Bedside patient monitoring systems in hospitals are designed to monitor a patient’s physiology and to inform clinicians when a patient’s vital signs exceed normal boundaries by sounding an audible alarm. The alarms, however, are widely considered to be uninformative, and consistently unreliable which can lead to inappropriate alarm management and unintended patient decompensation. Several techniques to improve the alarm systems have been tested, ranging from user-centred approaches, like improved instructions for setting thresholds, to technological improvements, like “smart” alarm systems, but no universal solution to the problem has been adopted.Head-worn displays (HWDs) offer an alternative option: eliminating the problem by reducing reliance on bedside alarm systems entirely. Modern HWDs fit like pair of prescription glasses, but they contain a screen that could be used to display physiological information from a range of patients without the user having to physically interact with the device. Moreover, the patient information would be continuously accessible from anywhere, only requiring a rapid glance to the display, affording the user easy access to information that would otherwise be inaccessible. The HWD has the potential to reduce alarm mismanagement by creating an information rich environment, which is not possible with the current alarm systems.The results from previous research investigating HWDs have been mixed. On the one hand, studies have shown that the additional information can improve clinicians’ ability to monitor single patients for changes. On the other hand, HWDs can incur cognitive and perceptual challenges that can make the information on the display, and in the environment, less perceptible, which can worsen task performance. In addition, many current HWDs display information in the periphery, rather than over the forward field of view. What is still unknown, therefore, is how well peripheral stimuli on an HWD attract attention, and how effectively the device can be used in multiple patient contexts.This thesis reports a series of five experiments that were conducted to explore how information on an HWD guides attention towards unexpected events. Undergraduate students, both with and without clinical experience, were tested under a variety of conditions that investigated event detection and performance while they used an HWD versus when they had to rely on standard bedside monitors in a simulated hospital microworld.In Study 1 and Study 2, participants performed simple tasks in foveal vision and tried to detect abrupt changes to peripheral stimuli presented either on a computer monitor or on an HWD (Google Glass). The goal was to compare how abrupt changes in brightness and apparent motion affected detection rates for peripheral stimuli presented on the two displays. The results echoed those of previous HWD studies. Specifically, detection rates for stimuli on the HWD were significantly reduced, when compared to matched stimuli on a computer monitor, especially when presented further into the periphery. However, as the stimuli on the HWD increased in distinctiveness from their context, so did the rate of detection.In Study 3 and Study 4, participants monitored simulated patients in a computerised hospital microworld using either beside alarms alone, or bedside alarms plus a continuous stream of information presented either on a computer monitor or on an HWD (Google Glass). The goal was to explore whether the continuous stream of information improved participants’ ability to prioritise clinically relevant alarms (“sick patients”) over other alarms (“technological faults”). Additionally, in Study 4, I was interested in how performance on a cognitive task was affected while participants monitored their patients. Results indicated that the continuous displays significantly increased the number of relevant alarms that were managed, and reduced response times to the alarms, without affecting ongoing task performance.In Study 5, trained participants (second and third year nursing students) monitored simulated patients in three display conditions while completing a complex patient assessment task. The goal was to test participants’ ability to answer specific questions (situation awareness levels SA1 and SA2) about their patients when they were faced with either (a) alarms by themselves, (b) an HWD (Vuzix M100) and alarms, or (c) an HWD and a set of cycling auditory notifications. The results from the experiment suggested that the HWD can improve participants’ situation awareness, but only when combined with the cycling display, and only in the first session. Furthermore, the HWD was associated with better performance at the patient assessment task.Taken together, the findings suggest that HWDs have the potential to bring useful information to a clinician, allowing them to focus on the task at hand with less interruption. The additional information that the HWD provides may be useful for disambiguating alarms and maintaining continuous awareness of the status of multiple patients, which is not possible with the current design of bedside alarms. Appropriately designed HWDs may improve hospital ward environments by allowing clinicians to recognize negative trends sooner and to prioritise the management of sick patients over other tasks.