24 results on '"Mišmaš, Petra"'
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2. Netožilniški glagoli, tematski vokali in slovenščina
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra, primary and Simonović, Marko, additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. Do children use language structure to discover the recursive rules of counting?
- Author
Schneider, Rose M., Sullivan, Jessica, Marušič, Franc, Žaucer, Rok, Biswas, Priyanka, Mišmaš, Petra, Plesničar, Vesna, and Barner, David
- Published
- 2020
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4. O omejitvi sopojavitev naslonk v slovenskem naslonskem nizu
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra
- Subjects
linearisation ,minimalism ,skladnja ,načelo razlikovanja ,Slovene ,minimalistični program ,slovenščina ,udc:81 ,linearizacija ,clitics ,principle of distinctness ,naslonke ,syntax - Abstract
V prispevku je analizirana omejitev sopojavitev naslonk v slovenskem naslonskem nizu, v katerem se lahko pojavi zgolj ena naslonka določene zvrsti (Orešnik 1985), npr. le ena naslonka v dajalniku. Omejitev je pojasnjena v okviru minimalističnega programa tvorbene slovnice, in sicer z načelom razlikovanja (Richards 2010), ki v slovenščini uravnava tudi druge omejitve sopojavitev, do katerih vodijo skladenjski premiki. In the article, a restriction of the co-occurrence of clitics in the Slovene clitic cluster is analysed. Following Orešnik (1985), only one clitic of a certain type can appear in the clitic cluster, e.g. only one dative clitic. On the basis of Chomsky's (1995) minimalist program, the restriction is accounted for by the principle of distinctness, as proposed by Richards (2010), a principle that also accounts for other restrictions on syntactic shifts in Slovene.
- Published
- 2023
5. Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017
- Author
Marušič, Franc, Žaucer, Rok, and Mišmaš, Petra
- Subjects
Language Arts & Disciplines ,Linguistics ,General - Abstract
Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7-9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general.
- Published
- 2020
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6. The left periphery of multiple wh-questions in Slovenian
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra, primary
- Published
- 2016
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7. Lowest theme vowels or highest roots? An ‘unaccusative’ theme-vowel class in Slovenian
- Author
Simonović, Marko, primary and Mišmaš, Petra, additional
- Published
- 2022
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8. Theme-vowel class indeterminacy and root allomorphy in Slovenian.
- Author
Simonović, Marko and Mišmaš, Petra
- Published
- 2023
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9. Nominalizations, double genitives, and possessives: Evidence for the DP-hypothesis in Serbian. [Linguistics and Philosophy, 8.] Šarić Anja
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra
- Published
- 2020
10. √ov Is in the Air
- Author
Simonović, Marko, primary and Mišmaš, Petra, additional
- Published
- 2020
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11. Poučevanje izbranih matematičnih vsebin v tujem jeziku po pristopu CLIL v 3. razredu
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra and Hodnik, Tatjana
- Subjects
poučevanje ,teaching - Abstract
Večjezičnost je v današnji multikulturni družbi zelo cenjena in predstavlja temeljni pogoj za uspešno sobivanje različnih kultur ter nam omogoča ustrezno komunikacijo z drugimi ljudmi, boljše zaposlitvene možnosti ter mnoge druge prednosti. Zaradi pomembnosti znanja tujih jezikov, se učenje le teh začenja vedno bolj zgodaj in tako omogoča neprekinjenost učenja v višjih razredih. Vendar pa je za poučevanje tujega jezika v prvem vzgojnem obdobju namenjenega malo časa in posledično učenci niso dovolj izpostavljeni ciljnemu jeziku. Da bi se učenci lahko bolje naučili tujih jezikov tudi izven okvirja za to določenih ur, so strokovnjaki razvili različne koncepte, ki vključujejo rabo tujega jezika pri ostalih predmetih in v vsakdanji interakciji. Eden od konceptov, ki omogoča večjo medpredmetno povezanost in večjo izpostavljenost tujemu jeziku je CLIL (angl. Content and language integrated learning). V magistrskem delu je uporabljeno slovensko poimenovanje »Vsebinsko in jezikovno integrirano učenje« (kratica VJIU). Slednji povezuje jezik in nejezikovne vsebine, kot so na primer matematične vsebine, ter omogoča avtentičen pristop k poučevanju jezika in spoznavanju vsebin iz drugih perspektiv in kultur. Poučevanje matematike pa mora, po načelih sodobnega poučevanja, v prvem vzgojnem obdobju temeljiti na konkretnem izkustvu in upoštevati razvojno stopnjo učencev ter jim predstavljati izziv. V magistrskem delu je bil zato oblikovan model poučevanja izbranih matematičnih vsebin v tujem jeziku, ki je bil tudi praktično preizkušen. V izhodišču modela so cilji učnega načrta za matematiko in tuji jezik v 2. in 3. razredu. Za zbrane cilje mora učitelj pri načrtovanju ure upoštevati element medpredmetnega povezovanja in povezati različna znanja in vsebine izbranih predmetov. Vključiti mora tudi kulturni vidik medpredmetnega povezovanja. Ostali ključni elementi oblikovanega modela, ki se vežejo na medpredmetno povezovanje pa so različne reprezentacije, komunikacija in problemi. Slednji naredijo poučevanje po oblikovanem modelu bolj kakovostno. Pri oblikovanju modela so bili upoštevani sodobni pristopi k poučevanju obeh predmetov. Oblikovani model, ki povezuje matematične vsebine in tuji jezik v tretjem razredu osnovne šole je bil v empiričnem delu tudi apliciran v prakso. V akcijsko raziskavo je bilo vključenih 15 učencev tretjega razreda. Izvedenih je bilo 9 ur pouka v angleščini za izbrane matematične vsebine: naravna števila, orientacija, deli celote, množenje, liki in telesa ter denar. Po vsaki izvedbi učne ure je potekala evalvacija na podlagi predhodno oblikovanih opazovalnih kategorij ter načrtovanje morebitnih sprememb za naslednjo učno uro. Zadnjo učno uro so učenci rešili preizkus znanja. Učenci so dosegli učne cilje tujega jezika in matematike ter pri tem razvijali svoje kognitivne zmožnosti in zmožnosti medsebojnega sodelovanja. Raziskava je potrdila, da model omogoča hkratno doseganje učnih ciljev različnih predmetov in učiteljem nudi možnost načrtovanja zanimivih in raznolikih učnih ur, ki učence motivirajo za učenje matematike in usvajanje tujega jezika. Multilingualism is an extremely respected competence in today’s multicultural society. It allows us to coexist and communicate with people of various cultural backgrounds, offers better employment opportunities and much more. Foreign language courses start at a very young age as languages are becoming a key part of our future. However, there is still fairly little time committed to teaching languages in elementary schools and the potential for learning remains untapped with pupils not being exposed enough to the target language. In order to provide pupils with the chance to be exposed and learn a foreign language outside of its school subject, experts have devised many different approaches to include a foreign language in other school subjects and everyday social interactions. One of this approaches is CLIL (Content and language integrated learning). The idea behind CLIL is to link the language and non-language content (ie. mathematics) to allow for a more authentic approach to language learning and to gain an extensive knowledge of different cultures while offering a view of various problems from a new perspective. In addition, mathematics in elementary education needs to be taught with concrete examples and provide challenge to the pupils. In my master’s dissertation I designed an educational model of selected mathematical content in a foreign language and tested it in a real classroom. The starting point of the model are the goals of the 2nd grade mathematics and foreign language curriculum. When planning a lesson, teacher has to take into account the element of cross-curricular integration and connect different knowledge and contents of the selected subjects. It should also include the cultural dimension of cross-curricular integration. Other key elements of the model that are interconnected with cross-curricular integration are different representations, communication and problem. These elements insure that when you use this model the teaching is better. I complied with all the modern approaches of teaching mathematics and foreign languages while designing my model. In the empiric part of my dissertation the educational model linking foreign language and mathematics was applied to the third-grade elementary school lessons, consisting of 15 pupils and spanning 9 periods. Content included natural numbers, orientation, multiplying, geometry and money. Evaluation was held after each period based on observation categories defined in advance. Furthermore, it included possible improvements and changes for the future periods. Pupils met the strategic goal of foreign language learning and mathematics while evolving their cognitive capabilities and teamwork. Research confirmed that the model allows for simultaneous reaching the strategic goals of different subjects and offers teachers an option to plan their periods in a way to be more inviting and motivating for their students.
- Published
- 2019
12. Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017
- Author
Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, Žaucer, Rok, Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, and Žaucer, Rok
- Subjects
- Linguistics, Slavic languages
- Abstract
Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017 is a collection of fifteen articles that were prepared on the basis of talks given at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12.5, which was held on December 7-9, 2017, at the University of Nova Gorica. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as control verbs, instrumental arguments, and perduratives in Russian, comparatives, negation, n-words, negative polarity items, and complementizer ellipsis in Czech, impersonal se-constructions and complementizer doubling in Slovenian, prosody and the morphology of multi-purpose suffixes in Serbo-Croatian, and indefinite numerals and the binding properties of dative arguments in Polish. Importantly, by exploring these phenomena in individual Slavic languages, the collection of articles in this volume makes a significant contribution to both Slavic linguistics and to linguistics in general.
- Published
- 2020
13. Serbo-Croatian is developing stem-based prosody. Why so?
- Author
Simonovic, M., Kager, R.W.J., Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, Žaucer, Rok, Engelse taalkunde, ILS LAPD, and extern UU GWS
- Abstract
Evidence is presented that Serbo-Croatian, in contrast to other Slavic languages with lexical prosody, is developing a prosodic system in which stressed non-stem material is avoided and surface stress is becoming a property of the word stem. Five case studies are shown in which stress is moving from non-stem material to stems. We analyse the general move towards stem-stressed prosody as the final step in a chain of language changes initiated by the Neo-Štokavian retractions, which were automatic and contrast-preserving, but led to a massive removal of stress from inflectional endings. We discuss the general reasons behind this language change in terms of markedness and, more specifically, the constraints proposed within Optimality Theory. We propose an analysis of the change under consideration in terms of a promotion of the markedness constraint StemStress, which requires stems to be stressed independently of lexical prominence.
- Published
- 2019
14. Do Children Use Language Structure to Discover the Recursive Rules of Counting?
- Author
Schneider, Rose M., primary, Sullivan, Jess, additional, Marušič, Franc, additional, Žaucer, Rok, additional, Biswas, Priyanka, additional, Mišmaš, Petra, additional, Plesničar, Vesna, additional, and Barner, David, additional
- Published
- 2019
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15. Elided Clausal Conjunction Is Not the Only Source of Closest‐Conjunct Agreement: A Picture‐Matching Study
- Author
Arsenijević, Boban, primary, Willer‐Gold, Jana, additional, Aljović, Nadira, additional, Čordalija, Nermina, additional, Kresić Vukosav, Marijana, additional, Leko, Nedžad, additional, Malenica, Frane, additional, Marušič, Franc Lanko, additional, Milićev, Tanja, additional, Milićević, Nataša, additional, Mišmaš, Petra, additional, Mitić, Ivana, additional, Peti‐Stantić, Anita, additional, Stanković, Branimir, additional, Tušek, Jelena, additional, and Nevins, Andrew, additional
- Published
- 2019
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16. Serbo-Croatian is developing stem-based prosody. Why so?
- Author
Engelse taalkunde, UiL OTS LAPD, extern UU GWS, Simonovic, M., Kager, R.W.J., Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, Žaucer, Rok, Engelse taalkunde, UiL OTS LAPD, extern UU GWS, Simonovic, M., Kager, R.W.J., Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, and Žaucer, Rok
- Published
- 2019
17. Looking for Cognitive Foundations of Functional Sequences
- Author
Marušič, Franc Lanko, primary, Mišmaš, Petra, additional, and Žaucer, Rok, additional
- Published
- 2019
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18. Slovenian questions with short wh-movement and the low periphery
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra
- Published
- 2017
19. O koordiniranih in večkratnih k-vprašanjih v slovenščini
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra
- Abstract
The article discusses multiple and coordinated wh-questions in Slovenian, focusing primarily on a comparison of the two based on the framework of generative grammar. On the basis of differences between coordinated and multiple wh-questions, we claim that, despite their superficial similarities, both groups need to be analysed separately in Slovenian as well. This conclusion is a starting point for further research of Slovenian coordinated wh-questions. Prispevek obravnava večkratna in koordinirana k-vprašanja v slovenščini, pri čemer je pozornost posvečena zlasti primerjavi med obema skupinama vprašanj, k problematiki pa pristopamo v teoretičnem okviru tvorbene slovnice. Na podlagi razlik med koordiniranimi in večkratnimi k-vprašanji sklenemo, da zahtevata obe skupini vprašanj kljub navideznim podobnostim ločeno obravnavo tudi v slovenščini. Ta sklep je izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskave koordiniranih k-vprašanj v slovenščini, saj so tovrstna vprašanja v slovenskem jezikoslovju do tega trenutka v veliki meri neraziskana.
- Published
- 2017
20. O neobveznosti večkratnega k-premika v jeziku z večkratnim k-premikom
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra and Marušič, Franc
- Subjects
Left Periphery ,Interrogative Projection ,Low Periphery ,kratek premik ,multiple wh-fronting ,vprašalna projekcija ,nizka periferija ,neobveznost ,goli k-zaimki ,short movement ,optionality ,wh-in-situ ,leva periferija ,večkratni k-premik ,k-zveze na mestu ,bare wh-pronouns - Abstract
This thesis explores the fact that in Slovenian multiple wh-questions not all wh-phrases have to front. This suggests that multiple wh-movement in Slovenian is optional. The majority of the existing literature on multiple wh-fronting focuses on questions in which all wh-phrases have to move to clause initial positions, I, on the other hand, focus on optionality in multiple wh-questions. I show movement in Slovenian is not avoided because of phonological, syntactic or semantic restrictions that influence other languages (cf. Bošković 2002), and that the Principle of Distinctness (Richards 2010) does not account for all cases of optional multiple wh-fronting in Slovenian. Three types of multiple wh-questions in Slovenian are determined and analyzed: (i) questions in which all wh-phrases move to clause initial positions (i.e. questions with multiple wh-fronting), (ii) questions in which one wh-phrase has to be moved to a clause initial position and the rest undergo movement to a clause internal position (multiple wh-questions with short movement), (iii) questions in which at least one wh-phrase has to be moved to a clause initial position and the rest stay in situ (multiple wh-questions with wh-in-situ). Crucially, in all three types at least one wh-phrase has to move to a clause initial position for a question to receive a true question reading. I assume the Cartographic approach and propose an account of multiple wh-fronting in Slovenian in which one wh-phrase has to move to an Interrogative Projection (the clause initial position) in the Left Periphery while the remaining wh-phrases move to Wh-Projections in the Left Periphery, questions in (i), or the Low Periphery, questions in (ii). I propose that wh-phrases with a wh-feature undergo wh-movement, which means that wh-movement is in fact obligatory in Slovenian. In questions of type (iii), wh-phrases that do not undergo movement are in fact bare wh-pronouns, which one also finds in polarity contexts, that are licensed by the interpretable Q+wh-feature located in the Interrogative Projection. Because the bare wh-pronouns do not come with a wh-feature, they do not have to move. I conclude that wh-movement in Slovenian only appears to be optional. V disertaciji je kot primer jezika z večkratnim k-premikom, v katerem k-zveze niso nujno skladenjsko premaknjene, obravnavana slovenščina. To nakazuje, da je k-premik v slovenščini neobvezen. Ker so v preteklosti raziskovalci večino pozornosti namenili večkratnim k-vprašanjem, v katerih se premaknejo vse k-zveze, se ta disertacija osredotoča na neobveznost v večkratnih k-vprašanjih. Pri tem so kot mogoče pojasnilo za odsotnost premika izključene fonološke, skladenjske in semantične omejitve, ki pojasnijo odsotnost k-premika v drugih jezikih (gl. Bošković 2002). Hkrati je pokazano, da ima na k-premik v slovenščini vpliv načelo razlikovanja (Richards 2010), a da to ne pojasni vseh primerov neobveznega k-premika v slovenščini. Določeni in analizirani so trije tipi večkratnih k-vprašanj v slovenščini: (i) vprašanja, v katerih se vse k-zveze premaknejo na začetek stavka (tj. vprašanja z večkratnim k-premikom), (ii) vprašanja, v katerih se vsaj ena k-zveza premakne na začetek stavka, medtem ko se ostale premaknejo na pozicijo znotraj stavka (tj. večkratna k-vprašanja s kratkim premikom), (iii) vprašanja, v katerih se vsaj ena k-zveza premakne na začetek stavka, medtem ko ostale k-zveze ostanejo na mestu (tj. večkratna k-vprašanja s k-zvezo na mestu). V vseh tipih k-vprašanj se vsaj ena k-zveza premakne na prvo mesto v stavku. V nalogi privzemam kartografski pristop. Na podlagi tega je predlagana analiza večkratnega k-premika v slovenščini, v kateri se ena sama k-zveza premakne v vprašalno projekcijo (prvo mesto v stavku, InterP) v levi periferiji, medtem ko se preostale k-zveze premaknejo v k-projekcije (Wh-P), ki so bodisi v levi periferiji, vprašanja v (i), ali v nizki periferiji stavka, vprašanja v (ii). Predlagano je, da se tako premaknejo vprašalne k-zveze, ki imajo k-oznake, kar pomeni, da je k-premik v slovenščini dejansko obvezen. Na mestu ostanejo zgolj goli k-zaimki, ki jih lahko zasledimo tudi v pogojnih stavkih ali odločevalnih vprašanjih. Tovrstni zaimki so v vprašanjih v (iii) dovoljeni zaradi interpretabilne Q+k-oznake, ki se nahaja v vprašalni projekciji. Ker goli k-zaimki nimajo k-oznake, se ne premaknejo, kar ponovno kaže na to, da k-premik v slovenščini dejansko ni neobvezen.
- Published
- 2015
21. Elided Clausal Conjunction Is Not the Only Source of Closest‐Conjunct Agreement: A Picture‐Matching Study.
- Author
Arsenijević, Boban, Willer‐Gold, Jana, Aljović, Nadira, Čordalija, Nermina, Kresić Vukosav, Marijana, Leko, Nedžad, Malenica, Frane, Marušič, Franc Lanko, Milićev, Tanja, Milićević, Nataša, Mišmaš, Petra, Mitić, Ivana, Peti‐Stantić, Anita, Stanković, Branimir, Tušek, Jelena, and Nevins, Andrew
- Subjects
SLAVIC languages ,VERBS - Abstract
A recurring hypothesis about the agreement phenomena generalized as closest‐conjunct agreement takes this pattern to result from reduced clausal conjunction, simply displaying the agreement of the verb with the nonconjoined subject of the clause whose content survives ellipsis (Aoun, Benmamoun & Sportiche 1994, 1999; see also Wilder 1997). Closest‐conjunct agreement is the dominant agreement pattern in the South Slavic languages Slovenian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. A natural question is whether closest‐conjunct agreement in these varieties may indeed be analyzed as entirely derived from conjunction reduction. In this article, we report on two experiments conducted to test this. The results reject the hypothesis as far as these languages are concerned, thereby upholding the relevance of models developed to account for closest‐conjunct agreement within theories of agreement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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22. Looking for Cognitive Foundations of Functional Sequences.
- Author
Lanko Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra, and Žaucer, Rok
- Subjects
With the multiplication of various functional projections, syntactic structures became very complex entities. Approaches like Cartography (e.g. Cinque and Rizzi 2008) went one step further than most other approaches, proposing that each sentence comprises of a number of universal, strictly ordered functional projections. In the noun phrase, the strictly ordered functional projections are said to be responsible not only for the relative order of numerals, demonstratives and nouns (cf. Cinque 2005), but also for the universal order of various types of adjectives (cf. Hetzron 1978; Sproat and Shih 1991; Cinque 1994; Scott 2002, etc.). Cinque and Rizzi (2008) discuss possible origins of the many hierarchies of functional projections and suggest that they might derive from general cognition. If cognition and its restrictions are behind the hierarchy of functional projections, then the order of projections hosting adjectives should be reflected in various non-linguistic cognitive processes. We designed several experiments to test this hypothesis. Our experiments did not confirm our hypothesis; but as we have also identified problems in the design of our experiments, our results do not warrant a clear rejection of the hypothesis either. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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23. Konstrukcija za + nedoločnik
- Author
Mišmaš, Petra and Marušič, Franc
- Subjects
lahki samostalniki ,diplomske naloge ,udc:81'367.625.41 ,nedoločnik ,predlogi ,namenski stavek ,vezniki - Published
- 2013
24. Theory of language through the prism of acquiring non-linguistic elements – a pilot study
- Author
Popović, Tjaša, Mišmaš, Petra, and Žaucer, Rok
- Subjects
color ,concepts ,noun phrase ,barva ,samostalniška zveza ,shape ,velikost ,size ,language acquisition ,adjectives ,usvajanje jezika ,oblika ,koncepti ,Univerzalna hierarhija funkcijskih projekcij ,pridevniki ,Universal hierarchy of functional projections - Abstract
V središču diplomske naloge je možnost, da bi lahko temelje za univerzalno hierarhijo funkcijskih projekcij, ki jo opazujemo v jeziku, iskali v splošni kogniciji (Žaucer 2015). Če taki temelji obstajajo, lahko pričakujemo, da obstaja tudi povezava med vrstnim redom funkcijskih projekcij, v katerih se v samostalniški zvezi pojavljajo pridevniki, in vrstnim redom usvajanja konceptov, ki jih pridevniki v ustrezni funkcijski projekciji izražajo. Na podlagi preteklih raziskav (Radford 1996) pričakujemo, da bodo otroci koncepte, ki so v hierarhiji postavljeni nižje, usvojili prej in tiste, ki so višje, kasneje. V diplomskem delu so zato predstavljene kartografske raziskave, ki kažejo, da obstaja v samostalniški zvezi univerzalna hierarhija pridevnikov. Sledeč Scottu (2002)preverjamo, ali slovenščina potrjuje univerzalno hierarhijo, ki je bila predlagana predvsem na podlagi angleščine. Pri tem je posebna pozornost posvečena pridevnikom, ki poimenujejo velikost, obliko in barvo. Sklenemo, potrjujoč Scottove (2002) trditve, da si ti sledijo v zaporedju velikost → oblika → barva. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni rezultati pilotne študije, s pomočjo katere smo pri otrocih preverjali razumevanje konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ne moremo sklepati o vrstnem redu usvajanja konceptov velikosti, oblike in barve, saj se je pokazalo, da so otroci, ki so nalogo razumeli, že usvojili vse tri raziskovane koncepte. At the heart of this thesis there exists a possibility to look at general cognition and within it search for the foundations for universal hierarchy of functional projections, which are observed in a language (Žaucer 2015). If such foundations do exist, we can expect there to be a link between the order of functional projections in which adjectives occur in noun phrases and the order of acquisition of concepts, expressed by adjectives in the appropriate function projection. Based on previous research (Radford 1996), we expect the children to acquire first the concepts which lie lower on the hierarchy, and later acquire those which are higher. This thesis therefore presents cartographic research which show that a universal hierarchy of adjectives exists within a noun phrase. Following Scott (2002) we investigate whether Slovene language confirms the universal hierarchy, which is proposed mainly on the basis of the English language. In doing so, special attention is paid to the adjectives describing size, shape, and color. Our conclusion affirms Scott's (2002) arguments which claim that the aforementioned adjectives are sequenced size→ form → color. In the following part of the thesis the results of the pilot study are presented. With the help of the study we examined the understanding of the concept of size, shape, and color in children. Based on the results we cannot conclude on the order of the acquisition of the concepts of size, shape, and color, as it was evident that the children who understood the task had already mastered all three researched concepts.
- Published
- 2017
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