120 results on '"NUHOĞLU, Asiye"'
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2. Right of the Life is the elementary one for being alive, especially considering the pre-viability of the preterm infants, thus, serve and save the health, principally for the considering the vitality
- Author
AKŞİT, M. Arif, NUHOĞLU, Asiye, ÇAM, M. Erdal, TANIR, H. Mete, DAĞOĞLU, Türkan, and ŞAYLIGİL, Ömür
- Subjects
The right of life at,the pre-viable,preterm infants ,Pediatri ,Yaşam sınırında olan,prematürelerin,Yaşam Hakkı ,Pediatrics - Abstract
Prematürenin Yaşam Hakkı doğal canlı olma hakkıdır, özellikle yaşam sınırındaolan prematüre bebeklerin, öncelikle korunması, yaşamın sağlanması gereken birHaktırAmaç: Yaşam Hakkı canlı olan varlıkların oluşumu için mutlak gerekli olan bir boyuttur. Bu hak hukuk ve etik temelüzerinde koruma ve desteklenmektedir, herhangi bir durumda olumsuz davranışlar suç kapsamında elealınmaktadır. Bu verilerin Bildirge olarak “Yaşam Sınırında olan Prematüre Bebeklerin Korunma, Gözetilmesi ileİzlem açısından Etik Prensipler” hazırlanmasına dayanak alındığı, sunulduğu bir çalışmadır.Dayanaklar/Kaynaklar: Uluslararası ve Ulusal, Yaşam Hakkı konusunda hukuksal ve etik olarakbelirtilenler Makaleye eklenmiştir. Konu bunlar üzerinde irdelenmektedir.Giriş: Yaşam hakkı, bir canlının var olması için gereken bir boyut olmaktadır. Yaşam sınırında olan prematürebebeklerde de fizyolojinin sağlanması ve fizyopatolojinin gelişiminin önlenmesi gereklidir, hekimlik mesleğindetedavi garantisi olmadığı için, prematürelerin büyüme ve gelişmesinin Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerinde izlemininsürdürülmesi uzun bir süreç olarak ancak sevgi ve empati ile sürdürülebilecek boyuttadır.Genel Yaklaşım; Yaşamın ne olduğu ya da ne zaman başlayıp ne zaman sona erdiği konusunda düşünürle farklıyorumlarda bulunmakta, inanışlar ile de net açıklığa kavuşturulmamış, kişilere göre özgü, hukuk temelinde,kesin ve tartışmasız değildir. Ancak bilinen ve açık olan durum, yaşam hakkından keyfi olarak bir canlı,mahrum bırakılırsa diğer tüm haklar anlamsız olacaktır, ölü olanın vatandaşlık dahil hukuk temelinde hakkısöz konusu edilemez. Bu nedenle ölüm olayları kamu tarafından araştırmakta ve pozitif yükümlülük olarakdefin ruhsatı verilmektedir. Doğmamış ve gebelikte de yaşama kapsamında koruma yollarının hukuk yapısıiçinde sağlandığı açıktır. Hamileliğin sonlanmasının sadece annenin özel hayatının bir meselesi olduğuşeklinde yorumlanmayacağı da yasal çerçeve içinde belirgindir.Yaklaşım: Yaşam hakkı ilk belirtilen haktır, yaşam alındıktan sonra geri verilemez, katı şekildeyorumlanmalıdır, yorumlama yapılamaz. Ayrıca doğmamışın yaşamı da korunmalıdır, bu açıdan intrauterin olanölüm olayları araştırılmalı, buna göre defin yapılmalıdır. Ötenazi bazı Etik Tanımlamalar içinde (GroningenProtokolü) temelinde ele alınsa da Ülkemizde aktif ve pasif uygulama suç niteliğindedir.Sonuç: Hekimlik mesleği açısından prematürelerin yaşam sınırında olanlar açısından, tedavi olanakları olarak elealınması söz konusu edilmediği, aylarca süren yoğun bakımın sonucunun ve karşılaşılacak sorunların tahmininde bilevar sayılamayacağı, hekimlerin tedavi garantisi de veremeyecekleri dikkate alındığında, sadece intrauterinyaşamdaki fizyolojiye uygun yaklaşım ve fizyopatolojinin engellenmesine yönelik uygulamalar ile büyüme vegelişmesinin sağlanması hedeflenmelidir.Yorum: Yaşam sınırında olan bir prematüre bebeğin aylarca Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerinde bakılması,tükenmişlik sendromu ötesinde, önemli bir inanış, güç gereklidir, ki bunun kaynağı da sevgi; bilime, insanlığa,prematüre bebeğe, empati yaparak, onunlar bütünleşerek yapılmasını gerekli kılar. Hekim, hemşire ve eczacıyanında tüm sağlık hizmetlerinin de birbiri emrinde değil, eşgüdüm ve iş birliği içinde olması da zorunluluktaşımaktadır., AIM: Right of the Life, is compulsory essential concept for each living organism, as Human being. ThisRight is grounded on legal and ethical concerns, and thus, supported on care and serve, with conflictingactions be a legal crime. This Article is for grounding the ethical Declaration as “The Ethical Principlesfor care, serving and follow up the pre-viable preterm infants”.Grounding Aspects: National and International legal and ethical parameters are for the evaluation ofthis Article. The subject is based on pre-viable preterm infants, supportive perceptions.Introduction: To be alive, is requiring every manner, for a living organism, as human. Keeping the physiologicalstatus as appropriate for the gestational age, and overcome for becoming of psychopathological problems must bemaintaining for the pre-viable preterm infants. Treatment is not given warranties from the physician, for months,days care of the preterm infants at Intensive Care Unit of Neonatology, is just be achieved by love and empathy.General Considerations; The meaning of life, and ending of it, is a common matter for the philosophers, andbelievers. Mostly private issues are noticed, thus, not objective and not certain for a legal concept. Thus,the reality, if away of the living one, all the rights have no meaning, including the civil rights. Therefore,death must be investigated and be given the permission of burying by the government, for positiveobligation. It is also including at the intrauterin, unborn infants, for contemplating the life expectancy.Ending the pregnancy is not the right of a mother, at legal perspective.Proceeding: The first and ultimate right is right of life, thus, not given after taken, and be strictly served andprotect, and not be any evaluation on it. Caring of the pregnancies be also considered, for reasoning of the death.Euthanasia is prohibited in Turkey, thus at Groningen Protocol ethically be indicated, active and passiveapplication is a crime.Notions: The pre-viable preterm infants, not considered as treatment, thus, for continuous daily care and serving,the medical result will not be estimated, thus, not be an any consideration on it. Intensive Care applicationsproblems and estimated constitutional problems will not be confirmed therefore only be physiological status beadjusted and overcome for the physio pathological conditions be basic one. Growth and development is only aperspective status, be at the follow-up aiming.Conclusion: The continuing power of a Neonatology Intensive Care Unit is love, to medical science, the humanityand ethical concepts, thus, for overcome the burnout syndrome. Neonatology Unit staffs are all in cooperationand in relation under complete responsibility not under one of them, mainly as physician, nurse and pharmacies.
- Published
- 2020
3. Interferon and ribavirin treatment results of patients with HBV–HCV co-infection cured of childhood malignancies
- Author
Urgancı, Nafiye, Gulec, Seda, Dogan, Sema, and Nuhoglu, Asiye
- Published
- 2006
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4. Effects of aggressive parenteral nutrition on growth and clinical outcome in preterm infants
- Author
Can, Emrah, Bülbül, Ali, Uslu, Sinan, Cömert, Serdar, Bolat, Fatih, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Published
- 2012
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5. Frequency and risk factors of fetal malnutrition among liveborn singleton term neonates using a computerised perinatal database, 2000–2006
- Author
Salihoğlu, Özgül, Karatekin, Güner, Baksu, Başak, Uslu, Sinan, Baksu, Alparslan, Can, Günay, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Published
- 2012
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6. Placental findings in malnourished term neonates
- Author
Salihoğlu, Özgül, Karatekin, Güner, Ilhan, Rdvan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Published
- 2009
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7. Brunnerʼs gland adenoma: A rare cause of vomiting
- Author
- Published
- 2005
8. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome in twins: Beemer-Langer type with polydactyly
- Author
Elçioğlu, Nursel, Karatekin, Güner, Sezgin, Betül, Nuhoğlu, Asiye, and Cenani, Asim
- Published
- 1996
9. Yenidoğan Bebeklerde Doğum Travması Sıklığı ve İlişkili Risk Faktörleri
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Sözeri, Şehrinaz, Selalmaz, Melek, Kunt, Ayşe, Uslu, Sinan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
Yenidoğan ,Doğum Travması ,Risk Faktörleri ,Newborn ,Birth Trauma ,Risk Factors - Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics of newborns with birth trauma. Material and Methods: The medical records of 13198 live born infants in our hospital were reviewed retrospectively regarding birth related traumas. Birth-related injuries were defined as, soft tissue lesions, nervous tissue injury and bone tissue injury. The results obtained from this study compared with the results of the study which was performed in 2001-2004 period in our hospital. Results: Birth trauma was detected in 322 (2.4%) of all live births. The gender, mean gestational age and mean birth weight of the infants were 38.6% female, 38.1±3.2 weeks and 3234±694 g, respectively. The mode of delivery was found 65.8% by vaginal delivery. The most common type of birth trauma was soft tissue lesions (93.4%), whereas other lesions were nerve tissue damages (3.4%) and, skeletal fractures (3.2%). The most common risk factors for birth trauma were found to be; prematurity (20.8%), prolonged labour (11.5%) and birth weight >4000 g (8.4%). In the first study, the soft tissue damage, bone tissue injury and nervous tissue injury rations in 1000 live births, found 5.8, 1.0 and 1.4, respectively while in current study this rations detected as 22.8, 0.75 and 0.83, respectively. Conclusions: The most common risk factors for birth trauma were found to be; prematurity, prolonged labor and large birth weight (>4000 g). In our study, is compared to in 1000 live births, bone tissue and nerve tissue injury had significantly decreased. Key words: Newborn; Birth Trauma; Risk Factors., Amaç: Yenidoğanlarda gelişen doğum travmalarının belirlenmesi ve doğum travması gelişiminde saptanan risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Hastanemizde doğan 13198 bebeğin dosyaları retrospektif incelenerek, doğum travması saptanan bebekler çalışmaya alındı. Doğum travmaları; yumuşak doku hasarları (sefal hematom, ekimoz, kaput suksadeneum, cilt kesisi), sinir dokusu hasarları (brakiyal pleksus, periferik sinir hasarları), kemik doku hasarları (klavikula, femur, humerus ve diğerleri) olarak sınıflandırıldı. Perinatal asfiksi, mekonyum aspirasyonu ve yenidoğan konvülsiyonu gibi intrauterin faktörlerden etkilenebilen doğum hasarları çalışmaya alınmadı. Elde edilen veriler hastanemizde 2001- 2004 yılları arasında yapılan benzer çalışma sonuçları ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmada 322 (%2,4) bebekte doğum travması saptandı. Bebeklerin 124'ü (%38,6) kız, ortalama gebelik haftası 38.1±3.2 hafta ve ortalama doğum ağırlığı 3234±694 g idi. Doğum şekli %65,8 normal spontan yolla doğum, %34,2 sezaryen idi. Travma saptanan olguların 67'si (%20,8) preterm idi. Yumuşak doku hasarı %93,4, sinir dokusu hasarı %3,4 ve kemik dokusu hasarı %3,2 oranındaydı. Doğum travması saptanan bebeklerin %61,5'inde bir risk faktörü saptanmaz iken; bebeklerde preterm doğum (%20,8), ilerlemeyen travay (%11,5) ve doğum ağırlığının >4000 g olması (%8,4) en sık saptanan risk faktörleri idi. İlk dönemde 1000 canlı doğumda yumuşak doku hasarı, kemik dokusu hasarı ve sinir dokusu hasarı sırasıyla 5.8, 1.0 ve 1.4 iken çalışmamızda bu oranlar sırasıyla 22.8, 0.75 ve 0.83 saptandı. Sonuç: En sık saptanan risk faktörlerinin prematürite, uzamış doğum eylemi ve doğum ağırlığının >4000 g olduğu saptandı. Çalışmamızda kemik dokusu ve sinir dokusu hasarlarının 1000 canlı doğuma oranlandığında anlamlı olarak azaldığı belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Yenidoğan; Doğum Travması; Risk Faktörleri.
- Published
- 2015
10. Sigara içen ve pasif içici annelerden doğan bebeklerde clinical assessment of nutritional status skorlama ile fetal malnütrisyon değerlendirmesi
- Author
Fenercioğlu, Kutan Ayşen, Karatekin, Güner, Nuhoğlu, Asiye, Fenercioğlu, Kutan Ayşen, Karatekin, Güner, Nuhoğlu, Asiye, and Yeditepe Üniversitesi
- Subjects
General Medicine ,Cerrahi - Abstract
Amaç: Bilimsel çalışmalar gebelikte sigara kullanımının doğum kilosu, boyu ve baş çevresi üzerine olumsuz etkilerini artık kanıtlamıştır. Biz çalışmamızda, bu antropometrik ölçümlerin yanısıra, daha az bilinen fetal malnütrisyonun (FM) gebelikte sigara kullanımı ile ilişkisini ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Yöntem ve gereç: Anomalisi olmayan 266 term bebeğin doğum boyu, kilosu ve baş çevresi alındı ve CANS (Clinical Assessment of Nutritional Status) skorlaması ile fetal malnütrisyon bulguları araştırıldı. Yirmidört ve altındaki CANS skorları fetal malnütrisyon olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Sigara içen annelerin (n 84 ) ve pasif içici annelerin (n 110 ) bebekleri sigara içmeyen annelerin bebekleri (n 72 ) ile karşılaştırıldığında doğum kilosu eksikliği sırası ile –220,6 g (% 95 CI:-403,2 ile –37,9 arası) ve –160,22 g (% 95 CI:-364,3 ile –43,9 arası), doğum boyu eksikliği sırası ile –0,42 cm (% 95 CI:-1,38 ile -0,55 arası) ve -0.94 cm (% 95 CI: -2,03 ile –0,16 arası) ve baş çevresi eksikliği sırası ile –1,38 cm (% 95 CI:-1,91 ile –0,86 arası) ve -0,89 cm (%95 CI:-1,46 ile –0,32 arası) olarak bulundu. Sigara içen ve pasif içici annelerin bebeklerinin CANS skorları (22,7 (3,9) (P 0,001) ve 24,3 (4,3)) sigara içmeyen annelerin bebeklerinin skorlarından (27,6 (4,4)) daha düşüktü. Günde 10 adetten fazla sigara tüketen annelerin bebekleri çok daha düşük CANS skorları (21 (3,97) (P 0,013)) göstermişlerdir. Sonuç: Biz bu çalışmamızda, bulgularımız ışığında, gebelikte sigara içen veya pasif içici olan annelerin bebeklerinde fetal malnütrisyon yönünden değerlendirme gerekliliğini vurguluyoruz. Aim: Studies have shown that maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, height and head circumference in newborns. In the present study, along with these anthropometric measures we aimed to determine fetal malnutrition (FM), which is a less known outcome of antenatal tobacco exposure. Materials and methods: Two hundred and sixty-six term singletons without anomalies were evaluated for their birth weight, height, and head circumference and for FM using the Clinical Assessment of Nutritional Status (CANS) scoring. A CANS score equal to or less than 24 is accepted as FM. Results: Smokers’ (n 84) and passive smokers’ (n 110) babies showed a birthweight deficit of - 220.6 g (95% CI:-403.2 to -37.9) and -160.22 g (95% CI:-364.3 to -43.9), a birth height deficit of -0.42 cm (95% CI:-1.38 to -0.55) and -0.94 cm (95% CI:-2.03 to -0.16) and a head circumference deficit of -1.38 cm (95% CI:-1.91 to -0.86) and -0.89 cm (95% CI:-1.46 to -0.32) respectively, compared to nonsmokers’ babies (n 72). Smokers and passive smokers’ babies also revealed decreases in CANS scorings, which were 22.7 (3.9) (P < 0.001) and 24.3 (4.3) respectively, compared to nonsmokers’ babies who showed a CANS score of 27.6 (4.4). Babies whose mothers smoked more than 10 cigarettes/day had a much lower CANS score, which was 21 (3.97) (P 0.013). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that screening for fetal malnutrition is indicated in smoking women’s and passive smokers’ babies.
- Published
- 2009
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11. Hiperbilirubinemi nedeniyle kan değişimi uygulanan zamanında doğmuş bebeklerin klinik özellikleri ve kan değişimi nedenleri Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Okan, Füsun, Ciğerci, Nurşen, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Abstract
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical characteristics of term newborns who have had exchange transfusion and identify the etiology of hyperbilirubinemia Material and Method: This was a retrospective medical chart review The records of 45 term newborns who were admitted from January 2002 to December 2006 with the diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia and had exchange transfusion were reviewed Exchange transfusion was made according to the guidelines proposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics Results: A total of 49 exchange transfusions were made in 45 patients Exchange transfusions were performed twice in two patients and three times in one patient The gender gestational age and mean birth weight of infants were 62 males 38 females 38 7 ± 0 7 weeks and 3237 ± 557 gr range : 2100 5190 gr respectively The proportion of the complaints suggested by the parents were; neonatal jaundice 64 4 n:29 feeding difficulties 11 1 n:5 respiratory difficulty dyspnea 6 6 n:3 and irritabilty retrocollis 4 4 n:2 At the hospital admission their mean body weight was 2970 ± 551 gr range : 1740 5110 gr mean postnatal age was 4 7 ± 2 5 days range : 1 13days and mean total serum bilirubin level was 28 1 ± 7 8 mg dl range : 12–46 5 mg dl Exchange transfusion was made with in 2 3 ± 1 7 hours range: 1 5 hours after admission Hemolytic disease was found in 55 5 of the infants n:25 The most common causes of hemolysis were sensitization to ABO n:9 Rh n:6 ABO Rh n:2 other blood group antigens n:2 glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency n:1 urinary tract infection n:1 sepsis n:1 and unknown n:3 The underlying cause was not identified in 46 6 n:21 of cases Conclusions: This study confirms that half of the causes were not identified in term newborns who had exchange transfusion due to hyperbilirubinemia The common causes were sensitization to ABO Rh other blood group antigens glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and sepsis Excessive weight loss has been high in this group The need for exchange transfusion could be reduced by following the infant closely after discharge and by educating parents about jaundice Turk Arch Ped 2007; 42: 107 11 Key words: Term newborn exchange transfusion etiology hyperbilirubinemia weight loss, Çalışma 15 UNEKO Kongresinde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur
- Published
- 2014
12. Yenidoğan döneminde tromboz saptanan olguların değerlendirilmesi ve bir yıllık izlem sonuçları Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
BÜLBÜL, Ali, CAN, Emrah, BÜLBÜL, Lida Güneş, and NUHOĞLU, Asiye
- Subjects
Erken dönem hastalık oranı,risk etkenleri,seyir,trombofili,tromboz,yenidoğan - Abstract
Aim: We aimed to investigate thrombotic cases determined in the neonatal period for one year and to assess their prognosis in one year follow up Material and Method: All thrombotic neonatal patients in the year 2007 were involved in the study Prospectively recorded data included sex gestational age week of the first determined symptoms perinatal risk factors radiological findings localization of thrombosis type and duration of applied treatment blood count and coagulation tests at diagnosis prothrombotic state tests follow up results in the neonatal period and in the following year Results: Five patients all males developed thrombosis in the mentioned period Mean gestational age birth weight and postnatal age when the thrombosis was diagnosed were 34 weeks; 2 352 g and 11 days respectively Risk factors were preterm birth two patients difficult vaginal delivery preeclampsia gestational diabetes and dehydratation Localization sites of thrombosis were inferior caval vein left portal vein left saphena magna vein left sinus venosus and right renal vein Further investigations revealed antithrombin 3 deficiency in a patient In the one year follow up period a patient died due to sudden infant death and neurodevelopmental delay was found in another patient Conclusions: Early diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis in the neonatal period reduces mortality and morbidity rates Thus there is a need for awareness of risk factors in the development of thrombosis and precantions must be taken in those patients against the development nbsp; of thrombosis Turk Arch Ped 2009; 44: 120 3 Key words: Morbidity newborn prognosis risk factors thrombosis thrombophilia, Amaç: Çalışmamızda yenidoğan döneminde bir yıllık sürede saptanan tromboz olgularının incelenmesi ve bu bebeklerin bir yıllık izlemlerinde seyirlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı nbsp; nbsp; Gereç ve Yöntem: Bir yıllık süre içerisinde 2007 yılı yenidoğan döneminde tromboz saptanan tüm hastalar çalışmaya alındı İleriye dönük olarak hastaların; cinsiyet gebelik haftası ilk bulguların saptandığı yaş perinatal risk etmenleri radyografik bulgular trombozun saptandığı alan uygulanan tedavi şekli ve süresi tromboz saptandığında bakılan kan sayımı ve pıhtılaşma testleri protrombotik durum testleri yenidoğan dönemi ve bir yaşındaki izlem sonuçları kaydedildi Bulgular: Belirlenen sürede beş hastada tromboz geliştiği saptandı Hastaların beşi de erkekti Ortalama gebelik haftası doğum ağırlığı ve trombozun saptandığı doğum sonrası yaş sırasıyla 34 hafta 2352 gr ve 11 gün idi Saptanan risk etkenleri erken doğum iki hasta zor doğum preeklampsi gebelik diyabeti ve dehidratasyon idi Trombozun saptandığı alanlar v cava inferior sol portal ven sol v saphena manga sol sinüs venosus ve sağ renal ven idi İleri incelemelerde bir olguda antitrombin III eksikliği belirlendi Bir yıllık izlemde bir bebek ani bebek ölümü nedeniyle kaybedildi Diğer bir bebeğin ise nöromotor gelişiminin geri olduğu saptandı Çıkarımlar: Yenidoğan döneminde trombozun erken tanı ve tedavisi erken dönem hastalık ve ölüm oranını azaltır Bu nedenle tromboz gelişiminde risk etkenleri iyi bilinmeli ve bu risk etkenlerine sahip hastalarda tromboz gelişme olasılığına karşı dikkatli olunmalı ve gerekli önlemler alınmalıdır nbsp; Türk Ped Arş 2009; 44: 120 3 Anahtar kelimeler: Erken dönem hastalık oranı risk etkenleri seyir nbsp; trombofili tromboz yenidoğan
- Published
- 2014
13. Düşük doğum ağırlıklı erken doğmuş bebeklerde erken dönem hastalık ve ölüm oranı sonuçları Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
BÜLBÜL, Ali, OKAN, Füsun, ŞAHİN, Sarper, and NUHOĞLU, Asiye
- Subjects
Düşük doğum ağırlığı,erken doğmuş bebek,ölüm oranı - Abstract
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical problems and short term outcomes of preterm infants Material and Method: The data of preterm infants with gestational ages 8804;36 weeks and birth weight between 500 1500 g who were admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU between January 2002 and December 2006 were analysed retrospectively Results: During this time period 224 preterm infants were admitted to the NICU The gender mean gestational age and mean birth weight of the infants were 43 8 males 56 2 females; 29 8±3 0 weeks range 23 36 weeks and 1122±294 g 530 1500 g retrospectively The rate of multiple pregnancies was 17 and the administration of antenatal steroid was 12 1 Perinatal asphyxia stages I II and III were found 12 1 5 8 and 5 8 respectively The respiratory distress syndrome was diagnosed in 72 of the infants and mild moderate and severe forms of respiratory distress syndrome were found in 27 7 16 5 and 28 1 respectively The patients were treated with supplemental oxygen support 26 8 continuous positive airway pressure 17 4 and conventinal mechanical ventilation 44 6 Surfactant was given to 21 of the infants Intraventricular hemorrhage grade I II III were recorded in: 6 7 10 3 and 7 1 respectively and intraparenchymal hemorrhage developed in 3 1 of the infants The rates of retinopathy of prematurity for stages I II III IV were 11 8 12 5 3 4 0 7 ; and the rates of necrotizing enterocolitis were stages I II III were 6 7 3 1 1 3 respectively Culture positive sepsis was diagnosed in 12 5 of the study group and in 44 2 of the infants clinical sepsis was noted according to the clinical and laboratory data The total mortality rate was found to be 35 7 and 73 1 of these babies were under 1000 g at birth Conclusions: Very low birth weight babies especially those with a birthweight under 1000 g have mortality rate which is still very high To be aware of early and late outcomes of preterm infants is necessary to achieve further improvements in the outcome of these babies Turk Arch Ped 2008; 43: 94 8 Key words: Mortality morbidity preterm very low birth weight, Amaç: Doğum ağırlığı 500 1500 gr arasında olan erken doğmuş bebeklerin klinik sorunları ve erken dönem sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2002 Aralık 2006 arasında Yenidoğan Kliniği’ne yatırılan doğum ağırlığı 500 1500 gr aralığında gebelik yaşı 8804;36 hafta olan erken doğmuş bebeklerin dosya kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi Bulgular: Çalışma süresince yatırılan 224 erken doğmuş bebek değerlendirildi Gebelik yaşı ortalama±standart sapma 29 8±3 0 hafta aralık: 23 36 hafta doğum ağırlığı 1122±294 gr 530 1500 gr cinsiyet dağılımı 43 8 erkek 56 2 kız idi Doğum öncesi dönemde steroid kullanımı 12 1 çoğul gebelik 17 sıklıktaydı Perinatal asfiksi oranı 23 7 12 1 hafif 5 8 orta ve 5 8 ağır idi Respiratuvar distres sendromu RDS sıklığı 72 3 idi Hastaların 27 7’sinde hafif 16 5’inde orta ve 28 1’inde ağır RDS tanımlandı Bebeklerin 26 8’ine oksijen 17 4’üne burundan devamlı hava yolu basıncı ve 44 6’sına “konvansiyonel” mekanik vantilasyon tedavisi uygulandı Bebeklerin 21’ine sürfaktan verildi Ventrikül içi kanama sıklığı evre 1 2 ve 3 için sırasıyla 6 7 10 3 ve 7 1 iken parankim içi kanama sıklığı evre 4 3 1 saptandı Erken doğanın retinopatisi sıklığı evre 1 2 3 ve 4 için sırasıyla 11 8 12 5 3 4 ve 0 7; nekrotizan enterokolit sıklığı evre1 2 ve 3 için sırasıyla 6 7 3 1 ve 1 3 bulundu Klinik sepsis 44 2 bebekte tanımlanırken kan kültüründe üreme 12 5 sıklıkta saptandı Kaybedilen bebek oranı 35 7 n:80 idi Kaybedilen bebeklerin 72 4’ü n:58 lt;1000 gr idi Çıkarımlar: Düşük doğum tartılı erken doğmuş bebekler arasında özellikle 1000 gr altı bebeklerde ölüm oranı halen yüksektir Erken doğmuş bebeklerin erken dönem sonuçlarının bilinmesi birimlerin gelişmesi ve daha düşük tartılı erken doğmuş bebeklerin bakımının geliştirilmesi için yararlı olacaktır Türk Ped Arş 2008; 43: 94 8 Anahtar kelimeler: Düşük doğum ağırlığı erken doğmuş bebek ölüm oranı
- Published
- 2014
14. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım birimindeki hastalarda temassız infrared alın termometresi ile standart termometrelerin karşılaştırılması Özgün Araştırma
- Author
CAN, Emrah, BÜLBÜL, Ali, USLU, Sinan, and NUHOĞLU, Asiye
- Subjects
Civalı termometre,dijital termometre,temassız infrared alın termometresi,vücut ısısı,yenidoğan - Abstract
Summary Aim: In this study we aimed to compare non contact infrared forehead thermometer measurement with the mercury thermometer and digital thermometer measurements in the neonatal period Material and Method: A total of 179 newborns who were admitted to our hospital were enrolled and simultaneous temperature measurements were performed via three devices Mesaurements were made from forehead with non contact infrared thermometer and from axillar region with digital thermometers and conventional thermometers Thermoflash LX 26 France China thermometer was used for non contact infrared mesasurement MC 203 E Omron Health Care Europe thermometer for digital measurement and glass mercury thermometer for conventional axillary measurement A total of 6273 measurements were performed being 2091 measurement for each method Results: The mean results of the non contact infrared forehead thermometer mercury thermometers and digital thermometer were found as 37 2 plusmn;0 5 deg;C 36 7 plusmn;0 4 deg;C and 36 6 plusmn;0 4 deg;C respectively The Bland Altman plots differences suggest that 95 of the non contact infrared forhead thermometer readings were within the limits of agreement which is 0 37 and 1 54 deg;C range of mercury thermometer and 0 40 and 1 54 deg;C range of digital thermometer respectively The sensitivity and specificity of the non contact infrared thermometer were found as 81 and 50 respectively [95 CI 41 6 58 4 ] Conclusions: We conclude that the non contact infrared thermometer can not be recommended for assessment of body temperature in newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care unit Turk Arch Ped 2010; 45: 257 63 Key words: Body temperature digital thermometer mercury thermometer newborn non contact infrared forehead thermometer, Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada yenidoğan döneminde temassız infrared alın termometresi ile civalı termometre ve dijital termometre ölçümlerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlandı Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya rastgele seçilmiş 179 yenidoğan alındı Isı ölçümleri infrared derece ile alından diğer iki termometre ile de koltuk altından olmak üzere eş zamanlı olarak üç farklı teknik ile yapıldı Ölçümlerde Thermoflash LX 26 France China marka temassız infrared alın termometresi MC 203 E Omron Health Care Europe dijital termometre ve civalı cam geleneksel termometre kullanıldı Her ölçüm cihazı ile 2091 defa ölçüm olmak üzere toplam 6273 ölçüm yapıldı Bulgular: Elde edilen ortalama değerler ve standart sapmalar sırasıyla temassız infrared alın termometresi için 37 2 plusmn;0 5 deg;C civalı termometre için 36 7 plusmn;0 4 deg;C ve dijital termometre için 36 6 plusmn;0 4 deg;C olarak saptandı Bland Altman eğrisine göre temassız infrared alın termometresi ile yapılan ölçümlerin 95 güven aralığında kabul edilen sınırlarda civalı termometre sonuçlarına göre 0 37 deg;C ve 1 54 deg;C aralığı arasında dijital termometre sonuçlarına göre 0 40 deg;C ve 1 54 deg;C aralığında olduğu saptandı Temassız infrared alın termometresinin duyarlılığı yüksek 81 özgünlüğü düşük 50 olarak belirlendi [ 95 güven aralığı 41 6 58 4 ] Çıkarımlar: Temassız infrared alın termometresinin yenidoğan yoğun bakım birimlerinde yatan bebeklerde vücut ısısının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla kullanılamayacağı sonucuna varıldı Türk Ped Arş 2010; 45: 257 63 Anahtar sözcükler: Civalı termometre dijital termometre temassız infrared alın termometresi vücut ısısı yenidoğan
- Published
- 2014
15. Miadında doğan bebeklerde hipernatremik dehidratasyon Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
BÜLBÜL, Ali, CAN, Emrah, USLU, Sinan, and NUHOĞLU, Asiye
- Subjects
Anne sütü,dehidratasyon,hipernatremi,yenidoğan - Abstract
Aim: The characteristic features of hypernatremic dehydration and the risk factors in tehe development of hypernatremic dehydration in our neonatal intensive care unit were evaluated Material and Method: Term newborns recognized as hypernatremic dehydration between January 2006 December 2008 were included in the study The patients clinical characteristics laboratory findings additional diagnoses treatment modalities and periods were recorded prospectively Results: A total of 33 babies were included in the study during this period 57 6 of all cases were males and 18 2 were first children of their families Mean gestational age birth weight hospitalization time and serum sodium level were 38 3±1 2 weeks 3372±437 g 4 6±2 9 days and 151 9±6 4 mEq L respectively The most common presenting complaints were fever 30 3 jaundice 27 3 irritability 24 2 and breastfeeding difficulties 18 2 On the admission mean weight loss was 13 1±0 8 upper limit 23 90 of the infants were exclusively breastfeed On the other hand; insufficient breast milk was found in 78 inappropriate breast feeding method in 18 and nipple problems in 4 of the mothers Neurological findings were present in 39 4 of patients on admission The mean serum sodium level was 151 9±6 4 mEq L while intravenous fluids were administered in 97 of the patients serum sodium levels declined to normal values in a mean of 1 8±1 6 days Among all the patients 27 2 had infection bacteriemia plus urinary tract infection 3 were expased to traditional salt application to the body and 3 had intestinal malabsorption The average discharge time was 2 0±1 6 days Serum sodium values were found to be higher in the first babies but no relationship was found between the gender and type of delivery and the degree of hypernatremia The male gender was a risk factor in the development of neurological findings in hypernatremic dehydration Conclusions: It was remarkable that neonatal hypernatremic dehydration was seen mostly in breastfed newborns Being the first baby of parents was a risk factor for the development of hypernatremia and male gender was also a risk factor for the development of neurological findings in hypernatremic dehydration Turk Arch Ped 2009; 44: 84 8 Key words: Breastfeeding dehydration hypernatremia newborn, Amaç: Hipernatremik dehidratasyon tanısıyla yenidoğan kliniğine yatırılan bebeklerin değerlendirilmesi ve hipernatremi gelişiminde risk etmenlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2006 Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında hipernatremik dehidratasyon tanısı alan ve miadında doğan bebekler çalışmaya alındı Geleceğe yönelik olarak hastaların klinik özellikleri laboratuvar bulguları ek tanıları tedavi süreleri ve tedavi şekilleri kaydedildi Bulgular: Bu dönemde çalışma grubunda 33 bebek vardı Grubun 57 6’sı n:18 erkek ve 18 2’si n:6 ilk bebek idi Ortalama gebelik haftası 38 3±1 2 hafta doğum ağırlığı 3372±437 gr ve hastaneye getirilme zamanı 4 6±2 9 gün olarak saptandı Bebeklerin getiriliş nedenleri 30 3 ateş 27 3 sarılık 24 2 huzursuzluk ve 18 2 emmemeydi Ortalama tartı kaybı 13 1±0 84 üst sınır 23 idi Bebeklerin 90’ı sadece anne sütü ile besleniyordu Annelerin 78’inde anne sütü yetersizliği 18’inde emzirme yöntemi yanlışlığı ve 4’ünde ise meme başı sorunu vardı Bebeklerin 39 4’ünde nörolojik bulgu saptandı Ortalama serum sodyum değeri 151 9±6 4 mEq L idi Bebeklerin 97’sine damar içi sıvı desteği verilirken sodyum değerleri 1 8±1 6 gün sonra normal değerlere geriledi Bebeklerin 27 2’sinde enfeksiyon bakteriyemi ve idrar yolu enfeksiyonu 3’ünde vücuda tuz uygulanması ve 3’ünde malabsorpsiyon saptandı Bebeklerin ortalama taburcu edilme zamanı 2 0±1 6 gündü Cinsiyet ve doğum şeklinin hipernatremi düzeyi ile anlamlı bir ilişkisi saptanmazken ilk bebeklerde serum sodyum değerinin daha yüksek olduğu gözlendi Erkek cinsiyetin hipernatremik dehidratasyonda nörolojik bulguların gelişiminde hafif bir risk etmeni olduğu belirlendi Göreceli risk=1 16 95 güvenilirlik aralığı 0 5 2 7 nbsp;Çıkarımlar: Çalışmamızda hipernatremi gelişen yenidoğanların büyük bir kısmının sadece anne sütü ile beslendiği belirlendi İlk bebek olmanın hipernatremi gelişiminde erkek cinsiyetin ise nörolojik bulguların gelişiminde bir risk etmeni oldukları saptandı Türk Ped Arş 2009; 44: 84 8 Anahtar kelimeler: Anne sütü dehidratasyon hipernatremi yenidoğan
- Published
- 2014
16. Term bebeklerde hiperbilirübineminin klinik özellikleri ve risk etmenlerinin araştırılması Orijinal Araştırma
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Okan, Füsun, Uslu, Sinan, İşçi, Emre, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
hiperbilirübinemi,risk etmenleri,tartı kaybı,term yenidoğan - Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics of newborns with nonhemolytic hiperbilirubinemia and identify the risk factors for hiperbilirubinemia Material and Methods: This study was a retrospective medical chart review The records of 427 full term healthy newborns who were admitted to Şişli Etfal Hospital Neonatology Department from 2000 to 2003 with the diagnosis of hyperbilirübinemia were reviewed Infants with hemolytic diseases infection or other underlying causes were excluded Hyperbilirubinemia was defined and phototherapy was initiated according to the guidelines proposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics Results: The gender mean gestational age and mean birth weight of the infants were 59 male 41 female; 38 7±0 7 weeks and 3152±469 g 1990 4600 respectively At the hospital admission their mean body weight was 3030±490 g 1740 4450 mean postnatal age was 5 8±3 6 days 2 18 and mean total serum bilirubin level was 20 1±4 8 mg dl 12 9–36 5 The lenght of hospital stay was 4 2±3 3 days 1 8 and the duration of exposure to phototherapy was 29 5± 13 7 hours 12 96 None of the babies required exchange transfusion Hyperbilirubinemia was found to be more frequent in the first babies and male gender however there was no significant association with severity of hyperbilirubinemia Infants who were fully breast fed and delivered by vacum extraction had higher bilirubin levels at the hospital admission Excessive weight loss gt;10 of their birth weight was found to be a significant risk factor for developing hyperbilirubinemia p:0 006 Other factors including birth weight place and mode of delivery sectio vs normal vaginal were considered in the regression model but not found to be significantly related to hyperbilirubinemia Conclusion: This study confirms that although severe hyperbilirubinemia is relatively uncommon in healthy full term babies infants at risk must be carefully monitored Poor caloric intake and excessive weight loss have been correlated with an increased risk of hyperbilirubinemia Key words: hyperbilirubinemia risk factors term newborn weight loss, Amaç: Çalışmada hiperbilirübinemili sağlıklı yenidoğanların klinik özellikleri ve hiperbilirübinemi açısından risk etmenlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı Gereç ve Yöntem: Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Yenidoğan Kliniğinde 2000 ile 2003 yılları arasında hiperbilirübinemi tanısı ile yatırılan sağlıklı term 427 bebeğin dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi Hemolitik hastalık enfeksiyon veya başka hastalığı olan bebekler çalışmaya alınmadı Hiperbilirübinemi saptanan hastalara fototerapi başlama ve kan değişimi kararı Amerikan Pediatri Akademisi’nin önerilerine göre alındı Bulgular: Hastaların cinsiyet dağılımı 59 erkek 41 kız; gebelik haftası 38 7±0 7 hafta 38 42 ; doğum ağırlığı 3152±469 g 1990 4600 olarak saptandı Hastaneye yatırıldıklarında vücut ağırlığı 3030 ± 490 g 1740 4450 doğum sonrası yaş 5 8±3 6 gün 2 18 total serum bilirübin değeri 20 1±4 8 mg dl 12 9 36 5 bilirübin düzeyi gt;25 mg dl olan bebek sayısı 21 4 8 idi Hastanede kalış süresi 4 2±3 3 gün 1 8 fototerapi uygulama süresi 29 5±13 7 saat 12 96 idi Bebeklerin hiçbirine kan değişimi yapılmadı Hiperbilirübinemi ilk bebekte ve erkek cinsiyette daha sık görülmekle beraber bu özellikler daha yüksek bilirübin değeri için anlamlı bir risk etmeni değildi Sadece anne sütü ile beslenen bebekler ile vakumla doğan bebeklerin hastaneye yatıştaki bilirübin değerlerinin ortalaması daha yüksek bulundu Aşırı tartı kaybının doğum tartısına göre 10’dan fazla yüksek bilirübin değeri için anlamlı bir risk etmeni olduğu saptandı p: 0 006 Doğum ağırlığı doğum yeri ve doğum şekli sezaryen ve vajinal gibi diğer nedenler ile bilirübin düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki regresyon analizi ile değerlendirildiğinde anlamlı ilişki bulunmadı Çıkarım: Çalışmamız sağlıklı term bebeklerde çok yüksek bilirübin değerlerinin sık olmadığını ancak riskli bebeklerin dikkatle izlenmesi gerektiğini desteklemektedir Yetersiz kalori alımı ve aşırı oranda tartı kaybı yüksek bilirübin değeri gelişimi için anlamlı bir risk etmeni olarak bulunmuştur Anahtar Kelimeler: hiperbilirübinemi risk etmenleri tartı kaybı term yenidoğan
- Published
- 2014
17. A rare condition: subgroup incompatibility due to anti E
- Author
Baş, Evrim Kıray, Bülbül, Ali, USLU, Sinan, ARSLAN, Selda, Çelik, Muhittin, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
Nadir,anti E,subgrup ,Health Care Sciences and Services ,Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri - Abstract
İmmün hidrops en sık ABO ve Rh uyuşmazlığına (%95-97) bağlı oluşurken daha nadir olarak subgrup uyuşmazlığına (%3- 5) bağlı olarak da meydana gelir (1). Subgrup uyuşmazlıkları, değişik derecelerde yenidoğan hemolitik kansızlığına, uzamış sarılığa ve nadiren immün hidropsa neden olur. Anne ve bebek arasında kan uyuşmazlığına en sık neden olan subgrup uyuşmazlıkları ise Rh sisteminde bulunan C, c, E, e antijenleri ile Kell sisteminde bulunan K antijenidir. Subgrup uyuşmazlıklarının %14’ü Anti-E antikoruna bağlıdır (2). Anti-E nedeni ile ortaya çıkan klinik tablonun çoğunluğunu hafif-orta derecede kansızlık ve uzamış sarılık oluştururken hidrops fetalis tablosu nadirdir (3)., To the Editor While immune hydrops occurs mostly in relation with ABO and Rh incompatibility 95 97 it occurs rarely in relation with subgroup incompatibility 3 5 1 Subgroup incompatibilities lead to neonatal hemolytic anemia with varying degrees prolonged jaundice and rarely immune hydrops The most common subgroup incompatibilities which lead to blood incompatibility between the mother and the baby include C c E e antigens in the Rh system and K antigene in the Kell system 14 of the subgroup incompatibilities are related to anti E antibody 2 The clinical picture related to anti E mostly consists of mild moderate anemia and prolonged jaundice; hydrops fetalis is observed rarely 3 In the literature cases of hemolytic anemia related to anti K anti E anti C subgroup incompatibility have been rarely reported 4 5 6 7 8 9 In this letter we wished to report a rare case of hydrops fetalis which developed in the neonatal period as a result of anti E subgroup incompatibility Our patient was born by cesarean section at the 34th gestational week because of pleural fluid and fetal distress with a birth weight of 2200 g as the first live birth from the first pregnancy of a 26 year old mother G1A0P1 The patient who appeared pale and edematous was intubated in the delivery room and was internalized in the neonatal intensive care unit Diffuse edema was found on physical examination The apical heart beat was found to be 190 min and the blood pressure was found to be 70 40 mmHg The patient had hepatosplenomegaly and a 3 6 systolic murmur Neurologic examination revealed marked hypotonia and weak newborn reflexes The laboratory tests were as follows: the blood type of the baby: 0Rh the blood type of the mother: ARh direct Coombs test: negative Hemoglobin: 11 mg dL hematocrite: 34 lökosit: 9050 mm3 platelets: 17000 mm3 and reticulocyte: 8 Peripheral smear revealed 55 neutrophils 33 lymphocytes 12 normoblasts and fragmented erythrocytes and quartet platalet aggregations Pathological biochemical tests were as follows: total protein: 2 5 g dL albumin: 1 g dL Na: 128 mEq L total bilirubin: 4 mg dL On the postero anterior lung graphy fluid was found in bilateral fissures On thoracal ultrasonography USG pleural fluid 13 mm in the right and 11 mm in the left was observed On abdominal USG a small amount of freee fluid was found Cranial USG was normal Thoracentesis was performed and transudate fluid was evacuated Fluid was restricted because of hyponatremia and increased weight and phototherapy was started The results of the tests performed to determine non immune causes were as follows: TORCH S Parvovirüs B19 EBV IgM and reducing substance in urine Chromosome analysis metabolic screening tests hemoglobin electrophoresis glucose 6 P dehydrogenase echocardiography and electrocardiography were found to be normal Direct Coomb test was repeated because of exclusion of non immune causes of hydrops hemolysis findings and indirect hyperbilirubinemia and was found to be mildly positive Thereupon subgroup analysis was performed and anti E antigen incompatibility was found Intravenous immunoglobulin 1 g kg was administered to the patient On the 5th day ventilatory support and phototherapy were discontinued On the 13th day full enteral nutrition was started During the treatment albumin was administered for two times erythrocyte suspension was administered for one time and thrombocyte suspension was administered for two times On the 21st day the patient was discharged without any problem No problem was observed in the outpatient follow up Joy et al 3 found 283 anti E incompatibilities in the study they performed between 1959 and 2004 In 32 of these pregancies anemia in the newborn was found and hydrops was found only in one In the literature the rate of anti E positivity was found to be 0 12 in 43 000 women between 1994 and 1990 In only 5 of these findings of anemia developed in the baby 10 In the study performed recently by Karagol et al 11 in our country anti E incompatibility was found in 28 3 of 106 subgroup incompatibility cases but hydrops was not found in these cases In subgroup incompatibilities direct Coombs test is found positive with a rate of 33 A negative direct Coomb test is not a definite indicator of abscence of incompatibility Since subgroup incompatibility generally leads to mild anemia in the newborn baby it can be frequently overlooked However it should be kept in mind that subgroup incompatibility may lead to severe anemia and severe hyperbilirubinemia requiring exchange transfusion and rarely to a clinical picture of hydrops fetalis We wanted to remind of the necessity of further investigations to determine subgroup incompatibility in cases of hydrops fetalis Ad shy;dress for Cor shy;res shy;pon shy;den shy;ce: Evrim Kıray Baş MD Şişli Etfal Education and Research Hospital Neonatology Clinic İstanbul Turkey E mail: kiray_evrim@hotmail com Re shy;cei shy;ved: 09 18 2012 Ac shy;cep shy;ted: 12 17 2012 References 1 Stoll BJ Kleigman RM The fetus and the neonatal infant In: Behrman RE Kleigman RM Jenson HB eds Nelson textbook of pediatrics 17th ed Philadelphia: WB Saunders 2004: 592 607 2 Geifman Holtzman O Wojtowycz M Kosmas E Artal R Female alloimmunization with antibodies known to cause hemolytic disease Obstet Gynecol 1997; 89: 272 275 3 Joy SD Rossi KQ Krugh D O 39;Shaughnessy RW Management of pregnancies complicated by anti E alloimmunization Obstet Gynecol 2005 ; 105: 24 28 4 Aslan Y Erduran E Gedik Y Mocan H Yıldıran A Soylu H Kell C and E subgroup incompatıbilities in neonates with indirect hyperbilirubinemia Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 1996; 5: 93 98 5 Özkaya H Bahar A Özkan A Kandemir F Göçmen İ Mete Z İndirekt hiperbilirubinemili yenidoğanlarda ABO Rh ve subgrup Kell c e uyuşmazlıkları Türk Ped Arş 2000; 35: 30 35 6 Özkaya H Kandemir F Süleymanoglu S Aydınöz S Ersen A Uğur E Ataş E Göçmen İ Anti E antibody related hemolytic disease of newborn: case report Nobel Medicus Dergisi 2006; 40: 571 574 7 Bolat F Bülbül A Uslu S Cömert S Can E Nuhoğlu A Anti Kell ve anti C alloimmünizasyonu: üç olgu sunumu The Medical Bulletin of Sişli Etfal Hospital 2009; 43: 142 145 8 Sarici SU Alpay F Yeşilkaya E Ozcan O Gökçay E Hemolytic disease of the newborn due to isoimmunization with anti E antibodies: a case report Turk J Pediatr 2002; 44: 248 250 9 Strohm PL Iams JD Kennedy MS Hemolytic disease of the newborn from anti E: A case report J Reprod Med 1988; 33: 404 406 10 Zipursky A Bowman JM Isoimmune hemolytic diseases In: Nathan DG Oski FA eds Hematology of infancy and childhood 4th ed Vol 1 Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1993: 44 73 11 Karagol BS Zenciroglu A Okumus N Karadag N Dursun A Hakan N Hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by irregular blood subgroup Kell C c E and e incompatibilities: report of 106 cases at a tertiary care centre Am J Perinatol 2012; 29: 449 454
- Published
- 2014
18. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and effects on neonatal anthropometry: a prospective study
- Author
BOLAT, Fatih, EREN, Özge, BOLAT, Güher, CAN, Emrah, CÖMERT, Serdar, USLU, Hasan Sinan, NUHOĞLU, Asiye, and [Bolat, Fatih] Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Med, Dept Pediat, Sivas, Turkey -- [Bolat, Fatih -- Eren, Ozge -- Can, Emrah -- Comert, Serdar -- Uslu, Hasan Sinan -- Nuhoglu, Asiye] Sisli Childrens Hosp, Div Neonatol, Dept Pediat, Istanbul, Turkey -- [Bolat, Guher] Goztepe Training & Res Hosp, Istanbul, Turkey
- Subjects
Pregnancy ,newborn ,Key words: Pregnancy,smoking,newborn,anthropometric measurements ,General Medicine ,anthropometric measurements ,smoking - Abstract
WOS: 000309796300008, Aim: To identify risk factors associated with cigarette smoking during pregnancy and to evaluate the effect of smoking on anthropometric measurements. Materials and methods: This study was carried out prospectively in selected women who gave birth to a healthy, term infant at Sisli Etfal Education and Research Hospital from January 2009 to January 2010. Smoking status during pregnancy was categorized into 3 groups: nonsmoker; smoker; passive smoker. Regression analysis was performed to compare risk factors with cigarette smoking. Results: A total of 1175 mothers were enrolled. Active and passive smoking rates were 14.9% and 32.3%, respectively. In univariate analysis, maternal active and passive smoking were associated with maternal age, parental education level, first pregnancy, ethnic origin, and partner's smoking status. Among anthropometric measurements, the only significant difference was related to birth weight. The mean difference between babies born to mothers who smoked and those who did not was 111 g (P = 0.01). The difference between babies born to mothers who did not smoke and who were passive smokers was 96 g (P = 0.04). Conclusion: This study reveals that the cigarette smoking rate among mothers who gave birth in our hospital has gradually decreased and the most obvious effect of maternal smoking was on birth weight.
- Published
- 2012
19. Neonatal sitrüllineminin ağır fulminan formu : Bir olgu sunumu
- Author
Şilfeler, İbrahim, Genenş, Mikayir, Sümengen, Dilek, Hamilcıkan, Şahin, Akşahin, Berna, Pekün, Fügen, Nuhoğlu, Asiye, and Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Cerrahi - Abstract
Citrullinemia is a rare autonomic recessive disorder. The diagnosis of citrullinemia is based on biochemical analysis of blood, plasma, and urine, revealing increased levels of ammonia, citrulline, glutamine, and orotic acid. The patient was born as the first child of a non-consanguineous family without any known metabolic disorders. The patient was hospitalised in NICU because of dyspne, tachypnea, gastrointestinal bleeding and convulsions. A clear increase in ammonia (908 μmol/L) and citrulline levels was observed in metabolic screening. The patient was diagnosed as citrullinemia. The treatment was started with total potential nutrition without protein, and supplementation of arginine, and sodium benzoat. The patient died on the 38th day of life. Hyperammonemia in citrullinemia can occur either from a disorder of energy metabolism due to an absence of pyruvate carboxylase or from a disorder of the urea cycle. In our country, metabolic disease are serious health problems due to the high incidence o of consanguineous marriages. This case is reported to emphasize the importance of citrullinemia which is seen rarely., Sitrüllinemi nadir görülen otozomal resesif bir bozukluktur. Sitrüllinemi tanısı amonyak, sitrüllin, glutamin, ve orotik asit düzeylerinin kan, plazma, ve idrardaki biyokimyasal analizde artışına dayanmaktadır. Hasta, bilinen herhangi bir metabolik bozukluğu olmayan ve aralarında akrabalık ilişkisi bulunmayan bir ailenin ilk çocuğu olarak doğdu. Hasta doğumunun 6. saatinde dispne, taşipne gastrointestinal kanama ve konvülsiyonlarının başlaması üzerine yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesine alındı. Metabolik taramada hiperamonyemi (908 ?mol/L) ve sitrüllin düzeylerinde belirgin bir artış vardı. Hastaya sitrüllinemi tanısı konuldu. Proteinden fakir beslenme, arjinin takviyesi, ve sodyum benzoat tedavisi başladı. Yaşamının 38. gününde hasta kaybedildi. Sitrüllinemi vakalarında hiperamonyemi, üre siklüs bozukluğuna veya prüvat karboksilaz eksikliğine bağlı enerji metabolizmasındaki bozukluğa bağlı olarak ortaya çıkabilir. Ülkemizde akraba evlilikleri sık olarak görüldüğünden metabolik hastalıklar ciddi bir sağlık problemidir. Bu vakayı nadir görülen bir hastalık olan sitrüllineminin önemini vurgulamak amacıyla sunduk.
- Published
- 2011
20. Evaluation of patients admitted to the emergency department with fever and convulsion with respect to lumbar puncture and laboratory findings
- Author
Sümergen, Dilek, Silfeler, İbrahim, Dorum, Bayram Ali, Canbak, Yekta, Kurnaz, Hilal, Pekün, Fügen, Nuhoğlu, Asiye, and Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Genel ve Dahili Tıp - Abstract
AMAÇ: Febril konvülziyon çocuklarda en sık görülen konvülziyon tipidir ve 6 ay ile 6 yaş arası çocuklarda ortaya çıkar. Febril konvülziyon patolojisi halen tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır, fakat genetik yatkınlığı olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada ateş ve konvülziyonla başvuran hastalara hangi koşullarda ve ne zaman lomber ponksiyon yapılması gerektiğini incelemeyi amaçladık. YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışmada, ateş ve konvülziyon ile başvuran, yaşları 6 ay–6 yaş arasında değişen 199 çocuğun klinik ve laboratuvar sonuçları değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Febril konvülziyon geçiren hastalarda en sık ateş nedeni üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonuydu. Laboratuvar bulguları değerlendirildiğinde rutin olarak topladığımız C-reaktif protein değerleri, herhangi bir yaş grubu için anlamlı bulunmadı. SONUÇ: On iki aydan küçük hastalar değerlendirilirken lökosit sayısı yol gösterici olabilir, fakat tek başına lomber ponksiyon veya tanı açısından yeterli değildir. Dolayısıyla, Amerikan Pediatri Akademisi’nin önerileri doğrultusunda, özellikle 1 yaş altı ateşli havale ile başvuran hastalara, klinik ve laboratuvar bulgulara bakılmaksızın rutin olarak lomber ponksiyon yapılması kanaatindeyiz., OBJECTIVE: Febrile seizure in children is the most common type of convulsion and is observed in children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years. The pathology of febrile seizures is still not fully explicated, but the existence of a genetic predisposition is well known. We aimed to examine when and under what conditions lumbar puncture needs to be implemented in patients who have experienced fever and convulsion. METHODS: To this end, we evaluated the clinical and laboratory results of 199 children with fever and convulsion between the ages of 6 months to 6 years. RESULTS: The most common cause of fever in patients with febrile convulsions was upper respiratory tract infection. Our laboratory findings revealed that the regularly determined C-reactive protein levels were not significant for any age group. CONCLUSION: For patients younger than 12 months, white blood cell levels can help, but alone are not sufficient for the diagnosis or lumbar puncture. As a result, we suggest that routine lumbar puncture should be implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics regardless of the clinical and laboratory findings, especially in patients under the age of 1 year with febrile convulsions.
- Published
- 2011
21. Investigation of viral agents in lower respiratory tract infections of children by immunofluorescent and immunochromatographic methods
- Author
Pelit, Süleyman, primary, Bayraktar, Banu, additional, Bulut, Mehmet Emin, additional, Karabulut, Nazan Dalgıç, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2015
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22. Hastanemizdeki Dış Genital Anomalisi Olan Yenidoğanların Değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Baş, Evrim Kıray, primary, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Arslan, Selda, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, Saka, Nurçin, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2014
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23. Antenatal steroid uygulamasının erken dönem prematüre sorunları üzerine etkisi
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, primary, Gül, Filiz Özkaya, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, Türkoğlu, Ebru, additional, Dursun, Mesut, additional, Zübarioğlu, Umut, additional, Babayiğit, Aslan, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2014
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24. Çok düşük doğum ağırlıklı bebeklerin hastalık ve ölüm oranlarının zaman içerisindeki değişimi
- Author
Güran, Ömer, primary, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, Dursun, Mesut, additional, Zubarioğlu, Umut, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2013
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25. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde beş yıllık sürede (2007-2011) neonatal ölüm nedenleri
- Author
Arslan, Selda, primary, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Aslan, Ayşe Şirin, additional, Baş, Evrim Kıray, additional, Dursun, Mesut, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2013
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26. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım biriminde hastane kökenli kan akım enfeksiyonları
- Author
Bolat, Fatih, primary, Uslu, Sinan, additional, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Cömert, Serdar, additional, Can, Emrah, additional, Kıray Baş, Evrim, additional, Güran, Ömer, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2011
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27. İnspiratuvar stridor klinik bulgusu ile saptanan argininosüksinik asidüri: yenidoğan olgusu
- Author
Can, Emrah, primary, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2011
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28. Adverse events associated with exchange transfusion and etiology of severe hyperbilirubinemia in near-term and term newborns
- Author
BÜLBÜL, ALİ, primary, OKAN, FERİDE FÜSUN, primary, ÜNSÜR, EMEL KABAKOĞLU, primary, and NUHOĞLU, ASİYE, primary
- Published
- 2011
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29. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım birimindeki hastalarda temassız infrared alın termometresi ile standart termometrelerin karşılaştırılması
- Author
Can, Emrah, primary, Bülbül, Ali, additional, Uslu, Sinan, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2010
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30. Bebek Sağlığı
- Author
Nuhoğlu, Asiye, Zülfikar, Osman Bülent, and Uğur Baysal, Serpil
- Published
- 1993
31. Fetal malnutrition in infants of smokers and passive smokers assessed by clinical assessment of nutritional status scoring
- Author
- Published
- 2009
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32. Incidental raised transaminases: a clue to muscle disease
- Author
Urganci, Nafiye, primary, Arapoğlu, Müjde, additional, Serdaroğlu, Piraye, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2006
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33. Effect of Neonatal Sepsis on the Development of Allergies and Asthma in Later Childhood
- Author
Cetinkaya, Feyzullah, primary, Uslu, Hasan Sinan, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2006
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34. Clinical Quiz
- Author
Urgancı, Nafiye, primary, Akyıldız, Başak, additional, Arapoglu, Mujde, additional, Calay, Zerrin, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2004
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35. Clinical Quiz
- Author
Urganc, Nafiye, primary, Akyldz, Başak, additional, Arapoglu, Mujde, additional, Calay, Zerrin, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2004
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- Author
Urganc, Nafiye, primary, Arapoglu, Müjde, additional, Akyldz, Başak, additional, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye, additional
- Published
- 2003
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37. Assessment of knowledge of pediatric nurses related with drug administration and preparation.
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Kunt, Ayşe, Selalmaz, Melek, Sözeri, Şehrinaz, Uslu, Sinan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
NURSING audit ,ASSOCIATE degree nurses ,CHI-squared test ,DRUG administration ,DOSAGE forms of drugs ,ETHICS committees ,HIGH schools ,INTERVIEWING ,MEDICATION errors ,NURSE practitioners ,PEDIATRIC nursing ,PHARMACEUTICAL arithmetic ,POWDERS ,QUESTIONNAIRES ,GRADUATE nursing education ,RESEARCH personnel ,PATIENT-centered care - Abstract
Aim: Aim of this study is to determine the levels of knowledge related with drug administration and drug administration errors of nurses who care for pediatric patients. Material and Methods: The study data were obtained from the nurses who were working in the departments of pediatrics in two education and research hospitals in the province of İstanbul and who accepted to participate in the study. The questionnaire form of the study was established by the investigators in accordance with the experiences and literature information. A total of 31 questions related with drug preparation, calculation and administration together with the general working proper - ties of the individual were filled out by face to face interview. The data were evaluated using percent and chi-square tests. The study was initiated after ethics committee approval was obtained from Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Education and Research Hospital (365/2013). Results: The study was conducted with 98 nurses who accepted the questionnaire. The education levels of the participants were as follows: undergraduate (48%), high school (32.7%), associate degree (12.2%), master's degree (6.1%) and postgraduate (1%). It was found that 88.8% of the participants worked in a patient-centered fashion and 11.2% worked in a work-centered fashion. The frequency of interruption/distraction during preparation of treatment was found to be 92.9%. It was found that the frequency of checking by two people during preparation or administration of high risk drugs was 64.3% and the conditions under which drugs should be kept were found to known correctly with a rate of 76.5%. It was found that undergraduate healthcare workers were more successful in converting units (p= 0.000). It was found that powder weight of drugs was considered with a rate of 85.7% in calculation. Conclusions : Conclusively, it was found that nurses who worked in pediatric wards did not receive a standard education in terms of drug administration and preparation. It was found that undergraduate nurses were more successful in calculating doses, the process of drug preparation was interrupted with a rate of >90% and the rate of checking by two people was low. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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38. Yenidoğan Bebeklerde Doğum Travması Sıklığı ve İlişkili Risk Faktörleri.
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Sözeri, Şehrinaz, Selalmaz, Melek, Kunt, Ayşe, Uslu, Sinan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
NEWBORN infants' injuries ,DISEASE risk factors ,CLINICAL medicine ,GESTATIONAL age ,PREGNANCY complications - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center is the property of Annals of Medical Research and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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39. Early Aggressive Parenteral Nutrition Induced High Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) Levels Can Prevent Risk of Retinopathy of Prematurity.
- Author
Can, Emrah, Blbl, Ali, Uslu, Sinan, Bolat, Fatih, Cmert, Serdar, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
RETROLENTAL fibroplasia ,ACADEMIC medical centers ,ANALYSIS of variance ,BIOMARKERS ,BLOOD testing ,CARRIER proteins ,CHI-squared test ,CONFIDENCE intervals ,ENZYME-linked immunosorbent assay ,FISHER exact test ,LONGITUDINAL method ,PARENTERAL feeding ,SOMATOMEDIN ,T-test (Statistics) ,EQUIPMENT & supplies ,RANDOMIZED controlled trials ,RECEIVER operating characteristic curves ,EARLY medical intervention ,DATA analysis software ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,PREVENTION - Abstract
Objective: To evaluate early aggressive vs. conservative nutrition and its effect on Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in <32 weeks of gestation neonates. Methods: A prospective, randomized, clinical study was conducted in NICU with a total of 75 preterm infants. In the intervention group, infants received early aggressive nutrition immediately after birth, in the control group infants were started on conventional parenteral nutrition (PN). Blood samples were obtained for Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) levels before commencement of PN on the first postnatal day, and from week 1 to 6 every week. All the infants were examined for ROP. Findings: Infants in the early aggressive group had a reduction in the risk of ROP of 5% (2 from 40); the number of infants needed treatment averaged 3.7 (2.7 to 5.2). A total of 11 neonates in the conventional group were detected having ROP (P<0.05). Overall, IGF-I levels were higher in the aggressive PN (APN) vs the conventional PN (CPN). ROP development was higher in the CPN compared to the APN. IGF-1levels were lower in ROP developers compared with non-ROP in the APN group. There was no difference in IGF-I levels in ROP developers versus non-ROP in the CPN group. IGF-1 levels were lower in the CPN group compared with the APN group in the third week in ROP developers. There was a correlation between ROP and IGF-1 levels. Through ROC analysis, IGF-1 was demonstrated as being a sensitive marker for ROP. Conclusion: IGF-1 levels were higher in the APN group versus the CPN group. This may indicate that IGF-1 levels simply being higher is not enough; rather, that being higher above a cutoff value may prevent ROP. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
40. The change of morbidity and mortality rates in very low birth weight infants over time.
- Author
Güran, Ömer, Bülbül, Ali, Uslu, Sinan, Dursun, Mesut, Zubarioğlu, Umut, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Abstract
Copyright of Türk Pediatri Arşivi is the property of Aves Yayincilik Ltd. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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41. Sağlıklı Term Yenidoğanlarda Ortaya Çıkan Belirgin Hiperbilirubineminin Tahmininde 6.,12. ve 24. Saat Bilirubin Değerlerinin Önemi.
- Author
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Kartal Training & Research Hospital / Kartal Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi Tip Dergisi is the property of KARE Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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42. Hipoksik İskemik Ensefalopati Tanılı Term Yenidoğanlarda Laboratuvar Testlerinin Mortalite İle İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi.
- Author
Can, Emrah, Bülbül, Ali, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
HYPOXEMIA ,NEONATAL diseases ,MORTALITY ,NEUROLOGICAL disorders ,HYDROGEN-ion concentration - Abstract
Copyright of Balkan Medical Journal is the property of Galenos Yayinevi Tic. LTD. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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43. Hospital acquired bloodstream infections in neonatal intensive care unit.
- Author
Bolat, Fatih, Uslu, Sinan, Bülbül, Ali, Cömert, Serdar, Can, Emrah, Baş, Evrim Kıray, Güran, Ãmer, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Abstract
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for term and preterm newborns, etiological agents, antibiotic susceptibility and rate of hospital acquired bloodstream infections in newborns hospitalized in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit during 2008. Material and Method: The medical records of patients were evaluated retrospectively. The risk factors for term and preterm babies were evaluated by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: In one year period, 807 patients were hospitalized for longer than 72 hours. A total of 97 hemocultures were found to be positive. Among hemoculture positive newborns 65.6% were found to be preterm and 34.4% term. The most common microorganisms identified were coagulase negative staphylococci and Klebsiella pneumonia. Blood stream infection rate, catheter related blood stream infection rate and ventilator associated pneumonia rate were found to be 5;9:1000 days, 9.6:1000 days and 13.8:1000 days, respectively. Glycopeptide resistance was not observed among gram positive microorganisms. Length of hospital stay, mechanical ventilation and presence of catheter were risk factors for hospital acquired infections. The mortality was found to be 12.5% in newborns with positive hemocultures. Conclusions: Hospital acquired infections are important causes of morbidity and mortality in neonatal intensive care unit. The decrement of risk factors in term and preterm newborns would help to improve the outcome. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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44. H1N1 Pandemisinde Yenidoğan Deneyimimiz.
- Author
Baş, Evrim Kiray, Bülbül, Ali, Karabulut, Nazan Dalgiç, Uslu, Sinan, Arslan, Selda, Can, Emrah, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
H1N1 influenza ,CHILDREN'S hospitals ,PATHOGENIC microorganisms ,MEDICAL records ,AGE groups - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Child / Çocuk Dergisi is the property of Journal of Child and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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45. Perinatal Varisella İnfeksiyonu: Vaka Sunumu.
- Author
Can, Emrah, Bülbül, Ali, Uslu, Sinan, Zubarıoğlu, Umut, Dalgiç, Nazan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of the Child / Çocuk Dergisi is the property of Journal of Child and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
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46. Yenidoğan Ünitemizde İndirekt Hiperbilirubinemi Tanısı ile Yatırılan Term Yenidoğan Bebeklerin Değerlendirilmesi.
- Author
Bolat, Fatih, Uslu, Sinan, Bülbül, Ali, Cömert, Serdar, Can, Emrah, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of the Child / Çocuk Dergisi is the property of Journal of Child and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
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47. Yenidoğan döneminde tromboz saptanan olguların değerlendirilmesi ve bir yıllık izlem sonuçları.
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Can, Emrah, Bülbül, Lida Güneşş, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
Copyright of Türk Pediatri Arşivi is the property of Aves Yayincilik Ltd. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
48. Fetal malnutrition in infants of smokers and passive smokers assessed by clinical assessment of nutritional status scoring.
- Author
Fenercıoğlu, Ayşen Kutan, Karatekın, Güner, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
FETAL malnutrition ,INFANT nutrition ,HEALTH of cigarette smokers ,MOTHER-child relationship ,LOW birth weight ,ANTHROPOMETRY ,HEALTH - Abstract
Copyright of Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences is the property of Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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49. Miadında doğan bebeklerde hipernatremik dehidratasyon.
- Author
Bülbül, Ali, Can, Emrah, Uslu, Sinan, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Subjects
DEHYDRATION in infants ,NEONATAL intensive care ,BREASTFEEDING ,BACTEREMIA ,URINARY tract infections ,HYPERNATREMIA - Abstract
Copyright of Türk Pediatri Arşivi is the property of Aves Yayincilik Ltd. STI and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
50. Cilt Bulguları ile Tanı Konulan Doğumsal Sifiliz Olgusu.
- Author
Can, Emrah, Bülbül, Ali, Cömert, Serdar, Bolat, Fatih, Okan, Füsun, and Nuhoğlu, Asiye
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Çocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi is the property of Journal of Pediatric Infection / Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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