The aimof the study was to compare the cephalometric and somatometric parameters of boys and girls aged 18-20 to reveal features of the anthropometry of the youth population of the Omsk city.Material and methods. There was performed an anthropometric examination of 140 people aged 18 to 20 years (70 boys and 70 girls), Slavic ethnic group. Height, transverse chest diameter, chest circumference, body weight, longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the head, full face height, and zygomatic diameter were measured. To obtain generalized data indices of Rees-Eysenck, Rohrer, Quetelet II, Pignet, the head index and the facial index according to Garson were calculated. The data obtained were statistically processed.Results. According to our data, the average height of boys was 180,49±0,73 cm, body weight – 77,28±1,65 kg, average height of girls – 165,79±0,79 cm, body weight – 59,25±1,15 kg. Normosthenic type (44%) prevailed in boys, and asthenic (53%) somatotype prevailed in girls (according to the Rees–Eysenck index). Individuals of both sexes were more likely to have harmonious (57 and 72%, respectively) physical development (according to the Rohrer index). According to the M.V. Chernorutsky index, hypersthenic (44%) somatotype prevailed in boys, and normosthenic (66%) somatotype prevailed in girls. Cephalometry demonstrated that mesocephalic head shape (54%) was more commonly determined in boys, and brachycephalic (50%) head shape - in girls, while euryprosopia was typical for people of both sexes (50% of cases in boys and 63% in girls).Conclusion. The study determined and evaluated typical features of anthropometric data (head shape, face, somatotype) of boys and girls aged 18 – 20 years of the Omsk city.