122 results on '"Machinery, Kinematics of"'
Search Results
2. Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms : Using Excel® and Geogebra
- Author
Eres Söylemez and Eres Söylemez
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of--Computer simulation, Machinery, Kinematics of, Geometry--Computer programs, Electronic spreadsheets--Computer programs
- Abstract
This textbook covers classical geometrical methods and modern analytical methods in kinematic synthesis of mechanisms. The methods discussed are all implemented geometrically using Geogebra and analytically using Excel®; two readily available tools for personal computers. After a brief history on how the machine science has developed throughout history from the viewpoint of mechanism design, the chapters explain two, three, four and five position synthesis of mechanisms in detail respectively. Geometrical and analytical methods of guiding a rigid body between the given positions, path generation with prescribed timing and correlation of crank angles are covered. Analytical methods are explained using complex numbers. Using relative motion concept, the position synthesis of six-link mechanisms is also taken into account. Roberts-Chebyshev theorem is described and proved, and the use of the theorem in practice is shown. Converting a continuous rotary motion into an oscillating orreciprocating motion has been the main task starting with the windmill or water wheel. The book also explains the design of such mechanisms, and the analytical methods developed for the correlation of crank angles and function generation. Freudenstein's equation for three, four and five precision points and least squares method for function generation using Freudenstein's equation are explained. Developments made in Russian school on mechanism synthesis starting with Chebyshev are discussed. Finally, application of optimization in mechanism design is shown with examples. Solver tool as an add-in in Excel® is used, which provides a simple, fast and easy-to-use platform for the optimization of mechanisms.
- Published
- 2023
3. Análisis y proyecto de mecanismos
- Author
D. Lent and D. Lent
- Subjects
- Mechanical movements, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
Este libro es un libro de texto y está escrito para estudiantes. La presentación es lo bastante elemental como para impartirse en el primer año del plan de estudios de cualquier carrera técnica. No presume de conocimientos de cálculo o físicos sino que utiliza con gran profusión técnicas gráficas que faciliten el estudio de esta materia basándose en la Geometría. La claridad y simplicidad del estudio gráfico, prolonga la capacidad del estudiante más allá de los límites usuales de los cursos de introducción.
- Published
- 2021
4. Dynamics of Machines with Variable Mass
- Author
L Cveticanin and L Cveticanin
- Subjects
- Engineering mathematics, Machinery, Dynamics of, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
Designed to be a complete and integrated text on the dynamic properties of machines, mechanisms, and rotors with variable mass, this book presents new results from investigations based on the general dynamics of systems with variable parameters. The book considers both weak and strong nonlinear vibrations of these systems, and chaotic phenomena are also discussed. The conservation laws and adiabatic invariants for systems with variable mass are formulated and the stability and instability conditions of motion are defined.
- Published
- 2021
5. Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems
- Author
M. Kemal Ozgoren and M. Kemal Ozgoren
- Subjects
- Manipulators (Mechanism), Machinery, Kinematics of, Matrices, Vector analysis
- Abstract
Guide to kinematic theory for the analysis of spatial mechanisms and manipulators Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems is an effective and proficient guide to the kinematic description and analysis of the spatial mechanical systems such as serial manipulators, parallel manipulators and spatial mechanisms. The author highlights the analytical and semi-analytical methods for solving the relevant equations and considers four main elements: The mathematics of spatial kinematics with the necessary theorems, formulas and methods; The kinematic description of the links and joints including the rolling contact joints; Writing the kinematic chain and loop equations for the systems to be analyzed; and Solving these equations for the unspecified variables both in the forward and inverse senses together with the multiplicity and singularity analyses. Comprehensive in scope, the book covers topics ranging from rather elementary subjects such as spatial mechanisms with single degree of freedom to more advanced topics such as serial manipulators including redundant and deficient ones, parallel manipulators, and non-holonomic spatial cam mechanisms that involve rolling without slipping motions. The author presents an effective and accessible symbolic manipulation method making it possible to obtain neat and transparent expressions that describe the systems showing all the kinematic details. Such expressions readily lead to analytical or semi-analytical solutions. They also facilitate the identification and analysis of the multiplicities and singularities. This all-time beneficial book: Provides an easy-to-use systematic formulation method that is applicable to all sorts of spatial machanisms and manipulators Introduces a symbolic manipulation method, which is effective and straightforward to use, so that kinematic relationships can be simplified by using all the special geometric features of the system Offers an accessible format that uses a systematic and easy-to-conceive notation which has proven successful Presents content written by an author who is a renowned expert in the field Includes an accompanying website Written for academicians, students, engineers, computer scientists and any other people working in the area of spatial mechanisms and manipulators, Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems provides a clear notation, formulation, and a logical approach to the topic and offers a fresh presentation of challenging material.
- Published
- 2020
6. Disseny, càlcul i fabricació d'un mecanisme d'aranya caminadora tipus Theo Jansen
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Català Calderon, Pau, Ordeix Espona, Aniol, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Català Calderon, Pau, and Ordeix Espona, Aniol
- Abstract
Aquest treball final de grau es basa en la construcció d’una maqueta docent. Es tracta d’un mecanisme inspirat en les obres de Theo Jansen, físic i artista holandès, anome nades “Strandbeests”. El mecanisme de Theo Jansen copia la forma de caminar dels mamífers de quatre potes, i té la peculiaritat que és d’un sol grau de llibertat. El treball inclou el disseny integral, càlculs i la producció i muntatge dels components. El projecte que es presenta ha requerit la recerca d’informació sobre aquest tipus de mecanisme de barres. S’han realitzat els càlculs cinemàtics i dinàmics del mecanisme per dos camins. En primer lloc, analíticament utilitzant expressions matemàtiques vis tes en el grau d’enginyeria mecànica que s’han implementat en un full de càlcul. En segon lloc, per simulació utilitzant el software CAD PTC Creo que incorpora un mòdul per simular mecanismes. Per a la fabricació de la maqueta s’han utilitzat processos disponibles a l’EPSEM: la impressió 3D, el tall per làser i el fresat per control numèric. Amb el procés de càlcul finalitzat s’observen resultats molt similars comparant els dos mètodes de càlcul cinemàtics i dinàmics. El procés de disseny ha estat iteratiu i conti nuat, amb millores progressives fins a l’obtenció del disseny definitiu. S’ha aconseguit la fabricació de tots els components tal i com s’havien dissenyat, culminant el projecte amb el muntatge del conjunt i el funcionament esperat. El mecanisme construït serà utilitzat com a maqueta docent per l’aprenentatge dels futurs enginyers de l’EPSEM., This final degree project is based on the construction of a teaching model. It is a mech anism inspired by the works of Theo Jansen, a Dutch physicist and artist, called “Strandbeests”. Theo Jansen's mechanism copies the way that four-legged mammals walk, and has the peculiarity that it has only one degree of freedom. The work includes the integral design, calculations and the production and assembly of the components. The project presented here required a search of information on this type of bar mecha nism. The kinematics and dynamics calculations of the mechanism have been carried out in two ways. Firstly, analytically using mathematical expressions seen in the me chanical engineering degree that have been implemented in a spreadsheet. Secondly, by simulation using the CAD software PTC Creo, which incorporates a module for sim ulating mechanisms. For the manufacture of the model, processes available at EPSEM were used: 3D printing, laser cutting and numerical control milling. With the calculation process completed, very similar results are observed when com paring both kinematic and dynamic calculation methods. The design process has been iterative and continuous, with progressive improvements until the final design was ob tained. The manufacture of all the components as designed has been achieved, culmi nating the project with the assembly of the parts and the expected operation. The mechanism built will be used as a teaching model for future EPSEM engineers.
- Published
- 2024
7. Planar Multibody Dynamics : Formulation, Programming with MATLAB®, and Applications, Second Edition
- Author
Parviz Nikravesh and Parviz Nikravesh
- Subjects
- Machinery, Dynamics of, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
Planar Multibody Dynamics: Formulation, Programming with MATLAB®, and Applications, Second Edition, provides sets of methodologies for analyzing the dynamics of mechanical systems, such as mechanisms and machineries, with coverage of both classical and modern principles. Using clear and concise language, the text introduces fundamental theories, computational methods, and program development for analyzing simple to complex systems. MATLAB is used throughout, with examples beginning with basic commands before introducing students to more advanced programming techniques. The simple programs developed in each chapter come together to form complete programs for different types of analysis.Features Two new chapters on free-body diagram and vector-loop concepts demonstrate that the modern computational techniques of formulating the equations of motion is merely an organized and systematic interpretation of the classical methods A new chapter on modeling impact between rigid bodies is based on two concepts known as continuous and piecewise methods A thorough discussion on modeling friction and the associated computational issues The short MATLAB® programs that are listed in the book can be downloaded from a companion website Several other MATLAB® programs and their user manuals can be downloaded from the companion website including: a general purpose program for kinematic, inverse dynamic, and forward dynamic analysis; a semi-general-purpose program that allows student to experiment with his or her own formulation of equations of motion; a special-purpose program for kinematic and inverse dynamic analysis of four-bar mechanisms The preceding three sets of programs contain animation capabilities for easy visualization of the simulated motion A greater range of examples, problems, and projects
- Published
- 2019
8. Introduction to Mechanism Design : With Computer Applications
- Author
Eric Constans, Karl B. Dyer, Eric Constans, and Karl B. Dyer
- Subjects
- Machine design, Machine design--Software, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
Introduction to Mechanism Design: with Computer Applications provides an updated approach to undergraduate Mechanism Design and Kinematics courses/modules for engineering students. The use of web-based simulations, solid modeling, and software such as MATLAB and Excel is employed to link the design process with the latest software tools for the design and analysis of mechanisms and machines. While a mechanical engineer might brainstorm with a pencil and sketch pad, the final result is developed and communicated through CAD and computational visualizations. This modern approach to mechanical design processes has not been fully integrated in most books, as it is in this new text.
- Published
- 2018
9. New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science : Theory and Industrial Applications
- Author
Philippe Wenger, Paulo Flores, Philippe Wenger, and Paulo Flores
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Mechanical engineering
- Abstract
This book collects the most recent advances in mechanism science and machine theory with application to engineering. It contains selected peer-reviewed papers of the sixth International Conference on Mechanism Science, held in Nantes, France, 20-23 September 2016, covering topics on mechanism design and synthesis, mechanics of robots, mechanism analysis, parallel manipulators, tensegrity mechanisms, cable mechanisms, control issues in mechanical systems, history of mechanisms, mechanisms for biomechanics and surgery and industrial and nonindustrial applications.
- Published
- 2017
10. Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery
- Author
Kenneth J. Waldron, Gary L. Kinzel, Sunil K. Agrawal, Kenneth J. Waldron, Gary L. Kinzel, and Sunil K. Agrawal
- Subjects
- Machinery, Dynamics of, Machinery, Kinematics of, Machine design
- Abstract
Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, Third Edition, presents a fresh approach to kinematic design and analysis and is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduates and graduates in mechanical, automotive and production engineering Presents the traditional approach to the design and analysis of kinematic problems and shows how GCP can be used to solve the same problems more simply Provides a new and simpler approach to cam design Includes an increased number of exercise problems Accompanied by a website hosting a solutions manual, teaching slides and MATLAB® programs
- Published
- 2016
11. Parallel Kinematics : Type, Kinematics, and Optimal Design
- Author
Xin-Jun Liu, Jinsong Wang, Xin-Jun Liu, and Jinsong Wang
- Subjects
- Kinematics, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
Parallel Kinematics- Type, Kinematics, and Optimal Design presents the results of 15 year's research on parallel mechanisms and parallel kinematics machines. This book covers the systematic classification of parallel mechanisms (PMs) as well as providing a large number of mechanical architectures of PMs available for use in practical applications. It focuses on the kinematic design of parallel robots. One successful application of parallel mechanisms in the field of machine tools, which is also called parallel kinematics machines, has been the emerging trend in advanced machine tools. The book describes not only the main aspects and important topics in parallel kinematics, but also references novel concepts and approaches, i.e. type synthesis based on evolution, performance evaluation and optimization based on screw theory, singularity model taking into account motion and force transmissibility, and others. This book is intended for researchers, scientists, engineers and postgraduates or above with interests in robotics and advanced machine tools technology such as parallel kinematics machines (PKMs). Xinjun Liu and Jinsong Wang, professors, work at The Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University.
- Published
- 2013
12. Computational Methods in Mechanical Systems : Mechanism Analysis, Synthesis, and Optimization
- Author
Jorge Angeles, Evtim Zakhariev, Jorge Angeles, and Evtim Zakhariev
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Machinery, Dynamics of, Engineering mathematics
- Abstract
The chapters of this book summarize the lectures delivered du ring the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Computational Methods in Mechanisms, that took place in the Sts. Constantin and Elena Resort, near Varna, on the Bulgarian Coast of the Black Sea, June 16-28, 1997. The purpose of the ASI was to bring together leading researchers in the area of mechanical systems at large, with special emphasis in the computational issues around their analysis, synthesis, and optimization, during two weeks of lectures and discussion. A total of 89 participants from 23 count ries played an active role during the lectures and sessions of contributed papers. Many of the latter are being currently reviewed for publication in specialized journals. The subject of the book is mechanical systems, Le., systems composed of rigid and flexible bodies, coupled by mechanical means so as to constrain their various bodies in a goal-oriented manner, usually driven under computer con trol. Applications of the discipline are thus of the most varied nature, ranging from transportation systems to biomedical devices. U nder normal operation conditions, the constitutive bodies of a mechanical system can be consid ered to be rigid, the rigidity property then easing dramatically the analysis of the kinematics and dynamics of the system at hand. Examples of these systems are the suspension of a terrestrial vehicle negotiating a curve at speeds within the allowed or recommended limits and the links of multiaxis industrial robots performing conventional pick-and-place operations.
- Published
- 2013
13. Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms
- Author
Larry L. Howell, Spencer P. Magleby, Brian M. Olsen, Larry L. Howell, Spencer P. Magleby, and Brian M. Olsen
- Subjects
- Engineering design, Mechanical movements, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
A fully illustrated reference book giving an easy-to-understand introduction to compliant mechanisms A broad compilation of compliant mechanisms to give inspiration and guidance to those interested in using compliant mechanisms in their designs, the Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms includes graphics and descriptions of many compliant mechanisms. It comprises an extensive categorization of devices that can be used to help readers identify compliant mechanisms related to their application. It also provides chapters on the basic background in compliant mechanisms, the categories of compliant mechanisms, and an example of how the Compendium can be used to facilitate compliant mechanism design. Fully illustrated throughout to be easily understood and accessible at introductory levels Covers all aspects pertaining to classification, elements, mechanisms and applications of compliant mechanisms Summarizes a vast body of knowledge in easily understood diagrams and explanations Helps readers appreciate the advantages that compliant mechanisms have to offer Practical approach is ideal for potential practitioners who would like to realize designs with compliant mechanisms, members and elements Breadth of topics covered also makes the book a useful reference for more advanced readers Intended as an introduction to the area, the Handbook avoids technical jargon to assist non engineers involved in product design, inventors and engineers in finding clever solutions to problems of design and function.
- Published
- 2013
14. New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science : Theory and Applications in Engineering
- Author
Fernando Viadero-Rueda, Marco Ceccarelli, Fernando Viadero-Rueda, and Marco Ceccarelli
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Mechanical engineering
- Abstract
This book contains the papers of the European Conference on Mechanisms Science (EUCOMES 2012 Conference). The book presents the most recent research developments in the mechanism and machine science field and their applications. Topics addressed are theoretical kinematics, computational kinematics, mechanism design, experimental mechanics, mechanics of robots, dynamics of machinery, dynamics of multi-body systems, control issues of mechanical systems, mechanisms for biomechanics, novel designs, mechanical transmissions, linkages and manipulators, micro-mechanisms, teaching methods, history of mechanism science and industrial and non-industrial applications.This volume will also serve as an interesting reference for the European activity in the fields of Mechanism and Machine Science as well as a source of inspirations for future works and developments.
- Published
- 2013
15. Kinematic Geometry of Gearing
- Author
David B. Dooner and David B. Dooner
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Gearing
- Abstract
Building on the first edition published in 1995 this new edition of Kinematic Geometry of Gearing has been extensively revised and updated with new and original material. This includes the methodology for general tooth forms, radius of torsure', cylinder of osculation, and cylindroid of torsure; the author has also completely reworked the ‘3 laws of gearing', the first law re-written to better parallel the existing ‘Law of Gearing” as pioneered by Leonard Euler, expanded from Euler's original law to encompass non-circular gears and hypoid gears, the 2nd law of gearing describing a unique relation between gear sizes, and the 3rd law completely reworked from its original form to uniquely describe a limiting condition on curvature between gear teeth, with new relations for gear efficiency are presented based on the kinematics of general toothed wheels in mesh. There is also a completely new chapter on gear vibration load factor and impact. Progressing from the fundamentals of geometry to construction of gear geometry and application, Kinematic Geometry of Gearing presents a generalized approach for the integrated design and manufacture of gear pairs, cams and all other types of toothed/motion/force transmission mechanisms using computer implementation based on algebraic geometry.
- Published
- 2012
16. Advanced Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
- Author
M.Z. Kolovsky, A.N. Evgrafov, Yu.A. Semenov, A.V. Slousch, M.Z. Kolovsky, A.N. Evgrafov, Yu.A. Semenov, and A.V. Slousch
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
This book is based on a lecture course delivered by the authors over a period of many years to the students in mechanics at the St. Petersburg State Technical University (the former Leningrad Polytechnic Institute). The material differs from numerous traditional text books on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms through a more profound elaboration of the methods of structural, geometric, kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms and machines, consisting in both the development of well-known methods and the creation of new ones that take into account the needs of modem machine building and the potential of modem computers. The structural analysis of mechanisms is based on a new definition of structural group which makes it possible to consider closed structures that cannot be reduced to linkages of Assur groups. The methods of geometric analysis are adapted to the analysis of planar and spatial mechanisms with closed structure and several degrees of movability. Considerable attention is devoted to the problems of con figuration multiplicity of a mechanism with given input coordinates as well as to the problems of distinguishing and removing singular positions, which is of great importance for the design of robot systems. These problems are also reflected in the description of the methods of kinematic analysis employed for the investi gation of both open ('tree'-type) structures and closed mechanisms.
- Published
- 2012
17. Parasitic Phenomena in the Dynamics of Industrial Devices
- Author
Alberto Borboni, Rodolfo Faglia, Alberto Borboni, and Rodolfo Faglia
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Mechanical wear, Friction, Industrial equipment, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Microelec, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Industrial Design / Gen
- Abstract
In the real world the dynamic behavior of a real machine presents either unforeseen or limiting phenomena: both are undesired, and can be therefore be classified as parasitic phenomena- unwanted, unforeseen, or limiting behaviors. Parasitic Phenomena in the Dynamics of Industrial Devices describes the potential causes and effects of these behaviors
- Published
- 2012
18. The Kinematics of Machinery : Outlines of a Theory of Machines
- Author
Reuleaux, F. and Reuleaux, F.
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
This classic work explores the kinematics of machinery, chronicling the discovery and application of principles underlying the controlled movements within machines. Franz Reuleaux, the Father of Kinematics, writes with authority and precision about his original and incisive ideas, which have endured for more than a century. Developing the subject from its fundamentals, Reuleaux begins with a discussion of the nature of the machine problem. He advances to examinations of such topics as phoronomic propositions, pairs of elements, incomplete kinematic chains and notation, analysis of chamber-crank trains and complete machines, kinematic synthesis, and related subjects. More than 450 figures illustrate his descriptions. An excellent text for basic courses in kinematics, this volume also serves as a standard reference for professionals.
- Published
- 2012
19. Kinematics of Machinery Through HyperWorks
- Author
J.S. Rao and J.S. Rao
- Subjects
- Machine theory, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
The concept of moving machine members during a thermodynamic cycle and the variation ofdisplacements, velocities and accelerations forms the subject of kinematics.The study of forces that make the motion is the subject of kinetics; combining these two subjects leads to dynamics of machinery. When we include the machinery aspects such as links, kinematic chains, and mechanisms to form a given machine we have the subject of Theory of Machines. Usually this subject is introduced as a two-semester course, where kinematics and kinetics are taught simultaneously withthermodynamics or heat engines before progressing to the design of machine members. This book provides the material for first semester of a Theory of Machines- course. Th is book brings in the machine live onto the screen and explains the theory of machines concepts through animations and introduces how the problems are solved in industry to present a complete history in the shortest possible time rather than using graphical (or analytical) methods. Thus the students are introduced to the concepts through visual means which brings industrial applications by the end of the two semester program closer, and equips them better for design courses. The International Federation for promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) has developed standardnomenclature and notation on Mechanism and Machine Science and this book adopts these standards so that any communication between scientists and in the classrooms across the world can make use of the same terminology. This book adopts HyperWorks MotionSolve to perform the analysis and visualizations, though the book can be used independent of the requirement of any particular software. However, having this software helps in further studies and analysis. The avis can beseen by entering the ISBN of this book at the Springer Extras website at extras.springer.com
- Published
- 2011
20. The Configuration Space Method for Kinematic Design of Mechanisms
- Author
Elisha Sacks, Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks, and Leo Joskowicz
- Subjects
- Configuration space, Machine design, Machinery, Kinematics of, Computer-aided design
- Abstract
A novel algorithmic approach to mechanism design based on a geometric representation of kinematic function called configuration space partitions.This book presents the configuration space method for computer-aided design of mechanisms with changing part contacts. Configuration space is a complete and compact geometric representation of part motions and part interactions that supports the core mechanism design tasks of analysis, synthesis, and tolerancing. It is the first general algorithmic treatment of the kinematics of higher pairs with changing contacts. It will help designers detect and correct design flaws and unexpected kinematic behaviors, as demonstrated in the book's four case studies taken from industry. After presenting the configuration space framework and algorithms for mechanism kinematics, the authors describe algorithms for kinematic analysis, tolerancing, and synthesis based on configuration spaces. The case studies follow, illustrating the application of the configuration space method to the analysis and design of automotive, micro-mechanical, and optical mechanisms. Appendixes offer a catalog of higher-pair mechanisms and a description of HIPAIR, an open source C++ mechanical design system that implements some of the configuration space methods described in the book, including configuration space visualization and kinematic simulation. HIPAIR comes with an interactive graphical user interface and many sample mechanism input files. The Configuration Space Method for Kinematic Design of Mechanisms will be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and engineers in mechanical engineering, computer science, and robotics.
- Published
- 2010
21. A New Analytical Method for Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms
- Author
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (6th : 2010 : Perth, W.A.) and Abhary, Kazem
- Published
- 2010
22. Kinematic Design of a Double Wishbone Type Front Suspension Mechanism Using Multi-objective Optimisation
- Author
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (5th : 2007 : Brisbane, Qld.), Hwang, JS, Kim, SR, and Han, SY
- Published
- 2007
23. Cam Design and Manufacturing Handbook
- Author
Robert Norton and Robert Norton
- Subjects
- Cams--Design and construction, Machinery, Dynamics of, Machinery, Kinematics of
- Abstract
The use of computers for engineering design, and in CNC for manufacturing, has dramatically changed the cam design and manufacturing process. Additionally, cam design and manufacturing have been affected by a significant number of fundamental research results published in recent years. This new edition offers changes which have been made throughout the book to update its information with the latest technology from the engineering literature and from the author's research and that of his students. Beginning at an introductory level and progressing to more advanced topics, this it provides all the information needed to properly design, model, analyze, specify, and manufacture cam-follower systems. It is truly a comprehensive resource that brings together up-to-date cam design technology, correct design and manufacturing procedures, and recent cam research results-all in one volume! Additionally, this unique book is accompanied by a 90-day trial demonstration copy of the Professional Version of Dynacam. Written by the author and used worldwide, this program solves the equations described in the book and allows in its fully licensed version the design, dynamic modeling, analysis, and generation of follower center, cam surface, and cutter coordinate data for any cam. It also defines conjugate cams for any application.Includes a completely rewritten and updated chapter on splines, along with a discussion of shape-preserving splines as currently used for automotive valve-train cams.Features added coverage of multi-degree of freedom models and of followers with deliberate impact events within the chapter on dynamic modeling.Covers Globoidal cams in several chapters.Provides a definitive solution to the torque compensation cam design problem.Program Dynacam is much enhanced and improved and is available at a preferred price to purchasers of the book.
- Published
- 2009
24. Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining
- Author
Stephen P. Radzevich and Stephen P. Radzevich
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Kinematic geometry, Surfaces (Technology)
- Abstract
The principle of Occam's razor loosely translates tothe simplest solution is often the best. The author of Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining utilizes this reductionist philosophy to provide a solution to the highly inefficient process of machining sculptured parts on multi-axis NC machines. He has developed a method to quickly calcu
- Published
- 2008
25. Planar Multibody Dynamics : Formulation, Programming and Applications
- Author
Parviz E. Nikravesh and Parviz E. Nikravesh
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Machinery, Dynamics of
- Abstract
Written by Parviz Nikravesh, one of the world's best known experts in multibody dynamics, Planar Multibody Dynamics: Formulation, Programming, and Applications enhances the quality and ease of design education with extensive use of the latest computerized design tools combined with coverage of classical design and dynamics of machinery princ
- Published
- 2007
26. An Analysis of Punch Grinding
- Author
International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (6th : 1995 : Melbourne, Vic.), Baliga, B, Thompson, W, and Doyle, ED
- Published
- 1995
27. A Review of Factors Affecting Bearing Vibration Monitoring
- Author
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (1994 :Perth, W.A.) and Howard, IM
- Published
- 1994
28. An Analytical Approach to Force Analysis of Planar Frictionless Mechanisms
- Author
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (1994 :Perth, W.A.) and Abhary, Kazem
- Published
- 1994
29. Kinematic Chains and Machine Components Design
- Author
Dan B. Marghitu and Dan B. Marghitu
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Machine design
- Abstract
Kinematic Chains and Machine Components Design covers a broad spectrum of critical machine design topics and helps the reader understand the fundamentals and apply the technologies necessary for successful mechanical design and execution. The inclusion of examples and instructive problems present the reader with a teachable computer-oriented text. Useful analytical techniques provide the practitioner and student with powerful tools for the design of kinematic chains and machine components.Kinematic Chains and Machine Components Design serves as a on-volume reference for engineers and students in mechanical engineering with applications for all engineers working in the fields of machine design and robotics. The book contains the fundamental laws and theories of science basic to mechanical engineering including mechanisms, robots and machine components to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of mechanical design.• Combines theories of kinematics and behavior of mechanisms with the practical design of robots, machine parts, and machine systems into one comprehensive mechanical design book• Offers the method of contour equations for the kinematic analysis of mechanicsl systems and dynamic force analysis• Mathematica programs and packages for the analysis of mechanical systems• An Instructor's Solutions Manual will be provided
- Published
- 2005
30. Disseny d'un mecanisme caminador
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, González Rojas, Hernán Alberto, Ramos Herrero, Paula, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, González Rojas, Hernán Alberto, and Ramos Herrero, Paula
- Abstract
Els mecanismes caminadors tenen la mateixa finalitat que la roda, el transport, però són menys coneguts i utilitzats. Encara que això probablement és degut a una estructura més complexa, tenen un gran avantatge pel qual cada cop estan tenint més importància. Aquest és la capacitat de passar per sobre dels obstacles i la facilitat per circular per terrenys irregulars. S’han patentat diferents mecanismes caminadors, amb diferents estructures, però el recorregut que fa el punt de contacte amb el terra és sempre el mateix: avança una distància determinada i després s’eleva aquest punt mentre torna cap enrere (al punt inicial) i torna a estar en contacte amb el terra. Aquest projecte consisteix a escollir un d’aquests mecanismes, dissenyarlo, fabricar-lo i implementar-lo en una bicicleta per així poder-lo mostrar en futures portes obertes de la universitat. Per determinar el mecanisme amb el qual treballar, s’han escollit dos (de tots els existents) i s’ha procedit a fer un anàlisi cinemàtic del moviment. Seguidament s’ha estudiat com integrar el mecanisme en una bicicleta, s’ha dissenyat i modelat en 3D mitjançant el programa NX i finalment s’ha procedit a la seva fabricació. El principal repte ha sigut l’últim pas esmentat, la fabricació. Pel que fa al propi mecanisme, hi ha peces que s’han hagut de fabricar més d’un cop en elaborar-les malament la primera vegada; degut a les toleràncies, en no ser les peces exactes a les del model 3D s’ha complicat el seu muntatge i el correcte funcionament del mecanisme, i degut a la forma d’aquest, ha estat bastant confós el muntatge de les peces que el componen. Pel que fa a la integració d’aquest en la bicicleta s’ha hagut d’elaborar un acoblament, el qual s’ha hagut de modificar per errors de mesura. Un cop finalitzat, s’ha hagut de fer unes petites modificacions tant a l’acoblament com a la bicicleta per tal de poder unir-los. Encara que no s’ha pogut acabar el projecte, ja que ha faltat incorporar les últimes dos peces, s’ha po, Los mecanismos caminadores tienen la misma finalidad que la rueda, el transporte, pero son menos conocidos y utilizados. Aunque esto probablemente es debido a una estructura más compleja, tienen una gran ventaja por la cual cada vez están teniendo más importancia. Esta es la capacidad de pasar por encima de los obstáculos y la facilidad para circular por terrenos irregulares. Se han patentado diferentes mecanismos caminadores, con diferentes estructuras, pero el recorrido que hace el punto de contacto con el suelo es siempre el mismo: avanza una distancia determinada y después se eleva este punto mientras vuelve hacia atrás (al punto inicial) y vuelve a estar en contacto con el suelo. Este proyecto consiste en escoger uno de estos mecanismos, diseñarlo, fabricarlo e implementarlo en una bicicleta para así poderlo mostrar en futuras puertas abiertas de la universidad. Para determinar el mecanismo con el cual trabajar, se han escogido dos (de todos los existentes) y se ha procedido a hacer un análisis cinemático del movimiento. Seguidamente se ha estudiado como integrar el mecanismo en una bicicleta, se ha diseñado y modelado en 3D mediante el programa NX y finalmente se ha procedido a su fabricación. El principal reto ha sido el último paso mencionado, la fabricación. En cuanto al propio mecanismo, hay piezas que se han tenido que fabricar más de una vez al elaborarlas mal la primera vez; debido a las tolerancias, al no ser las piezas exactas a las del modelo 3D se ha complicado su montaje y el correcto funcionamiento del mecanismo, y debido a la forma de este, ha estado bastante confuso el montaje de las piezas que lo componen. En relación a la integración de este en la bicicleta se ha tenido que elaborar un acoplamiento, el cual se ha tenido que modificar por errores de medida. Una vez finalizado, se ha tenido que hacer unas pequeñas modificaciones tanto al acoplamiento como a la bicicleta para poder unirlos. Aunque no se ha podido acabar el proyecto, puesto que ha, Walking mechanisms has the same purpose as the wheel, the transportation, but they are less known and used. Although this is probably due to a more complex structure, they have a great advantage for which they are becoming more and more important. This is the ability to get over obstacles and the ease of run on irregular terrain. Different walking mechanisms have been patented, with different structures, but the path made by the point of contact with the ground is always the same: it advances a certain distance and then rises this point while returning backwards (to the starting point) and it returns in contact with the ground again. This project consists of choosing one of these mechanisms, designing it, manufacturing it, and implementing it on a bicycle in order to display it in future open days at the university. To determine the mechanism to work with, two have been chosen (of all existing ones) and a kinematic analysis of the movement has been carried out. Then it has been studied how to integrate the mechanism into a bicycle, has been designed it and modelled it in 3D using the NX program and finally has been proceeded with its manufacture. The main challenge has been the last step mentioned, the manufacture. As for the mechanism itself, there are pieces that have had to be made more than once as they were poorly crafted the first time; due to the tolerances, as the pieces are not exact to those of the 3D model, its assembly and the correct functioning of the mechanism have been complicated, and due to its shape, the assembly of the parts that compose it has been quite confusing. In relation to the integration of this in the bicycle, a coupling had to be elaborated, which had to be modified due to measurement errors. Once finished, a few small modifications had to be made to both the coupling and the bicycle to be able to join them. Although it has not been possible to finish the project, as the last two pieces have not been incorporated, it has been possible
- Published
- 2021
31. Disseny d'un mecanisme caminador
- Author
Ramos Herrero, Paula, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, and González Rojas, Hernan Alberto
- Subjects
Recorregut ,Kinematics ,Enginyeria mecànica::Processos de fabricació mecànica::Màquines i mecanismes [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Moviments mecànics ,Posicions ,Positions ,Mecanisme caminador ,Enginyeria mecànica::Mecànica::Cinemàtica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Cinemàtica ,Docking of the mechanism ,Maquinària, Cinemàtica de la ,Acoblament del mecanisme ,Walking mechanism ,Theo Jansen Mechanism - Bicycle ,Machinery, Kinematics of ,Mechanical movements ,Path ,Moviments mecànics -- Disseny assistit per ordinador ,Mecanisme Theo Jansen - Bicicleta - Abstract
Els mecanismes caminadors tenen la mateixa finalitat que la roda, el transport, però són menys coneguts i utilitzats. Encara que això probablement és degut a una estructura més complexa, tenen un gran avantatge pel qual cada cop estan tenint més importància. Aquest és la capacitat de passar per sobre dels obstacles i la facilitat per circular per terrenys irregulars. S’han patentat diferents mecanismes caminadors, amb diferents estructures, però el recorregut que fa el punt de contacte amb el terra és sempre el mateix: avança una distància determinada i després s’eleva aquest punt mentre torna cap enrere (al punt inicial) i torna a estar en contacte amb el terra. Aquest projecte consisteix a escollir un d’aquests mecanismes, dissenyarlo, fabricar-lo i implementar-lo en una bicicleta per així poder-lo mostrar en futures portes obertes de la universitat. Per determinar el mecanisme amb el qual treballar, s’han escollit dos (de tots els existents) i s’ha procedit a fer un anàlisi cinemàtic del moviment. Seguidament s’ha estudiat com integrar el mecanisme en una bicicleta, s’ha dissenyat i modelat en 3D mitjançant el programa NX i finalment s’ha procedit a la seva fabricació. El principal repte ha sigut l’últim pas esmentat, la fabricació. Pel que fa al propi mecanisme, hi ha peces que s’han hagut de fabricar més d’un cop en elaborar-les malament la primera vegada; degut a les toleràncies, en no ser les peces exactes a les del model 3D s’ha complicat el seu muntatge i el correcte funcionament del mecanisme, i degut a la forma d’aquest, ha estat bastant confós el muntatge de les peces que el componen. Pel que fa a la integració d’aquest en la bicicleta s’ha hagut d’elaborar un acoblament, el qual s’ha hagut de modificar per errors de mesura. Un cop finalitzat, s’ha hagut de fer unes petites modificacions tant a l’acoblament com a la bicicleta per tal de poder unir-los. Encara que no s’ha pogut acabar el projecte, ja que ha faltat incorporar les últimes dos peces, s’ha pogut posar en pràctica el contingut après en diferents assignatures cursades i no cursades. A més, s’ha comprovat satisfactòriament que el mecanisme escollit és adequat, i s’ha realitzat el disseny i la fabricació del mecanisme per tal de poder implementar-lo en la bicicleta adquirida. Los mecanismos caminadores tienen la misma finalidad que la rueda, el transporte, pero son menos conocidos y utilizados. Aunque esto probablemente es debido a una estructura más compleja, tienen una gran ventaja por la cual cada vez están teniendo más importancia. Esta es la capacidad de pasar por encima de los obstáculos y la facilidad para circular por terrenos irregulares. Se han patentado diferentes mecanismos caminadores, con diferentes estructuras, pero el recorrido que hace el punto de contacto con el suelo es siempre el mismo: avanza una distancia determinada y después se eleva este punto mientras vuelve hacia atrás (al punto inicial) y vuelve a estar en contacto con el suelo. Este proyecto consiste en escoger uno de estos mecanismos, diseñarlo, fabricarlo e implementarlo en una bicicleta para así poderlo mostrar en futuras puertas abiertas de la universidad. Para determinar el mecanismo con el cual trabajar, se han escogido dos (de todos los existentes) y se ha procedido a hacer un análisis cinemático del movimiento. Seguidamente se ha estudiado como integrar el mecanismo en una bicicleta, se ha diseñado y modelado en 3D mediante el programa NX y finalmente se ha procedido a su fabricación. El principal reto ha sido el último paso mencionado, la fabricación. En cuanto al propio mecanismo, hay piezas que se han tenido que fabricar más de una vez al elaborarlas mal la primera vez; debido a las tolerancias, al no ser las piezas exactas a las del modelo 3D se ha complicado su montaje y el correcto funcionamiento del mecanismo, y debido a la forma de este, ha estado bastante confuso el montaje de las piezas que lo componen. En relación a la integración de este en la bicicleta se ha tenido que elaborar un acoplamiento, el cual se ha tenido que modificar por errores de medida. Una vez finalizado, se ha tenido que hacer unas pequeñas modificaciones tanto al acoplamiento como a la bicicleta para poder unirlos. Aunque no se ha podido acabar el proyecto, puesto que ha faltado incorporar las últimas dos piezas, se ha podido poner en práctica el contenido aprendido en diferentes asignaturas cursadas y no cursadas. Además, se ha comprobado satisfactoriamente que el mecanismo escogido es adecuado, y se ha realizado el diseño y la fabricación del mecanismo para poder implementarlo en la bicicleta adquirida. Walking mechanisms has the same purpose as the wheel, the transportation, but they are less known and used. Although this is probably due to a more complex structure, they have a great advantage for which they are becoming more and more important. This is the ability to get over obstacles and the ease of run on irregular terrain. Different walking mechanisms have been patented, with different structures, but the path made by the point of contact with the ground is always the same: it advances a certain distance and then rises this point while returning backwards (to the starting point) and it returns in contact with the ground again. This project consists of choosing one of these mechanisms, designing it, manufacturing it, and implementing it on a bicycle in order to display it in future open days at the university. To determine the mechanism to work with, two have been chosen (of all existing ones) and a kinematic analysis of the movement has been carried out. Then it has been studied how to integrate the mechanism into a bicycle, has been designed it and modelled it in 3D using the NX program and finally has been proceeded with its manufacture. The main challenge has been the last step mentioned, the manufacture. As for the mechanism itself, there are pieces that have had to be made more than once as they were poorly crafted the first time; due to the tolerances, as the pieces are not exact to those of the 3D model, its assembly and the correct functioning of the mechanism have been complicated, and due to its shape, the assembly of the parts that compose it has been quite confusing. In relation to the integration of this in the bicycle, a coupling had to be elaborated, which had to be modified due to measurement errors. Once finished, a few small modifications had to be made to both the coupling and the bicycle to be able to join them. Although it has not been possible to finish the project, as the last two pieces have not been incorporated, it has been possible to put into practice the content learned in different subjects taken and not taken. Furthermore, it has been satisfactorily verified that the chosen mechanism is suitable, and the design and manufacture of the mechanism has been carried out to be able to implement it in the purchased bicycle.
- Published
- 2021
32. Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms
- Author
Oleg Vinogradov and Oleg Vinogradov
- Subjects
- Machinery, Kinematics of, Machinery, Dynamics of
- Abstract
The study of the kinematics and dynamics of machines lies at the very core of a mechanical engineering background. Although tremendous advances have been made in the computational and design tools now available, little has changed in the way the subject is presented, both in the classroom and in professional references.Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms brings the subject alive and current. The author's careful integration of Mathematica software gives readers a chance to perform symbolic analysis, to plot the results, and most importantly, to animate the motion. They get to'play'with the mechanism parameters and immediately see their effects. The downloadable resources contain Mathematica-based programs for suggested design projects.As useful as Mathematica is, however, a tool should not interfere with but enhance one's grasp of the concepts and the development of analytical skills. The author ensures this with his emphasis on the understanding and application of basic theoretical principles, unified approach to the analysis of planar mechanisms, and introduction to vibrations and rotordynamics.
- Published
- 2000
33. Diseño de maquinaria (2a. ed.)
- Author
Norton, Robert l. and Norton, Robert l.
- Subjects
- Machinery, Dynamics of, Machinery, Kinematics of, Machine design
- Published
- 2000
34. Cinemática y dinámica de una suspensión y sus efectos en el comportamiento de un Formula Student
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Barjau Condomines, Ana, Segura Regalado, Alejandro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Barjau Condomines, Ana, and Segura Regalado, Alejandro
- Abstract
En esta memoria se recogen numerosos aspectos teóricos para el diseño de un sistema de suspensión aplicados, específicamente, a un vehículo de Formula Student. Se cubren aspectos generales de la interacción entre el neumático con la calzada; parámetros geométricos de diseño de la suspensión y el uso de sus elementos elásticos (muelles, amortiguadores, etc.) para maximizar el rendimiento en pista del vehículo. Además, se incluye la descripción de dos modelos matemáticos fácilmente implementables en un software de cálculo (como Matlab) que simulan tanto la cinemática de un sistema de suspensión completo como la dinámica de la suspensión de un vehículo. Estos dos modelos matemáticos junto con toda la teoría descrita pretenden ser herramientas de diseño para los futuros miembros del equipo de Formula Student, ETSEIB Motorsport.
- Published
- 2019
35. Introduction to mechanism design: with computer applications
- Author
Constans, Eric, Dyer, Karl B., Constans, Eric, and Dyer, Karl B.
- Published
- 2018
36. Simulació mecánica 3D del moviment per Unity
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciències de la Computació, Escudero Bakx, Gerard, Ramírez Ramos, Noelia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciències de la Computació, Escudero Bakx, Gerard, and Ramírez Ramos, Noelia
- Abstract
La utilització de dispositius electrònics com ordinadors i tauletes tàctils a l’àmbit de l’educació és cada cop més habitual, però, no obstant, la gran majoria de recursos que ofereixen als estudiants són una base teòrica seguida d’exercicis per resoldre. Així doncs, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte de final de grau és oferir una eina que promogui la interactivitat de l’usuari per tal de reforçar un àmbit de l’educació com és el funcionament de les màquines simples, amb la intenció d’augmentar les possibilitats de resoldre i/o comprovar exercicis de palanques o plans inclinats. Per tal de portar-ho a terme, s’ha utilitzat el programa Unity en la seva modalitat de tres dimensions, el qual, junt amb Visual Studio, ha permès la programació i disseny de l’aplicació en qüestió, anomenada Màquines Simples. Per poder-la desenvolupar, ha fet falta un estudi previ de les funcionalitats dels programes, així com també s’han hagut de repassar els conceptes de programació bàsics i la física que incorporen els exercicis a resoldre.
- Published
- 2018
37. Geometric Properties of Friction in Machine Design
- Author
National Conference on Lubrication, Friction and Wear in Engineering (1980 : Melbourne, Vic.) and Waller, CE
- Published
- 1980
38. New ideas in FEA solve large models faster
- Author
Bussler, Michael
- Subjects
Finite element method ,Computer simulation ,Machinery, Kinematics of ,Business ,Engineering and manufacturing industries ,Metals, metalworking and machinery industries - Abstract
The latest event-simulation software can simulate the motion, dynamic loading and flexing stresses of an assembly of interconnected components. The behavior of an existing mechanical system such as bending, twisting, stretching, squashing and buckling, can be examined without building a prototype. Further developments in computer processors, bigger hard drives and better finite element formulations allow engineers to run comprehensive scenarios from a microcomputer., Combining motion studies with FEA software and new kinematic elements solves large models quickly without sacrificing accuracy. It wasn't long ago that limitations in hardware and finite-element software allowed only [...]
- Published
- 1999
39. An analytical consideration of multi body dynamics as applied to robotic structures
- Subjects
Manipulators (Mechanism) ,Machinery, Kinematics of ,Robotics - Abstract
M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering) This dissertation presents and explains methods for the dynamic modeling of robot like mechanisms. These mechanisms can have multiple degree of freedom joints and contain closed-chains. A new kinematic notation is proposed. The algorithms, including those used for the inverse and direct dynamics, are all based on spatial notation and a general joint model, providing a quite general, integrated and complete method for solving the dynamics of simple closed-chain mechanisms.
- Published
- 2015
40. Erratum to “A novel technique for position analysis of planar compliant mechanisms” [Mech. Machine Theory 40 (2005)1224–1239]
- Author
Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE, Correa, Jorge E., Ruíz, Óscar E., Durango, Sebastián, Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE, Correa, Jorge E., Ruíz, Óscar E., and Durango, Sebastián
- Published
- 2016
41. Análisis del acondicionamiento para un sistema de ecuaciones generado a partir de la ecuación de Freudenstein
- Author
Estrada Álvarez, John Jairo, Guerrero García, José Alberto, Estrada Álvarez, John Jairo, and Guerrero García, José Alberto
- Abstract
En este proyecto se estudian algunos de los problemas numéricos que surgen al usar la ecuación de Freudenstein en el análisis de mecanismos y estudiar experimentalmente el sistema de ecuaciones que se plantean al construir una falange proximal de un dedo antropomórfico, cuyo funcionamiento sea similar al de un homólogo humano desarrollado previamente por la referencia [1] (Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores, Junio de 2010), esto conllevo a identificar si el sistema obtenido que modela la falange proximal, pueda ser inconsistente o mal condicionado usando el algoritmo de SOR -- Con lo anterior, estudiamos de una manera Heurística el sistema para ver si es posible mejorarlo en convergencia y precisión -- En la primera parte se describe el planteamiento del problema para mostrar el uso de la ecuación de Freudenstein, posteriormente el sistema de ecuaciones obtenidas se usará con el propósito de implementar un algoritmo de aproximación a la solución numérica basadas en el método de SOR -- El trabajo se llevó a cabo utilizando la herramienta de simulación Simulink de Matlab, la cual permite investigar el comportamiento del sistema en aspectos de condicionamiento, convergencia y precisión -- Esto abre múltiples posibilidades de simular, sin incurrir en costos elevados y en problemas asociados en la construcción de un modelo físico en laboratorio -- En el trabajo no se realiza un nuevo modelo físico del dedo falange proximal, pero si debía darse como referente los resultados numéricos ya establecidos por otros autores [1] (Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores, Junio de 2010) para verificar los valores numéricos obtenidos que implementasen el algoritmo de SOR
- Published
- 2016
42. Análisis del acondicionamiento para un sistema de ecuaciones generado a partir de la ecuación de Freudenstein
- Author
Guerrero García, José Alberto and Estrada Álvarez, John Jairo
- Subjects
Ecuación de Freudenstein ,Computer-aided Design ,Iterative methods (mathematics) ,Machinery - design ,Automata ,Machine theory ,DISEÑO DE MÁQUINAS ,TEORÍA DE LAS MÁQUINAS ,Machinery, kinematics of ,Mechanical movements ,Spectral synthesis (mathematics) ,Mathematical models ,Dedo robot ,Mecanismo de cuatro barras ,Método SOR ,ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO ,ECUACIONES LINEALES ,MÉTODOS ITERATIVOS (MATEMÁTICAS) ,DISEÑO CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADOR ,Numerical calculations ,MOVIMIENTOS MECÁNICOS ,Heuristic programming ,ROBOTS ,SÍNTESIS ESPECTRAL (MATEMÁTICAS) ,MATLAB (Programa para computador) ,MODELOS MATEMÁTICOS ,PROGRAMACIÓN HEURÍSTICA ,CÁLCULO NUMÉRICO ,CINEMÁTICA DE LA MAQUINARIA ,Numerical analysis - Abstract
En este proyecto se estudian algunos de los problemas numéricos que surgen al usar la ecuación de Freudenstein en el análisis de mecanismos y estudiar experimentalmente el sistema de ecuaciones que se plantean al construir una falange proximal de un dedo antropomórfico, cuyo funcionamiento sea similar al de un homólogo humano desarrollado previamente por la referencia [1] (Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores, Junio de 2010), esto conllevo a identificar si el sistema obtenido que modela la falange proximal, pueda ser inconsistente o mal condicionado usando el algoritmo de SOR -- Con lo anterior, estudiamos de una manera Heurística el sistema para ver si es posible mejorarlo en convergencia y precisión -- En la primera parte se describe el planteamiento del problema para mostrar el uso de la ecuación de Freudenstein, posteriormente el sistema de ecuaciones obtenidas se usará con el propósito de implementar un algoritmo de aproximación a la solución numérica basadas en el método de SOR -- El trabajo se llevó a cabo utilizando la herramienta de simulación Simulink de Matlab, la cual permite investigar el comportamiento del sistema en aspectos de condicionamiento, convergencia y precisión -- Esto abre múltiples posibilidades de simular, sin incurrir en costos elevados y en problemas asociados en la construcción de un modelo físico en laboratorio -- En el trabajo no se realiza un nuevo modelo físico del dedo falange proximal, pero si debía darse como referente los resultados numéricos ya establecidos por otros autores [1] (Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores, Junio de 2010) para verificar los valores numéricos obtenidos que implementasen el algoritmo de SOR
- Published
- 2015
43. An engineer's bookshelf [Book Review]
- Published
- 1961
44. Kinematic calibration of robots and robot systems in adjoint error approach
- Author
Li, Cheng and Li, Cheng
- Abstract
Robot calibration is an effectively way to increase the absolutely accuracy, which is of vital importance for robot applications in the manufacturing industries. Product of exponentials (POE) model based kinematic calibration algorithms are praised for the simple coordinate frame setup and elimination of parameter discontinuity inherent in the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameter based methods. However, the joint twist coordinate in the POE model is not a minimal parameterization and must be normalized during identification process. Moreover, differentiation of a parameter-varying matrix exponential exists in several POE-based calibration algorithms which is computationally intensive. In this thesis, we show that by respecting the nonlinear geometry of the joint axis configuration space (ACS) as a differentiable manifold, these two disadvantages can be elegantly removed. This geometric ACS model naturally leads to a multiplicative error of the twist coordinates in the form of Adjoint transformations, hereafter referred to as the Adjoint error. We propose a new calibration algorithm based on the geometric ACS model and Adjoint error update which has the following advantages over existing approaches: (1) the ACS model illustrates intuitively the discontinuity and redundancy of both DH parameters and twist coordinates; (2) the proposed algorithm is computationally efficient with a well-structured error Jacobian matrix; (3) parameter redundancy of the joint twist coordinate can be easily removed; (4) the kinematic model and parameter update of various calibration algorithms can be conveniently transformed into our framework for a consistent comparative study. The Adjoint error approach addresses the calibration problem of robot joint axis configurations, and in this thesis we expand our algorithm to include more kinematic parameters and factors. We show that the imprecise joint pitches, reduction ratios and coupling coefficients can be successfully identified, which forms a co
- Published
- 2015
45. The design and development of a manual tool for die cutting and embossing on paper: case of study for the company MR PRINT SDN BHD in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Author
Montaña Hoyos, Carlos Alberto, Cock Lopera, Víctor Manuel, Gómez Montoya, Daniela, Montaña Hoyos, Carlos Alberto, Cock Lopera, Víctor Manuel, and Gómez Montoya, Daniela
- Abstract
MR. PRINT SDN BHD is a graphic design, printing and delivering company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia since 1993 -- This project is the result of an analysis and study made internally in MR PRINT SDN BHD, to identify the activities that present problems in terms of performance, time and cost -- The idea is to solve one of the biggest needs in one of the most important processes in the company: the die cutting and embossing activities -- The project includes the design and development of a manual machine (using human power) to do, in a faster and easier way, all the paper die cutting and embossing activities for all the client’s requests below 200 units or trial and tests runs -- The proposal is a product able to use the large inventory of embossing and die cutting molds available in the company (around 500 units); these are the same molds used in the automatic machines (when the quantity is over 200 units, high volumes) -- The requirement to use these molds came from the company and it is justified in the fact that the cost of producing one mold is considered cheap (approximately RM100 = US$25), so it is easier to get as many molds as they are going to be needed in the future depending on the work and the reference to be cut -- The development of this project is based on all the conditions and requirements given by the company -- The product specifications are the result of this process combined with the result of a research and analysis made to the market, the activities and the operators involved at the company
- Published
- 2015
46. Diseño y construcción del prototipo de un vehículo guiado automáticamente - AGV para la empresa SOFASA S.A
- Author
Osorio Gómez, Gilberto, Betancur Valencia, Esteban, Betancur Paz, Julián David, Bolívar Gómez, Jaime Alonso, Osorio Gómez, Gilberto, Betancur Valencia, Esteban, Betancur Paz, Julián David, and Bolívar Gómez, Jaime Alonso
- Abstract
El presente artículo expone el proceso de diseño y construcción de un vehículo guiado automático para la planta ensambladora de vehículos RENAULT, SOFASA S.A. -- Esta empresa acudió a la universidad EAFIT para plantear el desarrollo conjunto de la implementación del prototipo de un sistema AGV (automated guided vehicle) en la línea final de ensamble número dos, conformado por un solo vehículo -- Además se plantea realizar una investigación teniendo en cuenta las necesidades actuales de la industria local para determinar el conocimiento y la aplicabilidad de este tipo de sistemas
- Published
- 2015
47. Structural and kinematic synthesis of overconstrained mechanisms
- Author
Selvi, Özgün, Alizade, Rasim, TR46949, Izmir Institute of Technology. Mechanical Engineering, and Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Structural analysis (Engineering) ,Mechanical Engineering ,Manipulators (Mechanism) ,Machinery, Kinematics of ,Makine Mühendisliği - Abstract
Thesis (Doctoral)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2012, Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 133-140), Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and English, xiii, 140 leaves, Investigation on overconstrained mechanisms needs attention especially in the structural synthesis. Knowing overconstrained conditions and including them in the design process will help creating manipulators with less degree of freedom (DoF) and more rigidity. Also this knowledge of overconstrained conditions will clarify concept of mobility of the parallel manipulators. Another subject, kinematic synthesis of overconstrained mechanisms, is important because it will allow describing a function, path, or motion with less DoF less number of joints. The aim of this thesis is to describe a generalized approach for structural synthesis and creation of new overconstrained manipulators and to describe a potentially generalizable approach for function and motion generation synthesis of overconstrained mechanism. Moreover, screw theory is investigated as a mathematical base for defining kinematics of overconstrained mechanisms. Also, overconstrained mechanisms are investigated and generation of new mechanisms is introduced with examples. Some mathematical models for the subspace geometries are given. A method for defining overconstrained simple structural groups is introduced and extended to design of manipulators with examples and solid drawings. Linear approximation and least squares approximation methods are used for the function generation and motion generation of overconstrained 6R mechanisms. A gap of describing overconstrained manipulators is filled in the area of structural synthesis. A general methodology is described for structural synthesis, mobility and motion calculations of overconstrained manipulators using simple structural groups. A potentially generalizable method for the kinematic synthesis of overconstrained manipulators is described both for function and motion generation.
- Published
- 2012
48. Kinematic viscosity of four-stroke engine oils
- Author
Kumbįr, Vojtěch, Dostįl, Petr, Čupera, Jiří, and Sabaliauskas, Artūras
- Subjects
Mechanizmų kinematika ,Alyva ,Mechanika ,Machinery, kinematics of ,Lubricating oils ,Mechanics - Abstract
Tirtos šešios 10W-40 klampumo klasės alyvos, skirtos keturtakčiams vidaus degimo varikliams. Buvo laikomasi nuostatos, kad visos alyvos yra Niutono skysčiai, o jų srauto kreivės nenustatytos. Alyvos atšaldytos iki nulinės temperatūros, po to, keičiant temperatūrą nuo -5°C iki +115°C, buvo matuojama kinetinė klampa. Matavimai atlikti Anton Paar koncentrinio cilindro geometrijos viskozimetru. Kaip ir buvo tikėtasi, visų alyvų kinetinė klampa, kylant temperatūrai, mažėjo. Nustatyta, kad klampa nepriklauso nuo alyvos tankio. Temperatūrinė priklausomybė modeliuota pagal keletą matematinių modelių – Fogelio lygtį, Arenijaus lygtį, polinomus ir Gauso lygtį. Geriausias eksperimentinių rezultatų ir matematinio modeliavimo sutapimas gautas Gauso metodu (R2 = 0,9993). Klampos elgseną, priklausomai nuo temperatūros, būtina žinoti tiriant vidaus degimo variklių darbo efektyvumą. Six different commercially distributed four-stroke motorcycle engine oils of 10W–40 viscosity class were evaluated. Two of the oils were of semi–synthetic type, four of synthetic type. All oils were assumed to be Newtonian fluids, thus flow curves were not determined. Oils were cooled to below zero temperatures and under controlled temperature regulation kinematic viscosity (mm2.s-1) was measured in the range of –5°C and +115°C. Anton Paar digital viscometer with concentric cylinders geometry was used. In accordance with expected behavior, kinematic viscosity of all oils was decreasing with increasing temperature. Viscosity was found to be independent of oil density. Temperature dependence was modeled using several mathematical models: Vogel equation, Arrhenius equation, polynomial, and Gaussian equation. The best match between experimental and computed data was obtained for Gaussian equation (R2 =0.9993). Knowledge of viscosity behavior of an engine oil as a function of its temperature is of great importance, especially when considering running efficiency and performance of combustion engines.
- Published
- 2012
49. Diseño conceptual de un robot para la elaboración de conductos subterráneos de pequeña escala
- Author
López Restrepo, Juan Manuel, Jaramillo, Juan Manuel, and Betancur Muñóz, Javier Mauricio
- Subjects
Land mines ,Sandy soils ,Robot ,Diseño y Construcción de Robots ,PERFORACIONES ,Proyecto de Grado. Ingeniería Física ,Tuneles - Diseño y Construcción ,Excavation ,Herramientas de Perforación ,Boring ,Machine theory ,ROBOTS ,Prototype development ,Robots Industriales ,MECATRÓNICA ,TEORÍA DE LAS MÁQUINAS ,Excavaciones ,MINAS ANTIPERSONALES ,Machinery, kinematics of ,DESARROLLO DE PROTOTIPOS ,SUELOS ARENOSOS ,CINEMÁTICA DE LA MAQUINARIA ,Análisis de Suelos ,Programación de Robots - Abstract
En este trabajo se presenta el diseño conceptual de un artefacto cuya función principal es realizar túneles continuos de diámetros inferiores a los manejados por mini TBMs actualmente -- Esta función tiene asociados 3 elementos constitutivos: el proceso de ex- ´ cavación, el proceso de remoción de escombros y el proceso de estructuración interna del túnel
- Published
- 2011
50. Biokinematic analysis of human body
- Author
Gezgin, Erkin, Alizade, Rasim, TR130615, Izmir Institute of Technology. Mechanical Engineering, and Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Kinematics ,Mechanical Engineering ,Human mechanics ,Machinery, Kinematics of ,Structural analysis ,Robots--Kinematics ,Makine Mühendisliği ,Kinematic synthesis - Abstract
Thesis (Doctoral)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2011, Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 118-123), Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and English, xiii, 123 leaves, This thesis concentrates on the development of rigid body geometries by using method of intersections, where simple geometric shapes representing revolute (R) and prismatic (P) joint motions are intersected by means of desired space or subspace requirements to create specific rigid body geometries in predefined octahedral fixed frame. Using the methodical approach, space and subspace motions are clearly visualized by the help of resulting geometrical entities that have physical constraints with respect to the fixed working volume. Also, this work focuses on one of the main areas of the fundamental mechanism and machine science, which is the structural synthesis of robot manipulators by inserting recurrent screws into the theory. After the transformation unit screw equations are presented, physical representations and kinematic representations of kinematic pairs with recurrent screws are given and the new universal mobility formulations for mechanisms and manipulators are introduced. Moreover the study deals with the synthesis of mechanisms by using quaternion and dual quaternion algebra to derive the objective function. Three different methods as interpolation approximation, least squares approximation and Chebyshev approximation is introduced in the function generation synthesis procedures of spherical four bar mechanism in six precision points. Separate examples are given for each section and the results are tabulated. Comparisons between the methods are also given. As an application part of the thesis, the most important elements of the human body and skeletal system is investigated by means of their kinematic structures and degrees of freedom. At the end of each section, an example is given as a mechanism or manipulator that can represent the behavior of the related element in the human body.
- Published
- 2011
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