Horizontal root fractures are complex traumatic injuries that require multidisciplinary management. A 48-month clinical-radiographical follow-up of delayed intentional replantation in a patient with horizontal root fractures was presented. A 10-year-old male patient was referred to the Pediatric Dentistry department 10 days after the initial intervention due to severe trauma in the maxillary central incisor region. Severe gingival inflammation together with mobility was observed in the intraoral examination of patient, who attended to our clinic in a late period. Horizontal root fractures were detected in the apical region of the teeth with radiographic examination. Intentional replantation was planned to remove the fractured apical segments and to regenerate the damaged periodontal tissues. The teeth in the trauma region were gently extracted, granulation tissues were debrided after removal of the fractured segments in the alveolar socket, and the teeth were soaked in doxycycline solution. Subsequently, the apical parts of the teeth were plugged with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), the tooth surface was coated with Emdogain gel and the teeth were placed in the sockets after completing the endodontic treatments. The teeth were splinted for 2 weeks in a semi-rigid fashion. No pathologies were detected, while marked healing in the periodontal tissues and ankylosis were observed in the teeth at the 48-month clinical-radiographical follow-up. Though the follow-up in our case is 48 months, delayed intentional replantation in hopeless trauma cases with Emdogain and MTA can be discussed as an acceptable way for managing dental trauma in a growing child. Key Words: Horizontal-root fractures, Intentional Replantation, Emdogain, MTA Horizontal kok kirikli iki orta keser disin apikal MTA tikaci ve Emdogain uygulamasiyla bilincli replantasyonu: Vaka raporu Ozet Horizontal kok kiriklari multidisipliner tedavi gerektiren kompleks travmatik yaralanmalardir. Bu vaka raporunda horizontal kok kirikli bir hastanin gecikmis bilincli replantasyonunun 48 aylik klinik-radyografik takibi sunulmustur. On yasinda erkek bir hasta ust orta keser dis bolgesindeki siddetli travma nedeniyle gerceklestirilen ilk mudahaleden 10 gun sonra cocuk dis hekimligi bolumune sevkedilmistir. Klinigimize gec basvuran hastamizin agiz ici muayenesinde mobiliteyle birlikte siddetli diseti iltihabi gozlenmistir. Radiyografik muayene sonucunda dislerin apikal bolgelerinde horizontal kok kiriklari tespit edilmistir. Kirik apikal parcalari uzaklastirmak ve hasar gormus periodontal dokularin rejenerasyonu amaciyla bilincli replantasyon planlanmistir. Travma bolgesindeki disler dikkatlice cekilmis, alveoler soketteki kirik segmentler uzaklastirilmasindan sonra granulasyon dokulari temizlenmis ve disler doksisiklin cozeltisinde bekletilmistir. Takiben, dislerin apikal kisimlari mineral trioksit agregat (MTA) ile tikaclanmis, dis yuzeyi Emdogain jelle kaplanmis ve endodontik tedavileri tamamlandiktan sonra disler sokete yerlestirilmistir. Disler 2 hafta boyunca yari sabit sekilde splintlenmistir. Kirk sekiz aylik klinik-radyografik takipte periodontal dokularda belirgin iyilesme ve ankiloz gozlenirken, herhangi bir patoloji de gozlenmemistir. Bu vaka raporunda takip suresi 48 ay olsa da, umitsiz travma vakalarinda Emdogain ve MTA ile bilincli replantasyon, buyume surecindeki cocukta dental travmanin tedavisinde kabul edilen bir metod olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Horizontal kok kiriklari, Bilincli replantasyon, Emdogain, MTA