M. Eva Alonso, Francesco Argenton, Enrico Moro, Elisa de la Calle Mustienes, Fernando Casares, Maria J. Tavares, Pål R. Njølstad, Øyvind Drivenes, Thomas Becker, Anders Molven, Miguel Manzanares, David Fredman, Pavla Navratilova, Anja Ragvin, Boris Lenhard, Veronica van Heyningen, Pär G. Engström, José Luis Gómez Skarmeta, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology (Norway), University of Bergen, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière (France), Research Council of Norway, European Commission, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Junta de Andalucía, Fundación Pro CNIC, Comunidad de Madrid, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)
6 páginas, 3 figuras, 4 tablas.-- et al., Genome-wide association studies identified noncoding SNPs associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity in linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks encompassing HHEX-IDE and introns of CDKAL1 and FTO [Sladek R, et al. (2007) Nature 445:881–885; Steinthorsdottir V, et al. (2007) Nat. Genet 39:770–775; Frayling TM, et al. (2007) Science 316:889–894]. We show that these LD blocks contain highly conserved noncoding elements and overlap with the genomic regulatory blocks of the transcription factor genes HHEX, SOX4, and IRX3. We report that human highly conserved noncoding elements in LD with the risk SNPs drive expression in endoderm or pancreas in transgenic mice and zebrafish. Both HHEX and SOX4 have recently been implicated in pancreas development and the regulation of insulin secretion, but IRX3 had no prior association with pancreatic function or development. Knockdown of its orthologue in zebrafish, irx3a, increased the number of pancreatic ghrelin-producing epsilon cells and decreased the number of insulin-producing β-cells and glucagon-producing α-cells, thereby suggesting a direct link of pancreatic IRX3 function to both obesity and type 2 diabetes., This work was funded in part by grants from the Sars Centre (Ø.D., P.N., B.L., and T.S.B.), grants from the University of Bergen (A.M., P.R.N., and T.S.B.), a grant from the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris, France (T.S.B.), the FUGE Program at the Research Council of Norway (A.R., A.M., P.R.N. and B.L.), Helse Vest (A.M. and P.R.N.), Innovest (A.M. and P.R.N.), The Translational Fund (A.M. and P.R.N.), the YFF Program of the Research Council of Norway and Bergen Forskningsstiftelse (B.L.), European Commission Grant LSHG-CT-2003-503469 as part of the ZF-Models integrated project in the 6th framework program (to T.S.B., F.A., and E.M.), grants BFU2007-60042/BMC, BFU2006-00349/BMC, and CSD2007-00008 from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain (co-funded by Feder) (to J.L.G.S. and F.C.), Junta de Andalucía Grants CVI00260 and CVI 2658 (to J.L.G.S. and F.C.), Grant BFU2005-00025 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (to M.E.A. and M.M.), the ProCNIC Foundation (M.E.A. and M.M.), CELDEV-CAM Grant S-SAL-0190-2006 from the Regional Government of Madrid (to M.E.A. and M.M.), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO Programme Grant 25120 (to J.L.G.S., F.C., M.E.A., and M.M.). M.J.T. was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnología, Portugal.