1. Performance measurement for UK construction projects
- Author
Meng, Kejun and Fenn, Francis
- Abstract
As construction projects become more complicated, practitioners and researchers always deliberate on performance improvement. However, it is ambiguous for the definition of performance and how to measure it. Researchers with different theoretical backgrounds develop the functional performance measurement models from independent perspectives. However, these frameworks coexist simultaneously because every framework merely studies one of the multi-facets of performance with an obscure classification principle. Through critically reviewing literature from 1987 to 2020, 17 latent variables and 54 observable factors are identified covering broad aspects including finance, operation, quality, safety, client satisfaction, and development potential. A research method is required in conjunction with purpose; therefore, a quantitative method is used in this research to proceed with theory testing underpinned by a set of epistemological foundations with a large sample size. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is justified owing to its competency in effectively imputing the relations between unobservable and observable constructs. After data collection from UK contractors, High-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (HCFA) through software named Mplus is implemented for data analysis. Model simplification, comparison and modification are determined based on the discussion of data analysis results. This research gives clear theoretical contributions by filling the research gap, which is the lack of the integrated construction project performance measurement model. HPMMCP model is developed to comprehensively consider financial and non-financial performance, internal and external stakeholders, current performance and developmental potential, for UK construction projects from the contractor perspective. In practice, utilising HPMMCP model assists the UK contractors to evaluate the to-date performance and manage stakeholders. HPMMCP model could further be coded as a plug-in of computer software to evaluate project performance automatically and momentarily. Keywords: Construction Projects; Performance Measurement; Construction Contractors; Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus; Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
- Published
- 2021