7 results on '"Marčetić, Anđela"'
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- Author
Marčetić, Anđela, Marčetić, Anđela, Marčetić, Anđela, and Marčetić, Anđela
- Abstract
Employment trends may vary at the regional, sub-regional (and other) levels, depending on various demographic, economic, geographic and other factors. Therefore, the differences in the employment and labor trends in the rural areas of the Republic of Serbia (compared to the same trends in the urban areas), for the relevant period 2015-2020, are going to be analyzed in the following paper. The differences observed in these regions clearly show the diametric differences between urban and rural regions, whereby it is important to note that greater opportunities are offered to residents of urban areas. Such opportunities continue to attract the population of rural areas, so that rural areas lose on their population, opportunities for (further) development, ability to attract funds for such development and, therefore, face further problems that will continue to multiply cumulatively. The paper presents relevant statistical data, whereas trends in population’s behavior can be noticed and expected, especially when it comes to employment and related topics (migration, education, overall quality of life, etc.). Such information can be of importance when creating various development strategies, but also in order to improve the quality of life at the state, regional or local level, while providing more opportunities in the field of labor.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Dašić, Dejan, Dašić, Dejan, Ratković, Milijanka, Marčetić, Anđela, Tošić, Miloš, Dašić, Dejan, Dašić, Dejan, Ratković, Milijanka, Marčetić, Anđela, and Tošić, Miloš
- Abstract
The advancement of information technologies during the past several decades has excelled, especially those that are applicable to all aspects of human activity. The aim of this paper is to determine the views of agricultural product producers in Central Serbia on e-business, with a focus on determining the perception of the promotional potential of the Internet itself. As social media networks, play an increasing role in e-business globally, the intention is to emphasize the importance of their use in order to promote various agricultural and food products. The survey included a final sample of 92 respondents. The basic hypothesis in this paper is that the Internet as an e-business technology has great potential for improving the position of farmers and producers, but also that it is not used in its full potential. The results confirm the aforementioned hypothesis, while the conclusions are directed towards the necessity of education in order of getting to know the benefits of e-business, as well as the advantages of promotion via social networks.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Milenković, Milica, Milenković, Milica, Marčetić, Anđela, Jovanović, Tatjana, Milenković, Milica, Milenković, Milica, Marčetić, Anđela, and Jovanović, Tatjana
- Abstract
Posmatrajući život stanovništva na konkretnom prostoru, nemoguće je analizirati pojave bilo koje vrste, bez posvećene pažnje kvalitetu života, u direktnom ili indirektnom smislu. Život čini celokupna svakodnevnica sa njenim faktorima, a kvalitet života utiče na prilike koje se stanovništvu pružaju, i obratno. Radi ispitivanja kvaliteta života i donošenja, kako početne slike o stanu istog, tako i daljeg ispitivanja, neophodno je ispitati relevantne indikatore, te njihove vrednosti logički protumačiti, uvrstiti i izvesti zaključke. Fenomen neravnomerne raspodele dobiti, prilika za stanovništvo i sveukupnog nivoa ekonomskog i privrednog razvoja, odnosno, razlike u “bogatom severu” i “siromašnom jugu”, mogu predstavljati dobar polazni osnov za dalja ispitivanja ove vrste.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Antonović, Ratomir, Antonović, Ratomir, Marčetić, Anđela, Antonović, Ratomir, Antonović, Ratomir, and Marčetić, Anđela
- Abstract
The issue of security is topical in all spheres of life. The secrecy of personal telephone, electronic and other forms of communication is an imperative for every modern man today. The most can be learned about each person by penetrating his intimate sphere, which is most effectively reached through his communication with other persons. Also, the issue of secrecy of telecommunication and postal traffic has always been important, both for the users of these services, and for the state and the legal order, which was put in the function of protecting the secrecy of telecommunication and postal traffic .In this paper, the author presents positive legislation and legal solutions in the field of protection of secrecy of telecommunications and postal traffic, as well as the recorded types of their abuse in practice. Also, special attention is given to the permitted forms of interception of telecommunication and postal traffic in order to protect higher interests.
- Published
- 2022
6. A new approach to decision-making research and the key role of the orbitofrontal cortex
- Author
Stanković, Milan and Marčetić, Anđela
- Subjects
predictive analytics ,crisis ,„Eliot“ case ,COVID-19 ,Orbitofrontal Cortex ,decision-making ,agriculture - Abstract
Decision-making is the key factor of every management process, as it affects the further course of events that are to be decided on. In that manner, the human mind is the one making decisions, while influenced by various factors (desires, motives, emotional state of the decision-maker etc.). The key factor, that is responsible for any decision that has been made is the Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC), located in the frontal part of the human brain. Therefore, by acknowledging the importance of OFC and combining it with what is already known in the field of “predictive analytics”, this paper will deal with the new approach to decision making research. A special reference will be made in a case study, in the field of agricultural science (based in South Srem area), in which it will be shown how some of the farmers’ decisions may lead to potential risks and dangerous situations later on. Процес доношења одлука је, због свог значајног утицаја на даљи ток догађаја, кључна карика сваког процеса управљања. Сходно томе, људски ум је одговоран за доношење свих кључних одлука, при чему константно трпи утицај различитих фактора (жеље, мотиви, емотивно стање доносиоца одлука итд.). Кључни фактор, одговоран за сваку одлуку која бива донесена, јесте Орбитофронтални Кортекс, смештен у предњем делу човековог мозга. Увидом у значај Орбитофронталног Кортекса и коришћењем познатог знања у области „предиктивне аналитике“, овај рад бави се новим приступом у истраживању процеса доношења одлука. Посебан осврт биће начињен у оквиру студије случаја у сфери пољопривреде (спроведеној на територији Доњег Срема), у којој ће бити приказано како одлуке појединих пољопривредника могу довести до могућих ризичних и опасних сценарија у будућности.
- Published
- 2021
7. Uloga medija u informisanju stanovništva donjeg srema o problemu otpada
- Author
Marčetić, Anđela
- Subjects
mediji ,informacije ,otpad ,stanovništvo ,Donji Srem - Abstract
Usled sveopšteg prisustva medija u svakodnevnom životu, racionalno je očekivati da oni uzimaju određeno učešće u ukupnom informisanju stanovništva o aktuelnim temama. Problem otpada, koji je prisutan u svim ruralnim i prigradskim naseljima Donjeg Srema, stanovništvo može različito tumačiti, pod uticajem stavova formiranih na osnovu informacija o navedenom problemu. Kako bi se ispitao kvalitet informacija koje bivaju pružene i konstruisala moguća rešenja za problem otpada u Donjem Sremu, neophodno je ispitati uticaj različitih tipova medija na informisanost stanovništva. Sprovođenjem ankete i „desk-research“ metodom, uz analizu navedene literature, ustanovljen je značajan uticaj medija na informisanost stanovništva. Kako je ovaj rezultat i očekivan, treba uzeti u obzir mogućnost zloupotrebe medija u cilju prikrivanja problema otpada, te raditi na sprečavanju ovakvih postupaka. Due to the significant presence of media in peoples’ day-to-day lives, it is quite rational to expect that they have a large impact on informing society about current events. Population of South Srem may have different opinions about the waste issue, which is present in every rural and/or suburban area, depending on the information they have received on the topic. In order to perceive the quality of the information given, and come up with some potential solutions, it is necessary to analyze the impact of various media on the level of information that this population has. A significant influence of media has been noticed by conducting a survey and using a desk-research method, whilst consulting the data stated in list of references. As this result has been expected, it is advisable to pay attention on the possibility of misuse of media in order to cover-up the real state of the waste problem in this area, as well as to work on preventing this misuse from happening.
- Published
- 2021
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