Auto kompanije posluju u turbulentnom okruženju i moraju neprekidno da poboljšavaju svoju konkurentnost inoviranjem i sprovođenjem procesnih poboljšanja, razvojem novih i usavršavanjem postojećih proizvoda, te izborom sposobnijih dobavljača. Auto proizvođači širom sveta takmiče se ne samo putem cena i proizvoda, već i po pitanju organizacionih sposobnosti i proizvodnih performansi koje predstavljaju preduslov za bolje tržišne i profitne performanse. Automobil je proizvod sa složenom arhitekturom i sastoji se od 20 do 30 hiljada delova sa velikim brojem funkcija, a auto industrija predstavlja stub i ponos mnogih nacionalnih ekonomija. Kadgod je rast i razvoj auto kompanije bio ugrožen zbog promena u okruženju, postojala je potreba da se preuredi i racionalizuje proizvodni sistem jer je efikasno i efektivno upravljanje istim važan izvor konkurentnosti u auto industriji. Proizvodni model i profitna strategija moraju biti usklađeni na bazi jednog ili nekoliko izvora profita. Tokom 20. veka, auto industrija je bila značajan izvor inovacija u menadžmentu, transformišući ideje kako najbolje nešto proizvesti od Fordovog sistema masovne proizvodnje do Tojotinog proizvodnog sistema (TPS) koji obuhvata proizvodnju, razvoj i snabdevački lanac. Kraj ere rasta tokom 1990-tih i početak stagnacije zahtevali su od japanskih auto proizvođača da dalje racionalizuju TPS kako bi se otklonile neravnoteže i problem sa većim fluktuacijama u obimu proizvodnje. Sredinom 1990-tih, evropski i američki auto proizvođači su najpre izučavali i selektivno primenjivali TPS proizvodne principe i tehnike, a potom su pravili rigorozne i snažne pokušaje da modularizuju svoju proizvodnju automobila i sustignu japanske rivale. Istraživanje i analiza poslovanja u uslovima globalne racionalizacije poslovanja i nacionalnih prednosti auto kompanija iz Japana, SAD, Evrope, Južne Koreje i Kine ukazuje na izbor strategija konkurentnosti na razvijenim tržištima i tržištima u razvoju, te pruža mogućnost za njihovo poređenje na međunarodnom nivou. Promene u okruženju početkom 21. veka zahtevaju optimizaciju i dalju racionalizaciju proizvodnog procesa, stvaranje dugoročnih odnosa sa dobavljačima, brži razvoj novih modela, usavršavanje menadžerskih veština, snižavanje troškova i veću fokusiranost na zahteve i potrebe kupaca. Doći će do radikalne promene u automobilskom lancu vrednosti koji je organizovan oko poslovnih funkcija u sistem organizovan oko znanja i novih veština što će promeniti podelu rada između učesnika u lancu vrednosti kao i raspodelu dodate vrednosti. Buduća konkurentnost auto industrije će zavisiti od sposobnosti da se ubrzaju proizvodni i razvojni procesi i stvori fleksibilni proizvodni sistem na bazi modularizacije i mega proizvodnih platformi, a što će biti osnova za dostizanje velikog obima, veće fleksibilnosti i većih profitnih margina sa ogromnom raznovrsnošću modela. Auto companies operating in a turbulent environment and must continuously improve their competitiveness by innovating and implementing process improvements, development of new and improvement of existing products, and a selection of the more competent suppliers. Auto manufacturers around the world compete not only through price and product, but also in terms of organizational capabilities and production performance which is a prerequisite for better market and profit performance. The car is the product of a complex architecture and consists of 20 to 30 thousand pieces with a variety of functions, and the auto industry is the pillar and pride of many national economies. Whenever the growth and development of the auto company was in danger due to changes in the environment, there is a need to reorganize and streamline the production system since efficient and effective management of production system is important source of competition in the automotive industry. Production model and profit strategies must be aligned on a single or few sources of profit. During the 20th century, the auto industry has been an important source of innovation in management, transforming ideas of how best to produce some from Ford's system of mass production to Toyota's production system (TPS) which consists of production, development and supply chain. End of an era of growth in the 1990s and the beginning of stagnation demanded by Japanese car manufacturers to further rationalize TPS in order to eliminate imbalances and problems with large fluctuations in the volume of production. In the mid-1990s, European and American car manufacturers were first studied and selectively applied TPS manufacturing principles and techniques, and then they made a rigorous and strong attempts to modularize its automobile production and catch up with Japanese rivals. Research and business analysis under conditions of global business rationalization and national advantages car companies from Japan, USA, Europe, South Korea and China indicates selection strategies of competitiveness in developed markets and emerging markets, and provides the ability to compare it to the international level. Changes in the environment of the early 21st century require further optimization and rationalization of the production process, creating long-term relationships with suppliers, the rapid development of new models, the development of management skills, cost reduction and greater focus on the needs and requirements of customers. There will be a radical change in the automotive value chain, which is organized around business functions within a system organized around knowledge and new skills that would change the division of labor among participants in the value chain and the distribution of value added. The future competitiveness of the auto industry will depend on its ability to accelerate the production and development processes, and create a flexible production system based on modularization and mega production platforms, which will be the basis for achieving high-volume, greater flexibility and greater profit margins with a huge variety of models.