524 results on '"Masip Bruin, Xavier"'
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2. Towards user-centric, switching cost-aware fog node selection strategies
- Author
Rejiba, Zeineb, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, and Marín-Tordera, Eva
- Published
- 2021
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3. Tecnologia blockchain per l’autenticació de dispositius IoT
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Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Noguera Bayerri, Lluís, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Noguera Bayerri, Lluís
- Abstract
Títol alternatiu emprat a la intranet de l'EPSEVG: "Tecnologia blockchain per l’autenticació de dispositius “un-trusted” IoT ", Aquest treball final de grau ens mostra una manera per solucionar un aspecte negatiu dels dispositius IoT com és poder confiar en la integritat de les dades proporcionades. Aquest problema el podrem solucionar aplicant un mètode d’ autenticació de dispositius d’una forma segura i original fent ús d’eines de codi obert com el marc de treball de cadena de blocs Hyperledger Fabric, la qual servirà per emmagatzemar les dades per futures autenticacions de dispositius. S’empraran proves zkp més específicament zk-snark, utilitzant la llibreria libsnark, per la autenticació de dispositius de forma segura fent ús del protocol HTTPS per la comunicació entre el dispositiu i l’aplicació creada per comunicar-se amb la cadena de blocs. Per poder construir un escenari realista, hi ha una xarxa Docker on es troben els components de la cadena de blocs simbolitzant així un entorn empresarial. Per altra banda hi ha la simbolització d’un dispositiu IoT que es comunica amb l’aplicació per realitzar peticions que seran ateses. Si el dispositiu està registrat al sistema serà autenticat i podrà accedir de manera segura a la informació. La solució aportada és robusta i segura i pot ser aplicada en múltiples àmbits on es requereix una autenticació fiable., Este trabajo final de grado nos muestra una forma para solucionar un aspecto negativo de los dispositivos IoT como es poder confiar en la integridad de los datos proporcionados. Este problema se podrá solucionar aplicando un método de autenticación de dispositivos de una forma segura y original haciendo uso de herramientas de código abierto como el marco de trabajo de cadena de bloques Hyperledger Fabric, que servirá para almacenar los datos para futuras autenticaciones de dispositives. Se utilizarán pruebas de conocimiento cero (zkp) más específicamente zk-snark, utilizando la librería libsnark, para la autenticación de dispositivos de forma segura, haciendo uso del protocolo HTTPS para la comunicación entre el dispositivo y la aplicación creada para comunicarse con la cadena de bloques. Para poder construir un escenario realista, existe una red Docker donde se encuentran los componentes de la cadena de bloques, simbolizando de esta manera un entorno empresarial. Por otra parte, existe la simulación de un dispositivo IoT que se comunica con la aplicación para realizar peticiones que serán atendidas. Si el dispositivo está registrado en el sistema, será autenticado y podrá acceder de forma segura a la información. La solución aportada es robusta y segura y puede aplicarse en muchos ámbitos distintos donde se requiera una autenticación fiable., My end of degree thesis aims at showing a way to solve a negative aspect of IoT devices which is the need to be able to trust the integrity of the data provided. We are able to solve this problem by applying a method of device authentication in a secure and original way while using open-source tools such as the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain framework, which is used to store de data for future authentications of devices. ZKP tests will be used, specifically ZK-snark, and the libsnark library, to authenticate devices safely using the HTTPS protocol for the communication between the device and the application created to communicate with the blockchain. To build a realistic scenario, there is a Cocker network where the blockchain components are located, symbolizing in this way an enterprise environment. On the other hand, there is the symbolization of a IoT device that communicates with the application to make requests that will be answered. If the device is registered in the system, it will be authenticated and will have a secure access to the information requested. The solution provided is robust and secure and can be applied in various areas where reliable authentication is required.
- Published
- 2024
4. Leveraging network data analytics function and machine learning for data collection, resource optimization, security and privacy in 6G networks
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Gkonis, Panagiotis, Nomikos, Nikolaos, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Sarakis, Lambros, Xylouris, George, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Martrat, Josep, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Gkonis, Panagiotis, Nomikos, Nikolaos, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Sarakis, Lambros, Xylouris, George, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Martrat, Josep
- Abstract
The full deployment of sixth-generation (6G) networks is inextricably connected with a holistic network redesign able to deal with various emerging challenges, such as integration of heterogeneous technologies and devices, as well as support of latency and bandwidth demanding applications. In such a complex environment, resource optimization, and security and privacy enhancement can be quite demanding, due to the vast and diverse data generation endpoints and associated hardware elements. Therefore, efficient data collection mechanisms are needed that can be deployed at any network infrastructure. In this context, the network data analytics function (NWDAF) has already been defined in the fifth-generation (5G) architecture from Release 15 of 3GPP, that can perform data collection from various network functions (NFs). When combined with advanced machine learning (ML) techniques, a full-scale network optimization can be supported, according to traffic demands and service requirements. In addition, the collected data from NWDAF can be used for anomaly detection and thus, security and privacy enhancement. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to present the current state-of-the-art on the role of the NWDAF towards data collection, resource optimization and security enhancement in next generation broadband networks. Furthermore, various key enabling technologies for data collection and threat mitigation in the 6G framework are identified and categorized, along with advanced ML approaches. Finally, a high level architectural approach is presented and discussed, based on the NWDAF, for efficient data collection and ML model training in large scale heterogeneous environments., This work was supported in part by the HORSE Project funded by the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) through the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program under Grant 101096342 (www.horse-6g.eu)., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2024
5. Innovative predictive approach towards a personalized oxygen dosing system
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Pascual Saldaña, Heribert, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Alonso Beltran, Albert, Blanco Vich, Isabel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Pascual Saldaña, Heribert, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Alonso Beltran, Albert, and Blanco Vich, Isabel
- Abstract
Despite the large impact chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that has on the population, the implementation of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment remains limited. Current practices in ambulatory oxygen therapy used in COPD rely on fixed doses overlooking the diverse activities which patients engage in. To address this challenge, we propose a software architecture aimed at delivering patient-personalized edge-based artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted models that are built upon data collected from patients’ previous experiences along with an evaluation function. The main objectives reside in proactively administering precise oxygen dosages in real time to the patient (the edge), leveraging individual patient data, previous experiences, and actual activity levels, thereby representing a substantial advancement over conventional oxygen dosing. Through a pilot test using vital sign data from a cohort of five patients, the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach are demonstrated, thus highlighting the need for personalized treatment strategies. This study underscores the importance of adopting advanced technological approaches for ambulatory oxygen therapy., This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER, grant number PID2021-124463OB-100, and by the AGAUR Catalan Agency, grant number 2021_SGR_00326., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2024
6. Análisis de modelos de inteligencia artificial para la detección y control de patrones de ciberseguridad
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Martín Aguilar, Francisco José, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Martín Aguilar, Francisco José
- Abstract
El mundo digital se ha convertido en un campo de batalla en constante evolución, que, junto a los ataques cibernéticos, cada vez más sofisticados y multifacéticos, acechan a empresas, gobiernos e individuos por igual. Las amenazas se multiplican exponencialmente, creando un panorama de ciberseguridad en constante cambio y desafío. A medida que la digitalización avanza y la generación de datos aumenta exponencialmente en nuestra vida cotidiana, la seguridad de la información emerge como una preocupación crítica. La ineludible necesidad de proteger los activos digitales y robustecer la infraestructura frente a una constante evolución de las amenazas cibernéticas se posiciona como una prioridad irrefutable. En este contexto, el presente Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG) se propone abordar estos desafíos mediante una investigación exhaustiva, un diseño meticuloso y una implementación rigurosa de una solución integral de ciberseguridad enfocada en el ámbito de las redes y de la inteligencia artificial. Se plantea la creación de un Sistema de Detección de Intrusiones de Red con Inteligencia Artificial (NIDS-AI - Network Intrusion Detection System with Artificial Intelligence), diseñado con el objetivo de fortalecer la seguridad tanto en entornos empresariales como personales. Este sistema se sustenta en modelos de aprendizaje automático, siguiendo un proceso que abarca desde la recolección, análisis y preprocesamiento de datos hasta el entrenamiento, selección, validación y evaluación de modelos. La implementación de este enfoque implica el uso de diversas técnicas y algoritmos, empleando datos no supervisados proveniente de un entorno local en tiempo real como datos supervisados proveniente de fuentes abiertas, como Kaggle o la Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur, que incluyen diversas clases de ataques y datos benignos. Los algoritmos con las mejores precisiones en la detección de ataques serán seleccionados para integrarse en el NIDS-AI. Para la representación visual de los, El món digital s'ha convertit en un camp de batalla en constant evolució, que, juntament amb els atacs cibernètics, cada cop més sofisticats i multifacetics, aguaiten empreses, governs i individus per igual. Les amenaces es multipliquen exponencialment, creant un panorama de ciberseguretat en constant canvi i desafiament. A mesura que la digitalització avança i la generació de dades augmenta exponencialment a la nostra vida quotidiana, la seguretat de la informació emergeix com una preocupació crítica. La necessitat ineludible de protegir els actius digitals i enfortir la infraestructura davant d'una constant evolució de les amenaces cibernètiques es posiciona com una prioritat irrefutable. En aquest context, aquest Treball Final de Grau (TFG) es proposa abordar aquests desafiaments mitjançant una investigació exhaustiva, un disseny meticulós i una implementació rigorosa d'una solució integral de ciberseguretat enfocada a l'àmbit de les xarxes i de la intel·ligència artificial. Es planteja crear un Sistema de Detecció d'Intrusions de Xarxa amb Intel·ligència Artificial (NIDS-AI - Network Intrusion Detection System with Artificial Intelligence), dissenyat amb l'objectiu d'enfortir la seguretat tant en entorns empresarials com personals. Aquest sistema se sustenta en models d'aprenentatge automàtic, seguint un procés que abasta des de la recol·lecció, anàlisi i preprocessament de dades fins a l'entrenament, selecció, validació i avaluació de models. La implementació d'aquest enfocament implica l'ús de diverses tècniques i algorismes, emprant dades no supervisades provinents d'un entorn local en temps real com dades supervisades provinents de fonts obertes, com Kaggle o la Universitat de Nova Gal·les del Sud, que inclouen diverses classes de atacs i dades benignes. Els algoritmes amb les millors precisions en la detecció d'atacs seran seleccionats per integrar-se al NIDS-AI. Per a la representació visual de les dades obtingudes, es desenvoluparà un tauler de control qu, The digital world has become a constantly evolving battlefield, which, along with increasingly sophisticated and multifaceted cyber attacks, stalk companies, governments and individuals alike. Threats are multiplying exponentially, creating an ever-changing and challenging cybersecurity landscape. As digitalization advances and data generation increases exponentially in our daily lives, information security emerges as a critical concern. The unavoidable need to protect digital assets and strengthen infrastructure in the face of a constant evolution of cyber threats is positioned as an irrefutable priority. In this context, this Final Degree Project (TFG) aims to address these challenges through exhaustive research, meticulous design and rigorous implementation of a comprehensive cybersecurity solution focused on the field of networks and artificial intelligence. The creation of a Network Intrusion Detection System with Artificial Intelligence (NIDS-AI - Network Intrusion Detection System with Artificial Intelligence) is proposed, designed with the objective of strengthening security in both business and personal environments. This system is based on machine learning models, following a process that ranges from data collection, analysis and preprocessing to training, selection, validation and evaluation of models. The implementation of this approach involves the use of various techniques and algorithms, using unsupervised data from a local environment in real time as well as supervised data from open sources, such as Kaggle or the University of New South Wales, which include various kinds of attacks and benign data. The algorithms with the best accuracies in detecting attacks will be selected to be integrated into the NIDS-AI. For the visual representation of the data obtained, a control panel will be developed that will allow the visualization of the different categories for the different traffic flows. Regarding infrastructure, the implementation of NIDS-AI will be
- Published
- 2024
7. A comprehensive architecture for federated learning-based smart advertising
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Seyghaly, Rasool, García Almiñana, Jordi, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Seyghaly, Rasool, García Almiñana, Jordi, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
This paper introduces a cutting-edge data architecture designed for a smart advertising context, prioritizing efficient data flow and performance, robust security, while guaranteeing data privacy and integrity. At the core of this study lies the application of federated learning (FL) as the primary methodology, which emphasizes the authenticity and privacy of data while promptly discarding irrelevant or fraudulent information. Our innovative data model employs a semi-random role assignment strategy based on a variety of criteria to efficiently collect and amalgamate data. The architecture is composed of model nodes, data nodes, and validator nodes, where the role of each node is determined by factors such as computational capability, interconnection quality, and historical performance records. A key feature of our proposed system is the selective engagement of a subset of nodes for modeling and validation, optimizing resource use and minimizing data loss. The AROUND social network platform serves as a real-world case study, illustrating the efficacy of our data architecture in a practical setting. Both simulated and real implementations of our architecture showcase its potential to dramatically curtail network traffic and average CPU usage, while preserving the accuracy of the FL model. Remarkably, the system is capable of achieving over a 50% reduction in both network traffic and average CPU usage even when the user count escalates by twenty-fold. The click rate, user engagement, and other parameters have also been evaluated, proving that the proposed architecture’s advantages do not affect the smart advertising accuracy. These findings highlight the proposed architecture’s capacity to scale efficiently and maintain high performance in smart advertising environments, making it a valuable contribution to the evolving landscape of digital marketing and FL., This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant PID2021-124463OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, and by the Catalan Government under contract 2021 SGR 00326. The corresponding author, R.S., gratefully acknowledges the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Banco Santander for the financial support of his predoctoral grant FPI-UPC 2021, Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2024
8. Plataforma de serveis de dades IoT per entitats de gestió mediambiental a la Ribera d’Ebre
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Associació l'Aube, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Gómez Maturana, Irina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Associació l'Aube, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Gómez Maturana, Irina
- Abstract
Aquest projecte sorgeix de la necessitat identificada per l'Associació l’AUBE de millorar l'eficiència en la prevenció d’incendis i la conservació dels espais naturals de la muntanya de la Picossa a Móra d'Ebre. L'objectiu principal és implementar tecnologies avançades per proporcionar informació en temps real que permeti una presa de decisions ràpida i efectiva. En la investigació es van comparar diversos controladors de dades, incloent la BBC Micro:bit, Arduino i Raspberry Pi, per determinar la seva adequació per a la recopilació i gestió de dades ambientals. Es va seleccionar la Micro:bit per la seva facilitat d'ús, cost baix i integració amb extensions com la Weather:bit i la Wappsto:bit, que permeten monitoritzar variables ambientals. Es van realitzar proves de cobertura en punts estratègics de la Ribera d’Ebre per assegurar la connectivitat de la tecnologia NB-IoT. Els resultats van mostrar una cobertura variable, amb zones de senyal forta i altres amb cobertura limitada, suggerint la necessitat d'implementar tecnologies satel·litals en àrees crítiques. La plataforma desenvolupada permet la recopilació de dades en temps real i ofereix una interfície d'usuari personalitzada per a una gestió eficient. Aquesta tecnologia no només millora la gestió ambiental, sinó que també té una dimensió educativa significativa. L'Associació l’AUBE utilitzarà aquesta plataforma en col·laboració amb escoles locals per conscienciar els estudiants sobre la preservació del medi ambient i l'ús de tecnologia sostenible. Els resultats del projecte demostren la viabilitat i eficàcia de la plataforma per a la monitorització ambiental en temps real. La integració de tecnologies IoT en la gestió mediambiental permet una resposta ràpida davant possibles incidències, millorant significativament la prevenció d'incendis i la conservació dels espais naturals. En conclusió, aquest projecte subratlla la importància i l'eficàcia de les noves tecnologies en la gestió mediambiental., Este proyecto surge de la necesidad identificada por la Asociación la AUBE de mejorar la eficiencia en la prevención de incendios y la conservación de los espacios naturales de la montaña de la Picossa en Móra d'Ebre.El objetivo principal es implementar tecnologías avanzadas para proporcionar información en tiempo real que permita una toma de decisiones rápida y efectiva. En la investigación se compararon varios controladores de datos, incluyendo la BBC Micro:bit, Arduino y Raspberry Pi, para determinar su adecuación para la recopilación y gestión de datos ambientales.Se seleccionó la Micro:bit por su facilidad de uso, coste bajo e integración con extensiones como la Weather:bit y la Wappsto:bit,que permiten monitorizar variables ambientales. Se realizaron pruebas de cobertura en puntos estratégicos de la Ribera de Ebro para asegurar la conectividad de la tecnología NB-IoT. Los resultados mostraron una cobertura variable, con zonas de señal fuerte y otras con cobertura limitada, sugiriendo la necesidad de implementar tecnologías satelitales en áreas críticas. La plataforma desarrollada permite la recopilación de datos en tiempo real y ofrece una interfaz de usuario personalizada para una gestión eficiente.Esta tecnología no sólo mejora la gestión ambiental,sino que también tiene una dimensión educativa significativa.La Asociación AUBE utilizará esta plataforma en colaboración con escuelas locales para concienciar a los estudiantes sobre la preservación del medio ambiente y el uso de tecnología sostenible. Los resultados del proyecto demuestran la viabilidad y eficacia de la plataforma para la monitorización ambiental en tiempo real.La integración de tecnologías IoT en la gestión medioambiental permite una respuesta rápida frente a posibles incidencias, mejorando significativamente la prevención de incendios y la conservación de los espacios naturales.En conclusión, este proyecto subraya la importancia y eficacia de las nuevas tecnologías en la gestión medioambiental, This project arises from the identified need by the Association l’AUBE to improve efficiency in fire prevention and the conservation of natural spaces in the Picossa mountain in Móra d'Ebre. The main objective is to implement advanced technologies to provide real-time information that allows for quick and effective decision-making. The investigation compared various data controllers, including the BBC Micro:bit, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi, to determine their suitability for environmental data collection and management. The Micro:bit was selected for its ease of use, low cost, and integration with extensions such as Weather:bit and Wappsto:bit, which enable monitoring of environmental variables. Coverage tests were conducted at strategic points in the Ribera d’Ebre to ensure the connectivity of NB-IoT technology. The results showed variable coverage, with areas of strong signal and others with limited coverage, suggesting the need to implement satellite technologies in critical areas. The developed platform allows real-time data collection and offers a customized user interface for efficient management. This technology not only improves environmental management but also has a significant educational dimension. The Association l’AUBE will use this platform in collaboration with local schools to raise students' awareness of environmental preservation and the use of sustainable technology. The project results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the platform for real-time environmental monitoring. The integration of IoT technologies in environmental management allows for a rapid response to possible incidents, significantly improving fire prevention and the conservation of natural spaces. In conclusion, this project highlights the importance and effectiveness of new technologies in environmental management.
- Published
- 2024
9. Use of automatic 6-minute walking test recording system in patients with chronic respiratory diseases
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Torres Castro, Rodrigo, Pascual Saldaña, Heribert, Alonso Beltran, Albert, Gimeno Santos, Elena, Palomo Gil, Maria, Barberà Mir, Joan Albert, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Batlle, Jaume, Bigorra Llosas, Joan, Blanco Vich, Isabel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Torres Castro, Rodrigo, Pascual Saldaña, Heribert, Alonso Beltran, Albert, Gimeno Santos, Elena, Palomo Gil, Maria, Barberà Mir, Joan Albert, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Batlle, Jaume, Bigorra Llosas, Joan, and Blanco Vich, Isabel
- Abstract
To the editor: Physical capacity tests are used for the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of chronic respiratory diseases (CRD), such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Pulmonary Hypertension (PH).1 Among these tests, the most widely used is the 6-minute walking test (6MWT).2 Additionally, the guidelines highlight the need to continuously record biological signals, particularly oxygen saturation (SpO2), which has been shown to be a prognostic marker in CRD.2 [...], The study was supported by grants from Societat Catalana de Pneumologia (SOCAP) (ESTEVE TEIJIN/2021), PI17/1515 and PI21/0555 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCiii), co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF, ”A way to make Europe” “Investing in your future”) and Premi d’Innovació de l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2021). For UPC authors this work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract PID2021-124463OB-I00, the Catalan Government under contract 2021 SGR 00326 and the Catalan Department of Research and Universities., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2024
10. Authorization and authentication strategy for mobile highly constrained edge devices
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Rull Jariod, Silvia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Rull Jariod, Silvia
- Abstract
The rising popularity of mobile devices has driven the need for faster connection speeds and more flexible authentication and authorization methods. This project aims to develop and implement an innovative system that provides authentication and authorization for both the device and the user. It also facilitates real-time user re-authentication within the application, ensuring transparency throughout the process. Additionally, the system aims to establish a secure architecture that minimizes the computational requirements on the client's device, thus optimizing the device's battery life. The achieved results have demonstrated satisfactory outcomes, validating the effectiveness of the proposed solution. However, there is still potential for further improvement to enhance its overall performance.
- Published
- 2023
11. Diseño e implementación del sistema de control de una granja utilizando tecnologías IoT
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Alsina Tutusaus, Anna, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Alsina Tutusaus, Anna
- Abstract
El projecte consisteix en el desplegament d’un conjunt de dispositius IoT en una granja avícola amb l’objectiu de monitorar i controlar variables ambientals i operatives clau. Els dispositius inclouen sensors per mesurar el contingut de les sitges de pinso, la temperatura exterior i interior, la humitat relativa, la concentració de diòxid de carboni, la concentració d'amoníac, la il·luminació i el consum d'aigua. A més, s'implementa un dispositiu actuador capaç d'emular el control de la ventilació, la calefacció, els llums i les menjadores. Tots els dispositius estan connectats mitjançant un servidor central, on envien les dades llegides dels sensors, també és on s'allotja l'aplicació web desenvolupada que l'usuari pot utilitzar per consultar les dades llegides per cadascun dels sensors, planificar accions en l'actuador, configurar alarmes i enregistrar dades importants dels animals. A més, l'algorítmia de control desenvolupada és capaç de gestionar de manera autònoma l'IoT actuador per complir les lleis de benestar animal en funció de les dades recollides pels sensors. L’objectiu conceptual principal d’aquest projecte és facilitar als criadors el compliment de la legislació espanyola que controla les normes mínimes de benestar animal aplicables a les granges avícoles destinades a la producció de carn. Finalment, cadascun dels dispositius IoT del projecte s'ha desplegat amb èxit en un entorn real amb l'objectiu de validar-ne la funcionalitat., El proyecto consiste en el despliegue de un conjunto de dispositivos IoT en una granja avícola con el objetivo de monitorear y controlar variables ambientales y operativas clave. Los dispositivos incluyen sensores para medir el contenido de los silos de pienso, la temperatura exterior e interior, la humedad relativa, la concentración de dióxido de carbono, la concentración de amoníaco, la iluminación y el consumo de agua. Además, se implementa un dispositivo actuador capaz de emular el control de la ventilación, la calefacción, las luces y los comederos. Todos los dispositivos están conectados mediante un servidor central, al que le envían los datos leídos de los sensores, también es donde se aloja la aplicación web desarrollada que el usuario puede utilizar para consultar los datos leídos por cada uno de los sensores, planificar acciones en el actuador, configurar alarmas y registrar datos importantes de los animales. Además, la algoritmia de control desarrollada es capaz de gestionar de manera autónoma el IoT actuador para cumplir con las leyes de bienestar animal en función de los datos recogidos por los sensores. El objetivo conceptual principal de este proyecto es facilitar a los criadores el cumplimiento de la legislación española que controla las normas mínimas de bienestar animal aplicables a las granjas avícolas destinadas a la producción de carne. Finalmente, cada uno de los dispositivos IoT del proyecto se ha desplegado con éxito en un entorno real con el objetivo de validar su funcionalidad., The project consists of the deployment of a set of IoT devices in a poultry farm with the objective of monitoring and controlling key environmental and operational variables. The devices include sensors to measure the contents of the feed silos, the outside and inside temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, ammonia concentration, lighting and water consumption. In addition, an actuator device capable of emulating the control of ventilation, heating, lights and feeders is implemented. All the devices are connected through a central server, to which they send the data read from the sensors, it is also where the developed web application is hosted, which the user can use to consult the data read by each of the sensors, plan actions in the actuator, set alarms and record important animal data. In addition, the developed control algorithm is capable of autonomously managing the IoT actuator to comply with animal welfare laws based on the data collected by the sensors. The main conceptual objective of this project is to make it easier for breeders to comply with Spanish legislation that controls the minimum standards of animal welfare applicable to poultry farms for meat production. Finally, each of the IoT devices in the project has been successfully deployed in a real environment in order to validate its functionality.
- Published
- 2023
12. An NIDS for known and zero-day anomalies
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Hussain, Ayaz, Aguiló Gost, Francisco de Asis L., Simó Mezquita, Ester, Marín Tordera, Eva, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Hussain, Ayaz, Aguiló Gost, Francisco de Asis L., Simó Mezquita, Ester, Marín Tordera, Eva, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
Rapid development in the network infrastructure has resulted in sophisticated attacks which are hard to detect using typical network intrusion detection systems (NIDS). There is a strong need for efficient NIDS to detect these known attacks along with ever-emerging zero-day exploits. Existing NIDS are more focused on detecting known attacks using supervised machine learning approaches, achieving better performance for known attacks but poor detection of unknown attacks. Many NIDS have utilized the unsupervised approach, which results in better detection of unknown anomalies. In this paper, we proposed a Hybrid NIDS based on Semisupervised One-Class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM) and Supervised Random Forest (RF) algorithms. This detection system has several stages. The First stage is based on OC-SVM, which filters benign and malicious traffic. The next stages use many parallel supervised models and an additional OC-SVM model to separate known and unknown attacks from malicious traffic. The previous process is done so that known attacks are classified by their type, and unknown attacks are detected. The proposed NIDS is tested on the standard public dataset CSE-CIC-IDS-2018. The evaluation results show that the system achieves a high accuracy, 99.45%, for detecting known attacks. Our proposed NIDS achieves an accuracy of 93.99% for unknown or zero-day attacks. The overall accuracy of the proposed NIDS is 95.95%. The system significantly improves the detection of known and unknown anomalies using a hybrid approach., This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 952644, from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract PID2021-124463OB- I00, and from the Catalan Government under contract 2021 SGR 00326., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2023
13. Digitalización de la prueba basada en el protocolo del Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT)
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Espinola Benitez, Lucas Efrain, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Espinola Benitez, Lucas Efrain
- Abstract
L'ISWT o "Incremental Shuttle Walk Test" és una prova de caminada incremental que es realitza en un recorregut de 10 metres. La velocitat de la marxa augmenta cada minut i finalitza quan el pacient es troba massa fatigat per continuar o no pot mantenir la velocitat requerida. En una fulla de treball, el metge encarregat de supervisar la prova ha d'anotar certes mesures abans,durant i després de la prova. Durant la prova, el responsable ha d'estar atent a cada pas que fa el pacient entre els cons i, després de cada minut, ha de recollir dades sobre la freqüència cardíaca i la saturació d'oxigen en sang. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és intentar digitalitzar la prova de l'ISWT, dissenyant una solució que faci més fàcil la feina al personal mèdic i com a mínim mantingui o incrementar l'eficàcia de la recopilació de dades. Des del Craax, fa temps que treballen en col·laboració amb l'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, i ja tenen un sistema muntat i diversos dispositius útils per a altres proves. Alguns d'aquests dispositius els tenim a disposició i al llarg d'aquesta memòria podrem veure com els analitzem i busquem la manera d'utilitzar-los en la nostra solució. Podrem veure com anem integrant els diferents elements per millorar la pràctica de la prova, permetent al personal que durant la prova només s'hagi d'encarregar de supervisar la recopilació de dades, a més d'una navegació a través de l'aplicació senzilla i suficient per recopilar totes les dades necessàries i útils per a la prova. Aplicant els diversos coneixements adquirits al llarg de la carrera universitària i amb l'ajuda de l'equip directiu, s'ha desenvolupat una solució final que es considera satisfactòria d'acord amb els objectius i ofereix resultats positius en la seva consideració d'utilitat per a futures millores., ISWT de “Incremental Shuttle Walk Test” es una prueba de caminata incremental realizada a lo largo de un recorrido de 10 metros. La velocidad de marcha incrementa a cada minuto y este finaliza en el caso que el paciente se encuentre demasiado fatigado como para continuar o en caso de que no pueda mantener la velocidad requerida. En una hoja de trabajo el médico encargado de monitorizar la prueba, ha de anotar ciertas medidas anteriores, durante y posteriores de la prueba. Durante la prueba, el encargado ha de estar pendiente a cada paso por los conos que realiza el paciente, y tras cada minuto recoger datos de frecuencia cardiaca y saturación de oxígeno en sangre. El objetivo de este proyecto es intentar digitalizar la prueba del ISWT, diseñando así, una solución capaz de facilitar el trabajo al personal médico y como mínimo manteniendo o mejorando la eficacia de la recogida de datos. Desde el Craax llevan tiempo trabajando conjuntamente con el Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ya tienen un sistema montado y diferentes dispositivos útiles para otras pruebas. Algunos de ellos los tenemos a disposición y a lo largo de esta memoria podremos observar como lo analizamos y buscamos poder utilizarlos en nuestra solución. Podremos ver como vamos encajando los diferentes elementos para mejorar la práctica de la prueba, permitiendo al personal que, durante la prueba únicamente tenga que encargarse de monitorizar la recogida de datos, además de una navegación a lo largo de la app sencilla y suficiente para recabar todos los datos necesarios y útiles para la prueba. Aplicando diferentes conocimientos adquiridos durante el recorrido universitario y con la ayuda del equipo dirigente, se ha desarrollado una solución final a considerar satisfactorio conforme los objetivos y de resultado positivo en su consideración de utilidad para futuras mejoras., The ISWT or "Incremental Shuttle Walk Test" is an incremental walking test performed over a 10-meter course. The walking speed increases every minute and ends when the client becomes too fatigued to continue or is unable to maintain the required speed. On a worksheet, the person in charge of monitoring the test must record certain pre-, during and post-test measurements. During the test, the responsible person must pay attention to each step taken by the client between the cones (shuttle) and, after each minute, collect data on heart rate and blood oxygen saturation. The objective of this project is to attempt to digitize the ISWT by designing a solution that makes the work easier for medical personnel and, at a minimum, maintains or improves the effectiveness of data collection. From Craax, they have been working collaboratively with the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona for some time, and they already have a system and various devices useful for other tests. Some of these devices are available to us, and throughout this report, we can see how we analyze them and seek ways to use them in our solution. We will see how we are integrating the different elements to improve the practice of the test, allowing the personnel during the test to only focus on monitoring data collection, along with simple and sufficient navigation through the app to gather all the necessary and useful data for the test Applying various acquired knowledge throughout the university journey and with the assistance of the leadership team, a final solution has been developed that is deemed satisfactory according to the objectives and yields positive results in its consideration of utility for future improvements.
- Published
- 2023
14. A survey on IoT-edge-cloud continuum systems: Status, challenges, use cases, and open issues
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Gkonis, Panagiotis, Giannopoulos, Anastasios, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Masip Bruin, Xavier, D'Andria, Francesco, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Gkonis, Panagiotis, Giannopoulos, Anastasios, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and D'Andria, Francesco
- Abstract
The rapid growth in the number of interconnected devices on the Internet (referred to as the Internet of Things—IoT), along with the huge volume of data that are exchanged and processed, has created a new landscape in network design and operation. Due to the limited battery size and computational capabilities of IoT nodes, data processing usually takes place on external devices. Since latency minimization is a key concept in modern-era networks, edge servers that are in close proximity to IoT nodes gather and process related data, while in some cases data offloading in the cloud might have to take place. The interconnection of a vast number of heterogeneous IoT devices with the edge servers and the cloud, where the IoT, edge, and cloud converge to form a computing continuum, is also known as the IoT-edge-cloud (IEC) continuum. Several key challenges are associated with this new computing systems’ architectural approach, including (i) the design of connection and programming protocols aimed at properly manipulating a huge number of heterogeneous devices over diverse infrastructures; (ii) the design of efficient task offloading algorithms aimed at optimizing services execution; (iii) the support for security and privacy enhancements during data transfer to deal with the existent and even unforeseen attacks and threats landscape; (iv) scalability, flexibility, and reliability guarantees to face the expected mobility for IoT systems; and (v) the design of optimal resource allocation mechanisms to make the most out of the available resources. These challenges will become even more significant towards the new era of sixth-generation (6G) networks, which will be based on the integration of various cutting-edge heterogeneous technologies. Therefore, the goal of this survey paper is to present all recent developments in the field of IEC continuum systems, with respect to the aforementioned deployment challenges. In the same context, potential limitations and future challenge, This work was partially supported by the project «Towards a functional continuum operating system (ICOS)» funded by the European Commission (Project code/Grant Number: 101070177, call for proposal: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01, funded under HE|HORIZON-RIA\HORIZON-AG). For the UPC author, this work has been also partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant PID2021-124463OB-I00, which is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2023
15. Cyberseguretat, IA i computació quàntica, estarem mai més en un entorn mínimament segur?
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
Aquest Research Café, dirigit a estudiants, professorat i personal investigador, tractarà sobre la intel·ligència artificial des de diferents àmbits, abordant aspectes com la seguretat, l’educació i el coneixement., Este Research Café, dirigido a estudiantes, profesorado y personal investigador, tratará sobre la inteligencia artificial desde distintos ámbitos, abordando aspectos como la seguridad, la educación y el conocimiento.
- Published
- 2023
16. Design and implementation of a teleoperator’s workstation
- Author
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Trautmann, Toralf, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Kemper, Duarte, Geerts, Joren, Ulbrich, Martin, Honer, David, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Trautmann, Toralf, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Kemper, Duarte, Geerts, Joren, Ulbrich, Martin, and Honer, David
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester"., The project aims to implement a way for a teleoperator to control an existing self-driving car if the autonomous driving algorithms fail to respond to the encountered situation. The project will rely on the existing code developed by the MechLab Team at the HTW in Dresden, who have converted a BMW i3 into a self-driving car using surround and proximity sensors and a homemade software that controls the vehicle's speed and steering. The car is also able to detect pedestrians and other obstacles thanks to a deep learning algorithm dedicated to this part. Teleoperation systems pose many challenges, such as providing the teleoperator with the same level of situational awareness as a driver in the car. The driver needs to focus more on the surroundings, and therefore teleoperated drivers will have to rest more often and take more breaks. To address this challenge, the teleoperation system will use high information density sensors, including LiDAR, radar, and ultrasonic sensors, to provide the driver with an overlay of detected obstacles and the predicted path, enhancing reality to compensate for latency in communication by taking some workload off the operator. Another big challenge is to switch between the autonomous and teleoperated driving modes, as there are different problems that can appear. Most noticeably, during the time it takes for the operator to get aware of the situation and respond to the call, the car must be able to safely stop and wait for instructions from the operator. The failure to do so could result in dangerous or even deadly situations for the autonomous vehicle’s occupants as well as for the other road users, who do not need to wait for the communication to be established. One of the last great challenges is allow stable and fast communication between the car and the teleoperator. This can be achieved by narrowing the data transmitted for example by reducing video quality in predefined cases, or by ensuring redundancy in the communication media., Incoming
- Published
- 2023
17. Analysis of offensive AI in cloud systems
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Orujlu, Oruj, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Orujlu, Oruj
- Abstract
Adversarial attacks are still effective in today's world. The main idea of the project is to give a review of cloud cybersecurity, an analysis of the different strategies to use AI in an offensive way, identification of a critical context where using AI may substantially impact increasing cybersecurity vulnerabilities and propose a solution to proactively mitigate the effects of such a non-desired use of AI.
- Published
- 2023
18. Managing resilience in carrier grade networks: Survey, open issues and trends
- Author
Ramirez, Wilson, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Marin-Tordera, Eva, and Sànchez-López, Sergi
- Published
- 2015
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19. EQR: A New Energy-Aware Query-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Author
Ahvar, Ehsan, Serral-Gracià, René, Marín-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Yannuzzi, Marcelo, Hutchison, David, editor, Kanade, Takeo, editor, Kittler, Josef, editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., editor, Mattern, Friedemann, editor, Mitchell, John C., editor, Naor, Moni, editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, editor, Pandu Rangan, C., editor, Steffen, Bernhard, editor, Sudan, Madhu, editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, editor, Tygar, Doug, editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., editor, Weikum, Gerhard, editor, Koucheryavy, Yevgeni, editor, Mamatas, Lefteris, editor, Matta, Ibrahim, editor, and Tsaoussidis, Vassilis, editor
- Published
- 2012
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20. Multi-domain optical routing: Is there life beyond extending BGP?
- Author
Marín-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Yannuzzi, Marcelo, and Serral-Gracià, René
- Published
- 2014
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21. A Framework for Cooperative Inter-Domain QoS Routing
- Author
Fonte, Alexandre, Monteiro, Edmundo, Yannuzzi, Marcelo, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Kloos, Carlos Delgado, editor, Marín, Andrés, editor, and Larrabeiti, David, editor
- Published
- 2006
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22. Optimizing Routing Decisions Under Inaccurate Network State Information
- Author
Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-López, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Hutchison, David, editor, Kanade, Takeo, editor, Kittler, Josef, editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., editor, Mattern, Friedemann, editor, Mitchell, John C., editor, Naor, Moni, editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, editor, Pandu Rangan, C., editor, Steffen, Bernhard, editor, Sudan, Madhu, editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, editor, Tygar, Dough, editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., editor, Weikum, Gerhard, editor, Ajmone Marsan, Marco, editor, Bianchi, Giuseppe, editor, Listanti, Marco, editor, and Meo, Michela, editor
- Published
- 2005
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23. A Proposal for Inter-domain QoS Routing Based on Distributed Overlay Entities and QBGP
- Author
Yannuzzi, Marcelo, Fonte, Alexandre, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Monteiro, Edmundo, Sánchez-López, Sergi, Curado, Marilia, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Hutchison, David, editor, Kanade, Takeo, editor, Kittler, Josef, editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., editor, Mattern, Friedemann, editor, Mitchell, John C., editor, Naor, Moni, editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, editor, Pandu Rangan, C., editor, Steffen, Bernhard, editor, Sudan, Madhu, editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, editor, Tygar, Dough, editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., editor, Weikum, Gerhard, editor, Solé-Pareta, Josep, editor, Smirnov, Michael, editor, Van Mieghem, Piet, editor, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, editor, Monteiro, Edmundo, editor, Reichl, Peter, editor, Stiller, Burkhard, editor, and Gibbens, Richard J., editor
- Published
- 2004
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24. A New Prediction-Based Routing and Wavelength Assignment Mechanism for Optical Transport Networks
- Author
Marín-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-López, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Hutchison, David, editor, Kanade, Takeo, editor, Kittler, Josef, editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., editor, Mattern, Friedemann, editor, Mitchell, John C., editor, Naor, Moni, editor, Nierstrasz, Oscar, editor, Pandu Rangan, C., editor, Steffen, Bernhard, editor, Sudan, Madhu, editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, editor, Tygar, Dough, editor, Vardi, Moshe Y., editor, Weikum, Gerhard, editor, Solé-Pareta, Josep, editor, Smirnov, Michael, editor, Van Mieghem, Piet, editor, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, editor, Monteiro, Edmundo, editor, Reichl, Peter, editor, Stiller, Burkhard, editor, and Gibbens, Richard J., editor
- Published
- 2004
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25. Hierarchical Routing with QoS Constraints in Optical Transport Networks
- Author
Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-López, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Marín-Tordera, Eva, Goos, Gerhard, editor, Hartmanis, Juris, editor, van Leeuwen, Jan, editor, Mitrou, Nikolas, editor, Kontovasilis, Kimon, editor, Rouskas, George N., editor, Iliadis, Ilias, editor, and Merakos, Lazaros, editor
- Published
- 2004
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26. A QoS Routing Mechanism for Reducing the Routing Inaccuracy Effects
- Author
Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-López, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, Dominigo-Pascual, Jordi, Goos, Gerhard, editor, Hartmanis, Juris, editor, van Leeuwen, Jan, editor, Marsan, Marco Ajmone, editor, Corazza, Giorgio, editor, Listanti, Marco, editor, and Roveri, Aldo, editor
- Published
- 2003
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27. Providing QoS in MPLS-ATM Integrated Environment
- Author
Sánchez-López, Sergio, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Solé-Pareta, Josep, Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, Goos, G., editor, Hartmanis, J., editor, van Leeuwen, J., editor, Stiller, Burkhard, editor, Smirnow, Michael, editor, Karsten, Martin, editor, and Reichl, Peter, editor
- Published
- 2002
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28. Desenvolupament d'una eina capaç d'analitzar la situació tecnològica d'una ciutat i proposar un pla de transició a un model de ciutat intel·ligent i sostenible
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Campamà Carreras, Jordi, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Campamà Carreras, Jordi
- Abstract
Aquest projecte pretén aportar solucions a les ciutats que necessiten millorar alguns aspectes per adaptar-se als temps actuals. Al llarg d’aquest projecte es buscarà quines solucions es poden aplicar en funció del tipus de ciutat. Després es desenvoluparà una eina que permetrà a un usuari entendre la situació de la seva ciutat i els passos a seguir per acostar-se a un model de ciutat més intel·ligent, eficient i sostenible. L’ eina és una aplicació web que conté un qüestionari amb un conjunt de preguntes sobre la ciutat, que dona com a resultat un anàlisi del seu estat i exemples de millores que s’hi podrien aplicar., This project aims to provide solutions to cities that need to improve some aspects to adapt to current times. Throughout this project I will look at what solutions can be applied depending on the type of city. Afterwards, a tool will be developed that will allow a user to understand the situation of their city and the steps to follow to approach a smarter, more efficient and sustainable city model. The tool is a web application that contains a questionnaire with a set of questions about the city, which results in an analysis of its status and examples of improvements that could be applied.
- Published
- 2022
29. A reference architecture for cloud-edge meta-operating systems enabling cross-domain, data-intensive, ML-assisted applications: architectural overview and key concepts
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Facca, Federico M., Spantideas, Sotirios T., Giannopoulos, Anastasios, Kapsalis, Nikolaos C., Martins, Rui, Bosani, Enrica, Ramon Balasch, Joan, González Prats, Raül, Ntroulias, George, Lyridis, Dimitrios V., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Facca, Federico M., Spantideas, Sotirios T., Giannopoulos, Anastasios, Kapsalis, Nikolaos C., Martins, Rui, Bosani, Enrica, Ramon Balasch, Joan, González Prats, Raül, Ntroulias, George, and Lyridis, Dimitrios V.
- Abstract
Future data-intensive intelligent applications are required to traverse across the cloudto-edge-to-IoT continuum, where cloud and edge resources elegantly coordinate, alongside sensor networks and data. However, current technical solutions can only partially handle the data outburst associated with the IoT proliferation experienced in recent years, mainly due to their hierarchical architectures. In this context, this paper presents a reference architecture of a meta-operating system (RAMOS), targeted to enable a dynamic, distributed and trusted continuum which will be capable of facilitating the next-generation smart applications at the edge. RAMOS is domain-agnostic, capable of supporting heterogeneous devices in various network environments. Furthermore, the proposed architecture possesses the ability to place the data at the origin in a secure and trusted manner. Based on a layered structure, the building blocks of RAMOS are thoroughly described, and the interconnection and coordination between them is fully presented. Furthermore, illustration of how the proposed reference architecture and its characteristics could fit in potential key industrial and societal applications, which in the future will require more power at the edge, is provided in five practical scenarios, focusing on the distributed intelligence and privacy preservation principles promoted by RAMOS, as well as the concept of environmental footprint minimization. Finally, the business potential of an open edge ecosystem and the societal impacts of climate net neutrality are also illustrated., For UPC authors: this research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER, grant number PID2021-124463OB-100., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2022
30. Enhanced rank-based model for selecting controllers in dynamic and heterogeneous fog environments
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Souza Costa, Marcus Vinícius, Souza, Vitor Barbosa, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Souza Costa, Marcus Vinícius, Souza, Vitor Barbosa, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works., Fog computing is a recent paradigm leveraging available resources at the edge of the network intended to extend the traditional cloud model towards the novel cloud continuum computing model. Recognized the unstoppable growth of highly dynamic and heterogeneous edge devices, as well as the pop up of a large set of diverse and ever more demanding services, the selection of those edge resources best meeting service requirements while also matching the expected QoS guarantees is, with no doubt, a challenging task. This paper presents a rankbased model aimed at both evaluating edge nodes’ characteristics and selecting nodes best performing the controller role, whilst simultaneously satisfying the required QoS constraints, coining the so-called Control-as-a-Service concept. To that end, a yet simple prediction strategy, based on Dynamic Branch Prediction is introduced to avoid unnecessary controller exchanges and QoS degradation. In the performed experiments, the proposed method yielded a reduction in the number of exchanges when compared to a solution with no prediction, under different scenarios. Comparing distinct selection strategies, the proposed model presented an improvement in controller availability as well as in relevant controllers’ characteristics, such as battery and memory capacity., This work is supported by FAPEMIG, CNPq, and CAPES. For the UPC author this work was supported by FEDER under contract RTI2018-094532-B-I00., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2022
31. Smartening the bridge
- Author
Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Clarke, George, Sánchez Lang, Gema, Przedborska, Natalia, Villarino Rana, Thiago Andrade, Bökkerink, Roos, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Clarke, George, Sánchez Lang, Gema, Przedborska, Natalia, Villarino Rana, Thiago Andrade, and Bökkerink, Roos
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester"., This report explains the process the team went through when designing and developing a smart bridge that integrates into a smart city. It was proposed by the CRAAX lab which is a research group based in UPC Vilanova. It consists of both students and researchers studying computer science and telecommunications. In the CRAAX lab, there is a smart city testbed, which is a miniature model of a smart city. A smart city uses a framework of information and communication technologies to create, deploy and promote development practices to address urban challenges and create a joined-up technologically enabled, and sustainable infrastructure. Our goal is to create a smart bridge concept and show its integration into the smart city and the benefits it has towards improving traffic flow. Simulations will be conducted using an online program called Flexsim to compare traffic flow in different street layouts; an intersection, a four-lane bridge, and a two-lane bridge. From these calculations, we can decide which bridge will be most suited for the smart city. In the smart bridge, there will be many smart features incorporated to enhance the bridge further. These include smart sensors, big data, VMS, and other smart features. The bridge’s concept will be communicated through the simulation programs and with detailed design sketches describing each smart feature’s layout and function., Incoming
- Published
- 2022
32. FOOXYnet: Xarxa col·laborativa d'intercanvi d'informació per pacients respiratoris
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Denis Llanes, Gabriel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Denis Llanes, Gabriel
- Abstract
FOOXYnet és una aplicació web, concretament, una xarxa social destinada a ser integrada amb el conjunt de projectes entre l'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona i el CRAAX de la UPC de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Aquests projectes tenen la intenció de facilitar al personal mèdic l'avaluació dels pacients amb problemes respiratoris mitjançant l'execució d'exercicis físics com serien caminades seguint unes rutes personalitzades per als pacients. Amb la intenció de ser un portal social on els pacients poden compartir amb altres pacients i discutir el progrés dels exercicis proposats pel personal mèdic, va néixer FOOXYnet. Amb aquest objectiu en ment, FOOXYnet es fa servir de les rutes creades pel projecte de DCRoutes, entre altres criteris, per recomanar activament possibles contactes i contingut que s'ajusta als seus interessos personals. S’espera que conjuntament amb el interès de la xarxa, el pacient també desenvolupi una motivació addicional per realitzar els exercicis recomanats i poder compatir els resultats amb els altres usuaris de la xarxa. I així, motivar a altres pacients a seguir el seu exemple. Aplicant tècniques avançades d’arquitectura de programari, i amb la utilització de tecnologies de desenvolupament web, s’ha confeccionat una xarxa social amb una gran capacitat de creixement que compleix amb els objectius plantejats., FOOXYnet es una aplicación web, concretamente, una red social destinada a integrarse con el conjunto de proyectos entre el Hospital Clínico de Barcelona y el CRAAX de la UPC de Vilanova y la Geltrú. Estos proyectos tienen la intención de facilitar al personal médico la evaluación de los pacientes con problemas respiratorios mediante la ejecución de ejercicios físicos cómo unas camidatas siguiendo una ruta creada y personalizada para el paciente Con la intención de ser un portal social donde los pacientes pueden compartir con otros pacientes y discutir el progreso de los ejercicios propuestos por personal médico, se creó FOOXYnet. Con este objetivo en mente, FOOXYnet se hace servir de las rutas creadas por el proyecto de DCRoutes, entre otros criterios, para recomendar activamente posibles contactos y contenido que se ajuste a sus intereses personales. Se espera que junto con el interés de la red, el paciente también desarrolle una motivación adicional para realizar los ejercicios recomendados y poder comparar los resultados con los otros usuarios. Y de esta manera, motivar a otros pacientes a seguir su ejemplo. Aplicando técnicas avanzadas de arquitectura de programación, y con la utilización de tecnologías de desarrollo web, se ha confeccionado una red social con una gran capacidad de crecimiento que cumple con los objetivos planteados., FOOXYnet is a web application, specifically, a social network designed to integrate with the set of projects between the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and the CRAAX of the UPC of Vilanova i la Geltrú. These projects are intended to facilitate the medical staff the evaluation of patients with respiratory problems through the execution of physical exercises such as walks following a route created and customized for the patient. With the intention of being a social portal where patients can share with other patients and discuss the progress of the exercises proposed by medical staff, FOOXYnet was created. With this goal in mind, FOOXYnet makes use of the routes created by the DCRoutes project, among other criteria, to actively recommend potential contacts and content that matches their personal interests. It is expected that along with the interest of the network, the patient will also develop additional motivation to perform the recommended exercises and be able to compare the results with other users. And in this way, motivate other patients to follow suit. By applying advanced programming architecture techniques and using web development technologies, a social network has been created with a great capacity for growth that meets the objectives set.
- Published
- 2022
33. QoS and QoE Effects of Packet Losses in Multimedia Video Streaming
- Author
Serral-Gracià, René, primary, Marín-Tordera, Eva, additional, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, additional, and Yannuzzi, Marcelo, additional
- Published
- 2014
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34. Prediction-based routing as RWA in multilayer traffic engineering
- Author
Puype, Bart, Marín-Tordera, Eva, Colle, Didier, Sánchez-López, Sergio, Pickavet, Mario, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, and Demeester, Piet
- Published
- 2012
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35. Managing the cloud continuum: lessons learnt from a real fog-to-cloud deployment
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Serveis i Sistemes d'Informació, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. IMP - Information Modeling and Processing, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Sánchez López, Sergio, García Almiñana, Jordi, Jukan, Admela, Juan Ferrer, Ana, Queralt Calafat, Anna, Salis, Antonio, Bartoli, Andrea, Cankar, Matija, Cordeiro, Cristovao, Jensen, Jens, Kennedy, John D., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Serveis i Sistemes d'Informació, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. IMP - Information Modeling and Processing, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Sánchez López, Sergio, García Almiñana, Jordi, Jukan, Admela, Juan Ferrer, Ana, Queralt Calafat, Anna, Salis, Antonio, Bartoli, Andrea, Cankar, Matija, Cordeiro, Cristovao, Jensen, Jens, and Kennedy, John D.
- Abstract
The wide adoption of the recently coined fog and edge computing paradigms alongsideconventional cloud computing creates a novel scenario, known as the cloud continuum, whereservices may benefit from the overall set of resources to optimize their execution. To operatesuccessfully, such a cloud continuum scenario demands for novel management strategies, enablinga coordinated and efficient management of the entire set of resources, from the edge up to thecloud, designed in particular to address key edge characteristics, such as mobility, heterogeneity andvolatility. The design of such a management framework poses many research challenges and hasalready promoted many initiatives worldwide at different levels. In this paper we present the resultsof one of these experiences driven by an EU H2020 project, focusing on the lessons learnt from a realdeployment of the proposed management solution in three different industrial scenarios. We thinkthat such a description may help understand the benefits brought in by a holistic cloud continuummanagement and also may help other initiatives in their design and development processes., This research was funded by H2020 mF2C Project, grant number 730929, and for UPCauthors by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER, grant numberRTI2018-094532-B-I00., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2021
36. On the optimality of concurrent container clusters scheduling over heterogeneous smart environments
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Masip Bruin, Xavier, García Almiñana, Jordi, Sánchez López, Sergio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Masip Bruin, Xavier, García Almiñana, Jordi, and Sánchez López, Sergio
- Abstract
Smart environments rely on the cloud for most computation activities; however, leveraging the availability of resources at the edge could complement the cloud capabilities to provide a resources continuum spectrum that takes advantage of the benefits of both technologies, cloud and edge computing. In this scenario, applications are usually decomposed for execution in sets of tasks, which are in turn encapsulated into virtual components such as containers. Containers are lightweight implementations of virtual machines, improving efficiency and portability in distributed applications. Traditional containers scheduling in cloud is a well-known problem, but when the environment is heterogeneous, as it is in the scope of edge computing and edge-cloud systems, the problem becomes more challenging. In this paper we present the Concurrent Container Clusters Scheduling problem (C3S) aimed at optimizing the problem of placing containers in clusters of heterogeneous nodes satisfying a set of resource requirements, quality of service limitations, and considering additional stringent constraints in terms of applications execution in isolation for security guaranteeing. The C3S problem has been formulated using Integer Linear Programming with the dual objective of minimizing the number of applications rejected while minimizing the number of nodes used for computation. We have evaluated the optimality of this approach, analyzed the performance in terms of solving time and, finally, created a heuristic approach to solve the problem in realistic high demanding scenarios., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
37. Towards user-centric, switching cost-aware fog node selection strategies
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Rejiba, Zeineb, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Rejiba, Zeineb, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Marín Tordera, Eva
- Abstract
In order to address high latency issues that may arise when executing timecritical applications at the cloud side, the novel fog computing paradigm has emerged, thus enabling the execution of such applications within computation nodes present at the edge of the network. While executing such applications, a user may be moving in an area where a high number of heterogeneous fog nodes (FNs) co-exist. This makes the problem of selecting the most appropriate fog node to execute the user’s tasks challenging, especially since the set of visible FNs dynamically changes. Therefore, to deal with the uncertain and dynamic nature of such a fog computing environment, we model the FN selection problem using multi-armed bandits. However, standard solutions for the bandit problem are not tailored for scenarios with changing FN availabilities. In addition, since switching from one FN to the other causes a switching cost, such solutions lead to accumulating a high switching cost. Therefore, to address these issues, we first propose a block-based FN selection scheme, where switching among FNs is not allowed during a block of timeslots. We also propose a greedy approach, where FNs having a sufficiently good delay performance are selected in a greedy manner. Simulation results reveal that both approaches significantly improve the FN selection performance. In particular, we found that the blockbased selection results in the lowest switching costs, whereas the greedy selection achieves the best overall performance., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
38. Medical automated movement detector (MedAMD )
- Author
Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Ivan, Bogdan-Paul, Kelly, Daniel, Thomas, Laurent, Strehlow, Rebekka, Nuhr, Sem, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Ivan, Bogdan-Paul, Kelly, Daniel, Thomas, Laurent, Strehlow, Rebekka, and Nuhr, Sem
- Abstract
Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester"., The 2021 EPS spring team composed of Sem, Rebekka, Bogdan, Daniel and Laurent has been working on the project proposed by the CRAAX Lab. The initially proposed name of the project was “Design of an ad-hoc adaptable sensor system for the 6MWT”. Since the scope of the project partially changed since then, the name was changed to “Medical Automated Movement Detector (MedAMD)”. The challenge is to develop a product that simplifies different tests that physicians run to know the desaturation level in patients with hypoxia, an illness in which the blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen. The CRAAX Lab has as of today two working prototypes, each specifically designed for one test. Our objective is to develop a device that is able to function for a multitude of tests, therefore facilitating the testing. In order to achieve that, we combined the technology of two devices, built by the CRAAX team and modified them so it would send data about the different movements of the patients to an already existing app, by Bluetooth. The scope of this project encompassed the analysis of the existing prototypes, conceptualizing our device, creating the overall design of both the casing of the electronic components and the strapping system to hold our device in place and build a functioning electronic circuit with the required set of sensors. The tests we are aiming to facilitate with our device require the device to be either strapped to the patient or to a cone. Ideally our device would send the data recorded by the sensors to an already existing app, via Bluetooth. As we have not had access to the existing coding and do not possess the necessary skills to code it on our own, we consider the successful bluetooth connection of our device to a bluetooth testing app (Serial Bluetooth Terminal) a measure of success. A future step to fully implement this device would be the coding necessary for the communication with an app. To conclude, we have successfully printed the redesigned casing for the e, Incoming
- Published
- 2021
39. Edge systems authentication based on blockchain technology
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Miquel Martínez, Martí, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, and Miquel Martínez, Martí
- Abstract
Nowadays IoT devices are a huge trend, present in a lot of people's routine, companies, public facilities and so on. The main reason for their raising popularity is mainly the huge range of use cases in which they can take part. This TFM is aimed at proposing and implementing an architecture able to provide security by design (having security as a premise in each designing step) withholding IoT devices in a supply chain scenario. Blockchain is the cornerstone of this project, due to the beneficious qualities it provides in regard of security. The obtained results are majorly satisfactory, battery tests indicate the performance of the proposed architecture yielding positive results yet there is room for improvement debriefed in future work section., Hoy en día, los dispositivos IoT son una gran tendencia, presente en la rutina de muchas personas, empresas, instalaciones públicas, etc. La razón principal de su creciente popularidad es principalmente la amplia gama de casos de uso en los que pueden participar. Este TFM tiene como objetivo proponer e implementar una arquitectura capaz de brindar seguridad por diseño (teniendo la seguridad como premisa en cada paso del diseño) reteniendo dispositivos IoT en un escenario de cadena de suministro. Blockchain es la piedra angular de este proyecto, debido a las beneficiosas cualidades que proporciona en materia de seguridad. Los resultados obtenidos son ampliamente satisfactorios, las pruebas de batería indican que el rendimiento de la arquitectura propuesta arroja resultados positivos, sin embargo, hay margen de mejora en la sección de trabajo futuro., Actualment, els dispositius IoT són una tendència enorme, present en moltes rutines, empreses, espais públics, etc. El principal motiu de la seva popularitat és principalment l?enorme ventall de casos d?ús en que poden formar-ne part. Aquest TFM té com a objectiu proposar i implementar una arquitectura capaç de proporcionar seguretat mitjançant el disseny (tenint la seguretat com a premissa en cada pas de disseny) retenint dispositius IoT en un escenari de cadena de subministrament. Blockchain és la pedra angular d?aquest projecte, a causa de les qualitats beneficioses que proporciona en matèria de seguretat. Els resultats obtinguts són majoritàriament satisfactoris, vàries proves indiquen el rendiment de l?arquitectura proposada donant resultats positius, tot i que hi ha marge de millora mencionat en la secció "treball futur".
- Published
- 2021
40. An edge-based strategy for smart advertising
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Seyghaly, Rasool, García Almiñana, Jordi, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Seyghaly, Rasool, García Almiñana, Jordi, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
Smart advertising creates awareness about some offer with a more direct, personalized and interactive focus. In this area, AROUND is a social network aimed at providing smart advertising to suggest appealing business to their customers and friends. The AROUND system is supported by a sophisticated recommender system, which considers not only the customers historical behaviours, but also their current mood and accurate location. In such smart recommendation systems, the response time for the personalized advertising is critical for a successful users’ quality of experience. In this research work we first evaluate the current performance of the AROUND system in terms of processing and communication times considering that, nowadays, this social network has more than 3 million users. The current implementation of the system relies on the deployment of a network of beacons, and uses a domestic cloud provider as the main infrastructure. We show that when the number of concurrent requests becomes too high, the response time faces some limitations. In order to address this issue, we discuss several alternatives, and propose the use of an edge-based strategy as a solution for fast response time. In the experimental section, we measure the performance of the AROUND system, both in our current infrastructure at the cloud and with an edge-based approach, and show the additional advantages of leveraging the edge-based strategy even in the case of overloading the cloud capacity., This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract RTI2018-094532-B-I00., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
41. Data-flow driven optimal tasks distribution for global heterogeneous systems
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, García Almiñana, Jordi, Aguiló Gost, Francisco de Asis L., Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Simó Mezquita, Ester, Zaragoza Monroig, M. Luisa, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, García Almiñana, Jordi, Aguiló Gost, Francisco de Asis L., Asensio Garcia, Adrian, Simó Mezquita, Ester, Zaragoza Monroig, M. Luisa, and Masip Bruin, Xavier
- Abstract
As a result of advances in technology and highly demanding users expectations, more and more applications require intensive computing resources and, most importantly, high consumption of data distributed throughout the environment. For this reason, there has been an increasing number of research efforts to cooperatively use geographically distributed resources, working in parallel and sharing resources and data. In fact, an application can be structured into a set of tasks organized through interdependent relationships, some of which can be effectively executed in parallel, notably speeding up the execution time. In this work a model is proposed aimed at offloading tasks execution in heterogeneous environments, considering different nodes computing capacity connected through distinct network bandwidths, and located at different distances. In the envisioned model, the focus is on the overhead produced when accessing remote data sources as well as the data transfer cost generated between tasks at run-time. The novelty of this approach is that the mechanism proposed for tasks allocation is data-flow aware, considering the geographical location of both, computing nodes and data sources, ending up in an optimal solution to a highly complex problem. Two optimization strategies are proposed, the Optimal Matching Model and the Staged Optimization Model, as two different approaches to obtain a solution to the task scheduling problem. In the optimal model approach a global solution for all application’s tasks is considered, finding an optimal solution. Differently, the staged model approach is designed to obtain a local optimal solution by stages. In both cases, a mixed integer linear programming model has been designed intended to minimizing the application execution time. In the studies carried out to evaluate this proposal, the staged model provides the optimal solution in 76% of the simulated scenarios, while it also dramatically reduces the solving time with respect to o, Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
42. Cybersecurity in ict supply chains: Key challenges and a relevant architecture
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Ruiz Jiménez, Francisco José, Jukan, Admela, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Cernivec, Ales, Lioy, Antonio, Lopez, Diego, Santos, Henrique, Gonos, Antonis, Silva, Ana, Soriano Díaz, José, Kalogiannis, Grigorios, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. CRAAX - Centre de Recerca d'Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Marín Tordera, Eva, Ruiz Jiménez, Francisco José, Jukan, Admela, Trakadas, Panagiotis, Cernivec, Ales, Lioy, Antonio, Lopez, Diego, Santos, Henrique, Gonos, Antonis, Silva, Ana, Soriano Díaz, José, and Kalogiannis, Grigorios
- Abstract
The specific demands of supply chains built upon large and complex IoT systems, make it a must to design a coordinated framework for cyber resilience provisioning, intended to guarantee trusted supply chains of ICT systems, built upon distributed, dynamic, potentially insecure, and heterogeneous ICT infrastructures. As such, the solution proposed in this paper is envisioned to deal with the whole supply chain system components, from the IoT ecosystem to the infrastructure connecting them, addressing security and privacy functionalities related to risks and vulnerabilities management, accountability, and mitigation strategies, as well as security metrics and evidence-based security assurance. In this paper, we present FISHY as a preliminary architecture that is designed to orchestrate existing and beyond state-of-the-art security appliances in composed ICT scenarios. To this end, the FISHY architecture leverages the capabilities of programmable networks and IT infrastructure through seamless orchestration and instantiation of novel security services, both in real-time and proactively. The paper also includes a thorough business analysis to go far beyond the technical benefits of a potential FISHY adoption, as well as three real-world use cases highlighting the envisioned benefits of a potential FISHY adoption., This research was funded by H2020 FISHY Project, grant number 952644, and for UPC authors by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER, grant number RTI2018-094532-B-I00., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2021
43. DCRoutes (Design & categorization of walking routes for respiratory patients training)
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Palacios Martinez, Javier, Rull Jariod, Silvia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Masip Bruin, Xavier, Palacios Martinez, Javier, and Rull Jariod, Silvia
- Abstract
DCRoutes es una aplicación web, destinada a ser integrada en un proyecto colaborativo entre el CRAAX y el Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Uno de los componentes de ese proyecto se centra en facilitar a los médicos, el hecho de poder evaluar a un conjunto de pacientes con problemas respiratorios, con el objetivo de que puedan mejorar su capacidad pulmonar tras una serie de ejercicios. DCRoutes en concreto, tiene como objetivo, ofrecer la posibilidad de crear rutas en una zona geográfica específica. Una vez se genera una ruta, el sistema automáticamente la analizará en base a un conjunto de aspectos como elevaciones, distancia, duración aproximada, etc.,para de esta manera asignar una dificultad a dicha ruta. Pensando en el esquema general del proyecto, una vez el doctor esté con un paciente para asignarle una ruta, podrá utilizar la solución propuesta en este proyecto para bien analizar las rutas ya creadas por otro doctor o por él mismo y reutilizar alguna ruta para asignarla a su paciente, o bien podrá crear nuevas rutas/zonas para poder adecuarse mejor a las necesidades de este. Así, las rutas podrían acomodar necesidades propias del paciente como por ejemplo, el hecho que al paciente le gustara realizar dichas rutas en su zona de residencia y que además el origen de las mismas fuera el domicilio particular del paciente.. Gracias a una serie de reuniones con el resto del equipo del CRAAX y los médicos del Clínic de Barcelona, hemos ido integrando nuevas ideas y el proyecto ha ido evolucionando con las diferentes versiones. Tras estos meses de trabajo y las reuniones realizadas, se considera el resultado final satisfactorio de acuerdo a los objetivos iniciales planteados., DCRoutes is a web application designed to integrate with a collaborative project between CRAAX and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. The aim of the project is to facilitate the evaluation of patients with respiratory problems in order to improve their lung capacity by a series of exercises. DCRoutes' specific objective is to make it possible to create routes in certain zones saved in the system. Once a route is generated, the system automatically analyses it, based on a set of values such as elevation, distance, approximate duration and more. The final analysis serves to assign a suitable difficulty to the associated track. Regarding the general scheme of the project, the doctor assigning a route to the patient will use our system to analyse routes already created by himself or another doctor/physiotherapist, and he will subsequently allocate the selected route to the patient. Also, as a second option, the doctor is able to create new tracks or choose new zones so as to adjust the route according to the needs of the person. For instance, if the patient would like to carry out all the routes in his area of residence. In addition, the origin of each route is the house of the patient. Throughout the memory, every stage of the process is presented step by step, along with indicated new features implemented in each new version of the project. In addition, we briefly reflect on what these new features provide, both in terms of the usability of the application and the functionalities to improve the creation of exercises for the patients. Thanks to the series of meetings with the rest of the CRAAX team and the doctors at the Barcelona Clinic, we have integrated new ideas and the project has gradually evolved from implementing new features. After months of work and sessions held, the final result is considered satisfactory and useful for hospitals.
- Published
- 2021
44. Fast setup of end-to-end paths for bandwidth constrained applications in an IP/MPLS-ATM integrated environment
- Author
Sanchez-Lopez, Sergio, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sole-Pareta, Josep, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi
- Subjects
Protocol ,Computer network protocols - Abstract
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2006.05.011 Byline: Sergio Sanchez-Lopez, Xavier Masip-Bruin, Josep Sole-Pareta, Jordi Domingo-Pascual Keywords: IP/MPLS; ATM; PNNI Abstract: Transport networks are currently being moved towards a model of high performance Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) routers interconnected through intelligent core networks. Currently, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology has been widely deployed in several network backbones along with the Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) protocols as the control plane. In order to cope with the increasing Internet traffic demands in the current context, fast setup of end-to-end paths with the required Quality of Service (QoS) is necessary. This paper analyzes the case of two IP/MPLS networks interconnected through an ATM core network, assuming MPLS as the mechanism to provide Traffic Engineering in the IP networks, and a PNNI-based control plane in the core network. This paper aims to define a mechanism needed to set up a fast end-to-end QoS Label Switched Path (LSP) between two Label Switched Routers (LSRs) belonging to different IP/MPLS domains. First, the fast end-to-end setup is achieved by modifying the network backbone control plane. Second, two different aggregation schemes are proposed to summarize the QoS network state information to be transported through the ATM core network. Therefore, both the efficient aggregation schemes and the fast mechanism allow source routing to set up a path faster than the existing methods and to reduce the blocking probability using a summary of the available resource information. Author Affiliation: Advanced Broadband Communications Laboratory (LCABA), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Av. Victor Balaguer s/n, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltru-Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain Article History: Received 8 July 2005; Revised 7 January 2006; Accepted 12 May 2006 Article Note: (miscellaneous) Responsible Editor: J.C. de Oliveira
- Published
- 2007
45. A hierarchical routing approach for optical transport networks
- Author
MariIn-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sanchez-Lopez, Sergio, Sole-Pareta, Josep, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi
- Subjects
Algorithm ,Algorithms - Abstract
To link to full-text access for this article, visit this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2005.05.019 Byline: Eva MariIn-Tordera, Xavier Masip-Bruin, Sergio Sanchez-Lopez, Josep Sole-Pareta, Jordi Domingo-Pascual Keywords: Hierarchical networks; Optical transport networks; Prediction-based routing; Aggregation schemes Abstract: Although the automatically switched optical networks (ASON) specifications strongly recommend a hierarchical network architecture for these networks, this is still an open issue. The hierarchical network concept involves several mechanisms mainly related with signaling and routing, such as the aggregation scheme, the dissemination process, the updating policy and the routing algorithms. The existing mechanisms for flat networks must be substantially modified to be applied to a hierarchical network architecture. In this paper, authors propose a complete hierarchical routing approach mainly focusing on routing concerns, aiming to optimize the global network performance while guaranteeing scalability. Author Affiliation: Advanced Broadband Communications Center, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Av. Victor Balaguer s/n, Vilanova i la Geltru-Barcelona, 08800 Catalunya, Spain
- Published
- 2006
46. A hierarchical routing approach for optical transport networks
- Author
Marin-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sanchez-Lopez, Sergio, Sole-Pareta, Josep, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi
- Subjects
Hierarchical storage management system ,Fiber transmission equipment ,Bridge/router ,Internetworking device ,ISDN router ,Fiber optic networks -- Standards ,Bridge/routers -- Usage - Published
- 2006
47. EQR: A New Energy-Aware Query-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Author
Ahvar, Ehsan, primary, Serral-Gracià, René, additional, Marín-Tordera, Eva, additional, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, additional, and Yannuzzi, Marcelo, additional
- Published
- 2012
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48. A hierarchical routing approach for optical transport networks
- Author
Marı́n-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-Lopez, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi
- Published
- 2006
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49. The prediction-based routing in optical transport networks
- Author
Marín-Tordera, Eva, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, Sánchez-Lopez, Sergio, Solé-Pareta, Josep, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi
- Published
- 2006
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50. A New Prediction-Based Routing and Wavelength Assignment Mechanism for Optical Transport Networks
- Author
Marín-Tordera, Eva, primary, Masip-Bruin, Xavier, additional, Sánchez-López, Sergio, additional, Solé-Pareta, Josep, additional, and Domingo-Pascual, Jordi, additional
- Published
- 2004
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