[Lonjsko Polje (Croatia) is among the largest alluvial wetlands in Europe. Temporary ponds that are the natural habitat for spinicaudatan branchiopods are very abundant in the area. We determined the time of occurrence, length of the life span, and the sexual structure and habitat characteristics of populations of Spinicaudata. Research took place from May to December 2004 at five sites. Three spinicaudatans were found: Cyzicus tetracerus (Krynicki, 1830) in spring (May to July) and autumn (late October), Eoleptestheria ticinensis (Balsamo-Crivelli, 1859) in spring (mid-May) and Leptestheria dahalacensis (Ruppell, 1837) in summer (mid-July). The length of their life span was 2-4 weeks. The populations of Cyzicus tetracerus, Eoleptestheria ticinensis, and Leptestheria dahalacensis consisted of males and females in an approximately 1 : 1 sex ratio. Ecological aspects of the habitat, including physico-chemical characteristics of the water as well as the structure and abundance of the associated fauna, were also observed. Lonsko Polje (Croatie) compte parmi les zones humides alluviales les plus vastes d'Europe. Les mares temporaires, qui sont l'habitat naturel des branchiopodes Spinicaudata, sont tres nombreuses dans cette region. Nous avons determine la periode de presence, la longevite, la structure sexuelle et les caracteristiques de l'habitat des populations de Spinicaudata. Cette recherche a ete realisee de mai a decembre 2004 sur cinq sites. Trois Spinicaudata ont ete trouves : Cyzicus tetracerus (Krynicki, 1830) au printemps (mai a juillet) et en automne (fin octobre), Eoleptestheria ticinensis (Balsamo-Crivelli, 1859) au printemps (mi-mai), et Leptestheria dahalacensis (Ruppell, 1837) en ete (mi-juillet). Leur temps de vie etait de 2 a 4 semaines. Les populations de Cyzicus tetracerus, Eoleptestheria ticinensis et Leptestheria dahalacensis etaient composees de mâles et de femelles dans le sex-ratio d'approximativement 1 : 1. Les aspects ecologiques de l'habitat, incluant les caracteristiques physico-chimiques de l'eau ainsi que la structure et l'abondance de la faune associee, ont ete egalement observes., Lonjsko Polje (Croatia) is among the largest alluvial wetlands in Europe. Temporary ponds that are the natural habitat for spinicaudatan branchiopods are very abundant in the area. We determined the time of occurrence, length of the life span, and the sexual structure and habitat characteristics of populations of Spinicaudata. Research took place from May to December 2004 at five sites. Three spinicaudatans were found: Cyzicus tetracerus (Krynicki, 1830) in spring (May to July) and autumn (late October), Eoleptestheria ticinensis (Balsamo-Crivelli, 1859) in spring (mid-May) and Leptestheria dahalacensis (Ruppell, 1837) in summer (mid-July). The length of their life span was 2-4 weeks. The populations of Cyzicus tetracerus, Eoleptestheria ticinensis, and Leptestheria dahalacensis consisted of males and females in an approximately 1 : 1 sex ratio. Ecological aspects of the habitat, including physico-chemical characteristics of the water as well as the structure and abundance of the associated fauna, were also observed. Lonsko Polje (Croatie) compte parmi les zones humides alluviales les plus vastes d'Europe. Les mares temporaires, qui sont l'habitat naturel des branchiopodes Spinicaudata, sont tres nombreuses dans cette region. Nous avons determine la periode de presence, la longevite, la structure sexuelle et les caracteristiques de l'habitat des populations de Spinicaudata. Cette recherche a ete realisee de mai a decembre 2004 sur cinq sites. Trois Spinicaudata ont ete trouves : Cyzicus tetracerus (Krynicki, 1830) au printemps (mai a juillet) et en automne (fin octobre), Eoleptestheria ticinensis (Balsamo-Crivelli, 1859) au printemps (mi-mai), et Leptestheria dahalacensis (Ruppell, 1837) en ete (mi-juillet). Leur temps de vie etait de 2 a 4 semaines. Les populations de Cyzicus tetracerus, Eoleptestheria ticinensis et Leptestheria dahalacensis etaient composees de mâles et de femelles dans le sex-ratio d'approximativement 1 : 1. Les aspects ecologiques de l'habitat, incluant les caracteristiques physico-chimiques de l'eau ainsi que la structure et l'abondance de la faune associee, ont ete egalement observes.]