This manual was written for both environmental educators who want to evaluate the environmental education (EE) instructional materials they use or recommend to teachers, and inservice providers who want to help teachers evaluate EE materials in workshop settings. This information is provided to expand knowledge and expertise, facilitating informal yet thorough evaluations, and to help educators instruct others to do the same. The user is guided through an evaluation process and provided with tips, suggestions, criteria, worksheets, and workshop activities. Sections cover evaluation basics, evaluation criteria, developing an evaluation strategy, formal evaluation projects, workshop activities, and activity masters. A resources section contains a brief glossary of evaluation terms and 20 references to evaluated EE materials, evaluation tools, and additional readings. The manual is not intended to direct the development of formal evaluation projects that require statistically significant results. It is a practical guide, one designed to help users simply but effectively examine EE instructional materials to determine whether they meet their needs. (LZ)