Milanović-Dobrota, Biljana, Milanović-Dobrota, Biljana, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Milanović-Dobrota, Biljana, Milanović-Dobrota, Biljana, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, and Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
Referentni okvir rada zasniva se na konceptu radne angažovanosti kao pozitivnog, afektivno-motivacionog stanja u vezi sa radom koje se odlikuje energijom, posvećenošću i snažnim fokusom na rad. Cilj rada je da ispita povezanost angažovanosti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću tokom praktične nastave u odnosu na sociodemografske karakteristike (pol, uzrast, razred, uspeh na praktičnoj nastavi, opšti školski uspeh i zanimanje). Uzorak čini 113 ispitanika, oba pola, koji se profesionalno osposobljavaju za osam različitih zanimanja. Fizičko i emotivno angažovanje tokom praktične nastave procenjeno je Skalom radne angažovanosti (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale – UWES; Schaufeli et al., 2002). Dobijeni rezultati utvrdili su da učenici sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću generalno vole svoje zanimanje i da im vreme na praktičnoj nastavi brzo prolazi. Razlike nisu utvrđene u odnosu na pol (t=1,603; p=0,113), razred (t=0,659; p=0,512), kao ni u odnosu na uzrast ispitanika (F=1,779; p=0,155). Najveće statistički značajne razlike evidentirane između učenika sa različitim uspehom na praktičnoj nastavi (F=5,334; p=0,006) u okviru dimenzije Posvećenost, kao i među ispitanicima sa različitim opštim uspehom (F=3,638; p=0,030) u dimenziji Apsorpcija, a sve u korist odličnih učenika. U okviru dimenzije Energija nalazi ne prikazuju statistički značajne razlike, već ukazuju na određene poteškoće da istraju u obavljanju radnih zadataka. Analiza dobijenih rezultata ističe značaj procene radne angažovanosti za predikciju uspeha osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću na radnom mestu i nudi smernice za buduća istraživanja u okviru iste tematike., The reference framework is based on the concept of work engagement as a positive, affective-motivational state workrelated that is characterized by vigor, dedication and a strong focus on work.The aim of this paper is to examine the connection of engagement of students with mild intellectual disability during the practical teaching in relation to sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, school class, mark in practical teaching, general academic achievement and vocational profile).The sample consists of 113 participants of both genders, who are professionally trained in eight different occupations. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2002) has been used for assessing physical and emotional engagement in practical teaching. The findings indicate that students with mild intellectual disabilities generally prefer their occupation and that their time in practical teaching is fast passing. Differences were not determined in relation to gender (t=1.603; p=0.113), school class (t=0.659; p=0.512), as well as in relation to the age of the respondents (F=1.779; p=0.155). The highest statistically significant differences noted among students with different success in practical teaching within the dimension of Dedication (F=5.334; p=0.006), as well as among respondents with different general academic achievement in dimension Absorption (F=3.638; p=0.030), all in favor of excellent students. Within the dimensions Energy is not shown statistically significant differences, but suggest certain difficulties that persist in performing their work tasks. Analysis of the obtained results highlights the importance of assessment of work engagement for predicting the success of a person with intellectual disability in the workplace and provides guidance for future research about same topic.