77 results on '"M. Zana"'
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2. A Poet of Hezan Lodge: Mela Ehmedê Hezanî
- Author
KARAK, M. Zana, primary
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
Şeyh Şahabeddini Tilî ,Nakşibendi ,Norşin Tekyası ,Hazret ,Methiye ,Literature ,Edebiyat ,Şêx Şehabeddînê Tîlî ,Neqşebendî ,Tekyaya Norşînê ,Hezret ,Medhîye - Abstract
Şeyh Şahabeddin Tîlî, devrinin âlim, mutasavvıf ve müderislerindendir. Şeyh Şahabeddin Muş’un Korkut (Til) ilçesinde doğdu ve 19. yüzyılda Osmanlının son döneminde yaşamıştır. Şeyh Şahabeddin'in ailesi önce Kadiri Tarikatına mensup idi, ardından Nakşibendi Tarikatı'na geçmiştir. Babasının ölümünden sonra Şeyh Şahabeddin, kadılık görevinden ayrılıp Norşin'e giderek Şeyh Abdurrahman Tahi'nin müridi olmuştur. Şeyh Şahabeddin, Hazret seyr ve sülükünü tamamlayıncaya kadar Norşin Medresesi'nde müderislik yapmıştır.Şeyh Şahabeddin, Şeyh Abdürrahman Tahi'nin yanında seyr ve sülüke başlamış, ancak Tahi'nin vefatından sonra Tahi’nin oğlu Hazret’e bağlanmıştır. Bu nedenle Şeyh Şahabeddin, Hazret'in ilk halifesi olmuştur.Şeyh Şahabeddin, Nakşibendi halifeliğini elde ettikten sonra Korkut ve Muş çevresinde irşat vazifesini yerine getirmiştir. Ardında tek halife bırakan Şeyh Şahabeddin 1326/1908 yılında vefat etmiş olup mezarı Muş Korkut’tadır.Elimizdeki bilgilere göre Şeyh Şahabeddin'in herhangi bir eseri bulunmamaktadır veya adına herhangi bir eser yayımlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmamızda onun henüz yayımlanmamış bir şiiri üzerinde durulacaktır. Bu eserle onun edebi yönü tanınacak ve bu methiyesi edebiyattaki yerini alacaktır. Bu çalışmada sözkonusu şiir şekil ve muhteva açısından değerlendirip, transkripsiyonlu metni ile birlikte el yazmaları da sunulacaktır. Bu çalışma ile Nakşibendi-Halidilik çerçevesinde tasavvufi yanıyla birlikte edebi yönü de açıklığa kavuşturulacaktır., Şêx Şehabeddînê Tîlî alim, mitesewif û miderisekî serdema xwe bûye. Di sedsala 19em de di heyama dawî ya Osmanî de jîyaye. Şêx Şehabeddîn li navçeya Tîla Mûşê hatiye dunyayê. Malbata Şêx Şehabeddîn pêşî Qadîrî bûye û paşê bi malbatî derbasî Terîqeta Neqşebendîyê bûne. Şêx Şehabeddîn piştî wefata bavê xwe dev ji wezîfeya qadîtîyê berdaye û çûye Norşînê û bûye pêgirîyê Şêx Ebdurrehmanê Taxî. Şêx Şehabeddîn heta Hezret seyr û silûka xwe qedandiye, li medreseya Norşînê jî muderîsî kiriye.Şêx Şehabeddîn li ba Şêx Ebdirrehmanê Taxî dest bi seyr û silûkê kiriye, lê piştî wefata Taxî întîsabî kurê wî Hezret kiriye û xelîfetî jî ji wî wergirtiye. Lewra Şêx Şehabeddîn bûye xelîfeyê ewil ê Hezret. Şêx Şehabeddîn piştî bidestxistina xîlafeta terîqeta Neqşebendîyê li Tîl û derdora Mûşê wezîfeya îrşadê jî kiriye. Şêx Şehabeddîn li pey xwe tenê xelîfeyek hiştiye û di sala 1326/1908an de de wefat kiriye û gora wî li Tîla Mûşê ye.Li gorî agahîyên li ber destê me ti berhemên Şêx Şehabeddîn tune ye an jî li ser navê wî ti berhem nehatiye weşandin. Di vê xebatê de em ê li ser helbesteke wî ku heta niha nehatiye weşandin bisekinin. Bi vê xebatê dê helbestnûsîya wî bê zanîn û ev medhîyeya wî jî dê di lîteratûrê de cihê xwe bigire. Em ê di vê xebatê de vê helbestê ji alîyê ruxsarî û naverokî ve binirxînin û ligel destxetê metna transkirîbekirî pêşkêş bikin. Bi vê lêkolînê di çarçoveya Neqşebendîtîya Xalidîtîyê de ligel alîyê wî yê tesewifî dê alîyê wî yê edebî jî bê zelalkirin.
- Published
- 2022
4. Poetry of Sheikh Ziyaeddine Norşini (Hezret)
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- Abstract
Şeyh Muhammed Ziyaeddin (Hazret), Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerinde yaşamış önemli müderis ve âlimlerden biridir. Ziyaeddin, 1856 yılında Bitlis’e bağlı Hizan ilçesinde dünyaya gelmiş ve “Hazret” lakabıyla tanınmıştır. Ziyaeddin ilk eğitimini babası Şeyh Abdurrahman-ı Tahi'nin (ö. 1886) yanında almış, daha sonra Şeyh Fethullah-ı Verkanısi (ö. 1899) gibi ünlü âlimlerin yanında eğitimine devam etmiş ve Şeyh Fethullah-ı Verkanısi’den hilafetini almıştır. Şeyh Fethullah 1889'da Hazreti irşadla görevlendirmiş, Hazret de Bitlis ve çevresinde irşada başlamış, daha sonra Norşin Dergahı postnişiniliğini de yapmıştır. Ziyaeddin, Halidî Nakşibendi tarikatı silsilesinde önemli bir yere sahip olup birçok kişiye ilim ve tarikat icazeti vermiştir. Norşinli Şeyh Muhammed Ziyaeddin Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nda gönüllü birliklerle Ruslara karşı savaşmış ve bir kolunu kaybederek gazi olmuştur. Ayrıca kardeşleri Muhammed Said ve Muhammed Eşref de bu savaşta şehit düşmüşlerdir. Şeyh Muhammed Ziyaeddin 1924 yılında vefat etmiş ve Norşinde medfundur. Elimizdeki bilgilere göre mektuplarından oluşan eseri Mektubat adıyla yayımlanmıştır. Şimdiye kadar bu şiiri literatüre girmemişti ve Hazret’in şairliğine dair hiçbir şey bilinmiyordu. Bu çalışmamızda onun henüz yayımlanmamış bir şiiri üzerine durulacaktır. Bu çalışmamızda bu şiiri şekil ve muhteva açısından değerlendirip, şiirin transkripsiyonlu metni ve elyazmasını birlikte sunacağız. Bu çalışma ile Ziyaeddin’in Nakşi Halidilik çerçevesinde edebi ve tasavvufi yönleri ortaya çıkarılacaktır.
- Published
- 2022
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KARAK, M. Zana, primary
- Published
- 2022
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6. Norşinli Şeyh Ziyaeddin’ın (Hazret) Şairliği
- Author
KARAK, M. Zana, primary
- Published
- 2022
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7. P14-16 Application of various human in vitro systems for the confirmation of cellular targets and the molecular toxicity of glutathione conjugates of Trichloroethylene
- Author
L. Capinha, Y. Zhang, A.-K. Holzer, A.-K. Ückert, M. Zana, C. Murphy, Z. Mazidi, J. Grillari, J.N.M. Commandeur, A. Dinnyes, B. van der Water, M. Leist, and P. Jennings
- Subjects
General Medicine ,Toxicology - Published
- 2022
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- Author
KARAK, M. Zana
- Subjects
Neqşebendî,Tekyaya Hezanê,Şêx Mistefayê Sîsî,Feyzî,Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî ,Naqshebendi,Tekya Hezan,Sheikh Mustafa Sisi,Faizi,Sheikh Abdulqadir Hazani ,Nakşibendilik,Hezan Dergahı,Şêx Mistefayê Sîsî,Feyzî,Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî ,Literature ,Edebiyat - Abstract
Şêx Mistefayê Sîsî (Feyzî) Osmanlı’nın son dönem müderis ve alimlerindendir. Feyzî 1848 yılında Diyarbekir’ın Lice ilçesinin Sis (Yolçatı) köyünde dünyaya gelmiştir. Medrese tahsilinden sonra ilmi icazetini Seydayê Licîden ve tasavuf-tarikat icazetini de Hezan Dergahı şeyhi Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî’den almıştır. Şêx Mistefa irşad için şeyhi tarafından görevlendirildikten sonra o da 1899da Sîs köyünden Karakoçan’ın Qewman (Yücekonak) köyüne yerleşir ve bölgede yıllarca irşad görevini yerine getirmiştir. Fakat mürşidine olan hasreti ve ayrılık acısı da etkisini gösterir, çünkü şeyhinden ayrılmıştır. Şeyhine olan sevgisini ve ayrılık acısını medhiye ve mersiyelerle dile getirmiştir. Eldeki verilere göre şimdiye kadar üç şiiri yayınlanmıştır. Şimdiye kadar yayımlanmamış Feyzi mahlasıyla iki yeni şiiri elimize geçmiştir ve bu çalışmamızın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu iki şiirini şekil ve içerik yönünden değerlendirip elyazmalarıyla birlikte transkiripsiyonlu metinlerini vereceğiz. Bu çalışmayla Feyzî’nin Nakşıbendiliğin Halidilik kolu çerçevesindeki edebi ve tasavvufi yönü de daha fazla ortaya çıkmış olacaktır., Şêx Mistefayê Sîsî (Feyzî) is one of the late Ottoman professors and scholars. Feyzî was born in 1848 in Sis (Yolçatı) village of Lice district of Diyarbekir. After graduating from the madrasa, he received his scientific license from Seydayê Licî. He received his Sufism-tarikat license from Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî in the Hezan Lodge. After Şêx Mistefa was appointed by his sheik for guidance, he settled in the Qewman (Yücekonak) village of Karakoçan from the village of Sîs in 1899 and fulfilled his mission of guidance in the region for years. However, his longing for his master and the pain of separation also show their effect, because he separated from his sheikh. He expressed his love for his sheikh and the pain of separation with eulogy and elegies.According to the available data, three of his poems have been published so far. Two new poems under the pseudonym Feyzi, which have not been published until now, have come to our hands and this constitutes the subject of our study. In this study, we will evaluate these two poems in terms of form and content and give their transcripted texts together with their manuscripts. With this study, the literary and mystical aspects of Feyzî within the framework of the Halidi branch of Naqshbandi will be revealed more., Şêx Mistefayê Sîsî (Feyzî) alim û miderîsekî heyama dawî ya Osmanî ye. Feyzî di 1848an de li gundê Sîsa Licêya Diyarbekirê hatiye dunyayê. Piştî perwerdeya medreseyê îcazeta ilmê ji Seydayê Licî û ya terîq-tesewifê jî ji postnişînê Tekyaya Hezanê ji Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî wergirtiye. Şêx Mistefa piştî ku şêxê wî wezîfeya belavkirina irşadê dide wî ew jî di 1899an de ji Sîsê diçe gundê Qewmana Depê û li wê herêmê bi salan irşadê dike, lêbelê êşa firqet û hesreta murşîdê wî jî tesîra xwe nîşan dide, lewra ji şêxê xwe veqetîyaye. Ev êşa veqetînê û hezkirina li dijî şêxê xwe bi rêya medhîye û mersîyeyan anîye ziman. Li gorî agahîyên ber dest heta niha sê helbestên wî hatine weşandin. Du helbestên wî yên bi mexlesa “Feyzî” ku nehatine weşandin ketin destê me û bûne mijara vê xebata me. Em ê di vê xebatê de van her du helbestan ji alîyê ruxsarî û naverokî ve binirxînin û ligel destxetên wan metna wan ya transkirîbekirî pêşkêş bikin. Bi vê lêkolîna di çarçoveya Neqşebendîtîya Xalidîtîyê de dê alîyê wî yê edebî û tesewifî jî zelaltir bibe.
- Published
- 2021
9. Helbesteke Nûpeyda ya Feqîyê Teyran
- Author
KARAK, M. Zana
- Subjects
Feqîyê Teyran,dîwan,edebîyata kurdî,xezela mu‘ad,xezela musemmet ,Feqîyê Teyran,Divan,Kurdish Classical Literature,Ghazal-i Muad,Musammat Ghazal ,Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary ,Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası - Abstract
Feqîyê Teyran is one of the 16th-century Kurdish literature poets and has many Kurdish poems. After his death, his divan was compiled from his poems that were brought together. In this study, we will introduce a manuscript of his poem with its transcription, which is unknown and unpublished until now. At the same time, this poem will take its place in Kurdish literature and Feqîyê Teyran's Divan will mature a little more with this poem.In this article, this poem will be analyzed in terms of form and content. Among the features of this newly found poem, the literary rhetorics of tesmit(internal rhyme) and i’ade stand out more. Therefore, this poem is called ghazal-i muad in terms of literary rhetorics. According to the form and rhyme scheme of the poem, this poem is a musammat ghazal, and in terms of content, it is a me’şuq ghazal and a ghazal that was written for the beloved., Feqîyê Teyran yek ji helbestkarên edebîyata Kurdî yê sedsala 16em e û gelek helbestên wî yên Kurdî hene. Dîwana wî piştî jîyana wî ji helbestên wî yên belawela hatiye berhevkirin. Di vê xebatê de jî em ê helbesteke wî ku heta niha nehatiye zanîn û belavkirin tevî destxet û transkirîpsîyona wê pêşkêş bikin û helbestê bidin nasandin. Bi vê xebatê dê ev helbest jî têkeve nav edebîyata Kurdî û dê Dîwana Feqîjî kamiltir bibe. Di vê xebatê de dê ev helbest ji alîyê ruxsarî û naverokî ve were nirxandin. Di nav taybetîyên vê helbesta nûpeyda de hunerên tesmît û î‘adeyê ber bi çav in. Ji ber vê yekê li gorî hunerên edebî ev helbest xezela mu‘ad e, li gorî teşe û şêweya serwabendîyê xezela musemmet e û li gorî naveroka xwe jî xezela ji bo maşûqê ya cureyaxezela pak (xezela ‘aşiqane) e. , , .
- Published
- 2021
10. Corrigendum to: 'Extreme ultraviolet transient gratings: A tool for nanoscale photoacoustics' [Photoacoustics 29 (2023) 100453]
- Author
L. Foglia, R. Mincigrucci, A.A. Maznev, G. Baldi, F. Capotondi, F. Caporaletti, R. Comin, D. De Angelis, R.A. Duncan, D. Fainozzi, G. Kurdi, J. Li, A. Martinelli, C. Masciovecchio, G. Monaco, A. Milloch, K.A. Nelson, C.A. Occhialini, M. Pancaldi, E. Pedersoli, J.S. Pelli-Cresi, A. Simoncig, F. Travasso, B. Wehinger, M. Zanatta, and F. Bencivenga
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Acoustics. Sound ,QC221-246 ,Optics. Light ,QC350-467 - Published
- 2024
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- Author
KARAK, M. Zana
- Subjects
Şêx Mihemed Selîm,Qesîde,Tekyaya Hezanê,Alîyê Edebî,Neqşîbendî,Tesewif,Şêx Mihemed Selîm,Qesîde,Tekyaya Hezanê,Alîyê Edebî,Neqşîbendî,Tesewif ,Literature ,Poetry ,Edebiyat ,Şêx Mihemed Selîm,Kaside,Hezan Dergahı,Edebi Yönü,Nakşibendi,Tasavvuf ,Şiir - Abstract
Şêx Mihemed Selîmê Hezanî, Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî’nin oğludur ve o da Mela Ebdillahê Hîzanî Semerşêxî’nin oğludur. Şêx Mihemed Selîm babasıyla birlikte Liceya bağlı Hezan mıntıkasına yerleşmişler ve orada medrese açarak Hezan dergahının postnişinliğini yapmışlardır. Şêx Selîm, Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn’in halifesidir ve yıllarca Nakşibendi tarikatı için çalışmıştır. Hem ilim tahsilini hem de tasavvuf amelini Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddînê Norşînî’nin yanında almış ve ondan tarikat-tasavvuf icazetini almıştır. Şêx Selîm hicrî 1299 (miladi 1881/1882) yılında Mavende dünyaya gelmiş ve 63 yaşında Hezan’da vefat etmiştir. İlmi ve tasavvufi yanı sıra edebi yönü de güçlüdür. Şêx Selîm, Selîm mahlasıyla bir kaside de kaleme almıştır. Kaside şeyhi Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn (Hazret) üzerine yazılmıştır. Bu çalışmada bizim tarafımızdan tespit edilen bu kasidesi üzerine durulacaktır. Bu yegane kasidesi 27 beyitten meydana gelmektedir ve ilk defa bir bütün olarak burda sunulacaktır. Şiir metnini elyazmasıyla birlikte verip kasideyi şekil ve içerik yönünden de incelenecektir., Kurte Şêx Mihemed Selîmê Hezanî lawê Şêx Ebdilqadirê Hezanî ye û nevîyê Mela Ebdillahê Hîzanî Semerşêxî ye. Şêx Mihemed Selîm bi bavê xwe re li Hezana Licê bi cî bûye, li wir medrese vekirine û postnişînîya Tekyaya Hezanê kirine. Şêx Selîm xelîfeyê Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn e û bi salan ji bo terîqeta Neqşebendîtîyê xebitîye. Hem emelê xwe yê ilmî, hem jî emelê xwe yê tesewifî li cem Şêxê Norşînê yê navdar ji Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn (Hezret) girtiye û îcazeta xwe ya terîqet-tesewifî jî jê wergirtiye. Şêx Selîmê Hezanî di sala 1866an de li Memana yek ji gundê Rojkana Bûlaniqa Mûşê hatiye dinyayê û di 1936an de, di 70 salîya xwe de jî li Hezana Liceyê wefat kiriye. Ji bilî alîyê wî yê ʿilmî û tesewifî alîyê wî yê edebî jî xurt e. Şêx Mihemed Selîm bi mexlesa ‘Selîm’ qesîdeyek jî nivîsîye. Ev qesîdeya wî mersîyeyeke li ser şêxê wî Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn e. Di vê xebatê de dê li ser vê qesîdeya wî ku ji alîyê me ve hatiye tesbîtkirin bê rawestîn. Ev qesîdeya wî ya tekane ku ji 27 malikan pêk tê cara ewil bi tevahî li vê derê dê bê pêşkêşkirin. Ligel pêşkêşkirina metn û destxeta wê dê qesîde ji alîyê ruxsarî û naverokî ve jî bê nirxandin. Herweha li gorî belgeyên dîrokî ku nû hatine dîtin dê jiyana Şêx Selîm û raborîya wî jî bê pêşkêşkirin.Peyvên Sereke: Şêx Mihemed Selîm, Şêx Mihemed Diyaeddîn, Qesîde, Mersîye, Tekyaya Hezanê, Neqşîbendî, Tesewif, Sheikh Mihemed Selîmê Hezanî is the son of Sheikh Ebdilqadirê Hezanî who is son of Mela Ebdillahê Hîzanî Semerşêx. Şêx Mihemed Selîm and his father settled in the Hezan town of Lice and opened a madrasah there to post-nischined (leading) the Hezan House. Sheikh Selîm is the caliph of Sheikh Mihemed Diyaeddin and worked for the Naqshbandi sect for many years. He received both his science education and his mysticism practice with Sheikh Mihemed Diyaeddînê Norşînî and received his sect-mysticism license from him. Sheikh Selîm was born in Meman, one of the Rojkan villages of Muş Bulanık, in 1866 and died in Hezan village of Lice in 1936 at the age of 70. In addition to his scientific and mystical aspects, he is also strong in literature. Sheikh Selîm also wrote an ode under the pen name 'Selim'. It was written on Sheikh Mihemed Diyaeddin (Hazrat) who was the sheikh of the eulogy. In this study, we will focus on this eulogy that was determined by us. This unique eulogy consists of 27 couplets and will be presented as a whole here for the first time. The text of the poem will be given together with the handwriting and the eulogy will be examined in terms of form and content. Likewise, information about Sheikh Selîm's life and past will be presented with the new historical documents we have received.Keywords: Sheikh Mihemed Selîm, Sheikh Mihemed Diyaeddîn, Eulogy, Mersiye, Hezan Lodge, Naqshbandi, Sufism
- Published
- 2021
12. Human iPSC-based 3D-Neurosphere Assays for the detection of Developmental Neurotoxicity
- Author
Julianna Kobolák, M. Zana, András Dinnyés, T. Bellak, Anita Fehér, M. Bodi-Jakus, and Z. Janstova
- Subjects
Developmental neurotoxicity ,Neurosphere ,General Medicine ,Biology ,Toxicology ,Neuroscience - Published
- 2021
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13. An in vitro harmonized strategy to assess the toxicity of chemicals using multiple human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived models
- Author
Maxime Culot, M. Zana, Sara Wellens, Thomas Exner, Johannes Grillari, Paul Jennings, Cormac Murphy, C. Nunes, Z. Mazidi, Pranika Singh, András Dinnyés, Catherine M. Verfaillie, S. Ghosh, A. Bourguignon, and Marie-Gabrielle Zurich
- Subjects
Toxicity ,General Medicine ,Biology ,Toxicology ,Induced pluripotent stem cell ,In vitro ,Cell biology - Published
- 2021
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14. Mulemma and Forms of Mulemma in Classical Kurdish Literature
- Author
KARAK, M. Zana and BİŞAROĞLU, Seher
- Subjects
Mulemma,definition,classification,Classical Kurdish Literature ,Mulemme‘,pênase,tesnîf,şêwe,Edebîyata Kurdî ya Klasîk ,Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary ,Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası - Abstract
Di edebîyata klasîk a rojhilatî de mulemme‘ xwedî dîrokeke kevin e û nimûneyênwê yên ewil di sedsala 10em de tên xuyakirin. Helbestên bi terza mulemme‘ê diedebîyata Erebî, Farisî û Tirkî de gelek hatine nivîsîn. Kurd jî yek ji gelên Rojhilatîne û di edebîyata Kurdî ya klasîk de jî mulemme‘ cihekî girîng digire. Li gorîagahîyên ber dest di edebîyata Kurdî de jî ji sedsala 16em heta roja me mulemme‘êntam hatine nivîsîn. Dîsa li gorî agahîyên li ber dest yekem mulemme‘a tam a Kurdîji alîyê Hemîdî ve hatiye nivîsîn û piştî wî gelek şairên Kurd bi şêweyên cur bi curhelbestên mulemme‘ nivîsîne.Di vê xebatê de di edebîyata Îslamî de ango di edebîyatên zimanên cîran (Erebî,Farisî û Tirkî) de derbarê dîroka mulemme‘ê de agahî hatin dayîn û ji edebîyatêncîranan hin nimûne hatin pêşkêşkirin. Di serî de li ser pênaseya mulemme‘ê ûpaşê derbarê dîroka wê de agahî hatin dayîn. Çarçoveya mulemme‘ê tam û noqsanû sînorê mulemme‘ê yê bi telmî‘ê re ji nû ve hat nirxandin. Derbarê tesnîfamulemme‘ê û şêweyên wê yên di edebîyata Kurdî de bi berfirehî agahî hatin dayîn.Di edebîyata Kurdî de li gorî mînak û daneyên ber dest ji alîyê avakirinê ve analîzekli ser mulemme‘an hate kirin. Herweha mînakên şêweyên mulemme‘an jî hatintesbîtkirin û ev tesbît û tesnîfa wan jî hatin pêşkêşkirin., Mulemma which is a poetry genre has a historical background in classical Easternliteratures and its first examples date back to the 10th century. Mulemma-shapedpoems have been widely written by poets in Arab, Persian and Turkish literatures.Since the Kurds are also a part of Eastern literature, mulamma poems have an importantplace in classical Kurdish literature as well. According to the sources wehave, the first examples of full mulammas in classical Kurdish literature date backto the 16th century. Again, according to the sources we have, the first completemulamma example in classical Kurdish literature was written by Mela Mehmûd(Hemîdî) and many Kurdish poets wrote poems in different forms after Hemîdî.This study focuses on the history of mulamma and some examples of Islamic literature(Arabic, Persian and Turkish literatures). In addition, the history of mulammain classical Kurdish literature was emphasized. In this study, firstly the definition ofmulamma was emphasized and examples of Kurdish mulamma written until todaywere analyzed and classified. Mulemmas were examined according to their structures.Some examples on this subject were given. The framework of the complete andincomplete mulammas and the boundary with the telmi‘ were re-evaluated.
- Published
- 2020
15. Fuzûlî’nın Pertew Begê Hekkarî Üzerindeki Etkisi Ve Örnek Olarak “Olmasun Yâ Rab” Redifli Gazeli
- Author
KARAK, M. Zana, primary
- Published
- 2021
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16. Airborne investigation of black carbon interaction with low-level, persistent, mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic summer
- Author
M. Zanatta, S. Mertes, O. Jourdan, R. Dupuy, E. Järvinen, M. Schnaiter, O. Eppers, J. Schneider, Z. Jurányi, and A. Herber
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Aerosol–cloud interaction is considered one of the largest sources of uncertainty in radiative forcing estimations. To better understand the role of black carbon (BC) aerosol as a cloud nucleus and the impact of clouds on its vertical distribution in the Arctic, we report airborne in situ measurements of BC particles in the European Arctic near Svalbard during the “Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day” (ACLOUD) campaign held in the summer of 2017. BC was measured with a single-particle soot photometer aboard the Polar 6 research aircraft from the lowest atmospheric layer up to approximately 3500 m a.s.l (metres above sea level). During in-cloud flight transects, BC particles contained in liquid droplets (BC residuals) were sampled through a counterflow virtual impactor (CVI) inlet. Four flights, conducted in the presence of low-level, surface-coupled, inside-inversion, and mixed-phase clouds over sea ice, were selected to address the variability in BC above, below, and within the cloud layer. First, the increase in size and coating thickness of BC particles from the free troposphere to the cloud-dominated boundary layer confirmed that ground observations were not representative of upper atmospheric layers. Second, although only 1 % of liquid droplets contained a BC particle, the higher number concentration of BC residuals than BC particles sampled below cloud indicated that the totality of below-cloud BC was activated by nucleation scavenging but also that alternative scavenging processes such as the activation of free-tropospheric BC at the cloud top might occur. Third, the efficient exchange of aerosol particles at cloud bottom was confirmed by the similarity of the size distribution of BC residuals and BC particles sampled below cloud. Last, the increase in the BC residual number concentration (+31 %) and geometric mean diameter (+38 %) from the cloud top to the cloud bottom and the absolute enrichment in larger BC residuals compared with outside of the cloud supported the hypothesis of concomitant scavenging mechanisms but also suggested the formation of BC agglomerates caused by cloud processing. The vertical evolution of BC properties from inside the cloud and below the cloud indicated an efficient aerosol exchange at cloud bottom, which might include activation, cloud processing, and sub-cloud release of processed BC agglomerates. In the case of persistent low-level Arctic clouds, this cycle may reiterate multiple times, adding an additional degree of complexity to the understanding of cloud processing of BC particles in the Arctic.
- Published
- 2023
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17. Exploring the path of Mediterranean diet on 10-year incidence ofcardiovascular disease: The ATTICA study (2002-2012)
- Author
Panagiotakos, D.B. Georgousopoulou, E.N. Pitsavos, C. Chrysohoou, C. Skoumas, I. Pitaraki, E. Georgiopoulos, G.A. Ntertimani, M. Christou, A. Stefanadis, C. Skoumas, Y. Katinioti, N. Papadimitriou, L. Masoura, C. Vellas, S. Lentzas, Y. Kambaxis, M. Palliou, K. Metaxa, V. Ntzouvani, A. Mpougatsas, D. Skourlis, N. Papanikolaou, C. Kouli, G.-M. Zana, A. Kalogeropoulou, A. Laskaris, A. Hatzigeorgiou, M. Grekas, A. Vassiliadou, C. Dedoussis, G. Toutouza-Giotsa, M. Tselika, C. Poulopoulou, S. Toutouza, M. The ATTICA Study Group
- Abstract
Background and aims: A Mediterranean diet has been associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality, but the clinical and behavioral pathway has not been well understood and appreciated. The aim of this work was to explore the path between adherence to a Mediterranean-type diet, lifestyle behaviors, clinical status, and a 10-year incidence of CVD. Methods and results: The ATTICA study was carried out in the Athens area during 2001-2002 and included 3042 participants free of CVD at baseline (49.8% men, aged 18-89). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was assessed using the MedDietScore (range 0-55). During 2011-2012, 2583 out of the 3042 participants were found during the 10-year follow-up (15% lost to follow-up). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet decreased CVD risk (relative Risk (RR) per 1/55 unit = 0.96, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.93, 1.00), independently of various sociodemographic, lifestyle, and clinical factors. Subgroup analyses revealed that participants with an unhealthy lifestyle (i.e., smokers, and obese and sedentary persons) remained protected from CVD through a greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet (RR for smokers = 0.92, 95%CI: 0.88, 0.97; RR for obese participants = 0.90, 95%CI: 0.82, 0.979; and RR for sedentary participants = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.90, 0.99). Path analysis revealed that adherence to a Mediterranean diet not only decreases the levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 but also has an independent protective role against CVD risk per se (total effect of the MedDietScore on CVD = -0.003, 95%CI: -0.005 to 0.000). Conclusion: Adherence to a Mediterranean diet confers a considerable reduction on CVD risk, independent of various factors. Therefore, even subjects with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors may benefit from adherence to this diet, suggesting another dimension to prevention strategies. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
- Published
- 2015
18. Extreme ultraviolet transient gratings: A tool for nanoscale photoacoustics
- Author
L. Foglia, R. Mincigrucci, A.A. Maznev, G. Baldi, F. Capotondi, F. Caporaletti, R. Comin, D. De Angelis, R.A. Duncan, D. Fainozzi, G. Kurdi, J. Li, A. Martinelli, C. Masciovecchio, G. Monaco, A. Milloch, K.A. Nelson, C.A. Occhialini, M. Pancaldi, E. Pedersoli, J.S. Pelli-Cresi, A. Simoncig, F. Travasso, B. Wehinger, M. Zanatta, and F. Bencivenga
- Subjects
Transient grating ,Nanoscale ,Phototermal ,Photoacoustics ,Free electron lasers ,Extreme ultraviolet ,Physics ,QC1-999 ,Acoustics. Sound ,QC221-246 ,Optics. Light ,QC350-467 - Abstract
Collective lattice dynamics determine essential aspects of condensed matter, such as elastic and thermal properties. These exhibit strong dependence on the length-scale, reflecting the marked wavevector dependence of lattice excitations. The extreme ultraviolet transient grating (EUV TG) approach has demonstrated the potential of accessing a wavevector range corresponding to the 10s of nm length-scale, representing a spatial scale of the highest relevance for fundamental physics and forefront technology, previously inaccessible by optical TG and other inelastic scattering methods. In this manuscript we report on the capabilities of this technique in the context of probing thermoelastic properties of matter, both in the bulk and at the surface, as well as discussing future developments and practical considerations.
- Published
- 2023
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19. Arctic black carbon during PAMARCMiP 2018 and previous aircraft experiments in spring
- Author
S. Ohata, M. Koike, A. Yoshida, N. Moteki, K. Adachi, N. Oshima, H. Matsui, O. Eppers, H. Bozem, M. Zanatta, and A. B. Herber
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Vertical profiles of the mass concentration of black carbon (BC) were measured at altitudes up to 5 km during the PAMARCMiP (Polar Airborne Measurements and Arctic Regional Climate Model simulation Project) aircraft-based field experiment conducted around the northern Greenland Sea (Fram Strait) during March and April 2018 from operation base Station Nord (81.6∘ N, 16.7∘ W). Median BC mass concentrations in individual altitude ranges were 7–18 ng m−3 at standard temperature and pressure at altitudes below 4.5 km. These concentrations were systematically lower than previous observations in the Arctic in spring, conducted by ARCTAS-A in 2008 and NETCARE in 2015, and similar to those observed during HIPPO3 in 2010. Column amounts of BC for altitudes below 5 km in the Arctic (>66.5∘ N; COLBC), observed during the ARCTAS-A and NETCARE experiments, were higher by factors of 4.2 and 2.7, respectively, than those of the PAMARCMiP experiment. These differences could not be explained solely by the different locations of the experiments. The year-to-year variation of COLBC values generally corresponded to that of biomass burning activities in northern midlatitudes over western and eastern Eurasia. Furthermore, numerical model simulations estimated the year-to-year variation of contributions from anthropogenic sources to be smaller than 30 %–40 %. These results suggest that the year-to-year variation of biomass burning activities likely affected BC amounts in the Arctic troposphere in spring, at least in the years examined in this study. The year-to-year variations in BC mass concentrations were also observed at the surface at high Arctic sites Ny-Ålesund and Utqiaġvik (formerly known as Barrow, the location of Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory), although their magnitudes were slightly lower than those in COLBC. Numerical model simulations in general successfully reproduced the observed COLBC values for PAMARCMiP and HIPPO3 (within a factor of 2), whereas they markedly underestimated the values for ARCTAS-A and NETCARE by factors of 3.7–5.8 and 3.3–5.0, respectively. Because anthropogenic contributions account for nearly all of the COLBC (82 %–98 %) in PAMARCMiP and HIPPO3, the good agreement between the observations and calculations for these two experiments suggests that anthropogenic contributions were generally well reproduced. However, the significant underestimations of COLBC for ARCTAS-A and NETCARE suggest that biomass burning contributions were underestimated. In this study, we also investigated plumes with enhanced BC mass concentrations, which were affected by biomass burning emissions, observed at 5 km altitude. Interestingly, the mass-averaged diameter of BC (core) and the shell-to-core diameter ratio of BC-containing particles in the plumes were generally not very different from those in other air samples, which were considered to be mostly aged anthropogenic BC. These observations provide a useful basis to evaluate numerical model simulations of the BC radiative effect in the Arctic region in spring.
- Published
- 2021
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20. Technical note: Sea salt interference with black carbon quantification in snow samples using the single particle soot photometer
- Author
M. Zanatta, A. Herber, Z. Jurányi, O. Eppers, J. Schneider, and J. P. Schwarz
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
After aerosol deposition from the atmosphere, black carbon (BC) takes part in the snow albedo feedback contributing to the modification of the Arctic radiative budget. With the initial goal of quantifying the concentration of BC in the Arctic snow and subsequent climatic impacts, snow samples were collected during the research vessel (R/V) Polarstern expedition of PASCAL (Physical Feedbacks of Arctic Boundary Layer, Sea Ice, Cloud and Aerosol; Polarstern cruise 106) in the sea-ice-covered Fram Strait in early summer 2017. The refractory BC (rBC) content was then measured in the laboratory of the Alfred Wegener Institute with the single particle soot photometer (SP2). Based on the strong observational correlations between both rBC concentration and rBC diameter with snow salinity, we hypothesize a salt-induced matrix effect interfering with the SP2 analysis. This paper evaluates the impact of sea salt, based on the measurement of electrical conductivity (κ) in water samples, on rBC measurements made with a SP2 nebulizer technique. Under realistic salinity conditions, laboratory experiments indicated a dramatic six-fold reduction in observed rBC concentration with increasing salinity. In the salinity conditions tested in the present work (salt concentration below 0.4 g L−1) the impact of salt on the nebulization of water droplets might be negligible. However, the SP2 mass detection efficiency systematically decreased with increasing salinity, with the smaller rBC particles being preferentially undetected. The high concentration of suspended salt particles and the formation of thick salt coatings on rBC cores caused problems in the SP2 analog-to-digital conversion of the signal and incandescence quenching, respectively. Changes to the signal acquisition parameters and the laser power of the SP2 improved the mass detection efficiency, which, nonetheless, stayed below unity. The present work provides evidence that a high concentration of sea salt undermines the quantification of rBC in snow performed with the SP2 nebulizer system described here. This interference has not been previously reported and might affect the future such analysis of rBC particles in snow collected, especially over sea ice or coastal regions strongly affected by sea salt deposition.
- Published
- 2021
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21. Comparison of co-located refractory black carbon (rBC) and elemental carbon (EC) mass concentration measurements during field campaigns at several European sites
- Author
R. E. Pileci, R. L. Modini, M. Bertò, J. Yuan, J. C. Corbin, A. Marinoni, B. Henzing, M. M. Moerman, J. P. Putaud, G. Spindler, B. Wehner, T. Müller, T. Tuch, A. Trentini, M. Zanatta, U. Baltensperger, and M. Gysel-Beer
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Environmental engineering ,TA170-171 ,Earthwork. Foundations ,TA715-787 - Abstract
The mass concentration of black carbon (BC) particles in the atmosphere has traditionally been quantified with two methods: as elemental carbon (EC) concentrations measured by thermal–optical analysis and as equivalent black carbon (eBC) concentrations when BC mass is derived from particle light absorption coefficient measurements. Over the last decade, ambient measurements of refractory black carbon (rBC) mass concentrations based on laser-induced incandescence (LII) have become more common, mostly due to the development of the Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) instrument. In this work, EC and rBC mass concentration measurements from field campaigns across several background European sites (Palaiseau, Bologna, Cabauw and Melpitz) have been collated and examined to identify the similarities and differences between BC mass concentrations measured by the two techniques. All EC concentration measurements in PM2.5 were performed with the EUSAAR-2 thermal–optical protocol. All rBC concentration measurements were performed with SP2 instruments calibrated with the same calibration material as recommended in the literature. The observed values of median rBC-to-EC mass concentration ratios on the single-campaign level were 0.53, 0.65, 0.97, 1.20 and 1.29, respectively, and the geometric standard deviation (GSD) was 1.5 when considering all data points from all five campaigns. This shows that substantial systematic bias between these two quantities occurred during some campaigns, which also contributes to the large overall GSD. Despite considerable variability in BC properties and sources across the whole dataset, it was not possible to clearly assign reasons for discrepancies to one or the other method, both known to have their own specific limitations and uncertainties. However, differences in the particle size range covered by these two methods were identified as one likely reason for discrepancies. Overall, the observed correlation between rBC and EC mass reveals a linear relationship with a constant ratio, thus providing clear evidence that both methods essentially quantify the same property of atmospheric aerosols, whereas systematic differences in measured absolute values by up to a factor of 2 can occur. This finding for the level of agreement between two current state-of-the-art techniques has important implications for studies based on BC mass concentration measurements, for example for the interpretation of uncertainties in inferred BC mass absorption coefficient values, which are required for modeling the radiative forcing of BC. Homogeneity between BC mass determination techniques is also very important for moving towards a routine BC mass measurement for air quality regulations.
- Published
- 2021
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22. Variability in the mass absorption cross section of black carbon (BC) aerosols is driven by BC internal mixing state at a central European background site (Melpitz, Germany) in winter
- Author
J. Yuan, R. L. Modini, M. Zanatta, A. B. Herber, T. Müller, B. Wehner, L. Poulain, T. Tuch, U. Baltensperger, and M. Gysel-Beer
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Properties of atmospheric black carbon (BC) particles were characterized during a field experiment at a rural background site (Melpitz, Germany) in February 2017. BC absorption at a wavelength of 870 nm was measured by a photoacoustic extinctiometer, and BC physical properties (BC mass concentration, core size distribution and coating thickness) were measured by a single-particle soot photometer (SP2). Additionally, a catalytic stripper was used to intermittently remove BC coatings by alternating between ambient and thermo-denuded conditions. From these data the mass absorption cross section of BC (MACBC) and its enhancement factor (EMAC) were inferred for essentially water-free aerosol as present after drying to low relative humidity (RH). Two methods were applied independently to investigate the coating effect on EMAC: a correlation method (MACBC, ambient vs. BC coating thickness) and a denuding method (MACBC, ambient vs. MACBC, denuded). Observed EMAC values varied from 1.0 to 1.6 (lower limit from denuding method) or ∼1.2 to 1.9 (higher limit from correlation method), with the mean coating volume fraction ranging from 54 % to 78 % in the dominating mass equivalent BC core diameter range of 200–220 nm. MACBC and EMAC were strongly correlated with coating thickness of BC. By contrast, other potential drivers of EMAC variability, such as different BC sources (air mass origin and absorption Ångström exponent), coating composition (ratio of inorganics to organics) and BC core size distribution, had only minor effects. These results for ambient BC measured at Melpitz during winter show that the lensing effect caused by coatings on BC is the main driver of the variations in MACBC and EMAC, while changes in other BC particle properties such as source, BC core size or coating composition play only minor roles at this rural background site with a large fraction of aged particles. Indirect evidence suggests that potential dampening of the lensing effect due to unfavorable morphology was most likely small or even negligible.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Combining atmospheric and snow radiative transfer models to assess the solar radiative effects of black carbon in the Arctic
- Author
T. Donth, E. Jäkel, A. Ehrlich, B. Heinold, J. Schacht, A. Herber, M. Zanatta, and M. Wendisch
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
The magnitude of solar radiative effects (cooling or warming) of black carbon (BC) particles embedded in the Arctic atmosphere and surface snow layer was explored on the basis of case studies. For this purpose, combined atmospheric and snow radiative transfer simulations were performed for cloudless and cloudy conditions on the basis of BC mass concentrations measured in pristine early summer and more polluted early spring conditions. The area of interest is the remote sea-ice-covered Arctic Ocean in the vicinity of Spitsbergen, northern Greenland, and northern Alaska typically not affected by local pollution. To account for the radiative interactions between the black-carbon-containing snow surface layer and the atmosphere, an atmospheric and snow radiative transfer model were coupled iteratively. For pristine summer conditions (no atmospheric BC, minimum solar zenith angles of 55∘) and a representative BC particle mass concentration of 5 ng g−1 in the surface snow layer, a positive daily mean solar radiative forcing of +0.2 W m−2 was calculated for the surface radiative budget. A higher load of atmospheric BC representing early springtime conditions results in a slightly negative mean radiative forcing at the surface of about −0.05 W m−2, even when the low BC mass concentration measured in the pristine early summer conditions was embedded in the surface snow layer. The total net surface radiative forcing combining the effects of BC embedded in the atmosphere and in the snow layer strongly depends on the snow optical properties (snow specific surface area and snow density). For the conditions over the Arctic Ocean analyzed in the simulations, it was found that the atmospheric heating rate by water vapor or clouds is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than that by atmospheric BC. Similarly, the daily mean total heating rate (6 K d−1) within a snowpack due to absorption by the ice was more than 1 order of magnitude larger than that of atmospheric BC (0.2 K d−1). Also, it was shown that the cooling by atmospheric BC of the near-surface air and the warming effect by BC embedded in snow are reduced in the presence of clouds.
- Published
- 2020
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24. A comprehensive in situ and remote sensing data set from the Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign
- Author
A. Ehrlich, M. Wendisch, C. Lüpkes, M. Buschmann, H. Bozem, D. Chechin, H.-C. Clemen, R. Dupuy, O. Eppers, J. Hartmann, A. Herber, E. Jäkel, E. Järvinen, O. Jourdan, U. Kästner, L.-L. Kliesch, F. Köllner, M. Mech, S. Mertes, R. Neuber, E. Ruiz-Donoso, M. Schnaiter, J. Schneider, J. Stapf, and M. Zanatta
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Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
The Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day (ACLOUD) campaign was carried out north-west of Svalbard (Norway) between 23 May and 6 June 2017. The objective of ACLOUD was to study Arctic boundary layer and mid-level clouds and their role in Arctic amplification. Two research aircraft (Polar 5 and 6) jointly performed 22 research flights over the transition zone between open ocean and closed sea ice. Both aircraft were equipped with identical instrumentation for measurements of basic meteorological parameters, as well as for turbulent and radiative energy fluxes. In addition, on Polar 5 active and passive remote sensing instruments were installed, while Polar 6 operated in situ instruments to characterize cloud and aerosol particles as well as trace gases. A detailed overview of the specifications, data processing, and data quality is provided here. It is shown that the scientific analysis of the ACLOUD data benefits from the coordinated operation of both aircraft. By combining the cloud remote sensing techniques operated on Polar 5, the synergy of multi-instrument cloud retrieval is illustrated. The remote sensing methods were validated using truly collocated in situ and remote sensing observations. The data of identical instruments operated on both aircraft were merged to extend the spatial coverage of mean atmospheric quantities and turbulent and radiative flux measurement. Therefore, the data set of the ACLOUD campaign provides comprehensive in situ and remote sensing observations characterizing the cloudy Arctic atmosphere. All processed, calibrated, and validated data are published in the World Data Center PANGAEA as instrument-separated data subsets (Ehrlich et al., 2019b, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.902603).
- Published
- 2019
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25. The importance of the representation of air pollution emissions for the modeled distribution and radiative effects of black carbon in the Arctic
- Author
J. Schacht, B. Heinold, J. Quaas, J. Backman, R. Cherian, A. Ehrlich, A. Herber, W. T. K. Huang, Y. Kondo, A. Massling, P. R. Sinha, B. Weinzierl, M. Zanatta, and I. Tegen
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Aerosol particles can contribute to the Arctic amplification (AA) by direct and indirect radiative effects. Specifically, black carbon (BC) in the atmosphere, and when deposited on snow and sea ice, has a positive warming effect on the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiation balance during the polar day. Current climate models, however, are still struggling to reproduce Arctic aerosol conditions. We present an evaluation study with the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 to examine emission-related uncertainties in the BC distribution and the direct radiative effect of BC. The model results are comprehensively compared against the latest ground and airborne aerosol observations for the period 2005–2017, with a focus on BC. Four different setups of air pollution emissions are tested. The simulations in general match well with the observed amount and temporal variability in near-surface BC in the Arctic. Using actual daily instead of fixed biomass burning emissions is crucial for reproducing individual pollution events but has only a small influence on the seasonal cycle of BC. Compared with commonly used fixed anthropogenic emissions for the year 2000, an up-to-date inventory with transient air pollution emissions results in up to a 30 % higher annual BC burden locally. This causes a higher annual mean all-sky net direct radiative effect of BC of over 0.1 W m−2 at the top of the atmosphere over the Arctic region (60–90∘ N), being locally more than 0.2 W m−2 over the eastern Arctic Ocean. We estimate BC in the Arctic as leading to an annual net gain of 0.5 W m−2 averaged over the Arctic region but to a local gain of up to 0.8 W m−2 by the direct radiative effect of atmospheric BC plus the effect by the BC-in-snow albedo reduction. Long-range transport is identified as one of the main sources of uncertainties for ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3, leading to an overestimation of BC in atmospheric layers above 500 hPa, especially in summer. This is related to a misrepresentation in wet removal in one identified case at least, which was observed during the ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites) summer aircraft campaign. Overall, the current model version has significantly improved since previous intercomparison studies and now performs better than the multi-model average in the Aerosol Comparisons between Observation and Models (AEROCOM) initiative in terms of the spatial and temporal distribution of Arctic BC.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Deposition of ionic species and black carbon to the Arctic snowpack: combining snow pit observations with modeling
- Author
H.-W. Jacobi, F. Obleitner, S. Da Costa, P. Ginot, K. Eleftheriadis, W. Aas, and M. Zanatta
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Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Although aerosols in the Arctic have multiple and complex impacts on the regional climate, their removal due to deposition is still not well quantified. We combined meteorological, aerosol, precipitation, and snowpack observations with simulations to derive information about the deposition of sea salt components and black carbon (BC) from November 2011 to April 2012 to the Arctic snowpack at two locations close to Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. The dominating role of sea salt and the contribution of dust for the composition of atmospheric aerosols were reflected in the seasonal composition of the snowpack. The strong alignment of the concentrations of the major sea salt components in the aerosols, the precipitation, and the snowpack is linked to the importance of wet deposition for transfer from the atmosphere to the snowpack. This agreement was less strong for monthly snow budgets and deposition, indicating important relocation of the impurities inside the snowpack after deposition. Wet deposition was less important for the transfer of nitrate, non-sea-salt sulfate, and BC to the snow during the winter period. The average BC concentration in the snowpack remains small, with a limited impact on snow albedo and melting. Nevertheless, the observations also indicate an important redistribution of BC in the snowpack, leading to layers with enhanced concentrations. The complex behavior of bromide due to modifications during sea salt aerosol formation and remobilization in the atmosphere and in the snow were not resolved because of the lack of bromide measurements in aerosols and precipitation.
- Published
- 2019
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27. Droplet activation behaviour of atmospheric black carbon particles in fog as a function of their size and mixing state
- Author
G. Motos, J. Schmale, J. C. Corbin, M. Zanatta, U. Baltensperger, and M. Gysel-Beer
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Among the variety of particle types present in the atmosphere, black carbon (BC), emitted by combustion processes, is uniquely associated with harmful effects to the human body and substantial radiative forcing of the Earth. Pure BC is known to be non-hygroscopic, but its ability to acquire a coating of hygroscopic organic and inorganic material leads to increased diameter and hygroscopicity, facilitating droplet activation. This affects BC radiative forcing through aerosol–cloud interactions (ACIs) and BC life cycle. To gain insights into these processes, we performed a field campaign in winter 2015–2016 in a residential area of Zurich which aimed at establishing relations between the size and mixing state of BC particles and their activation to form droplets in fog. This was achieved by operating a CCN counter (CCNC), a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), a single-particle soot photometer (SP2) and an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) behind a combination of a total- and an interstitial-aerosol inlet. Our results indicate that in the morning hours of weekdays, the enhanced traffic emissions caused peaks in the number fraction of externally mixed BC particles, which do not act as CCN within the CCNC. The very low effective peak supersaturations (SSpeak) occurring in fog (between approximately 0.03 % and 0.06 % during this campaign) restrict droplet activation to a minor fraction of the aerosol burden (around 0.5 % to 1 % of total particle number concentration between 20 and 593 nm) leading to very selective criteria on diameter and chemical composition. We show that bare BC cores are unable to activate to fog droplets at such low SSpeak, while BC particles surrounded by thick coating have very similar activation behaviour to BC-free particles. Using simplified κ-Köhler theory combined with the ZSR mixing rule assuming spherical core–shell particle geometry constrained with single-particle measurements of respective volumes, we found good agreement between the predicted and the directly observed size- and mixing-state-resolved droplet activation behaviour of BC-containing particles in fog. This successful closure demonstrates the predictability of their droplet activation in fog with a simplified theoretical model only requiring size and mixing state information, which can also be applied in a consistent manner in model simulations.
- Published
- 2019
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28. High Arctic aircraft measurements characterising black carbon vertical variability in spring and summer
- Author
H. Schulz, M. Zanatta, H. Bozem, W. R. Leaitch, A. B. Herber, J. Burkart, M. D. Willis, D. Kunkel, P. M. Hoor, J. P. D. Abbatt, and R. Gerdes
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
The vertical distribution of black carbon (BC) particles in the Arctic atmosphere is one of the key parameters controlling their radiative forcing and thus role in Arctic climate change. This work investigates the presence and properties of these light-absorbing aerosols over the High Canadian Arctic (>70∘ N). Airborne campaigns were performed as part of the NETCARE project (Network on Climate and Aerosols: Addressing Key Uncertainties in Remote Canadian Environments) and provided insights into the variability of the vertical distributions of BC particles in summer 2014 and spring 2015. The observation periods covered evolutions of cyclonic disturbances at the polar front, which favoured the transport of air pollution into the High Canadian Arctic, as otherwise this boundary between the air masses largely impedes entrainment of pollution from lower latitudes. A total of 48 vertical profiles of refractory BC (rBC) mass concentration and particle size, extending from 0.1 to 5.5 km altitude were obtained with a Single-Particle Soot Photometer (SP2). Generally, the rBC mass concentration decreased from spring to summer by a factor of 10. Such depletion was associated with a decrease in the mean rBC particle diameter, from approximately 200 to 130 nm at low altitude. Due to the very low number fraction, rBC particles did not substantially contribute to the total aerosol population in summer. The analysis of profiles with potential temperature as vertical coordinate revealed characteristic variability patterns within specific levels of the cold and stably stratified, dome-like, atmosphere over the polar region. The associated history of transport trajectories into each of these levels showed that the variability was induced by changing rates and efficiencies of rBC import. Generally, the source areas affecting the polar dome extended southward with increasing potential temperature (i.e. altitude) level in the dome. While the lower dome was mostly only influenced by low-level transport from sources within the cold central and marginal Arctic, for the mid-dome and upper dome during spring it was found that a cold air outbreak over eastern Europe caused intensified northward transport of air from a corridor over western Russia to central Asia. This sector was affected by emissions from gas flaring, industrial activity and wildfires. The development of transport caused rBC concentrations in the second lowest level to gradually increase from 32 to 49 ng m−3. In the third level this caused the initially low rBC concentration to increase from to 150 ng m−3. A shift in rBC mass-mean diameter, from above 200 nm in the lower polar dome dominated by low-level transport to nm at higher levels, may indicate that rBC was affected by wet removal mechanisms preferential to larger particle diameters when lifting processes were involved during transport. The summer polar dome had limited exchange with the mid-latitudes. Air pollution was supplied from sources within the marginal Arctic as well as by long-range transport, but in both cases rBC was largely depleted in absolute and relative concentrations. Near the surface, rBC concentrations were ng m−3, while concentrations increased to ng m−3 towards the upper boundary of the polar dome. The mass mean particle diameter of 132 nm was smaller than in spring; nonetheless the summer mean mass size distribution resembled the spring distribution from higher levels, with depletion of particles >300 nm. Our work provides vertical, spatial and seasonal information of rBC characteristics in the polar dome over the High Canadian Arctic, offering a more extensive dataset for evaluation of chemical transport models and for radiative forcing assessments than those obtained before by other Arctic aircraft campaigns.
- Published
- 2019
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29. Disruptores endocrinos y su camino hacia el desequilibrio metabólico
- Author
P. Sánchez, M. Zanabria, S. Latorre, J. Calvache, A. Coy, and W. Rojas
- Subjects
disruptores endocrinos ,diabetes mellitus tipo 1 ,diabetes mellitus tipo 2 ,dibutil ftalato ,fitoestrógenos ,obesidad ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo presentar, de forma resumida, la evidencia que existe sobre las repercusiones metabólicas a nivel de obesidad y diabetes, que se genera como consecuencia de la exposición a sustancias químicas exógenas, denominadas disruptores endocrinos (DE), a las cuales nos exponemos de forma cotidiana y que afectan nuestra salud y la de nuestra descendencia. Adicionalmente, con la presente revisión hacemos un llamado no solo a la comunidad médica, sino a los sectores involucrados en la producción, distribución y reglamentación del uso de estas sustancias, pues cada vez hay más evidencia de los efectos nocivos que pueden generar y debemos evitar su uso. Los datos se obtuvieron de estudios clínicos aleatorizados y de una revisión en idioma español e inglés de los últimos 15 años, que incluyó los términos DeCS: disruptores endocrinos, con alternativa DeCS: sustancias disruptoras endocrinas y efecto disruptor endocrino, así como términos MeSH: endocrine disruptors y alternativas MeSH: disruptors, endocrine; endocrine disrupting chemicals; chemicals, endocrine disrupting; endocrine disruptor effect; disruptor effect, endocrine; effect, endocrine disruptor; endocrine disruptor effects; disruptor effects, endocrine; effects, endocrine disruptor.
- Published
- 2020
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30. Effects of mixing state on optical and radiative properties of black carbon in the European Arctic
- Author
M. Zanatta, P. Laj, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, S. Vratolis, K. Eleftheriadis, Y. Kondo, P. Dubuisson, V. Winiarek, S. Kazadzis, P. Tunved, and H.-W. Jacobi
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Atmospheric aging promotes internal mixing of black carbon (BC), leading to an enhancement of light absorption and radiative forcing. The relationship between BC mixing state and consequent absorption enhancement was never estimated for BC found in the Arctic region. In the present work, we aim to quantify the absorption enhancement and its impact on radiative forcing as a function of microphysical properties and mixing state of BC observed in situ at the Zeppelin Arctic station (78° N) in the spring of 2012 during the CLIMSLIP (Climate impacts of short-lived pollutants in the polar region) project.Single-particle soot photometer (SP2) measurements showed a mean mass concentration of refractory black carbon (rBC) of 39 ng m−3, while the rBC mass size distribution was of lognormal shape, peaking at an rBC mass-equivalent diameter (DrBC) of around 240 nm. On average, the number fraction of particles containing a BC core with DrBC>80 nm was less than 5 % in the size range (overall optical particle diameter) from 150 to 500 nm. The BC cores were internally mixed with other particulate matter. The median coating thickness of BC cores with 220 nm < DrBC< 260 nm was 52 nm, resulting in a core–shell diameter ratio of 1.4, assuming a coated sphere morphology. Combining the aerosol absorption coefficient observed with an Aethalometer and the rBC mass concentration from the SP2, a mass absorption cross section (MAC) of 9.8 m2 g−1 was inferred at a wavelength of 550 nm. Consistent with direct observation, a similar MAC value (8.4 m2 g−1 at 550 nm) was obtained indirectly by using Mie theory and assuming a coated-sphere morphology with the BC mixing state constrained from the SP2 measurements. According to these calculations, the lensing effect is estimated to cause a 54 % enhancement of the MAC compared to that of bare BC particles with equal BC core size distribution. Finally, the ARTDECO radiative transfer model was used to estimate the sensitivity of the radiative balance to changes in light absorption by BC as a result of a varying degree of internal mixing at constant total BC mass. The clear-sky noontime aerosol radiative forcing over a surface with an assumed wavelength-dependent albedo of 0.76–0.89 decreased, when ignoring the absorption enhancement, by −0.12 W m−2 compared to the base case scenario, which was constrained with mean observed aerosol properties for the Zeppelin site in Arctic spring. The exact magnitude of this forcing difference scales with environmental conditions such as the aerosol optical depth, solar zenith angle and surface albedo. Nevertheless, our investigation suggests that the absorption enhancement due to internal mixing of BC, which is a systematic effect, should be considered for quantifying the aerosol radiative forcing in the Arctic region.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Size-resolved mixing state of black carbon in the Canadian high Arctic and implications for simulated direct radiative effect
- Author
J. K. Kodros, S. J. Hanna, A. K. Bertram, W. R. Leaitch, H. Schulz, A. B. Herber, M. Zanatta, J. Burkart, M. D. Willis, J. P. D. Abbatt, and J. R. Pierce
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Transport of anthropogenic aerosol into the Arctic in the spring months has the potential to affect regional climate; however, modeling estimates of the aerosol direct radiative effect (DRE) are sensitive to uncertainties in the mixing state of black carbon (BC). A common approach in previous modeling studies is to assume an entirely external mixture (all primarily scattering species are in separate particles from BC) or internal mixture (all primarily scattering species are mixed in the same particles as BC). To provide constraints on the size-resolved mixing state of BC, we use airborne single-particle soot photometer (SP2) and ultrahigh-sensitivity aerosol spectrometer (UHSAS) measurements from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Polar 6 flights from the NETCARE/PAMARCMIP2015 campaign to estimate coating thickness as a function of refractory BC (rBC) core diameter and the fraction of particles containing rBC in the springtime Canadian high Arctic. For rBC core diameters in the range of 140 to 220 nm, we find average coating thicknesses of approximately 45 to 40 nm, respectively, resulting in ratios of total particle diameter to rBC core diameters ranging from 1.6 to 1.4. For total particle diameters ranging from 175 to 730 nm, rBC-containing particle number fractions range from 16 % to 3 %, respectively. We combine the observed mixing-state constraints with simulated size-resolved aerosol mass and number distributions from GEOS-Chem–TOMAS to estimate the DRE with observed bounds on mixing state as opposed to assuming an entirely external or internal mixture. We find that the pan-Arctic average springtime DRE ranges from −1.65 to −1.34 W m−2 when assuming entirely externally or internally mixed BC. This range in DRE is reduced by over a factor of 2 (−1.59 to −1.45 W m−2) when using the observed mixing-state constraints. The difference in DRE between the two observed mixing-state constraints is due to an underestimation of BC mass fraction in the springtime Arctic in GEOS-Chem–TOMAS compared to Polar 6 observations. Measurements of mixing state provide important constraints for model estimates of DRE.
- Published
- 2018
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32. Source attribution of Arctic black carbon constrained by aircraft and surface measurements
- Author
J.-W. Xu, R. V. Martin, A. Morrow, S. Sharma, L. Huang, W. R. Leaitch, J. Burkart, H. Schulz, M. Zanatta, M. D. Willis, D. K. Henze, C. J. Lee, A. B. Herber, and J. P. D. Abbatt
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Black carbon (BC) contributes to Arctic warming, yet sources of Arctic BC and their geographic contributions remain uncertain. We interpret a series of recent airborne (NETCARE 2015; PAMARCMiP 2009 and 2011 campaigns) and ground-based measurements (at Alert, Barrow and Ny-Ålesund) from multiple methods (thermal, laser incandescence and light absorption) with the GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model and its adjoint to attribute the sources of Arctic BC. This is the first comparison with a chemical transport model of refractory BC (rBC) measurements at Alert. The springtime airborne measurements performed by the NETCARE campaign in 2015 and the PAMARCMiP campaigns in 2009 and 2011 offer BC vertical profiles extending to above 6 km across the Arctic and include profiles above Arctic ground monitoring stations. Our simulations with the addition of seasonally varying domestic heating and of gas flaring emissions are consistent with ground-based measurements of BC concentrations at Alert and Barrow in winter and spring (rRMSE Sensitivity simulations suggest that anthropogenic emissions in eastern and southern Asia have the largest effect on the Arctic BC column burden both in spring (56 %) and annually (37 %), with the largest contribution in the middle troposphere (400–700 hPa). Anthropogenic emissions from northern Asia contribute considerable BC (27 % in spring and 43 % annually) to the lower troposphere (below 900 hPa). Biomass burning contributes 20 % to the Arctic BC column annually.At the Arctic surface, anthropogenic emissions from northern Asia (40–45 %) and eastern and southern Asia (20–40 %) are the largest BC contributors in winter and spring, followed by Europe (16–36 %). Biomass burning from North America is the most important contributor to all stations in summer, especially at Barrow.Our adjoint simulations indicate pronounced spatial heterogeneity in the contribution of emissions to the Arctic BC column concentrations, with noteworthy contributions from emissions in eastern China (15 %) and western Siberia (6.5 %). Although uncertain, gas flaring emissions from oilfields in western Siberia could have a striking impact (13 %) on Arctic BC loadings in January, comparable to the total influence of continental Europe and North America (6.5 % each in January). Emissions from as far as the Indo-Gangetic Plain could have a substantial influence (6.3 % annually) on Arctic BC as well.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Proteinlike dynamical transition of hydrated polymer chains
- Author
L. Tavagnacco, M. Zanatta, E. Buratti, B. Rosi, B. Frick, F. Natali, J. Ollivier, E. Chiessi, M. Bertoldo, E. Zaccarelli, and A. Orecchini
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Combining elastic incoherent neutron scattering experiments at different resolutions with molecular dynamics simulations, we report the observation of a proteinlike dynamical transition in linear chains of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). We identify the onset of the transition at a temperature T_{d} of about 225 K. Due to a global fit procedure, we find quantitative agreement between measured and calculated polymer mean-squared displacements at all temperatures and time resolutions. Our results confirm the generality of the dynamical transition in macromolecular systems in aqueous environments, independently of the internal polymer topology.
- Published
- 2021
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34. LeRC rail accelerators: Test designs and diagnostic techniques
- Author
F. Terdan, J. Sturman, L. M. Zana, S. Wang, and W. Kerslake
- Subjects
Computer science ,business.industry ,Projectile ,Plasma ,Propulsion ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,law.invention ,Acceleration ,Plasma arc welding ,Interferometry ,law ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,Velocity measurement ,Electromagnetic propulsion ,Armature (electrical engineering) - Abstract
As a part of electromagnetic propulsion research at Lewis Research Center (LeRC), an in-house effort has been initiated to investigate the feasibility of using rail accelerators for various in-space and to-space propulsion applications. A 1 meter, 4×6 mm bore accelerator has been designed with the goal of demonstrating projectile velocities of 15 km/sec using a peak current of 200 kA. A second rail accelerator, 1 meter long with a 12.5×12.5 mm bore, has been designed with clear polycarbonate sidewalls to permit visual observation of the plasma arc. This paper presents a study of available diagnostic techniques and their application to the rail accelerator. Specific topics of discussion include the use of interferometry and spectroscopy to examine the plasma armature as well as the use of optical sensors to measure rail displacement during acceleration.
- Published
- 1984
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35. L'utilizzo degli inibitori del segnale di proliferazione (PSI) nel trapianto renale come terapia di conversione. Indicazioni e possibili complicanze
- Author
A. Rosati, E. Bertoni, A. Larti, L. Di Maria, M. Zanazzi, L. Moscarelli, G. Rosso, S. Farsetti, C. Conte, and M. Salvadori
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 2018
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36. Strategie preventive dell'infezione da Citomegalovirus nel trapianto di rene
- Author
P. Carta, G. Rosso, N. Paudice, A. Larti, M. Zanazzi, L Moscatelli, L. Di Maria, and E. Bertoni
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 2018
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37. Screening e trattamento delle neoplasie nel follow-up del trapiantato renale
- Author
M. Zanazzi, A. Larti, L. Di Maria, P. Carta, G. Rosso, and E. Bertoni
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 2018
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38. Refractory black carbon mass concentrations in snow and ice: method evaluation and inter-comparison with elemental carbon measurement
- Author
S. Lim, X. Faïn, M. Zanatta, J. Cozic, J.-L. Jaffrezo, P. Ginot, and P. Laj
- Subjects
Environmental engineering ,TA170-171 ,Earthwork. Foundations ,TA715-787 - Abstract
Accurate measurement of black carbon (BC) mass concentrations in snow and ice is crucial for the assessment of climatic impacts. However, it is difficult to compare methods used to assess BC levels in the literature as they are not the same. The single particle soot photometer (SP2) method appears to be one of the most suitable to measure low concentrations of BC in snow and ice. In this paper, we evaluated a method for the quantification of refractory BC (rBC) in snow and ice samples coupling the SP2 with the APEX-Q nebulizer. The paper reviews all the steps of rBC determination, including SP2 calibration, correction for rBC particle aerosolization efficiency (75 ± 7% using the APEX-Q nebulizer), and treatment of the samples. In addition, we compare the SP2 method and the thermal–optical method – Sunset organic carbon (OC) / elemental carbon (EC) aerosol analyzer with EUSAAR2 protocol – using snow and firn samples with different characteristics from the Greenland Summit, the French Alps, the Caucasus, and the Himalayas. Careful investigation was undertaken of analytical artifacts that potentially affect both methods. The SP2-based rBC quantification may be underestimated when the SP2 detection range does not cover correctly the existing size distribution of the sample. Thermal–optical EC measurements can be underestimated by low filtration efficiency of quartz fiber filter before analysis or dust properties (concentration and type), and overestimated by pyrolyzed OC artifacts during EC analysis. These results underline the need for careful assessment of the analytical technique and procedure for correct data interpretation.
- Published
- 2014
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39. Single Particle Soot Photometer intercomparison at the AIDA chamber
- Author
M. Laborde, M. Schnaiter, C. Linke, H. Saathoff, K.-H. Naumann, O. Möhler, S. Berlenz, U. Wagner, J. W. Taylor, D. Liu, M. Flynn, J. D. Allan, H. Coe, K. Heimerl, F. Dahlkötter, B. Weinzierl, A. G. Wollny, M. Zanatta, J. Cozic, P. Laj, R. Hitzenberger, J. P. Schwarz, and M. Gysel
- Subjects
Environmental engineering ,TA170-171 ,Earthwork. Foundations ,TA715-787 - Abstract
Soot particles, consisting of black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC), inorganic salts, and trace elements, are emitted into the atmosphere during incomplete combustion. Accurate measurements of atmospheric BC are important as BC particles cause adverse health effects and impact the climate. Unfortunately, the accurate measurement of the properties and mass concentrations of BC particles remains difficult. The Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) can contribute to improving this situation by measuring the mass of refractory BC in individual particles as well as its mixing state. Here, the results of the first detailed SP2 intercomparison, involving 6 SP2s from 6 different research groups, are presented, including the most evolved data products that can presently be calculated from SP2 measurements. It was shown that a detection efficiency of almost 100% down to 1 fg BC per particle can readily be achieved, and that this limit can be pushed down to ∼0.2 fg BC with optimal SP2 setup. Number and mass size distributions of BC cores agreed within ±5% and ±10%, respectively, in between the SP2s, with larger deviations in the range below 1 fg BC. The accuracy of the SP2's mass concentration measurement depends on the calibration material chosen. The SP2 has previously been shown to be equally sensitive to fullerene soot and ambient BC from sources where fossil fuel was dominant and less sensitive to fullerene soot than to Aquadag. Fullerene soot was therefore chosen as the standard calibration material by the SP2 user community; however, many data sets rely solely on Aquadag calibration measurements. The difference in SP2 sensitivity was found to be almost equal (fullerene soot to Aquadag response ratio of ∼0.75 at 8.9 fg BC) for all SP2s. This allows the calculation of a fullerene soot equivalent calibration curve from a measured Aquadag calibration, when no fullerene soot calibration is available. It could be shown that this approach works well for all SP2s over the mass range of 1–10 fg. This range is suitable for typical BC mass size distributions in the ambient air far from sources. The number size distribution of purely scattering particles optically measured by the 6 SP2s also agreed within 15%. Measurements of the thickness of non-refractory coatings (i.e. product from α-pinene ozonolysis) on the BC particles, relying on BC mass optical size and on an additional particle position measurement, also compared well (within ±17%). The estimated coating thickness values were consistent with thermo-optical analysis of OC and elemental carbon (EC) content, though absolutely accurate values cannot be expected given all the assumptions that have to be made regarding refractive index, particle morphology, etc. This study showed that the SP2 provides accurate and reproducible data, but also that high data quality is only achieved if the SP2 is carefully tuned and calibrated. It has to be noted that the agreement observed here does not account for additional variability in output data that could result from the differences in the potentially subjective assumptions made by different SP2 users in the data processing.
- Published
- 2012
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40. Electromagnetic emission experiences using electric propulsion systems - A survey
- Author
James S. Sovey, Lynnette M. Zana, and Steven C. Knowles
- Subjects
Physics ,Ion thruster ,Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion ,Spacecraft ,Spacecraft propulsion ,business.industry ,Laser propulsion ,Physics::Space Physics ,Radio frequency ,Propulsion ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,Electromagnetic interference - Abstract
As electric propulsion systems become ready to integrate with spacecraft systems, the impact of propulsion system radiated emissions are of significant interest. Radiated emissions from electromagnetic, electrostatic, and electrothermal systems have been characterized and results synopsized from the literature describing 21 space flight programs. Electromagnetic radiated emission results from ground tests and flight experiences are presented with particular attention paid to the performance of spacecraft subsystems and payloads during thruster operations. The impacts to transmission of radio frequency signals through plasma plumes are also reviewed.
- Published
- 1987
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41. An analytical and experimental investigation of resistojet plumes
- Author
David J. Hoffman, Loranell R. Breyley, Lynnette M. Zana, and John S. Serafini
- Subjects
Mass flux ,Propellant ,Boundary layer ,Engineering ,business.product_category ,Spacecraft propulsion ,Rocket ,business.industry ,Nozzle ,Propulsion ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,Plume - Abstract
As a part of the electrothermal propulsion plume research program at the NASA Lewis Research Center, efforts have been initiated to analytically and experimentally investigate the plumes of resistojet thrusters. The method of G.A. Simons for the prediction of rocket exhaust plumes is developed for the resistojet. Modifications are made to the source flow equations to account for the increased effects of the relatively large nozzle boundary layer. Additionally, preliminary mass flux measurements of a laboratory resistojet using CO2 propellant at 298 K have been obtained with a cryogenically cooled quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). There is qualitative agreement between analysis and experiment, at least in terms of the overall number density shape functions in the forward flux region.
- Published
- 1987
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42. Effect of nozzle geometry on the resistojet exhaust plume
- Author
Lynette M. Zana, John S. Serafini, David J. Hoffman, and Loranell R. Breyley
- Subjects
Propellant ,Mass flux ,business.industry ,Chemistry ,Mass flow ,Nozzle ,Mass flow rate ,Flux ,Quartz crystal microbalance ,Mechanics ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,Plume - Abstract
Five nozzle configurations were used to study the effect of geometry on the plume structure of a resistojet exhausting into a vacuum. Mass flux data in the forward and back flux regions were obtained with a cryogenically cooled quartz crystal microbalance. The propellant used was CO2 at 300 K and a mass flow rate of 0.2 g/s. The data reveal that the percent of mass flow contained within half angles of 10, 30, and 40 deg varied by less than 12 percent from a standard 20 deg half-angle cone nozzle.
- Published
- 1987
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43. Langmuir probe surveys of an arcjet exhaust
- Author
Lynnette M. Zana
- Subjects
Langmuir ,Hydrogen ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Plasma ,Plume ,Arcjet rocket ,symbols.namesake ,chemistry ,Physics::Plasma Physics ,Ionization ,symbols ,Langmuir probe ,SPHERES ,Atomic physics - Abstract
Electrostatic (Langmuir) probes of both spherical and cylindrical geometry have been used to obtain electron number density and temperature in the exhaust of a laboratory arcjet. The arcjet thruster operated on nitrogen and hydrogen mixtures to simulate fully decomposed hydrazine in a vacuum environment with background pressures less than 0.05 Pa. The exhaust appears to be only slightly ionized (less than 1 percent) with local plasma potentials near facility ground. The current-voltage characteristics of the probes indicate a Maxwellian temperature distribution. Plume data are presented as a function of arcjet operating conditions and also position in the exhaust.
- Published
- 1987
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44. Palmitoylethanolamide Is a Disease-Modifying Agent in Peripheral Neuropathy: Pain Relief and Neuroprotection Share a PPAR-Alpha-Mediated Mechanism
- Author
L. Di Cesare Mannelli, G. D'Agostino, A. Pacini, R. Russo, M. Zanardelli, C. Ghelardini, and A. Calignano
- Subjects
Pathology ,RB1-214 - Abstract
Neuropathic syndromes which are evoked by lesions to the peripheral or central nervous system are extremely difficult to treat, and available drugs rarely joint an antihyperalgesic with a neurorestorative effect. N-Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) exerts antinociceptive effects in several animal models and inhibits peripheral inflammation in rodents. Aimed to evaluate the antineuropathic properties of PEA, a damage of the sciatic nerve was induced in mice by chronic constriction injury (CCI) and a subcutaneous daily treatment with 30 mg kg−1 PEA was performed. On the day 14, PEA prevented pain threshold alterations. Histological studies highlighted that CCI induced oedema and an important infiltrate of CD86 positive cells in the sciatic nerve. Moreover, osmicated preparations revealed a decrease in axon diameter and myelin thickness. Repeated treatments with PEA reduced the presence of oedema and macrophage infiltrate, and a significant higher myelin sheath, axonal diameter, and a number of fibers were observable. In PPAR-α null mice PEA treatment failed to induce pain relief as well as to rescue the peripheral nerve from inflammation and structural derangement. These results strongly suggest that PEA, via a PPAR-α-mediated mechanism, can directly intervene in the nervous tissue alterations responsible for pain, starting to prevent macrophage infiltration.
- Published
- 2013
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45. Caratteristiche, Prevalenza e Fattori Di Rischio Del Diabete Mellito Post-Trapianto Renale
- Author
L. Di Maria, L. Moscarelli, M. Zanazzi, A. Rosati, E. Bertoni, and M. Salvadori
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 1998
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46. L'ecografia Renale Nello Studio Del Paziente Con Insufficienza Renale Cronica
- Author
M. Zanazzi and R. Scarpioni
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 1995
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47. Le Masse Solide Renali All'ecotomografia
- Author
M. Zanazzi, P. Cavallotti, R. Scarpioni, and L. Scarpioni
- Subjects
Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 ,Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology ,RC870-923 - Abstract
Abstract non disponibile
- Published
- 1992
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48. Efficient derivation of functional astrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs).
- Author
Szeky B, Jurakova V, Fouskova E, Feher A, Zana M, Karl VR, Farkas J, Bodi-Jakus M, Zapletalova M, Pandey S, Kucera R, Lochman J, and Dinnyes A
- Subjects
- Humans, Cytokines metabolism, Aquaporin 4 metabolism, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein metabolism, Cells, Cultured, Astrocytes cytology, Astrocytes metabolism, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cytology, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Cell Differentiation, S100 Calcium Binding Protein beta Subunit metabolism
- Abstract
Astrocytes are specialized glial cell types of the central nervous system (CNS) with remarkably high abundance, morphological and functional diversity. Astrocytes maintain neural metabolic support, synapse regulation, blood-brain barrier integrity and immunological homeostasis through intricate interactions with other cells, including neurons, microglia, pericytes and lymphocytes. Due to their extensive intercellular crosstalks, astrocytes are also implicated in the pathogenesis of CNS disorders, such as ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Despite the critical importance of astrocytes in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation are recognized, the lack of suitable in vitro systems limits their availability for modeling human brain pathologies. Here, we report the time-efficient, reproducible generation of astrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Our hiPSC-derived astrocytes expressed characteristic astrocyte markers, such as GFAP, S100b, ALDH1L1 and AQP4. Furthermore, hiPSC-derived astrocytes displayed spontaneous calcium transients and responded to inflammatory stimuli by the secretion of type A1 and type A2 astrocyte-related cytokines., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist., (Copyright: © 2024 Szeky et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.)
- Published
- 2024
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49. Establishment of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurosphere model to study pathomechanisms and chemical toxicity in Kleefstra syndrome.
- Author
Balogh A, Bódi-Jakus M, Karl VR, Bellák T, Széky B, Farkas J, Lamberto F, Novak D, Fehér A, Zana M, and Dinnyés A
- Subjects
- Humans, Craniofacial Abnormalities pathology, Craniofacial Abnormalities metabolism, Intellectual Disability metabolism, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Neurons metabolism, Neurons drug effects, Neurons pathology, Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate metabolism, Cerebral Cortex metabolism, Cerebral Cortex pathology, Cerebral Cortex drug effects, Cells, Cultured, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor metabolism, Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Pluripotent Stem Cells drug effects, Rotenone toxicity, Heart Defects, Congenital, Nerve Tissue Proteins, Chromosome Deletion, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9 genetics, Spheroids, Cellular drug effects, Spheroids, Cellular metabolism, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells drug effects, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cytology, Cell Differentiation drug effects
- Abstract
In the present study, we aimed to establish and characterize a mature cortical spheroid model system for Kleefstra syndrome (KS) using patient-derived iPSC. We identified key differences in the growth behavior of KS spheroids determined by reduced proliferation marked by low Ki67 and high E-cadherin expression. Conversely, in the spheroid-based neurite outgrowth assay KS outperformed the control neurite outgrowth due to higher BDNF expression. KS spheroids were highly enriched in VGLUT1/2-expressing glutamatergic and ChAT-expressing cholinergic neurons, while TH-positive catecholamine neurons were significantly underrepresented. Furthermore, high NMDAR1 expression was also detected in the KS spheroid, similarly to other patients-derived neuronal cultures, denoting high NMDAR1 expression as a general, KS-specific marker. Control and KS neuronal progenitors and neurospheres were exposed to different toxicants (paraquat, rotenone, bardoxolone, and doxorubicin), and dose-response curves were assessed after acute exposure. Differentiation stage and compound-specific differences were detected with KS neurospheres being the most sensitive to paraquat. Altogether this study describes a robust 3D model system expressing the disease-specific markers and recapitulating the characteristic pathophysiological traits. This platform is suitable for testing developing brain-adverse environmental effects interactions, drug development, and screening towards individual therapeutic strategies., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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50. Assessment and Evaluation of Contemporary Approaches for Astrocyte Differentiation from hiPSCs: A Modeling Paradigm for Alzheimer's Disease.
- Author
Juráková V, Széky B, Zapletalová M, Fehér A, Zana M, Pandey S, Kučera R, Šerý O, Hudeček J, Dinnyés A, and Lochman J
- Abstract
Background: Astrocytes have recently gained attention as key players in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Numerous differentiation protocols have been developed to study human astrocytes in vitro. However, the properties of the resulting glia are inconsistent, making it difficult to select an appropriate method for a given research question. Therefore, we compared three approaches for the generation of iPSC-derived astrocytes. We performed a detailed analysis using a widely used long serum-free (LSFP) and short serum-free (SSFP) protocol, as well as a TUSP protocol using serum for a limited time of differentiation., Results: We used RNA sequencing and immunochemistry to characterize the cultures. Astrocytes generated by the LSFP and SSFP methods differed significantly in their characteristics from those generated by the TUSP method using serum. The TUSP astrocytes had a less neuronal pattern, showed a higher degree of extracellular matrix formation, and were more mature. The short-term presence of FBS in the medium facilitated the induction of astroglia characteristics but did not result in reactive astrocytes. Data from cell-type deconvolution analysis applied to bulk transcriptomes from the cultures assessed their similarity to primary and fetal human astrocytes., Conclusions: Overall, our analyses highlight the need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a given differentiation protocol for solving specific research tasks or drug discovery studies with iPSC-derived astrocytes., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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