The significance of emissions from the road transport sector (such as air pollution, noise, etc) has grown considerably in recent years. In Australia, 14.3% of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2000 were the transport sector-s share which 12.9% of net national emissions were related to a road transport alone. Considering the growing attention to the green house gas(GHG) emissions, this paper attempts to provide air pollution modeling aspects of environmental consequences of the road transport by using one of the best computer based tools including the Geographic Information System (GIS). In other word, in this study, GIS and its applications is explained, models which are used to model air pollution and GHG emissions from vehicles are described and GIS is applied in real case study that attempts to forecast GHG emission from people who travel to work by car in 2031 in Melbourne for analysing results as thematic maps., {"references":["A.L. Brown, J.K. Affum (2002), A GIS-based environmental modelling\nsystem for transportation planners, Computers, Environment and Urban\nSystems 26 .pp577-590.","Alexander, S. M. and Waters, N. M. (2000). The effects of highway\ntransportation corridors on wildlife: case study of Bluff National Park.\nTransportation Research, Part C (Emerging Technologies), 8: 307 -320","Astrid Hartono and Joel Rowbottom(2003), comparison of Emissions\nfrom the Public Transport System and Private Cars.","Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (2002). Greenhouse gas\nemissions from transport: Australian trends to 2020, Canberra: Bureau of\nRegional and Transport Economics.","Bowyer DP, Akcelik R, Biggs DC. Guide to fuel consumption analyses\nfor urban traffic management. Australian Road Research Board, 1985.","Chock DP.A simple line-source model for dispersion near roadways.\nAtmos Environ 1978;12:823 -829.","European Parliament, 2001,\"GIS for Sustainability Assessment\",\nBriefing Note N┬░ 06/2001, PE nr. 297.564.","Fedra, K. (1994). GIS and Environmental Modeling In: M.F. Good\nchild, B.O. Parks and L.T. Steyaert [eds.] Environmental Modeling with\nGIS. 35-50, Oxford University Press, Presented at the First International\nConference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling. Boulder.\nUSA .September 15-19, 1991","Hanna SR. Description of ATDL computer model for dispersion from\nmultiple sources. Air Resources Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion\nLaboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Oak\nRidge, Tennessee, USA; 1972.\n[10] International Energy Agency (1997) Transport, energy and climate\nchange, OECD, France Australian Greenhouse Office 2002 [online],\nNational Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2000,\n /2000/facts/pubs/02.pdf\n[11] J.K. Affum, A.L. Brown, Y.C. Chan(2003), Integrating air pollution\nmodelling with scenario testing in road transport planning: the TRAEMS\napproach, The Science of the Total Environment 312,pp 1-14.\n[12] Nguyen VN. Evaluation of SCATSIMÔÇöRTA Adaptive Traffic Network\nSimulation Model. Transportation Research Record 1566,\nTransportation Research Board; 1995:8-19.\n[13] Pengilley M. Motor vehicle emission factors for 1988 and 2000.Report\nMV-A-19. Noise and Transport Branch, NSW State Pollution Control\nCommission, Australia; 1989.\n[14] QDEH Air Emissions Inventory, South East Queensland. Queensland\nDepartment of Environment and Heritage, Australia; 1995.\n[15] Stopher, P. R., and H. M. A. Metcalf (1996), \"Methods for Household\nTravel Surveys\" NCHRP\n[16] USEPA. Compilation of air pollution emission factors. Report USEPA\nAP-42, vol.2.Envir on mental Protection Agency; 1985.\n[17] United Nations. 1987.\"Report of the World Commission on\nEnvironment and Development.\" General Assembly Resolution 42/187,\n11 December 1987. Retrieved: 2007-04-12"]}