Gupta, Arpana, Bhatt, Ravi R., Rivera-Cancel, Alannah, Makkar, Rishi, Kragel, Philip A., Rodriguez, Thomas, Graner, John L., Alaverdyan, Anita, Hamadani, Kareem, Vora, Priten, Naliboff, Bruce, Labus, Jennifer S., LaBar, Kevin S., Mayer, Emeran A., and Zucker, Nancy
Additional file 1: Table 1. Psychotropic Medications of Clinical Sample. Notes: 1. n = 12 individuals on medication, 3 on multiple medications. 2. For all short-acting and PRN medications (e.g., Lorazepam, Methylphenidate), participants were instructed not to take the medication the day of the scan. Compliance was assessed prior to scanning. There was no need to reschedule a scanning session based on this instruction. 12 individuals were on medication on the day of scanning; Table 2. Regions of Interest (ROIs). Sensorimotor Network: Thalamus [Includes Anterior, Central-medial Thalamus (Tha)], Hippocampus (Hip), Paracentral lobule and sulcus (PaCL/S), Primary Somatosensory Cortex/S1 [Includes Postcentral gyrus (PosCG), Postcentral sulcus (PosCS)], Central sulcus (Rolando's Fissure, CS), Precentral (Primary Motor Cortex/M1) [Includes Inferior part of the precentral sulcus (InfPrCS), Superior part of the precentral sulcus (SupPrCs), Precentral gyrus (PRCG)], Precuneus (PrCun), Secondary Somatosensory Cortex/S2 [Includes Subcentral gyrus (central operculum) and sulci (SbCG_S)], Supplementary Motor Area/M2 [Includes BA6/Superior Frontal Gyrus (SupFG), BA6/Superior Frontal Sulcus (SupFS), Posterior Insula (pINS) [Includes Long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula (LoInG/CInS), Inferior segment of the circular sulcus of the insula (InfCirInS), Posterior ramus (or segment) of the lateral sulcus (or fissure) (PosLS)]. Basal Ganglia Network: Putamen (Pu), Caudate nucleus (CaN), Nucleus Accumbens (Nacc)], Globus Pallidus [Includes Pallidum (Pal)], Brain Stem (Bstem). Figure 1 Regions of Interest (ROIs): Tha: thalamus, Hipp: hippocampus, PaCL: paracentral lobule, PosCG: postcentral gyrus, PosCS: postcentral sulcus, CS: central sulcus, InfPrCS; inferior part of the precentral sulcus, SupPrCS; superior part of the precentral sulcus, PrCG: precentral gyrus, PrCu: precuneus, SubCG/S: subcentral gyrus and sulcus, SupFG: superior frontal gyrus, SupFS: superior frontal sulcus, SupCirIns: superior part of the circular sulcus of the insula, InfCirIns: inferior part of the circular sulcus of the insula, LoInG/CInS: long insular gyrus and central sulcus of the insula, PosLS: posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus, Put: putamen, CaN: caudate nucleus, NAcc: nucleus accumbens, Pal: pallidum, BStem: brainstem.