12 results on '"Mattijssen, T."'
Search Results
2. De kracht van citizen science: het cruciale belang van vrijwilligers voor onze kennis over de natuur: Periodieke Evaluatie Natuurbeleid
- Author
Ganzevoort, W.B., Mattijssen, T., Ganzevoort, W.B., and Mattijssen, T.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 295415.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)
- Published
- 2022
3. Transformative or piecemeal? Changes in green space planning and governance in eleven European cities
- Author
Hansen, R., Buizer, M., Buijs, A., Pauleit, S., Mattijssen, T., Fors, H., Van der Jagt, A., Kabisch, N., Cook, M., Delshammar, T., Randrup, T.B., Erlwein, S., Vierikko, K., Nieminen, H., Langemeyer, J., Texereau, C.S., Luz, A.C., Nastran, M., Stahl Olafsson, A., Møller, M.S., Haase, Dagmar, Rolf, W., Ambrose-Oji, B., Branquinho, C., Havik, G., Kronenberg, J., Konijnendijk, C., Hansen, R., Buizer, M., Buijs, A., Pauleit, S., Mattijssen, T., Fors, H., Van der Jagt, A., Kabisch, N., Cook, M., Delshammar, T., Randrup, T.B., Erlwein, S., Vierikko, K., Nieminen, H., Langemeyer, J., Texereau, C.S., Luz, A.C., Nastran, M., Stahl Olafsson, A., Møller, M.S., Haase, Dagmar, Rolf, W., Ambrose-Oji, B., Branquinho, C., Havik, G., Kronenberg, J., and Konijnendijk, C.
- Abstract
Green (and blue) spaces receive attention as important components of cities that can help to mitigate the effects of climate change, support biodiversity and improve public health. Green space planning aims to transform cities towards urban sustainability and resilience. In a longitudinal study, representatives from eleven European municipalities that had previously been interviewed in 2014 were re-interviewed in 2020–2021 on changes in urban greening and related practices. The interviewees reported mainly advancements in dealing with ecological issues, such as new plans, strategies, regulations or funding programmes for climate adaptation or biodiversity support, as well as some progress in co-governance with non-governmental stakeholders. Promising developments include breaking professional silos by creating new units that can better deal with complex urban issues. In a few cases, high-level local politicians induced profound changes. These changes stimulated the development of new planning and governance cultures, resulting in more co-creation of urban green spaces. However, from a transformation studies perspective, incremental strategies dominate, and even when municipal representatives are aware that substantive changes are needed, they often lack the means to act. For more radical system change, significant extra efforts are needed.
- Published
- 2022
4. Collective approach in progress : Interim evaluation of the agri-environment scheme in the Netherlands
- Author
Boonstra, F.G., Nieuwenhuizen, W., Visser, T., Mattijssen, T., van der Zee, F.F., Smidt, R.A., and Polman, N.
- Subjects
Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Applied Spatial Research ,Biodiversiteit en Beleid ,Dierecologie ,Life Science ,WASS ,Regional Development and Spatial Use ,Animal Ecology ,Regionale Ontwikkeling en Ruimtegebruik ,Biodiversity and Policy ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
This interim evaluation shows that the feasibility and effectiveness of the Agricultural Nature and Landscape Management scheme (ANML) which was introduced in 2016, have both improved relative to the previous subsidy scheme. The ecological conditions for achieving the objectives of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Water Framework Directive have also improved slightly. Two important factors for this success are 1) the area-based approach that has been implemented, with 40 agricultural collectives coordinating the conservation activities and concluding contracts with farmers, and 2) the greater flexibility of the system, which has made it possible to respond more effectively to the situations in the respective areas. With further specification of roles and responsibilities, additional simplification, prioritisation of target species and optimisation of conservation activities, additional gains can be made within the context of the scheme. However, more effort is needed to reverse the negative population trends of many target species and to actually improve water quality. This evaluation therefore makes recommendations for the use of supporting policy in combination with the ANLM, such as implementation measures, land policies, predation management and eco-regulations, the development of more far-reaching policy instruments and new forms of financing that enable the transition to ‘nature farming’ and the search for synergy with other sustainability challenges in area-based processes.
- Published
- 2021
5. Stelselvernieuwing in uitvoering : tussenevaluatie van het agrarisch natuur- en landschapsbeheer
- Author
Boonstra, F.G., Nieuwenhuizen, W., Visser, T., Mattijssen, T., van der Zee, F.F., Smidt, R.A., Polman, N., Boonstra, F.G., Nieuwenhuizen, W., Visser, T., Mattijssen, T., van der Zee, F.F., Smidt, R.A., and Polman, N.
- Abstract
Deze tussenevaluatie toont dat de uitvoerbaarheid en doelgerichtheid van het in 2016 ingevoerde stelsel Agrarisch Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer (ANLb) zijn toegenomen ten opzichte van het vorige subsidiestelsel. Ook de ecologische condities voor het bereiken van de doelen van de Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijn en de Kaderrichtlijn Water zijn licht verbeterd. Belangrijke succesfactoren hiervoor zijn de doorgevoerde gebiedsgerichte aanpak, met veertig agrarisch collectieven die het beheer coördineren en contracten afsluiten met agrariërs, en de grotere flexibiliteit van het stelsel waarmee beter dan voorheen ingespeeld kan worden op de situatie in de gebieden. Met verdere aanscherping van rollen en verantwoordelijkheden, verdergaande vereenvoudiging, prioritering van doelsoorten en optimalisatie van het beheer kan bovendien nog winst worden geboekt binnen de context van het stelsel. Voor het keren van de negatieve trends van veel doelsoorten en het daadwerkelijk verbeteren van de waterkwaliteit is echter meer nodig. Deze evaluatie doet daarom aanbevelingen voor de inzet van flankerend beleid in combinatie met het ANLb, zoals inrichtingsmaatregelen, grondinstrumentarium, predatiebeheer en ecoregelingen, het ontwikkelen van zwaardere instrumenten en financieringsvormen die de omslag naar ‘natuurboeren’ mogelijk maken en het zoeken van synergie met andere verduurzamingsopgaven in gebiedsprocessen.
- Published
- 2021
6. transitie naar een natuurinclusieve stad
- Author
Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M., Kortstee, H., Mattijssen, T., Haaster-de Winter, M. van, Polman, N., Rooij, S. van, Steingröver, E., Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M., Kortstee, H., Mattijssen, T., Haaster-de Winter, M. van, Polman, N., Rooij, S. van, and Steingröver, E.
- Abstract
Deze brochure, gefinancierd door het ministerie van LNV, richt zich op de vastgoedsector en gaat in op de noodzaak van een transitie naar een natuurinclusief stedelijk gebied en de rol die de vastgoedsector hierin kan spelen.
- Published
- 2020
7. Advancing urban green infrastructure in Europe: Outcomes and reflections from the GREEN SURGE project
- Author
Pauleit, S., Ambrose-Oji, B., Andersson, E., Anton, B., Buijs, A., Haase, Dagmar, Elands, B., Hansen, R., Kowarik, I., Kronenberg, J., Mattijssen, T., Stahl Olafsson, A., Rall, E., van der Jagt, A.P.N., Pauleit, S., Ambrose-Oji, B., Andersson, E., Anton, B., Buijs, A., Haase, Dagmar, Elands, B., Hansen, R., Kowarik, I., Kronenberg, J., Mattijssen, T., Stahl Olafsson, A., Rall, E., and van der Jagt, A.P.N.
- Abstract
Urban green infrastructure (UGI) is a promising concept when developing multifunctional green space systems to address major challenges of urbanisation such as increasing social cohesion, promoting the transition to a green economy, adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity. In response to the European Commission’s Communication on Green Infrastructure from 2013, the GREEN SURGE project aimed to further advance the development of UGI in European cities by (i) strengthening the conceptual foundations of UGI, (ii) developing improved methods and tools for assessment of its state, benefits and governance and, (iii) applying these to build a stronger evidence base. This paper aims to provide an overall synthesis of the project’s main achievements.GREEN SURGE adopted an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. Urban Learning Labs and focal Learning Alliances in five cities were instrumental for intensive collaboration between disciplines and across science and practice. Pan-European surveys, e.g. of planning and governance practice or human-nature interactions established the state-of-the-art across the continent and identified good practices.The project consolidated green infrastructure planning and governance conceptually, and it mapped opportunities for better linking government-led planning with bottom-up initiatives for creating and managing UGI. It also introduced a framework for knowledge integration to support UGI valuation. Importantly, development and application of the concept of biocultural diversity gave new insights into human–nature relationships in multicultural urban societies. The results strongly call for more context-sensitive development of UGI that addresses the different needs and diverse cultural practices of people engaging with nature.In a nutshell, GREEN SURGE showed that UGI indeed can make a major contribution to sustainable and resilient urbanisation. Transdisciplinary research in urban labs, if well-conceived, has shown to
- Published
- 2018
8. Innovative Governance for Urban Green Infrastructure : A Guide for Practitioners
- Author
Ambrose-Oji, Bianca, Buijs, A., Gerőházi, E., Mattijssen, T., Száraz, L., van der Jagt, A.P.N., Hansen, R., Rall, E., Andersson, E., Kronenberg, J., and Rolf, W.
- Subjects
Bos- en Natuurbeleid ,Life Science ,WASS ,Regional Development and Spatial Use ,Regionale Ontwikkeling en Ruimtegebruik ,Forest and Nature Conservation Policy - Published
- 2017
9. Innovative Governance for Urban Green Infrastructure: A Guide for Practitioners
- Author
Dynamics of Innovation Systems, Innovation Studies, Environmental Governance, Ambrose-Oji, Bianca, Buijs, A., Gerőházi, E., Mattijssen, T., Száraz, L., van der Jagt, A.P.N., Hansen, R., Rall, E., Andersson, E., Kronenberg, J., Rolf, W., Dynamics of Innovation Systems, Innovation Studies, Environmental Governance, Ambrose-Oji, Bianca, Buijs, A., Gerőházi, E., Mattijssen, T., Száraz, L., van der Jagt, A.P.N., Hansen, R., Rall, E., Andersson, E., Kronenberg, J., and Rolf, W.
- Published
- 2017
10. Wat kunnen we verwachten van burgerinitiatieven voor natuur en landschap?
- Author
Mattijssen, T., Buijs, A., Elands, B., Mattijssen, T., Buijs, A., and Elands, B.
- Abstract
Het woord burgerinitiatief duikt steeds vaker op. Actieve burgers wachten niet tot de overheid iets voor hen doet, maar nemen zelf het heft in handen als ze groen willen verbeteren of onderhouden. Tegelijkertijd is de vraag naar een bijdrage vanuit de participatiesamenleving terug te zien bij terreinbeherende organisaties, provincies en het ministerie van Economische Zaken. De verwachtingen over de bijdrage van georganiseerde burgers aan natuur, bos en landschap zijn soms hooggespannen. Maar is dat wel realistisch? Wij beschrijven in dit artikel de effecten die groene burgerinitiatieven hebben en reflecteren op wat dat betekent voor het natuurbeheer in Nederland.
- Published
- 2017
11. Ganzen, voer voor discussie
- Author
Mattijssen, T., Westerink - Petersen, J., Buijs, A.E., Steingröver, E.G., and Langers, F.
- Subjects
Governance ,nature conservation policy ,opinions ,public support ,WASS ,Regional Development and Spatial Use ,Regionale Ontwikkeling en Ruimtegebruik ,Biodiversity and Policy ,Forest and Nature Conservation Policy ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,Biodiversiteit en Beleid ,maatschappelijk draagvlak ,opinies ,Bos- en Natuurbeleid ,wildlife management ,wildbeheer ,natuurbeleid ,fauna ,Green Economy and Landuse - Abstract
Discussies over het welzijn van wilde dieren gaan er vaak heftig aan toe. Denk aan de discussies over wintersterfte van grote grazers in de Oostvaardersplassen, de aanpak van de ganzenproblematiek, de orka Morgan en recent nog de bultrug Johannes. Emoties kunnen hierbij hoog oplopen en natuurbeherende organisaties krijgen dan ongezouten kritiek. In dit artikel kijken we naar de ganzendiscussie van de afgelopen jaren zoals die werd gevoerd in de media en op internet. We laten zien welke argumenten, emoties en ethische visies daarin een rol spelen. Dit levert aanknopingspunten op om beter te kunnen voorspellen en begrijpen wanneer maatschappelijke conflicten ontstaan en hoe daar door terreinbeheerders mee kan worden omgegaan.
- Published
- 2013
12. 'The man, the administration and the counter-discourse”: An analysis of the sudden turn in Dutch nature conservation policy
- Author
Buijs, A.E., Mattijssen, T., Arts, B.J.M., Buijs, A.E., Mattijssen, T., and Arts, B.J.M.
- Abstract
The Netherlands were at the forefront of European nature conservation policy until recently. For years, a stable ‘social contract’ around Dutch nature conservation existed. To the surprise of many, this stability suddenly disappeared and Dutch nature policy has taken a dramatic shift with changing discourses on nature conservation, the halting of implementation of several key-policies and budget cuts up to 70%. This paper engages with discursive-institutionalism to understand such abrupt institutional changes through emerging ideas and discourses that reshape and undermine existing institutional arrangements. We show how the institutionalization of policy not only engendered but also restricted the impact of critical discourses in the 1990s and 2000s. However, critical discourses eventually played an important role in the sudden turn in nature conservation policy. The rise of a general populist discourse and the economic crisis contributed to the credibility of critical discourses and their translation into popular frames and storylines. Authoritative actors such as a new State Secretary opened up popular media for the critical discourses and contributed to their resonance among larger audiences. As such, the man and his new administration successfully used already existing counter-discourses to de-legitimise nature policy and break down important institutional arrangements at a pace unseen in Dutch politics. Adding a discursive element to institutionalism provides for analytical tools to understand change from both external as well as internal forces. In turn, enriching discourse theory with insights from neo-institutionalism helps to evaluate which ideas and discourses become materialized in policy and practice
- Published
- 2014
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