Anapisona kethleyi, new species Figures 4,5, 17,28,29 Anapisona gertschi (misidentification): Forster, 1958, p. 9 (in part; fig. 26 only); 1959, p. 326 (fig. 155). Types: Male holotype and female paratype taken in a Berlese sample of leaf litter in a stream bed at an elevation of 4000 feet at the Organization for Tropical Studies station at Finca Las Cruces, Puntarenas, Costa Rica (March 18,1973; J. Wagner and J. Kethley), deposited in FMNH. Etymology: Named for one of the collectors of the type specimens. Diagnosis: Males of A. kethleyi may be recognized by the two terminal bristles on the cymbial extension (fig. 17),females by the wide epigynal openings and highly coiled ducts (figs. 28,29). Male: Total length 0.94. Carapace 0.54 long, 0.46 wide, 0.42 high. Abdomen 0.47 long, 0.50 wide. Sternum with central dark patch, borders lighter. Leg cusps as in A. simoni or lacking. Embolus with four coils; cymbium with two terminal bristles (fig. 17). Female: Total length 1.19. Carapace 0.61 long, 0.48 wide, 0.40 high. Abdomen 0.65 long, 0.81 wide. Sternum as in male. Metatarsus I with median and distal prolateroventral cusp, or without median cusp, or without cusps. Epigynal openings wide (fig. 28); spermathecal ducts narrow, highly coiled (fig. 29). Material Examined: Costa Rica: Cartago: 10 km. S Tapanti, Rio Grande de Orosi, elevation 1500 m., Berlese of mixed forest floor litter, Apr. 14,1973 (J. Wagner, J. Kethley, FMNH), lc?. Heredia: Rio Toro Amarillo, near Gu��piles ,rain forest litter, Mar., 1966 (W. L. Brown, MCZ), 1$. Puntarenas: La Fila, 5 km. SW Finca Las Cruces, elevation 4700 feet, Berlese of leaf litter from forest slope, Mar. 15, 1973 (J. Wagner, J. Kethley, FMNH), 1$; San Vito, elevation 4000 feet, Berlese of floor litter from slope above stream, Mar. 15,1973 (J. Wagner, J. Kethley, FMNH), 29. Mexico: Chiapas: Ruinas de Palenque, Berlese of stump litter, Apr. 6,1974 (C. Alteri, AMNH), 19; Mar. 2-24,1975 (C. Alteri, AMNH), 2$. Oaxaca: 6 mi. S Valle Nacional, elevation 2000 feet, Berlese of leaf litter, May 19,1971 (S. B. Peck,MCZ, FMNH, WAS), 6J, 29. Tabasco: Pico de Oro, Aug. 12,1966 (J. and W. I vie, AMNH), 1$., Published as part of Platnick, N. I & M. U. Shadab, 1979, A review of the spider genera Anapisona and Psudanapis, pp. 1-20 in American Museum Novitates 2672 on pages 8-9