18 results on '"Milenkovski, Susann"'
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2. Wetland creation in agricultural landscapes: Biodiversity benefits on local and regional scales
- Author
Thiere, Geraldine, Milenkovski, Susann, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Sahlén, Göran, Berglund, Olof, and Weisner, Stefan E.B.
- Published
- 2009
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3. Toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities in wetland water and sediment measured using leucine incorporation and potential denitrification
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Bååth, Erland, Lindgren, Per-Eric, and Berglund, Olof
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
Pirzadeh, Pardis, Milenkovski, Susann, and Svahn, Ola
- Published
- 2021
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5. Läkemedel i vattenrecipienter - Hur prioriterar vi framtidens rening? : En studie om läkemedels påverkan på vattenmiljön nedströms reningsverk som grund för prioritering för avancerad rening och återvinning av vatten
- Author
Pirzadeh, Pardis, Svahn, Ola, and Milenkovski, Susann
- Subjects
Miljövetenskap ,Environmental Sciences - Abstract
Enligt Naturvårdsverkets rapport Avancerad rening av avloppsvatten för avskiljning av läkemedelsrester och andra oönskade ämnen (2017) finns ett behov att införa avancerad rening av läkemedelsrester, samtidigt som sådan rening också medför rening av andra oönskade mikroföroreningar i avloppsvattnet. Naturvårdsverket konstaterar också att det saknas underlag för att utvärdera vid vilka reningsverk som det är aktuellt att införa avancerad rening.Målet med detta projekt var att ta fram en regional arbetsmetod som kan underlätta detta arbete, samt presentera en möjlig prioriteringsordning för skånska reningsverk vad gäller uppgradering till avancerad rening utifrån reningsverkens recipientpåverkan.Som ett första steg togs två listor fram, en lista med verkens storlek vad gäller anslutna personekvivalenter och en lista med reningsverk som har stora utsläppsflöden i förhållande till recipientflödet (stor hydraulisk påverkan) och därmed låg utspädning. De reningsverk som hade högst utsläppsflöde i förhållande till recipientflödet var Rosendal (Tomelilla), Svalöv, Nyvång (Åstorp), Södra Sandby; Ellinge (Eslöv) och Ekeby (Bjuv). I Bjuv valdes också Ekebro reningsverk som, på grund av sitt läge nedströms Ekeby, kunde undersökas vad gäller kumulativa effekter. Som ett andra steg togs vattenprov vid fyra olika tillfällen under året uppströms, nedströms och i utgående vatten från dessa reningsverk. Provernas innehåll av läkemedel analyserades och resultaten utvärderades för att undersöka om reningsverk med stor hydraulisk påverkan också utgör stor risk för påverkan vad gäller utsläpp av läkemedel.Resultaten från läkemedelsanalyserna visade att reningsverken har betydande utsläpp av läkemedel till recipienterna, det vill säga, att halter i recipienterna överskrider bedömningsgrunder i HaV:s föreskrifter (HVMFS 2019:25).Bedömningsgrunderna för Diklofenak, och 17-beta-östradiol i enstaka fall, överskreds nedströms alla sju undersökta reningsverk vilket betyder att det finns risk för giftpåverkan på vattenorganismerna. Vid Ellinge, Ekebro och Nyvångs reningsverk där recipienterna är vattenförekomster inom ramen för vattendirektivet uppnås måttlig ekologisk status på grund av överskridandet. Detta innebär attåtgärder behöver genomföras för att minska halterna i recipienten så att de inteöverskrider bedömningsgrunden och så att, i sin tur, miljökvalitetsnormen god ekologisk status nås till 2027. Vattenmyndigheterna listar bland annat avancerad rening, bättre användning av receptfria produkter (till exempel genom att information leder till att kunder väljer mer miljövänliga alternativ) och miljötillsyn som åtgärder för att minska halterna i sitt nya förslag till åtgärdsprogram för 2021-2027. VA-branschen behöver också arbeta för att minska utsläpp till exempel genom uppströmsarbete och att vara aktiva aktörer i omställningen till avancerad rening.8Vid reningsverk i Skåne där analyser av läkemedelsrester inte har skett kan påverkansanalysen ge en indikation på var övervakning behöver riktas. Den påverkansanlys som arbetades fram inom detta projekt pekar ut 17 skånska reningsverk där det finns risk att bedömningsgrunden för Diklofenak överskrids och vid 12 av dessa finns det även risk att bedömningsgrunden för 17-beta-östradiol överskrids. Nästa steg kan därmed vara att analysera Diklofenak nedströms reningsverken i Lyby, Vinslöv, Perstorp, Staffanstorp, Lönsboda, Hässleholm ochKlippan och 17-beta-östradiol nedströms reningsverken i Källby, Svedala, Lyby, Vinslöv, Perstorp, Sjöbo för att kontrollera vattnets status.Ett annat viktigt mål i projektet var att identifiera reningsverk med sårbara recipienter utifrån ett klimatperspektiv. Detta går egentligen hand i hand med prioriteringsordningen för avancerad rening. Det vill säga, Rosendal, Svalöv, Nyvång, Södra Sandby, Ellinge och Ekeby som har studerats närmare i denna studie,och som var de reningsverk som hade störst hydraulisk påverkan på recipienten, är också de mest sårbara reningsverken sett till klimatförändringar. Då deras utsläpp redan idag har stor påverkan på recipienten kommer de att få ännu större påverkan allteftersom längre torrperioder, till följd av klimatförändringar, kommer att leda till att flödet i deras recipienter minskar periodvis. Om avancerad rening införs vid dessa reningsverk måste en bedömning göras om och när det tillräckligt renade vattnet kan användas som resurs så att recipientens flöde inte påverkas negativt, i de situationer vattentillskottet från reningsverket utgör en betydande del av recipientflödet. En analys av torråret 2018 visade att perioden med väldigt låga flöden varade från maj till november, med andra ord, hela odlingssäsongen. En möjlig väg kunde vara att magasinera renat utgående vatten från november till maj och använda detta till bevattning under sommarmånaderna. En sådan lösning kräver stora reservoarer i form av dammar och våtmarker, vilka också skulle kunna gynna biodiversiteten i de områden där de anläggs
- Published
- 2021
6. Förekomst av läkemedel och antibiotika i avloppsvattnet på Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS) i Lund
- Author
Björklund, Erland, Svahn, Ola, Askman, Peter, Tibell, Cecilia, Askman, Andreas, De Geer, Kristina, and Milenkovski, Susann
- Subjects
Naturvetenskap ,Natural Sciences - Abstract
Under våren 2017 togs prover på avloppsvatten från Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS) i Lund i samarbete mellan Region Skåne och Högskolan Kristianstad (HKR). Totalt analyserades fyraprovpunkter med avseende på förekomst av 23 läkemedel, antibiotika och andra mikroföroreningar. De fyra provpunkterna var 1. Pumpgrop för uppsamling, 2. Onkologen, 3. Infektion samt 4. Avlopp från Centralblocket. Resultaten redovisas baserat på olika behandlingsfunktion, vilketinnefattar grupperna J - Antiinfektiva medel för systemiskt bruk, C - Hjärta och Kretslopp, N -Nervsystemet, M - Rörelseapparaten samt övriga ämnen. Resultaten visar att vissa läkemedelsläpps ut från SUS i högre koncentration jämfört med utgående avloppsvatten från ettreningsverk (se rapporten ”Läkemedelsutsläpp från Skånska avloppsreningsverk 2017” nedan). Noterbara ämnen är ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole och trimethoprim, samtligaantibiotika. Resultaten vi-sar också att olika avdelningar medicinerar sina patientgrupper olika och att avdelningarna därmed kan vara lokala punktkällor för vissa typer av antibiotika. Koncentrationen av läkemdelsrester i avloppsvattnet påverkas förstås också av den totala vattenanvändningen, som i sin tur är en konsekvens av antal anställda, antal patienter, antal toaletter och arbetsmetoder/vattenanvänd-ning per avloppsspunkt mm. De uppmätta halternavisar att det är önskvärt, i en uppföljande studie, att analysera och fastställa, företrädesvis för antibiotika, vilka andra preparat som används på SUS, och i vilken omfattning. Det är viktigt att poängtera att resultaten från denna undersökning kommer från ett provtagningstillfälle där provtagningen bestod av ett stickprov. En uppföljande studie behöver innehålla fler analystillfällen samt söka svar på om förekomsten av höga halter av antibiotika kan föranleda resistensutveckling i sjukhusens avloppssystem. Vidare behöver man undersöka vilka eventuella åtgärder som behöver vidtas, vid sjukhusen och/eller vid avloppsreningsverken, för att förhindra att höga halter av läkemedelsrester belastar vattenmiljön med dess djur och växtliv. Hänsyn måste då också tas inte bara till vilka ämnen som specifikt härrör från sjukhuset utan också i vilka mängder och i vilken omfattning de når reningsverket i aktiv form.
- Published
- 2019
7. Structure and function of microbial communities in constructed wetlands - influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann
- Subjects
nirS ,bacterial community composition ,denitrification ,Ecology ,nosZ ,herbicide ,concentration-response curves ,fungicide ,insecticide ,food and beverages ,nirK ,bacterial activity - Abstract
This thesis addresses the interactions and relationships between natural aquatic bacterial communities, environmental parameters, anthropogenic chemicals and the denitrification pathway in the habitat of agricultural constructed wetlands. The main aim was to gain fundamental knowledge of the drivers behind the processes of the denitrification (i.e. nitrogen removal) in constructed wetlands, hence, the structure and function of the denitrifying bacterial community as efficient nitrogen removal in wetlands will decrease the risk of eutrophication of freshwaters and oceans. Programmes for restoring and recreating wetlands in agricultural areas have been initiated throughout the world. Aquatic environments in these areas are also exposed to pollution from e.g. pesticides, in fact, wetland are also constructed with the purpose of reducing transport of pesticides. However, little is known whether the wetland may fulfil both purposes simultaneously. Hence, may constructed wetlands maintain a high denitrification efficiency even during pesticide exposure? Both structure and function of the eubacterial and the denitrifying bacterial communities were analysed, but focus has been put on the denitrifying bacteria. Structural endpoints of the bacterial communities, as diversity and heterogeneity were analysed using molecular fingerprinting. Potential denitrification and leucine incorporation (i.e. bacterial growth) were measured as functional endpoints, when assessing the effects of pesticide exposure on constructed wetland bacterial communities. These structural and functional endpoints were measured without any treatments as well as measured after pesticide exposure. The results showed that structural endpoints of eubacterial (16S rRNA gene) and denitrifying bacterial community (nirK, nirS and nosZ) varied between the studied constructed wetlands, and their communities were influenced by environmental parameters. The enzyme gene nirS showed higher community heterogeneity than both nirK and nosZ, while the enzyme gene nirK had the highest diversity based on structure and richness. Exposure to environmental concentrations of pesticides affected structure (16S rRNA gene but not nosZ) and function (potential denitrification rate) of the constructed wetland bacterial community, however there were few indications of direct toxic effects. Using leucine incorporation as an endpoint of bacterial activity and growth community was a quicker and more sensitive method to detect toxicity of fungicides exposure on bacterial communities than measuring potential denitrification, and clear concentration-response relationships were easily generated that could be standardized for community level risk assessments of pesticide exposure to aquatic environments.
- Published
- 2009
8. Toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities in wetland water and sediment measured using leucine incorporation and potential denitrification
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, primary, Bååth, Erland, additional, Lindgren, Per-Eric, additional, and Berglund, Olof, additional
- Published
- 2009
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9. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Subjects
nirS ,PCR-DGGE ,bacterial community composition ,Mikrobiologi ,denitrification ,nosZ ,16S rDNA ,food and beverages ,nirK ,environmental parameters ,Microbiology - Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands. Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
10. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
11. Composition of denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirS, nirK and nosZ in constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
In this study the composition of the denitrifying bacterial community among constructed wetlands in agricultural areas was investigated. Thirty-two constructed wetlands located in Southern Sweden were surveyed, and biofilm samples from each were analyzed by applying denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, to investigate the community composition of the three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirK, nirS and nosZ. The DNA sequences of the enzyme genes were compared to known DNA sequences in GeneBank using BLAST. The results of the denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes indicated that these habitats may harbour a heterogeneous denitrifying bacterial community. Individual analysis of the enzyme genes revealed that nirS was more heterogeneous than both nirK and nosZ. Most sequences from the present study clustered with known sequences from species belonging to the group of α-Proteobacteria, and to a lesser extent with β- Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria, and only nirS clustered with a member of gram-positive bacteria., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
12. Composition of denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirS, nirK and nosZ in constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
In this study the composition of the denitrifying bacterial community among constructed wetlands in agricultural areas was investigated. Thirty-two constructed wetlands located in Southern Sweden were surveyed, and biofilm samples from each were analyzed by applying denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, to investigate the community composition of the three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirK, nirS and nosZ. The DNA sequences of the enzyme genes were compared to known DNA sequences in GeneBank using BLAST. The results of the denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes indicated that these habitats may harbour a heterogeneous denitrifying bacterial community. Individual analysis of the enzyme genes revealed that nirS was more heterogeneous than both nirK and nosZ. Most sequences from the present study clustered with known sequences from species belonging to the group of α-Proteobacteria, and to a lesser extent with β- Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria, and only nirS clustered with a member of gram-positive bacteria., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
13. Composition of denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirS, nirK and nosZ in constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Berglund, Olof, Thiere, Geraldine, Samuelsson, Kristina, Weisner, Stefan, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
In this study the composition of the denitrifying bacterial community among constructed wetlands in agricultural areas was investigated. Thirty-two constructed wetlands located in Southern Sweden were surveyed, and biofilm samples from each were analyzed by applying denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, to investigate the community composition of the three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes nirK, nirS and nosZ. The DNA sequences of the enzyme genes were compared to known DNA sequences in GeneBank using BLAST. The results of the denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes indicated that these habitats may harbour a heterogeneous denitrifying bacterial community. Individual analysis of the enzyme genes revealed that nirS was more heterogeneous than both nirK and nosZ. Most sequences from the present study clustered with known sequences from species belonging to the group of α-Proteobacteria, and to a lesser extent with β- Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria, and only nirS clustered with a member of gram-positive bacteria., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
14. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
15. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
16. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
17. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
18. Variation of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities among constructed wetlands
- Author
Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, Lindgren, Per-Eric, Milenkovski, Susann, Thiere, Geraldine, Weisner, Stefan, Berglund, Olof, and Lindgren, Per-Eric
- Abstract
Bacteria play important roles in the transformation of nutrients in wetlands, but few studies have examined parameters affecting variation in bacterial community composition between wetlands. We compared the composition of eubacterial and denitrifying bacterial biofilm communities in 32 agricultural constructed wetlands in southern Sweden, and the extent to which wetland environmental parameters could explain the observed variation. Structure and richness of the eubacterial 16S rRNA gene and three denitrifying bacterial enzyme genes (nirK, nirS and nosZ), analysed by molecular fingerprinting methods, varied among the constructed wetlands, which could be partly explained by different environmental parameters. Results from the enzyme gene analyses were also compared to determine whether the practice of using a single denitrifying bacterial gene could characterize the overall community composition of denitrifying bacteria. We found that nirK was more diverse than both nirS and the nosZ, and the band structure and richness of the three genes were not related to the sam environmental parameters. This suggests that using a single enzyme gene may not suffice to characterize the community composition of denitrifying bacteria in constructed agricultural wetlands., Included in doctoral thesis: Milenkovski, Susann. Structure and Function of Microbial Communities in Constructed Wetlands - Influence of environmental parameters and pesticides on denitrifying bacteria. Lund University 2009.
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