84 results on '"María José Pérez Álvarez"'
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2. El clero parroquial de la diócesis de León en el siglo XVIII
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Edad Moderna ,Diócesis ,León ,visitas pastorales ,eclesiásticos ,párrocos ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
El Concordato de 1851 supuso el inicio de una notable reorganización del territorio diocesano leonés, que no finalizaría hasta pasadas unas décadas. Fruto de la misma surgieron nuevos arciprestazgos, se anularos otros y algunas parroquias cambiaron de demarcación. Al margen de esos vaivenes territoriales, hubo una cuestión que interesó especialmente a los prelados, la salud espiritual y moral de la provincia diocesana que estaba bajo su autoridad. Uno de los medios para recabar esa información eran las visitas pastorales. A partir de las efectuadas a mediados del siglo XVIII se confeccionaron unas “instrucciones secretas” destinadas a los vicarios, a los que encomendaban corregir las conductas, que habían encontrado reprobables, de los eclesiásticos.
- Published
- 2021
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3. Power and social conflict in the Cathedral Chapter in León in the late 17th century
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león ,cabildo de la catedral ,deán ,conflicto ,siglo xvii ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
Tras el fallecimiento del deán del cabildo leonés D. Vicente de la Iglesia, se abrió en la institución un periodo de inestabilidad que acabó generando una división entre los capitulares. La primera fragmentación surgió cuando no aceptaron a la persona que había nombrado el obispo para ocupar el puesto, pero las verdaderas tensiones de desencadenaron tras presentar la bula el leonés D. Antonio Castañón Villafañe. Los estatutos de limpieza de sangre le proporcionaron al cabildo el medio para intentar reprobarlo. Un largo expediente, en el que se trató demostrar que sobre esa familia recaía la mácula judía y que está cuajado de exigencias documentales, dobles declaraciones o acusaciones infundadas. Solamente la intervención del nuncio logró elevar al deanato a D. Antonio, lo que no supuso el fin del proceso, pues las apelaciones, por ambas partes, presidieron las juntas capitulares hasta el fallecimiento de aquel, tres años después de tomar posesión.
- Published
- 2019
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4. El clero catedralicio leonés en la Edad Moderna: los canónigos, dimensión y sociología de una elite social
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
edad moderna ,león ,clero ,cabildo catedralicio ,canónigos ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Religion (General) ,BL1-50 - Abstract
El cabildo de la catedral de León, fundado en la Edad Media, fue estudiado por algunos autores desde diversas vertientes, entre la que cabe destacar la económica y legislativa. En este trabajo nos proponemos ofrecer una visión bien distinta, pues el análisis estará centrado en sus miembros, y más concretamente en las dignidades, oficios y prebendados. Se trata de una primera aproximación a la sociología de sus integrantes: procedencia social, redes clientelares o algunas variables demográficas, tales como la edad a la que ingresan en el mismo o la de fallecimiento.
- Published
- 2018
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5. Family and Rural Community. Agricultural Models, Social Collectivism and Family Behaviour in the Province of Leon in the Early Modern Period
- Author
María José PÉREZ ÁLVAREZ and Laureano M. RUBIO PÉREZ
- Subjects
edad moderna ,león ,familia ,matrimonio ,herencia. ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
In the second half of the twentieth century, studies on the family occupied a very important place in modern Spanish historiography, reaching a peak in the nineties. Whilst it is true that some regions received more research attention than others, it can also be said that in general, the entire country was represented in this research. Thanks to these studies and to the different analytical perspectives and diversity of sources and methodologies they used, we now have extensive knowledge of all matters relating to this subject. As regards the province of Leon, much research has been conducted on family issues, focusing on rural areas. These studies have analysed patterns of adaptation in the region as regards three variables wholly linked to social reproduction: marriage, co-residence and the division of property.
- Published
- 2014
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6. Enfermedad y caridad en la provincia de León durante la Edad Moderna: El Hospital de las cinco Llagas de la ciudad de Astorga
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
astorga ,león ,edad moderna ,hospitalidad ,marginación ,asistencia ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Religion (General) ,BL1-50 - Abstract
La ciudad de Astorga, situada en pleno Camino de Santiago, asistió a la proliferación durante la Edad Media de un gran número de centros asistenciales de reducidas dimensiones. Ese complejo y escasamente viable panorama fue simplificándose hasta quedar reducido en el siglo XVIII a dos hospitales de mayores dimensiones y mejor dotados: el de San Juan, gestionado por el cabildo catedralicio, y el de las Cinco Llagas, tutelado por una cofradía. Este trabajo pretende analizar desde diferentes perspectivas la evolución histórica del segundo de estos centros, haciendo especial referencia a sus dimensiones asistenciales.
- Published
- 2011
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7. Los Pacientes del ‘Hospital de paisanos’ de Zamora en el Siglo XVIII
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
zamora ,siglo xviii ,hospitales ,asistencia ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,History of medicine. Medical expeditions ,R131-687 - Abstract
El gran número de hospitales que tuvo la ciudad de Zamora durante la Edad Media quedó notablemente simplificado en la época Moderna. La fundación en el siglo XVI del hospital de Sotelo y en el XVII de La Encarnación, supuso dotar a la ciudad con dos importantes centros que ofrecía atención médico-sanitaria. Este trabajo está centrado en el de La Encarnación, entre cuyos administradores se hallaban el Ayuntamiento y el Cabildo de la Catedral, y el objeto de análisis han sido los asistidos. A partir de los registros de ingreso y defunciones, dependiendo del momento, hemos trazado el perfil de los mismos, pero, sobre todo, nos hemos centrado en el radio de influencia del establecimiento, que, como hemos podido comprobar, superaba ampliamente el marco geográfico de emplazamiento.
- Published
- 2014
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8. Mujeres y jefatura del hogar en el mundo rural leonés durante la Edad Moderna
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Edad Moderna ,León ,mujeres ,jefatura del hogar ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
Si bien a lo largo de las últimas décadas han proliferado los estudios sobre mujeres, para la provincia de León el tema ha estado un tanto descuidado por la historiografía modernista. Este trabajo, con el que pretendemos contribuir a cubrir una parte de esa parcela de la Historia Social, lo hemos centrado en el análisis de la jefatura del hogar. Para su estudio hemos utilizado los Libros de Familia del Catastro del marqués de la Ensenada y una serie de padrones de cronología muy variada. A su vez, y dada la diversidad paisajística y, por ende, económica del territorio leonés, hemos cuantificado el número de mujeres que detentaban la jefatura del hogar por comarcas, para conocer la influencia del medio sobre esa variable, también analizamos la evolución de esos resultados y las formas de corresidencia de esas mujeres.
- Published
- 2013
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9. La colectivización de la asistencia social en la provincia de León a través de los hospitales
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
León ,El Bierzo ,Hospital ,Idade Moderna ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
A comarca de Bierzo foi território de passagem do Caminho de Santiago e à sua sombra foi-se desenhando durante a Idade Média uma importante rede assistencial. Muitos destes estabelecimentos tiveram uma vida efémera, outros, pelo contrário, estiveram activos durante toda a Idade Moderna, como foi o caso de San Juan de Cacabelos ou de Reina de Ponferrada. Contudo, enquanto este, após a sua refundação, se adaptou às novas circunstâncias, convertendo-se num centro médico-assistencial, o primeiro, ancorado num regime assistencial muito primário, foi definhando até praticamente desaparecer.
- Published
- 2010
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10. Modelos socioeconómicos en la provincia de León: la Montaña y Tierra de Campos en el siglo XVIII
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Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
RESUMEN: Analizando la provincia de León bajo criterios ecológicos, cabe diferenciar diez grandes comarca naturales, con mayores o menores similitudes. De éstas, nosotros hemos seleccionado dos totalmente contrapuestas para conocer el modelo socioeconómico que rigió en el siglo XVIII. Se trata de la Montaña Noroccidental o Montaña de Luna y Sahagún. Contraponer Montaña y Sahagún nos lleva, instintivamente, a visualizar dos paisajes totalmente diferentes: la escabrosidad del norte y la suavidad de las riberas bajas del Cea y Campos. Estas diferencias, tan evidentes en la forma lógicamente, y a priori, nos conducirán a desigualdades en el fondo. Es decir, el paisaje agrario tendrá una organización totalmente diferente, lo cual influirá sobre una serie de variables más o menos determinantes a la hora de configurar la estructura socio-económica imperante. Esta estructura permitiría a cada una de estas comunidades disponer su espacio agrícola y ganadero, de tal forma que los rendimientos les permitan alcanzar la viabilidad necesaria para garantizar la reproducción social.ABSTRACT: Analysing the province of León with ecologic criteria, we distinguish between ten large natural región, with major or minors differences. We have selected two of them, set against, to know the socioeconomic model that rules in the XVIII Century. They are Northwest Mountain or «Montaña de Luna» and Sahagún. Comparing these two territories carries us, instinctively, to visualize two totally different landscapes: The scabrousity of the North and the smothery of the lower banks of the Cea and Campos. These differences, so evident in the shape, will drive us to inequalities in the background. In other words, the agrarian landscape will have a totally different organization, which will influence over a number of variables when we are configuring the socio-economic structure. This structure will permit to these communities to dispose the agricultural and animal cattle space. In this way, the outputs permit them to reach the necessary viability to guarantee the social reproduction.
- Published
- 2009
11. Estrategias de reproducción social de la elite de la ciudad de León en la Edad Moderna
- Author
Alfredo Martín García and María José Pérez Álvarez
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marriage ,Modern Age ,nobility ,inheritance ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
The objective of this work is to analyze the endogamy practices in the elite of the city of León during Modern Age. This elite was conformed by a few families that controlled most important positions of power, and managed most of the wealth of the province. This combination of political and economic power granted them a preeminent social status in the city. Their aspiration to maintain this privileged position and the fears of losing it, reinforced their endogamy practices as well as other strategies, related to the ecclesiastical career and celibacy.
- Published
- 2008
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12. Genetic Analysis as a Tool to Improve the Monitoring of Stranded Cetaceans in Chile
- Author
Sebastián Kraft, Francisca Rodríguez, Carlos Olavarría, Elie Poulin, and María José Pérez-Álvarez
- Subjects
Stranding record ,Species and sex identification ,Multidisciplinary approach ,General Immunology and Microbiology ,Government institution ,stranding record ,government institution ,species and sex identification ,multidisciplinary approach ,conservation ,management ,Conservation ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Management - Abstract
Cetacean strandings are regularly recorded along the coast of Chile. However, crucial information such as species and sex of the individuals involved in these events can often be difficult to assess. In this context, the use of molecular tools as a complementary method can improve a stranding database, particularly by correcting misidentifications and providing new data for unidentified samples. This new information is especially important in the case of species that are poorly known or of high conservation interest. In this study, we evaluate how molecular tools can support and complement the field work records of strandings in Chile by identifying, corroborating, or correcting the identification of the species and sex of the recorded individuals. We obtained samples through a collaboration with the government agency that is in charge of assisting with cetacean strandings and collected the relevant information. Multidisciplinary approaches like this, and inter-institutional collaborations, can improve the study of cetacean strandings and the decisions in management and conservation policies around them. Cetacean strandings are a valuable source of information for several studies from species richness to conservation and management. During the examination of strandings, taxonomic and sex identification might be hindered for several reasons. Molecular techniques are valuable tools to obtain that missing information. This study evaluates how gene fragment amplification protocols can support the records of strandings done in the field in Chile by identifying, corroborating, or correcting the identification of the species and sex of the recorded individuals. Through a collaboration between a scientific laboratory and government institution in Chile, 63 samples were analyzed. Thirty-nine samples were successfully identified to the species level. In total, 17 species of six families were detected, including six species of conservation interest. Of the 39 samples, 29 corresponded to corroborations of field identifications. Seven corresponded to unidentified samples and three to corrected misidentifications, adding up to 28% of the identified samples. Sex was successfully identified for 58 of the 63 individuals. Twenty were corroborations, 34 were previously unidentified, and four were corrections. Applying this method improves the stranding database of Chile and provides new data for future management and conservation tasks. LA/P/0101/2020 info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2023
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13. The Impact of Current Opioid Agonist Therapy on Hepatitis C Virus Treatment Initiation Among People Who Use Drugs From the Direct-acting Antiviral (DAA) Era: A Population-Based Study
- Author
Naveed Z. Janjua, Sofia Bartlett, Mel Krajden, Stanley Wong, María José Pérez Álvarez, James Wilton, Margo E. Pearce, Hasina Samji, Julia L. MacIsaac, Amanda Yu, Jason Wong, Prince A. Adu, Susan Nouch, Emilia Clementi, Hector Velasquez, Dahn Jeong, Jane A. Buxton, and Mawuena Binka
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Microbiology (medical) ,Drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Prescription drug ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Hepatitis C virus ,Hepacivirus ,medicine.disease_cause ,Antiviral Agents ,Internal medicine ,Humans ,Medicine ,Substance Abuse, Intravenous ,Survival analysis ,media_common ,Hepatitis ,business.industry ,Hazard ratio ,virus diseases ,Opioid use disorder ,Hepatitis C, Chronic ,medicine.disease ,Hepatitis C ,digestive system diseases ,3. Good health ,Analgesics, Opioid ,Major Articles and Commentaries ,Infectious Diseases ,Cohort ,business - Abstract
Background Evidence that opioid agonist therapy (OAT) is associated with increased odds of hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment initiation among people who use drugs (PWUD) is emerging. The objective of this study was to determine the association between current OAT and HCV treatment initiation among PWUD in a population-level linked administrative dataset. Methods The British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort was used for this study, which includes all people tested for or diagnosed with HCV in British Columbia, linked to medical visits, hospitalizations, laboratory, prescription drug, and mortality data from 1992 until 2019. PWUD with injecting drug use or opioid use disorder and chronic HCV infection were identified for inclusion in this study. HCV treatment initiation was the main outcome, and subdistribution proportional hazards modeling was used to assess the relationship with current OAT. Results In total, 13 803 PWUD with chronic HCV were included in this study. Among those currently on OAT at the end of the study period, 47% (2704/5770) had started HCV treatment, whereas 22% (1778/8033) of those not currently on OAT had started HCV treatment. Among PWUD with chronic HCV infection, current OAT was associated with higher likelihood of HCV treatment initiation in time to event analysis (adjusted hazard ratio 1.84 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.50, 2.26]). Conclusions Current OAT was associated with a higher likelihood of HCV treatment initiation. However, many PWUD with HCV currently receiving OAT have yet to receive HCV treatment. Enhanced integration between substance use care and HCV treatment is needed to improve the overall health of PWUD.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Differences in risk factors for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus infection by ethnicity: A large population-based cohort study in British Columbia, Canada
- Author
Naveed Z. Janjua, Hasina Samji, Zahid A Butt, Jason Wong, Mel Krajden, Mawuena Binka, Amanda Yu, Darrel Cook, Stanley Wong, Geoffrey McKee, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Maryam Darvishian
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0301 basic medicine ,Microbiology (medical) ,Adult ,Male ,Hepatitis B virus ,030106 microbiology ,Ethnic group ,HIV Infections ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Substance use ,medicine.disease_cause ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,medicine ,Prevalence ,Ethnicity ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Risk factor ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Coinfection ,Hepatitis C virus ,Human immunodeficiency virus ,virus diseases ,General Medicine ,Hepatitis C ,Hepatitis B ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,digestive system diseases ,3. Good health ,Infectious Diseases ,Pacific islanders ,Female ,business ,Demography ,Cohort study - Abstract
Objectives Addressing the needs of ethnic minorities will be key to finding undiagnosed individuals living with hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). To inform screening initiatives in British Columbia (BC), Canada, the factors associated with HBV and/or HCV and/or HIV infection among different ethnic groups within a large population-based cohort were assessed. Methods Persons diagnosed with HBV, HCV, or HIV in BC between 1990 and 2015 were grouped as East Asian, South Asian, Other Visible Minority (African, Central Asian, Latin American, Pacific Islander, West Asian, unknown ethnicity), and Not a Visible Minority, using a validated name-recognition software. Factors associated with infection within each ethnic group were assessed with multivariable multinomial logistic regression models. Results Participants included 202 521 East Asians, 126 070 South Asians, 65 210 Other Visible Minorities, and 1 291 561 people who were Not a Visible Minority, 14.4%, 3.3%, 4.5%, and 6.3% of whom had HBV and/or HCV and/or HIV infections, respectively. Injection drug use was most prevalent among infection-positive people who were Not a Visible Minority (22.1%), and was strongly associated with HCV monoinfection, HBV/HCV coinfection, and HCV/HIV coinfection, but not with HBV monoinfection among visible ethnic minorities. Extreme material deprivation and social deprivation were more prevalent than injection drug use or problematic alcohol use among visible ethnic minorities. Conclusions Risk factor distributions varied among persons diagnosed with HBV and/or HCV and/or HIV of differing ethnic backgrounds, with lower substance use prevalence among visible minority populations. This highlights the need for tailored approaches to infection screening among different ethnic groups.
- Published
- 2021
15. El comercio de ganado vacuno en la provincia de León durante la Edad Moderna
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Abstract
The objective of this work to analyse the cattle's sold in the fairs of the city of León geographic origin, as well as the paper these fairs had in the commercial cattle market from the north of the peninsula. Other aspects treated are: the cattle-seller figure and the bovine races evolution in the area.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Los pleitos sostenidos por el Concejo de Laciana contra el Conde de Luna durante el reinado de Carlos I
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Abstract
During the first half of the sixteenth century, the council of Laciana got involved in a long lawsuit against the count of Luna. The above-mentioned count was accused of a number of offences consisting in the violation of the liberties of the council and the unlawfol appropriation of their mountains. After several appeals the council lost those groundsbut; in return, they were given back many of their old privileges.
- Published
- 2021
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17. Distribución diferencial de las especies ganaderas en los concejos de la montaña de León (s. XVIII)
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Abstract
The North-west mountains in the province of León constitute a blocle due to their relatively homogeneous featores. But at the same time they have important distintive features that are faithfully reflected by each council's economy. In this way, we find that some kinds of cattle predominate over others, or perhaps they are distributed in a different way. Both facts are related to their importance for the individuale economies of the council.
- Published
- 2021
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18. El mercado de las hierbas estivales en la montaña noroccidental leonesa durante el siglo XVIII
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Abstract
At the end of the 18th century town councils and monasteries that owned mountain, passes started long lawsuits against transhumant cattle raisers in order to evict them from the summer pastores that they had been enjoying up to then. In that way they expected the price of their fields to go up.
- Published
- 2021
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19. HCV reinfection rates after cure or spontaneous clearance among HIV‐infected and uninfected men who have sex with men
- Author
Héctor A. Velásquez García, James Wilton, Sofia Bartlett, Prince A. Adu, Stanley Wong, Dahn Jeong, Amanda Yu, Jason Wong, Zahid A Butt, Margo E. Pearce, Naveed Z. Janjua, Mawuena Binka, Carmine Rossi, Mel Krajden, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Maryam Darvishian
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hepatitis C virus ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,HIV Infections ,Hepacivirus ,medicine.disease_cause ,Antiviral Agents ,Men who have sex with men ,Sexual and Gender Minorities ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,Hiv infected ,medicine ,Humans ,Homosexuality, Male ,Hepatitis ,Harm reduction ,British Columbia ,Hepatology ,Coinfection ,business.industry ,Incidence ,virus diseases ,medicine.disease ,Hepatitis C ,digestive system diseases ,3. Good health ,Reinfection ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Virologic response ,Cohort ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,business - Abstract
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) reinfection among high risk groups threatens HCV elimination goals. We assessed HCV reinfection rates among men who have sex with men (MSM) in British Columbia (BC), Canada. METHODS: We used data from the BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort, which includes nearly 1.7 million individuals tested for HCV or HIV in BC. MSM who had either achieved sustained virologic response (SVR) after successful HCV treatment, or spontaneous clearance (SC) and had ≥1 subsequent HCV RNA measurement, were followed from the date of SVR or SC until the earliest of reinfection, death, or last HCV RNA measurement. Predictors of reinfection were identified by Cox proportional modelling. The earliest study start date was November 6th , 1997 and latest end date was April 13th , 2018. RESULTS: Of 1,349 HCV-positive MSM who met the inclusion criteria, 493 had SC while 856 achieved SVR. 349 (25.65%) had HIV coinfection. We identified 98 reinfections during 5203 person-years (PYs) yielding a reinfection rate of 1.88/100PYs. The reinfection rate among SC (2.74/100PYs) was more than twice that of those with SVR (1.03/100 PYs). Problematic alcohol use (aHR 1.73, 95% CI 1.003-2.92), injection drug use (aHR 2.60, 95% CI 1.57-4.29) and HIV coinfection (aHR 2.04, 95% CI 1.29-3.23) were associated with increased risk of HCV reinfection. Mental health counselling history (aHR 0.24, 95% CI 0.13-0.46) was associated with reduced HCV reinfection risk. CONCLUSIONS: There is the need to engage MSM in harm reduction and prevention services following treatment to reduce reinfection risk.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Impact of COVID‐19‐related public health measures on HCV testing in British Columbia, Canada: An interrupted time series analysis
- Author
Maryam Darvishian, Sofia Bartlett, Mawuena Binka, Prince A. Adu, Jason Wong, Hasina Samji, Dahn Jeong, Naveed Z. Janjua, Héctor A. Velásquez García, Amanda Yu, Stanley Wong, Mel Krajden, and María José Pérez Álvarez
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,Population ,SARS‐CoV‐2 ,Interrupted Time Series Analysis ,COVID‐19 ,Health care ,Medicine ,Humans ,HCV testing ,education ,education.field_of_study ,Hepatology ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Transmission (medicine) ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Public health ,virus diseases ,COVID-19 ,Hepatitis C ,Original Articles ,medicine.disease ,digestive system diseases ,HCV elimination ,public health measures ,Original Article ,Public Health ,business ,Demography - Abstract
Background & Aims Public health measures introduced to limit transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), also disrupted various healthcare services in many regions worldwide, including British Columbia (BC), Canada. We assessed the impact of these measures, first introduced in BC in March 2020, on hepatitis C (HCV) testing and first‐time HCV‐positive diagnoses within the province. Methods De‐identified HCV testing data for BC residents were obtained from the provincial Public Health Laboratory. Weekly changes in anti‐HCV, HCV RNA and genotype testing episodes and first‐time HCV‐positive (anti‐HCV/RNA/genotype) diagnoses from January 2018 to December 2020 were assessed and associations were determined using segmented regression models examining rates before vs after calendar week 12 of 2020, when measures were introduced. Results Average weekly HCV testing and first‐time HCV‐positive diagnosis rates fell immediately following the imposition of public health measures by 62.3 per 100 000 population and 2.9 episodes per 1 000 000 population, respectively (P
- Published
- 2021
21. Los estatutos de la Orden Tercera Franciscana en Viana do Castelo (1727 y 1740)
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Abstract
The early 17th century witnessed a revival of the Franciscan lay communities in practically all Catholic territories. Such communities were open to clerics and lay people alike, regardless of marital status, gender or social status. Their members committed their lives to Franciscanism and an intense spirituality, following a strict calendar of devotional practices as set out in the rule and the statutes. These latter were specific to each of the communities but were drawn up based on the rule. The statutes of the Third Order in the Portuguese town of Viana do Castelo, analyzed here, were drawn up in 1726. Until then, those of 1663 had been applied and attributed to the then commissary visitor of the Order. The need for new statutes arose because the earlier ones were considered too vague, but the new statutes failed to solve the problem and were revised in 1740.
- Published
- 2019
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22. Los arcedianatos de la diócesis legionense en la primera mitad del Siglo XVIII
- Author
María José Pérez Alvarez
- Subjects
siglo xviii ,visita pastoral ,diócesis de león ,provincia de león ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
En la primera mitad del siglo XVIII, los obispos Fray José Lupia y Fernández de Velasco y Pantoja visitaron, el primero en varias ocasiones, gran parte de las parroquias que conformaban la diócesis legionense. El objetivo de esas visitas era conocer el estado espiritual de la demarcación que regentaban. En la actual provincia de León, recorrieron los arcedianatos de Mayorga y Cea y cuatro, de las diez, vicarias. Los resultados de sus observaciones y de la información que recopilaron los dejaron registrados en un cuaderno. Tales anotaciones constituyen una fuente de información inestimable para conocer todos aquellos aspectos en los que consideraron que era necesario intervenir, para corregir costumbres o comportamientos, de laicos y eclesiástico, que no se adecuaban a la religiosidad oficial. Por otro lado, esta documentación también nos da cuenta de qué personas detentaban los patronatos, de las devociones o las obras pías.
- Published
- 2024
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23. Impact of direct-acting antivirals for HCV on mortality in a large population-based cohort study
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez, Sofia Bartlett, Mel Krajden, Margo E. Pearce, Hasina Samji, Mawuena Binka, Prince A. Adu, Younathan Abdia, Amanda Yu, Stanley Wong, Naveed Z. Janjua, James Wilton, Terri Buller-Taylor, Dahn Jeong, and Zahid A Butt
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Population ,Hepacivirus ,Antiviral Agents ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,Liver disease ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,education ,Proportional Hazards Models ,Hepatitis ,education.field_of_study ,Hepatology ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,Hazard ratio ,Hepatitis C ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,3. Good health ,030104 developmental biology ,Cohort ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Female ,business ,Cohort study - Abstract
Background & Aims We evaluated the effect of direct-acting antiviral (DAA)-induced sustained virologic response (SVR) on all-cause, liver- and drug-related mortality in a population-based cohort in British Columbia, Canada. Methods We used data from the British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort, which includes people tested for HCV since 1990, linked with data on medical visits, hospitalizations, prescription drugs and mortality. We followed people who received DAAs and people who did not receive any HCV treatment to death or December 31, 2019. We used inverse probability of treatment weighting to balance the baseline profile of treated and untreated individuals and performed multivariable proportional hazard modelling to assess the effect of DAAs on mortality. Results Our cohort comprised 10,851 people treated with DAAs (SVR 10,426 [96%], no-SVR: 425) and 10,851 matched untreated individuals. Median follow-up time was 2.2 years (IQR 1.3–3.6; maximum 6.2). The all-cause mortality rate was 19.5/1,000 person-years (PY) among the SVR group (deaths = 552), 86.5/1,000 PY among the no-SVR group (deaths = 96), and 99.2/1,000 PY among the untreated group (deaths = 2,133). In the multivariable model, SVR was associated with significant reduction in all-cause (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.19; 95% CI 0.17–0.21), liver- (adjusted subdistribution HR [asHR] 0.22, 95% CI 0.18–0.27) and drug-related mortality (asHR 0.26, 95% CI 0.21–0.32) compared to no-treatment. Older age and cirrhosis were associated with higher risk of liver-related mortality while younger age, injection drug use (IDU), problematic alcohol use and HIV/HBV co-infections were associated with a higher risk of drug-related mortality. Conclusions DAA treatment is associated with a substantial reduction in all-cause, liver- and drug-related mortality. The association of IDU and related syndemic factors with a higher risk of drug-related mortality calls for an integrated social support, addiction, and HCV care approach among people who inject drugs. Lay summary We assessed the effect of treatment of hepatitis C virus infection with direct-acting antiviral drugs on deaths from all causes, liver disease and drug use. We found that treatment with direct-acting antiviral drugs is associated with substantial lowering in risk of death from all causes, liver disease and drug use among people with hepatitis C virus infection.
- Published
- 2021
24. Mujeres solas en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica durante la Edad Moderna: formas de vida y mentalidades
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Published
- 2020
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25. Effectiveness of Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir and Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir in People Who Inject Drugs and/or Those in Opioid Agonist Therapy
- Author
Amanda Yu, Naveed Z. Janjua, Alnoor Ramji, Eric M. Yoshida, Hasina Samji, María José Pérez Álvarez, Carmine Rossi, Mel Krajden, Stanley Wong, Darrel Cook, Zahid A Butt, Nuria Chapinal, Mei Chong, Maryam Darvishian, and Mark W. Tyndall
- Subjects
Ledipasvir ,medicine.medical_specialty ,animal structures ,Prescription drug ,Sofosbuvir ,Hepatitis C virus ,Population ,medicine.disease_cause ,Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,education ,Hepatitis ,education.field_of_study ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,fungi ,virus diseases ,food and beverages ,Original Articles ,medicine.disease ,3. Good health ,chemistry ,Cohort ,Original Article ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
We evaluated the effectiveness of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF) in treating hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 and SOF/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL) for all genotypes among people who inject drugs (PWID) and those not injecting drugs and who were on or off opioid agonist therapy (OAT). Study participants comprised a population‐based cohort in British Columbia, Canada. The British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort includes data on individuals tested for HCV from 1990 to 2016 that are integrated with medical visits, hospitalization, and prescription drug data. We classified study participants as off OAT/recent injection drug use (off‐OAT/RIDU), off OAT/past IDU (off‐OAT/PIDU), off OAT/no IDU (off‐OAT/NIDU), on OAT/IDU (on‐OAT/IDU), and on OAT/no IDU (on‐OAT/NIDU). We assessed sustained virologic response (SVR) 10 weeks after HCV treatment among study groups treated with LDV/SOF or SOF/VEL until January 13, 2018. Analysis included 5,283 eligible participants: 390 off‐OAT/RIDU, 598 off‐OAT/PIDU, 3,515 off‐OAT/NIDU, 609 on‐OAT/IDU, and 171 on‐OAT/NIDU. The majority were male patients (64%‐74%) and aged ≥50 years (58%‐85%). The SVRs for off‐OAT/RIDU, off‐OAT/PIDU, off‐OAT/NIDU, on‐OAT/IDU, and on‐OAT/NIDU were 91% (355/390), 95% (570/598), 96% (3,360/3,515), 93% (567/609), and 95% (163/171), respectively. Among those with no SVR, 14 individuals died while on treatment or before SVR assessment, including 4 from illicit drug overdose. In the overall multivariable model, off‐OAT/RIDU, on‐OAT/IDU, male sex, cirrhosis, treatment duration
- Published
- 2019
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26. Prescription opioid treatment for non-cancer pain and initiation of injection drug use: large retrospective cohort study
- Author
Aaron I. MacInnes, Jane A. Buxton, María José Pérez Álvarez, Younathan Abdia, Richard C. Dart, Mohammad Ehsanul Karim, James Wilton, Stanley Wong, Mei Chong, Roy Purssell, Amanda Yu, Bin Zhao, Robert Balshaw, Naveed Z. Janjua, Mel Krajden, and Tara Gomes
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cohort Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Practice Patterns, Physicians' ,Substance Abuse, Intravenous ,Retrospective Studies ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Proportional hazards model ,Hazard ratio ,Chronic pain ,Retrospective cohort study ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Opioid-Related Disorders ,medicine.disease ,Confidence interval ,3. Good health ,Discontinuation ,Analgesics, Opioid ,Opioid ,Relative risk ,Female ,Chronic Pain ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,medicine.drug - Abstract
ObjectiveTo assess the association between long term prescription opioid treatment medically dispensed for non-cancer pain and the initiation of injection drug use (IDU) among individuals without a history of substance use.DesignRetrospective cohort study.SettingLarge administrative data source (containing information for about 1.7 million individuals tested for hepatitis C virus or HIV in British Columbia, Canada) with linkage to administrative health databases, including dispensations from community pharmacies.ParticipantsIndividuals age 11-65 years and without a history of substance use (except alcohol) at baseline.Main outcome measuresEpisodes of prescription opioid use for non-cancer pain were identified based on drugs dispensed between 2000 and 2015. Episodes were classified by the increasing length and intensity of opioid use (acute (lasting Results59 804 participants (14 951 people from each opioid use category) were included in the matched cohort, and followed for a median of 5.8 years. 1149 participants initiated IDU. Cumulative probability of IDU initiation at five years was highest for participants with chronic opioid use (4.0%), followed by those with episodic use (1.3%) and acute use (0.7%), and those who were opioid naive (0.4%). In the inverse probability of treatment weighted Cox model, risk of IDU initiation was 8.4 times higher for those with chronic opioid use versus those who were opioid naive (95% confidence interval 6.4 to 10.9). In a sensitivity analysis limited to individuals with a history of chronic pain, cumulative risk for those with chronic use (3.4% within five years) was lower than the primary results, but the relative risk was not (hazard ratio 9.7 (95% confidence interval 6.5 to 14.5)). IDU initiation was more frequent at higher opioid doses and younger ages.ConclusionsThe rate of IDU initiation among individuals who received chronic prescription opioid treatment for non-cancer pain was infrequent overall (3-4% within five years) but about eight times higher than among opioid naive individuals. These findings could have implications for strategies to prevent IDU initiation, but should not be used as a reason to support involuntary tapering or discontinuation of long term prescription opioid treatment.
- Published
- 2021
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27. P388 Evolution of hepatitis C care cascades among HIV and hepatitis B co-infected patients in british columbia, canada
- Author
Mark W. Tyndall, Margo E. Pearce, Hasina Samji, Carmine Rossi, Mark Gilbert, Zahid A Butt, Nuria Chapinal, Naveed Z. Janjua, Geoffrey McKee, María José Pérez Álvarez, Mel Krajden, Stanley Wong, Sofia Bartlett, Jason Wong, and Maryam Darvishian
- Subjects
Hepatitis ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Hepatitis C virus ,Public health ,virus diseases ,Hepatitis C ,Hepatitis B ,medicine.disease ,medicine.disease_cause ,digestive system diseases ,Tolerability ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,medicine ,business ,Genotyping - Abstract
Background Improvements in tolerability and cure rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) with direct acting antiviral (DAA) treatment led to expansion of patients treated for HCV; however, research examining the impact of these changes on linkage to care and treatment initiation among patients with hepatitis B (HBV) and HIV co-infection is limited. We compared the care cascades for patients with HBV and HIV co-infection before and after the introduction of DAAs, among a large population-based cohort in British Columbia (BC). Methods We analyzed data from the BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort, including all individuals tested for HCV or HIV between 1992 and 2015 at the BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory, as well as cases of HIV (1980–2015), HCV (1990–2015), HBV (1990–2015), and active tuberculosis (1990–2015) included in registries of reportable diseases in BC. Care cascades were stratified by HIV and HBV co-infection and compared for all individuals with HCV alive at the end of 2012 (pre-DAA) and 2017 (post-DAA), including the following stages: (1) HCV diagnosed; (2) HCV RNA tested; (3) HCV RNA positive; (4) HCV genotyped; (5) initiated antiviral treatment; and (6) sustained viral response (SVR). Results 53,030 individuals diagnosed with HCV were alivein 2012 and 52,987 in 2017, were included in respective care cascades. In comparison to the pre-DAA era (2012), there were considerable increases in genotyping, treatment, and cure among individuals from all co-infection categories in 2017. For example, the proportion of those with known active infection who initiated treatment was 52% versus 23% among HCV/HIV (p Conclusion Considerable improvements have been noted in linkage to care and treatment of HCV in BC following introduction of DAAs, particularly among patients with HBV and HIV co-infections. Disclosure No significant relationships.
- Published
- 2019
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28. P563 MSM predictive modeling within a large, linked database of laboratory, surveillance, and administrative healthcare records
- Author
Jason Wong, Zahid A Butt, Stanley Wong, Mel Krajden, Troy Grennan, Travis Salway, Amanda Yu, María José Pérez Álvarez, Naveed Z. Janjua, Mark Gilbert, and Carmine Rossi
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Database ,business.industry ,Public health ,Medical record ,Gonorrhea ,virus diseases ,Retrospective cohort study ,medicine.disease ,computer.software_genre ,Men who have sex with men ,Health care ,Cohort ,medicine ,Syphilis ,business ,computer - Abstract
Background Enumeration or measurement of populations of men who have sex with men (MSM) is critical to developing and evaluating sexually transmitted and bloodborne infection (STBBI) prevention and treatment programs. However, there is a lack of data sources in which sexual orientation or behaviour is measured. In this study, we present the development and validation of a novel model (i.e., ‘computational phenotype’) to predict MSM status using multiple data sources. Methods Three disease case surveillance databases (HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis), a public health laboratory database (which performs ≥95% of all HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis tests in British Columbia), and five administrative health record databases were linked and aggregated, resulting in a retrospective cohort of 727,091 adult men from 1990 to 2013. Self-reported MSM status (‘gold-standard’) from the three disease case surveillance databases was used to develop a multivariable prediction model for identifying MSM in the larger cohort. Models were selected using ‘elastic-net’ (combination of lasso and ridge regression), implemented through the GLMNet package in R, and a final model optimized area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC). Results History of gonorrhea and syphilis diagnoses, HIV tests in the past year, history of visit to identified gay and bisexual men’s clinics, and residence in MSM-dense neighborhoods (based on self-reported MSM) were all positively associated with being MSM. The selected model had a sensitivity of 72%, specificity of 94%, and AUC of 92%. Combining self-reported MSM (n=6,280) and predicted MSM (n=85,521), a total of 91,801 men (13% of the cohort) were classified as MSM. Conclusion Applying a computational phenotyping method to administrative data yielded a cohort of 85,521 MSM, which may be used to monitor and evaluate health outcomes and healthcare utilization. Sensitivity and specificity of this model were comparable to interviewer-administered self-report measures of sexual orientation. Disclosure No significant relationships.
- Published
- 2019
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29. P508 Hepatitis C reinfection rates after cure or clearance among HIV-infected and uninfected men who have sex with men
- Author
Zahid A Butt, Carmine Rossi, Naveed Z. Janjua, Stanley Wong, Maryam Darvishian, Amanda Yu, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Mel Krajden
- Subjects
Hepatitis ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Sexual transmission ,business.industry ,Proportional hazards model ,Hepatitis C virus ,Hazard ratio ,virus diseases ,Hepatitis C ,medicine.disease ,medicine.disease_cause ,Men who have sex with men ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Background Increasing rates hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection associated with ongoing risk activity have been reported after successful cure or viral clearance. We assessed factors associated with reinfection after treatment-induced or spontaneous clearance (SC) in both HIV-infected and uninfected men who have sex with men (MSM) in British Columbia. Methods We followed HIV-infected and uninfected MSM who achieved sustained virologic response (SVR) to HCV treatment or had SC with ≥1 subsequent HCV RNA measurement in the British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort. Crude reinfection rates per 100 person-years (PYs) were calculated. Cox regression was used to model adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for reinfection. Results We identified 1,349 HCV-infected MSM with SVR (n=856) or SC (n=493), of which 349 (26%) were HIV-positive. HIV-infected MSM were more likely to have histories of injection drug use (41% vs 21%), alcohol use (22% vs 14%) and mental health disorders (47% vs 28%), compared to HIV uninfected. A total of 98 reinfections were identified, yielding an overall reinfection rate of 1.9 per 100 PY (1.0 for SVR patients and 2.7 for SC). HIV-infected MSM had higher rates of reinfection (3.1 vs 1.6 per 100 PY) than HIV uninfected individuals. In multivariable analysis, age Conclusion Rates of HCV reinfection remain elevated among HIV-infected and uninfected MSM. Substance use is driving reinfection among HIV-negative MSM, while sexual transmission may be more important among HIV-positive MSM. Disclosure No significant relationships.
- Published
- 2019
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30. P386 Cancer risk among people with HIV, HBV and/or HCV infections
- Author
Sofia Bartlett, Mark Gilbert, Maryam Darvishian, Zahid A Butt, Margo E. Pearce, Darrel Cook, John J. Spinelli, Carmine Rossi, Troy Grennan, Jane A. Buxton, María José Pérez Álvarez, Ryan Woods, Mark W. Tyndall, Amanda Yu, Mawuena Binka, Mel Krajden, Jason Wong, Naveed Z. Janjua, and Stanley Wong
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Hepatitis ,Oncology ,Hepatitis B virus ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Hepatitis C virus ,Hazard ratio ,virus diseases ,Cancer ,medicine.disease ,medicine.disease_cause ,digestive system diseases ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,medicine ,Anal cancer ,Liver cancer ,business - Abstract
Background HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections each are associated with increased cancer risk. In this study, we assessed the effect of co-occurrence of HIV, HBV and HCV on all cancers, anal cancer, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and liver cancer. Methods We used the British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort (BC-HTC) which includes all individuals (∼1.7 million) tested for HCV or HIV, or diagnosed with HCV, HIV, or HBV linked with data on cancers. We included individuals tested for all three infections since 1990 and followed them from the date of their last test until the first cancer diagnosis, death, or 12/31/2015. We utilized the Fine and Grey competing risks regression model to estimate adjusted sub-distributional hazard ratios (aHRs) for outcomes, with death as a competing risk. Results Among 514,501 individuals tested for all infections, 12,586 had any cancer (2.45%), 100 had anal cancer (0.02%), 552 had NHL (0.11%), and 1,081 had liver cancer (0.21%) during a median follow-up of 4.19 years. Compared to no infection, the aHR for all cancers was the highest for HIV/HBV co-infections (HR 2.55, 95% CI: 1.91–3.42) followed by triple infections (aHR 2.29, 95% CI: 1.80–2.89). The risk of anal cancer was higher among individuals with HIV (triple infection aHR 22.61, 95% CI: 7.27–70.33), while risk of the liver cancer was higher among those with HBV or HCV mono or co-infections and triple infections. The risk of NHL was the highest among HIV/HBV co-infections followed by triple infection. Conclusion HIV, HBV and HCV infections are associated with an overall higher risk of cancer. The highest risks for anal cancer and NHL were among those living with HIV infection. The observed association between HCV and anal cancer, which may be due to the presence of human papillomavirus and/or residual confounding, requires further investigation. Disclosure No significant relationships.
- Published
- 2019
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31. Impact of HCV infection and ethnicity on incident type 2 diabetes: findings from a large population-based cohort in British Columbia
- Author
Mohammad Ehsanul Karim, Margo E. Pearce, Hasina Samji, Dahn Jeong, Zahid A Butt, Younathan Abdia, Prince A. Adu, Amanda Yu, Naveed Z. Janjua, Sofia Bartlett, Stanley Wong, James Wilton, Héctor A. Velásquez García, Mawuena Binka, Emilia Clementi, Mel Krajden, and María José Pérez Álvarez
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Diabetes risk ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,Type 2 diabetes ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Epidemiology ,Ethnicity ,medicine ,Humans ,longitudinal studies ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Disease burden ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Hepatitis C, Chronic ,RC648-665 ,medicine.disease ,Hepatitis C ,HCV infection ,3. Good health ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Cohort ,Population study ,Epidemiology/Health services research ,epidemiology ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,business - Abstract
IntroductionIncreasing evidence indicates that chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with higher risk of diabetes. Previous studies showed ethnic disparities in the disease burden of diabetes, with increased risk in Asian population. We described the incidence of type 2 diabetes related to HCV infection and assessed the concurrent impact of HCV infection and ethnicity on the risk of diabetes.Research design and methodsIn British Columbia Hepatitis Testers Cohort, individuals were followed from HCV diagnosis to the earliest of (1) incident type 2 diabetes, (2) death or (3) end of the study (December 31, 2015). Study population included 847 021 people. Diabetes incidence rates in people with and without HCV were computed. Propensity scores (PS) analysis was used to assess the impact of HCV infection on newly acquired diabetes. PS-matched dataset included 117 184 people. We used Fine and Gray multivariable subdistributional hazards models to assess the effect of HCV and ethnicity on diabetes while adjusting for confounders and competing risks.ResultsDiabetes incidence rates were higher among people with HCV infection than those without. The highest diabetes incidence rate was in South Asians with HCV (14.7/1000 person-years, 95% CI 12.87 to 16.78). Compared with Others, South Asians with and without HCV and East Asians with HCV had a greater risk of diabetes. In the multivariable stratified analysis, HCV infection was associated with increased diabetes risk in all subgroups: East Asians, adjusted HR (aHR) 3.07 (95% CI 2.43 to 3.88); South Asians, aHR 2.62 (95% CI 2.10 to 3.26); and Others, aHR 2.28 (95% CI 2.15 to 2.42).ConclusionsIn a large population-based linked administrative health data, HCV infection was associated with higher diabetes risk, with a greater relative impact in East Asians. South Asians had the highest risk of diabetes. These findings highlight the need for care and screening for HCV-related chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes among people affected by HCV.
- Published
- 2021
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32. Role of primary T-cell immunodeficiency and hepatitis B coinfection on spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C: The BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort
- Author
Mark W. Tyndall, Mark Gilbert, Mel Krajden, Nazrul Islam, Amanda Yu, Jason Wong, Paul Gustafson, Margot Kuo, Mei Chong, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Naveed Z. Janjua
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,0301 basic medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases ,Hepatitis C virus ,Hepacivirus ,medicine.disease_cause ,Polymerase Chain Reaction ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Virology ,Internal medicine ,Humans ,Medicine ,Immunodeficiency ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Hepatitis ,British Columbia ,Hepatology ,Coinfection ,business.industry ,Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes ,virus diseases ,Odds ratio ,Hepatitis C ,Middle Aged ,Hepatitis B ,medicine.disease ,digestive system diseases ,3. Good health ,030104 developmental biology ,Infectious Diseases ,Cohort ,Immunology ,RNA, Viral ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,business - Abstract
Summary T-cell host immune response against hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been suggested to play an important role in determining HCV infection outcome. However, data from human studies are not available. This study examined the effect of primary T-cell deficiency along with other factors on the spontaneous clearance of HCV in a large population-based cohort in British Columbia, Canada. The BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort includes all individuals tested for HCV in BC in 1990-2013 linked with data on their medical visits, hospitalizations and prescription drugs. HCV-positive individuals with at least one valid HCV PCR test on/after HCV diagnosis (n=46 783) were included in this study. To examine factors associated with the spontaneous clearance of HCV, multivariable logistic regression was fitted on the full sample, and Cox proportional hazards model on the HCV seroconverters. Spontaneous clearance was observed in 25.1% (n=11 737) of those tested for HCV. After adjusting for potential confounders, the odds of spontaneous clearance of HCV was lower in people with primary T-cell immunodeficiency (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 0.55, 95% CI: 0.32-0.94), and higher in females (aOR: 1.61, 95% CI: 1.54-1.68) and in those coinfected with HBV (aOR: 2.31, 95% CI: 1.93-2.77). Similar results were observed in HCV seroconverters except HBV coinfection was not significant. In conclusion, primary T-cell immunodeficiency is associated with a lower spontaneous clearance of HCV while female sex and coinfection with HBV are associated with a higher spontaneous clearance.
- Published
- 2016
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33. Socioeconomic Status in Adolescents: A Study of Its Relationship with Overweight and Obesity and Influence on Social Network Configuration
- Author
Beatriz Alonso-Cortés, José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Natalia Arias, Carmen Benavides, María José Pérez Álvarez, and María Dolores Calvo
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Male ,obesity ,social networks ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Adolescent Health ,lcsh:Medicine ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Overweight ,Article ,Developmental psychology ,Social Networking ,socioeconomic status ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Social determinants of health ,Students ,Social network analysis ,Socioeconomic status ,Social network ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Social environment ,medicine.disease ,Obesity ,peers ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Social Class ,adolescent ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,Centrality ,Psychology ,business - Abstract
Socioeconomic status (SES) influences all the determinants of health, conditioning health throughout life. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity in adolescence through an analysis of the patterns of contact between peers as a function of this parameter. A cross-sectional study was performed, analyzing a sample of 235 students aged 14 to 18 and 11 class networks. Social network analysis was used to analyze structural variables of centrality from a sociocentric perspective. We found that adolescents with a medium-low SES presented a two-fold higher probability of being overweight, but we did not detect any differences in the configuration of their social networks when compared with those of normal-weight adolescents. However, we did find significant differences in the formation of networks according to SES in the overall sample and disaggregated by gender, whereby adolescents with a high SES in general presented a higher capacity to form wider social networks. Elucidating the relationship between SES and overweight and its influence on social network formation can contribute to the design of preventative strategies against overweight and obesity in adolescents, since their social environment can provide them with several resources to combat excess weight.
- Published
- 2018
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34. THU-118-Factors associated with hepatitis C treatment uptake among people who inject drugs in a population based data linkage study
- Author
Terri Buller-Taylor, Jason Wong, Sofia Bartlett, Naveed Z. Janjua, Mark Gilbert, María José Pérez Álvarez, Stanley Wong, Mark W. Tyndall, Amanda Yu, Maryam Darvishian, Mawuena Binka, Margo E. Pearce, Mel Krajden, Carmine Rossi, and Zahid A Butt
- Subjects
Linkage (software) ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,Population based data ,Environmental health ,medicine ,Hepatitis C ,medicine.disease ,business - Published
- 2019
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35. THU-394-Cancer risk among people with HIV, HBV, and/or HCV infections
- Author
Naveed Z. Janjua, Amanda Yu, Mark Gilbert, Ryan Woods, John J. Spinelli, Mark W. Tyndall, Eric M. Yoshida, Darrel Cook, Jason Wong, María José Pérez Álvarez, Mawuena Binka, Mel Krajden, Margo E. Pearce, Zahid A Butt, Stanley Wong, Maryam Darvishian, Carmine Rossi, Troy Grennan, Jane A. Buxton, and Sofia Bartlett
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,medicine ,medicine.disease_cause ,Cancer risk ,business - Published
- 2019
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36. La actividad del tribunal eclesiástico de León en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
History ,Lleó ,Tribunal diocesà ,Diocesan court ,Esponsales ,Dispenses ,Early modern period ,Impedimentos ,Impediments ,León ,Edad moderna ,Tribunal diocesano ,Esposalles ,Dispensations ,Betrothal ,Edat moderna ,Dispensas - Abstract
Los Expedientes Matrimoniales ofrecen una gran riqueza informativa, desde aspectos demográficos hasta la sexualidad, pasando, por supuesto, por la sociología del matrimonio, e, incluso, nos brindan noticias de la vida cotidiana. En el Archivo Diocesano de León, esa documentación comienza a tener continuidad en la segunda mitad del siglo xviii. Para acercarnos a la actividad del tribunal eclesiástico leonés en esta materia, hemos tomado una muestra de veinticinco años, desde 1755 hasta 1780. En primer lugar, nos planteamos conocer cuáles eran las causas a las que atendían y la prelación de las mismas y, a continuación, analizar los motivos que desencadenaron aquellas que desembocaron en litigios y que, como veremos, casi todos estuvieron relacionados con los esponsales. Ahora bien, hemos de tener en cuenta que la visión que obtendremos de tal problemática será parcial, pues no hemos de olvidar que eran de fuero mixto. Els Expedients Matrimonials ofereixen una gran riquesa informativa que passa per diferents camps d'investigació, des de la demografia fins a la sexualitat, passant, per descomptat, per la sociologia del matrimoni, i, fins i tot, ens ofereixen notícies de la vida quotidiana. A l'Arxiu Diocesà de Lleó, aquesta documentació comença a tenir continuïtat a la segona meitat del segle xviii i en aquest treball hem pres una mostra de vint-i-cinc anys, des del 1755 fins al 1780, per conèixer l'activitat d'aquell tribunal. En primer lloc, ens plantegem conèixer quines eren les causes que atenien i la seva prelació i, a continuació, analitzar, en totes aquelles que desembocaren en litigis, els motius que les van desencadenar, gairebé tots relacionats amb les esposalles. Ara bé, hem de tenir en compte que la visió sobre aquesta problemàtica és parcial, perquè no hem d'oblidar que eren de fur mixt. Marriage Records offer a wealth of information for various fields of research, including demography, the sociology of marriage and sexuality, and even shed light on daily life. These records began to be maintained regularly in the Diocesan Archives of León in the second half of the eighteenth century. For the present study, a 25 years sample (from 1755 to 1780) was analyzed to determine the work of the ecclesiastical court of León. The aim was to determine the cases heard and the priority given to these, and then, in all those that led to litigation, to analyze the reasons that triggered them, almost all related to betrothal. It should be borne in mind that this overview of the problem is partial, because it was often subject to a mixed jurisdiction.
- Published
- 2018
37. Respectable and Disreputable Women Mechanisms of Relief for and Oppression of Women in Spain in the Early Modern Period
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Oppression ,Economic growth ,Poverty ,poverty ,incarceration ,correctional institutions ,Early Modern Period ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Moral standards ,Doctrine ,Gender studies ,humanities ,Early modern period ,General Materials Science ,women ,Meaning (existential) ,Sociology ,health care economics and organizations ,charitable works ,media_common - Abstract
One of the defining characteristics of the working classes during the Old Regime was poverty, and the main victims were women, especially those who “vivian sobre si” [eighteenth century Spanish expression meaning to fend for or support oneself]. Indeed, the percentage of female-headed households in cities which were considered “impoverished” was higher than that of male-headed households. Furthermore, women not only had to cope with hardship and destitution but they also expected to scrupulously observe the prevailing moral doctrine. If they were considered respectable, they were eligible to receive relief from public and private charitable institutions, but should they transgress the moral standards of the day, they would find that there was no room for tolerance
- Published
- 2014
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38. A Proposal for Teamwork in University Classes: Women, Economic Activity and Marriage in the Early Modern Period
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
women ,Teamwork ,Economic growth ,Early Modern Period ,media_common.quotation_subject ,university classes ,teaching ,Variety (cybernetics) ,Casuistry ,Early modern period ,Institution ,Economic contribution ,General Materials Science ,Sociology ,media_common - Abstract
From among the wide range of possible options that we could choose for this project, we have decided to focus on two issues that we consider to be fundamental: raising the visibility of women's economic contribution and the casuistry of the institution of marriage, to be explored through a variety of different sources. In and of themselves, these two aspects are sufficient to shed light on many questions about the life cycle of women who lived during the Old Regime.
- Published
- 2014
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39. SAT-238-The impact of SVR from direct acting antiviral and interferon-based treatments for HCV on hepatocellular carcinoma risk in a large population based cohort
- Author
Naveed Z. Janjua, Jordan J. Feld, Alnoor Ramji, Zahid A Butt, Mark W. Tyndall, Maryam Darvishian, Sofia Bartlett, Amanda Yu, Mawuena Binka, Margo E. Pearce, Hasina Samji, Stanley Wong, Eric M. Yoshida, Mel Krajden, Carmine Rossi, and María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hepatology ,business.industry ,Large population ,medicine.disease ,Interferon ,Hepatocellular carcinoma ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,medicine ,business ,Direct acting ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2019
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40. SAT-261-Elevated HCV reinfection rates after cure on spontaneous clearance among HIV-infected and uninfected men who have sex with men
- Author
Naveed Z. Janjua, Stanley Wong, Maryam Darvishian, Zahid A Butt, Carmine Rossi, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Amanda Yu
- Subjects
Hepatology ,business.industry ,Hiv infected ,Medicine ,Physiology ,business ,Men who have sex with men - Published
- 2019
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- Author
Gerardo Martín López, Paula Ramirez Mallavibarrena, Mario Villa González, and Maria Jose Perez Alvarez
- Subjects
Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry ,RC321-571 - Published
- 2023
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42. Distribution and abundance of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens (Carnivora: Otariidae) along the central coast off Chile
- Author
Daniel Schrader, Rodrigo Moraga, Maritza Sepúlveda, Doris Oliva, Walter Sielfeld, Alejandra Urra, Patricia Inostroza, Angela Melo, Humberto Díaz, and María José Pérez‐Álvarez
- Subjects
Geography ,biology ,South american ,Otaria flavescens ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,Sea lion ,biology.organism_classification ,Humanities ,Population Decrease ,General Environmental Science ,Aquatic organisms - Abstract
Se estimo la distribucion y la abundancia poblacional del lobo marino comun Otaria flavescens en la costa de Chile central durante los meses de enero y febrero de 2007. Adicionalmente, se analizaron los cambios en la abundancia de esta especie durante el periodo 1970-2007. Los censos poblacionales se basaron en fotografias tomadas desde embarcaciones menores o desde avionetas. Se contabilizaron un total de 16301 lobos marinos (IC = 16209-16375) en 33 colonias (6 reproductivas y 27 no reproductivas). Despues de corregir por la proporcion de animales en el agua y por crias no registradas al momento del censo, se estimo una abundancia promedio de 18179 (95 % CI = 17777-18851) lobos marinos en el area de estudio. El analisis de tendencia poblacional presento que desde 1970 a 1985 la abundancia-lobo marino com-mostro una tendencia positiva de aproximadamente 2.1 % ano-1. Sin embargo, entre 1985 a 1997, y entre 1997 a 2007, el numero de lobos marinos muestra una tendencia estable o ligeramente negativa de 0.4 ± 0.1 % ano-1 y 0.5 ± 0.1 % ano-1, respectivamente. Se sugiere que la sobreexplotacion y la declinacion de las principales pesquerias en la zona central de Chife podria haber impactado negativamente la distribucion y abundancia del lobo marino comun en el area de estudio.
- Published
- 2011
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43. Nourrices mercenaires et mortalité infantile dans la ville de León au cours du xviiie siècle
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez and Alfredo Martín García
- Subjects
Demography - Abstract
L’ « Obra Pia de Nuestra Senora la Blanca » a ete l’unique centre d’accueil pour enfants abandonnes de la ville de Leon jusqu’en 1792, date a laquelle l’eveque Cuadrillero a cree l’Hospice. Les registres d’admission tenus par l’institution nous ont servi a realiser une etude des caracteristiques generales de l’allaitement externe, forme principale de l’assistance. Au total, 5 543 placements ont ete analyses durant la periode comprise entre 1700 et 1791, dans une perspective territoriale puisqu’ils ont ete etudies en fonction de la destination des enfants en distinguant la Montagne, les Terres de Leon et la capitale elle-meme. En nous fondant sur ces unites territoriales, nous avons procede a une analyse differentielle de la mortalite developpant pour cela une division tripartite du siecle en fonction de criteres demographiques et economiques. Les resultats revelent qu’au fil du siecle l’esperance de vie a diminue et que les enfants mouraient plus jeunes, faits expliques par les difficultes economiques de la population de la province ainsi que par le flux croissant des admissions dans l’institution. Ainsi, la mortalite a-t-elle eu des effets plus importants sur les allaitements urbains.
- Published
- 2010
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44. EP-1712: Bacterial Differential Radiosensibility
- Author
J. Mas, A. Biete, G. oses gonzalez, I. Alejo, and María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Oncology ,Chemistry ,Biophysics ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Hematology ,Differential (mathematics) - Published
- 2018
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45. Health Care Costs Associated with Hepatitis C: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
- Author
Brandon Zagorski, Margot Kuo, María José Pérez Álvarez, Amanda Yu, Mel Krajden, and Murray Krahn
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Gerontology ,Adolescent ,Antiviral Agents ,Cohort Studies ,Young Adult ,Environmental health ,Health care ,medicine ,Humans ,lcsh:RC799-869 ,Longitudinal cohort ,Young adult ,Child ,health care economics and organizations ,Health policy ,Aged ,Health economics ,British Columbia ,business.industry ,Gastroenterology ,Case-control study ,Infant ,Health Care Costs ,General Medicine ,Hepatitis C ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Hospitalization ,Case-Control Studies ,Child, Preschool ,Disease Progression ,Female ,Original Article ,lcsh:Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology ,business ,Cohort study - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Disease-specific estimates of medical costs are important for health policy decision making.OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of health care costs associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) seropositivity across disease phases.METHODS: HCV laboratory tests from the BC Centre for Disease Control were linked to administrative data pertaining to health services and drugs dispensed to estimate costs among case subjects and controls. The case group comprised HCV seropositive individuals (n=20,001), and the control group comprised single-tested, HCV seronegative persons (n=70,752) identified between January 1997 and December 2004. Subject observation time was assigned to the three following disease phases: initial phase (after diagnosis), late phase (late-stage liver disease) and predeath phase (12 months before death). Case subjects and controls were matched for age, sex and a propensity score within each phase to determine the net cost attributable to HCV seropositivity, and were adjusted for demographic and clinical factors.RESULTS: Costs increased with disease progression, with hospitalization being the highest cost component in all phases. Initial and late phase net costs (2005 Canadian dollars) were $1,850 and $6,000 per patient per year, respectively. Costs among case subjects were driven by age, comorbidities, mental illness, illicit drug use and HIV coinfection. While predeath case subject and control costs were virtually the same, costs were high and case subjects died at a younger age.CONCLUSION: HCV seropositivity is associated with increased medical costs driven by viral sequelae and medicosocial vulnerabilities (ie, mental illness, illicit drug use and HIV coinfection). Cost mitigation and health outcome improvements will require broad-based prevention programming to reduce vulnerabilities and HCV treatment to prevent disease progression, respectively.
- Published
- 2010
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46. Efecto de una modificación reglamentaria en la incidencia de lesiones en lucha leonesa
- Author
Héctor García, Gloria Sánchez González, Antonio J. Molina, Tania Fernández, Carlos Ayán, Vicente Martín, and María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine - Abstract
Resumen Objetivo Conocer la incidencia de lesiones graves en la lucha leonesa y valorar el efecto en estas de una modificacion reglamentaria. Material y metodos Estudio de cohortes retrospectivas (2006–2007) y prospectivas (2008, reglamento modificado). Fueron incluidos todos los luchadores que compitieron en categoria senior (edad media 22±6,8 anos) en la liga de invierno durante las temporadas 2006, 2007 y 2008. Las fuentes de informacion utilizadas fueron las actas de los corros, los partes de accidente y un cuestionario especifico cumplimentado por entrevista dirigida a los luchadores. Se entendio como lesion grave cualquiera que se produjera durante el combate y tuviera como efecto una baja superior a 28 dias. Se calculo la incidencia de lesiones graves por numero de corro, luchadores, combates y caidas. Resultados Participaron en las tres temporadas un total de 143 luchadores varones. Se documentaron un total de 14 lesiones que afectaron a 13 luchadores. Las zonas anatomicas mas afectadas fueron el hombro y la rodilla, y el tipo de lesion mas frecuente observada fue el esguince, seguido de las contusiones y de las luxaciones. En el total de las temporadas estudiadas hubo una lesion grave cada 7 corros, se lesiono de gravedad uno de cada 36 luchadores y se produjo una lesion grave por cada 161 combates o 400 caidas. Se registraron 4 lesiones graves durante las temporadas 2006–2007 y ninguna durante la temporada 2008 (en la que se introdujo una modificacion reglamentaria); las diferencias observadas en las incidencias no alcanzaron la significacion estadistica. Conclusiones La lucha leonesa presenta una incidencia de lesiones similar a la de otros deportes de combate. El penalizar las sueltas y todas las caidas como enteras y mantener los combates a dos caidas parece ayudar a reducir la incidencia de lesiones graves. Sin embargo, se necesitan otros estudios con series temporales mas largas que confirmen ese hallazgo.
- Published
- 2010
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47. Mortalité et hygiène dans la ville de León au cours de l’époque moderne
- Author
María José Pérez Álvarez
- Subjects
History ,Literature and Literary Theory - Abstract
Durant l’epoque moderne, la ville de Leon a souffert plusieurs episodes de mortalite catastrophiques, aggraves par l’arrivee d’un grand nombre de pauvres affames provenant des montagnes de Leon et de la Principaute des Asturies. Leon, comme d’autres villes de l’epoque, n’avait pas d’infrastructures institutionnelles pour absorber cette masse humaine. Mais les indices de mortalite eleves ne sont pas lies seulement aux processus epidemiologiques car, meme dans des conditions normales, la croissance naturelle de la population pouvait etre affectee par l’insalubrite generale dans laquelle se deroulait le cycle vital, en raison du manque d’hygiene publique et privee et de l’absence d’une infrastructure urbaine adequate.
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Ana Bernardo, Mercedes López, María José Pérez Álvarez, Sidonia Martínez, and Ana Fernández
- Subjects
Phosphorus ,food and beverages ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Ripening ,Ascorbic acid ,Horticulture ,Dry weight ,chemistry ,Pepper ,Botany ,Composition (visual arts) ,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality ,Chemical composition ,Legume ,Food Science - Abstract
The chemical composition of two traditional varieties of Spanish peppers, “Fresno de la Vega” and “Benavente-Los Valles” harvested in the provinces of Leon and Zamora, respectively, at different ripening stages (green mature, breaker and red) were evaluated. Herein we report the global composition, mineral and trace element contents, and the most relevant physicochemical parameters of each variety of pepper collected in 2 consecutive years. Both pepper varieties showed a similar chemical composition, except in vitamin C content, which resulted to be about 70% higher in Fresno de la Vega peppers. Red ripe fruits were high in total carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, sucrose, fat (64.5, 29.14, 25.57, 2.94, 1.79/100 g dry weight, respectively) and total soluble solids (6.83°Brix). Ascorbic acid content also increased progressively during ripening, reaching a mean value of 1.81 mg/100 g dry weight for Fresno de la Vega peppers. Potassium was the most abundant of the analyzed elements in the all samples, followed by phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The order of the levels of the trace elements was iron > manganese > zinc > copper. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This report underscores the potential value of two traditional varieties of Spanish peppers and provides information on their composition during ripening to decide the proper harvesting time, which can be useful in the food industry.
- Published
- 2008
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49. Occurrence and distribution of Chilean dolphin(Cephalorhynchus eutropia)in coastal waters of central Chile
- Author
María José Pérez‐Álvarez, Anelio Aguayo-Lobo, Carlos Olavarría, and Emilia Alvarez
- Subjects
Data deficient ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Ecology ,biology ,business.industry ,Distribution (economics) ,Estuary ,Aquatic Science ,biology.organism_classification ,Cephalorhynchus eutropia ,Endemism ,business ,Relative species abundance ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Water Science and Technology - Abstract
The Chilean dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia, is an endemic species distributed along the central‐southern coast of Chile. Biological and ecological knowledge about this species is insufficient; it is catalogued as Data Deficient “DD” by the World Conservation Union. This study provides information on the species’ occurrence and distribution along the central Chilean coast from January 2000 to March 2001. Monthly land‐based surveys were performed within the study area, which was divided by the Maule River outlet, with the northern area more influenced by an estuarine system than the southern one. Chilean dolphins were sighted in 83% of surveys. The relative abundance was significantly higher in the northern than the southern area (13.6 dolphins/h versus 3.5 dolphins/ h). Three behaviour categories were recorded (feeding, socialising, and travelling) in both areas, however, these were more frequently observed in the northern area. We suggest that the area located north of Maule River is the prefe...
- Published
- 2007
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50. Relationship between aerobic fitness and quality of life in female fibromyalgia patients
- Author
M. Valencia, M.J. Barrientos, B. Alonso-Cortés, Carlos Ayán, María José Pérez Álvarez, and Vicente Martín
- Subjects
Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Fibromyalgia ,Cross-sectional study ,Physical fitness ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,Severity of Illness Index ,Quality of life ,Severity of illness ,medicine ,Humans ,Aerobic exercise ,Exercise ,Aerobic capacity ,Exercise Tolerance ,business.industry ,Rehabilitation ,Chronic fatigue ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Physical Fitness ,Quality of Life ,Physical therapy ,Female ,business ,Psychology - Abstract
Objective: To determine whether there is a direct link between quality of life and aerobic capacity among female fibromyalgia patients. Design: Cross-section study. Setting: University of León. Subjects: Twenty-nine women belonging to the León Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Association. Main measurements: Aerobic capacity and quality of life were measured by means of the Six-Minute Walk Test and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Outcome measures included heart rate and rate of perceived fatigue and dypsnoea. Results: The average distance walked was 432.8 (61.2) m and the total average Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire score was 47.5 (18.9). Only item 1 of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, physical function, showed any statistically significant link with the distance walked, which had no statistically significant relationship with any of the variables studied. Conclusion: The physical fitness of women with fibromyalgia, as determined by the Six-Minute Walk Test and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, has no direct relation with quality of life as the patients perceive it.
- Published
- 2007
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