Cultural heritage; it is a collection of tangible and intangible values related to our culture and history as a cultural and social process, experiences gained through the realization of certain events. Archaeological sites, which constitute an important part of cultural heritage sites, are cultural assets that need to be addressed with their different qualities, potentials and problems.Archaeological assets, which can disappear much more easily and quickly than other cultural heritage items, need to be documented and protected. Preserving the archaeological heritage and presenting it to the public is one of the issues emphasized in the statutes of international organizations such as UNESCO, ICOMOS and the Council of Europe. Turkey is very rich in archaeological culture with different elements such as archaeological sites and monuments. One of the regions where this richness is seen is the City of Van, located in the Eastern Anatolia Region. The Meher Kapı Sanctuary of the Urartian Kingdom in the city is located 7 km northeast of the Van Castle, on the southern slopes of Zımzım Mountain. Construction date BC. The building, which is the last quarter of the 9th century, is defined as one of the open-air sanctuaries of the Urartian Civilization in the literature. The building and its surroundings have been severely damaged today. The focus of this study is to understand the point where the preservation and presentation approaches of the building have reached today, to understand the transformation of this heritage in the historical process, and to raise awareness about the preservation of the monument. In this context; field study and literature review were made. By mentioning the prominent conservation and presentation approaches in the world and in Turkey, suggestions have been made to make the city one of the important tourism destination centers with its maintenance and repair, improvement of its immediate environment, increasing transportation opportunities and effective promotion activities. Thus, it is thought that this qualified cultural property will make an important contribution to both the protection of its immediate surroundings and the promotion of the city., {"references":["Ahunbay, Z. (2010). Arkeolojik Alanlarda Koruma Sorunları Kuramsal ve Yasal Açılardan Değerlendirme. TÜBA-KED Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi, (8), 103-118.Retrieved from","Albayrak, P. (2018). Urartu Dini Mimarisi, Kafdağı, cilt:3, sayı:1, s. 31-51.","Avrupa Konseyi, (1992). Erişim Tarihi: 22.10.2022","Belli, O. (1998). Anzaf Kaleleri ve Urartu Tanrıları, İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.","Belli, O. 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