otonična distrofija tip 1 (DM1) je najčešća nasledna mišićna distrofija odraslih osoba i praćena je multisistemskim simptomima. Uzrokovana je ekspanzijama (povećanjem broja) CTG ponovaka u genu DMPK, koje se odlikuju mejotičkom i mitotičkom nestabilnošću sa težnjom ka daljem povećanju broja ponovaka. DM1 je jedna od fenotipski najvarijabilnijih monogenskih bolesti. Broj CTG ponovaka je glavni faktor koji utiče na uzrast početka bolesti i težinu kliničke slike, a pretpostavlja se da različiti genetički, epigenetički i/ili sredinski faktori modifikuju njegov efekat. Manje od 5% DM1 bolesnika poseduje varijantne ponovke (CCG, CTC, GGC ili CAG) rasute među CTG ponovcima, i može ispoljiti neobične i blaže simptome, nego što se očekuje na osnovu njihovog broja ponovaka. Predmet ove doktorske teze bila je genetička i epigenetička karakterizacija varijantnih ponovaka kod DM1 bolesnika i njihov modifikujući efekat na fenotip. Varijantni ponovci su detektovani samo na 3′ kraju ekspanzija kod 9 od 243 DM1 bolesnika (3,7%) iz 5 od 174 porodice (2,9%), primenom repeat-primed PCR-a (RP-PCR). Sangerovim sekvenciranjem RP-PCR proizvoda, CCG ponovci, organizovani kao pojedinačni, kratki ili dugi perfektni nizovi, ili kao pojedinačni ili pravilni nizovi CCGCTG heksamera, identifikovani su kod osam bolesnika. Kod preostalog bolesnika, prvi put je opisana DMPK ekspanzija sa de novo nastalim CTC ponovkom. Praćenjem četiri međugeneracijska prenošenja varijantnih DMPK ekspanzija, primenom longe-range PCR-a i Southern blota, zapažena su stabilna prenošenja ili kontrakcije (smanjenje broja ponovaka). Korišćenjem podataka iz ove i publikovanih studija, pokazano je da se varijantne DMPK ekspanzije, suprotno čistim (sastavljenim iz perfektnih CTG ponovaka), međugeneracijski češće stabilno prenose ili kontrahuju, posebno kada je prenosilac majka. Somatska nestabilnost DMPK ekspanzija kvantifikovana je single-molecule small-pool PCR-om. Umnoženo je ~5700 alela, sa preko 200 alela po analiziranom uzorku krvi i bukalnog brisa. Somatska nestabilnost varijantnih DMPK ekspanzija, slično čistim, odlikovala se tkivnom specifičnošću i težnjom ka povećanju broja ponovaka tokom života bolesnika. Međutim, matematičkim modelovanjem pokazano je da se varijantne DMPK ekspanzije karakterišu nižim nivoom somatske nestabilnosti, koja je praćena manjim povećanjem broja ponovaka tokom vremena. RP-PCR profili su ukazali na to da su varijantni ponovci stabilni u ćelijama krvi tokom vremena i između ćelija krvi i bukalne sluznice... adults, characterized by multisistem features. It is caused by expansions (an increase in the number) of CTG repeats in the DMPK gene, which are meiotically and mitotically unstable and tend to expand further. DM1 is phenotypically one of the most variable monogenic diseases. The number of CTG repeats is the main factor influencing age at onset and severity of disease. The effect of the causing mutation is assumed to be modified by different genetic, epigenetic and/or environmental factors. Less than 5% of DM1 patients carry variant repeats (CCG, CTC, GGC or CAG) scattered among CTG repeats, and they can express some unusual and milder symptoms than expected based on their number of repeats. The subject of this doctoral thesis was the genetic and epigenetic characterization of variant repeats in DM1 patients and their modyfing effect on the phenotype. Variant repeats were detected only at the 3′ end of expansions in 9 out of 243 DM1 patients (3,7%) from 5 out of 174 families (2,9%), by repeat-primed PCR (RP-PCR). Sanger sequencing of RP-PCR products identified the CCG repeats in 8 patients, which were present as individual repeats, short or long pure tracts, or individual or short tracts of CCGCTG hexamers. In the remaining patient, a DMPK expansion with a de novo CTC variant repeat has been described for the first time. The analysis of four intergenerational transmissions of variant DMPK expansions by longe-range PCR and Southern blot showed stable transmissions or even contractions (a decrease in the number). By combining data from this and previously published studies, it was shown that variant DMPK expansions, in contrast to the pure ones (carrying only CTG repeats), were more often stably transmitted or contracted, particularly when the transmitting parent was mother. Somatic instability of DMPK expansions was quantified by single-molecule small-pool PCR. A total of ~5700 alleles were amplified, with more than 200 alleles per analyzed blood and buccal swab sample. The somatic instability of variant DMPK expansions had characteristics similar to expansions consisting of pure CTG repeats: tissue specificity and a bias toward further expansions throughout the patient’s life. However, mathematical modeling demonstrated that variant DMPK expansions were characterized by a lower level of somatic instability, which was accompanied by the lower expansion size increment in blood cells over time...