We introduce the notion of neutrosophic subbisemiring(shortly NSBS), level sets of NSBS and neutrosophic normal subbisemiring(NNSBS) of a bisemiring. The concept of neutrosophic subbisemiring is a new generalization of fuzzy subbisemiring over bisemiring. We interact the theory for (α, β) NSBS and NNSBS over bisemiring. Let A be the neutrosophic subset in S, we show that ˜̟ = (̟T A, ̟I A, ̟F A) is an NSBS of S if and only if all non empty level set ˜̟(t,s) is a subbisemiring of S for t, s ∈ [0, 1]. Let A be the NSBS of a bisemiring S and V be the strongest neutrosophic relation of S, we observe that A is an NSBS of S if and only if V is an NSBS of S × S. Let A1, A2, ..., An be the family of NSBSs of S1, S2, ..., Sn respectively. We show that A1 × A2 × ... × An is an NSBS of S1 × S2 × ... × Sn. The homomorphic image of NSBS is an NSBS. The homomorphic preimage of NSBS is an NSBS. Examples are provided to illustrate our results