Aaron Ridley, Alexander Kosovichev, Alexei Pevtsov, Anthony Mannucci, Berkay Aydin, Cooper Downs, Dale Gary, David Pan, Edward DeLuca, Eric Christian, Farzad Kamalabadi, Frank Hill, Gabor Toth, Gelu Nita, Georgia de Nolfo, Gregory Fleishman, Jack Ireland, James McAteer, Jessica Lin, Jie Zhang, Juan Banda, Kelly Korreck, Laura Boucheron, Laurel Rachmeler, Leila Mays, Ludger Scherliess, Marc DeRosa, Marco Panesi, Marco Velli, Nagi Mansour, Noe Lugaz, Olac Fuentes, Petrus Martens, Qiang Hu, Rafal Angryk, Raluca Ilie, Mcintosh, Scott W., Shasha Zou, Stephen White, Tim Bastian, Todd Hoeksema, Tom Berger, Valentin Petrov, Veronica Bindi, Vincent Oria, Dean Pesnell, W., and Wenda Cao
The authors of this report met on 28-30 March 2018 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, for a 3-day workshop that brought together a group of data providers, expert modelers, and computer and data scientists, in the solar discipline. Their objective was to identify challenges in the path towards building an effective framework to achieve transformative advances in the understanding and forecasting of the Sun-Earth system from the upper convection zone of the Sun to the Earth's magnetosphere. The workshop aimed to develop a research roadmap that targets the scientific challenge of coupling observations and modeling with emerging data-science research to extract knowledge from the large volumes of data (observed and simulated) while stimulating computer science with new research applications. The desire among the attendees was to promote future trans-disciplinary collaborations and identify areas of convergence across disciplines. The workshop combined a set of plenary sessions featuring invited introductory talks and workshop progress reports, interleaved with a set of breakout sessions focused on specific topics of interest. Each breakout group generated short documents, listing the challenges identified during their discussions in addition to possible ways of attacking them collectively. These documents were combined into this report-wherein a list of prioritized activities have been collated, shared and endorsed., Comment: Workshop Report