192 results on '"Migotto, Alvaro E."'
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2. Love will tear us apart : traumatic mating through consumption of body parts in a sea slug
- Author
Sales, Licia, Migotto, Alvaro E., and Marian, José Eduardo A. R.
- Published
- 2019
3. Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathiaalternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods
- Author
Nascimento, Karine B., Migotto, Alvaro E., Vaga, Claudia F., and Vieira, Leandro M.
- Published
- 2022
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4. The high biodiversity of benthic organisms in a coastal ecosystem revealed by an integrative approach
- Author
Amaral, A. Cecília Z., Cunha, Beatriz P., Checon, Helio H., Godoy, Angélica S. De, da Silva, Camila F., Corte, Guilherme N., Nogueira, João M. De M., Fukuda, Marcelo V., Steiner, Tatiana M., Kawauchi, Gisele Y., Turra, Alexander, Denadai, Márcia R., Ferreira, Luciane, de Mendonça, Joel B., Tavares, Marcos, Leite, Fosca P. P., Costa, Mariana F. B., Siqueira, Silvana G. L., Vieira, Leandro M., Dias, Gustavo M., Teixeira, Joyce A., Rocha, Rosana M., Gusmão, Luciana C., Borges, Michela, Alitto, Renata, Machado, Fabrizio M., Passos, Flávio D., Cunha, Carlo M., Simone, Luiz R. l., Araujo, Ana Paula G., Carbayo, Fernando, Bahia, Juliana, Bulnes, Verónica N., Castello-Branco, Cristiana, Hajdu, Eduardo, Vilas-Boas, Ana Carolina, Garraffoni, André R. S., Schockaert, Ernest, Fonseca, Gustavo, Di Domenico, Maikon, Curini-Galletti, Marco, Sørensen, Martin V., Hochberg, Rick, de Oliveira, Ana Julia F. C., Zampieri, Bruna Del B., Chinelatto, Roberta M., Migotto, Alvaro E., Amaral, A. Cecília Z., Cunha, Beatriz P., Checon, Helio H., Godoy, Angélica S. De, da Silva, Camila F., Corte, Guilherme N., Nogueira, João M. De M., Fukuda, Marcelo V., Steiner, Tatiana M., Kawauchi, Gisele Y., Turra, Alexander, Denadai, Márcia R., Ferreira, Luciane, de Mendonça, Joel B., Tavares, Marcos, Leite, Fosca P. P., Costa, Mariana F. B., Siqueira, Silvana G. L., Vieira, Leandro M., Dias, Gustavo M., Teixeira, Joyce A., Rocha, Rosana M., Gusmão, Luciana C., Borges, Michela, Alitto, Renata, Machado, Fabrizio M., Passos, Flávio D., Cunha, Carlo M., Simone, Luiz R. l., Araujo, Ana Paula G., Carbayo, Fernando, Bahia, Juliana, Bulnes, Verónica N., Castello-Branco, Cristiana, Hajdu, Eduardo, Vilas-Boas, Ana Carolina, Garraffoni, André R. S., Schockaert, Ernest, Fonseca, Gustavo, Di Domenico, Maikon, Curini-Galletti, Marco, Sørensen, Martin V., Hochberg, Rick, de Oliveira, Ana Julia F. C., Zampieri, Bruna Del B., Chinelatto, Roberta M., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Abstract
Increasing habitat modification and species loss demand consistent efforts to describe and understand biodiversity patterns. The BIOTA/FAPESP Program was created in this context and it has been a successful initiative to promote studies on biodiversity and conservation in Brazil. The BIOTA/Araçá is an interdisciplinary project that provided a detailed evaluation of the biodiversity of Araçá Bay, a coastal seascape located on the North coast of the state of São Paulo, Southeast Brazil. The bay encompasses multiple habitats, such as beaches, mangroves, rocky shores, and a tidal flat, and provides important ecosystem services. Unfortunately, the bay is the subject of complex social-environmental conflicts that oppose economic, social, and environmental demands (i.e., the expansion of neighboring harbor activities vs. small-scale artisanal fisheries and protection of biodiversity). The present study presents a survey of the benthic species occurring in the different habitats of Araçá Bay, including data obtained during the BIOTA/Araçá project and previous assessments of the area. The benthic species play an important role in marine environments and studying the diversity of these organisms that live associated with the bottom is indispensable for comprehending the environment’s functioning. The macrofauna, meiofauna, and microorganisms associated with soft and hard bottom were listed, and additional information, such as the habitat and geographical distribution, were provided for each species. The checklist includes 826 species, almost 70% recorded during the BIOTA/Araçá project. The most speciose taxa were the annelids (225 spp.), mollusks (194 spp.), and crustaceans (177 spp.). Seven benthic species are endemic to Araçá Bay, 14 are considered threatened, and seven are economically exploited. Furthermore, the bay is the type locality of many taxa, and 11 new benthic species were described based on specimens sampled during the project. This project shows the importance
- Published
- 2024
5. Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
- Author
Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, Leite, Yuri LR, Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, and Leite, Yuri LR
- Abstract
The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others.
- Published
- 2024
6. The high biodiversity of benthic organisms in a coastal ecosystem revealed by an integrative approach
- Author
Amaral, A. Cecília Z., primary, Cunha, Beatriz P., additional, Checon, Helio H., additional, Godoy, Angélica S. de, additional, Silva, Camila F. da, additional, Corte, Guilherme N., additional, Nogueira, João M. de M., additional, Fukuda, Marcelo V., additional, Steiner, Tatiana M., additional, Kawauchi, Gisele Y., additional, Turra, Alexander, additional, Denadai, Márcia R., additional, Ferreira, Luciane, additional, Mendonça, Joel B. de, additional, Tavares, Marcos, additional, Leite, Fosca P. P., additional, Costa, Mariana F. B., additional, Siqueira, Silvana G. L., additional, Vieira, Leandro M., additional, Dias, Gustavo M., additional, Teixeira, Joyce A., additional, Rocha, Rosana M., additional, Gusmão, Luciana C., additional, Borges, Michela, additional, Alitto, Renata, additional, Machado, Fabrizio M., additional, Passos, Flávio D., additional, Cunha, Carlo M., additional, Simone, Luiz R.L., additional, Araujo, Ana Paula G., additional, Carbayo, Fernando, additional, Bahia, Juliana, additional, Bulnes, Verónica N., additional, Castello-Branco, Cristiana, additional, Hajdu, Eduardo, additional, Vilas-Boas, Ana Carolina, additional, Garraffoni, André R. S., additional, Schockaert, Ernest, additional, Fonseca, Gustavo, additional, Domenico, Maikon Di, additional, Curini-Galletti, Marco, additional, Sørensen, Martin V., additional, Hochberg, Rick, additional, Oliveira, Ana Julia F. C. de, additional, Zampieri, Bruna Del B., additional, Chinelatto, Roberta M., additional, and Migotto, Alvaro E., additional
- Published
- 2024
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7. 6 Behavior
- Author
Winston, Judith E., primary and Migotto, Alvaro E., additional
- Published
- 2020
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8. Taxonomic reassessment and redescription of Okenia polycerelloides (Ortea & Bouchet, 1983) (Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae) based on morphological and molecular data
- Author
Sales, Licia, Migotto, Alvaro E., Baroni, Sabrina, and Cunha, Carlo M.
- Published
- 2019
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9. A New Encrusting Interstitial Marine Fauna from Brazil
- Author
Winston, Judith E. and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Published
- 2005
10. Genetic diversity of the Pennaria disticha Goldfuss, 1820 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) complex: new insights from Brazil
- Author
Vaga, Claudia F., Kitahara, Marcelo V., Nascimento, Karine B., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Transitions in morphologies, fluid regimes, and feeding mechanisms during development of the medusa Lychnorhiza lucerna
- Author
Nagata, Renato M., Morandini, André C., Colin, Sean P., Migotto, Alvaro E., and Costello, John H.
- Published
- 2016
12. Ontogenetic transitions, biomechanical trade-offs and macroevolution of scyphozoan medusae swimming patterns
- Author
von Montfort, Guilherme M., primary, Costello, John H., additional, Colin, Sean P., additional, Morandini, André C., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Maronna, Maximiliano M., additional, Reginato, Marcelo, additional, Miyake, Hiroshi, additional, and Nagata, Renato M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Contrasting patterns of connectivity among endemic and widespread fire coral species (Millepora spp.) in the tropical Southwestern Atlantic
- Author
de Souza, Júlia N., Nunes, Flávia L. D., Zilberberg, Carla, Sanchez, Juan A., Migotto, Alvaro E., Hoeksema, Bert W., Serrano, Xaymara M., Baker, Andrew C., and Lindner, Alberto
- Published
- 2017
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14. First report of the polychaete Polydora hoplura (Annelida: Spionidae) from North and South America and Asian Pacific
- Author
Radashevsky, Vasily I. and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Ontogenetic Transitions, Biomechanical Trade-Offs and Macroevolution of Scyphozoan Medusae Swimming Patterns
- Author
von Montfort, Guilherme M., primary, Costello, John H., additional, Colin, Sean P., additional, Morandini, André C., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Maronna, Maximiliano, additional, Reginato, Marcelo, additional, Miyake, Hiroshi, additional, and Nagata, Renato M., additional
- Published
- 2022
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16. Redescription of Bedotella armata from Biscay Bay, northern Spain, the type species of Bedotella Stechow, 1913 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Lafoeidae), with comments on its taxonomic position
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Altuna, Alvaro, Cantero, Alvaro L. Penña, Migotto, Alvaro E., Martens, K., editor, Fautin, Daphne G., editor, Westfall, Jane A., editor, Cartwrigh, Paulyn, editor, Daly, Marymegan, editor, and Wyttenbach, C. R., editor
- Published
- 2004
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17. Drifting in the oceans: Isarachnanthus nocturnus (Cnidaria, Ceriantharia, Arachnactidae), an anthozoan with an extended planktonic stage
- Author
Stampar, Sergio N., Morandini, Andre C., Branco, Laura C., da Silveira, Fabio Lang, and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Animal taxonomy -- Observations ,Life cycles (Biology) -- Observations ,Anthozoans -- Physiological aspects ,Biological sciences - Abstract
The life cycles of many marine taxa are still unknown, especially those species with indirect development and long-lived larval stages. Life cycles of cnidarians are relatively well known for most groups except Ceriantharia. This taxon presents taxonomic problems stemming from the lack of association between planktonic larval forms, often described as distinct species, with the corresponding adult benthic stages. Our study focused on the development of larvae with peculiar external morphology that could be linked to a described species established from adult specimens. Through cultivation of these larvae to juveniles with adult-like morphology and also with the use of DNA barcoding, it was possible to link the stages observed to a known species, Isarachnanthus nocturnus. Based on life span of the larva in the plankton (63-118 days), the larvae could potentially drift for about 2000-4000 km along the coast. Because rearing larvae in the laboratory may be complex and time-consuming and also because morphological data may have limited distinguishing power for specific identification of larvae collected in the field, we suggest and discuss the use of DNA barcoding as a tool to connect life stages of species of cerianthids and invertebrates in general., Author(s): Sergio N. Stampar[sup.1] , Andre C. Morandini[sup.2] , Laura C. Branco[sup.3] , Fabio Lang da Silveira[sup.2] , Alvaro E. Migotto[sup.3] Author Affiliations: (1) Departamento de Ciências Biologicas, Faculdade de [...]
- Published
- 2015
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18. Mitochondrial Imbalance of Trypanosoma cruzi Induced by the Marine Alkaloid 6-Bromo-2′-de-N-Methylaplysinopsin
- Author
Romanelli, Maiara M., primary, Amaral, Maiara, additional, Thevenard, Fernanda, additional, Santa Cruz, Lucas M., additional, Regasini, Luis O., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Lago, João Henrique G., additional, and Tempone, Andre G., additional
- Published
- 2022
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19. Direct observations of the nudibranch Corambe carambola (Marcus, 1955) preying on the bryozoan Alcyonidium hauffi Marcus, 1939
- Author
Cunha, Carlo M., Vieira, Leandro M., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Published
- 2018
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20. 3D-microanatomy of the mesopsammic Pseudovermis salamandrops Marcus, 1953 from Brazil (Nudibranchia, Gastropoda)
- Author
Jörger, Katharina M., Stoschek, Tina, Migotto, Alvaro E., Haszprunar, Gerhard, and Neusser, Timea P.
- Published
- 2014
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21. Occurrence of the bryozoan Amathia alternata Lamouroux, 1816 in the SW Atlantic: a new invasive species with potential impact on human livelihoods
- Author
Nascimento, Karine B., primary, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Vaga, Claudia F., additional, and Vieira, Leandro M., additional
- Published
- 2022
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22. Marine and coastal biodiversity studies, 60 years of research funding from FAPESP, what we have learned and future challenges
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., primary, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Kitahara, Marcelo V., additional, Dias, Gustavo Muniz, additional, Costa, Tânia Marcia, additional, and Oliveira, Mariana C., additional
- Published
- 2022
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23. Produtos naturais das esponjas marinhas Aaptos sp., Hymeniacidon aff. heliophila, e do nudibrânquio Doris aff. verrucosa
- Author
Granato Ana Claudia, Berlinck Roberto G. S., Magalhães Alviclér, Schefer Alexandre B., Ferreira Antonio G., Sanctis Bianca de, Freitas José Carlos de, Hajdu Eduardo, and Migotto Alvaro E.
- Subjects
sponge ,nudibranch ,marine natural products ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Herein we describe the isolation of homarine and piridiniumbetaine B from the sponge Aaptos sp. Although homarine has a common occurrence among animals, piridiniumbetaine B was only recently isolated from the marine sponge Agelas dispar. The isolation of piridiniumbetaine B from two taxonomically distant marine sponges corroborate previous assumptions that such betaines should be regarded rather as primary metabolites. We have also isolated (9-[5'-(methylthio)-beta-D-xylofuranosyl]adenine (xylosyl-MTA) from the mantle of a nudibranch identified as Doris aff. verrucosa. The occurrence of xylosyl-MTA in the mantle of this animal strongly suggests that it is the same nudibranch species described for the Mediterranean sea. We have been unable to detect any other compound in the mantle extract of D. aff. verrucosa other than xylosil-MTA and sterols. GC-MS analysis of the sterol fraction from the nudibranch and its prey, the sponge Hymeniacidon aff. heliophila, revealed the occurrence of the ubiquitous sterols, cholesterol, brassicasterol, cholestanol, 24-methylcholesterol and 24-ethylcholesterol, as the only common metabolites, therefore precluding any assumption concerning the sequestration of secondary metabolites by the nudibranch from H. aff. heliophila.
- Published
- 2000
24. An integrative approach reveals a new species of Zoantharia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa), Terrazoanthus silveirai, in the South-western Atlantic Ocean
- Author
Vaga, Claudia F., primary, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Santos, Maria E. A., additional, Honji, Renato M., additional, Reimer, James, additional, and Kitahara, Marcelo V., additional
- Published
- 2021
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25. From the individual to the colony: Marine invertebrates as models to understand levels of biological organization
- Author
Hiebert, Laurel S., primary, Vieira, Leandro M., additional, Tiozzo, Stefano, additional, Simpson, Carl, additional, Grosberg, Richard K., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Morandini, Andre C., additional, and Brown, Federico D., additional
- Published
- 2021
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26. Rediscovery of Gastropteron chacmol (Gastropoda: Gastropteridae) on the Brazilian coast
- Author
Cunha, Carlo M. and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Published
- 2016
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27. Life‐history traits of Tubastraea coccinea : Reproduction, development, and larval competence
- Author
Luz, Bruna L. P., primary, Di Domenico, Maikon, additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, and Kitahara, Marcelo V., additional
- Published
- 2020
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28. Cnidaria
- Author
Mills, Claudia E., primary, Maeques, Antonio C., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Calder, Dale R., additional, Hand, Cadet, additional, Rees, John T., additional, Haddock, Steven H. D., additional, Dunn, Casey W., additional, Pugh, Philip R., additional, Larson, Roland J., additional, Fautin, Daphne G., additional, and Williams, Gary C., additional
- Published
- 2007
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29. Octocoral-associated Parazoanthus cf. swiftii from the southwestern Atlantic
- Author
Vaga, Claudia F., primary, Santos, Maria E. A., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, Reimer, James, additional, and Kitahara, Marcelo V., additional
- Published
- 2020
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30. Environment and life cycles influence distribution patterns of hydromedusae in austral South America
- Author
Rodriguez, Carolina S., primary, Marques, Antonio C., additional, Mianzan, Hermes W., additional, Tronolone, Valquiria B., additional, Migotto, Alvaro E., additional, and Genzano, Gabriel N., additional
- Published
- 2017
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31. Gonangium development and medusoid of Nemalecium lighti (Hargitt, 1924) (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Haleciidae)
- Author
Gravier-Bonnet, Nicole and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
lcsh:SH1-691 ,Cnidaria ,Leptomedusae ,hydroids ,reproduction ,life cycle ,medusoid ,gametes ,hermaphroditism ,SH1-691 ,lcsh:Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,cnidaria ,Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling ,leptomedusae - Abstract
Based on live specimens of Nemalecium lighti collected in the coasts of La Réunion (Indian Ocean) and São Sebastião (Southeastern coast of Brazil) and kept in the laboratory, we observed the release of short-lived medusoids. The gonangia pass through six developmental phases: growing, ripening, migrating, stripping, liberating and spawning. The medusoids are tall, lack tentacles, bulbs, circular and radial canals, and the sexual products are packed around the eccentric manubrium; they are provided with a velum and with a subumbrellar ectoderm rich in transverse striated muscle fibers. There are refringent and isotropic corpuscles within vacuolated and ciliated large cells located around the aperture of the medusoid, which possibly function as statoliths. The corpuscles are similar to those already described for the families Plumulariidae and Aglaopheniidae. The gametes are liberated shortly after the release of the medusoid from the gonotheca. The female medusoid spawned 40-62 ova; spermatozoa exhibited a semicircular nucleus, and planulae were formed c. twelve hours after fertilization. Colonies with medusoids of only one sex or with both male and female medusoids., No disponible
- Published
- 2000
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32. Direct observations of the nudibranch Corambe carambola (Marcus, 1955) preying on the bryozoan Alcyonidium hauffi Marcus, 1939
- Author
Cunha, Carlo M., primary, Vieira, Leandro M., additional, and Migotto, Alvaro E., additional
- Published
- 2017
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33. Census of Cnidaria (Medusozoa) and Ctenophora from South American marine waters
- Author
OLIVEIRA, OTTO M. P., primary, MIRANDA, THAÍS P., additional, ARAUJO, ENILMA M., additional, AYÓN, PATRICIA, additional, CEDEÑO-POSSO, CRISTINA M., additional, CEPEDA-MERCADO, AMANCAY A., additional, CÓRDOVA, PABLO, additional, CUNHA, AMANDA F., additional, GENZANO, GABRIEL N., additional, HADDAD, MARIA ANGÉLICA, additional, MIANZAN, HERMES W., additional, MIGOTTO, ALVARO E., additional, MIRANDA, LUCÍLIA S., additional, MORANDINI, ANDRÉ C., additional, NAGATA, RENATO M., additional, NASCIMENTO, KARINE B., additional, JÚNIOR, MIODELI NOGUEIRA, additional, PALMA, SERGIO, additional, QUIÑONES, JAVIER, additional, RODRIGUEZ, CAROLINA S., additional, SCARABINO, FABRIZIO, additional, SCHIARITI, AGUSTÍN, additional, STAMPAR, SÉRGIO N., additional, TRONOLONE, VALQUÍRIA B., additional, and MARQUES, ANTONIO C., additional
- Published
- 2016
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34. First report of the polychaete Polydora hoplura (Annelida: Spionidae) from North and South America and Asian Pacific
- Author
Radashevsky, Vasily I., primary and Migotto, Alvaro E., additional
- Published
- 2016
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35. The need of more rigorous assessments of marine species introductions: A counter example from the Brazilian coast
- Author
Rocha, Rosana M., Vieira, Leandro M., Migotto, Alvaro E., Amaral, Antonia Cecília Z., Ventura, Carlos Renato R., Serejo, Cristiana S., Pitombo, Fábio B., Santos, Kátia Christol, Simone, Luiz R.L., Tavares, Marcos, Lopes, Rubens M., Pinheiro, Ulisses, and Marques, Antonio Carlos
- Published
- 2013
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36. Beroe forskalii Milne Edwards 1841
- Author
Oliveira, Otto M. P. and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Beroidae ,Beroe ,Ctenophora ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Nuda ,Beroida ,Beroe forskalii ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Beroe forskalii Milne Edwards, 1841 (Figures 1���2; Table 1) Beroe forskalii Milne Edwards, 1841 ��� Chun 1880; Tamm & Tamm 1991, 1993; Haddock & Case 1999; Mianzan 1999; Wrobel & Mills 2003; Lindsay & Hunt 2005; Lindsay 2006; Shiganova & Malej 2009. Material examined. MZUSP 00012, a single specimen 2.5 cm long from Canal de S��o Sebasti��o, 23.8�� S, 45.4�� W, coll. A. Migotto 8 July 2010, reared to 10 July 2010 then fixed in 4% formalin. Description. Body sac-shaped, pinkish, with broad mouth; body width tapering from middle to aboral extremity of body (Fig. 1A); compressed along tentacular plane (Fig. 1C). Eight meridional canals extending from aboral region towards mouth and connected with a circular canal around mouth by a mesh of anastomosing canals; these with lateral diverticulae, mostly with blind ends in aboral half of body, but forming anastomoses along oral half (Fig. 1F). Diverticulae from subtentacular meridional canals connected with paragastric canal (Fig. 1E). Ctene rows located above meridional canals arising at aboral region. Substomodeal ctene rows extending for about 3/4 the length of the meridional canals to oral region. Subtentacular ctene rows limited to aboral 2/3 of body. Mouth wide, semicircular, occupying whole oral region, opening into large pharynx that occupies most of central inner part of animal. Two opposite paragastric canals, extending from aboral pole of pharynx to circular canal around mouth, crossing at tentacular plane. Aboral extremity of body mitriform (Fig. 1D). Apical organ including a statolith at center of polar fields. Aboral papillae prominent, branched (Fig. 1G), projecting from margins of polar fields, forming an ���hourglass��� figure, oriented in stomodeal plane when in aboral view (Fig. 1B). Each papilla with first- and sometimes second-order branches in a pinnate arrangement; branches curving toward exterior of polar field. The animal is a simultaneous hermaphrodite, with gonads formed at lateral walls of meridional canals and nearby diverticulae (Fig. 1E). Ovaries restricted to portion of meridional canals under ctene rows. Testes lying along all meridional canals and adjacent diverticula. Gonads of adjacent meridional canals facing those of same gender on the adjacent canal, i.e. female gonads face in stomodeal-stomodeal and tentacle-tentacle patterns; male gonads face in a stomodeal-tentacular arrangement. Macrocilia are robust (length 5���7 times width), with about 20 small teeth along edge (Fig. 2), covering extensive area of oral portion of stomodeal cavity, arranged in long tapering stripes that run from lip toward center of stomodeum. Remarks. The young individual on which the above description is based, was very active for the three days it was kept in the aquarium, swimming quickly, sometimes with the mouth open. It resembled Beroe mitrata Moser, 1907, except for the presence of anastomoses and the pointed end of the aboral portion (Wrobel & Mills, 2003). Based on the shape of their macrocilia, these two species form a distinct group within the genus Beroe (Tamm & Tamm 1993). In these two species, the macrocilia are very similar, differing only by their pattern of distribution along the stomodeal cavity, comprising a carpet covering all of the oral portion of the stomodeum in B. mitrata and long tapering stripes that run from the lip toward the center of the stomodeum in B. forskalii (Tamm & Tamm 1993). On this basis, inter alia, the specimen from S��o Sebasti��o Channel was certainly B. forskalii. The first description of what was probably this species was made by Forsk��l (1775), as Beroe rufescens. This name was not used by later researchers after Milne Edwards (1841) questioned its validity. The combination Beroe forskalii has been used in at least 20 publications in the last 50 years and, following the nomenclatural Principle of Stability (ICZN 1999), its use may continue. The author of the combination Beroe forskalli is taken as Milne Edwards (1841), not Chun (1880), following the Principle of Priority (ICZN 1999). Distribution. Beroe forskalii is distributed worldwide (e.g. Moser 1910; Mianzan 1999; Lindsay & Hunt 2005; Shiganova & Malej 2009; Oliveira et al. submitted)., Published as part of Oliveira, Otto M. P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2014, First occurrence of Beroe forskalii (Ctenophora) in South American Atlantic coastal waters, with notes on the use of macrociliary patterns for beroid identification, pp. 470-476 in Zootaxa 3779 (4) on pages 471-473, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.4.5, http://zenodo.org/record/4910453, {"references":["Milne Edwards, M. H. (1841) Observations sur la structure et les fonctions de quelques Zoophytes, Mollusques et Crustaces des cotes de la France. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, ser. 2, 16, 193 - 232.","Chun, C. (1880) Die Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-abschnitte. Eine Monographie. Fauna and flora des Golfes von Neapel, 1, Monographie, 18, 1 - 313, 18 pls.","Tamm, S. L. & Tamm, S. (1991) Reversible epithelial adhesion closes the mouth of Beroe, a carnivorous marine jelly. Biological Bulletin, 181, 463 - 474.","Tamm, S. L. & Tamm, S. (1993) Diversity of macrociliary size, tooth patterns, and distribution in Beroe (Ctenophora). Zoomorphology, 113, 79 - 89. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / bf 00403086","Haddock, S. H. D. & Case, J. F. (1999) Bioluminescence spectra of shallow and deep-sea gelatinous zooplankton: ctenophores, medusae and siphonophores. Marine Biology, 133, 571 - 582. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / s 002270050497","Mianzan, H. W. (1999) Ctenophora. In: Boltovskoy, D. (Ed.), South Atlantic Zooplankton. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 561 - 573.","Wrobel, D. & Mills, C. (2003) Pacific Coast Pelagic Invertebrates - A Guide to the Common Gelatinous Animals. Second Printing with corrections. Sea Challengers and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, iv + 108 pp.","Lindsay, D. J. & Hunt, J. C. (2005) Biodiversity in midwater cnidarians and ctenophores: submersible based results from deep- water bays in the Japan Sea and north-western Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85, 503 - 517. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0025315405011434","Lindsay, D. J. (2006) A checklist of midwater cnidarians and ctenophores from Sagami Bay - species sampled during submersible surveys from 1993 - 2004. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan, 53, 104 - 110.","Shiganova, T. & Malej, A. (2009) Native and non-native ctenophores in the Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 31, 61 - 71. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1093 / plankt / fbn 102","Forskal, P. (1775) Descriptiones Animalium, Avium, Amphibiorum, Piscium, Insectorum, Vermium; quae in itinere orientali observavit Petrus Forskal. Hauniae, ex officina Molleri, 20 + xxxiv + 164 pp., 1 map.","ICZN (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4 th edn. ITZN, London, 306 pp.","Moser, F. (1910) Die Ctenophoren der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition, 11, Zoologie, 117 - 192."]}
- Published
- 2014
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37. Filellum contortum Nutting 1905
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Filellum contortum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum contortum (Nutting, 1905) (Figure 6 A���D) Lafoea contorta Nutting, 1905: 945, pl. 3, fig. 6, pl. 9, figs. 8���9. ? Filellum contortum: Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 301. Non Filellum contortum: Pe��a Cantero and Gili 2006: 766 [= Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov.]. Type series. Lectotype��� Lafoea contorta Nutting, 1905; alcohol specimen on Aglaopheniidae (USNM 70715; specimen represented by Nutting 1905, pl. 3, fig. 6, pl. 9, figs. 8���9). Paralectotype��� Lafoea contorta Nutting 1905; alcohol specimen (USNM 68984). Type locality. From the lectotype, ���Albatross R/V��� Expedition, Hawaiian Explorations, Stn. 3949, north Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, north of Laysan Island, 27 o 47 ��� 45 ������N; 171 o 52 ��� 35 ������W, 108���238 m, 21 May 1902, leg. Albatross R/V. Paralectotype: ���Albatross R/V��� Expedition, Hawaiian Explorations, Stn. 4102, north Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Pailolo Channel, between Maui and Molokai Islands, 21 o03��� 10 ������N; 156 o 45 ��� 20 ������W, 223���241 m, 23 September 1902, leg. Albatross R/V. Material examined. Lectotype USNM 70715 and paralectotype USNM 68984. Description of lectotype. Colony stolonal, with a filiform and creeping hydrorhiza growing over some 7 mm at base of an aglaopheniid hydroid; hydrorhizal tubes 0.10���0.14 mm wide, with few anastomosed perisarc. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, less than half of their total length partially adnate to substratum parallel to hydrorhizal stolon, free part emerging from substrate plane at angles wide than 60 o, usually 90 o. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.41���0.73 mm (0.58 �� 0.11, n= 10) long, perisarc with many striae on abaxial hydrothecal surface of adnate part, striae extend up to curvature of hydrothecae; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.84���1.40 mm (1.22 �� 0.15, n= 10) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae slightly widening distally, margin even and smooth, with up to two renovations, tenuous flaring; hydrothecal orifice circular, 0.21���0.27 mm (0.24 �� 0.02, n= 10) wide, perpendicular to axis of free part of hydrotheca. Hydranths badly preserved, with ca. 14 tentacles, hypostome conical. Hydranths, when retracted, lying at the adnate space of the hydrothecae. Gonothecae absent. Nematocysts of one category, heterotrichous microbasic?mastigophores (not seen discharged), 5.0���6.0 X 2.0��� 2.5 ��m (5.60 �� 0.39 X 2.35 �� 0.24, n = 10), rice-shaped, common. Distribution. Filellum contortum was recorded for the coast of Japan (Stechow 1913 b). Remarks. Filellum contortum was originally described as Lafoea contorta Nutting, 1905, and diagnosed as a ���colony parasitic, growing from a twisted rootstock��� with hydrothecae ���sessile, tubular, very long, and often bent and twisted in various ways���. The specimens described by Nutting (1905: 945) were sterile. This species is different from most of the species of Filellum in its morphometry (e.g., larger dimension of the free part of hydrotheca). The cnidome of F. contortum is also different, comprising a single type of nematocyst (heterotrichous microbasic mastigophore), comparatively smaller than those found in other species. Although these differences could characterize the species, they may be variable or dependent on the quality of specimen preservation. Besides, Nutting���s (1905) material lacks coppinia, so the crucial information concerning the reproductive structure, necessary to properly assign new material to this species, is unknown. The only coppiniae assigned to F. contortum was described by Pe��a Cantero and Gili (2006) from Bouvet Island, herein redescribed as Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov. Therefore, a reliable diagnosis of the species is difficult, and its validity remains dubious (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998) until its reproductive parts are described. We consider F. contortum as a species inquirenda., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 22-24, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Nutting, C. C. (1905) Hydroids of the Hawaiian Islands collected by the steamer Albatross in 1902. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23, 931 - 959.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Pena Cantero, A. L. & Gili, J. M. (2006) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 29, 764 - 771.","Stechow, E. (1913 b) Hydroidpolypen der japanische Ostkuste. II. Teil: Campanularidae, Halecidae, Campanulinidae und Sertularidae, nebst Erganzungen zu den Athecata und Plumularidae. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 3, 1 - 162."]}
- Published
- 2011
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38. Filellum
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Key for the identification of the fertile specimens of Filellum 1 Abcauline wall of the adnate part of the hydrotheca with transverse striae........................................ 2 - Abcauline wall of the adnate part of the hydrotheca without transverse striae....................................... 7 2 Defensive tubes of the coppinia forming a protective structure over the gonothecae................................. 3 - Defensive tubes of the coppinia not forming a protective structure over the gonothecae........... F. nitidum Watson, 2005 3 Defensive tubes arising amongst the gonothecae. Gonotheca with short distal neck with everted rim.................... 4 - Defensive tubes exclusively on the periphery of the gonothecal mass and arching over the gonothecae................. 5 4 Defensive tubes forming a shield-shaped structure (canopy)............................... F. serratum (Clarke, 1879) - Defensive tubes simply arching over gonothecae............................. F. magnificum Pe��a Cantero et al., 2004 b 5 Gonothecae without distal neck................................................. F. antarcticum (Hartlaub, 1904) - Gonothecae with distal neck............................................................................. 6 6 Coppinia bud-shaped. Gonothecae flask-shaped. Hydrothecal aperture 140���168 ��m. Hydrothecal free part 320���420 ��m.................................................................................... F. conopeum Watson, 2003 - Coppinia corbula-shaped. Gonothecae irregular. Adnate hydrothecal part short or absent. Hydrothecal aperture 180���250 ��m. Hydrothecal free part 650���1875 ��m..................................................... F. bouvetensis sp. nov. 7 Gonothecae without juxtaposed walls. Defensive tubes absent................ F. disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998 - Gonothecae with juxtaposed walls. Defensive tubes present.................................................... 8 8 Hydrothecae and hydrorhiza forming a continuous layer on the substrate.......................................... 9 - Hydrothecae and hydrorhiza spaced and distinct from each other............................ F. serpens (Hassall, 1848) 9 Gonothecae fusiform............................................................. F. adhaerens (Nutting, 1901) - Gonothecae polygonal....................................................... F. parasiticum (Antsulevich, 1987), Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on page 24, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Watson, J. E. (2005) Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: Annotated list, redescription of species and description of new species. In: Weills, F. E., Walker, D. I. & Kendrick, G. A. (Eds), The marine flora and fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 495 - 612.","Clarke, S. F. (1879) Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico by Alexan- der Agassiz, 1877 - 78. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 5, 239 - 252.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2004 b) Antarctic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the families Campanulinidae, Lafoeidae and Campanulariidae from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 38, 2269 - 2303.","Hartlaub, C. (1904) Hydroiden. Resultats du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica. Zoologie, 7, 1 - 19.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Hassall, A. H. (1848) Definitions of three new British zoophytes. Zoologist, 6, 2223.","Nutting, C. C. (1901) Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XXI. The hydroids. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 3, 157 - 216.","Antsulevich, A. E. (1987) Gidroidy shel'fa Kuril'skykh ostrovov (Hydroids from the shelf waters of Kurile Islands). Zoologicheskii Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 165 pp."]}
- Published
- 2011
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39. Filellum Hincks 1868
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 Capsularia: Gray 1848: 151 (in part); Naumov 1960: 280; Naumov 1969: 303 [non Capsularia Cuvier, 1798: 665 = Coryne Gaertner, in Pallas, 1774; after Lamouroux et al. 1824: 224; Bedot 1901: 434, 437; Cornelius 1975: 378]. ? Conchella Gray, 1848: 88 [discussion in Cornelius & Calder 1986: 338; Cornelius 1995: 253; Calder 1991: 35]. Coppinia Hassall, 1848: 2223 [discussion in Cornelius & Calder 1986: 335���337; Calder 1991: 35]. Reticularia Thomson, 1853: 443; Ralph 1958: 311; Rees and Thursfield 1965: 85 ���88 (in part) [preoccupied by a name for a brachiopod described by McCoy, in Griffith 1844; after Vervoort 1972: 50; Cornelius 1975: 378; Calder 1991: 35 ��� Stechow 1923: 144 considered Reticularia as a mollusk]. Halia Hincks, 1855: 128 [preoccupied by a name for a gastropod described by Risso 1826; after Stechow 1923: 144 (quoting Scudder 1882, Nomenclator Zoologicus: 152); Calder 1991: 35; Cornelius 1995: 253]. Thalia L. Agassiz, 1862: 355 [incorrect subsequent spelling of Halia Hincks, 1855, after Bedot 1910: 308]. Filellum Hincks, 1868: 214; Nutting 1901: 179; 1905: 946; Stechow 1913 b: 44; Stechow 1923: 137 (comparative table of lafoeid genera), 144���145; Naumov 1960: 280; Naumov 1969: 303; Vervoort 1972: 50; Cornelius 1975: 378; Millard 1975: 175; Cornelius and Calder 1986: 335 ���339; Calder 1991: 35 ���36; Cornelius 1995: 253; Hirohito 1995: 110; Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 298 ���299; Vervoort and Watson 2003: 57. Fillelum Billard, 1906: 166 [incorrect subsequent spelling]. Grammaria: Vervoort 1946: 194 (in part) cf. Hirohito 1995: 110 [not Grammaria Stimpson, 1854]. Corystolona Watson, 2002: 333 ���334. Type species. Campanularia serpens Hassall, 1848, by monotypy in Hincks (1868: 214). Description. Lafoeidae with young and adult colonies stolonal; hydrorhiza filiform, branched, creeping on substratum. Hydrorhizal stolons giving rise directly to hydrothecae. Hydrothecae tubular, sessile; basal portion adherent to substratum, usually parallel to hydrorhizal stolon; distal free portion directed upwards at varying degrees and extension. Hydranth long, one distal whorl of filiform tentacles; hypostome short, dome-shaped. Hydrothecal diaphragm, hydrothecal operculum, nematothecae and nematophores absent. Gonophores as fixed sporosacs, in gonothecae forming coppiniae. Gonothecae either closely set, with lateral walls juxtaposed each other, or weakly aggregated, gonothecae being isolated. Coppinia with or without defensive tubes (modified hydrothecae). Cnidome consisting basically of heterotrichous microbasic mastigophores and/or microbasic euryteles. Distribution. Based on literature, some species of Filellum are distributed worldwide, usually epibiotic on other hydroids (Cornelius & Calder 1986: 335; Cornelius 1995: 253). Remarks. Several generic names were proposed prior to Filellum Hincks, 1868, but they were dismissed either by ICZN decision or because they were preoccupied (ICZN 1999, art. 60). The nomenclatural history of the group may be found in Stechow (1923: 144���145), Vervoort (1972: 50), Cornelius (1975: 378), Cornelius and Calder (1986: 335���341), Calder (1991: 35���36), and Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998: 299). A summary of the nomenclatural issues is given below. Conchella Gray, 1848 and Coppinia Hassall, 1848 are two generic names used in specific combinations of taxa presently referred to the generic name Filellum. The identification of the type species of Conchella, Campanularia intertexta Couch, 1844, whose type specimen is not existent (see Couch, 1844: 41���42), is doubtful. The species may refer to Filellum serpens (Hassall, 1848), Lafoea dumosa (Fleming, 1820), Orthopyxis integra (Macgillivray, 1842), or even to all of them (Cornelius & Calder 1986: 338). The last of these three was excluded as type of C. intertexa by designation as lectotype of an illustration by Couch of a specimen having coppiniae (Cornelius 1982: 122). The generic name Conchella was never used subsequently (see Cornelius & Calder 1986). Conversely, the generic name Coppinia Hassall, 1848 was based on a lafoeid reproductive structure that had been confused as a distinct taxon, presently known in the literature as ���coppinia���. The type species of the genus, Coppinia mirabilis Hassall, 1848, was eventually found to be the widely known species Filellum serpens (Hassall, 1848), as it is considered today. The generic name Coppinia, although rarely used during the 20 th century, remained valid and threatened the more widely used name Filellum (Cornelius & Calder 1986: 335���336). A case was submitted to the ICZN requesting suppression, for the purposes of the Principle of Priority, of the obscure and infrequently used names Conchella Gray, 1848 and Coppinia Hassall, 1848. In Opinion 1485 (ICZN 1988), both names were placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology. Campanularia serpens Hassall, 1848 was transferred to the genus Reticularia Thomson, 1853 by Totton (1930: 160���161), based on its hypothesized conspecificity with the type species of the genus, Reticularia immersa Thomson, 1853. The generic name Reticularia has been used by a series of authors in combination with many specific names presently referred to Filellum, such as Reticularia annulata Watson, 1973 (Watson 1973: 164); Reticularia antarctica (Hartlaub, 1904) (Totton 1930: 160 ���161; Briggs 1938: 26; Rees & Thursfield 1965: 85 ���86; Watson 1973: 163 ���164); Reticularia serpens (Hassall, 1848) (Hastings 1943: 394; Millard 1957: 203; Rees & Thursfield 1965: 87 ���88); and Reticularia serrata (Clarke, 1879) (Ralph 1958: 312; Rees & Thursfield 1965: 86 ���87). Hincks (1868) believed that the generic name Reticularia Thomson, 1853 was preoccupied by Reticularia Bulliard, 1791, a name applied to a fungus, and founded Filellum as a replacement for it. Bulliard���s usage of the name is excluded from, and does not become a homonym in, zoological nomenclature (Vervoort 1972: 49; Calder 1991: 35; see ICZN 1999, art. 1.4). However, the name is preoccupied by Reticularia McCoy, in Griffith 1844, a fossil brachiopod. As the oldest available and valid synonym of Reticularia Thomson, 1853, Filellum becomes the name of the genus. The genus name Halia Hincks, 1855, and the binomen Halia praetenuis Hincks, 1855, were applied to what was originally thought to have been a bryozoan. The species was transferred to Hydrozoa by Hincks (1856), who held Halia to be a congener of Reticularia Thomson, 1853. In fact, the name Halia Hincks, 1855 is an invalid junior homonym of the gastropod genus Halia Risso, 1826 (see Calder 1991: 35). The generic name Thalia, as used by L. Agassiz (1862: 355), is a misspelling of Halia; as such it does not constitute a threat to Filellum. Within the family Lafoeidae, Filellum was previously considered to be related to Grammaria, either as: (1) the subgenus of Grammaria (Filellum) (e.g., Broch 1913, 1928a, 1928 b, 1933; Leloup 1933; Berezina 1948); (2) the genus Filellum (Grammaria) (e.g., Leloup 1935); or (3) directly as a junior synonym (e.g., Kramp 1913; Broch 1918; Mathisen 1928; Remane 1933; Leloup 1938, 1947; Vervoort 1942, 1946, 1959; da Cunha 1950; Arndt 1964; Fey 1970; F��ller 1970; Castric-Fey 1973). Evidence against this relationship was given by Vervoort (1972: 50), and re-affirmed by Calder (1991: 35). Similarly, the genus Filellum has also incorrectly been considered as including the subgenus Lafoea, such as in the use of Filellum (Lafoea) adhaerens (Stechow 1913 b: 30). Filellum was considered a junior synonym of Capsularia Modeer, 1793 (Cornelius 1975: 378). The generic name was used by Naumov (1960: 280; 1969: 303), probably following Gray (1848: 151, as in the binomen Capsularia serpens). Capsularia Cuvier, 1798 was considered a synonym of Coryne Gaertner, in Pallas 1774 by Lamouroux et al. (1824: 220, 224), Bedot (1901: 437), Cornelius (1975: 378, who provided the historical account on the case), and Calder (1991: 35���36). Although the genus Filellum is herein described as lacking nematothecae and nematophores, Calder (1991: 35) described the genus with ���nematothecae usually absent���. As far as we know, based on all specimens of Filellum we have studied, there is no trace of nematothecae in the members of the genus. As stated above, most authors have based their identifications and descriptions exclusively on characters of the trophosome. Nevertheless, the paramount taxonomical importance of the reproductive structures (coppiniae) is evident, as illustrated by F. disaggregatum and F. serpens (see Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998), species with indistinguishable trophosome, but easily recognized by their coppinia. As already stated, this fact makes unreliable all previous identifications of species of Filellum exclusively based on non-reproductive characters (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 297). The following species were described as belonging to, or subsequently referred to, the genus Filellum. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, only the species listed in bold belong to Filellum. The remaining species belong to other genera of Lafoeidae (Grammaria, Lafoea) or to other phyla. Filellum adnatum (Fraser, 1925) species inquirenda (from Lafoea adnata Fraser, 1925) Filellum adhaerens (Nutting, 1901) (from Lafoea adhaerens Nutting, 1901) Filellum annulatum (Watson, 1973) Filellum antarcticum (Hartlaub, 1904) (from Lafoea antarctica Hartlaub, 1904) Filellum bouvieri Jullien, 1880 species inquirenda (from Filellum Bouvieri Jullien, 1880) Filellum conopeum Watson, 2003 Filellum contortum (Nutting, 1905) species inquirenda (from Lafoea contorta Nutting, 1905) Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998 Filellum expansum Levinsen, 1893 = Folliculina gigantea (Dons, 1910) (Ciliophora), after Dons (1910) and Vannucci (1955) Filellum gabriellae Vannucci, 1949 = Folliculina gigantea (Dons, 1910) (Ciliophora), after Vannucci (1955) Filellum magnificum Pe��a Cantero et al., 2004 b Filellum minimum Garc��a Corrales et al., 1979 = Folliculina gigantea (Dons, 1910) (Ciliophora), after Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998 Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005 Filellum parasiticum (Antsulevich, 1987) (from Lineolaria parasitica Antsulevich, 1987) Filellum plicatum (Hartlaub, 1904) species inquirenda (from Lafoea plicata Hartlaub, 1904) Filellum serpens (Hassall, 1848) (from Campanularia serpens Hassall, 1848) Filellum serratum (Clarke, 1879) (from Lafoea serrata Clarke, 1879) Filellum tubiforme Schydlowsky, 1902 = Filellum serpens (Hassall, 1848), Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 3-5, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Hincks, T. (1868) A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. John van Voorst, London, 338 pp.","Gray, J. E. (1848) List of the specimens of British animals in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Centroniae or radiated animals. British Museum, London, 173 pp.","Naumov, D. V. (1960) Gidroidi i gidromedusy morskikh, solonovatovodnykh i presnovodnykh basseinov SSSR. Opredeleteli pro faune SSSR, 70, 1 - 626.","Naumov, D. V. (1969) Hydroids and Hydromedusae of the USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jerusalem, 660 pp.","Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. (1798) Tableau elementaire de l'histoire naturelle des animaux. Baudouin, Paris, 710 pp.","Lamouroux, J. V. F., Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. G. M. & Deslongchamps, E. (1824) Histoire naturelle des zoophytes ou animaux rayonnes, faisant suite a l'Histoire naturelle des Vers, de Brugiere. In: Didirot, D. & d'Alembert, J. L. R. (Eds), Encyclopedie methodique. Panckoucke, Paris, pp. 1 - 819.","Bedot, M. (1901) Materiaux pour server a l'histoire des hydroides. 1 re periode. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 9, 379 - 515.","Cornelius, P. F. S. (1975) A revision of the species of Lafoeidae and Haleciidae (Coelenterata: Hydroida) recorded from Britain and nearby seas. The Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 28, 373 - 426.","Cornelius, P. F. S. & Calder, D. (1986) Filellum serpens (Hassall, 1848) (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): proposed conservation of both generic and specific names. A. N. (S.) 2508. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 43, 335 - 341.","Cornelius, P. F. S. 1995. North-west European thecate hydroids and their medusae. Part 1. The Linnean Society of London and The Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, Shrewsbury, 346 pp.","Calder, D. R. (1991) Shallow-water hydroids of Bermuda: The Thecatae, exclusive of Plumularioidea. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Contributions, 154, 1 - 140.","Hassall, A. H. (1848) Definitions of three new British zoophytes. Zoologist, 6, 2223.","Thomson, W. (1853) Notes on some British zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2 nd series, 11, 442 - 444.","Ralph, P. M. (1958) New Zealand thecate hydroids. Part II. Families Lafoeidae, Lineolariidae, Haleciidae and Syntheciidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 85, 301 - 356.","Rees, W. J. & Thursfield, S. (1965) The hydroid collections of James Ritchie. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 69, 34 - 220.","Vervoort, W. (1972) Hydroids from Theta, Vema and Yelcho cruises of the Lamont-Doherty geological observatory. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 120, 1 - 247.","Stechow, E. (1923) Zur Kenntnis der Hydroidenfauna des Mittelmeeres, Amerikas und anderer Gebiete. Zoologische Jahrbuche, 47, 29 - 270.","Hincks, T. (1855) Notes on British zoophytes, with descriptions of new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2 nd series, 15, 127 - 130.","Risso, A. 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Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij N. V., Leiden, 336 pp.","Stimpson, W. (1854) Synopsis of the marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan; or the region about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 6, 1 - 67.","Watson, J. E. (2002) Corystolona, a new hydroid genus (Leptolida: Leptothecatae) from southern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum Victoria, 59, 333 - 336.","Couch, R. Q. (1844) A Cornish fauna; being a compendium of the natural history of the county. Part III containing the zoophytes and calcareous corallines. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 162 pp.","Fleming, J. (1820) Observations on the natural history of the Sertularia gelatinosa of Pallas. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 2, 82 - 89.","MacGillivray, J. (1842) Catalogue of the marine zoophytes of the neighbourhood of Aberdeen. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9, 462 - 469.","Cornelius, P. F. S. (1982) Hydroids and medusae of the family Campanulariidae recorded from the eastern North Atlantic, with a world synopsis of genera. The Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 42, 37 - 148.","Totton, A. K. (1930) Coelenterata. Part V. Hydroida. British Antarctic (\" Terra Nova \") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report, Zoology, 5, 131 - 252.","Watson, J. E. (1973) Pearson Island Expedition 1969. 9. Hydroids. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 97 (3), 153 - 200.","Hartlaub, C. (1904) Hydroiden. Resultats du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica. Zoologie, 7, 1 - 19.","Briggs, E. A. (1938) Hydroida. Scientific Report of Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911 - 1914, 9, 1 - 46.","Hastings, A. B. (1943) Polyzoa (Bryozoa). I. Scrupocellariidae, Epistomiidae, Farciminariidae, Bicellariellidae, Aeteidae, Scrupariidae. Discovery Reports, 22, 301 - 510.","Millard, N. A. H. (1957) The Hydrozoa of False Bay, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 43, 173 - 243.","Clarke, S. F. (1879) Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico by Alexan- der Agassiz, 1877 - 78. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 5, 239 - 252.","Bulliard, J. B. F. (1791) Histoire des champignons de la France. Leblanc, Paris, 83, 1 - 368.","Hincks, T. (1856) Note on Reticularia immersa and Halia praetenuis. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2 nd series, 18, 469 - 471.","Broch, H. (1913) Hydroida from the \" Michael Sars \" North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910. Report on the Scientific Results of the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910, 3, 1 - 18.","Broch, H. (1928 a) Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostee. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Becker & Erler, Leipizig, 100 pp.","Broch, H. (1928 b) Die Tierwelt Deutschland und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise. Verlag von Gustav Fischer, Jena, 66 pp.","Broch, H. (1933) Zur Kenntnis der adriatischen Hydroidenfauna von Split. Arten und Variationen. Skrifer utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, I. Matematisk-Naturvidenskapelig Klasse, 4, 1 - 115.","Leloup, E. (1933) Contribution a la connaissance des hydropolypes de la cote des Pays-Bas. Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 9, 1 - 30.","Berezina, N. A. (1948) Opredelitel' fauny I flory severnykh morei SSSR. Sovetskaya Nauka, Otryad Leptolina, Moscow, 19 pp.","Leloup, E. (1935) Hydraires calyptoblastiques des Indes Occidentales. (Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Bonaire, Curacao und Aruba im Jahre 1930, Nº 13). Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 2, 1 - 73.","Kramp, P. L. (1913) Hydroids collected by the \" Tjalfe \" expedition to the west coast of Greenland in 1908 and 1909. Videnskablige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kobenhavn, 66, 1 - 36.","Broch, H. (1918) Hydroida. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, 5, 1 - 206.","Mathisen, O. (1928) Hydroids from northern Norway, with a list of unreported specimens in the Tromso Museum. Tromso Museums Aarshefter, 49, 1 - 40.","Remane, A. (1933) Verteilung und Organization der benthonischen Mikrofauna der Kieler Bucht. Wissenschaftliches Meeresuntersuchungen, Abteil Kiel, 21, 161 - 221.","Leloup, E. (1938) Quelques hydropolypes de la baie de Sagami, Japon. Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 14, 1 - 22.","Leloup, E. (1947) Les coelenteres de la faune Belge. Leur bibliographie et leurs distribuition. Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 107, 1 - 73.","Vervoort, W. (1942) Northern Hydroida in the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie and the Zoological Museum at Amsterdam, with notes on their distribution. Zoologische Mededelingen, 23, 275 - 312.","Vervoort, W. (1959) The Hydroida of the tropical west coast of Africa. Atlantide Report Scientific Results of the Danish Expedition to the coasts of tropical west Africa 1945 - 1946, 5, 211 - 235.","da Cunha, A. X. (1950) Nova contribuicao para o estudo dos hidropolipos das costas de Portugal (Colecao do Museu Bocage). Arquivos do Museu Bocage, 21, 121 - 144.","Arndt, E. A. (1964) Die neue Brehm-Bucherei. Ziemsen-Verlag, Tiere der Ostsee, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 197 pp.","Fey, A. (1970) Peuplements sessiles de l'archipel de Glenan. 1. Inventaire: hydraires. Vie et Milieu, 20, 387 - 413.","Fuller, H. (1970) Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland-Wirbellose I. Ed. 4. Volk & Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, Berlin, 33 pp.","Castric-Fey, A. (1973) Hydraires et Bryozoaires infralittoraux du plateau continental Sud-armoricain. I. Plateau de Rochebonne et Ile d'Yeu. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 14, 205 - 216.","Modeer, A. (1793) Inledning till kunskapen om maskkraken i allmanhet; 6 Classen. Vaxtliknande Maskkrak, Phytozoa. Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar, 14, 243 - 260.","Fraser, C. M. (1925) Some new and previously unreported hydroids, mainly from the Californian coast. University of California Publications in Zoology, 28, 167 - 172.","Jullien, J. (1880) Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Filellum. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 5, 290 - 292.","Nutting, C. C. (1905) Hydroids of the Hawaiian Islands collected by the steamer Albatross in 1902. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23, 931 - 959.","Levinsen, G. M. R. (1893) Meduser, ctenophorer og hydroider fra Gronlands vestkyst, tilligemed bemaerkninger om hydroidernes systematik. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, 5, 143 - 212, 215 - 220.","Dons, C. (1910) Zoologiske notiser I. Bermerkninger om forveksling av Folliculina med Filellum. Tromso Museums Aarshefter, 31 - 32, 189 - 194.","Vannucci, M. (1955) On the newly liberated medusa of Obelia hyalina Clarke 1879. Dusenia, 6 (1 - 2), 55 - 60.","Vannucci, M. (1949) Hydrozoa do Brasil. Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Zoologia, 99, 219 - 266.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2004 b) Antarctic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the families Campanulinidae, Lafoeidae and Campanulariidae from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 38, 2269 - 2303.","Garcia Corrales, P., Buencuerpo Arcas, V. & Peinado de Diego, M. V. (1979) Contribucion al conocimiento de los hidrozoos de las costas espanolas. Parte II: \" Lafoeidae \", \" Campanulinidae \", y \" Syntheciidae \". Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, 5, 5 - 39.","Watson, J. E. (2005) Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: Annotated list, redescription of species and description of new species. In: Weills, F. E., Walker, D. I. & Kendrick, G. A. (Eds), The marine flora and fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 495 - 612.","Antsulevich, A. E. (1987) Gidroidy shel'fa Kuril'skykh ostrovov (Hydroids from the shelf waters of Kurile Islands). Zoologicheskii Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 165 pp.","Schydlowsky, A. (1902) Materialy po faune gidroidov arkticheskikh morei. I. Gidroidy Belogo morya u beregov Solovetskikh ostrovov (Data on the hydroid fauna of the Arctic Seas I. Hydroids of the White Sea near the Coasts of the Solovetskie Islands). Trudy Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody pri Imperatorskom Khar'kovskom Universitete, 36, 3 - 268."]}
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40. Filellum bouvetensis Marques, Pe��a, Miranda & Migotto, 2011, sp. nov
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Filellum bouvetensis ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov. (Figure 2 A���D) Filellum contortum: Pe��a Cantero and Gili 2006: 766. Non Lafoea contorta Nutting, 1905: 945, pl. 3, fig. 6, pl. 9, figs. 8���9 [= Filellum contortum (Nutting, 1905)]. Type series. Holotype��� Filellum contortum (Nutting, 1905) (PS 65 /028), with coppiniae. Type locality. From the holotype, 54 o 22.49 ������ 54 o 22.54 ���S; 0 3 o 17.58 ������ 03o 17.21 ���E, 122���134m (Pe��a Cantero & Gili 2006: 765, 766). Material examined. ANTARCTIC OCEAN: Bouvet Island, PS 65 / 28 (25 November 2003, 122��� 134m), colonies epibiotic on various hydroids (Antarctoscyphus elongatus, Schizotricha multifurcata, Sertularella sanmatiasensis, Symplectoscyphus sp.); with coppinia. Description. Colonies stolonal, with filiform creeping hydrorhiza. Hydrotheca sessile, arising uprightly and almost completely free from hydrorhiza. When present, abcauline side of adnate part provided with a few striae. Hydrothecal aperture circular and slightly everted, usually with very long rim renovations. Free adcauline hydrothecal part 0.65 ��� 0.187 mm long. Hydrothecal aperture 0.18���0.25 mm wide. Coppiniae up to 4 mm wide and 2 mm high, some almost completely surrounding the stem of the host hydroid, forming a ring of ca. 4 mm wide. Coppinia composed of firmly adpressed gonothecae with long defensive tubes at periphery, arching over the centre of the gonothecal mass and forming a corbula-like structure. Defensive tubes unforked and with distal aperture. Gonothecae elongated, roughly polygonal in apical view, but with a rather inconstant arrangement in lateral view; distal most part of gonothecae usually free and with irregular shape. Gonothecal aperture circular, situated on a very short, frequently unconspicuous, non-everted distal neck, 0.55���0.6 mm high, 0.1���0.2 mm wide and aperture 0.55��� 0.6 mm wide. Cnidome composed of microbasic mastigophores (not seen discharged), 6.5���8.5 X 3 ���3.5 ��m. Distribution. Known only from Bouvet Island (Pe��a Cantero & Gili 2006). Remarks. The material from Bouvet Island, here described as Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov., was identified as Filellum contortum (Nutting, 1905) by Pe��a Cantero and Gili (2006). Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov. is similar to Nutting���s (1905) species in the shape and size of the hydrothecae having a very long free hydrothecal part. However, the new species has larger nematocysts than those found in the lectotype of F. c o nt o r tu m. Furthermore, as indicated above, Nutting���s species was deprived of coppinia, rendering it an insufficiently characterized species to properly assign new material to. Therefore we have decided to consider the abundant, fertile, well-preserved and characterized material from Bouvet suitable for the creation of a new species. Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov. is similar to F. a n t a rc t i c u m in the general shape of the coppinia, both with defensive tubes arching over the gonothecal mass, so that they form a sort of a corbula. Moreover, in dorsal view, the gonothecal aperture of F. bouvetensis sp. nov. is similar to that of F. a n t a rc t i c u m by the presence of a perisarc ring. However, in Hartlaub���s species the gonothecae lack any sort of neck and are distally homogeneous, being completely laterally adpressed. Both species also differ in the size and general proportions of the hydrothecae. Filellum bouvetensis sp. nov. also resembles F. conopeum Watson, 2003 in the structure of the coppinia with defensive tubes curving over the gonothecae. However, Watson (2003) described the coppinia as bud-shaped, ca. 1 mm wide and 1 mm high, whereas in F. bouvetensis they are corbula-shaped and up to 4 mm wide and 2 mm high. Anyway, both species are clearly distinguishable by the size and relative proportions of the hydrothecae. Here a new name is proposed for the Bouvet specimens, which can be clearly distinguished from the remaining known species of Filellum by the size of the nematocysts and hydrothecae, the structure of the coppinia and the shape and size of the gonothecae. Etymology. The name bouvetensis refers to Bouvet, the name of the remote Southern Ocean island where this species was found., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Pena Cantero, A. L. & Gili, J. M. (2006) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 29, 764 - 771.","Nutting, C. C. (1905) Hydroids of the Hawaiian Islands collected by the steamer Albatross in 1902. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23, 931 - 959."]}
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41. Filellum adhaerens Nutting 1901
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Filellum adhaerens ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum adhaerens (Nutting, 1901) (Figures 1 A���E) Lafoea adhaerens Nutting, 1901: 178, pl. 21, figs. 3���4. Filellum adherens: Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 299 ��� 230. Type series. Neotype��� Lafoea adhaerens Nutting, 1901, former University of California no. 5245 (Nutting 1901 and specimen���s label) (USNM 43728). Type locality. From the neotype, Harriman Expedition 1899, Kodiak Harbor, Alaska, epibiotic on Abietinaria turgida (Clark, 1876). The data coincide with those of the original description. Material examined. Neotype USNM 43728. Description of neotype. Colony stolonal, growing on stem and branches of Abietinaria turgida (Clark, 1876), arising from a creeping filiform, though flattened, hydrorhiza, 0.07���0.08 mm wide; hydrorhizal tubes and hydrothecae covered by a thin sheath (possibly produced by the host), with anastomosed perisarc, forming a tight mesh with no free space left in some parts of the sertulariid substrate. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, varying in form, from almost completely adnate to substratum (either parallel to or over the hydrorhizal stolon), to provided with a short free part (especially both where substrate ends and where hydrothecae ascend one another). Hydrothecae irregularly curved in diverse patterns, in varied degrees to horizontal plane, rarely emerging from substrate plane. Perisarc tube connecting hydrothecae and hydrorhiza thinner than hydrothecae themselves. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.32���0.53 mm (0.41 �� 0.08, n= 10) long, perisarc smooth; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.00��� 0.19 mm (0.08 �� 0.06, n= 10) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae not widening distally, margin even and smooth, with up to 4 renovations, rarely slightly flaring; hydrothecal aperture circular, 0.12���0.14 mm (0.13 �� 0.01, n= 10) wide, perpendicular to axis of free part of hydrotheca. Hydranths not seen. Gonothecae packed in coppinia up to 2 mm wide. Gonothecae closely set, contiguous, perimeters distinct in dorsal view, general form elongated flask-shaped. Gonothecae 0.47���0.70 mm (0.54 �� 0.06, n= 10) high (from substrate to distal plateau), with narrowest part adnate to substratum, distal part widening until forming a distal plateau varying from flattened to roof-shaped, plateau 0.14���0.24 mm (0.18 �� 0.03, n= 10) wide; apical part with distal short neck, 0.01���0.03 mm (0.02 �� 0.01, n= 10) high (from plateau to aperture), bearing circular aperture, 0.03���0.05 mm (0.04 �� 0.01, n= 10) wide, rim even, not flared, without renovations. Protective tubes present, curved, hollow, with distal aperture, arising amongst gonothecae; some protective tubes merge with each other. Planulae diameter larger than gonothecal aperture. Nematocysts not seen. Distribution. Filellum adhaerens was recorded only at the type locality, Kodiak Harbor, Alaska by Nutting (1901). Remarks. There is a single specimen of the paratype of Filellum adhaerens (Nutting, 1901), originally Lafoea adhaerens Nutting, 1901, in the collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (USNM 43728). This specimen has the same information as the original description on its label, which states: ��� paratype undoubtedly type lost���has Nutting���s label���. Indeed, as far as we know, there is no other specimen of the type series and, therefore, we designate the material USNM 43728 as the neotype of Lafoea adhaerens Nutting, 1901. Nutting (1901: 178), in the original description of Lafoea adhaerens, remarked that ���this interesting species is so different in appearance from the others of the genus that I was at first inclined to make it the type of a new genus���. The author described the species as ���forming an encrusting mass of adherent rootstocks disposed both longitudinally and transversely over colonies of other hydroids, the tubes of the rootstock interwoven much like the threads of a fabric. Hydrothecae sessile, tubular, often more or less curved, aperture facing upwards, entire; margin slightly expanded. The hydrothecae are very irregularly disposed, being much more crowded in some places than in others��� (Nutting 1901: 174). Inconsistently with his assignment, he described Filellum as ���stem a creeping, slender rootstock, parasitic on other hydroids, often forming a reticulate structure. Hydrothecae curved, decumbent, and partly adherent; margin entire, without operculum��� (Nutting 1901: 179). Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the species was correctly assigned to Filellum (Stechow 1913 b: 30; see also Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 299). Filellum adhaerens is a species characterized by the structure of its coppinia, with the juxtaposed bottle-shaped gonothecae with a short distal neck and protective tubes amongst the gonothecae. Nutting (1901) considered the coppinia similar to that of Lafoea dumosa (Fleming, 1820) and described it as ���being composed of closely packed gonangia interspersed with long, tubular, variously curved modified hydrothecae. The gonangia are flask-shaped, with a tubular neck and small aperture��� (Nutting 1901: 178)., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 5-7, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Nutting, C. C. (1901) Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XXI. The hydroids. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 3, 157 - 216.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Clark, S. F. (1876) Report on the hydroids collected on the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian islands by W. H. Dall, U. S. Coast Survey and party from 1871 to 1874 inclusive. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1876, 209 - 235.","Stechow, E. (1913 b) Hydroidpolypen der japanische Ostkuste. II. Teil: Campanularidae, Halecidae, Campanulinidae und Sertularidae, nebst Erganzungen zu den Athecata und Plumularidae. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 3, 1 - 162.","Fleming, J. (1820) Observations on the natural history of the Sertularia gelatinosa of Pallas. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 2, 82 - 89."]}
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42. Filellum bouvieri Jullien 1880
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Filellum bouvieri ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum bouvieri Jullien, 1880 Filellum Bouvieri Jullien, 1880: 291 ���292, figure not numbered.? Filellum bouvieri: Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 301. Type series. We found no information on the type specimens of Filellum bouvieri Jullien, 1880, and none may exist. Distribution. Filellum bouvieri was only recorded from the Cape Verde Islands in its original description by Jullien (1880). Remarks. Filellum bouvieri was described by Jullien (1880: 291) from material collected in Cape Verde Islands, diagnosed by the hydrorhizae ���gr��les, corn��es, non entrelac��es���, with branching points ���naissant ordinairement �� angle droit les uns des autres��� and ���tortueux, alternes���. There is a single hydrotheca at the ramification diagnosed as ���p��doncul��e��� and composed of two parts, ���l'une rampante et post��rieure est renfl��e en son milieu��� and ���l'autre dress��e quelquefois jusqu'�� angle droit sur la premi��re���. The hydrotheca is ���cylindrique��� and with ���une ouverture un peu ��vas��e���. According to Jullien (1880: 292), F. bouvieri is different from F. s e r p e n s because it has hydrorhizae ���beaucoup plus gr��les��� and hydrothecae ���plus coud��es���. However, as remarked by Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998: 301), the material described by Jullien (1880) was not fertile and trophosomal characters are not enough to distinguish it from the other species of Filellum. Specimens of F. bouvieri were never collected since the original description and, therefore, the validity of this species is dubious (see also Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 301). We consider it as species inquirenda., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on page 22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Jullien, J. (1880) Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Filellum. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 5, 290 - 292.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315."]}
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43. Filellum adnatum Fraser 1925
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Filellum adnatum ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum adnatum (Fraser, 1925) Figures 5 A���C Lafoea adnata Fraser, 1925: 170 ���171, figs. 5 a���b. Type series. Lectotype��� Lafoea adnata Fraser, 1925 (BCPM 976 - 324 - 1). Type locality. From the lectotype, United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer ���Albatross���, ���near Farallon Islands [California], in 33���35 fathoms [59���63 m], on algae, bryozoa, and other hydroids��� (Fraser 1925: 171). Material examined. Lectotype BCPM 976 - 324 - 1. Description of lectotype. Colony stolonal growing on algae, with filiform creeping hydrorhiza, 0.08���0.1 mm wide; hydrorhizal tubes and hydrothecae reticulated, with anastomosed perisarc, forming a more or less tight mesh. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, varying in form, from almost completely adnate to substratum (either parallel to or over hydrorhizal stolon) to provided with a short free part. Perisarc tubes between hydrothecae and hydrorhiza thinner than hydrothecae themselves. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.24���0.46 mm (0.34 �� 0.07, n= 10) long, slightly constricted at base, perisarc with numerous striae on upper part up to hydrothecal curvature; free part cylindrical, arising at angles larger than 60 o, mostly 90 o, smooth, 0.2���0.32 mm (0.25 �� 0.05, n= 10) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae widening distally, margin even and smooth, with up to three renovations; hydrothecal orifice circular, 0.16���0.2 mm (0.19 �� 0.01, n= 10) wide, perpendicular to long axis of free part of hydrotheca. Hydranths badly preserved, with ca. 8���10 tentacles, hypostome conical. Hydranths, when retracted, lying at adnate space of hydrothecae. Coppinia absent. Nematocysts of one category (heterotrichous microbasic?mastigophores), but of two size classes (not seen discharged): 6.0���7.0 X 2.5 ���3.0 ��m (6.45 �� 0.50 X 2.76 �� 0.5, n= 10), rice-shaped and common, and 22.0���25.0 X 8.0���10.0 ��m (23.50 �� 1.12 X 8.80 �� 0.76, n= 5), ovoid and rare. Distribution. Filellum adnatum was recorded only for the Farallon Islands (California) by Fraser (1925). Remarks. Fraser (1925: 170���171) described Lafoea adnata as a new species with hydrotheca ���attached to a reticulate stolon, with no definite pedicels, although there is a definite constriction at the base of each; in nearly all cases the wall of the hydrotheca is attached to the stolon for a part of its length but the proportion varies very materially���. However, the specimen described by Fraser (1925) does not refer to Lafoea, a genus with ���colonies occasionally stolonial but usually erect, branched, with a polysiphonic hydrocaulus. Hydrothecae pedicellate, usually free from stem or stolon��� (Calder 1991: 36). The specimen designated as lectotype of Lafoea adnata Fraser 1925 is stolonal with sessile hydrothecae and, therefore, should be assigned to the genus Filellum. Although not remarked on by Fraser (1925), the material described by him is striated on the adnate part of the hydrotheca, a characteristic also observed in F. antarcticum, F. magnificum, F. nitidum and F. serratum. Inasmuch as the material lacks coppiniae, its identification is uncertain and, therefore, the taxon is here considered as species inquirenda., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 20-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Fraser, C. M. (1925) Some new and previously unreported hydroids, mainly from the Californian coast. University of California Publications in Zoology, 28, 167 - 172.","Calder, D. R. (1991) Shallow-water hydroids of Bermuda: The Thecatae, exclusive of Plumularioidea. Royal Ontario Museum, Life Sciences Contributions, 154, 1 - 140."]}
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44. Filellum parasiticum Antsulevich 1987
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Filellum parasiticum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum parasiticum (Antsulevich, 1987) (Figure 4 A���B) Lineolaria parasitica Antsulevich, 1987: 57 ���58, fig. 14. Filellum parasiticum: Antsulevich and Vervoort 1993: 431 ���433, figs. 1 a���b, 2 a���b; Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 302. Type series. Holotype��� Lineolaria parasitica Antsulevich, 1987, infertile colony on Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) (ZIRAS no. 10051 / 1). Paratypes��� Lineolaria parasitica Antsulevich, 1987, infertile colony on Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) (ZIRAS no. 2 / 10052); infertile colony on Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) (ZIRAS no. 3 / 10052.1); infertile colony on Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) (RMNH Coel. No. 26770 sample and 3 slides no. 1820). Type locality. From the holotype and paratypes, central part of Sea of Okhotsk, SE of Iona Island, depth 160 m, 4 August 1986, leg. AV Smirnoff. Material examined. Holotype ZIRAS 10051 / 1; Paratypes ZIRAS 2 / 10052; ZIRAS 3 / 10052.1; RMNH Coel. 26770 (sample and 3 slides no. 1820). Description of holotype. (Complemented with data from Antsulevich 1987: 57���58; after translation in Antsulevich & Vervoort 1993: 432���433): Colony stolonal, with filiform, although flattened, creeping hydrorhiza, 0.055���0.074 mm wide, growing over 20 mm long fragment of stem and proximal parts of branches of Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758); hydrorhizal tubes and hydrothecae with anastomosed perisarc, forming a more or less tight mesh with no free space in some parts of the sertulariid substrate. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, usually completely adnate to substratum, parallel to, or over hydrorhizal stolon or, exceptionally, with short free part at end of substrate or in case of overlapping hydrothecae. Hydrothecae irregularly curved to varied degree in diverse patterns with horizontal plane, but not emerging from substrate plane. Perisarc tube of hydrorhiza thinner than hydrothecae. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.42��� 0.60 mm (0.52 �� 0.05, n= 10) long, perisarc smooth; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.00��� 0.08 mm (0.03 �� 0.03, n= 10) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae not widening distally, margin even and smooth; many hydrothecae laterally depressed, with no renovations, rarely slightly flaring; hydrothecal aperture near circular, 0.12���0.16 mm (0.14 �� 0.01, n= 10) wide, perpendicular to long axis of hydrotheca. Hydranths 0.12���0.20 mm high (0.16 �� 0.02, n= 10), 0.10���0.14 mm wide (0.12 �� 0.01, n= 10) at base of tentacles, with ca. 10���16 tentacles, hypostome conical. Hydranths, when retracted, lying at base of the hydrothecae, with very truncated base. Sometimes coenosarc preceding hydranth expanded laterally. Gonothecae not seen. Nematocysts of one category, heterotrichous microbasic euryteles (not seen discharged), 5.5���7.5 X 2.5���3.5 ��m (6.15 �� 0.41 X 2.90 �� 0.39, n= 10), bean-shaped, common. Description of paratypes. Colonies stolonal, with filiform although flattened and creeping hydrorhiza, growing over 5 mm (ZIRAS 2 / 10052) and 40 mm (ZIRAS 3 / 10052.1) long portions of stem and branches of Abietinaria abietina; hydrorhizal tubes and hydrothecae with anastomosed perisarc, forming a cover in some parts of the sertulariid substrate. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, usually completely adnate to substratum, parallel to, or over hydrorhizal stolon or, maximally, with short free part either at end of substrate, or in case of overlapping hydrothecae, or renovations of hydrothecae resulting in an ascending free part. Hydrothecae irregularly curved to varied degree in diverse patterns at horizontal plan, occasionally from substrate plane. Perisarc tube of hydrorhiza thinner than hydrothecae. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.33��� 0.38 mm (0.35 �� 0.02, n= 7) long, perisarc smooth; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.00��� 0.08 mm (0.05 �� 0.03, n= 11) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae not widening distally, margin even and smooth, many laterally depressed with projections of abcaulinar and adcaulinar walls, with up to 6 renovations emerging from substrate plane, rarely slightly flaring; hydrothecal aperture near circular, 0.11���0.15 mm (0.13 �� 0.02, n= 9) wide, perpendicular to long axis of hydrotheca. Hydranths, when retracted, lying at base of the hydrothecae, with very truncated base. Sometimes coenosarc preceding hydranth expanded laterally. Gonothecae not seen. Nematocysts of two categories: heterotrichous microbasic euryteles (not seen discharged), approximately same dimensions as holotype, bean-shaped, common; heterotrichous microbasic mastigophores (not seen discharged), rice-shaped, only one nematocyst seen, 15.5 X 4 ��m. Additional data. Antsulevich and Vervoort (1993: 432���433) described the gonosome of the species: ���the gonosome is a typical coppinia, surrounding an internode of A. abietina for length of 3 mm. Gonothecae closely packed, contiguous laterally, usually 5���6 sided as viewed from above but many varied in shape; slender, invertedpyramidal, apically contracted and there with remarkable short neck leading to circular rim. Protecting tubes numerous, arising between gonothecae, usually curving���. Distribution. Filellum parasiticum is only known from the Okhotsk Sea and Kurile Islands, NE Pacific. Remarks. This species was originally included in the genus Lineolaria for the Kuril Islands, northern hemisphere (Antsulevich 1987). Watson (1992: 81) considered the species ���to have closer affinities with the Lafoeidae than with the Lineolariidae ���, and Antsulevich and Vervoort (1993: 431���433) transferred the species to the genus Filellum after the study of fertile material with coppinia. Examination of the paratypes revealed some interesting differences and a complementary knowledge in relation to the holotype of F. parasiticum. The first important difference is the presence of renovations in this material. Unlike the holotype, these renovations are present in several hydrothecae, becoming free part not only because of the end of the substrate (as seen in the holotype). Another distinct and important difference is the presence of the rice-shaped microbasic mastigophore nematocysts. This type of nematocyst is apparently the basic type of other Lafoeidae (except for Cryptolarella; see Marques et al. 2006 a) and its occurrence would be expected in F. parasiticum as well. However, after 5 preparations, only one of these nematocysts was seen. The rarity of the nematocyst is, however, indicative of the difficulties in assigning its presence in the species of Filellum. Antsulevich and Vervoort (1993: 431���433) examined 18 colonies, one of them fertile, equally gathered from the Sea of Okhotsk (northern part, at 120 m and 150 m; central part, SE from St Jonas Is., at 147 m and 160 m, and SE of Cape Terpeniya, Sakhalin Is., at 396 m, 750 m and 1960���2000 m), growing on Abietinaria abietina, although one was growing on Sertularia sp. The fertile colony had a coppinia and, therefore, the authors transferred the species to the genus Filellum, under the name F. parasiticum (Antsulevich, 1987). The material with coppinia does not constitute part of the type series. Although it is supposedly present in the collections of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Russia (ZIRAS), St. Petersburg (see Antsulevich & Vervoort 1993: 431), it could not be located (S. Stepan���yants, pers. comm.). Reanalysis of the material described by Antsulevich and Vervoort (1993), with special emphasis on the cnidome composition, is most wanted because their specimen may possibly belong to a different species. The hydrothecae and hydrorhiza of F. adhaerens form a mesh laying on the substrate, somewhat similar to the pattern observed in F. parasiticum. However, F. parasiticum was considered distinguishable ���from other species of the genus by the long adnate part of hydrotheca and rather shorter free portion, by anastomosing hydrorhiza and closely packed hydrothecae forming a discontinuous carpet...the gonotheca of F. parasiticum has a short neck lacking in F. s e r p e n s (Hassall, 1848) (cf. Naumov 1960; 1969) and F. s e r r a tu m (Clarke, 1879) (cf. Ritchie 1911; Millard 1975)��� (Antsulevich and Vervoort 1993: 443, although we observed a short neck in F. serratum), similar characteristics to those listed by Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998: 302: ���characterized by the prostrate hydrothecae, typically fully adnate to the substratum, though towards the periphery of the colony the distal one-fourth to one-fifth of the hydrotheca curves upwards, being free from the substratum... frequent anastomoses of the hydrothecae and hydrorhizal stolons forming a continuous layer completely covering the substratum���)., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 15-17, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Antsulevich, A. E. (1987) Gidroidy shel'fa Kuril'skykh ostrovov (Hydroids from the shelf waters of Kurile Islands). Zoologicheskii Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 165 pp.","Antsulevich, A. E. & Vervoort, W. (1993) Some little-known species of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Lafoeidae) and description of Papilionella pterophora gen. nov., spec. nov. (Sertulariidae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 67, 431 - 443.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I, editio decima, reformata, Holmiae, Laurentii Salvii, 823 pp.","Watson, J. E. (1992) Revision of the family Lineolariidae Allman, 1864 (Hydrozoa: Hydroida). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 104, 81 - 87.","Marques, A. C., Pena Cantero, A. L. & Migotto, A. E. (2006 a) An overview of the phylogeny of the families Lafoeidae and Hebellidae (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata): their composition and classification. Invertebrate Systematics, 20, 43 - 58.","Hassall, A. H. (1848) Definitions of three new British zoophytes. Zoologist, 6, 2223.","Naumov, D. V. (1960) Gidroidi i gidromedusy morskikh, solonovatovodnykh i presnovodnykh basseinov SSSR. Opredeleteli pro faune SSSR, 70, 1 - 626.","Naumov, D. V. (1969) Hydroids and Hydromedusae of the USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jerusalem, 660 pp.","Clarke, S. F. (1879) Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico by Alexan- der Agassiz, 1877 - 78. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 5, 239 - 252.","Ritchie, J. (1911) Hydrozoa (hydroid zoophytes and Stylasterina) of the ' Thetis' expedition. Memoirs of the Australian Museum, 4, 807 - 869.","Millard, N. A. H. (1975) Monograph on the Hydroida of Southern Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 68, 1 - 513."]}
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45. Filellum magnificum Pena Cantero, Svoboda and Vervoort 2004
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Filellum magnificum ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum magnificum Pe��a Cantero, Svoboda and Vervoort, 2004 b Filellum magnificum Pe��a Cantero et al., 2004 b: 2287 ���2289, figs. 2g ���h, 5 a���c; Pe��a Cantero 2010: 765, figs. 3 d, e. Type series. Holotype��� Filellum magnificum Pe��a Cantero et al., 2004 b, several hydrothecae on Billardia subrufa, with coppinia (RMNH-Coel. 30789) (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2271, 2287). Type locality. From the holotype, Weddell Sea, Antarctic, ANT II- 4 Stn 502, 21 February 1984, several hydrothecae on Billardia subrufa, with coppinia (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2271). Material examined. German Polarstern Antarctic Cruises: ANT I- 2 Stn 135, off Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea (73 �� 41.6 ���S; 20 �� 55.3 ���W, 205m, 8 February 1983), on Stegella lobata (RMNH- Coel. 30779); ANT II- 4 Stn 474, off Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea (76 �� 56.7 ���S; 49 �� 44.0���W, 220m, 14 February 1984), on Billardia subrufa (RMNH-Coel. 30788); ANT II- 4 Stn 502, Weddell Sea (21 February 1984), on B. subrufa, with coppinia (holotype, RMNH-Coel. 30789); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-481 (74.74 �� S; 61.13 �� W, off Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea, 620���640m, 15 February 1990), on spicules of a sponge (RMNH-Coel. 30802); ANT IX- 3 Stn 158 (72 �� 21.8 ���S; 16 �� 42.1 ���W, off Cape Norvegia, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea, 623m, 13 February 1991), on B. subrufa (RMNH-Coel. 30806). Spanish Bentart 2003 Expedition: Stn 5 A, south of Peter I Island (68 �� 56 ��� 37 ��������� 68 �� 56 ��� 43 ������S; 90 �� 35 ��� 50 ��������� 90 �� 35 ��� 19 ������W, 124 m, 4 February 2003), on the ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa, with coppiniae; Stn 8 A, east of Peter I Island (68 �� 50 ���05��������� 68 �� 50 ��� 16 ������S; 90 �� 21 ��� 15 ��������� 90 �� 21 ��� 16 ������W, 85���86 m, 6 February 2003), on Schizotricha vervoorti, Symplectoscyphus glacialis and? Tubularia stem, with coppinia; Stn 8 T, east of Peter I Island (68 �� 50 ���08������S; 90 �� 21 ��� 17 ������W, 87 m, 6 February 2003), on Schizotricha vervoorti, with coppiniae. Description. (After Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2287): Colony stolonal, composed of creeping stolons giving rise to partially sessile hydrothecae. Hydrotheca tubular, sock-shaped, and adnate to substratum for just a tiny portion. Hydrothecal aperture circular, 169���208 ��m wide; rim even and smooth, though indistinctly everted. Free part of hydrotheca, 436���670 ��m long, directed upwards at varied degrees, frequently with few, long renovations. Adnate part of hydrothecae, 208���300 ��m long, provided with a few striae on dorsal side. Cnidome consisting of two size-classes of nematocysts (e.g. ANT II- 4 Stn 502): small (6.5���7.2 X 2.9 ��m) and occasionally large (18.2 X 5.2 ��m) capsules. In material from ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-481 only the small nematocysts were observed (5.9���7.2 X 2.6���3.3 ��m). Coppinia consisting of firmly adpressed gonothecae with defensive tubes. Gonothecae 423���455 ��m long, 98��� 111 ��m wide, aperture circular, 52���58 ��m wide, on a short and distinctly everted distal neck. Defensive tubes situated on periphery of the group of gonothecae, but also arising amongst them, and provided with large, distal, circular aperture. Distribution. Filellum magnificum has been recorded only for the Antarctic, ���at depths from 205 to 640 m [���] south and east coasts of the Weddell Sea (off Ronne Ice Shelf, off Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf and off Cape Norvegia, Princess Martha Coast)��� (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2289) and the south and east coast of Peter I Island, in the Bellingshausen Sea (Pe��a Cantero 2010). Remarks. See Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b: 2288���2289)., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on page 14, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2004 b) Antarctic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the families Campanulinidae, Lafoeidae and Campanulariidae from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 38, 2269 - 2303.","Pena Cantero, A. L. (2010) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Peter I Island (Southern Ocean, Antarctica). Polar Biology, 33, 761 - 773."]}
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46. Filellum annulatum Watson 1973
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy ,Filellum annulatum - Abstract
Filellum annulatum (Watson, 1973) Reticularia annulata Watson, 1973: 164, figs. 5���6. Filellum annulatum: El Beshbeeshy 1991: 71 ���73, figs. 15 a���b; Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 299. Non Corystolona annulata: Watson 2002: 334 ���335, figs. 1 a���e. Type series. Holotype������ NMV G 1922, microslide; G 2091, preserved material, remainder of holotype colony���S [denoting the sheltered side of Pearson Island], 17 m, on a small calcareous bryozoa��� (Watson 1973: 164). Type material was not examined. Type locality. From the holotype, sheltered side of Pearson Island, Great Australian Bight (Watson 1973). Remarks. Watson (1973) described and figured Reticularia annulata as a new species assigned to the family Lafoeidae. When Reticularia was recognized as a preoccupied name for a brachiopod, the species referred to this genus were assigned to the genus Filellum by Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998) (see discussion above). Watson (1973: 164) characterized her species ���by the close thecal rings [���] of uniform size, and the distance between them varies little along the entire length of the hydrotheca. They have developed by continuous apical reduplication during growth of the hydrotheca, the flange of each rib being a relict margin���. Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998: 299) considered Reticularia annulata Watson, 1973 actually to belong to the pterobranch hemichordate genus Rhabdopleura, but the authors gave no arguments supporting their conclusion. Filellum annulatum was subsequently recorded from Patagonia and redescribed in the dissertation of El Beshbeeshy (1991), including details and figure of the hydranth. El Beshbeeshy���s data undoubtedly refer to a hydroid and, most likely, to a species of Filellum. Whether the specimens assigned to F. annulatum by El Beshbeeshy are conspecific to the geographically distant material originally described by Watson is open to question. Watson (2002) proposed the new hydroid genus Corystolona, assigned it to the family Clavidae, and mistakenly placed it in ���Leptothecatae���. The holotype of the type species of Corystolona annulata (Watson, 1973) is NMV G 1922, as described by her in 1973. However, Watson (2002: 333) also collected ���Abundant colonies of a hydroid previously described as Reticularia annulata Watson, 1973 ��� and, based on this new material [(see Watson 2002: 334: ���Description (of Tasmanian material)���], redescribed and provided illustrations (her Figure 1) of a specimen that is undoubtedly a member of ��� Clavidae ��� (today considered part of family Oceaniidae, see Schuchert 2009). The rationale of the redescription and new assignment was that ���the small sample of Reticularia annulata from Pearson Island in the eastern Great Australian Bight had deeply withdrawn, partly decomposed, sterile hydranths and disposition of the specimen on the bryozoan host was such that the bases of the hydrocauli were obscured; the specimen was thus mistakenly referred to Reticularia Thomson, 1853 (junior synonym, Filellum Hincks, 1868). The smaller dimension of the type compared with those of the present specimens is almost certainly due [to] its being a young, infertile colony while the Tasmanian material ranges from young to aged��� (Watson 2002: 334). The dimensions of perisarc of the two specimens are obviously different, as well as their trophosomal morphology. Watson (2002) neither remarked about the reassignment of her species made by Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998) as a hemichordate, nor its subsequent redescription by El Beshbeeshy (1991). We believe that the two papers by Watson describe different species; the 1973 one being a Filellum, and the 2002 one being a species of Anthoathecata and indeed a new species of Oceaniidae. However, once Watson (2002) explicitly considered Corystolona annulata as linked to the holotype NMV G 1922, both the species and generic name shall not be considered for nomenclatural purposes, because the holotype was intended to be a Filellum, not an oceaniid. Therefore, we consider F. annulatum a valid name based on the holotype material NMV G 1922 (a microslide, and the remainder preserved material of the holotype colony NMV G 2091). The Tasmanian material NMV F 91280 (malinol mounted microslide, female colony, Port of Launceston, Tasmania, colonies from bryozoans on wharf pilings 1���4 m, Aquenal Pty Ltd, May, 2001, see Watson 2002: 334) undoubtedly represents a species of Corydendriinae (sensu Schuchert, 2004), and perhaps even the genus Corydendrium van Beneden, 1844, whose description was emended as ���erect, branching or stolonal hydroid colonies [���]��� (Schuchert, 2004: 335), therefore encompassing the diagnostic character ���strictly stolonal colonies��� (Watson, 2002: 334) presented by Corystolona., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 7-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Watson, J. E. (1973) Pearson Island Expedition 1969. 9. Hydroids. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 97 (3), 153 - 200.","El Beshbeeshy, M. (1991) Systematische, morphologische und zoogeographische unter-suchungen an den Thekaten Hydroiden des Patagonoschen schelfs. PhD Dissertation. Hamburg University, Hamburg, 390 pp.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Watson, J. E. (2002) Corystolona, a new hydroid genus (Leptolida: Leptothecatae) from southern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum Victoria, 59, 333 - 336.","Schuchert, P. (2009) World Hydrozoa database. Available from http: // www. marinespecies. org / hydrozoa (accessed 24 October 2011).","Thomson, W. (1853) Notes on some British zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2 nd series, 11, 442 - 444.","Hincks, T. (1868) A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. John van Voorst, London, 338 pp.","Schuchert, P. (2004) Revision of the European athecate hydroids and their medusa (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria): families Oceanidae and Pachycordylidae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 111, 315 - 369."]}
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47. Filellum disaggregatum Pena Cantero, Garcia Carrascosa and Vervoort 1998
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Filellum disaggregatum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero, Garc��a Carrascosa and Vervoort, 1998 (Figure 3 A���C) Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998: 308 ���311, figs. 3 a���d, 4 a���e; Pe��a Cantero and Garc��a Carrascosa 2002: 53. Type series. Holotype��� Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998, alcohol specimen with coppiniae (University of Valencia Coel. No. 26 /MED CONG 57). Paratype��� Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998, (RMNH Coel. no. 27771, two slides no. 3558) (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 298). Type locality. From the holotype and paratype, Chafarinas Islands, Mediterranean Sea, Stn. CONG 57, sunk boat, on algae, 10.5 m, August 1991, leg. University of Valencia (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 298, 308). Material examined. CHAFARINAS ISLANDS: CONG 57 (��� 10.5 m depth���, 4 August 1991, ���Barco hundido���), several colonies on the algae Cystoseira spinosa Sauvageau, Rhodymenia sp. and Acrosorium uncinatum (Turner) Kylin; with coppiniae��� (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 298, 308), holotype and paratype of Filellum disaggregatum Pe��a Cantero et al., 1998 (University of Valencia Coel. No. 26 / MED CONG 57, RMNH Coel. no. 27771, two slides no. 3558, respectively). Description of holotype. Colonies stolonal, arising from a filiform and creeping hydrorhiza growing on diverse substrata; hydrorhizal tubes 0.04���0.06 mm wide, with anastomosed perisarc, forming a more or less tight mesh, depending on substratum. Hydrothecae sessile, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, more than half of their total length adnate to substratum, parallel to hydrorhizal stolon, free part emerging from substrate plane at angles wide than 45 o, usually 90 o. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.25���0.33 mm (0.30 �� 0.03, n= 11) long, perisarc smooth; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.12���0.25 mm (0.18 �� 0.04, n= 11) long; perisarc moderately thin; hydrothecae widening distally, margin even and smooth, with up to four renovations, tenuous flaring; hydrothecal aperture circular, 0.06���0.12 mm (0.09 �� 0.02, n= 11) wide, perpendicular to long axis of free part of hydrotheca. Hydranths 0.06���0.13 mm high (0.09 �� 0.02, n= 10), 0.08���0.11 mm wide (0.10 �� 0.01, n= 10) at the base of tentacles, with ca. 12���16 filiform tentacles, hypostome conical. Hydranths, when retracted, lying on the adnate space of the hydrothecae. Gonothecae arranged in coppinia, up to 3 mm wide, varying from closely to more loosely packed, their limits distinct in dorsal view. Gonothecae 0.18���0.24 mm (0.21 �� 0.02, n= 10) high (from substrate to aperture), with widest part adnate to substratum, distal part bent away from substratum; general form variable, from flask-shaped to pyriform, with variable diameter up to distal part, apical part with distal neck bearing circular (sometimes oval) aperture, 0.05��� 0.07 mm (0.06 �� 0.01, n= 10) wide, rim even and flared, occasionally with up to three renovations. Protective tubes absent, defensive function made by hydrothecae around or among gonothecae. Planulae complete their development outside gonothecae, connected to them through a mucous thread; planulae diameter larger than gonothecal aperture. Nematocysts of one category, heterotrichous microbasic mastigophores (not seen discharged), 21���23 X 4.5��� 5.5 ��m (22.10 �� 0.88 X 5.00 �� 0.33, n= 10), rice-shaped, common. Distribution. Filellum disaggregatum was recorded only for the Chafarinas Islands, Alboran Sea (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998). Remarks. The trophosomal morphology of Filellum disaggregatum is indistinguishable from that of F. s e rpens, and both species may be differentiated only by their coppiniae. The coppinia of F. disaggregatum is unique among species of Filellum, with pyriform gonothecae, with long necks, irregularly distributed through the coppinia and lacking protective tubes (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998)., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 12-14, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Pena Cantero, A. L. & Garcia Carrascosa, AM. (2002) The benthic hydroid fauna of the Chafarinas Islands (Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 337, 3 - 180."]}
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48. Filellum conopeum Watson 2003
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Peña, Álvaro L., Miranda, Thaís P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Filellum conopeum ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum conopeum Watson, 2003 Filellum conopeum Watson, 2003: 159 ���160, figs. 9 a���c. Type series. Holotype��� Filellum conopeum Watson, 2003, malinol-mounted microslide, sparse fertile colony on stem of Acryptolaria patagonica (NMV F 91342) (Watson 2003: 159). Type locality. From the holotype, off Macquarie Island (53 ˚ 55.8��S��� 53 ˚ 55.7��S; 159 ˚ 5.5��E��� 159 ˚ 4.7��E), 453 m, (Watson 2003). Description. See Watson (2003: 159���160). Distribution. Filellum conopeum is known only from its original description, off Macquarie Island (53 ˚ 55.8����� 53 ˚ 55.7��S; 159 ˚ 5.5����� 159 ˚ 4.7��E) (Watson 2003). Remarks. Filellum conopeum was described by Watson (2003: 159) as bearing ���Hydrothecae stolonal [���]. Proximal quarter to one third of hydrotheca adnate to stolon, dorsal abcauline wall furrowed by many close, sharpedged ridges with minute ragged frill of perisarc; ridges fading on adnate wall. Adnate wall becoming free at a sharp upward bend, free part cylindrical or weakly expanding from bend to margin, free part straight to broadly curved, walls smooth, occasionally with several regenerations. Margin circular, transverse, with smooth, distinctly everted rim. Perisarc of walls fairly thick, thinning distally. Hydranth with c. 12 tentacles and clavate hypostome���. Trophosome features of F. conopeum are found in other species of the genus, such as F. serratum, F. a n t a rc t i c u m or F. magnificum, so they alone do not allow a proper identification of the species, although F. mangnificum differs from Watson���s species by the distinctly larger hydrothecae, particularly in relation to the diameter of the hydrothecal aperture. As with other species of the genus, truly diagnostic characters of F. conopeum are based on features of the coppiniae: ���Coppinia bud-shaped, c. 1 mm wide and 1 mm high, comprising many tightly packed gonothecae enclosed within a cone of protective nematophorous tubules. Gonotheca flask-shaped (lateral view), base rounded, body expanding a little from base to shoulder then narrowing into a short straight or slightly curved neck tapering to a circular aperture; in transverse view gonothecae polygonal. Nematophorous tubules similar in length, not forked, conjoined just above gonothecae then becoming free, most narrowing distally and inwardly curved to meet above gonotheca; terminal orifice circular. Perisarc of gonothecae and tubes moderately thick; perisarc of tubes somewhat roughened. Planulae enclosed in gonothecae small, spherical.��� (Watson 2003: 160). The general structure of the coppinia of this species resembles that of F. a n t a rc t i c u m and F. magnificum, in which the defensive tubes are situated on the periphery of the mass of gonothecae, like a fence, arching over the gonothecae (in F. magnificum the defensive tubes also arise among the gonothecae). They are different, however, because the gonothecae lack a distal neck in F. antarcticum, and have a short, clearly differentiated distal neck with an everted rim in F. magnificum. In Watson���s species, however, the ���body expanding a little from base to shoulder then narrowing into a short straight or slightly curved neck tapering to a circular aperture���. Although Watson did not give measurements of the gonothecal neck, this seems distinctly longer in general and variable in shape. The cnidome of F. conopeum is unknown and, therefore, no comparison concerning this character can be made., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 11-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783
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49. Filellum nitidum Watson 2005
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Filellum nitidum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005 Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005: 504 ���505, figs. 3 c���e. Type series. Holotype��� Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005, fertile colony on stem of Gymnangium sp. (NMV F 101650). Paratype��� Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005, fertile colony on basal stems of additional colonies of Gymnangium sp. (WAM Z 29955) (Watson 2005: 504). Type locality. From the holotype, Australia, Middle Island, 25 m (Watson 2005: 504). Description. See Watson (2005: 504). Distribution. Filellum nitidum is only known from its original description, from Australia, Middle Island (Watson 2005). Remarks. Filellum nitidum was described by Watson (2005: 504) as bearing ���Hydrothecae sessile [���] adnate part of base fairly short, free part long, perisarc of abcauline wall faintly wrinkled; perisarc of free wall rather thick, marginal rim slightly everted and thickened��� and ���hydrothecae with several regenerations along length���. Surprisingly, in spite of the original description and the figure 3 C, where wrinkled hydrothecae are shown, Watson (2005: 505) also stated that the ���absence of marked abcauline rugosity and absence of a distinctly everted rim��� would make the trophosome of the species similar to that of F. antarcticum. This seems to be an inapt description, since F. antarcticum has distinctly marked striae on the upper side of the adnate portion of the hydrothecae (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b). On the other hand, as also remarked by Watson (2005), both species have clearly different gonothecae. Other morphological features listed by Watson (2005) do not distinguish this species from the others of the genus Filellum. Therefore, we believe that reliable diagnosis of F. nitidum must be based on coppiniae characters, described as ���surface of coppinia a mosaic covered by a thin pellicle of tissue perforated by small openings flush with surface; hydrothecae protruding above surface together with large inverted funnel-shaped tubules, some tubules bifurcated, apices of others closed��� and the sectional view of ���numerous rather haphazardly arranged elongate gonothecae��� (Watson 2005: 504���505). The figure illustrating the coppinia of this species (Watson 2005: 503, figs. 3 D���E) shows protective tubes among the gonothecae; this, together with the different shape of the gonothecae, make the species distinct from F. magnificum, for which the defensive tubes are mainly situated on the periphery of the mass of gonothecae, like a fence, arching over the gonothecae. There is no information on the cnidome of the species, and no further comparison concerning this character can be made., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on page 15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Watson, J. E. (2005) Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: Annotated list, redescription of species and description of new species. In: Weills, F. E., Walker, D. I. & Kendrick, G. A. (Eds), The marine flora and fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 495 - 612.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2004 b) Antarctic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the families Campanulinidae, Lafoeidae and Campanulariidae from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 38, 2269 - 2303."]}
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50. Filellum antarcticum Hartlaub 1904
- Author
Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P., and Migotto, Alvaro E.
- Subjects
Cnidaria ,Lafoeidae ,Filellum antarcticum ,Hydrozoa ,Filellum ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Leptothecata ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Filellum antarcticum (Hartlaub, 1904) Lafoea antarctica Hartlaub, 1904: 11, pl. 2, fig. 2; Vanh��ffen 1910: 311 ���312, figs. 31 a���c. Reticularia antarctica: Totton 1930: 160 ���161, fig. 17. Filellum antarcticum: Millard 1964: 10; 1975: 177, figs. 58g ���h; 1978: 171, 172, 192; Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 300; 2004 b: 2283���2287, figs. 2 c���f, 3, 4; Vervoort and Watson 2003: 57 ���58; Pe��a Cantero 2008: 453; 2010: 764���765, figs. 3 a���c. Type series. The type specimen of Filellum antarcticum is lost (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2285). Neotype��� Lafoea antarctica Vanh��ffen, 1910; specimens on Symplectocyphus sp. (ZMB Cni 14222) (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2285��� 2286). Type locality. From the original description of Lafoea antarctica Hartlaub, 1904, it would be ���S. Y. Belgica ��� Expedition, Antarctic, Schwabber VII (70 �� 23 ���S; 82 �� 47 ���W, ca. 500 m, 8 October 1898), specimens on bryozoan (Hartlaub 1904: 5). From neotype designation it is ���Deutschen Southpolar Expedition���, Gauss Station, 65 �� 21 ���S; 86 ��06���E, 385 m (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2285). Material studied. ANTARCTIC: German Polarstern expedition���ANT II- 4 Stn 310, Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea (76 ��52.0���S; 50 �� 40.4 ���W, 252 m, 20 January 1984), ���on Billardia subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30782); ANT II- 4 Stn 341, Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea (76 �� 39.2 ���S; 52 ��09.0���W, 297 m, 26 January 1984), ���on B. subrufa and Stegella lobata, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30783); ANT II- 4 Stn 438, Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea (67 ��09.7���S; 54 �� 21.4 ���W, 423 m, 7 February 1984), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH- Coel. 30785); ANT II- 4 Stn 474, Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea (76 �� 56.7 ���S; 49 ��44.0���W, 220 m, 14 February 1984), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30788);?ANT II- 4 Stn 524, Cape Norvegia, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea (71 �� 23.9 ���S; 13 �� 58.8 ���W, 325 m, 25 February 1984), ���on Halecium sp., with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30790); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-399, Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea (72.86 ��S; 19.30 ��W, 380���390 m, 30 December 1989), ���Bottom: large rocks���, ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNHCoel. 30794); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-405, Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea, (76.52 ��S; 52.63 ��W, 330 m, 7 January 1990), ���Bottom: mud���, ���on B. subrufa,? Opercularella belgicae, and axis of gorgonian, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30796); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-456, Cape Norvegia, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea (71.25 ��S; 12.01 ��W, 200 m, 26 January 1990), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30816); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-459, Cape Norvegia, Princess Martha Coast, Weddell Sea (70.96 ��S; 11.19 ��W, 350���380 m, 28 January 1990), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30799); ANT VIII- 5 Stn 16-486, Ronne Ice Shelf, Weddell Sea (76.50 ��S; 52.15 ��W, 330���340 m, 17 February 1990), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30803); ANT IX- 3 Stn 135, McDonald Ice Rumples, Caird Coast, Weddell Sea (75 �� 27.9 ���S; 26 �� 45.4 ���W, 221 m, 4 February 1991), ���on B. subrufa, with coppinia��� (RMNH-Coel. 30805). Deutsche S��dpolar Expedition���Gauss Station (65 �� 21 ���S; 86 ��06���E, 385 m), Museum f��r Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universit��t zu Berlin (neotype, ZMB Cni 14222) (Pe��a Cantero et al., 2004 b: 2284��� 2285). Spanish Bentart 95 Expedition���Stn 3 A, south of Livingston Island (62 �� 37.7018 ���S; 60 �� 22.8167 'W, 92 m, 17 January 1995), on polychaete tube, with coppinia. Spanish Bentart 2003 Expedition���Stn 5 A, south of Peter I Island (68 �� 56 ��� 37 ��������� 68 �� 56 ��� 43 ������S; 90 �� 35 ��� 50 ��������� 90 �� 35 ��� 19 ������W, 124 m, 4 February 2003), on Stegella lobata and the ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa, with coppinia. Description of neotype. (Complementing the description by Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2285): Colony stolonal, growing on monosiphonic stems of Symplectoscyphus sp., stolons creeping on substratum, hydrorhiza ca. 0.72���0.80 mm wide. Hydrothecae sessile, sock-shaped, arising with no definite pattern from hydrorhiza, varying in form, from about half of hydrotheca adnate to substratum to some completely free. Hydrothecae irregularly curved in diverse patterns, emerging from substrate plane at various angles. Adnate portion of hydrothecae tubular or maximally slightly flattened, 0.24���0.35 mm long, with numerous external transverse ridges on exposed side; free part cylindrical, smooth, 0.30���0.35 mm long; total adcauline wall 0.59���0.65 mm long, abcauline wall 0.55���0.63 mm long; hydrothecae slightly widening distally, margin even and smooth, with up to four renovations, slightly flaring; hydrothecal aperture circular, 0.104���0.130 mm wide. Hydranths not seen. Gonothecae arranged in coppinia, ca. 2.4 mm wide. Gonothecae closely set, juxtaposed, their limits almost distinct in dorsal view, general shape tubular. Gonothecae 0.48 mm high, 0.11 mm wide, distally truncated with unraised circular aperture, 0.055 mm wide, rim even, not flared, without renovations. Protective tubes present, long, hollow, either forked or unforked, with distal circular aperture. Protective tubes usually curved towards center of gonothecal mass and merged to each other over gonothecae, forming a nest or corbula acting as an incubatory chamber. In one case, disk-shaped coppinia with defensive tubes forming two fused and disk-shaped structures, protecting gonothecae and eggs; in another case, coppinia as a semicircular structure. Eggs remaining inside gonothecae, immersed in a tissue mass presumed to be nourishing. Cnidome composed of two types of nematocysts, small (5.5��� 6.5 X 2.6 ��m) and large ones (10.4���12.4 X 4.2���5.2 ��m). Distribution. Filellum antarcticum seems to be ���a shelf species��� (Pe��a Cantero et al. 1998: 300), being recorded from 13.5 m (Millard 1964, 1975) to 423 m (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b). The species has always been recorded epibiotic, on hydroids (Vanh��ffen 1910; Totton 1930; Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b; Pe��a Cantero 2010), gorgonians (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b), bryozoans (Vanh��ffen 1910; Millard 1964, 1975), cidarid spines (Vanh��ffen 1910), polychaete tubes (Pe��a Cantero 2008), and ascidians (Pe��a Cantero 2010). Coppinia found in austral summer (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2297). It is known from South Africa (Millard 1964, 1975) and Antarctica, in the Davis Sea (Vanh��ffen 1910), Ross Sea (Totton 1930), Weddell Sea (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b), the South Shetland Islands (Pe��a Cantero 2008), and off Peter I Island, in the Bellingshausen Sea (Pe��a Cantero 2010). Remarks. Filellum antarcticum was originally described as Lafoea antarctica by Hartlaub (1904) who, according to Pe��a Cantero et al. (1998: 300), diagnosed it as ���sessile hydrothecae, with a short portion adnate to the substratum, followed by a long part directed upwards (this part being longer than in Filellum serpens), and by the presence of numerous renovations of the hydrothecal rim���. However, these features are not sufficient to characterize a species of the genus. The first solution in adequately describing Filellum antarcticum would be to study the type specimen. However, the type material of Lafoea antarctica Hartlaub, 1904 is reportedly lost (Pe��a Cantero et al. 2004 b: 2285). Therefore, Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b) proposed the material described by Vanh��ffen (1910) as the neotype of the species, since this specimen was the basis for the first description of the coppinia. Vanh��ffen���s (1910) material was diagnosed by Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b: 2286) as having ���several coppiniae [���] of varied shape [���] all have in common a set of gonothecae surrounded by a fence of forked or unforked, defensive tubes provided with a distal circular aperture���. Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b: 2286) emphasize that ���this variability seems related to the nature of the substratum where the colony was growing��� and when ���there is enough surface for attachment of the stolonal tubes [���] the coppinia is like a nest with the gonothecae surrounded by a fence of defensive tubes which arch over the gonothecae, whereas when there is not so much space, [���] the coppinia has a disk or semicircular shape���. This plasticity is corroborated by several authors (Totton 1930: 160; Millard 1975: 177) and calls attention to the difficulty in identifying boundaries of species in the genus Filellum. Concerning the trophosome, as many other species congeners (viz. F. magnificum, F. nitidum, F. serratum), F. antarcticum has striations on the outer part of the adnate wall and, therefore, the morphology of the coppinia is essential for the identification of the species. Filellum antarcticum has characteristic coppiniae with tubular gonothecae without distal neck and with bent protective tubes at the periphery of the coppinia, forming a structure that calls to mind a corbula. Differently, the gonothecae of F. magnificum are provided with a distal neck and the protective tubes may be either at the periphery or arise amongst gonothecae in the central area of the coppinia. Also, in F. nitidum, the coppinia has the surface covered by a thin, perforated, tissue layer; in addition, the hydrothecae of F. nitidum are spread on the coppinia together with the thin inverted, occasionally bifid, protective tubes. Finally, Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b: 2286���2287) remarked that the differences between F. antarcticum and F. serratum are as follows: ���the distally closed defensive tubes arise from amongst the gonothecae and curve over them forming a protective structure like a canopy��� in F. serratum, whilst ���the gonothecae are surrounded by a fence of distally open defensive tubes usually bent towards the centre of the gonothecal mass, constituting a nest or corbula��� in F. antarcticum. Additionally, the gonothecae of F. serratum are ���bottle-shaped, provided with a short and everted distal neck bearing the aperture, and are slightly shorter and wider���. The similarities in the trophosome of F. antarcticum and F. serratum led Pe��a Cantero et al. (2004 b) to disregard the previous records of Filellum antarcticum not based on fertile specimens., Published as part of Marques, Antonio C., Pe��a, ��lvaro L., Miranda, Tha��s P. & Migotto, Alvaro E., 2011, Revision of the genus Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Lafoeidae, Leptothecata, Hydrozoa), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 3129 on pages 8-9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.206783, {"references":["Hartlaub, C. (1904) Hydroiden. Resultats du Voyage du S. Y. Belgica. Zoologie, 7, 1 - 19.","Vanhoffen, E. (1910) Die Hydroiden der deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903, 3, 266 - 340.","Totton, A. K. (1930) Coelenterata. Part V. Hydroida. British Antarctic (\" Terra Nova \") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report, Zoology, 5, 131 - 252.","Millard, N. A. H. (1964) The Hydrozoa of the south and west coasts of South Africa. Part II. The Lafoeidae, Syntheciidae and Sertulariidae. Annals of the South African Museum, 48, 1 - 56.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. & Vervoort, W. (1998) On the species of Filellum Hincks, 1868 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 32, 297 - 315.","Vervoort, W. & Watson, J. E. (2003) The marine fauna of New Zealand: Leptothecata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) (Thecate Hydroids). National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), 119, 1 - 538.","Pena Cantero, A. L. (2008) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Spanish Antarctic expedition Bentart 95. Polar Biology, 31, 451 - 464.","Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2004 b) Antarctic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) of the families Campanulinidae, Lafoeidae and Campanulariidae from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of a new species. Journal of Natural History, 38, 2269 - 2303.","Millard, N. A. H. (1975) Monograph on the Hydroida of Southern Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 68, 1 - 513.","Pena Cantero, A. L. (2010) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Peter I Island (Southern Ocean, Antarctica). Polar Biology, 33, 761 - 773."]}
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