substantially from the prescribed or expected characteristics. To accommodate failures, the baseline inner-loop control is assisted by a fault detection and isolation algorithm tasked with monitoring and reporting control surface health. Similarly, the baseline outer-loop guidance is augmented with an adaptive neural network forming an adaptive outer-loop guidance system. These adaptive subsystems have been formulated for, and applied to, a transport aircraft model in a nonlinear, high-fidelity aircraft simulation environment to demonstrate the concept. Included results demonstrate that the fault detection and isolation and adaptive outer-loop functionality consistently improve tracking performance during both piloted maneuvers and autonomous waypoint path following. In some cases, these retrofit subsystems enable tasks to be completed that were not previously feasible. Adaptive enhancement of the robustness of existing non-adaptive systems has been an area of significant interest for many years. Although application in the aircraft community is of great benefit for maximizing performance and safety for unexpected changes in the dynamics due to flight control failures, damage, and adverse environmental conditions, certification of these technologies for safety-critical flight systems is challenging. The approach described here is developed under the constraint of maintaining a retrofit architecture thereby allowing the baseline, previously certified, software to remain. The augmented modules serve to assist systems already in place. This paper discusses the development and application of independent and modular adaptive subsystems that are retrofitted to existing guidance and control architectures. The baseline inner-loop control is assisted by a fault detection and isolation (FDI) algorithm tasked with monitoring and reporting control surface health. Similarly, the baseline outer-loop (BOL) guidance is augmented with an adaptive neural network collectively forming an adaptive outer-loop (AOL) guidance system. In general, an adequate inner-loop feedback control law is necessary to faithfully track guidance commands, and various inner-loop control design techniques can provide the requisite performance. Even in the case of degraded inner-loop tracking capability, the outer-loop guidance system may still meet its objectives by inflating inner-loop commands to compensate for inner-loop tracking errors. Nonetheless, faithful innerloop tracking is desirable to reduce the burden on other subsystems, and this is especially the case for piloted