Introduction In determining the evapotranspiration (ET) of a crop species, factors such as type, crop density, growth stage, climate of the region, physicochemical characteristics and soil fertility, have a significant effect. Therefore, it has a significant complexity. In recent years, new technologies are used to estimate ET, such as surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL), which estimates actual evapotranspiration, using satellite data and some ground data. The purpose of this research is to estimate the actual ET and water requirement of Rosa damascena using SEBAL during three crop growth years in a part of the Shahrekord high plain. Materials and Methods The studied farm with an area of 16.38 ha is located in the Shahrekord plain, Karoun watershed. The remote sensing data included 42 cloud-free images of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellites (2017, 2018, and 2019). The growth period lasted from the beginning of April to the end of November of each crop year. Images were processed in ERDAS Imagine 2015 software for radiometric correction and subsequent calculations using SEBAL algorithm. In order to estimate the actual evapotranspiration, the energy balance equation is used. For this purpose, all energy fluxes such as, Rn: the net incoming radiation flux to the considered surface, H: the sensible heat flux, G0: the soil heat flux and lET: the latent heat flux of evapotranspiration should be taken into account. The first step in the SEBAL process is to calculate the net radiation flux of the Rn. The second, soil heat flux G0 that is the rate of heat capacity in the soil and vegetation resulting from heat conduction or heat energy used to heat or cools the volume of the soil mass. The third is to calculate sensible heat flux (H) is the rate of heat loss to the air by conduction and convection phenomena, which is caused by the thermal difference. In SEBAL process, two "anchor" pixels are used to create boundary conditions for energy balance. These include as "cold (wet)" and "warm (dry)" pixels that are determined in the study area. A cold pixel is selected at the surface of open water or the surface covered by a well-watered alfalfa crop. It is assumed that the temperature of the surface and the temperature of the air near the surface are the same in this pixel. The "warm" pixel is selected in dry agricultural lands and its ET is considered zero. It is necessary for SEBAL model to establishing a linear equation between the surface temperature (Ts) and the air-surface temperature difference (dT) for each pixel using hot (dry) and cold (wet) pixels. Results and Discussion Based on the results of three years of research in a 16.38 hectare Golmohammadi farm in the Shahrekord plain, using the Sabal algorithm and the number of 42 images on the days of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellites passing, as well as using the modified Penman-Mantith-Fao mathematical relationship. It was found that the amount of evaporation and transpiration of hollyhocks in the studied area was on average 1043.8 mm during the growth period. According to the results of other researchers, which have been conducted using lysimeter data and field studies, it necessarily requires higher costs than remote sensing methods. In this research, the ability of the Sabal algorithm (as one of the best remote sensing algorithms) to estimate evaporation And the actual transpiration and determination of the water requirement of the chrysanthemum plant with a low cost and an easy method compared to the results of other researchers, which were done with difficult and expensive lysimetric methods, were proved and it is suitable to be used for other plant species and in other geographical areas. Results showed that actual evapotranspiration value of rose crop (ETC) obtained from the SEBAL during the three years of experiment were 1089.4, 1021.3, and 1020.6 mm per growth period. In the same period, reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) values were 1214.8, 1100.5, and 1135.5 mm during the growth period, respectively. In other words, average value for ETC was 1043.8 mm in growth period. ConclusionBased on the results of three years of research in a 16.38 hectare Golmohammadi farm in the Shahrekord plain, using the Sabal algorithm and the number of 42 images on the days of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellites passing, as well as using the modified Penman-Mantith-Fao mathematical relationship. It was found that the amount of evaporation and transpiration of hollyhocks in the studied area was on average 1043.8 mm during the growth period. According to the results of other researchers, which have been conducted using lysimeter data and field studies, it necessarily requires higher costs than remote sensing methods. In this research, the ability of the Sabal algorithm (as one of the best remote sensing algorithms) to estimate evaporation And the actual transpiration and determination of the water requirement of the chrysanthemum plant with a low cost and an easy method compared to the results of other researchers, which were done with difficult and expensive lysimetric methods, were proved and it is suitable to be used for other plant species and in other geographical areas.