2,456 results on '"Newman, E"'
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Almqvist, E., primary, Newman, E., additional, Toth, K. S., additional, and Zucker, A., additional
- Published
- 2023
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3. Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial
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Staplin, N, Haynes, R, Judge, PK, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Emberson, J, Preiss, D, Mayne, KJ, Ng, SYA, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Petrini, M, Seidi, S, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hauske, SJ, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
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4. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial
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Judge, PK, Staplin, N, Mayne, KJ, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Hauske, SJ, Emberson, JR, Preiss, D, Ng, SYA, Roddick, AJ, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Massey, D, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Haynes, R, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Emberson, J, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
- Published
- 2024
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5. Practical Management for Use of Eculizumab in the Treatment of Severe, Refractory, Non-Thymomatous, AChR + Generalized Myasthenia Gravis: A Systematic Review
- Author
Waheed W, Newman E, Aboukhatwa M, Moin M, and Tandan R
- Subjects
myasthenia gravis ,pathophysiology ,autoantibodies ,complement ,eculizumab ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Waqar Waheed,1 Eric Newman,1 Marwa Aboukhatwa,2 Maryam Moin,3 Rup Tandan1 1Department of Neurological Sciences, The University of Vermont and the University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT, USA; 2Pharmacotherapy Department, University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT, USA; 3Department of Neurology, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL, USACorrespondence: Waqar Waheed, 89 South Williams Street, Burlington, VT, USA, Tel +1 802-862-5759, Fax +1 802-658-0680, Email waqar.waheed@uvmhealth.orgAbstract: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare autoimmune disorder caused by specific autoantibodies at the neuromuscular junction. MG is classified by the antigen specificity of these antibodies. Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies are the most common type (74– 88%), followed by anti-muscle specific kinase (MuSK) and other antibodies. While all these antibodies lead to neuromuscular transmission failure, the immuno-pathogenic mechanisms are distinct. Complement activation is a primary driver of AChR antibody-positive MG (AChR+ MG) pathogenesis. This leads to the formation of the membrane attack complex and destruction of AChR receptors and the postsynaptic membrane resulting in impaired neurotransmission and muscle weakness characteristic of MG. Broad-based immune-suppressants like corticosteroids are effective in controlling MG; however, their long-term use can be associated with significant adverse effects. Advances in translational research have led to the development of more directed therapeutic agents that are likely to alter the future of MG treatment. Eculizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits the cleavage of complement protein C5 and is approved for use in generalized MG. In this review, we discuss the pathophysiology of MG; the therapeutic efficacy and tolerability of eculizumab, as well as the practical guidelines for its use in MG; future studies exploring the role of eculizumab in different stages and subtypes of MG subtypes; the optimal duration of therapy and its discontinuation; the characterization of non-responder patients; and the use of biomarkers for monitoring therapy are highlighted. Based on the pathophysiologic mechanisms, emerging therapies and new therapeutic targets are also reviewed.Keywords: myasthenia gravis, pathophysiology, autoantibodies, complement, eculizumab
- Published
- 2022
6. Unfolding Neutron Spectrum with Markov Chain Monte Carlo at MIT Research Reactor with He-3 Neutral Current Detectors
- Author
Leder, A. F., Anderson, A. J., Billard, J., Figueroa-Feliciano, E., Formaggio, J. A., Hasselkus, C., Newman, E., Palladino, K., Phuthi, M., Winslow, L., and Zhang, L.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The Ricochet experiment seeks to measure Coherent (neutral-current) Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering using dark-matter-style detectors with sub-keV thresholds placed near a neutrino source, such as the MIT (research) Reactor (MITR), which operates at 5.5 MW generating approximately 2.2e18 neutrinos/second in its core. Currently, Ricochet is characterizing the backgrounds at MITR, the main component of which comes in the form of neutrons emitted from the core simultaneous with the neutrino signal. To characterize this background, we wrapped Bonner cylinders around a He-3 thermal neutron detector, whose data was then unfolded via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to produce a neutron energy spectrum across several orders of magnitude. We discuss the resulting spectrum and its implications for deploying Ricochet at the MITR site as well as the feasibility of reducing this background level via the addition of polyethylene shielding around the detector setup., Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, published in JINST
- Published
- 2017
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7. Analyses of registry data of patients with anti-GBM and antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibody-associated (ANCA) vasculitis treated with or without therapeutic apheresis
- Author
Mörtzell Henriksson, M., Weiner, M., Sperker, W., Berlin, G., Segelmark, M., Javier Martinez, A., Audzijoniene, J., Griskevicius, A., Newman, E., Blaha, M., Vrielink, H., Witt, V., and Stegmayr, B.
- Published
- 2021
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8. PACAP-PAC1R modulates fear extinction via the ventromedial hypothalamus
- Author
Velasco, E. R., Florido, A., Flores, Á, Senabre, E., Gomez-Gomez, A., Torres, A., Roca, A., Norrholm, S., Newman, E. L., Das, P., Ross, R. A., Lori, A., Pozo, O. J., Ressler, K. J., Garcia-Esteve, L. L., Jovanovic, T., and Andero, R.
- Published
- 2022
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9. The Kerr-Newman metric: A Review
- Author
Adamo, Tim and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
The Kerr-Newman metric describes a very special rotating, charged mass and is the most general of the asymptotically flat stationary 'black hole' solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations of general relativity. We review the derivation of this metric from the Reissner-Nordstrom solution by means of a complex transformation algorithm and provide a brief overview of its basic geometric properties. We also include some discussion of interpretive issues, related metrics, and higher-dimensional analogues., Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. v2: typos and some signs fixed
- Published
- 2014
10. The Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics (PING) Data Repository
- Author
Jernigan, TL, Brown, TT, Hagler, DJ, Akshoomoff, N, Bartsch, H, Newman, E, Thompson, WK, Bloss, CS, Murray, SS, Schork, N, Kennedy, DN, Kuperman, JM, McCabe, C, Chung, Y, Libiger, O, Maddox, M, Casey, BJ, Chang, L, Ernst, TM, Frazier, JA, Gruen, JR, Sowell, ER, Kenet, T, Kaufmann, WE, Mostofsky, S, Amaral, DG, and Dale, AM
- Subjects
Neurology & Neurosurgery ,Medical and Health Sciences ,Psychology and Cognitive Sciences - Abstract
The main objective of the multi-site Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics (PING) study was to create a large repository of standardized measurements of behavioral and imaging phenotypes accompanied by whole genome genotyping acquired from typically-developing children varying widely in age (3 to 20 years). This cross-sectional study produced sharable data from 1493 children, and these data have been described in several publications focusing on brain and cognitive development. Researchers may gain access to these data by applying for an account on the PING portal and filing a data use agreement. Here we describe the recruiting and screening of the children and give a brief overview of the assessments performed, the imaging methods applied, the genetic data produced, and the numbers of cases for whom different data types are available. We also cite sources of more detailed information about the methods and data. Finally we describe the procedures for accessing the data and for using the PING data exploration portal.
- Published
- 2016
11. Evaluation of health and quality of life in apheresis patients – data from the WAA register
- Author
Goto, J., Newman, E., Witt, V., Deeren, D., Blaha, M., Lanska, M., Gasova, Z., Bhuiyan-Ludvikova, Z., Hrdlickova, R., Ramlow, W., Prophet, H., Liumbruno, G., Griskevicius, A., Audzijoniene, J., Vrielink, H., Aandahl, A., Sanchez, S. Ortega, Strineholm, V., Berlin, G., Mörtzell-Henriksson, M., Stegmayr, B.G., Eich, T., and Ilhan, O.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Light cones in relativity: Real, complex and virtual, with applications
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We study geometric structures associated with shear-free null geodesic congruences in Minkowski space-time and asymptotically shear-free null geodesic congruences in asymptotically flat space-times. We show how in both the flat and asymptotically flat settings, complexified future null infinity acts as a "holographic screen," interpolating between two dual descriptions of the null geodesic congruence. One description constructs a complex null geodesic congruence in a complex space-time whose source is a complex world-line; a virtual source as viewed from the holographic screen. This complex null geodesic congruence intersects the real asymptotic boundary when its source lies on a particular open-string type structure in the complex space-time. The other description constructs a real, twisting, shear-free or asymptotically shear-free null geodesic congruence in the real space-time, whose source (at least in Minkowski space) is in general a closed-string structure: the caustic set of the congruence. Finally we show that virtually all of the interior space-time physical quantities that are identified at null infinity (center of mass, spin, angular momentum, linear momentum, force) are given kinematic meaning and dynamical descriptions in terms of the complex world-line., Comment: 39 pages
- Published
- 2011
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13. The Generalized Good Cut Equation
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
The properties of null geodesic congruences (NGCs) in Lorentzian manifolds are a topic of considerable importance. More specifically NGCs with the special property of being shear-free or asymptotically shear-free (as either infinity or a horizon is approached) have received a great deal of recent attention for a variety of reasons. Such congruences are most easily studied via solutions to what has been referred to as the 'good cut equation' or the 'generalization good cut equation'. It is the purpose of this note to study these equations and show their relationship to each other. In particular we show how they all have a four complex dimensional manifold (known as H-space, or in a special case as complex Minkowski space) as a solution space., Comment: 12 pages
- Published
- 2010
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14. The Real Meaning of Complex Minkowski-Space World-Lines
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
In connection with the study of shear-free null geodesics in Minkowski space, we investigate the real geometric effects in real Minkowski space that are induced by and associated with complex world-lines in complex Minkowski space. It was already known, in a formal manner, that complex analytic curves in complex Minkowski space induce shear-free null geodesic congruences. Here we look at the direct geometric connections of the complex line and the real structures. Among other items, we show, in particular, how a complex world-line projects into the real Minkowski space in the form of a real shear-free null geodesic congruence., Comment: 16 pages
- Published
- 2009
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15. Vacuum non-expanding horizons and shear-free null geodesic congruences
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We investigate the geometry of a particular class of null surfaces in space-time called vacuum Non-Expanding Horizons (NEHs). Using the spin-coefficient equation, we provide a complete description of the horizon geometry, as well as fixing a canonical choice of null tetrad and coordinates on a NEH. By looking for particular classes of null geodesic congruences which live exterior to NEHs but have the special property that their shear vanishes at the intersection with the horizon, a good cut formalism for NEHs is developed which closely mirrors asymptotic theory. In particular, we show that such null geodesic congruences are generated by arbitrary choice of a complex world-line in a complex four dimensional space, each such choice induces a CR structure on the horizon, and a particular world-line (and hence CR structure) may be chosen by transforming to a privileged tetrad frame., Comment: 23 pages
- Published
- 2009
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16. Asymptotically Stationary and Static Space-times and Shear-free Null Geodesic Congruences
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
In classical electromagnetic theory, one formally defines the complex dipole moment (the electric plus 'i' magnetic dipole) and then computes (and defines) the complex center of charge by transforming to a complex frame where the complex dipole moment vanishes. Analogously in asymptotically flat space-times it has been shown that one can determine the complex center of mass by transforming the complex gravitational dipole (mass dipole plus 'i' angular momentum) (via an asymptotic tetrad trasnformation) to a frame where the complex dipole vanishes. We apply this procedure to such space-times which are asymptotically stationary or static, and observe that the calculations can be performed exactly, without any use of the approximation schemes which must be employed in general. In particular, we are able to exactly calculate complex center of mass and charge world-lines for such space-times, and - as a special case - when these two complex world-lines coincide, we recover the Dirac value of the gyromagnetic ratio., Comment: 11 pages
- Published
- 2009
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17. Null Geodesic Congruences, Asymptotically Flat Space-Times and Their Physical Interpretation
- Author
Adamo, T. M., Newman, E. T., and Kozameh, C. N.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
Shear-free or asymptotically shear-free null geodesic congruences possess a large number of fascinating geometric properties and to be closely related, in the context of general relativity, to a variety of physically significant affects. It is the purpose of this paper to develop these issues and find applications in GR. The applications center around the problem of extracting interior physical properties of an asymptotically flat space-time directly from the asymptotic gravitational (and Maxwell) field itself in analogy with the determination of total charge by an integral over the Maxwell field at infinity or the identification of the interior mass (and its loss) by (Bondi's) integrals of the Weyl tensor, also at infinity. More specifically we will see that the asymptotically shear-free congruences lead us to an asymptotic definition of the center-of-mass and its equations of motion. This includes a kinematic meaning, in terms of the center of mass motion, for the Bondi three-momentum. In addition, we obtain insights into intrinsic spin and, in general, angular momentum, including an angular momentum conservation law with well-defined flux terms. When a Maxwell field is present the asymptotically shear-free congruences allow us to determine/define at infinity a center-of-charge world-line and intrinsic magnetic dipole moment., Comment: 98 pages, 6 appendices. v2: typos corrected; v3: significant changes made to results section using simpler arguments, added discussion of real structures, additional references, 2 new appendices
- Published
- 2009
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18. Unsalvageable recurrence-free survival in patients with resected colorectal liver metastasis
- Author
Standring, O., primary, Chiuzan, C., additional, Gazzara, E., additional, Meurisse, A., additional, Marques Pinto, H., additional, Dasari, B., additional, Ferrero, A., additional, Kaiser, G., additional, Vitiello, G., additional, Newman, E., additional, Coppa, G., additional, Deutsch, G., additional, DePeralta, D., additional, Grothey, A., additional, Weiss, M., additional, Adam, R., additional, and Gholami, S., additional
- Published
- 2024
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19. Response to neoadjuvant therapy- a predictor of early recurrence in colorectal liver metastasis
- Author
Gazzara, E., primary, Standring, O., additional, Amini, N., additional, Chiuzan, C., additional, Meurisse, A., additional, Khalid, A., additional, Pinto-Marques, H., additional, Dasari, B.V.M., additional, Ferrero, A., additional, Kaiser, G., additional, Vitiello, G., additional, Newman, E., additional, Coppa, G., additional, Deutsch, G., additional, DePeralta, D., additional, Weiss, M., additional, Grothey, A., additional, Adam, R., additional, and Gholami, S., additional
- Published
- 2024
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20. Electromagnetic Induced Gravitational Perturbations
- Author
Adamo, T. M. and Newman, E. T.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We study the physical consequences of two diffferent but closely related perturbation schemes applied to the Einstein-Maxwell equations. In one case the starting space-time is flat while in the other case it is Schwarzschild. In both cases the perturbation is due to a combined electric and magnetic dipole field. We can see, within the Einstein-Maxwell equations a variety of physical consequences. They range from induced gravitational energy-momentum loss, to a well defined spin angular momentum with its loss and a center-of-mass with its equations of motion., Comment: 17
- Published
- 2008
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21. On Extracting Physical Content from Asymptotically Flat Space-Time Metrics
- Author
Kozameh, C., Newman, E. T., and Silva-Ortigoza, G.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
A major issue in general relativity, from its earliest days to the present, is how to extract physical information from any solution or class of solutions to the Einstein equations. Though certain information can be obtained for arbitrary solutions, e.g., via geodesic deviation, in general, because of the coordinate freedom, it is often hard or impossible to do. Most of the time information is found from special conditions, e.g., degenerate principle null vectors, weak fields close to Minkowski space (using coordinates close to Minkowski coordinates) or from solutions that have symmetries or approximate symmetries. In the present work we will be concerned with asymptotically flat space times where the approximate symmetry is the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) group. For these spaces the Bondi four-momentum vector and its evolution, found from the Weyl tensor at infinity, describes the total energy-momentum of the interior source and the energy-momentum radiated. By generalizing the structures (shear-free null geodesic congruences) associated with the algebraically special metrics to asymptotically shear-free null geodesic congruences, which are available in all asymptotically flat space-times, we give kinematic meaning to the Bondi four-momentum. In other words we describe the Bondi vector and its evolution in terms of a center of mass position vector, its velocity and a spin-vector, all having clear geometric meaning. Among other items, from dynamic arguments, we define a unique (at our level of approximation) total angular momentum and extract its evolution equation in the form of a conservation law with an angular momentum flux., Comment: 33 pages
- Published
- 2008
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22. NZ-Made : a change of heart
- Author
Moore, Mike and Newman, E
- Published
- 1989
23. The Geometry of Regular Shear-Free Null Geodesic Congruences, CR functions and their Application to the Flat-Space Maxwell Equations
- Author
Kozameh, Carlos, Newman, E. T., and Silva-Ortigoza, Gilberto
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We describe here what appears to be a new structure that is hidden in all asymptotically vanishing Maxwell fields possessing a non-vanishing total charge. Though we are dealing with real Maxwell fields on real Minkowski space nevertheless, directly from the asymptotic field one can extract a complex analytic world-line defined in complex Minkowski space that gives a unified Lorentz invariant meaning to both the electric and magnetic dipole moments. In some sense the world-line defines a `complex center of charge' around which both electric and magnetic dipole moments vanish. The question of how and where does this complex world-line arise is one of the two main subjects of this work. The other subject concerns what is known in the mathematical literature as a CR structure. In GR, CR structures naturally appear in the physical context of shear-free (or asymptotically shear-free) null geodesic congruences in space-time. For us, the CR structure is associated with the embedding of Penrose's real three-dimensional null infinity, I^+, as a surface in a two complex dimensional space, C^2. It is this embedding, via a complex function, (a CR function), that is our other area of interest. Specifically we are interested in the `decomposition' of the CR function into its real and imaginary parts and the physical information contained in this decomposition., Comment: 25 pages
- Published
- 2007
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24. The Universal Cut Function and Type II Metrics
- Author
Kozameh, C., Newman, E. T., Santiago-Santiago, J. G., and Silva-Ortigoza, G.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
In analogy with classical electromagnetic theory, where one determines the total charge and both electric and magnetic multipole moments of a source from certain surface integrals of the asymptotic (or far) fields, it has been known for many years - from the work of Hermann Bondi - that energy and momentum of gravitational sources could be determined by similar integrals of the asymptotic Weyl tensor. Recently we observed that there were certain overlooked structures, {defined at future null infinity,} that allowed one to determine (or define) further properties of both electromagnetic and gravitating sources. These structures, families of {complex} `slices' or `cuts' of Penrose's null infinity, are referred to as Universal Cut Functions, (UCF). In particular, one can define from these structures a (complex) center of mass (and center of charge) and its equations of motion - with rather surprising consequences. It appears as if these asymptotic structures contain in their imaginary part, a well defined total spin-angular momentum of the source. We apply these ideas to the type II algebraically special metrics, both twisting and twist-free., Comment: 32 pages
- Published
- 2006
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25. On the Physical Meaning of the Robinson-Trautman-Maxwell Fields
- Author
Kozameh, Carlos, Newman, E. T., and Silva-Ortigoza, Gilberto
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
We study the Robinson-Trautman-Maxwell Fields in two closely related coordinate systems, the original Robinson-Trautman (RT) coordinates (in a more general context, often referred to as NU coordinates) and Bondi coordinates. In particular, we identify one of the RT variables as a velocity and then from the Bondi energy-momentum 4-vector, we find kinematic expressions for the mass and momentum in terms of this velocity. From these kinematic expressions and the energy-momentum loss equation we obtain surprising equations of motion for `the center of mass' of the source where the motion takes place in the four-dimensional Poincare translation sub-group of the BMS group., Comment: 29 pages
- Published
- 2006
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26. School Violence: A Literature Review.
- Author
Newman, E. Jean
- Abstract
In this literature review on school violence, over 4,000 sources were found in government reports, journal articles, editorials, and texts. This review is offered as a reference, with the implication that it represents only a cursory overview of this field of study. The paper begins by quoting articles that define school violence and theories as to why violence is occurring. Youth gangs are looked at by a number of sources. Student perceptions of violence are also highlighted. The influence of the media, profiles of individual cases, and articles on remediation and prevention are all cited. The literature review concludes with a look at system intervention programs targeted at making schools safer. (Contains 110 references.) (Author)
- Published
- 1999
27. Twisting Null Geodesic Congruences, Scri, H-Space and Spin-Angular Momentum
- Author
Kozameh, Carlos., Newman, E. T., and Silva-Ortigoza, Gilberto
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
The purpose of this work is to return, with a new observation and rather unconventional point of view, to the study of asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein equations. The essential observation is that from a given asymptotically flat space-time with a given Bondi shear, one can find (by integrating a partial differential equation) a class of asymptotically shear-free (but, in general, twistiing) null geodesic congruences. The class is uniquely given up to the arbitrary choice of a complex analytic world-line in a four-parameter complex space. Surprisingly this parameter space turns out to be the H-space that is associated with the real physical space-time under consideration. The main development in this work is the demonstration of how this complex world-line can be made both unique and also given a physical meaning. More specifically by forcing or requiring a certain term in the asymptotic Weyl tensor to vanish, the world-line is uniquely determined and becomes (by several arguments) identified as the `complex center-of-mass'. Roughly, its imaginary part becomes identified with the intrinsic spin-angular momentum while the real part yields the orbital angular momentum., Comment: 26 pages, authors were relisted alphabetically
- Published
- 2005
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- Author
Szaniawski, M., primary, Feola, P., additional, Jaramillo, C., additional, and Newman, E., additional
- Published
- 2023
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29. The Eikonal Equation in Flat Space: Null Surfaces and Their Singularities I
- Author
Frittelli, S., Newman, E. T., and Silva-Ortigoza, G.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
The level surfaces of solutions to the eikonal equation define null or characteristic surfaces. In this note we study, in Minkowski space, properties of these surfaces. In particular we are interested both in the singularities of these ``surfaces'' (which can in general self-intersect and be only piece-wise smooth) and in the decomposition of the null surfaces into a one parameter family of two-dimensional wavefronts which can also have self-intersections and singularities. We first review a beautiful method for constructing the general solution to the flat-space eikonal equation; it allows for solutions either from arbitrary Cauchy data or for time independent (stationary) solutions of the form S=t-S_{0}(x,y,z). We then apply this method to obtain global, asymptotically spherical, null surfaces that are associated with shearing ("bad") two-dimensional cuts of null infinity; the surfaces are defined from the normal rays to the cut. This is followed by a study of the caustics and singularities of these surfaces and those of their associated wavefronts. We then treat the same set of issues from an alternative point of view, namely from Arnold's theory of generating families. This treatment allows one to deal (parametrically) with the regions of self-intersection and non-smoothness of the null surfaces, regions which are difficult to treat otherwise. Finally we generalize the analysis of the singularities to families of solutions of the eikonal equation., Comment: 33 pages, figures not included, accepted for publication in JMP
- Published
- 1998
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30. Fuzzy spacetime from a null-surface version of GR
- Author
Frittelli, S., Kozameh, C. N., Newman, E. T., Rovelli, C., and Tate, R. S.
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
The null-surface formulation of general relativity -- recently introduced -- provides novel tools for describing the gravitational field, as well as a fresh physical way of viewing it. The new formulation provides ``local'' observables corresponding to the coordinates of points --- which constitute the spacetime manifold --- in a {\em geometrically defined chart\/}, as well as non-local observables corresponding to lightcone cuts and lightcones. In the quantum theory, the spacetime point observables become operators and the spacetime manifold itself becomes ``quantized'', or ``fuzzy''. This novel view may shed light on some of the interpretational problems of a quantum theory of gravity. Indeed, as we discuss briefly, the null-surface formulation of general relativity provides (local) geometrical quantities --- the spacetime point observables --- which are candidates for the long-sought physical operators of the quantum theory., Comment: 17 pages, LateX, iopl styles (ioplppt.sty, iopl12.sty), amssym.def, amssym.tex. Invited contribution to the Class. Quantum Grav. special issue dedicated to Andrzej Trautman
- Published
- 1996
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31. Probing for the Closest DP: A Reply to Branan and Erlewine 2022
- Author
Newman, Elise
- Published
- 2025
32. Distribution of indications and procedures within the framework of centers participating in the WAA apheresis registry
- Author
Stegmayr, B., Mörtzell Henriksson, M., Newman, E., Witt, V., Derfler, K., Leitner, G., Eloot, S., Dhondt, A., Deeren, D., Rock, G., Ptak, J., Blaha, M., Lanska, M., Gasova, Z., Bhuiyan-Ludvikova, Z., Hrdlickova, R., Ramlow, W., Prophet, H., Liumbruno, G., Mori, E., Griskevicius, A., Audzijoniene, J., Vrielink, H., Rombout-Sestrienkova, E., Aandahl, A., Sikole, A., Tomaz, J., Lalic, K., Bojanic, I., Strineholm, V., Brink, B., Berlin, G., Dykes, J., Toss, F., Nilsson, T., Knutson, F., Ramsauer, B., and Wahlstrom, A.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Phosphorus Balance of Contrasting Farming Systems, Past and Present. Can Food Production be Sustainable?
- Author
Newman, E. I.
- Published
- 1997
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34. Adverse events in apheresis: An update of the WAA registry data
- Author
Mörtzell Henriksson, M., Newman, E., Witt, V., Derfler, K., Leitner, G., Eloot, S., Dhondt, A., Deeren, D., Rock, G., Ptak, J., Blaha, M., Lanska, M., Gasova, Z., Hrdlickova, R., Ramlow, W., Prophet, H., Liumbruno, G., Mori, E., Griskevicius, A., Audzijoniene, J., Vrielink, H., Rombout, S., Aandahl, A., Sikole, A., Tomaz, J., Lalic, K., Mazic, S., Strineholm, V., Brink, B., Berlin, G., Dykes, J., Toss, F., Axelsson, C.G., Stegmayr, B., Nilsson, T., Norda, R., Knutson, F., Ramsauer, B., and Wahlström, A.
- Published
- 2016
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35. Contact Cavity Shaping and Selective SiGe:B Low-Temperature Epitaxy Process Solution for sub 10-9 Ω.cm2 Contact Resistivity in Nonplanar FETs
- Author
Breil, N., primary, Lee, B-C., additional, Avendano, J. Avila, additional, Jewell, J., additional, Vellaikal, M., additional, Newman, E., additional, Bazizi, E. M., additional, Pal, A., additional, Liu, L., additional, Gluschenkov, O., additional, Greene, A., additional, Mochizuki, S., additional, Loubet, N., additional, Colombeau, B., additional, and Haran, B., additional
- Published
- 2023
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36. Regulatory Affairs, Quality Systems, Policy, and Ethics: CAN AI MAKE CELL AND TISSUE MANUFACTURING MORE JUST?
- Author
Levine, A., primary, Newman, E., additional, Zonouz, S., additional, and Serpooshan, V., additional
- Published
- 2023
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37. Contesting the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ in Southeast Asia: Rejection or Normative Resistance?
- Author
Maulana, Z and Newman, E
- Subjects
Political Science and International Relations - Abstract
This article explores the engagement of Southeast Asian states with the Responsibility to Protect principle (R2P) in relation to the Rohingya in Myanmar and the ‘war on drugs’ in the Philippines. It finds a form of contestation based upon subsidiary principles and local interests in which states have offered normative resistance to international scrutiny in order to justify their limited response to the atrocities. Elite stakeholders have emphasised that asean already has principles and frameworks to address abuses – which reflect the historical experience, social context, and political culture of the region – in order to support their resistance to R2P. While existing debates about the R2P principle in Southeast Asia tend to be oriented around the opposing poles of incremental adaptation and adoption versus outright rejection, our conclusion is distinct: R2P is consciously contested in Southeast Asia on normative grounds which must be understood in the context of the region.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Covid-19: A Human Security Analysis
- Author
Newman, E
- Subjects
Global and Planetary Change ,Geography, Planning and Development - Abstract
From a human security perspective, the concept and practices of security should be oriented around the everyday needs of individuals and communities, whatever the source or nature of threat they may face. Human security has lost some momentum as an intellectual project as a result of its imprecise definition and scope. In addition, in policy terms, human security has been eclipsed by a resurgence of geopolitical visions of security, reinforced by a rise in nationalism and great power rivalry. Yet Covid-19 demonstrates how human security brings added value as an analytical and normative framework. The pandemic exposed the limitations of the traditional security paradigm and it demonstrated that traditional measures of national security are no assurance of societal resilience or individual protection. Moreover, from a human security perspective, Covid-19 exposes the structural inequalities and contradictions which underpin norms of security in many societies, given that experiences of security and insecurity are shaped by gender, socio-economic inequalities, and ethnicity.
- Published
- 2021
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39. A Biased and Personal Description of GR at Syracuse University, 1951–1961
- Author
Newman, E. T., Howard, Don, editor, Stachel, John, editor, Kox, A. J., editor, and Eisenstaedt, Jean, editor
- Published
- 2005
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40. Exploring the UK's Doctrine of Humanitarian Intervention
- Author
Newman, E
- Subjects
021110 strategic, defence & security studies ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Authorization ,Doctrine ,02 engineering and technology ,Humanitarian intervention ,0506 political science ,State (polity) ,Political science ,Law ,Political Science and International Relations ,050602 political science & public administration ,Security council ,Responsibility to protect ,media_common - Abstract
UK governments have often claimed that humanitarian intervention – without the consent of the target state and if necessary without express UN Security Council authorization – is legally permissible in exceptional circumstances, a stance that is highly controversial. The UK’s position is at odds with prevailing international legal doctrine, which is counterintuitive for a country that is generally committed to international law, the UN framework, and multilateralism. It is also in tension with normative developments related to human protection, such as the international ‘Responsibility to Protect’ principle, which established that coercive responses to human suffering must be authorized by the UN Security Council. This article explores the background to the UK’s position on humanitarian intervention, and it argues that this reflects an element of continuity in the UK’s foreign policy in historical perspective, as a legacy of global engagement and a sense of moral righteousness and duty. The article also considers whether the UK’s position may be contributing to an evolution of the norms governing the use of force for human protection.
- Published
- 2021
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41. MA13.08 A Phase 1 Trial of Sapanisertib and Telaglenastat (CB-839) in Patients with Advanced NSCLC (NCI 10327): Results from Dose Escalation
- Author
Riess, J., primary, Frankel, P., additional, Massarelli, E., additional, Nieva, J., additional, Lai, W.-C.V., additional, Koczywas, M., additional, Shackelford, D., additional, Lanza, I., additional, Reid, J.M., additional, Gonsalves, W.I., additional, Remick, A.J., additional, Gandara, D.R., additional, Piekarz, R., additional, Lara, P.N., additional, Newman, E., additional, Villalona-Calero, M., additional, and Paik, P., additional
- Published
- 2022
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42. 415 Canary In A Coal Mine In NSTEMI? AI-QCT Evaluation Of Atherosclerosis And 2-year Outcomes After CCTA
- Author
Covas, P., primary, Liu, B., additional, Swamy, S., additional, Bourne, M., additional, Alafarj, M., additional, Cantlay, C., additional, Newman, E., additional, Sidahmed, A., additional, Bradley, A., additional, Choi, B., additional, Lichtenberger, J., additional, Zeman, R., additional, Katz, R., additional, Earls, J., additional, and Choi, A., additional
- Published
- 2022
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43. Challenges associated with test dose pharmacokinetic predictions of high dose melphalan exposure in patients with multiple myeloma
- Author
Nath, CE, Grigg, A, Rosser, SPA, Estell, J, Newman, E, Tiley, C, Ramanathan, S, Ho, SJ, Larsen, S, Gibson, J, Presgrave, P, Shaw, PJ, Trotman, J, Nath, CE, Grigg, A, Rosser, SPA, Estell, J, Newman, E, Tiley, C, Ramanathan, S, Ho, SJ, Larsen, S, Gibson, J, Presgrave, P, Shaw, PJ, and Trotman, J
- Abstract
AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of melphalan test dose pharmacokinetic (PK) predictions of the subsequent high dose (HDM) area under the concentration-versus-time curve (AUC) and to identify sources of prediction error (PE). METHODS: A prospective multicentre PK study was conducted in 40 myeloma patients of median age 60 (range:35-71) years using a 20 mg/m2 test dose administered 1-3 days prior to HDM (predominantly 180 mg/m2). PK data were collected post the test and high doses to compare predicted versus actual AUCs determined using the trapezoidal rule. Test and high dose infusion concentration, volume and duration and the time from preparation to infusion were compared using the paired Wilcoxin rank sign test. The impact of Melphalan administration parameters on PE was evaluated using the Mann-Whitney test. The predictive capacity of a previously published population PK (PopPK) model was also examined. RESULTS: Predicted HDM AUC was within 15% of the observed values in only 63% of patients when analysed using the trapezoidal rule and 70% of patients using PopPK. Test dose infusion concentration, volume, duration and time from preparation to infusion were significantly lower than for HDM (p < 0.005). Test dose administration within 15 min of reconstitution (n = 5) was associated with significantly lower PE than administration times of 16-60 min (n = 22), p < 0.05. Test and HDM infusion concentrations were lower in patients with large PE (> ± 15%), but the differences were not significant (p = 0.078, 0.228, respectively). CONCLUSION: Test dose PK has the potential to predict subsequent HDM exposure to achieve a target AUC once melphalan administration parameters are optimised to account for stability issues in the formulation.
- Published
- 2022
44. Sirolimus-induced Pneumonitis Complicated by Pentamidine-induced Phospholipidosis in a Renal Transplant Recipient: A Case Report
- Author
Filippone, E.J., Carson, J.M., Beckford, R.A., Jaffe, B.C., Newman, E., Awsare, B.K., Doria, C., and Farber, J.L.
- Published
- 2011
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45. High-risk osteoporosis clinic (HiROC): improving osteoporosis and postfracture care with an organized, programmatic approach
- Author
Olenginski, T. P., Maloney-Saxon, G., Matzko, C. K., Mackiewicz, K., Kirchner, H. L., Bengier, A., and Newman, E. D.
- Published
- 2015
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46. The Effects of Participant Modeling on Self-Efficacy, Incentive, Productivity, and Performance.
- Author
Newman, E. Jean and Tuckman, Bruce W.
- Abstract
This study investigated the effect of participant modeling on college students' self-efficacy, incentive, productivity, and performance on a self-regulated task (writing test items on class content). Half the students received participant modeling from the instructor. Measures of self-efficacy, incentive, and performance indicated that participant modeling significantly affected productivity, incentive value, and test performance but not self-efficacy. (SM)
- Published
- 1997
47. Ampullary Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Window into a Rare Tumor
- Author
Ruff, S., primary, Standring, O., additional, Wu, G., additional, Levy, A., additional, Anantha, S., additional, Karpeh, M., additional, Newman, E., additional, Nealon, W., additional, Deutsch, G., additional, Weiss, M., additional, and DePeralta, D., additional
- Published
- 2022
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48. Variable Temperature Blackbodies via Variable Conductance: Thermal Design, Modelling and Testing
- Author
Melzack, N., Jones, E., Peters, D. M., Hurley, J. G., Watkins, R. E. J., Fok, S., Sawyer, C., Marchetaux, G., Acreman, A., Winkler, R., Lowe, D., Theocharous, T., Montag, V., Gibbs, D., Pearce, A. B., Bishop, G., Newman, E., Keen, S., Stokes, J., Pearce, A., Stamper, R., and Cantell-Hynes, A.
- Published
- 2016
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49. The Metric and Curvature Properties of H-Space
- Author
Hansen, R. O., Newman, E. T., Penrose, R., and Tod, K. P.
- Published
- 1978
50. Rapid Cycling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Dying Roots of Lolium perenne
- Author
Eason, W. R. and Newman, E. I.
- Published
- 1990
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