282 results on '"Nava, H"'
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2. Relación entre población y nivel estático: acuíferos Alto Atoyac y Huamantla, México
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Muñoz-Nava, H., primary and Torres-Luna, J.J., additional
- Published
- 2023
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3. Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study
- Author
Pellino, G., Podda, M., Pata, F., Di Saverio, S., Ielpo, B., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Paz Yanez, A., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Martinez Roldan, A., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., Ramos-De la Medina, A., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., De Simone, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Lo Faro, C., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Del Pozo Andres, E., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Gallo, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilton, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., San Roman, I. A., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., al-Najami, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Pejanovic, J., Parreira, J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pinto, J. P., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S. J., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Bartolome, M. A. H., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Zulfiqar Ali, M., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Win Than, N., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., De'Angelis, N., Gica, N., Nicolaescu, D. C., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Lui, R., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Lopez, B. S., Fuentes, S., de las Casas, S. G., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Lujan, S. A. W., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Rao Katta, V., De Simone, V., Primo Romaguera, V., Garcia Orozco, V., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, Orengia, A, Chowdary, A, Kulkarni, A, Kuvvetli, A, Navarro, A, Smith, A, Cavero Ibiricu, A, D Nacion, A J, Alsaleh, A, Alhazmi, A, Elmabri, A, Wani, A, Rencuzogullari, A, Sarriugarte Lasarte, A, Valle Rubio, A, Bavikatte, A, Kumar, A, Jamiri, A-R, M Alvarado Padilla, A, Cacurri, A, de San Ildefonso, A, Porcu, A, Sartori, A, Rocca, A, Paz Yáñez, A, Becaria, A, Solís-Peña, A, Sretenović, A, Urbistondo, A, Bandin, A, Najar, A, De Luca, A, Boddy, A, Charalabopoulos, A, Tzivanakis, A, Amendola, A, Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, A, Cihat Yildirim, A, Frontali, A, O Toure, A, García-Granero, A, Martínez Roldan, A, Sanz Larrainzar, A, Sanjiva Ratnayake, A, M Gonzalez-Ganso, A, M Minaya-Bravo, A, Das, A, Bondurri, A, Costanzi, A, Lucchi, A, Mazzari, A, Musig, A, Peloso, A, Piano, A, Police, A, Mihailescu, A, Pouy, A, Romano, A, Iossa, A, C Leonetti, A, Guariniello, A, Isaac, A, P Delli Bovi, A, Chessa, A, Tromba, A, Álvarez Martínez, A, Brillantino, A, Caira, A, Castaldi, A, Ferronetti, A, Giuliani, A, Prestera, A, Ramos-De la Medina, A, Tarasconi, A, Tornambè, A, Picciariello, A, Ioannidis, A, Leppäniemi, A, Khan, A, Rashid, A, E Pérez-Sánchez, A L, Mittal, A, Rahman Mitul, A, Mehraj, A, Laharwal, A, Dorismé, A, Marinis, A, Iqbal, A, Moncada, A, Braccio, B, Alkhafaji, B, de Andrés Asenjo, B, Martin-Perez, B, De Simone, B, Sánchez Pérez, B, Creavin, B, Calì, B, Pascotto, B, Stubbs, B, Zavala Retes, B, Jovanovic, B, P Goh, B K, Sensi, B, Biddau, C, Gazia, C, Vallicelli, C, A Fagundes, C, Cerdán Santacruz, C, Chirico, C, J Gómez Díaz, C, Petrola, C, Sánchez Rodriguez, C, Yánez Benítez, C, Dammaro, C, Lo Faro, C, Reinke, C, Dominguez Paez, C, Oliva, C, Paranjape, C, Thomas, C, Fung Chia, C, Kwan Kong, C, De Lucia, C, Ovalle Chao, C, Arcudi, C, Guerci, C, Chia, C, Parise, C, Folliero, C, Varela, C, M Ferguson, D, Camacho, D, Popowich, D, Souza Lima, D, Rega, D, Delogu, D, Zigiotto, D, Vinci, D, D'Antonio, D, Parini, D, A Merlini, D, E Zimmerman, D D, Moro-Valdezate, D, Pertile, D, M Giusti, D, S Keller, D, Tarik, D, Kalivaçi, D, Mazingi, D, G Maldonado-Pintado, D, Sasia, D, Linardoutsos, D, Osilli, D, Murrone, D, Russello, D, Rodas, E, A Acuña Roa, E, Ricciardi, E, Rosso, E, Saladino, E, Flores-Villalba, E, Ruiz Ajs, E, Smith-Singares, E, Baili, E, Kouroumpas, E, Bourmpouteli, E, Douka, E, Martin-Perez, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Francone, E, Vaterlini, E, Morales, E, Peña, E, Zhao, E, Del Pozo Andres, E, Benzoni, E, Erdas, E, Pinotti, E, Colás-Ruiz, E, Aytac, E, Laterza, E, Agastra, E, Foianini, E, Moscoso, E, Laviano, E, Marra, E, Cardamone, E, Licardie, E, Mpaili, E, Pinna, E, Varo, E, M Navarro, F, Marino, F, Medas, F, Romano, F, Maraska, F, Saliu, F, Madrid, F, Rosa, F, Mastella, F, Gheza, F, Luvisetto, F, Alconchel, F, Monge Vieira, F, Pareja, F, Agresta, F, Luna, F, Bonilla, F, Cordera, F, Burdió, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Muñoz Flores, F, Pardo Aranda, F, Taylor, F, L Ramos, F, Fernandes, F, P Tropeano, F, Balestra, F, Bianco, F, Ceci, F, Colombo, F, Di Marzo, F, Ferrara, F, Lancellotti, F, Lazzarin, F, Litta, F, Martini, F, Pizza, F, Roscio, F, Virdis, F, Blanco Antona, F, Cervantes Ramírez, F, M Fernandez, F, O Llinares, F, Quezada, F, Schlottmann, F, Herrera-Almario, G, Massaferro, G, Bislenghi, G, van Ramshorst, G, Gallo, G, Luglio, G, Bointas, G, Kampouroglou, G, Papadopoulos, G, Arredondo Manrique, G, Calini, G, Nastri, G, Formisano, G, Galiffa, G, M Palini, G, Colucci, G, Pagano, G, Vanni, G, Casoni Pattacini, G, De Paola, G, Lisi, G, Partida, G, Bellanova, G, De Nobili, G, Sammy Necchi, G, Sinibaldi, G, Tebala, G, Bagaglini, G, Izzo, G, Argenio, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Di Grezia, G, Esposito, G, Faillace, G, Frazzetta, G, La Gumina, G, Nigri, G, Romeo, G, Chocarro Amatriaín, G, Ortega, G, Martin-Martin, G, A Stavrou, G, Gunadi, G, Armand Ugon, G, Machain, G, Marcucci, G, Martínez-Mier, G, M Machain, G, Nari, G, Calvo, H, Fathy, H, Hamilton, H, Ahmed, H, Faraj, H, Nava, H, Ordas Macias, H, Nikaj, H, Solano, H, Ahmed Khan, H, Sánchez Alarcón, H, Ebied, H, Giani, I, Villalabeitia Ateca, I, Neri, I, A San Roman, I, Fidoshev, I, Martinez Rodriguez, I, Negoi, I, Ortega, I, Bernescu, I, Shari Russo, I, Vincente Rodríguez, I, Palomares, I, Baltazar, I, Jaén Torrejimeno, I, M Cornejo Jurado, I, Reccia, I, Hussain, I, Brito Toledo, I, Mora-Guzmán, I, Al-Najami, I, Dogaru, I, Romic, I, Balciscueta, I, C Kenington, J, Sagolsem, J, Y Jang, J, Olivier, J, Lammel-Lindemann, J, Dziakova, J, I Roldán Villavicencio, J, Salinas, J, Pejanovic Jose Gustavo Parreira, J, Rincón Pérez, J, S Reyes, J A, A Medina Luque, J, Mak, J, Salas Rodriguez, J, H Herrera Kok, J, Krook, J, A Diaz-Elizondo, J, Castell, J, Eduardo García-Flores, J, M Jover Navalón, J, M Silva Rodrigues, J, Pereira Pinto, J, T Castell Gómez, J, Bellido Luque, J, C Martín Del Olmo, J, C Salamea, J, F Coronel Olivier, J, L Blas Laina, J, M Ordoñez, J, Gutierrez, J, Abba, J, Ahmad Sofi, J, Sherafgan, K, Sahnan, K, Yanaga, K, Beatson, K, Asim, L, Alvarez, L, Siragusa, L, Farber, L, Ong, L, Athanasios, L, García-Bruña, L, De Martino, L, Ferrario, L, Giordano, L, Gordini, L, Pio, L, Ponchietti, L, Moletta, L, Curella, L, Poggi, L, Taglietti, L, Bonavina, L, Conti, L, Goffredi, L, A Garcia Ruiz, L, Barrionuevo, L, E Fregoso, L, F Cabrera, L, G Rodriguez, L, Grande, L, G Osoria, L, J Kantun Gonzalez, L, Sánchez-Guillén, L, Tallon-Aguilar, L, Tresierra, L, Giavarini, L, Hasabelnabi, M, Odovic, M, Uemura, M, Khan, M, Artiles-Armas, M, David, M, Di Martino, M, G Spampinato, M, F Ribeiro, M A, Viola, M, Angrisani, M, Calussi, M, Cannistrà, M, Catarci, M, Cereda, M, Conte, M, Giordano, M, Pellicciaro, M, Vito Marino, M, E Vaterlini, M, F Jiménez, M, G Lolli, M, I Bellini, M, Lemma, M, M Chiarello, M, Nicola, M, Arrigo, M, Caneda Mejia, M, Montes Manrique, M, Rodriguez-Lopez, M, Serradilla-Martín, M, Zambrano Lara, M, Martínez, M, Bagnall, M, Peter, M, Cañón Lara, M, Jimenez Gomez, M, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, M, Perez Gonzalez, M, Rutegård, M, Salö, M, Franceschilli, M, Silveri, M, Veroux, M, Pezzulo, M, Nardi, M, Rottoli, M, Tolonen, M, Pedraza Ciro, M, Zuluagua, M, Cannavò, M, Cervellera, M, Iacobone, M, Montuori, M, García Domínguez, M, Bingol-Kologlu, M, Tahir, M, Lim, M, J Wilson, M S, Wilson, M, Campanelli, M, Bisaccia, M, De Rosa, M, Maruccia, M, Paterno, M, Pisano, M, Torre, M, Treviño, M, Zuolo, M, A Hernandez Bartolome, M, Farina, M, Pera, M, Prieto Calvo, M, Sotelo, M, Myat Thway, M, Hassan, M, Salah Eldin Hassan, M, Azfar, M, Bouhuwaish, M, Taha, M, Zaieem, M, Korkoman, M, Guraieb, M, Shalaby, M, A Raza, M, U Younis, M, Elhadi, M, Zulfiqar Ali, M, Quazi, N, N Dudi-Venkata, N, Alselaim, N, Loria, N, Villan Ramírez, N, Win Than, N, Smart, N, Trelles, N, Pinto, N, Allievi, N, Petrucciani, N, Antonacci, N, Cillara, N, De'Angelis, N, Gica, N, C Nicolaescu, D, Krystek, N, Falco, N, Pecorelli, N, Tamini, N, A Dallas, N, Machairas, N, Brito, N, Ahmed Fieturi, N, Ortega, N, Avila Mercado, O, Irkorucu, O, Alsherif, O, Valles, O, Ioannidis, O, Hernández Palmas, O, I Hernandez Palmas, O, Sanz Guadarrama, O, Bozbiyik, O, Omelanczuk, P, Ottolino, P, Rodrigues, P, Ruiz, P, Campenni, P, Chiarade, P, Prieto Olivares, P, Baroffio, P, Panaccio, P, Wintringer, P, Di Fronzo, P, Talento, P, Favoriti, P, Sendino, P, Marsanic, P, Mifsut, P, Andrade, P, Ajawin, P, Abadía-Barnó, P, A Najar Castañeda, P, O Sillas Arevalos, P, Palazón Bellver, P, Soon Koh, P, Souza, P, Major, P, Singh Bali, R, Mohan Khattar, R, Lui, R, Bessa Melo, R, Ebrahiminia, R, Azar, R, López Murga, R, Pirolo, R, Brady, R, J Davies, R, Dholakia, R, Rattan, R, Singhal, R, Lim, R, Angelico, R, M Isernia, R, Tutino, R, Faccincani, R, Peltrini, R, Carrera-Ceron, R, Tejos, R, Kashyap, R, Fajardo, R, Lozito, R, Madariaga Pareja, R, Garbarino, S, Morales-Conde, S, Benli, S, Mansour, S, Flores, S, Limon Suarez, S, Santiago Lopez, B, Fuentes, S, Gortazar de Las Casas, S, Napetti, S, Ortiz de Guzmán, S, Awad, S, A Weckmann Luján, S, Gentilli, S, Grimaldi, S, Olivares Pizarro, S, Tayar, S, Nabi, S, M Chan, S, Junaid, S, Rojas, S, Monetti, S, García, S, Salvans, S, Tenconi, S, Shaw, S, Santoni, S, A Parra, S, Cárdenas, S, Pérez-Bertólez, S, Chiappetta, S, Dessureault, S, Delis, S, Amore Bonapasta, S, Rausei, S, Scaringi, S, Keswani, S, M Ali, S, Cetinkunar, S, D Fung, T L, Rawashdeh, T, N López, T, De Campos, T, Calderon Duque, T, Perra, T, Liakakos, T, Daskalakis, T, Barnes, T, Koëter, T, Zalla, T, E González, T, Elosua, T, Campagnaro, T, Brown, T, Luoto, T, Alpha Oumar, T, Giustizieri, U, Grossi, U, Bracale, U, Rivas, U, Sosa, V, Testa, V, Andriola, V, Tonini, V, Balassone, V, Celentano, V, Progno, V, Raju, V, Carroni, V, Cavallaro, V, Rao Katta, V, De Simone, V, Primo Romaguera, V, H García Orozco, V, Luraschi, V, Rachkov, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Visag-Castillo, V, Dowling, V, Graham, V, Papagni, V, Vigorita, V, Cordeiro Fonseca, V, Jimenez Carneros, V, Bellato, V, Gonçalves, W, F Powers, W, Grigg, W, O Bechstein, W, B Lim, Y, Altinel, Y, Golubović, Z, Balciscueta, Z, Pellino G., Podda M., Pata F., Di Saverio S., Ielpo B, Rottoli M., and Tonini V.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,Perioperative ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,humans ,healthcare disparities ,mass screening ,perioperative care ,Perioperative Care ,Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generale ,Healthcare Disparitie ,COVID-19 Testing ,Pandemic ,Acute appendicitis ,medicine ,Humans ,Mass Screening ,Surgery ,Appendiciti ,Healthcare Disparities ,Intensive care medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Acute appendicitis remains a common reason for hospital admission. Reports have suggested a reduction in patients attending emergency departments during the acute phase of the SARSCoV- 2 pandemic. Moreover, a global surge in conservative management of acute appendicitis has recently been registered by the Appy Study of the Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe (ACIE)1. This is a treatment option that has been known for some years, although quite seldom used before the pandemic2–4. As most countries are experiencing new waves of the pandemic, the attitude of surgeons towards SARS-CoV-2 screening policies and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the management of patients with acute appendicitis need to be established. According to a subanalysis of the ACIE Appy Study, half of surgeons globally were testing patients for SARS-CoV-2 only when symptomatic or there was suspicion of infection; approximately 12 per cent did not test patients at all (Fig. 1 and Table S1). There were regional differences. In Europe, respondents tested all patients (50.8 per cent) or those with suspected infection (43.9 per cent), with only 5.3 per cent not being tested at all. In the USA, the majority of participants only tested patients with a suspected infection (65.6 per cent). A similar picture of testing only those with a suspected infection was also reported from Latin America (57.2 per cent), Asia/Middle East (76.8 per cent), and Africa (41.7 per cent). Even more worrisome, 58.3 per cent of respondents from Africa and 27.6 per cent from Latin America were not testing patients at all before appendicectomy. Concerning the screening modality, most respondents used PCR alone or in combination with chest imaging. Serology was rarely used overall and never in Africa (Fig. 1 and Table S2 ). It is now accepted that chest imaging is not routinely required and that PCR is an accurate screening modality. Serology might, however, be useful to shed light on the disease course and previous exposure to the virus, but respondents from some countries still have restricted access to this test. In terms of PPE during appendicectomy, most African respondents did not use different PPE compared with the prepandemic period in patients who tested negative for COVID-19. More concerning is that 58.3 per cent did not use different PPE in untested patients. This differed from other regions where the rate of those not considering a change of PPE in untested patients did not exceed 22 per cent. One in 10 respondents from Latin America also reported that they were not using different PPE compared with the prepandemic phase in patients who tested positive for COVID-19. These data, and taking into account the high prevalence of acute appendicitis, leads to the conclusion that omission of routine patient screening may have contributed to local clusters among patients and threatened the safety of healthcare workers5. In this respect, it is likely that limited access to PPE explains the attitude of surgeons towards patients with unknown SARSCoV- 2 status or those infected, raising ethical concerns about the safety of surgical staff. It is of outmost importance that, even during challenging times and stress on economic stability, industrialized countries make efforts to sustain low-income countries and those with limited resources. This would ensure equal working conditions, safer treatment for patients with acute appendicitis, and better control of the pandemic
- Published
- 2021
4. The effect of varying concentrations of chicken plasma egg yolk and glycerol on the viability of canine sperm following short and long-term preservation.
- Author
Nazeri, E., Niasari-Naslaji, A., Ghasemzadeh-Nava, H., and Panahi, F.
- Subjects
EGGS ,FROZEN semen ,SPERMATOZOA ,EGG yolk ,SEMEN ,CELL membranes - Abstract
Background: Plasma egg yolk (PEY), due to simple preparation and easier access, could be a suitable alternative to raw egg yolk for preserving canine semen. Aims: The present study investigated suitable concentrations of PEY and glycerol for preservation of canine semen. Methods: Semen was collected by digital manipulation (seven replicates from four dogs). Following initial raw semen evaluation, the semen was diluted in a tris-based extender supplemented with varying concentrations of chicken PEY (0, 20, and 40% v/v) and glycerol (3%; v/v). After cooling the specimen to 4°C within 1 h, the specimens were diluted with an equal volume of freezing extender consisting of similar concentrations of chicken PEY and 0 and 7% glycerol to reach the final glycerol concentration of 1.5 and 5% for short-term storage of canine semen. Samples with different concentrations of PEY and 5% glycerol were frozen. The sperm viability parameters including total motility, progressive forward motility, plasma membrane integrity, and live percentage of sperm were assessed following short and long-term storage. Results: Sperm viability parameters of semen extended in an extender supplemented with 20 or 40% chicken PEY with either 1.5 or 5% glycerol remained superior until 72 h after semen collection compared to the specimen that did not receive any PEY (P<0.05). Post-thaw sperm viability was also greater in samples extended in extender supplemented with either 20 or 40% PEY compared to 0% PEY. Conclusion: Tris-based extender supplemented with either 20% chicken PEY could be suitable for short and long-term preservation of canine semen. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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5. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354), Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), and Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354)
- Abstract
Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
6. The intOA Experiment: A Study of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Under Moderate to Strong Offshore Winds and Opposing Swell Conditions in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
- Author
Ocampo-Torres, F. J., García-Nava, H., Durazo, R., Osuna, P., Díaz Méndez, G. M., and Graber, H. C.
- Published
- 2011
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7. Nickel-Molybdenum-Tungsten Sulfide catalysts prepared by in situ activation of tri-metallic (Ni-Mo-W) alkylthiomolybdotungstates
- Author
Nava, H., Pedraza, F., and Alonso, G.
- Published
- 2005
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8. Cobalt-Molybdenum Sulfide Catalysts Prepared by In Situ Activation of Bimetallic (Co-Mo) Alkylthiomolybdates
- Author
Nava, H., Ornelas, C., Aguilar, A., Berhault, G., Fuentes, S., and Alonso, G.
- Published
- 2003
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9. Effect of phosphorus addition on unsupported Ni–Mo–W sulfide catalysts prepared by the in situ activation of nickel/tetramethylammonium thiomolybdotungstate
- Author
Nava, H., Espino, J., Berhault, G., and Alonso-Nuñez, G.
- Published
- 2006
- Full Text
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10. Apparent Fracture Toughness of the CoB-Co2B Interface
- Author
Campos-Silva, I., primary, Hernández-Ramírez, E. J., additional, Mondragón-Nava, H. I., additional, Contreras-Hernández, A., additional, Fernández-Valdés, D., additional, Meneses-Amador, A., additional, and Delgado-Brito, A. M., additional
- Published
- 2020
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11. Effect of donor cell age on development of ovine nuclear transfer embryos in vitro
- Author
Heidari, B., Shirazi, A., Tajic, P., Ahmadi, E., Nazari, H., Shams-Esfandabadi, N., and Ghasemzadeh-Nava, H.
- Published
- 2010
12. Changes in regional fetal cerebral blood flow perfusion in relation to hemodynamic deterioration in severely growth-restricted fetuses
- Author
- Published
- 2008
13. Evaluation of fetal regional cerebral blood perfusion using power Doppler ultrasound and the estimation of fractional moving blood volume
- Author
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Vajhi, A R, Shahi Ferdous, M M, Masoudifard, M, Ghasemzadeh-Nava, H, Helan, J A, and Dehghan, M M
- Published
- 2007
15. Management of locoregional stage esophageal cancer: a single center experience
- Author
Javle, M. M., Nwogu, C. E., Donohue, K. A., Iyer, R. V., Brady, W. E., Khemka, S. V., Smith, J. L., Demmy, T. L., Yang, G. Y., and Nava, H. R.
- Published
- 2006
16. Cardiac function after chemoradiation for esophageal cancer: comparison of heart dose-volume histogram parameters to multipl e gated acquisition scan changes
- Author
Tripp, P., Malhotra, H. K., Javle, M., Shaukat, A., Russo, R., De Boer, S., Podgorsak, M., Nava, H., and Yang, G. Y.
- Published
- 2005
17. Ecological and agricultural productivity indices and their dynamics in a sub-humid/semi-arid region from central Mexico
- Author
Ritter Ortı́z, W., Jáuregui Ostos, E., Guzmán Ruı́z, S., Estrada Betancourt, A., Muñoz Nava, H., Suárez Sánchez, J., and del Carmen Corona Vargas, Ma.
- Published
- 2004
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18. Updated results of an exploratory gene expression analysis for primary esophageal cancer (PEC) patients (pts) treated with oxaliplatin (OXP), protracted infusion (PI) 5FU and radiation (XRT): 4014
- Author
Leichman, L. P., Lawrence, D., Clark, K., Nava, H., Nava, E., Leichman, C. G., Proulx, G., Berdzik, J., Greco, W., and Pendyala, L.
- Published
- 2004
19. Should preoperative, post-chemoradiotherapy endoscopy be routine for esophageal cancer patients?
- Author
Shaukat, A., Mortazavi, A., Demmy, T., Nava, H., Wilkinson, N., Yang, G., Kepner, J., and Javle, M.
- Published
- 2004
20. Chemoradiation for elderly patients with esophageal cancer (EC): 1487
- Author
Othman, E., Ummadi, S., Bundy, B., Yang, G., Walsh, D., Nava, H., Gibbs, J., Oleksowicz, L., and Javle, M.
- Published
- 2003
21. Expression of thymidylate synthase (TS), glutathione-and excision-repair-related genes in primary esophageal cancer (PEC): The results of an exploratory analysis for patients (pts) treated with oxaliplatin (OXP), protracted infusion (PI) 5-fluorouracil (5FU) and radiation (XRT): 1054
- Author
Leichman, L. P., Lawrence, D., Greco, W., Nava, E., Nava, H., Proulx, G., Khushalani, N., Leichman, C. G., Smith, P., and Pendyala, L.
- Published
- 2003
22. Oxaliplatin (OXA) beeinflusst die intratumorale Expression des g-Glutamylcystein-Synthetase(g-GCS)- und des Thymidylatsynthase(TS)-Gens bei Patienten mit Ösophaguskarzinom: 351
- Author
Pendyala, L., Leichman, C. G., Clark, K., Khushalani, N., Nava, H., Smith, J., Nava, E., Kuettel, M., Proulx, G., Greco, W., Murray, M., and Leichman, L.
- Published
- 2001
23. Genexpression der Thymidylatsynthase (TS) und Aktivität von Oxaliplatin (OXA) in einem neuen Schema beim Ösophaguskarzinom (EC): 605
- Author
Khushalani, N. I., Leichman, C. G., Pendyala, L., Clark, K., Nava, H., Smith, J., Nava, E., Kuettel, M., Proulx, G., Klippenstein, D., Berdzik, J A., Bodnar, L., and Leichman, L.
- Published
- 2001
24. Spatio-temporal variation in rate of carbonate deposition by encrusting organisms in different reef microhabitats from Eastern Pacific coral reefs
- Author
Alvarado-Rodríguez, J. F., primary, Nava, H., additional, and Carballo, J. L., additional
- Published
- 2019
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25. Large Brunner's gland hamartoma simulating a pancreatic mass with obstruction and bleeding
- Author
Reisner, R. M. and Nava, H. R.
- Published
- 1996
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26. A Large-Scale Gulf of Mexico OBC Simultaneous-Source Case Study: Survey Design for Efficient Shot Separation
- Author
Zarkhidze, A., primary, Arechiga Salinas, L., additional, Le Diagon, F., additional, Thompson, J., additional, Ortin, M., additional, Barnes, P., additional, Moore, I., additional, Juárez, M., additional, Diaz, A., additional, and Nava, H., additional
- Published
- 2019
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27. Poly (N-Acyl Ethyleneimines) with Polarizable Aromatic Side Chain Substituents and Their Complexes: Synthesis, Structure and Electronic Properties
- Author
Litt, M. H., Rodriguez, J., Nava, H., Kim, J., McClelland, T., Gordon, W., Dyan, M., Culbertson, Bill M., editor, and Pittman, Charles U., Jr., editor
- Published
- 1984
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28. Functional Polymers Based on p- and m-(Hydroxyphenyl)-2-Oxazolines
- Author
Percec, V., Nava, H., Rodriguez-Parada, J. M., Culbertson, Bill M., editor, and McGrath, James E., editor
- Published
- 1985
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29. Staging laparotomy with splenectomy in Stage I and II Hodgkin’s disease. No therapeutic benefit
- Author
Gomez, G. A., Stutzman, L., Reese, P. A., Nava, H., Panahon, A. M., Barcos, M., Han, T., Henderson, E. S., Cavalli, Franco, editor, Bonadonna, G., editor, and Rozencweig, Marcel, editor
- Published
- 1985
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30. Progress Report on Studies of FAM-CF for Gastric Cancer and Intraperitoneal Administration of FUra-CF Followed by Cisplatin (DDP)
- Author
Arbuck, S. G., Douglass, H. O., Jr., Nava, H. R., Silk, Y. N., Baroni, M., Rustum, Y. M., Rustum, Youcef, editor, and McGuire, John J., editor
- Published
- 1988
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31. Intra-Abdominal Applications of Hematoporphyrin Photoradiation Therapy
- Author
Douglass, H. O., Jr., Nava, H. R., Weishaupt, K. R., Boyle, D., Sugerman, M. G., Halpern, E., Dougherty, T. J., Kessel, David, editor, and Dougherty, Thomas J., editor
- Published
- 1983
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32. Radical reresction in indicated for all T2 and T3 gallbladder and results in the same survival as primarily resected gallbladder cancers H Hoshi, JM Foster, Q Chu, B Kuvshinoff, A Rajput, H Nava, JF Gibbs Department of Surgery, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, State University of New York at Buffalo, Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY
- Author
Hoshi, H., Foster, J. M., Chu, Q., Kuvshinoff, B., Rajput, A., Nava, H., and Gibbs, J. F.
- Published
- 2004
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33. Radical reresection is indicated for all T2 and T3 gallbladder cancers and results in the same survival as primarily resected gallbladder cancers
- Author
Hoshi, H., Foster, J. M., Chu, Q., Kuvshinoff, B., Rajput, A., Nava, H., and Gibbs, J. F.
- Published
- 2004
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34. The role of surgery in the management of loco-regional esophageal cancer
- Author
Javle, M., Khemka, S., Donohue, K., Demmy, T., Yang, G., Smith, J., Nava, H., and Douglass, H. O.
- Published
- 2004
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35. Reemplazo valvular mitral en edad pediátrica
- Author
Diliz-Nava, H S, primary, Pérez-Juárez, F, additional, Araujo-Martínez, A, additional, García-Benítez, L, additional, Tamariz-Cruz, O, additional, and Palacios-Macedo-Quenot, A, additional
- Published
- 2017
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36. Ultrasonography of the supramammary lymph nodes for diagnosis of bovine chronic subclinical mastitis
- Author
Babak Khoramian, Vajhi, A., Ghasemzadeh-Nava, H., Ahrari-Khafi, M. S., and Bahonar, A.
- Subjects
Original Article - Abstract
Currently, somatic cell count (SCC) and bacterial culture are considered as the gold standard of detecting subclinical Mastitis. Mastitis leads to proliferation of lymphocytes in the supramammary lymph nodes and subsequent enlargement of ipsilateral lymph node. Ultrasonography can be used to survey these changes. A portable ultrasound machine with a 2-5 MHz convex transducer was used to identify the supramammary lymph node size in 35 cows in a herd with chronic Staphylococcus aureus mastitis. After pre-milking udder preparation, a California mastitis test (CMT) was performed and individual milk samples were taken from each quarter for bacterial culture and somatic cell count (SCC) in accordance with NMC recommendations. The mean length (range 5.77-12.90 cm) and width (range 2.07-7.41 cm) of the lymph node were 9.2 and 4.03 cm, respectively. There was a positive correlation between lymph node size (length and depth) and culture of milk samples on ipsilateral quarters. Also, there was a significant difference correlation between CMT or mean log SCC of each side and size of supramammary lymph node in the same side. This study showed significant changes in supramammary lymph node dimensions in mastitis cases, so ultrasonography of this lymph node is probably a useful method for mastitis detection, especially in situations that test on milk is impossible.
- Published
- 2015
37. Low free triiodothyronine levels in mexican pediatric population with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.
- Author
Araujo Martínez, A, primary, García-Benítez, L, additional, Hernández Beltrán, E, additional, Pérez Juárez, F, additional, Diliz Nava, H, additional, Tamariz-Cruz, O, additional, and Palacios Macedo-Quenot, A, additional
- Published
- 2016
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38. Functional polymers and sequential copolymers by phase transfer catalysis: 12. Functional polymers containing 2-(p-phenoxy)-2-oxazoline pendant groups
- Author
Percec, V., Nava, H., and Rodriguez-Parada, J. M.
- Published
- 1984
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39. Detailed studies on the effect of combined wind-sea and opposing swell on the ocean-atmosphere fluxes
- Author
Ocampo-Torres, Francisco, Osuna, P., Garcia-Nava, H., Furevick, B., Branger, Hubert, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Education Superior de Ensenada [Mexico] (CICESE), Norwegian Meteorological Institute [Oslo] (MET), Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre (IRPHE), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Branger, Hubert
- Subjects
[SDU.OCEAN]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Ocean, Atmosphere ,swell ,experiment ,opposing swell ,[SDU.OCEAN] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Ocean, Atmosphere ,wind ,[PHYS.MECA.MEFL] Physics [physics]/Mechanics [physics]/Fluid mechanics [physics.class-ph] ,[SPI.MECA.MEFL] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics [physics.med-ph]/Fluids mechanics [physics.class-ph] ,[PHYS.MECA.MEFL]Physics [physics]/Mechanics [physics]/Fluid mechanics [physics.class-ph] ,wave ,[SPI.MECA.MEFL]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics [physics.med-ph]/Fluids mechanics [physics.class-ph] - Abstract
International audience; Following a 2005 field campaign to study the possible influence of swell on wind-sea development and on air-sea momentum fluxes, it has been demonstrated some reduction of the wind stress due to the presence of long swell in the opposite direction, in particular during moderate to strong winds. Further field measurements, numerical simulation and laboratory experiments are to be carried out with the objective of describing in detail the effect of swell in the opposite wind direction on the ocean-atmosphere fluxes. These research activities are being built upon the framework of RugDiSMar, a CONACYT (Mexican Research Council) project to determine the control effect that the sea surface structure and its dynamics imposes on the air-sea interaction processes. The measurements being proposed will be aimed to obtain information in a wider range of swell steepness in a very characteristic ocean region where strong off-shore wind develop while swell arrives in the opposite direction. We are focusing the detailed measurements to reach a better description of wave directionality. Furthermore, we aim to describe numerically the wave growth in short fetches and to study the effect of rapidly accelerating and decelerating wind on the air-sea fluxes. We propose at least two field campaigns, one in winter when moderate to strong winds are more frequent (Tehuano events) and another one associated with the genesis and evolution of tropical storms. Detailed numerical simulation will serve as an advanced tool to elucidate on the wave growth under short fetches. Laboratory experiments will allow us to determine the effect of rapidly accelerating-decelerating winds on the momentum transfer and eventually the wave growth. Full description of the measurements to be carried out and instrumentation to be used will be presented. Further details on advance numerical simulation and laboratory experiments will also be addressed. This is a contribution of RugDiSmar project, CONACYT-155793.
- Published
- 2012
40. Los pastizales naturales de siega en el noroeste de España. Aspectos florísticos y ecológicos
- Author
Mayor López, M., S. Nava, H., Alonso Fernández, J. R., and Fernández Casado, M. A.
- Abstract
Desde el año 1967 llevamos realizando estudios florísticos, ecológicos y fitosociológicos de las comunidades pratenses del Norte de España. En el presente trabajo pretendemos hacer una síntesis de los pastizales de siega del Noroeste, estableciendo los diferentes grupos socioecológicos según DUVIGNEAU (1946), en función del mayor o menor grado de eutrofía y humedad. Al mismo tiempo confeccionamos una lista lo más completa posible de las Gramíneas y Leguminosas presentes en este tipo de formaciones, con el fin de su posterior aplicación agraria, en la selección de ecotipos y de semillas.
- Published
- 2011
41. Comportamiento ecológico de Festuca hystrix en la Península Ibérica, con especial referencia a los montes cántabro - astures
- Author
Mayor, M., Fernández Casado, M. A., Nava, H. S., Alonso Fernández, J. R., Lastra, J. J., and Homet, J.
- Abstract
Se hace un estudio del comportamiento ecológico de Festuca hystrix Boiss. en la península Ibérica. Se llega a la conclusión que forma parte de las comunidades pascícolas discontinuas «paturage ecorché» (MAIRE, 1924) (6). Se establecen una serie de «grupos corológicos» para la mayor comprensión de estas comunidades.
- Published
- 2011
42. OP13.08: Impact of maternal obesity on operative times and perinatal outcome at laser therapy for Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Author
Cruz-Martinez, R., primary, Mendez, A., additional, Rangel-Nava, H., additional, and Rebolledo, C., additional
- Published
- 2015
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43. Usos del palo dulce Eysenhardtia polystachya (Ort.) Sarg., en cuatro municipios del estado de Morelos, México
- Author
Andrade Rodríguez, María, primary, Lorenzo-Barrera, NA., additional, Villegas Torres, O.G., additional, Román Montes de Oca, E., additional, Sotelo Nava, H., additional, Rodríguez Rojas, T. de J., additional, and Suárez Rodríguez, R., additional
- Published
- 2015
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44. Transfection of bovine spermatogonial stem cells in vitro.
- Author
Tajik, P., Hoseini Pajooh, Kh., Fazle Elahi, Z., Javdani Shahedin, G., and Ghasemzadeh-Nava, H.
- Subjects
STEM cells ,SPERMATOZOA ,GREEN fluorescent protein ,LIPOSOMES ,GENE transfection - Abstract
Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the only stem cells in adults that can transfer genetic information to the future generations. Considering the fact that a single SSC gives rise to a vast number of spermatozoa, genetic manipulation of these cells is a potential novel technology with feasible application to various animal species. The aim of this study was to evaluate enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene transfection into bovine SSCs via liposome carrier and assess the best incubation day in uptake exogenous gene by SSCs. Transfection efficiency of EGFP gene with lipofectamine 2000 was determined in days following each three day of transfection (day 4, 6 and 8 of the culture) by fluorescent microscope. Results showed that the transfected cells through lipofection increased significantly (P<0.05) in each three days of transfection in comparison with those of the control groups. The transfected SSCs were higher in comparison with those of the free exogenous gene carrier groups (P<0.05). In comparison with these three days, the rate of infected cells was higher when transfection proceeds at day four. It was concluded that lipofectamine can be used safely for direct loading exogenous DNA to SSCs particularly during the fourth day of culture. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
45. Reduction of wind stress due to swell at high wind conditions
- Author
García-Nava, H., primary, Ocampo-Torres, F. J., additional, Hwang, P. A., additional, and Osuna, P., additional
- Published
- 2012
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46. Outcomes in Patients 65 Years or Older Treated with Trimodality Therapy for Esophageal Carcinoma
- Author
Malik, N.K., primary, Patil, S., additional, Groman, A., additional, Nava, H., additional, Yendamuri, S., additional, Nurkin, S., additional, Sher, T., additional, Warren, G., additional, Yang, G., additional, and May, K., additional
- Published
- 2011
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47. Response-based outcomes in patients with esophageal cancer treated with primarily non-cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil–based trimodality therapy.
- Author
Malik, N. K., primary, Warren, G. W., additional, Yang, G., additional, Zeeck, K., additional, Papsidero, T., additional, Patil, S., additional, Khushalani, N. I., additional, Sher, T., additional, Yendamuri, S. S., additional, Nava, H. R., additional, and Salerno May, K., additional
- Published
- 2011
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48. The effect of smoking history on response and survival outcomes patients with in esophageal cancer treated with neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery.
- Author
Salerno May, K., primary, Malik, N. K., additional, Yang, G., additional, Patil, S., additional, Flaherty, L., additional, Khushalani, N. I., additional, Sher, T., additional, Yendamuri, S. S., additional, Nava, H. R., additional, and Warren, G. W., additional
- Published
- 2011
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49. Phase II multicenter study of erlotinib with radiation therapy (RT) for elderly patients (pts) with esophageal carcinoma (EC): Final report.
- Author
Iyer, R. V., primary, Yang, G., additional, Schefter, T. E., additional, Tan, W., additional, Nava, H. R., additional, Levea, C., additional, Litwin, A., additional, Robins, M., additional, and Khushalani, N. I., additional
- Published
- 2011
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50. The intOA Experiment: A Study of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Under Moderate to Strong Offshore Winds and Opposing Swell Conditions in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
- Author
Ocampo-Torres, F. J., primary, García-Nava, H., additional, Durazo, R., additional, Osuna, P., additional, Díaz Méndez, G. M., additional, and Graber, H. C., additional
- Published
- 2010
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