow, \"Density – functional theory of the electronic structure of Coulomb- confined quantum wires\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 47, 1993.\n[12]\tH. Akera, T. Ando, \"Theory of the Hall Effect in quantum wires: Effects of scattering\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 41, 1990.\n[13]\tHiroshi Akera, Tsuneya Ando, \"Hall effect in quantum wires\", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 39, 1989.\n[14]\tJanetta Debora Brand, \"A quantum Hall effect without Landau levels in a quansi one dimensional system\" Stellenbosh University, 2012.\n[15]\tAnton Yu. Alekseev, Vadim V. Cheianov, \"Comparing conductance quantization in quantum wires and quantum Hall systems\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 54, 3 pages, 1996.\n[16]\tH. Akera, T. Ando, \"Magnetoresistance in quantum wires: Boundary – roughness scattering\" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 43, 1991.\n[17]\tTomoaki Kaneko, Mikito Koshino, and Tsuneya Ando, \"Symmetry crossover in quantum wires with spin orbit interaction\", Physical review B 81, 155310 (2010).\n[18]\tKenichi Asano and Tsuneya Ando, \"Two component cyclotron resonance in quantum Hall systems\", Physical review B 58 (1998).\n[19]\tBau, N. Q. and B. D. Hoi, \"Dependence of the Hall Coefficient on Doping Concentration in Doped Semiconductor Superlattices with a Perpendicular Magnetic Field under the Influence of a Laser Radiation\", Integrated Ferroelectrics: An International Journal, Vol. 155, Iss. 1, pp. 39 – 44.\n[20]\tBau, N. Q. and Huong, N. T, \"Influence of a strong electromagnetic wave (laser radiation) on the Hall effect in a cylindrical quantum wires with infinitely high potential\", 2015 Journal of physics: Conference Series. 627 012023."]}