15 results on '"Mahjoubi Y"'
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2. Leaf Gas Exchange of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seedlings Subjected to Manganese Stress
- Author
Mahjoubi, Y., Rzigui, T., Ben Massoud, M., Kharbech, O., Loussaief, N., Chaoui, A., and Djebali, W.
- Published
- 2020
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3. Photosensibilité médicamenteuse
- Author
Mahjoubi, Y., Zaiem, A., Aouinti, I., Kaabi, W., Hamza, I., Lakhoua, G., Kastalli, S., and El Aidli, S.
- Published
- 2024
- Full Text
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4. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis
- Author
Alami Aroussi, A., Fouad, A., Omrane, A., Razzak, A., Aissa, A., Akkad, A., Amraoui, A., Aouam, A., Arfaoui, A., Belkouchi, A., Ben Chaaben, A., Ben Cheikh, A., Ben Khélifa, A., Ben Mabrouk, A., Benhima, A., Bezza, A., Bezzine, A., Bourrahouat, A., Chaieb, A., Chakib, A., Chetoui, A., Daoudi, A., Ech-Chenbouli, A., Gaaliche, A., Hassani, A., Kassimi, A., Khachane, A., Labidi, A., Lalaoui, A., Masrar, A., Mchachi, A., Nakhli, A., Ouakaa, A., Siati, A., Toumi, A., Zaouali, A., Condé, A. Y., Haggui, A., Belaguid, A., abdelkader jalil el hangouche, Gharbi, A., Mahfoudh, A., Bouzouita, A., Aissaoui, A., Ben Hamouda, A., Hedhli, A., Ammous, A., Bahlous, A., Ben Halima, A., Belhadj, A., Blel, A., Brahem, A., Banasr, A., Meherzi, A., Saadi, A., Sellami, A., Turki, A., Ben Miled, A., Ben Slama, A., Daib, A., Zommiti, A., Chadly, A., Jmaa, A., Mtiraoui, A., Ksentini, A., Methnani, A., Zehani, A., Kessantini, A., Farah, A., Mankai, A., Mellouli, A., Touil, A., Hssine, A., Ben Safta, A., Derouiche, A., Jmal, A., Ferjani, A., Djobbi, A., Dridi, A., Aridhi, A., Bahdoudi, A., Ben Amara, A., Benzarti, A., Ben Slama, A. Y., Oueslati, A., Soltani, A., Chadli, A., Aloui, A., Belghuith Sriha, A., Bouden, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Sabbek, A., Zribi, A., Green, A., Ben Nasr, A., Azaiez, A., Yeades, A., Belhaj, A., Mediouni, A., Sammoud, A., Slim, A., Amine, B., Chelly, B., Jatik, B., Lmimouni, B., Daouahi, B., Ben Khelifa, B., Louzir, B., Dorra, A., Dhahri, B., Ben Nasrallah, C., Chefchaouni, C., Konzi, C., Loussaief, C., Makni, C., Dziri, C., Bouguerra, C., Kays, C., Zedini, C., Dhouha, C., Mohamed, C., Aichaouia, C., Dhieb, C., Fofana, D., Gargouri, D., Chebil, D., Issaoui, D., Gouiaa, D., Brahim, D., Essid, D., Jarraya, D., Trad, D., Ben Hmida, E., Sboui, E., Ben Brahim, E., Baati, E., Talbi, E., Chaari, E., Hammami, E., Ghazouani, E., Ayari, F., Ben Hariz, F., Bennaoui, F., Chebbi, F., Chigr, F., Guemira, F., Harrar, F., Benmoula, F. Z., Ouali, F. Z., Maoulainine, F. M. R., Bouden, F., Fdhila, F., Améziani, F., Bouhaouala, F., Charfi, F., Chermiti Ben Abdallah, F., Hammemi, F., Jarraya, F., Khanchel, F., Ourda, F., Sellami, F., Trabelsi, F., Yangui, F., Fekih Romdhane, F., Mellouli, F., Nacef Jomli, F., Mghaieth, F., Draiss, G., Elamine, G., Kablouti, G., Touzani, G., Manzeki, G. B., Garali, G., Drissi, G., Besbes, G., Abaza, H., Azzouz, H., Said Latiri, H., Rejeb, H., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Brahim, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Ben Mahjouba, H., Besbes, H., Dabbebi, H., Douik, H., El Haoury, H., Elannaz, H., Elloumi, H., Hachim, H., Iraqi, H., Kalboussi, H., Khadhraoui, H., Khouni, H., Mamad, H., Metjaouel, H., Naoui, H., Zargouni, H., Elmalki, H. O., Feki, H., Haouala, H., Jaafoura, H., Drissa, H., Mizouni, H., Kamoun, H., Ouerda, H., Zaibi, H., Chiha, H., Saibi, H., Skhiri, H., Boussaffa, H., Majed, H., Blibech, H., Daami, H., Harzallah, H., Rkain, H., Ben Massoud, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Said, H., Ayed, H., Harrabi, H., Chaabouni, H., Ladida Debbache, H., Harbi, H., Yacoub, H., Abroug, H., Ghali, H., Kchir, H., Msaad, H., Manai, H., Riahi, H., Bousselmi, H., Limem, H., Aouina, H., Jerraya, H., Ben Ayed, H., Chahed, H., Snéne, H., Lahlou Amine, I., Nouiser, I., Ait Sab, I., Chelly, I., Elboukhani, I., Ghanmi, I., Kallala, I., Kooli, I., Bouasker, I., Fetni, I., Bachouch, I., Bouguecha, I., Chaabani, I., Gazzeh, I., Samaali, I., Youssef, I., Zemni, I., Bachouche, I., Bouannene, I., Kasraoui, I., Laouini, I., Mahjoubi, I., Maoudoud, I., Riahi, I., Selmi, I., Tka, I., Hadj Khalifa, I., Mejri, I., Béjia, I., Bellagha, J., Boubaker, J., Daghfous, J., Dammak, J., Hleli, J., Ben Amar, J., Jedidi, J., Marrakchi, J., Kaoutar, K., Arjouni, K., Ben Helel, K., Benouhoud, K., Rjeb, K., Imene, K., Samoud, K., El Jeri, K., Abid, K., Chaker, K., Bouzghaîa, K., Kamoun, K., Zitouna, K., Oughlani, K., Lassoued, K., Letaif, K., Hakim, K., Cherif Alami, L., Benhmidoune, L., Boumhil, L., Bouzgarrou, L., Dhidah, L., Ifrine, L., Kallel, L., Merzougui, L., Errguig, L., Mouelhi, L., Sahli, L., Maoua, M., Rejeb, M., Ben Rejeb, M., Bouchrik, M., Bouhoula, M., Bourrous, M., Bouskraoui, M., El Belhadji, M., Essakhi, M., Essid, M., Gharbaoui, M., Haboub, M., Iken, M., Krifa, M., Lagrine, M., Leboyer, M., Najimi, M., Rahoui, M., Sabbah, M., Sbihi, M., Zouine, M., Chefchaouni, M. C., Gharbi, M. H., El Fakiri, M. M., Tagajdid, M. R., Shimi, M., Touaibia, M., Jguirim, M., Barsaoui, M., Belghith, M., Ben Jmaa, M., Koubaa, M., Tbini, M., Boughdir, M., Ben Salah, M., Ben Fraj, M., Ben Halima, M., Ben Khalifa, M., Bousleh, M., Limam, M., Mabrouk, M., Mallouli, M., Rebeii, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Ben Hmida, M., Boughattas, M., Drissa, M., El Ghardallou, M., Fejjeri, M., Hamza, M., Jaidane, M., Jrad, M., Kacem, M., Mersni, M., Mjid, M., Serghini, M., Triki, M., Ben Abbes, M., Boussaid, M., Gharbi, M., Hafi, M., Slama, M., Trigui, M., Taoueb, M., Chakroun, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Chebbi, M., Hadj Taieb, M., Ben Khelil, M., Hammami, M., Khalfallah, M., Ksiaa, M., Mechri, M., Mrad, M., Sboui, M., Bani, M., Hajri, M., Mellouli, M., Allouche, M., Mesrati, M. A., Mseddi, M. A., Amri, M., Bejaoui, M., Bellali, M., Ben Amor, M., Ben Dhieb, M., Ben Moussa, M., Chebil, M., Cherif, M., Fourati, M., Kahloul, M., Khaled, M., Machghoul, M., Mansour, M., Abdesslem, M. M., Ben Chehida, M. A., Chaouch, M. A., Essid, M. A., Meddeb, M. A., Gharbi, M. C., Elleuch, M. H., Loueslati, M. H., Sboui, M. M., Mhiri, M. N., Kilani, M. O., Ben Slama, M. R., Charfi, M. R., Nakhli, M. S., Mourali, M. S., El Asli, M. S., Lamouchi, M. T., Cherti, M., Khadhraoui, M., Bibi, M., Hamdoun, M., Kassis, M., Touzi, M., Ben Khaled, M., Fekih, M., Khemiri, M., Ouederni, M., Hchicha, M., Ben Attia, M., Yahyaoui, M., Ben Azaiez, M., Bousnina, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ben Yahia, M., Daghfous, M., Haj Slimen, M., Assidi, M., Belhadj, N., Ben Mustapha, N., El Idrissislitine, N., Hikki, N., Kchir, N., Mars, N., Meddeb, N., Ouni, N., Rada, N., Rezg, N., Trabelsi, N., Bouafia, N., Haloui, N., Benfenatki, N., Bergaoui, N., Yomn, N., Maamouri, N., Mehiri, N., Siala, N., Beltaief, N., Aridhi, N., Sidaoui, N., Walid, N., Mechergui, N., Mnif, N., Ben Chekaya, N., Bellil, N., Dhouib, N., Achour, N., Kaabar, N., Mrizak, N., Chaouech, N., Hasni, N., Issaoui, N., Ati, N., Balloumi, N., Haj Salem, N., Ladhari, N., Akif, N., Liani, N., Hajji, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Marzouki, N. E. H., Larbi, N., M Barek, N., Rebai, N., Bibani, N., Ben Salah, N., Belmaachi, O., Elmaalel, O., Jlassi, O., Mihoub, O., Ben Zaid, O., Bouallègue, O., Bousnina, O., Bouyahia, O., El Maalel, O., Fendri, O., Azzabi, O., Borgi, O., Ghdes, O., Ben Rejeb, O., Rachid, R., Abi, R., Bahiri, R., Boulma, R., Elkhayat, R., Habbal, R., Tamouza, R., Jomli, R., Ben Abdallah, R., Smaoui, R., Debbeche, R., Fakhfakh, R., El Kamel, R., Gargouri, R., Jouini, R., Nouira, R., Fessi, R., Bannour, R., Ben Rabeh, R., Kacem, R., Khmakhem, R., Ben Younes, R., Karray, R., Cheikh, R., Ben Malek, R., Ben Slama, R., Kouki, R., Baati, R., Bechraoui, R., Fradi, R., Lahiani, R., Ridha, R., Zainine, R., Kallel, R., Rostom, S., Ben Abdallah, S., Ben Hammamia, S., Benchérifa, S., Benkirane, S., Chatti, S., El Guedri, S., El Oussaoui, S., Elkochri, S., Elmoussaoui, S., Enbili, S., Gara, S., Haouet, S., Khammeri, S., Khefecha, S., Khtrouche, S., Macheghoul, S., Mallouli, S., Rharrit, S., Skouri, S., Helali, S., Boulehmi, S., Abid, S., Naouar, S., Zelfani, S., Ben Amar, S., Ajmi, S., Braiek, S., Yahiaoui, S., Ghezaiel, S., Ben Toumia, S., Thabeti, S., Daboussi, S., Ben Abderahman, S., Rhaiem, S., Ben Rhouma, S., Rekaya, S., Haddad, S., Kammoun, S., Merai, S., Mhamdi, S., Ben Ali, R., Gaaloul, S., Ouali, S., Taleb, S., Zrour, S., Hamdi, S., Zaghdoudi, S., Ammari, S., Ben Abderrahim, S., Karaa, S., Maazaoui, S., Saidani, S., Stambouli, S., Mokadem, S., Boudiche, S., Zaghbib, S., Ayedi, S., Jardek, S., Bouselmi, S., Chtourou, S., Manoubi, S., Bahri, S., Halioui, S., Jrad, S., Mazigh, S., Ouerghi, S., Toujani, S., Fenniche, S., Aboudrar, S., Meriem Amari, S., Karouia, S., Bourgou, S., Halayem, S., Rammeh, S., Yaïch, S., Ben Nasrallah, S., Chouchane, S., Ftini, S., Makni, S., Miri, S., Saadi, S., Manoubi, S. A., Khalfallah, T., Mechergui, T., Dakka, T., Barhoumi, T., M Rad, T. E. B., Ajmi, T., Dorra, T., Ouali, U., Hannachi, W., Ferjaoui, W., Aissi, W., Dahmani, W., Dhouib, W., Koubaa, W., Zhir, W., Gheriani, W., Arfa, W., Dougaz, W., Sahnoun, W., Naija, W., Sami, Y., Bouteraa, Y., Elhamdaoui, Y., Hama, Y., Ouahchi, Y., Guebsi, Y., Nouira, Y., Daly, Y., Mahjoubi, Y., Mejdoub, Y., Mosbahi, Y., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Zgueb, Y., Dridi, Y., Mesbahi, Y., Gharbi, Y., Hellal, Y., Hechmi, Z., Zid, Z., Elmouatassim, Z., Ghorbel, Z., Habbadi, Z., Marrakchi, Z., Hidouri, Z., Abbes, Z., Ouhachi, Z., Khessairi, Z., Khlayfia, Z., Mahjoubi, Z., and Moatemri, Z.
5. Abstracts of the 40th National Congress of Medicine Tunis, 19-20 October 2017
- Author
Abdallah, M., Abdelaziz, A., Abdelaziz, O., Abdelhedi, N., Abdelkbir, A., Abdelkefi, M., Abdelmoula, L., Abdennacir, S., Abdennadher, M., Abidi, H., Abir Hakiri, A., Abou El Makarim, S., Abouda, M., Achour, W., Aichaouia, C., Aissa, A., Aissa, Y., Aissi, W., Ajroudi, M., Allouche, E., Aloui, H., Aloui, D., Amdouni, F., Ammar, Y., Ammara, Y., Ammari, S., Ammous, A., Amous, A., Amri, A., Amri, M., Amri, R., Annabi, H., Antit, S., Aouadi, S., Arfaoui, A., Assadi, A., Attia, L., Attia, M., Ayadi, I., Ayadi Dahmane, I., Ayari, A., Azzabi, S., Azzouz, H., B Mefteh, N., B Salah, C., Baccar, H., Bachali, A., Bahlouli, M., Bahri, G., Baïli, H., Bani, M., Bani, W., Bani, M. A., Bassalah, E., Bawandi, R., Bayar, M., Bchir, N., Bechraoui, R., Béji, M., Beji, R., Bel Haj Yahia, D., Belakhel, S., Belfkih, H., Belgacem, O., Belgacem, N., Belhadj, A., Beltaief, N., Ben Abbes, M., Ben Abdelaziz, A., Ben Ahmed, I., Ben Aissia, N., Ben Ali, M., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Ammou, B., Ben Amor, A., Ben Amor, M., Benatta, M., Ben Ayed, N., Ben Ayoub, W., Ben Charrada, N., Ben Cheikh, M., Ben Dahmen, F., Ben Dhia, M., Ben Fadhel, S., Ben Farhat, L., Ben Fredj Ismail, F., Ben Hamida, E., Ben Hamida Nouaili, E., Ben Hammamia, M., Ben Hamouda, A., Ben Hassine, L., Ben Hassouna, A., Ben Hasssen, A., Ben Hlima, M., Ben Kaab, B., Ben Mami, N., Ben Mbarka, F., Ben Mefteh, N., Ben Kahla, N., Ben Mrad, M., Ben Mustapha, N., Ben Nacer, M., Ben Neticha, K., Ben Othmen, E., Ben Rhouma, S., Ben Rhouma, M., Ben Saadi, S., Ben Safta, A., Ben Safta, Z., Ben Salah, C., Ben Salah, N., Ben Sassi, S., Ben Sassi, J., Ben Tekaya, S., Ben Temime, R., Ben Tkhayat, A., Ben Tmim, R., Ben Yahmed, Y., Ben Youssef, S., Ben Atta, M., Ben Salah, M., Berrahal, I., Besbes, G., Bezdah, L., Bezzine, A., Bokal, Z., Borsali, R., Bouasker, I., Boubaker, J., Bouchekoua, M., Bouden, F., Boudiche, S., Boukhris, I., Bouomrani, S., Bouraoui, S., Bourgou, S., Boussabeh, E., Bouzaidi, K., Chaker, K., Chaker, L., Chaker, A., Chaker, F., Chaouech, N., Charfi, M., Charfi, M. R., Charfi, F., Chatti, L., Chebbi, F., Chebbi, W., Cheikh, R., Cheikhrouhou, S., Chekir, J., Chelbi, E., Chelly, I., Chelly, B., Chemakh, M., Chenik, S., Cheour, M., Cherif, E., Cherif, Y., Cherif, W., Cherni, R., Chetoui, A., Chihaoui, M., Chiraz Aichaouia, C., Dabousii, S., Daghfous, A., Daib, A., Daib, N., Damak, R., Daoud, N., Daoud, Z., Daoued, N., Debbabi, H., Demni, W., Denguir, R., Derbel, S., Derbel, B., Dghaies, S., Dhaouadi, S., Dhilel, I., Dimassi, K., Dougaz, A., Dougaz, W., Douik, H., Douik El Gharbi, L., Dziri, C., El Aoud, S., El Hechmi, Z., El Heni, A., Elaoud, S., Elfeleh, E., Ellini, S., Ellouz, F., Elmoez Ben, O., Ennaifer, R., Ennaifer, S., Essid, M., Fadhloun, N., Farhat, M., Fekih, M., Fourati, M., Fteriche, F., G Hali, O., Galai, S., Gara, S., Garali, G., Garbouge, W., Garbouj, W., Ghali, O., Ghali, F., Gharbi, E., Gharbi, R., Ghariani, W., Gharsalli, H., Ghaya Jmii, G., Ghédira, F., Ghédira, A., Ghédira, H., Ghériani, A., Gouta, E. L., Guemira, F., Guermazi, E., Guesmi, A., Hachem, J., Haddad, A., Hakim, K., Hakiri, A., Hamdi, S., Hamed, W., Hamrouni, S., Hamza, M., Haouet, S., Hariz, A., Hendaoui, L., Hfaidh, M., Hriz, H., Hsairi, M., Ichaoui, H., Issaoui, D., Jaafoura, H., Jazi, R., Jazia, R., Jelassi, H., Jerraya, H., Jlassi, H., Jmii, G., Jouini, M., Kâaniche, M., Kacem, M., Kadhraoui, M., Kalai, M., Kallel, K., Kammoun, O., Karoui, M., Karouia, S., Karrou, M., Kchaou, A., Kchaw, R., Kchir, N., Kchir, H., Kechaou, I., Kerrou, M., Khaled, S., Khalfallah, N., Khalfallah, M., Khalfallah, R., Khamassi, K., Kharrat, M., Khelifa, E., Khelil, M., Khelil, A., Khessairi, N., Khezami, M. A., Khouni, H., Kooli, C., Korbsi, B., Koubaa, M. A., Ksantini, R., Ksentini, A., Ksibi, I., Ksibi, J., Kwas, H., Laabidi, A., Labidi, A., Ladhari, N., Lafrem, R., Lahiani, R., Lajmi, M., Lakhal, J., Laribi, M., Lassoued, N., Lassoued, K., Letaif, F., Limaïem, F., Maalej, S., Maamouri, N., Maaoui, R., Maâtallah, H., Maazaoui, S., Maghrebi, H., Mahfoudhi, S., Mahjoubi, Y., Mahjoubi, S., Mahmoud, I., Makhlouf, T., Makni, A., Mamou, S., Mannoubi, S., Maoui, A., Marghli, A., Marrakchi, Z., Marrakchi, J., Marzougui, S., Marzouk, I., Mathlouthi, N., Mbarek, K., Mbarek, M., Meddeb, S., azza mediouni, Mechergui, N., Mejri, I., Menjour, M. B., Messaoudi, Y., Mestiri, T., Methnani, A., Mezghani, I., Meziou, O., Mezlini, A., Mhamdi, S., Mighri, M., Miled, S., Miri, I., Mlayeh, D., Moatemri, Z., Mokaddem, W., Mokni, M., Mouhli, N., Mourali, M. S., Mrabet, A., Mrad, F., Mrouki, M., Msaad, H., Msakni, A., Msolli, S., Mtimet, S., Mzabi, S., Mzoughi, Z., Naffeti, E., Najjar, S., Nakhli, A., Nechi, S., Neffati, E., Neji, H., Nouira, Y., Nouira, R., Omar, S., Ouali, S., Ouannes, Y., Ouarda, F., Ouechtati, W., Ouertani, J., Ouertani, H., Oueslati, A., Oueslati, J., Oueslati, I., Rabai, B., Rahali, H., Rbia, E., Rebai, W., Regaïeg, N., Rejeb, O., Rhaiem, W., Rhimi, H., Riahi, I., Ridha, R., Robbena, L., Rouached, L., Rouis, S., Safer, M., Saffar, K., Sahli, H., Sahraoui, G., Saidane, O., Sakka, D., Salah, H., Sallami, S., Salouage, I., Samet, A., Sammoud, K., Sassi Mahfoudh, A., Sayadi, C., Sayhi, A., Sebri, T., Sedki, Y., Sellami, A., Serghini, M., Sghaier, I., Skouri, W., Slama, I., Slimane, H., Slimani, O., Souhail, O., Souhir, S., Souissi, A., Souissi, R., Taboubi, A., Talbi, G., Tbini, M., Tborbi, A., Tekaya, R., Temessek, H., Thameur, M., Touati, A., Touinsi, H., Tounsi, A., Tounsia, H., Trabelsi, S., Triki, A., Triki, M., Turki, J., Turki, K., Twinsi, H., Walha, Y., Wali, J., Yacoub, H., Yangui, F., Yazidi, M., Youssef, I., Zaier, A., Zainine, R., Zakhama, L., Zalila, H., Zargouni, H., Zehani, A., Zeineb, Z., Zemni, I., Zghal, M., Ziadi, J., Zid, Z., Znagui, I., Zoghlami, C., Zouaoui, C., Zouari, B., Zouiten, L., and Zribi, H.
6. Up-regulation of nitrogen metabolism and chlorophyll biosynthesis by hydrogen sulfide improved photosystem photochemistry and gas exchange in chromium-contaminated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants.
- Author
Kharbech O, Mahjoubi Y, Boutar M, Djebali W, and Chaoui A
- Subjects
- Plant Leaves metabolism, Plant Leaves drug effects, Reactive Oxygen Species metabolism, Nitric Oxide metabolism, Hydrogen Sulfide metabolism, Chlorophyll metabolism, Phaseolus metabolism, Phaseolus drug effects, Phaseolus genetics, Photosystem II Protein Complex metabolism, Nitrogen metabolism, Photosynthesis drug effects, Up-Regulation drug effects, Chromium
- Abstract
Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) is considered as plant growth promoter under heavy metal stress, though its specific effects on photosynthesis are rarely explored. This study investigates the protective effects of exogenous H
2 S donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) on chlorophyll metabolism and photosystem II (PSII) function in 24-day-old bean plants exposed to 10 μM chromium (Cr) stress. Sodium hydrosulfide (100 μM) reduced Cr accumulation in both roots and leaves, leading to restored plant growth. Concomitantly, H₂S mitigated Cr-induced oxidative damages by decreasing reactive oxygen species levels and further enhancing antioxidant scavenging activities. This resulted in significant reductions in Cr-elevated leaf pheophytin and chlorophyllide levels by 59% and 67%, respectively. Furthermore, NaHS application increased levels of porphyrin and its precursor, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA), in Cr-stressed bean. The up-regulation in chlorophyll biosynthesis was associated with enhanced activities of glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase, essential for glutamate (precursor of 5-ALA) production, as well as nitrate and nitrite reductase, leading to increased nitric oxide generation. Under Cr stress, H₂S significantly improved the electron transport rate, effective quantum yield of PSII, and photochemical quenching by 112%, 53%, and 38%, respectively, while reducing non-photochemical quenching by 50%. Furthermore, H₂S promoted net CO₂ assimilation and photosynthesis at saturating light, respectively, while reducing stomatal conductance and transpiration to maintain water balance. Exogenous H₂S restored respiration, as indicated by increased light saturation and compensation points in Cr-treated plants. Overall, these findings indicate that H₂S regulates photosynthesis in Cr-stressed bean by modulating nitrogen and chlorophyll metabolism, thereby optimizing PSII efficiency and gas exchange., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
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7. Acute angle closure glaucoma following COVID-19 vaccination.
- Author
Salem Mahjoubi Y, Dahmani I, Souilem I, Aouinti I, Kastalli S, Daghfous R, and El Aidli S
- Subjects
- Humans, Middle Aged, Acute Disease, Vaccination adverse effects, COVID-19 prevention & control, COVID-19 Vaccines adverse effects, Glaucoma, Angle-Closure chemically induced
- Published
- 2024
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8. Neurotoxicity following atezolizumab in a patient with tolerated rechallenge.
- Author
Salem Mahjoubi Y, Aouinti I, Charfi O, Zaiem A, Kaabi W, Lakhoua G, Daghfous R, and El Aidli S
- Subjects
- Humans, Lung Neoplasms drug therapy, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized adverse effects, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized administration & dosage, Neurotoxicity Syndromes etiology
- Published
- 2024
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9. Chronic spontaneous urticaria following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.
- Author
Zaiem A, Salem Mahjoubi Y, Aouinti I, Lakhoua G, Kaabi W, Kastalli S, Rebii Debbiche S, Charfi O, and El Aidli S
- Subjects
- Humans, SARS-CoV-2, Vaccination adverse effects, COVID-19 prevention & control, Chronic Urticaria
- Published
- 2023
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10. The silver lining of antibiotic resistance: Bacterial-mediated reduction of tetracycline plant stress via antibiotrophy.
- Author
Yagoubi A, Mahjoubi Y, Giannakis S, Rzigui T, Djebali W, and Chouari R
- Subjects
- Wastewater, Plant Leaves metabolism, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Drug Resistance, Microbial, Water metabolism, Tetracyclines metabolism, Tetracyclines pharmacology, Antioxidants metabolism, Hydrogen Peroxide metabolism
- Abstract
The reuse of water using effluents containing antibiotics from anthropogenic activities has been mainly linked to the development of antibiotic resistance. However, we report that the development of bacterial tolerance promotes plant growth. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency of inoculation of a new antibiotic-degrading bacterium, Erwinia strain S9, in augmenting the tolerance of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants to tetracycline (TET) (10 and 20 mg/L). Physiological parameters such as tissue elongation and biomass, as well as relative water content, were remarkably lower in plants exposed to TET than in the control. The inhibitory effects of TET were associated with reduced CO
2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, transpiration, dark respiration, and light saturation point (LSP). High concentrations of TET-induced oxidative stress are attested by the overproduction of superoxide radicals (O2 •- ), hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), and hydroxyl radicals (HO• ), resulting in increased malondialdehyde content and cell death. The high activity of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and guaiacol peroxidase validated the proposed mechanism. Under TET stress conditions, supplementation with Erwinia strain S9 was beneficial to pea plants through osmotic adjustment, increased nutrient uptake, gas exchange optimization, and increased antioxidant activities. Its presence not only ensures plant survival and growth during antibiotic stress but also degrades TET via significant antibiotrophy. This strategy is a cost-effective environmental chemical engineering tool that can be used to depollute wastewater or to improve crop resistance in rhizofiltration treatment when treated wastewater is reused for irrigation., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2023
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11. Exogenous nitric oxide alleviates manganese toxicity in bean plants by modulating photosynthesis in relation to leaf lipid composition.
- Author
Mahjoubi Y, Rzigui T, Kharbech O, Mohamed SN, Abaza L, Chaoui A, Nouairi I, and Djebali W
- Subjects
- Lipids, Nitric Oxide, Photosynthesis, Plant Leaves, Plants, Fabaceae, Manganese toxicity
- Abstract
Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling molecule controlling several steps of plant development and defense process under stress conditions. NO-induced alleviation of manganese (Mn) toxicity was investigated on bean plants submitted for 28 days to 500 µM MnCl
2 . Manganese excess decreased plant dry weight and elongation and increased levels of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation leading to up-regulation of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and ascorbate peroxidase activities. The inhibitory effects of Mn on plant growth were associated to reduction of light-saturated carbon assimilation (Amax ), stomatal conductance (gs ), and transpiration (E). By contrast, Mn induced significant increase in the apparent quantum yield (ɸ) and light compensation point (LCP). Interestingly, intracellular CO2 (Ci) remains stable under Mn stress. Concomitantly, leaf membrane lipids have drastically reduced under high Mn concentration. After Mn exposition, leaf fatty acids exhibited a significant loss of linolenic acid, accompanied by an accumulation of palmitoleic, stearic, and linoleic acids leading to alteration of lipid desaturation. NO supply reversed Mn toxicity as evidenced by enhancement of growth biomass and recovery of Amax , E, ɸ, and LCP. Similarly, NO addition has positive effects on leaf lipid content and composition leading to restoration of lipid unsaturation. The modulation of fatty acid composition can be a way to reduce leaf membrane damages and maintain optimal photosynthesis and plant growth. Despite the absence of enough evidences in how NO is involved in lipid and photosynthesis recovery under Mn stress conditions, it is assumed that NO beneficial effects are attributable to NO/Mn cross-talk., (© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature.)- Published
- 2022
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12. Nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside modulates hydrogen sulfide metabolism and cysteine homeostasis to aid the alleviation of chromium toxicity in maize seedlings (Zea mays L.).
- Author
Kharbech O, Sakouhi L, Mahjoubi Y, Ben Massoud M, Debez A, Zribi OT, Djebali W, Chaoui A, and Mur LAJ
- Subjects
- Chromium toxicity, Cysteine, Homeostasis, Nitric Oxide, Nitric Oxide Donors, Nitroprusside, Zea mays, Hydrogen Sulfide, Seedlings
- Abstract
The current research aimed to assess the protective role of nitric oxide (NO) against chromium (Cr) toxicity in maize seedlings. Chromium (200 µM) lowered osmotic potential in epicotyls and mostly in radicles (by 38% and 63%, respectively) as compared to the control. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP, NO donor) restored seedling biomass (+90% for both organs) and water potential, whereas application of Nω-nitro-L-arginine methylester (
L -NAME, a NOS inhibitor) increased sensitivity to Cr. SNP suppressed Cr-triggered proline accumulation by inhibiting Δ1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase activity and stimulating proline dehydrogenase activity, leading to glutamate over-accumulation (~30% for both organs). Cr stimulated cysteine metabolism and this was further enhanced by SNP which stimulated serine acetyl-transferase and O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase activities. This was followed by an increase in endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) generation by up-regulating L-cysteine desulfhydrase (+205%), D-cysteine desulfhydrase (+150%) and cyanoalanine synthase (+65%) activities in radicles compared to Cr-treatments plants. These positive effects were reduced inL -NAME compared to control. Combined Cr+SNP affected the levels of compounds involved in glutathione metabolism (γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl, γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-clycine, γ-cysteinyl-glycine, and glycine.). All together, our findings indicate that NO and elicited cellular H2 S act synergistically to alleviate Cr stress in maize seedlings by influencing a metabolic interplay between cysteine, proline, and glutathione., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2022
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13. Acute traumatic quadrilateral space syndrome following scapula fracture.
- Author
Mahjoub S, May F, Zaraa M, Mahjoubi Y, Abdelkefi M, and Mbarek M
- Abstract
The acute tunnel syndrome of the quadrilateral space of Velpeau is a very rare entity in which the axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery experience brutal compression in shoulder injuries. We report the case of a burst fracture of the right scapula with great displacement of the lateral border occasioning a total isolated paralysis of the right axillary nerve by axillary nerve compression. The lateral scapula border fracture was reduced and stabilized with neurolysis of the axillary nerve through a posterior approach. The recovery of the axillary nerve occurred in ten weeks. Our case is original, not only because of the rarity of isolated axillary nerve injury follwing scapula fractures without shoulder dislocation, but also because the compression of the axillary nerve by bone impingement could be undiagnosed and comprise prognosis.
- Published
- 2019
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14. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis.
- Author
Alami Aroussi A, Fouad A, Omrane A, Razzak A, Aissa A, Akkad A, Amraoui A, Aouam A, Arfaoui A, Belkouchi A, Ben Chaaben A, Ben Cheikh A, Ben Khélifa A, Ben Mabrouk A, Benhima A, Bezza A, Bezzine A, Bourrahouat A, Chaieb A, Chakib A, Chetoui A, Daoudi A, Ech-Chenbouli A, Gaaliche A, Hassani A, Kassimi A, Khachane A, Labidi A, Lalaoui A, Masrar A, McHachi A, Nakhli A, Ouakaa A, Siati A, Toumi A, Zaouali A, Condé AY, Haggui A, Belaguid A, El Hangouche AJ, Gharbi A, Mahfoudh A, Bouzouita A, Aissaoui A, Ben Hamouda A, Hedhli A, Ammous A, Bahlous A, Ben Halima A, Belhadj A, Bezzine A, Blel A, Brahem A, Banasr A, Meherzi A, Saadi A, Sellami A, Turki A, Ben Miled A, Ben Slama A, Daib A, Zommiti A, Chadly A, Jmaa A, Mtiraoui A, Ksentini A, Methnani A, Zehani A, Kessantini A, Farah A, Mankai A, Mellouli A, Zaouali A, Touil A, Hssine A, Ben Safta A, Derouiche A, Jmal A, Ferjani A, Djobbi A, Dridi A, Aridhi A, Bahdoudi A, Ben Amara A, Benzarti A, Ben Slama AY, Oueslati A, Soltani A, Chadli A, Aloui A, Belghuith Sriha A, Bouden A, Laabidi A, Mensi A, Ouakaa A, Sabbek A, Zribi A, Green A, Ben Nasr A, Azaiez A, Yeades A, Belhaj A, Mediouni A, Sammoud A, Slim A, Amine B, Chelly B, Jatik B, Lmimouni B, Daouahi B, Ben Khelifa B, Louzir B, Dorra A, Dhahri B, Ben Nasrallah C, Chefchaouni C, Konzi C, Loussaief C, Makni C, Dziri C, Bouguerra C, Kays C, Zedini C, Dhouha C, Mohamed C, Aichaouia C, Dhieb C, Fofana D, Gargouri D, Chebil D, Issaoui D, Gouiaa D, Brahim D, Essid D, Jarraya D, Trad D, Ben Hmida E, Sboui E, Ben Brahim E, Baati E, Talbi E, Chaari E, Hammami E, Ghazouani E, Ayari F, Ben Hariz F, Bennaoui F, Chebbi F, Chigr F, Guemira F, Harrar F, Benmoula FZ, Ouali FZ, Maoulainine FMR, Bouden F, Fdhila F, Améziani F, Bouhaouala F, Charfi F, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Hammemi F, Jarraya F, Khanchel F, Ourda F, Sellami F, Trabelsi F, Yangui F, Fekih Romdhane F, Mellouli F, Nacef Jomli F, Mghaieth F, Draiss G, Elamine G, Kablouti G, Touzani G, Manzeki GB, Garali G, Drissi G, Besbes G, Abaza H, Azzouz H, Said Latiri H, Rejeb H, Ben Ammar H, Ben Brahim H, Ben Jeddi H, Ben Mahjouba H, Besbes H, Dabbebi H, Douik H, El Haoury H, Elannaz H, Elloumi H, Hachim H, Iraqi H, Kalboussi H, Khadhraoui H, Khouni H, Mamad H, Metjaouel H, Naoui H, Zargouni H, Elmalki HO, Feki H, Haouala H, Jaafoura H, Drissa H, Mizouni H, Kamoun H, Ouerda H, Zaibi H, Chiha H, Kamoun H, Saibi H, Skhiri H, Boussaffa H, Majed H, Blibech H, Daami H, Harzallah H, Rkain H, Ben Massoud H, Jaziri H, Ben Said H, Ayed H, Harrabi H, Chaabouni H, Ladida Debbache H, Harbi H, Yacoub H, Abroug H, Ghali H, Kchir H, Msaad H, Ghali H, Manai H, Riahi H, Bousselmi H, Limem H, Aouina H, Jerraya H, Ben Ayed H, Chahed H, Snéne H, Lahlou Amine I, Nouiser I, Ait Sab I, Chelly I, Elboukhani I, Ghanmi I, Kallala I, Kooli I, Bouasker I, Fetni I, Bachouch I, Bouguecha I, Chaabani I, Gazzeh I, Samaali I, Youssef I, Zemni I, Bachouche I, Youssef I, Bouannene I, Kasraoui I, Laouini I, Mahjoubi I, Maoudoud I, Riahi I, Selmi I, Tka I, Hadj Khalifa I, Mejri I, Béjia I, Bellagha J, Boubaker J, Daghfous J, Dammak J, Hleli J, Ben Amar J, Jedidi J, Marrakchi J, Kaoutar K, Arjouni K, Ben Helel K, Benouhoud K, Rjeb K, Imene K, Samoud K, El Jeri K, Abid K, Chaker K, Abid K, Bouzghaîa K, Kamoun K, Zitouna K, Oughlani K, Lassoued K, Letaif K, Hakim K, Cherif Alami L, Benhmidoune L, Boumhil L, Bouzgarrou L, Dhidah L, Ifrine L, Kallel L, Merzougui L, Errguig L, Mouelhi L, Sahli L, Maoua M, Rejeb M, Ben Rejeb M, Bouchrik M, Bouhoula M, Bourrous M, Bouskraoui M, El Belhadji M, El Belhadji M, Essakhi M, Essid M, Gharbaoui M, Haboub M, Iken M, Krifa M, Lagrine M, Leboyer M, Najimi M, Rahoui M, Sabbah M, Sbihi M, Zouine M, Chefchaouni MC, Gharbi MH, El Fakiri MM, Tagajdid MR, Shimi M, Touaibia M, Jguirim M, Barsaoui M, Belghith M, Ben Jmaa M, Koubaa M, Tbini M, Boughdir M, Ben Salah M, Ben Fraj M, Ben Halima M, Ben Khalifa M, Bousleh M, Limam M, Mabrouk M, Mallouli M, Rebeii M, Ayari M, Belhadj M, Ben Hmida M, Boughattas M, Drissa M, El Ghardallou M, Fejjeri M, Hamza M, Jaidane M, Jrad M, Kacem M, Mersni M, Mjid M, Sabbah M, Serghini M, Triki M, Ben Abbes M, Boussaid M, Gharbi M, Hafi M, Slama M, Trigui M, Taoueb M, Chakroun M, Ben Cheikh M, Chebbi M, Hadj Taieb M, Kacem M, Ben Khelil M, Hammami M, Khalfallah M, Ksiaa M, Mechri M, Mrad M, Sboui M, Bani M, Hajri M, Mellouli M, Allouche M, Mesrati MA, Mseddi MA, Amri M, Bejaoui M, Bellali M, Ben Amor M, Ben Dhieb M, Ben Moussa M, Chebil M, Cherif M, Fourati M, Kahloul M, Khaled M, Machghoul M, Mansour M, Abdesslem MM, Ben Chehida MA, Chaouch MA, Essid MA, Meddeb MA, Gharbi MC, Elleuch MH, Loueslati MH, Sboui MM, Mhiri MN, Kilani MO, Ben Slama MR, Charfi MR, Nakhli MS, Mourali MS, El Asli MS, Lamouchi MT, Cherti M, Khadhraoui M, Bibi M, Hamdoun M, Kassis M, Touzi M, Ben Khaled M, Fekih M, Khemiri M, Ouederni M, Hchicha M, Kassis M, Ben Attia M, Yahyaoui M, Ben Azaiez M, Bousnina M, Ben Jemaa M, Ben Yahia M, Daghfous M, Haj Slimen M, Assidi M, Belhadj N, Ben Mustapha N, El Idrissislitine N, Hikki N, Kchir N, Mars N, Meddeb N, Ouni N, Rada N, Rezg N, Trabelsi N, Bouafia N, Haloui N, Benfenatki N, Bergaoui N, Yomn N, Ben Mustapha N, Maamouri N, Mehiri N, Siala N, Beltaief N, Aridhi N, Sidaoui N, Walid N, Mechergui N, Mnif N, Ben Chekaya N, Bellil N, Dhouib N, Achour N, Kaabar N, Mrizak N, Mnif N, Chaouech N, Hasni N, Issaoui N, Ati N, Balloumi N, Haj Salem N, Ladhari N, Akif N, Liani N, Hajji N, Trad N, Elleuch N, Marzouki NEH, Larbi N, M'barek N, Rebai N, Bibani N, Ben Salah N, Belmaachi O, Elmaalel O, Jlassi O, Mihoub O, Ben Zaid O, Bouallègue O, Bousnina O, Bouyahia O, El Maalel O, Fendri O, Azzabi O, Borgi O, Ghdes O, Ben Rejeb O, Rachid R, Abi R, Bahiri R, Boulma R, Elkhayat R, Habbal R, Rachid R, Tamouza R, Jomli R, Ben Abdallah R, Smaoui R, Debbeche R, Fakhfakh R, El Kamel R, Gargouri R, Jouini R, Nouira R, Fessi R, Bannour R, Ben Rabeh R, Kacem R, Khmakhem R, Ben Younes R, Karray R, Cheikh R, Ben Malek R, Ben Slama R, Kouki R, Baati R, Bechraoui R, Fakhfakh R, Fradi R, Lahiani R, Ridha R, Zainine R, Kallel R, Rostom S, Ben Abdallah S, Ben Hammamia S, Benchérifa S, Benkirane S, Chatti S, El Guedri S, El Oussaoui S, Elkochri S, Elmoussaoui S, Enbili S, Gara S, Haouet S, Khammeri S, Khefecha S, Khtrouche S, Macheghoul S, Mallouli S, Rharrit S, Skouri S, Helali S, Boulehmi S, Abid S, Naouar S, Zelfani S, Ben Amar S, Ajmi S, Braiek S, Yahiaoui S, Ghezaiel S, Ben Toumia S, Thabeti S, Daboussi S, Ben Abderahman S, Rhaiem S, Ben Rhouma S, Rekaya S, Haddad S, Kammoun S, Merai S, Mhamdi S, Ben Ali R, Gaaloul S, Ouali S, Taleb S, Zrour S, Hamdi S, Zaghdoudi S, Ammari S, Ben Abderrahim S, Karaa S, Maazaoui S, Saidani S, Stambouli S, Mokadem S, Boudiche S, Zaghbib S, Ayedi S, Jardek S, Bouselmi S, Chtourou S, Manoubi S, Bahri S, Halioui S, Jrad S, Mazigh S, Ouerghi S, Toujani S, Fenniche S, Aboudrar S, Meriem Amari S, Karouia S, Bourgou S, Halayem S, Rammeh S, Yaïch S, Ben Nasrallah S, Chouchane S, Ftini S, Makni S, Manoubi S, Miri S, Saadi S, Manoubi SA, Khalfallah T, Mechergui T, Dakka T, Barhoumi T, M'rad TEB, Ajmi T, Dorra T, Ouali U, Hannachi W, Ferjaoui W, Aissi W, Dahmani W, Dhouib W, Koubaa W, Zhir W, Gheriani W, Arfa W, Dougaz W, Sahnoun W, Naija W, Sami Y, Bouteraa Y, Elhamdaoui Y, Hama Y, Ouahchi Y, Guebsi Y, Nouira Y, Daly Y, Mahjoubi Y, Mejdoub Y, Mosbahi Y, Said Y, Zaimi Y, Zgueb Y, Dridi Y, Mesbahi Y, Gharbi Y, Hellal Y, Hechmi Z, Zid Z, Elmouatassim Z, Ghorbel Z, Habbadi Z, Marrakchi Z, Hidouri Z, Abbes Z, Ouhachi Z, Khessairi Z, Khlayfia Z, Mahjoubi Z, and Moatemri Z
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern epidemiology, Anatomy education, Education, Medical history, Education, Medical methods, Education, Medical organization & administration, History, 21st Century, Humans, Internship and Residency standards, Internship and Residency trends, Job Satisfaction, Pathology, Clinical education, Tunisia epidemiology, Education, Medical trends, Medicine methods, Medicine organization & administration, Medicine trends
- Published
- 2019
15. Abstracts of the 40th National Congress of Medicine Tunis, 19-20 October 2017.
- Author
Abdallah M, Abdelaziz A, Abdelaziz O, Abdelhedi N, Abdelkbir A, Abdelkefi M, Abdelmoula L, Abdennacir S, Abdennadher M, Abidi H, Abir Hakiri A, Abou El Makarim S, Abouda M, Achour W, Aichaouia C, Aissa A, Aissa Y, Aissi W, Ajroudi M, Allouche E, Aloui H, Aloui D, Amdouni F, Ammar Y, Ammara Y, Ammari S, Ammous A, Amous A, Amri A, Amri M, Amri R, Annabi H, Antit S, Aouadi S, Arfaoui A, Assadi A, Attia L, Attia M, Attia L, Ayadi I, Ayadi Dahmane I, Ayari A, Azzabi S, Azzouz H, B Mefteh N, B Salah C, Baccar H, Bachali A, Bahlouli M, Bahri G, Baïli H, Bani M, Bani W, Bani MA, Bassalah E, Bawandi R, Bayar M, Bchir N, Bechraoui R, Béji M, Beji R, Bel Haj Yahia D, Belakhel S, Belfkih H, Belgacem O, Belgacem N, Belhadj A, Beltaief N, Beltaief N, Ben Abbes M, Ben Abdelaziz A, Ben Ahmed I, Ben Aissia N, Ben Ali M, Ben Ammar H, Ben Ammou B, Ben Amor A, Ben Amor M, Benatta M, Ben Ayed N, Ben Ayoub W, Ben Charrada N, Ben Cheikh M, Ben Dahmen F, Ben Dhia M, Ben Fadhel S, Ben Farhat L, Ben Fredj Ismail F, Ben Hamida E, Ben Hamida Nouaili E, Ben Hammamia M, Ben Hamouda A, Ben Hassine L, Ben Hassouna A, Ben Hasssen A, Ben Hlima M, Ben Kaab B, Ben Mami N, Ben Mbarka F, Ben Mefteh N, Ben Kahla N, Ben Mrad M, Ben Mustapha N, Ben Nacer M, Ben Neticha K, Ben Othmen E, Ben Rhouma S, Ben Rhouma M, Ben Saadi S, Ben Safta A, Ben Safta Z, Ben Salah C, Ben Salah N, Ben Sassi S, Ben Sassi J, Ben Tekaya S, Ben Temime R, Ben Tkhayat A, Ben Tmim R, Ben Yahmed Y, Ben Youssef S, Ben Ali M, Ben Atta M, Ben Safta Z, Ben Salah M, Berrahal I, Besbes G, Bezdah L, Bezzine A, Bezzine A, Bokal Z, Borsali R, Bouasker I, Boubaker J, Bouchekoua M, Bouden F, Boudiche S, Boukhris I, Bouomrani S, Bouraoui S, Bouraoui S, Bourgou S, Boussabeh E, Bouzaidi K, Chaker K, Chaker L, Chaker A, Chaker F, Chaouech N, Charfi M, Charfi MR, Charfi F, Chatti L, Chebbi F, Chebbi W, Cheikh R, Cheikhrouhou S, Chekir J, Chelbi E, Chelly I, Chelly B, Chemakh M, Chenik S, Cheour M, Cheour M, Cherif E, Cherif Y, Cherif W, Cherni R, Chetoui A, Chihaoui M, Chiraz Aichaouia C, Dabousii S, Daghfous A, Daib A, Daib N, Damak R, Daoud N, Daoud Z, Daoued N, Debbabi H, Demni W, Denguir R, Derbel S, Derbel B, Dghaies S, Dhaouadi S, Dhilel I, Dimassi K, Dougaz A, Dougaz W, Douik H, Douik El Gharbi L, Dziri C, El Aoud S, El Hechmi Z, El Heni A, ELaoud S, Elfeleh E, Ellini S, Ellouz F, Elmoez Ben O, Ennaifer R, Ennaifer S, Essid M, Fadhloun N, Farhat M, Fekih M, Fourati M, Fteriche F, G Hali O, Galai S, Gara S, Garali G, Garbouge W, Garbouj W, Ghali O, Ghali F, Gharbi E, Gharbi R, Ghariani W, Gharsalli H, Ghaya Jmii G, Ghédira F, Ghédira A, Ghédira H, Ghériani A, Gouta EL, Guemira F, Guermazi E, Guesmi A, Hachem J, Haddad A, Hakim K, Hakiri A, Hamdi S, Hamed W, Hamrouni S, Hamza M, Haouet S, Hariz A, Hendaoui L, Hfaidh M, Hriz H, Hsairi M, Ichaoui H, Issaoui D, Jaafoura H, Jazi R, Jazia R, Jelassi H, Jerraya H, Jlassi H, Jmii G, Jouini M, Kâaniche M, Kacem M, Kadhraoui M, Kalai M, Kallel K, Kammoun O, Karoui M, Karouia S, Karrou M, Kchaou A, Kchaw R, Kchir N, Kchir H, Kechaou I, Kerrou M, Khaled S, Khalfallah N, Khalfallah M, Khalfallah R, Khamassi K, Kharrat M, Khelifa E, Khelil M, Khelil A, Khessairi N, Khezami MA, Khouni H, Kooli C, Korbsi B, Koubaa MA, Ksantini R, Ksentini A, Ksibi I, Ksibi J, Kwas H, Laabidi A, Labidi A, Ladhari N, Lafrem R, Lahiani R, Lajmi M, Lakhal J, Laribi M, Lassoued N, Lassoued K, Letaif F, Limaïem F, Maalej S, Maamouri N, Maaoui R, Maâtallah H, Maazaoui S, Maghrebi H, Mahfoudhi S, Mahjoubi Y, Mahjoubi S, Mahmoud I, Makhlouf T, Makni A, Mamou S, Mannoubi S, Maoui A, Marghli A, Marrakchi Z, Marrakchi J, Marzougui S, Marzouk I, Mathlouthi N, Mbarek K, Mbarek M, Meddeb S, Mediouni A, Mechergui N, Mejri I, Menjour MB, Messaoudi Y, Mestiri T, Methnani A, Mezghani I, Meziou O, Mezlini A, Mhamdi S, Mighri M, Miled S, Miri I, Mlayeh D, Moatemri Z, Mokaddem W, Mokni M, Mouhli N, Mourali MS, Mrabet A, Mrad F, Mrouki M, Msaad H, Msakni A, Msolli S, Mtimet S, Mzabi S, Mzoughi Z, Naffeti E, Najjar S, Nakhli A, Nechi S, Neffati E, Neji H, Nouira Y, Nouira R, Omar S, Ouali S, Ouannes Y, Ouarda F, Ouechtati W, Ouertani J, Ouertani J, Ouertani H, Oueslati A, Oueslati J, Oueslati I, Oueslati A, Rabai B, Rahali H, Rbia E, Rebai W, Regaïeg N, Rejeb O, Rhaiem W, Rhimi H, Riahi I, Ridha R, Robbena L, Rouached L, Rouis S, Safer M, Saffar K, Sahli H, Sahraoui G, Saidane O, Sakka D, Salah H, Sallami S, Salouage I, Samet A, Sammoud K, Sassi Mahfoudh A, Sayadi C, Sayhi A, Sebri T, Sedki Y, Sellami A, Serghini M, Sghaier I, Skouri W, Skouri W, Slama I, Slimane H, Slimani O, Souhail O, Souhir S, Souissi A, Souissi R, Taboubi A, Talbi G, Tbini M, Tborbi A, Tekaya R, Temessek H, Thameur M, Touati A, Touinsi H, Tounsi A, Tounsia H, Trabelsi S, Trabelsi S, Triki A, Triki M, Turki J, Turki K, Twinsi H, Walha Y, Wali J, Yacoub H, Yangui F, Yazidi M, Youssef I, Zaier A, Zainine R, Zakhama L, Zalila H, Zargouni H, Zehani A, Zeineb Z, Zemni I, Zghal M, Ziadi J, Zid Z, Znagui I, Zoghlami C, Zouaoui C, Zouari B, Zouiten L, and Zribi H
- Published
- 2017
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