The eye develops from three major sources of cells. The surface ectoderm of the head produces the lens and the corneal, limbal, and conjunctival epithelia. The neuroectoderm produces the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and extensions of both these tissues cover the ciliary body, ciliary process, and iris. The periocular mesenchyme, comprising mesoderm and neural crest–derived mesectoderm cells, produces the choroid, sclera, corneal stroma, corneal endoderm, and stroma of the ciliary body, ciliary process, and iris.1 The transcription factor Pax6 is essential for normal eye development in vertebrates.2-6 During development Pax6 is expressed in the developing lens; conjunctival, limbal and corneal epithelia; neural retina; RPE; ciliary body; and iris.4,5 After birth, Pax6 is downregulated in many eye tissues, but expression continues in the amacrine cells of the retina and the lens and in the conjunctival, limbal, and corneal epithelia.5,7,8 Homozygous Pax6−/− mice, with two nonfunctional alleles, die at birth with no eyes or nose and with brain abnormalities.5,9-11 In some cases they have abnormal dentition but the penetrance of this effect is highly dependent on the genetic background.12 Human PAX6−/− homozygotes or compound heterozygotes are rare and the condition is lethal, causing anophthalmia with severe craniofacial and central nervous system defects.13 Heterozygous Pax6+/− mice and PAX6+/− humans produce low levels of Pax6 and are viable and fertile but have a range of eye abnormalities.2 In Pax6+/− mice, abnormal eye development commonly results in small eyes, iris hypoplasia, cataracts, a thin corneal epithelium with fewer cell layers, corneal opacity, failure of the lens to separate completely from the corneal epithelium, and glaucoma. Other developmental abnormalities, including retinal dysplasia, coloboma, abnormal cell accumulation in the vitreous, and adhesions between the lens and cornea (keratolenticular strands) or between the iris and cornea (iridocorneal synechia), may also occur.10,14-18 Adult Pax6+/− mice also show progressive corneal deterioration. The corneal epithelium is thin and fragile and goblet cells accumulate; the stroma becomes vascularized from the periphery and infiltrated with inflammatory cells.16,19 Human PAX6+/− heterozygotes usually have normal-sized eyes but otherwise show a range of abnormalities similar to those in Pax6+/− mice. Clinical conditions associated with PAX6+/− heterozygosity include aniridia (absent or hypoplastic iris), Peters’ anomaly (keratolenticular adhesions with loss of posterior cornea), iridolenticular adhesions, iridocorneal adhesions, cataract, corneal opacity, congenital nystagmus, and foveal hypoplasia.2,3,13,20,21 Postnatal changes include early-onset glaucoma, corneal vascularization, corneal infiltration by inflammatory cells (autosomal dominant keratitis), and accumulation of goblet cells in the corneal epithelium. The corneal epithelium is not maintained adequately, and this is thought to involve a deficiency of limbal stem cells.22 Eye development seems to be unusually sensitive to Pax6 dosage and both PAX6 gene duplication in humans23 and experimentally induced high expression levels in the mouse24 can also cause eye abnormalities. PAX77+/− transgenic mice are hemizygous for five to six copies of a human PAX6 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) inserted at a single locus.24 The YAC contains the human PAX6 gene with all the enhancer and promoter elements. The amino acid sequence of human PAX6 is identical with mouse Pax6 and the human PAX6 regulatory elements are fully functional in mouse, so that the transgene is expressed in an appropriate tissue-specific manner and fully functional.24 The extra copies of PAX6 can compensate for the Pax6 deficiencies in both Pax6−/− and Pax6+/− mice. On a wild-type Pax6+/+ genetic background, however, this overexpression of Pax6 in PAX77+/− mice results in eye abnormalities, which overlap with those seen in Pax6+/− mice. These hemizygous PAX77+/− Pax6+/+ mice often had microphthalmia, small corneas; flat irides; abnormal, small or absent ciliary bodies; small abnormal lenses; and abnormal photoreceptors, but the phenotype was variable. Pax6 has multiple pleiotropic roles in cell proliferation, migration, adhesion, and signaling25 and may act cell-autonomously or nonautonomously. Experimental studies have identified several primary cell-autonomous roles for Pax6 that underlie the eye abnormalities in homozygous Pax6−/− mice.6,26-30 Some of the eye abnormalities in heterozygous Pax6+/− mice are caused by nonautonomous effects and may be secondary to primary affects of low Pax6 in the surface ectoderm and lens.14,15 Nonautonomous effects probably also underlie some of the defects caused by abnormal migration of neural crest cells18 but cell-autonomous effects may also be involved because Pax6 appears to be expressed transiently in the corneal stroma,17 and chimera experiments indicate that Pax6 acts cell-autonomously in this tissue.28 Analysis of mouse chimeras has been used successfully to distinguish between the cell-autonomous and nonautonomous effects of Pax6−/− and Pax6+/− genotypes on eye development.14,26-28 One important observation to emerge from studies of Pax6+/−↔wild-type chimeras was that Pax6+/− cells were excluded from the lens epithelium of Pax6+/−↔wild-type chimeras by embryonic day (E)16.5. Although Pax6+/− cells contributed to tissues of the anterior segment, the chimeras did not show iris hypoplasia or other anterior segment abnormalities that occur in nonchimeric Pax6+/− mice. This exclusion of Pax6+/− cells from the lens epithelium is interpreted as a cell-autonomous effect, and it produces an almost entirely wild-type lens. It was further proposed that the largely wild-type lens cells exerted a nonautonomous effect on the anterior segment and prevented the formation of anterior segment abnormalities.14 One of the purposes of this study was to determine whether PAX77+/− cells are similarly excluded from the lens. In the present study, we first examined the range of eye abnormalities caused by the PAX77+/− genotype on different genetic backgrounds. We then analyzed fetal PAX77+/−↔wild-type chimeras to investigate the underlying developmental causes of these eye abnormalities and distinguish between cell-autonomous and nonautonomous effects of elevated Pax6 expression in the eye. The use of these chimeras to demonstrate a cell-autonomous effect of increased Pax6 expression in the neurocortex has been reported elsewhere.31 Both low levels of Pax6 in Pax6+/− heterozygotes and high levels in PAX77+/− transgenics cause lens abnormalities, and so we specifically wanted to use chimeras to test the hypothesis that PAX77+/− cells would be depleted or excluded from the lens epithelium, like Pax6+/− cells in our Pax6+/−↔wild-type chimeras.