92 results on '"Manzoni E"'
Search Results
- Author
Lazzaroni, M. G., primary, Baggi, P., additional, Moschetti, L., additional, Pedretti, E., additional, Barison, C., additional, Manzoni, E., additional, Franceschini, F., additional, Bonardelli, S., additional, and Airo’, P., additional
- Published
- 2024
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3. Gender bias and women's political performance
- Author
Cella, M, Manzoni, E, Cella M., Manzoni E., Cella, M, Manzoni, E, Cella M., and Manzoni E.
- Abstract
We model voters’ gender bias as a prejudice on women's competence coming from a distorted prior. We analyse the effect of this bias in a two-period two-party election model in which voters care about both policy preference and competence. We find that, if voters (wrongly) believe that women are drawn from a distribution of competences with higher weights on lower values, female politicians are less likely to win office but, when elected, they are on average more competent than male elected officials. As a consequence, female incumbents seek re-election more often.
- Published
- 2023
4. Europe
- Author
Cella, M, Manzoni, E, Malliga Och, Cella, M, and Manzoni, E
- Subjects
women, voting rights - Published
- 2023
5. Europe
- Author
Och, M, Cella, M, Manzoni, E, Och, M, Cella, M, and Manzoni, E
- Published
- 2023
6. It’s a matter of confidence. Institutions, government stability and economic outcomes
- Author
Bettarelli, L, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Bettarelli L., Cella M., Iannantuoni G., Manzoni E., Bettarelli, L, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Bettarelli L., Cella M., Iannantuoni G., and Manzoni E.
- Abstract
In this paper we analyse the effect of constitutional structures over policy outcomes. In particular, we exploit the heterogeneity in parliamentary systems deriving from the presence and the use of the confidence vote to investigate whether stable and unstable parliamentary systems behave differently in terms of the policies they implement. This finer partition of parliamentary systems allows us to identify effects that are more robust than the ones previously discussed in the literature. We show that the difference between presidential and parliamentary systems documented in previous works is driven by a difference between presidential and stable parliamentary systems. We suggest that possible transmission channels are legislative cohesion and (the absence of) selection.
- Published
- 2021
7. Proportional Representation with Uncertainty
- Author
De Sinopoli, F, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Pimienta, C, Pimienta C, De Sinopoli, F, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Pimienta, C, and Pimienta C
- Abstract
We introduce a model with strategic voting in a parliamentary election with proportional representation and uncertainty about voters’ preferences. In any equilibrium of the model, most voters only vote for those parties whose positions are extreme. In the resulting parliament, a consensus government forms and the policy maximizing the sum of utilities of the members of the government is implemented
- Published
- 2019
8. 187 Phenotype switch of human fibroblasts into trophoblastic cells
- Author
Arcuri, S., primary, Manzoni, E. F. M., additional, Gandolfi, F., additional, and Brevini, T. A. L., additional
- Published
- 2019
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9. Last Minute Policies and the Incumbency Advantage
- Author
Manzoni, E, Penczynski, S, Penczynski, SP, Manzoni, E, Penczynski, S, and Penczynski, SP
- Abstract
This paper models a purely informational mechanism behind the incumbency advantage. In a two-period electoral campaign with two policy issues, an incumbent and a possibly more competent challenger compete for election by voters who are heterogeneously informed about the state of the world. Due to the asymmetries in government responsibility between candidates, the incumbent's statement may convey information on the relevance of the issues to voters. In equilibrium, the incumbent sometimes strategically releases his statement early and thus signals the importance of his signature issue to the voters. We find that, since the incumbent's positioning on the issue reveals private information which the challenger can use in later statements, the incumbent's incentives to distort the campaign are decreasing in his quality, as previously documented by the empirical literature. The distortions arising in equilibrium are decreasing in the incumbent's true competence; however, the distortions may be increasing in the incumbent's expected competence on his signature issue.
- Published
- 2018
10. 112 Identification of Solute Carrier Family 5 Member 9 (SLC5A9) as Biomarker of In Vivo and In Vitro Oocyte Developmental Competence
- Author
Manzoni, E. F. M., primary, Bocchi, V., additional, Galli, C., additional, Strillacci, M. G., additional, Stradaioli, G., additional, Brevini, T. A. L., additional, and Gandolfi, F., additional
- Published
- 2018
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11. Il contributo allo sviluppo della professione infermieristica delle congregazioni religiose del XX secolo [Contribution of 19th-century religious congregations in the development of the nursing profession]
- Author
Bezze, S, Manzoni, E, DI MAURO, S, Manzoni,E, DI MAURO, STEFANIA, Bezze, S, Manzoni, E, DI MAURO, S, Manzoni,E, and DI MAURO, STEFANIA
- Abstract
Lo scopo del presente lavoro di ricerca storica è di esaminare il contributo allo sviluppo della professione infermieristica delle congregazioni religiose del XIX secolo prendendo come esempio le Suore di Maria Bambina conosciute anche come Suore della Carità delle Sante Bartolomea Capitanio e Vincenza Gerosa. Sono state analizzate 63 fonti bibliografiche reperite nell'archivio storico Casa Madre delle Suore di Maria Bambina a Milano in via S. Sofia n. 13, ad esclusione di una fonte reperita presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense di Milano. Il lavoro di ricerca ha posto una lente d'ingrandimento sul contributo che le Suore di Maria Bambina hanno fornito, rispetto alle aree professionali e allo sviluppo degli attributi distintivi della professione infermieristica nell'ottica sociologica (Greenwood, 1980). Per l'analisi delle fonti documentarie è stato applicato il metodo di ricerca storica secondo Chabod (2006). Per l'esegesi delle fonti si è creata una griglia di analisi della fonte documentaria. Dall'aggregazione dei dati sono emersi due filoni d'indagine: il primo riguarda il ruolo di Suor Emilia Vinante come esperta per la professione infermieristica e il secondo per quanto attiene alla politica professionale promossa dalla Federazione Italiana Religiose Ospedaliere (FIRO). Alla luce dei risultati della ricerca si può affermare che le congregazioni religiose hanno operato nell'ambito della professione infermieristica diventando una forza sociale in grado di incidere in modo determinante sullo sviluppo culturale e professionale degli infermieri, The purpose of this historical research project is to examine the contribution of 19th-century religious congregations in the development of the nursing profession, based on the historical example of the Sisters of Charity of Sts. Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa (or the Sisters of the Holy Child Mary). To this end, sixty three volumes were analysed, all taken from the historical archive of the Generalate of the Sisters of the Holy Child Mary in Milan, in via S. Sofia n.13, with the exception of just one, taken from the Braidense National Library, also in Milan. This research project has highlighted the sociological contribution provided by the Sisters of the Holy Child Mary to the professional nature of nursing, and to the development of the distinctive features of the nursing profession (Greenwood, 1980). All documentary sources were analysed in line with the Chabod historical research method (2006), and for their critical interpretation, a scheme of analysis was created. Two lines of investigation emerged from the data collected: the role of Sister Emilia Vinante as an expert with regard to the nursing profession, and the professional strategies promoted by FIRO (Federation of Italian Religious Nurses). Based on the conclusions of the research project, it may be stated that religious congregations contributed greatly to the nursing profession, leaving a decisive mark on the cultural and professional development of nurses.
- Published
- 2013
12. Earth Masonries in the Medieval Grange of Cuna - Siena (Italy)
- Author
Giamello, Marco, Fratini, Fabio, Mugnaini, Sonia, Pecchioni, E., Droghini, Francesca, Gabbrielli, Fabio, Giorgi, Elisabetta, Manzoni, E., Casarin, F., Magrini, Andrea, and Randazzo, F.
- Subjects
Earth masonry ,Earth masonry, Medieval building, Grange, Stratigraphic investigation, Mineralogical petrographic characterization, Mechanical test ,Medieval building ,Mineralogical petrographic characterization ,Mechanical test ,Grange ,Stratigraphic investigation - Published
- 2016
13. Do the Right Thing: Incentives for Policy Selection in Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
- Author
- Abstract
Constitutional structures shape politicians’ behaviour and hence policy outcomes through the different incentives schemes that they generate. In this paper we analyse these mechanisms in parliamentary and presidential systems. The comparison is carried out by analysing how the two systems may select the efficient policy in the presence of asymmetric information. Presidential and parliamentary systems differ in that the policy proposed by the executive in the parliamentary system is confidence-dependent and observable. The main findings suggest that the parliament responds better to the incentive scheme in the presidential system due to the lower uncertainty faced by legislators over their term limit. However, the parliamentary system generates a more efficient behaviour of the executive due to selection and disciplining effects.
- Published
- 2017
14. Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy
- Author
Bettarelli, L, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Rossi, F, BETTARELLI, LUCA, IANNANTUONI, GIOVANNA, MANZONI, ELENA, Rossi, F., Bettarelli, L, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Rossi, F, BETTARELLI, LUCA, IANNANTUONI, GIOVANNA, MANZONI, ELENA, and Rossi, F.
- Abstract
Motivated by the need to understand voting behaviour under different electoral rules, Laslier et al. (Eur Union Polit, 16(4):601–615, 2015) have conducted an online experiment, the EuroVotePlus experiment, focusing on the effects of the different rules adopted to elect members of the European parliament on voters’ behaviour. The experiment took place in several European countries in the 3 weeks before the 2014 elections for the European Parliament. This paper focuses on the Italian data. Firstly, we show that the behaviour of Italian respondents is consistent with the empirical findings at the European level. Then, we exploit the change from open list to closed list elections implemented in Italy in 1993 to investigate whether and how preferences over institutions are affected by experience. We find that respondents who voted using the open list system in Italy are more likely to prefer closed list systems, and that the effect is stronger the higher the number of open list elections the respondents have faced
- Published
- 2017
15. Social comparison and risk taking behavior
- Author
Gamba, A, Manzoni, E, Stanca, L, Gamba, A, Manzoni, E, and Stanca, L
- Abstract
This paper studies the effects of social comparison on risk taking behavior. In our framework, decision makers evaluate the consequences of their choices as changes with respect to both their own and their peers’ conditions. We test experimentally whether different positions in the social ranking determine different risk attitudes. Subjects interact in a simulated workplace environment, where they receive possibly different wages as compensation for effort and then undertake a risky decision that may give them an extra gain. We find that social comparison matters for risk attitudes. In addition, risk aversion decreases with the size of social gains. As a consequence, subjects are less risk averse in social loss than in small social gain, whereas their risk attitudes do not differ between social loss and large social gain
- Published
- 2017
16. Do Individual Heterogeneity and Spatial Correlation Matter? An Innovative Approach to the Characterisation of the European Political Space
- Author
Iannantuoni, G, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Rossi, F, Iannantuoni, G, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, and Rossi, F
- Abstract
In this paper we refine the interpretation of the European two-dimensional political space and the investigation of its determinants compared to the approach commonly adopted in the spatial voting literature. Specifically, we take into account heterogeneity and cross-correlation among legislators by explicitly including into the model a spatial effect which, in turn, relies on new sets of linguistic, geographical, institutional and cultural metrics. We confirm that the first dimension of the European political space is mainly explained by the Members of European Parliament’s ideological position on a left-right scale. We also find that correlation across legislators plays a significant role in explaining the first dimension when their pairwise distance is defined according to an individual- ism index, which turns out to be closely related to left-right ideology positioning. Even more interestingly, we show that “space” intended in a broad economic sense plays an important role in interpreting the second dimension of the political spectrum. The most relevant metric that induces spatial effects along the second dimension is based on an institutional index. Moreover, we also find that the second dimension is influenced by the gender composition of the political parties
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Manzoni, E. F.M., primary, Pennarossa, G., additional, Zenobi, A., additional, Ledda, S., additional, Gandolfi, F., additional, and Brevini, T. A. L., additional
- Published
- 2017
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18. Mountain high and valley deep: epigenetic controls of pluripotency and cell fate
- Author
Brevini, T. A. L., primary, Pennarossa, G., additional, Manzoni, E. F. M., additional, Zenobi, A., additional, and Gandolfi, F., additional
- Published
- 2017
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19. Ricerca storica sul contributo di Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso all'assistenza infermieristica
- Author
Bertozzi, S, Di Mauro, S, Manzoni, E, Bertozzi, S, Di Mauro, S, and Manzoni, E
- Abstract
Lo scopo del presente lavoro di ricerca storica è esaminare il contributo di Cristina Trivulzio Principessa di Belgiojoso allo sviluppo dell’organizzazione e dell’assistenza infermieristica in Italia, specialmente durante la Repubblica Romana del 1849 durante la quale fu una delle respon- sabili del servizio di ambulanze e del soccorso ai feriti. Sono state analizzate 19 fonti bibliogra- fiche delle 129 reperite in cinque archivi storici italiani. Per l’analisi delle fonti documentarie è stato applicato il metodo di ricerca storica secondo Chabod (1999). Per l’interpretazione dei documenti è stata creata una griglia di analisi. Dai dati raccolti sono emersi cinque argomenti sui quali Cristina Trivulzio si espresse in modo ricorrente: l’organizzazione, la politica sanitaria, la formazione, la ricerca e l’assistenza infermieristica. Grazie ai risultati di questa ricerca si è dimostrata la natura del contributo che Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso diede all’Assistenza Infermieristica, tanto da poterla annoverare tra le fondatrici dell’assistenza infermieristica italiana., The aim of this historical research project is to examine the contribution of Cristina Trivulzio Princess of Belgiojoso to the development of the nursing organisation in Italy. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the period of the Roman Republic, as in 1849 Cristina Trivulzio (Princess of Belgiojoso) was one of the person in charge of the service of caring and rescuing of the injured. For this reason, nineteen volumes were analysed out of the one hundred twenty-nine volumes found in five Italian historical archives. All documentary sources were evaluated accordingly to the Chabod historical research method (1999), while for their critical interpretation a scheme of analysis was created. As a result, five topics clearly emerged from the data collected: organisation, health politics, training, research and nursing. To sum up, this research reveals that the contributions of Cristina Trivulzio are so relevant that she may be counted among the founders of the italian nursing organisation.
- Published
- 2016
20. Incomplete-information models of guilt aversion in the Trust Game
- Author
Attanasi, G, Battigalli, P, Manzoni, E, MANZONI, ELENA, Attanasi, G, Battigalli, P, Manzoni, E, and MANZONI, ELENA
- Abstract
In the theory of psychological games it is assumed that players' preferences on material consequences depend on endogenous beliefs. Most of the applications of this theoretical framework assume that the psychological utility functions representing such preferences are common knowledge. However, this is often unrealistic. In particular, it cannot be true in experimental games where players are subjects drawn at random from a population. Therefore, an incomplete-information methodology is needed. We take a first step in this direction, focusing on guilt aversion in the Trust Game. In our models, agents have heterogeneous belief hierarchies. We characterize equilibria where trust occurs with positive probability. Our analysis illustrates the incomplete-information approach to psychological games and can help to organize experimental results in the Trust Game.
- Published
- 2016
21. The quest for an effective and safe personalized cell therapy using epigenetic tools
- Author
Brevini, T. A. L., primary, Pennarossa, G., additional, Manzoni, E. F. M., additional, Gandolfi, C. E., additional, Zenobi, A., additional, and Gandolfi, F., additional
- Published
- 2016
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22. Seismic retrofit of masonry buildings with polymer grid
- Author
Dusi, A., Manzoni, E., Mezzi, Marco, and Stevens, G.
- Subjects
masonry buildings ,Seismic retrofit ,polymer grids - Published
- 2011
23. It's a Matter of Confidence: Institutions, Government Stability and Economic Outcomes
- Author
Bettarelli, L, Bettarelli, L, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, Bettarelli, L, Bettarelli, L, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, and Manzoni, E
- Abstract
The effect of constitutional structures (such as the effect of a presidential vs. a parliamentary system) over policy outcomes has been widely studied in the economic literature. In this paper, we investigate whether stable parliamentary systems and unstable parliamentary systems behave differently in terms of the policy outcomes they implement. We show that accounting for the stability of parliamentary systems generates results that are more robust compared to the previous literature. More precisely, we find that stable parliamentary systems are significantly different both from presidential and from unstable parliamentary ones. Moreover, we show that this result is robust to changes in the set of countries, and to changes in the definition of stability. Finally, we discuss how these results are consistent with the presence of a selection effect in parliamentary systems
- Published
- 2015
24. Polymeric Grids for a Cost-Effective Enhancement of the Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings
- Author
Manzoni, E, Dusi, A, and Mezzi, Marco
- Published
- 2008
25. L’impiego di reti polimeriche per la riabilitazione di strutture in muratura 2: Analisi
- Author
Dusi, A., Manzoni, E., and Mezzi, Marco
- Published
- 2007
26. L’impiego di reti polimeriche per la riabilitazione di strutture in muratura. 1:Sperimentazione
- Author
Dusi, A., Manzoni, E., and Mezzi, Marco
- Published
- 2007
27. Seismic Assessment of Structures by Ambient Vibrations: an Application to a Medieval Tower
- Author
Dusi A., Manzoni E., Marcellini A., Tento A., Daminelli R., and Mezzi M.
- Published
- 2007
28. Polymeric Grids for the Rehabilitation of Masonry Structures
- Author
Mezzi, Marco, Dusi, A., and Manzoni, E.
- Published
- 2006
29. Seismic Assessment of Ancient Masonry Towers Using Ambient Excitations: A Case Study
- Author
Dusi, A., Manzoni, E., Mezzi, Marco, and Rossi, G.
- Published
- 2006
30. 'Curare' la malattia e le relazioni: l'Alzheimer Café di Bère Miesen
- Author
Fantauzzi A., Massariello P., Dimonte V., Manzoni E., Le Breton D., Castaldo M., Bonichon P., Giacalone F., Milan C., Crepaldi I., Capelli S., Pantaru C.D., Di Stefano G., Bianco C., Fantauzzi, Annamaria, Casella, Anna, Casella, Anna (ORCID:0000-0002-4002-8513), Fantauzzi A., Massariello P., Dimonte V., Manzoni E., Le Breton D., Castaldo M., Bonichon P., Giacalone F., Milan C., Crepaldi I., Capelli S., Pantaru C.D., Di Stefano G., Bianco C., Fantauzzi, Annamaria, Casella, Anna, and Casella, Anna (ORCID:0000-0002-4002-8513)
- Abstract
Analisi dei significati culturali degli Alzheimer cafè
- Published
- 2014
31. Voting for legislators
- Author
De Sinopoli, F, De Sinopoli, F, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, IANNANTUONI, GIOVANNA, MANZONI, ELENA, De Sinopoli, F, De Sinopoli, F, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, IANNANTUONI, GIOVANNA, and MANZONI, ELENA
- Published
- 2013
32. Incomplete information models of the trust game
- Author
Attanasi, G, Attanasi, G, Battigalli, P, Manzoni, E, MANZONI, ELENA, Attanasi, G, Attanasi, G, Battigalli, P, Manzoni, E, and MANZONI, ELENA
- Published
- 2013
33. Bloody Nipple Discharge in Infants: Case Series
- Author
Scurati-Manzoni, E., primary, Campra, D., additional, Guarino, R., additional, Ballardini, G., additional, Boscardini, L., additional, and Guala, A., additional
- Published
- 2014
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34. 23 Differences in blood immunoreactive trypsinogen concentrations and genotype in hypertrypsinaemic neonates
- Author
Seia, M., primary, Paracchini, V., additional, Raimondi, S., additional, Colombo, C., additional, Capasso, P., additional, Costantino, L., additional, Porcaro, L., additional, Mariani, T., additional, Manzoni, E., additional, Sangiovanni, M., additional, and Corbetta, C., additional
- Published
- 2011
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35. Free and total plasma malondialdehyde in chronic renal insufficiency and in dialysis patients
- Author
De Vecchi, A. F., primary, Bamonti, F., additional, Novembrino, C., additional, Ippolito, S., additional, Guerra, L., additional, Lonati, S., additional, Salini, S., additional, Aman, C. S., additional, Scurati-Manzoni, E., additional, and Cighetti, G., additional
- Published
- 2009
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36. 27 Pain Control and Nursing During Minor Painful Procedure in Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Author
Bellú, R, primary, Vassena, L, additional, Colombo, M, additional, Ferrari, L, additional, Manzoni, E, additional, Colombo, D, additional, Maccioni, C, additional, and Manzoni, R Zanini Ospedale, additional
- Published
- 2004
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37. Matrix stiffness boosts pancreatic differentiation via the YAP/TAZ mechanotransduction mediated pathway.
- Author
Manzoni, E. F. M., Arcuri, S., Brevini, T. A. L., and Gandolfi, F.
- Subjects
- *
EPIGENETICS , *DNA methylation , *CELL proliferation - Abstract
In the last years, many papers highlighted the possibility to use epigenetic modifiers to directly interact with the epigenetic signature of an adult mature cell (Pennarossa et al., 2013; Chandrakantan et al., 2016). In particular, the molecule 5-azacytidine (5-aza-CR), which is able to interfere with DNA methylation, through both a direct and an indirect effect (Manzoni et al., 2016), can be used to remove the epigenetic 'blocks' responsible for tissue specification and to facilitate cell transition to a different lineage. In parallel, recent evidence has also shown that epigenetic conversion is influenced by the 3D rearrangement and by the mechanical properties of the cellular microenvironment (Pennarossa et al., 2017). In the experiments here presented, we investigated the effect of a selected 3D culture system on the conversion process. We used INS-eGFP porcine fibroblasts, that express enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) under the control of insulin gene promoter, as experimental model, and wild-type pig fibroblasts, as control. Both cell types, were plated either on plastic or on 1kPa polyacrylamide (PAA) gel, that mimics the stiffness of pancreatic tissue in vivo. Cells were erased with 5-aza-CR for 18h and exposed to specific differentiation stimuli for 36 days (Pennarossa et al., 2014). The use of INSeGFP fibroblasts allowed real-time monitoring of cells progressing towards the pancreatic phenotype. Morphological analysis and pancreatic marker expression were checked for the entire length of the experiment. PAA gels encouraged the induction of islet-like structures, suggesting that the of tridimensional clusters may be a crucial aspect of pancreatic differentiation in vitro. Moreover, the use of an adequate substrate accelerated cell differentiation process and anticipated insulin secretion ability. The results obtained demonstrated the direct implication of the yes-associated protein/transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (YAP/TAZ) mechanotransduction-mediated pathway (Figure 1), indicating that mechanical cues exert a key role in pancreatic phenotype definition. Acknowledgments: Supported by Carraresi Foundation. Authors are members of the COST Actions CA16119, BM1308 and CM1406. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
38. It’s a matter of confidence. Institutions, government stability and economic outcomes
- Author
Michela Cella, Giovanna Iannantuoni, Elena Manzoni, Luca Bettarelli, Bettarelli L., Cella M., Iannantuoni G., Manzoni E., Bettarelli, L, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, and Manzoni, E
- Subjects
Confidence vote ,Economics and Econometrics ,Sociology and Political Science ,Exploit ,Stability (learning theory) ,Government stability ,Parliamentary system ,Presidential system ,0502 economics and business ,Finance internationale ,050602 political science & public administration ,Selection (linguistics) ,Economics ,050207 economics ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,Government ,Public economics ,05 social sciences ,Legislature ,0506 political science ,International political economy ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,Cohesion (chemistry) ,théorie et applications [Econométrie et méthodes statistiques] ,Sociologie politique ,Finance - Abstract
In this paper we analyse the effect of constitutional structures over policy outcomes. In particular, we exploit the heterogeneity in parliamentary systems deriving from the presence and the use of the confidence vote to investigate whether stable and unstable parliamentary systems behave differently in terms of the policies they implement. This finer partition of parliamentary systems allows us to identify effects that are more robust than the ones previously discussed in the literature. We show that the difference between presidential and parliamentary systems documented in previous works is driven by a difference between presidential and stable parliamentary systems. We suggest that possible transmission channels are legislative cohesion and (the absence of) selection., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2021
39. Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy
- Author
Francesca Rossi, Giovanna Iannantuoni, Elena Manzoni, Luca Bettarelli, Bettarelli L., Iannantuoni G., Manzoni E., Rossi F., Bettarelli, L, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, and Rossi, F
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,European level ,Open list ,SECS-P/02 - POLITICA ECONOMICA ,Sociology and Political Science ,Exploit ,Parliament ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Closed list ,European Parliament Election, Open list, Closed list, Voting rules ,Open List ,Voting ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,Economics ,050207 economics ,SECS-P/01 - ECONOMIA POLITICA ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,media_common ,European Parliament Election ,05 social sciences ,Close List ,Voting Rules ,0506 political science ,Economy ,Political economy ,International political economy ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,Finance - Abstract
Motivated by the need to understand voting behaviour under different electoral rules, Laslier etal. (Eur Union Polit, 16(4):601–615, 2015) have conducted an online experiment, the EuroVotePlus experiment, focusing on the effects of the different rules adopted to elect members of the European parliament on voters’ behaviour. The experiment took place in several European countries in the 3 weeks before the 2014 elections for the European Parliament. This paper focuses on the Italian data. Firstly, we show that the behaviour of Italian respondents is consistent with the empirical findings at the European level. Then, we exploit the change from open list to closed list elections implemented in Italy in 1993 to investigate whether and how preferences over institutions are affected by experience. We find that respondents who voted using the open list system in Italy are more likely to prefer closed list systems, and that the effect is stronger the higher the number of open list elections the respondents have faced.
- Published
- 2017
40. Last minute policies and the incumbency advantage
- Author
Elena Manzoni, Stefan P. Penczynski, Manzoni, E, and Penczynski, S
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,incumbency advantage, electoral competition, information revelation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,jel:D82 ,jel:D60 ,Incumbency advantage ,Market economy ,State (polity) ,agenda setting ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,Economics ,Relevance (law) ,Quality (business) ,050207 economics ,electoral competition ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,SECS-P/01 - ECONOMIA POLITICA ,Private information retrieval ,media_common ,Government ,Public economics ,information revelation ,05 social sciences ,jel:D72 ,Incumbency advantage, electoral competition, information revelation, agenda ,0506 political science ,Incentive ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,Literature study ,Reputation - Abstract
This paper models a purely informational mechanism behind the incumbency advantage. In a two-period electoral campaign with two policy issues, an incumbent and a possibly more competent challenger compete for election by voters who are heterogeneously informed about the state of the world. Due to the asymmetries in government responsibility between candidates, the incumbent’s statement may convey information on the relevance of the issues to voters. In equilibrium, the incumbent sometimes strategically releases his statement early and thus signals the importance of his signature issue to the voters. We find that, since the incumbent’s positioning on the issue reveals private information which the challenger can use in later statements, the incumbent’s incentives to distort the campaign are decreasing in his quality, as previously documented by the empirical literature. The distortions arising in equilibrium are decreasing in the incumbent’s true competence; however, the distortions may be increasing in the incumbent’s expected competence on his signature issue.
- Published
- 2018
41. Incomplete-Information Models of Guilt Aversion in the Trust Game
- Author
Elena Manzoni, Pierpaolo Battigalli, Giuseppe Attanasi, Bureau d'Économie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University, Bocconi University [Milan, Italy], Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca [Milano] (UNIMIB), Université de Lorraine (UL)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Giuseppe Attanasi gratefully acknowledges financial support from ERC starting grant DU 283953. Pierpaolo Battigalli gratefully acknowledges financial support from ERC advanced grant 324219. Elena Manzoni gratefully acknowledges financial support from PRIN 2010-2011 'New Approaches to political economy: positive political theories, empirical evidence and experiments in laboratory'., Attanasi, G, Battigalli, P, and Manzoni, E
- Subjects
JEL: D - Microeconomics/D.D3 - Distribution ,Strategy and Management ,Population ,Management Science and Operations Research ,Behavioral economics ,Guilt ,Incomplete information ,Psychological games ,Trust Game ,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences ,Microeconomics ,Dictator game ,Complete information ,0502 economics and business ,Common knowledge ,Economics ,JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C9 - Design of Experiments/C.C9.C91 - Laboratory, Individual Behavior ,Trust games ,050207 economics ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,education ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,050205 econometrics ,Non-cooperative game ,education.field_of_study ,05 social sciences ,psychological games ,trust game ,guilt ,incomplete information ,ComputingMilieux_PERSONALCOMPUTING ,Screening game ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining Theory/C.C7.C72 - Noncooperative Games ,Repeated game ,Psychological game ,PSYCHOLOGICAL GAMES, TRUST GAME, GUILT, INCOMPLETE INFORMATION ,Cognitive psychology - Abstract
International audience; In the theory of psychological games it is assumed that players preferences on material consequences depend on endogenous beliefs. Most of the applications of this theoretical framework assume that the psychological utility functions representing such preferences are common knowledge. But this is often unrealistic. In particular, it cannot be true in experimental games where players are subjects drawn at random from a population. Therefore an incomplete-information methodology is called for. We take a Örst step in this direction, focusing on models of guilt aversion in the Trust Game. We consider two alternative modeling assumptions: guilt aversion depends on the role played in the game, because only the ìtrusteeîcan feel guilt for letting the co-player down, guilt aversion is independent of the role played in the game. We show how the set of Bayesian equilibria changes as the upper bound on guilt sensitivity varies, and we compare this with the complete-information case. Our analysis illustrates the incomplete-information approach to psychological games and can help organize experimental results in the Trust Game
- Published
- 2016
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42. Do the Right Thing: Incentives for Policy Selection in Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
- Author
Giovanna Iannantuoni, Elena Manzoni, Michela Cella, Cella, M, Iannantuoni, G, and Manzoni, E
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,Parliament ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Public administration ,comparative institutions, presidential system, parliamentary system, efficency ,Information asymmetry ,presidential system ,parliamentary system ,condence vote ,hierarchical accountability ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,Economics ,Selection (linguistics) ,050207 economics ,Policy outcomes ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,Law and economics ,media_common ,Presidential system ,presidential system, parliamentary system, condence vote, hierarchical accountability ,05 social sciences ,0506 political science ,Incentive ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze - Abstract
Constitutional structures shape politicians’ behaviour and hence policy outcomes through the different incentives schemes that they generate. In this paper we analyse these mechanisms in parliamentary and presidential systems. The comparison is carried out by analysing how the two systems may select the efficient policy in the presence of asymmetric information. Presidential and parliamentary systems differ in that the policy proposed by the executive in the parliamentary system is confidence-dependent and observable. The main findings suggest that the parliament responds better to the incentive scheme in the presidential system due to the lower uncertainty faced by legislators over their term limit. However, the parliamentary system generates a more efficient behaviour of the executive due to selection and disciplining effects.
- Published
- 2017
43. Social comparison and risk taking behavior
- Author
Luca Stanca, Astrid Gamba, Elena Manzoni, Gamba, A, Manzoni, E, and Stanca, L
- Subjects
Economics ,Social comparison ,Risk aversion ,Interdependent preferences ,Reference point ,General Decision Sciences ,Social Sciences (all) ,Econometrics and Finance (all)2001 Economics ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Social comparison, Risk aversion, Interdependent preferences, Reference point ,0502 economics and business ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Work task ,050207 economics ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,SECS-P/01 - ECONOMIA POLITICA ,Applied Psychology ,050205 econometrics ,Social comparison theory ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,General Social Sciences ,Computer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,Decision Sciences (all) ,Economics, Econometrics and Finance (all)2001 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,Public relations ,Computer Science Applications ,Test (assessment) ,Ranking ,Social comparison, risk aversion, interdependent preferences, reference point ,Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,Position (finance) ,business ,Risk taking ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,Social psychology - Abstract
This paper studies the effects of social comparison on risk taking be- havior. In our framework, decision makers evaluate the consequences of their choices as changes with respect to both their own and their peers' conditions. We test experimentally whether different positions in the social ranking determine different risk attitudes. Subjects interact in a simulated workplace environment, where they receive possibly different wages as compensation for effort and then undertake a risky decision that may give them an extra gain. We find that social comparison matters for risk attitudes. In addition, risk aversion decreases with the size of social gains. As a consequence, subjects are less risk averse in social loss than in small social gain, whereas their risk attitudes do not differ between social loss and large social gain.
- Published
- 2016
44. Proportional Representation with Uncertainty
- Author
Carlos Pimienta, Francesco De Sinopoli, Elena Manzoni, Giovanna Iannantuoni, De Sinopoli, F, Iannantuoni, G, Manzoni, E, and Pimienta, C
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Proportional Election, Strategic Voting, Legislative Bargaining ,Parliament ,Proportional representation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Parallel voting ,Proportional Election ,Strategic Voting ,Microeconomics ,Split-ticket voting ,Voting ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,Economics ,Legislative Bargaining ,SECS-P/01 - ECONOMIA POLITICA ,Settore SECS-P/01 - Economia Politica ,General Psychology ,Group voting ticket ,050205 econometrics ,media_common ,Government ,Election threshold ,Welfare economics ,05 social sciences ,jel:C72 ,jel:D72 ,General Social Sciences ,Settore SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze ,050206 economic theory ,Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty ,First-past-the-post voting ,Preferential block voting - Abstract
We introduce a model with strategic voting in a parliamentary election with proportional representation and uncertainty about the voter’s preferences. In any equilibrium of the model, most of the voters only vote for those parties whose positions are extreme. In the resulting parliament, a consensus government forms and the policy maximizing the sum of utilities of the members of the government is implemented.
- Published
- 2014
45. Electoral campaigns with strategic candidates: A theoretical and empirical analysis
- Author
MANZONI, ELENA and Manzoni, E
- Subjects
electoral campaigns, strategic candidates, discretion, campaign announcements ,SECS-P/01 - ECONOMIA POLITICA - Abstract
The main focus of this thesis is the analysis of political campaigns when candidates choose their statements in a strategic way. In the first chapter, ‘Discretion and renegotiation in electoral campaigns’, I present a model of electoral campaigning as a problem of competitive delegation. The chapter considers a situation in which there is uncertainty about what the optimal policy should be; in this environment voters may want to leave discretion to a candidate, in order to allow him to adjust his policies to the state of the world, once he is elected. The paper analyses how the ambiguity level of the political statements is influenced by the presence of uncertainty over the candidates’ ideology, by the possibility of ex post renegotiation between the elected candidate and the voters and by several political variables. In the second chapter, ‘Last minute policies and the incumbency advantage’, joint with Stefan Penczynski, we investigate the timing of statements in political debates and campaigns. Early statements can influence the political agenda and signal competence and vision, late statements are based on more information about appropriate measures. We find that candidates speak early on issues they are better-informed about in order to signal relevance and move them up the agenda. Since opponents benefit from this revelation, however, candidates remain silent once their information is sufficiently precise and valuable. In the last chapter, ‘Discretion and ambiguity in electoral campaigns: a look into the empirical evidence’, I compare several models of ambiguity in electoral campaigns, including my own model which was introduced in the first chapter. I use the methodology of Campbell (1983) to have a proxy for ambiguity of the electoral statements, and the data from the American National Election Studies on Senate elections from 1988-1990-1992, to investigate which of the correlations predicted by these models seem to be present in the data.
- Published
- 2010
46. Unsupervised Retrospective Detection of Pressure Induced Failures in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors for T1D Management.
- Author
Idi E, Manzoni E, Facchinetti A, Sparacino G, and Favero SD
- Subjects
- Humans, Retrospective Studies, Equipment Failure, Artifacts, Computer Simulation, Unsupervised Machine Learning, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 blood, Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring methods, Blood Glucose analysis, Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted, Algorithms
- Abstract
Continuous Glucose Monitoring sensors (CGMs) have revolutionized type 1 diabetes (T1D) management. In particular, in several cases, the retrospective analysis of CGM recordings allows clinicians to review and adjust patients' therapy. However, in this set-up, the artifacts that are often present in CGM data could lead to incorrect therapeutic actions. To mitigate this risk, we investigate how to detect one of the most common of these artifacts, the so-called pressure induced sensor attenuations, by means of anomaly detection algorithms. Specifically, these methods belong to the class of unsupervised techniques, which is particularly appealing since it does not require a labeled dataset, hardly available in practice. After having designed five features to highlight the anomalous state of the sensor, 8 different methods (e.g. Isolation Forest and Histogram-based Outlier Score) are assessed both in silico using the UVa/Padova Type 1 Diabetes Simulator and on real data of 36 subjects monitored for about 10 days. In the in silico scenario, the best results are achieved with Isolation Forest, which recognized the 74% of the failures generating on average only 2 false alerts during the whole monitoring time. In real data, Isolation Forest is confirmed to be effective in the detection of failures, achieving a recall of 55% and generating 3 false alarms in 10 days. By allowing to detect more than 50% of the artifacts while discarding only a few portions of correct data in several days of monitoring, the proposed approach could effectively improve the quality of CGM data used by clinicians to retrospectively evaluate and adjust T1D therapy.
- Published
- 2025
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47. Regularized Denoising Method for Retrospective Detection of Pressure Induced Artifacts in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors Data.
- Author
Manzoni E, Idi E, Camerlingo N, Facchinetti A, Sparacino G, and Favero SD
- Abstract
Background: Retrospective analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) sensor data can play an important role in improving glucose control and driving therapy adjustment in clinical settings. To prevent incorrect clinical decisions, however, preliminary detection and elimination of CGM data portions affected by errors and artifacts is of paramount relevance., Objective: This paper deals with the retrospective model-based detection of Pressure Induced Sensor Attenuations (PISAs) in CGM data, which could be misinterpreted as hypoglycemic events., Methods: In a Bayesian framework, we proposed a method that, to detect PISAs, leverages CGM data and a-priori statistical information on the expected smoothness of the CGM signal and the measurement error affecting it. The proposed strategy's effectiveness is evaluated using an in-silico dataset, generated by the FDA-accepted UVa/Padova Type 1 Diabetes simulator, and a real-world dataset, gathered using a commercial (Dexcom G6) sensor., Results: For the simulated data, the PISAs detection performance achieves a sensitivity of 61.5%, with 0.24 false positives per day. In the real-world dataset, the method exhibits a sensitivity of 57.3%, with 1.15 false positives per day., Conclusions: These results demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach for retrospective detection of PISAs in CGM data., Significance: By removing artifacts, CGM data quality can be improved before its retrospective use for diabetes therapy adjustments.
- Published
- 2025
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48. Breaking barriers: Analysing the professional landscape for female gynaecological surgeons in Italy.
- Author
Manzoni E, Dell'Utri C, Verdi D, Parini S, Lucidi D, and Spolverato G
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Italy, Adult, Surveys and Questionnaires, Surgeons statistics & numerical data, Sexism, Middle Aged, Job Satisfaction, Workload statistics & numerical data, Gynecologic Surgical Procedures statistics & numerical data, Gynecology, Physicians, Women statistics & numerical data, Physicians, Women psychology
- Abstract
Objective: To examine the status of female gynaecological surgeons in Italy in terms of discriminatory practices and the availability of opportunities for improvement within the operating theatre., Methods: This study is a subanalysis of a comprehensive 83-item questionnaire, administered to 3242 female surgeons across various specialties from 1 November to 31 December 2020. This study focuses specifically on 219 female gynaecological surgeons in order to explore their unique experiences and challenges in surgical practice., Main Outcome Measures: Data concerning subjective satisfaction of respondents were collected. Satisfaction was evaluated using a five-point Likert scale. Data are presented using mean, median or frequency., Results: This subanalysis included 207 respondents. Among the respondents, 47 % reported that they had children, while 31 % had decided not to have children for professional reasons. Nearly half of the respondents (42 %) were trainees. Despite a considerable workload (mean working week of 45 h), 96 % of the respondents reported spending less than half of their working time in the operating theatre. They performed a median of two operations per week, compared with five operations for their male counterparts. Despite challenges, 65 % expressed a commitment to their career path., Conclusions: Efforts to address gender bias, promote work-life balance, and enhance female leadership representation are essential. These findings emphasize the need for systemic changes to create a supportive environment for female gynaecologists. Further research with broader sampling is warranted to fully understand and address these challenges., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2024
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49. Should I stay for local hormone therapy or should I go for radiofrequency to treat vulvovaginal atrophy? A patient preference trial.
- Author
Dell'Utri CM, Manzoni E, Bonfanti I, Marrocco F, Barbara G, Pifarotti P, and Chiaffarino F
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Middle Aged, Dyspareunia drug therapy, Dyspareunia therapy, Surveys and Questionnaires, Estrogen Replacement Therapy methods, Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Life, Aged, Radiofrequency Therapy methods, Treatment Outcome, Vaginal Diseases drug therapy, Vaginal Diseases therapy, Atrophy, Vulva pathology, Vagina pathology, Patient Preference, Postmenopause, Estrogens administration & dosage, Estrogens therapeutic use
- Abstract
Objective: To compare patient satisfaction rate in postmenopausal women who chose dynamic quadripolar radiofrequency or topical estrogens as their preferred treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause., Methods: Patients were divided into two groups according to their preference: one was treated with estrogen therapy (ET) and the other with dynamic quadripolar radiofrequency treatment (RF). All patients included fulfilled a series of validated questionnaires, at baseline and at the 6-mo follow-up, in order to evaluate the discomfort degree associated with the presence of vulvovaginal atrophy and the impact of the reported symptoms on QoL and sexuality., Results: After propensity score matching, the proportion of women considering themselves satisfied with their genital health conditions was extremely small at study entry (5.2% of the RF group and 6.9% of the ET group), while at a 6-mo follow-up, it increased to 46.7% and 46.6%, respectively. No statistically significant between-group differences were found regarding mean numerical rating scale scores for dryness and dyspareunia at follow-up (5.6 ± 2.6 vs 5.3 ± 2.3, P = 0.5; and 2.9 ± 2.5 vs 3.0 ± 2.7, P = 0.46). At 6-mo follow-up, we observed no statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding the other items evaluated. RF treatment was overall well tolerated., Conclusion: The use of quadripolar radiofrequency devices seems effective, but it is not associated with better clinical outcomes compared with topical hormone treatment, which is a substantially cheaper and more convenient treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Therefore, we suggest limiting the use of dynamic quadripolar radiofrequency selectively when topical estrogens are not effective, not tolerated, or contraindicated., Competing Interests: Financial disclosure/conflicts of interest: EVA technology was provided to the Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, free of cost by Novavision Group SpA., Misinto, Monza-Brianza, Italy. None of the authors have anything to declare., (Copyright © 2024 by The Menopause Society.)
- Published
- 2024
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50. Deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency: natural history and liver transplant outcome.
- Author
Manzoni E, Carli S, Gaignard P, Schlieben LD, Hirano M, Ronchi D, Gonzales E, Shimura M, Murayama K, Okazaki Y, Barić I, Petkovic Ramadza D, Karall D, Mayr J, Martinelli D, La Morgia C, Primiano G, Santer R, Servidei S, Bris C, Cano A, Furlan F, Gasperini S, Laborde N, Lamperti C, Lenz D, Mancuso M, Montano V, Menni F, Musumeci O, Nesbitt V, Procopio E, Rouzier C, Staufner C, Taanman JW, Tal G, Ticci C, Cordelli DM, Carelli V, Procaccio V, Prokisch H, and Garone C
- Abstract
Autosomal recessive pathogenetic variants in the DGUOK gene cause deficiency of deoxyguanosine kinase activity and mitochondrial deoxynucleotides pool imbalance, consequently, leading to quantitative and/or qualitative impairment of mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Typically, patients present early-onset liver failure with or without neurological involvement and a clinical course rapidly progressing to death. This is an international multicentre study aiming to provide a retrospective natural history of deoxyguanosine kinase deficient patients. A systematic literature review from January 2001 to June 2023 was conducted. Physicians of research centres or clinicians all around the world caring for previously reported patients were contacted to provide followup information or additional clinical, biochemical, histological/histochemical, and molecular genetics data for unreported cases with a confirmed molecular diagnosis of deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency. A cohort of 202 genetically confirmed patients, 36 unreported, and 166 from a systematic literature review, were analyzed. Patients had a neonatal onset (≤ 1 month) in 55.7% of cases, infantile (>1 month and ≤ 1 year) in 32.3%, pediatric (>1 year and ≤18 years) in 2.5% and adult (>18 years) in 9.5%. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed statistically different survival rates ( P < 0.0001) among the four age groups with the highest mortality for neonatal onset. Based on the clinical phenotype, we defined four different clinical subtypes: hepatocerebral (58.8%), isolated hepatopathy (21.9%), hepatomyoencephalopathy (9.6%), and isolated myopathy (9.6%). Muscle involvement was predominant in adult-onset cases whereas liver dysfunction causes morbidity and mortality in early-onset patients with a median survival of less than 1 year. No genotype-phenotype correlation was identified. Liver transplant significantly modified the survival rate in 26 treated patients when compared with untreated. Only six patients had additional mild neurological signs after liver transplant. In conclusion, deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency is a disease spectrum with a prevalent liver and brain tissue specificity in neonatal and infantile-onset patients and muscle tissue specificity in adult-onset cases. Our study provides clinical, molecular genetics and biochemical data for early diagnosis, clinical trial planning and immediate intervention with liver transplant and/or nucleoside supplementation., Competing Interests: The authors report no competing interests., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.)
- Published
- 2024
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