218 results on '"Münger K"'
Search Results
2. Interference of the dominant negative helix–loop–helix protein ID1 with the proteasomal subunit S5A causes centrosomal abnormalities
- Author
Hasskarl, J, Mern, D S, and Münger, K
- Published
- 2008
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3. Antizyme, a mediator of ubiquitin-independent proteasomal degradation and its inhibitor localize to centrosomes and modulate centriole amplification
- Author
Mangold, U, Hayakawa, H, Coughlin, M, Münger, K, and Zetter, B R
- Published
- 2008
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4. Isolation and Regulation of Expression of the Neurospora Crassa Copper Metallothionein Gene
- Author
Münger, K., Germann, U. A., Lerch, Konrad, Kägi, Jeremias H. R., editor, and Kojima, Yutaka, editor
- Published
- 1987
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5. Luminescence Emission from the Cu(I)-Thiolate Complex in Metallothioneins
- Author
Beltramini, M., Münger, K., Germann, U. A., Lerch, Konrad, Kägi, Jeremias H. R., editor, and Kojima, Yutaka, editor
- Published
- 1987
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6. Functional and Sequence Similarities Between HPV16 E7 and Adenovirus E1A
- Author
Phelps, W. C., Yee, C. L., Münger, K., Howley, P. M., Compans, R. W., editor, Cooper, M., editor, Koprowski, H., editor, McConell, I., editor, Melchers, F., editor, Nussenzweig, V., editor, Oldstone, M., editor, Olsnes, S., editor, Saedler, H., editor, Vogt, P. K., editor, Wagner, H., editor, Wilson, I., editor, Knippers, Rolf, editor, and Levine, Arnold J., editor
- Published
- 1989
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7. Reaction of the muonium substituted cyclohexadienyl radical with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3,-butadiene
- Author
Roduner, E. and Münger, K.
- Published
- 1984
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8. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy
- Author
Klionsky, D.J. Abdalla, F.C. Abeliovich, H. Abraham, R.T. Acevedo-Arozena, A. Adeli, K. Agholme, L. Agnello, M. Agostinis, P. Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A. Ahn, H.J. Ait-Mohamed, O. Ait-Si-Ali, S. Akematsu, T. Akira, S. Al-Younes, H.M. Al-Zeer, M.A. Albert, M.L. Albin, R.L. Alegre-Abarrategui, J. Aleo, M.F. Alirezaei, M. Almasan, A. Almonte-Becerril, M. Amano, A. Amaravadi, R. Amarnath, S. Amer, A.O. Andrieu-Abadie, N. Anantharam, V. Ann, D.K. Anoopkumar-Dukie, S. Aoki, H. Apostolova, N. Arancia, G. Aris, J.P. Asanuma, K. Asare, N.Y.O. Ashida, H. Askanas, V. Askew, D.S. Auberger, P. Baba, M. Backues, S.K. Baehrecke, E.H. Bahr, B.A. Bai, X.-Y. Bailly, Y. Baiocchi, R. Baldini, G. Balduini, W. Ballabio, A. Bamber, B.A. Bampton, E.T.W. Bánhegyi, G. Bartholomew, C.R. Bassham, D.C. Bast Jr., R.C. Batoko, H. Bay, B.-H. Beau, I. Béchet, D.M. Begley, T.J. Behl, C. Behrends, C. Bekri, S. Bellaire, B. Bendall, L.J. Benetti, L. Berliocchi, L. Bernardi, H. Bernassola, F. Besteiro, S. Bhatia-Kissova, I. Bi, X. Biard-Piechaczyk, M. Blum, J.S. Boise, L.H. Bonaldo, P. Boone, D.L. Bornhauser, B.C. Bortoluci, K.R. Bossis, I. Bost, F. Bourquin, J.-P. Boya, P. Boyer-Guittaut, M. Bozhkov, P.V. Brady, N.R. Brancolini, C. Brech, A. Brenman, J.E. Brennand, A. Bresnick, E.H. Brest, P. Bridges, D. Bristol, M.L. Brookes, P.S. Brown, E.J. Brumell, J.H. Brunetti-Pierri, N. Brunk, U.T. Bulman, D.E. Bultman, S.J. Bultynck, G. Burbulla, L.F. Bursch, W. Butchar, J.P. Buzgariu, W. Bydlowski, S.P. Cadwell, K. Cahová, M. Cai, D. Cai, J. Cai, Q. Calabretta, B. Calvo-Garrido, J. Camougrand, N. Campanella, M. Campos-Salinas, J. Candi, E. Cao, L. Caplan, A.B. Carding, S.R. Cardoso, S.M. Carew, J.S. Carlin, C.R. Carmignac, V. Carneiro, L.A.M. Carra, S. Caruso, R.A. Casari, G. Casas, C. Castino, R. Cebollero, E. Cecconi, F. Celli, J. Chaachouay, H. Chae, H.-J. Chai, C.-Y. Chan, D.C. Chan, E.Y. Chang, R.C.-C. Che, C.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chen, G.-C. Chen, G.-Q. Chen, M. Chen, Q. Chen, S.S.-L. Chen, W. Chen, X. Chen, X. Chen, X. Chen, Y.-G. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, Z. Cheng, A. Cheng, C.H.K. Cheng, Y. Cheong, H. Cheong, J.-H. Cherry, S. Chess-Williams, R. Cheung, Z.H. Chevet, E. Chiang, H.-L. Chiarelli, R. Chiba, T. Chin, L.-S. Chiou, S.-H. Chisari, F.V. Cho, C.H. Cho, D.-H. Choi, A.M.K. Choi, D. Choi, K.S. Choi, M.E. Chouaib, S. Choubey, D. Choubey, V. Chu, C.T. Chuang, T.-H. Chueh, S.-H. Chun, T. Chwae, Y.-J. Chye, M.-L. Ciarcia, R. Ciriolo, M.R. Clague, M.J. Clark, R.S.B. Clarke, P.G.H. Clarke, R. Codogno, P. Coller, H.A. Colombo, M.I. Comincini, S. Condello, M. Condorelli, F. Cookson, M.R. Coombs, G.H. Coppens, I. Corbalan, R. Cossart, P. Costelli, P. Costes, S. Coto-Montes, A. Couve, E. Coxon, F.P. Cregg, J.M. Crespo, J.L. Cronjé, M.J. Cuervo, A.M. Cullen, J.J. Czaja, M.J. D'Amelio, M. Darfeuille-Michaud, A. Davids, L.M. Davies, F.E. De Felici, M. De Groot, J.F. De Haan, C.A.M. De Martino, L. De Milito, A. De Tata, V. Debnath, J. Degterev, A. Dehay, B. Delbridge, L.M.D. Demarchi, F. Deng, Y.Z. Dengjel, J. Dent, P. Denton, D. Deretic, V. Desai, S.D. Devenish, R.J. Di Gioacchino, M. Di Paolo, G. Di Pietro, C. Díaz-Araya, G. Díaz-Laviada, I. Diaz-Meco, M.T. Diaz-Nido, J. Dikic, I. Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. Ding, W.-X. Distelhorst, C.W. Diwan, A. Djavaheri-Mergny, M. Dokudovskaya, S. Dong, Z. Dorsey, F.C. Dosenko, V. Dowling, J.J. Doxsey, S. Dreux, M. Drew, M.E. Duan, Q. Duchosal, M.A. Duff, K. Dugail, I. Durbeej, M. Duszenko, M. Edelstein, C.L. Edinger, A.L. Egea, G. Eichinger, L. Eissa, N.T. Ekmekcioglu, S. El-Deiry, W.S. Elazar, Z. Elgendy, M. Ellerby, L.M. Er Eng, K. Engelbrecht, A.-M. Engelender, S. Erenpreisa, J. Escalante, R. Esclatine, A. Eskelinen, E.-L. Espert, L. Espina, V. Fan, H. Fan, J. Fan, Q.-W. Fan, Z. Fang, S. Fang, Y. Fanto, M. Fanzani, A. Farkas, T. Farré, J.-C. Faure, M. Fechheimer, M. Feng, C.G. Feng, J. Feng, Q. Feng, Y. Fésüs, L. Feuer, R. Figueiredo-Pereira, M.E. Fimia, G.M. Fingar, D.C. Finkbeiner, S. Finkel, T. Finley, K.D. Fiorito, F. Fisher, E.A. Fisher, P.B. Flajolet, M. Florez-McClure, M.L. Florio, S. Fon, E.A. Fornai, F. Fortunato, F. Fotedar, R. Fowler, D.H. Fox, H.S. Franco, R. Frankel, L.B. Fransen, M. Fuentes, J.M. Fueyo, J. Fujii, J. Fujisaki, K. Fujita, E. Fukuda, M. Furukawa, R.H. Gaestel, M. Gailly, P. Gajewska, M. Galliot, B. Galy, V. Ganesh, S. Ganetzky, B. Ganley, I.G. Gao, F.-B. Gao, G.F. Gao, J. Garcia, L. Garcia-Manero, G. Garcia-Marcos, M. Garmyn, M. Gartel, A.L. Gatti, E. Gautel, M. Gawriluk, T.R. Gegg, M.E. Geng, J. Germain, M. Gestwicki, J.E. Gewirtz, D.A. Ghavami, S. Ghosh, P. Giammarioli, A.M. Giatromanolaki, A.N. Gibson, S.B. Gilkerson, R.W. Ginger, M.L. Ginsberg, H.N. Golab, J. Goligorsky, M.S. Golstein, P. Gomez-Manzano, C. Goncu, E. Gongora, C. Gonzalez, C.D. Gonzalez, R. González-Estévez, C. González-Polo, R.A. Gonzalez-Rey, E. Gorbunov, N.V. Gorski, S. Goruppi, S. Gottlieb, R.A. Gozuacik, D. Granato, G.E. Grant, G.D. Green, K.N. Gregorc, A. Gros, F. Grose, C. Grunt, T.W. Gual, P. Guan, J.-L. Guan, K.-L. Guichard, S.M. Gukovskaya, A.S. Gukovsky, I. Gunst, J. Gustafsson, A.B. Halayko, A.J. Hale, A.N. Halonen, S.K. Hamasaki, M. Han, F. Han, T. Hancock, M.K. Hansen, M. Harada, H. Harada, M. Hardt, S.E. Harper, J.W. Harris, A.L. Harris, J. Harris, S.D. Hashimoto, M. Haspel, J.A. Hayashi, S.-I. Hazelhurst, L.A. He, C. He, Y.-W. Hébert, M.-J. Heidenreich, K.A. Helfrich, M.H. Helgason, G.V. Henske, E.P. Herman, B. Herman, P.K. Hetz, C. Hilfiker, S. Hill, J.A. Hocking, L.J. Hofman, P. Hofmann, T.G. Höhfeld, J. Holyoake, T.L. Hong, M.-H. Hood, D.A. Hotamisligil, G.S. Houwerzijl, E.J. Høyer-Hansen, M. Hu, B. Hu, C.-A.A. Hu, H.-M. Hua, Y. Huang, C. Huang, J. Huang, S. Huang, W.-P. Huber, T.B. Huh, W.-K. Hung, T.-H. Hupp, T.R. Hur, G.M. Hurley, J.B. Hussain, S.N.A. Hussey, P.J. Hwang, J.J. Hwang, S. Ichihara, A. Ilkhanizadeh, S. Inoki, K. Into, T. Iovane, V. Iovanna, J.L. Ip, N.Y. Isaka, Y. Ishida, H. Isidoro, C. Isobe, K.-I. Iwasaki, A. Izquierdo, M. Izumi, Y. Jaakkola, P.M. Jäättelä, M. Jackson, G.R. Jackson, W.T. Janji, B. Jendrach, M. Jeon, J.-H. Jeung, E.-B. Jiang, H. Jiang, H. Jiang, J.X. Jiang, M. Jiang, Q. Jiang, X. Jiménez, A. Jin, M. Jin, S. Joe, C.O. Johansen, T. Johnson, D.E. Johnson, G.V.W. Jones, N.L. Joseph, B. Joseph, S.K. Joubert, A.M. Juhász, G. Juillerat-Jeanneret, L. Jung, C.H. Jung, Y.-K. Kaarniranta, K. Kaasik, A. Kabuta, T. Kadowaki, M. Kagedal, K. Kamada, Y. Kaminskyy, V.O. Kampinga, H.H. Kanamori, H. Kang, C. Kang, K.B. Il Kang, K. Kang, R. Kang, Y.-A. Kanki, T. Kanneganti, T.-D. Kanno, H. Kanthasamy, A.G. Kanthasamy, A. Karantza, V. Kaushal, G.P. Kaushik, S. Kawazoe, Y. Ke, P.-Y. Kehrl, J.H. Kelekar, A. Kerkhoff, C. Kessel, D.H. Khalil, H. Kiel, J.A.K.W. Kiger, A.A. Kihara, A. Kim, D.R. Kim, D.-H. Kim, D.-H. Kim, E.-K. Kim, H.-R. Kim, J.-S. Kim, J.H. Kim, J.C. Kim, J.K. Kim, P.K. Kim, S.W. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, Y. Kimchi, A. Kimmelman, A.C. King, J.S. Kinsella, T.J. Kirkin, V. Kirshenbaum, L.A. Kitamoto, K. Kitazato, K. Klein, L. Klimecki, W.T. Klucken, J. Knecht, E. Ko, B.C.B. Koch, J.C. Koga, H. Koh, J.-Y. Koh, Y.H. Koike, M. Komatsu, M. Kominami, E. Kong, H.J. Kong, W.-J. Korolchuk, V.I. Kotake, Y. Koukourakis, M.I. Kouri Flores, J.B. Kovács, A.L. Kraft, C. Krainc, D. Krämer, H. Kretz-Remy, C. Krichevsky, A.M. Kroemer, G. Krüger, R. Krut, O. Ktistakis, N.T. Kuan, C.-Y. Kucharczyk, R. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Kundu, M. Kung, H.-J. Kurz, T. Kwon, H.J. La Spada, A.R. Lafont, F. Lamark, T. Landry, J. Lane, J.D. Lapaquette, P. Laporte, J.F. László, L. Lavandero, S. Lavoie, J.N. Layfield, R. Lazo, P.A. Le, W. Le Cam, L. Ledbetter, D.J. Lee, A.J.X. Lee, B.-W. Lee, G.M. Lee, J. Lee, J.-H. Lee, M. Lee, M.-S. Lee, S.H. Leeuwenburgh, C. Legembre, P. Legouis, R. Lehmann, M. Lei, H.-Y. Lei, Q.-Y. Leib, D.A. Leiro, J. Lemasters, J.J. Lemoine, A. Lesniak, M.S. Lev, D. Levenson, V.V. Levine, B. Levy, E. Li, F. Li, J.-L. Li, L. Li, S. Li, W. Li, X.-J. Li, Y.-B. Li, Y.-P. Liang, C. Liang, Q. Liao, Y.-F. Liberski, P.P. Lieberman, A. Lim, H.J. Lim, K.-L. Lim, K. Lin, C.-F. Lin, F.-C. Lin, J. Lin, J.D. Lin, K. Lin, W.-W. Lin, W.-C. Lin, Y.-L. Linden, R. Lingor, P. Lippincott-Schwartz, J. Lisanti, M.P. Liton, P.B. Liu, B. Liu, C.-F. Liu, K. Liu, L. Liu, Q.A. Liu, W. Liu, Y.-C. Liu, Y. Lockshin, R.A. Lok, C.-N. Lonial, S. Loos, B. Lopez-Berestein, G. López-Otín, C. Lossi, L. Lotze, M.T. Lõw, P. Lu, B. Lu, B. Lu, B. Lu, Z. Luciano, F. Lukacs, N.W. Lund, A.H. Lynch-Day, M.A. Ma, Y. Macian, F. MacKeigan, J.P. Macleod, K.F. Madeo, F. Maiuri, L. Maiuri, M.C. Malagoli, D. Malicdan, M.C.V. Malorni, W. Man, N. Mandelkow, E.-M. Manon, S. Manov, I. Mao, K. Mao, X. Mao, Z. Marambaud, P. Marazziti, D. Marcel, Y.L. Marchbank, K. Marchetti, P. Marciniak, S.J. Marcondes, M. Mardi, M. Marfe, G. Mariño, G. Markaki, M. Marten, M.R. Martin, S.J. Martinand-Mari, C. Martinet, W. Martinez-Vicente, M. Masini, M. Matarrese, P. Matsuo, S. Matteoni, R. Mayer, A. Mazure, N.M. McConkey, D.J. McConnell, M.J. McDermott, C. McDonald, C. McInerney, G.M. McKenna, S.L. McLaughlin, B. McLean, P.J. McMaster, C.R. McQuibban, G.A. Meijer, A.J. Meisler, M.H. Meléndez, A. Melia, T.J. Melino, G. Mena, M.A. Menendez, J.A. Menna-Barreto, R.F.S. Menon, M.B. Menzies, F.M. Mercer, C.A. Merighi, A. Merry, D.E. Meschini, S. Meyer, C.G. Meyer, T.F. Miao, C.-Y. Miao, J.-Y. Michels, P.A.M. Michiels, C. Mijaljica, D. Milojkovic, A. Minucci, S. Miracco, C. Miranti, C.K. Mitroulis, I. Miyazawa, K. Mizushima, N. Mograbi, B. Mohseni, S. Molero, X. Mollereau, B. Mollinedo, F. Momoi, T. Monastyrska, I. Monick, M.M. Monteiro, M.J. Moore, M.N. Mora, R. Moreau, K. Moreira, P.I. Moriyasu, Y. Moscat, J. Mostowy, S. Mottram, J.C. Motyl, T. Moussa, C.E.-H. Müller, S. Muller, S. Münger, K. Münz, C. Murphy, L.O. Murphy, M.E. Musarò, A. Mysorekar, I. Nagata, E. Nagata, K. Nahimana, A. Nair, U. Nakagawa, T. Nakahira, K. Nakano, H. Nakatogawa, H. Nanjundan, M. Naqvi, N.I. Narendra, D.P. Narita, M. Navarro, M. Nawrocki, S.T. Nazarko, T.Y. Nemchenko, A. Netea, M.G. Neufeld, T.P. Ney, P.A. Nezis, I.P. Nguyen, H.P. Nie, D. Nishino, I. Nislow, C. Nixon, R.A. Noda, T. Noegel, A.A. Nogalska, A. Noguchi, S. Notterpek, L. Novak, I. Nozaki, T. Nukina, N. Nürnberger, T. Nyfeler, B. Obara, K. Oberley, T.D. Oddo, S. Ogawa, M. Ohashi, T. Okamoto, K. Oleinick, N.L. Oliver, F.J. Olsen, L.J. Olsson, S. Opota, O. Osborne, T.F. Ostrander, G.K. Otsu, K. Ou, J.-H.J. Ouimet, M. Overholtzer, M. Ozpolat, B. Paganetti, P. Pagnini, U. Pallet, N. Palmer, G.E. Palumbo, C. Pan, T. Panaretakis, T. Pandey, U.B. Papackova, Z. Papassideri, I. Paris, I. Park, J. Park, O.K. Parys, J.B. Parzych, K.R. Patschan, S. Patterson, C. Pattingre, S. Pawelek, J.M. Peng, J. Perlmutter, D.H. Perrotta, I. Perry, G. Pervaiz, S. Peter, M. Peters, G.J. Petersen, M. Petrovski, G. Phang, J.M. Piacentini, M. Pierre, P. Pierrefite-Carle, V. Pierron, G. Pinkas-Kramarski, R. Piras, A. Piri, N. Platanias, L.C. Pöggeler, S. Poirot, M. Poletti, A. Poüs, C. Pozuelo-Rubio, M. Prætorius-Ibba, M. Prasad, A. Prescott, M. Priault, M. Produit-Zengaffinen, N. Progulske-Fox, A. Proikas-Cezanne, T. Przedborski, S. Przyklenk, K. Puertollano, R. Puyal, J. Qian, S.-B. Qin, L. Qin, Z.-H. Quaggin, S.E. Raben, N. Rabinowich, H. Rabkin, S.W. Rahman, I. Rami, A. Ramm, G. Randall, G. Randow, F. Rao, V.A. Rathmell, J.C. Ravikumar, B. Ray, S.K. Reed, B.H. Reed, J.C. Reggiori, F. Régnier-Vigouroux, A. Reichert, A.S. Reiners Jr., J.J. Reiter, R.J. Ren, J. Revuelta, J.L. Rhodes, C.J. Ritis, K. Rizzo, E. Robbins, J. Roberge, M. Roca, H. Roccheri, M.C. Rocchi, S. Rodemann, H.P. De Córdoba, S.R. Rohrer, B. Roninson, I.B. Rosen, K. Rost-Roszkowska, M.M. Rouis, M. Rouschop, K.M.A. Rovetta, F. Rubin, B.P. Rubinsztein, D.C. Ruckdeschel, K. Rucker III, E.B. Rudich, A. Rudolf, E. Ruiz-Opazo, N. Russo, R. Rusten, T.E. Ryan, K.M. Ryter, S.W. Sabatini, D.M. Sadoshima, J. Saha, T. Saitoh, T. Sakagami, H. Sakai, Y. Salekdeh, G.H. Salomoni, P. Salvaterra, P.M. Salvesen, G. Salvioli, R. Sanchez, A.M.J. Sánchez-Alcázar, J.A. Sánchez-Prieto, R. Sandri, M. Sankar, U. Sansanwal, P. Santambrogio, L. Saran, S. Sarkar, S. Sarwal, M. Sasakawa, C. Sasnauskiene, A. Sass, M. Sato, K. Sato, M. Schapira, A.H.V. Scharl, M. Schätzl, H.M. Scheper, W. Schiaffino, S. Schneider, C. Schneider, M.E. Schneider-Stock, R. Schoenlein, P.V. Schorderet, D.F. Schüller, C. Schwartz, G.K. Scorrano, L. Sealy, L. Seglen, P.O. Segura-Aguilar, J. Seiliez, I. Seleverstov, O. Sell, C. Seo, J.B. Separovic, D. Setaluri, V. Setoguchi, T. Settembre, C. Shacka, J.J. Shanmugam, M. Shapiro, I.M. Shaulian, E. Shaw, R.J. Shelhamer, J.H. Shen, H.-M. Shen, W.-C. Sheng, Z.-H. Shi, Y. Shibuya, K. Shidoji, Y. Shieh, J.-J. Shih, C.-M. Shimada, Y. Shimizu, S. Shintani, T. Shirihai, O.S. Shore, G.C. Sibirny, A.A. Sidhu, S.B. Sikorska, B. Silva-Zacarin, E.C.M. Simmons, A. Simon, A.K. Simon, H.-U. Simone, C. Simonsen, A. Sinclair, D.A. Singh, R. Sinha, D. Sinicrope, F.A. Sirko, A. Siu, P.M. Sivridis, E. Skop, V. Skulachev, V.P. Slack, R.S. Smaili, S.S. Smith, D.R. Soengas, M.S. Soldati, T. Song, X. Sood, A.K. Soong, T.W. Sotgia, F. Spector, S.A. Spies, C.D. Springer, W. Srinivasula, S.M. Stefanis, L. Steffan, J.S. Stendel, R. Stenmark, H. Stephanou, A. Stern, S.T. Sternberg, C. Stork, B. Strålfors, P. Subauste, C.S. Sui, X. Sulzer, D. Sun, J. Sun, S.-Y. Sun, Z.-J. Sung, J.J.Y. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, T. Swanson, M.S. Swanton, C. Sweeney, S.T. Sy, L.-K. Szabadkai, G. Tabas, I. Taegtmeyer, H. Tafani, M. Takács-Vellai, K. Takano, Y. Takegawa, K. Takemura, G. Takeshita, F. Talbot, N.J. Tan, K.S.W. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, K. Tang, D. Tang, D. Tanida, I. Tannous, B.A. Tavernarakis, N. Taylor, G.S. Taylor, G.A. Taylor, J.P. Terada, A.S. Terman, A. Tettamanti, G. Thevissen, K. Thompson, C.B. Thorburn, A. Thumm, M. Tian, F. Tian, Y. Tocchini-Valentini, G. Tolkovsky, A.M. Tomino, Y. Tönges, L. Tooze, S.A. Tournier, C. Tower, J. Towns, R. Trajkovic, V. Travassos, L.H. Tsai, T.-F. Tschan, M.P. Tsubata, T. Tsung, A. Turk, B. Turner, L.S. Tyagi, S.C. Uchiyama, Y. Ueno, T. Umekawa, M. Umemiya-Shirafuji, R. Unni, V.K. Vaccaro, M.I. Valente, E.M. Van Den Berghe, G. Van Der Klei, I.J. Van Doorn, W.G. Van Dyk, L.F. Van Egmond, M. Van Grunsven, L.A. Vandenabeele, P. Vandenberghe, W.P. Vanhorebeek, I. Vaquero, E.C. Velasco, G. Vellai, T. Vicencio, J.M. Vierstra, R.D. Vila, M. Vindis, C. Viola, G. Viscomi, M.T. Voitsekhovskaja, O.V. Von Haefen, C. Votruba, M. Wada, K. Wade-Martins, R. Walker, C.L. Walsh, C.M. Walter, J. Wan, X.-B. Wang, A. Wang, C. Wang, D. Wang, F. Wang, F. Wang, G. Wang, H. Wang, H.-G. Wang, H.-D. Wang, J. Wang, K. Wang, M. Wang, R.C. Wang, X. Wang, X. Wang, Y.-J. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, Z.C. Wang, Z. Wansink, D.G. Ward, D.M. Watada, H. Waters, S.L. Webster, P. Wei, L. Weihl, C.C. Weiss, W.A. Welford, S.M. Wen, L.-P. Whitehouse, C.A. Whitton, J.L. Whitworth, A.J. Wileman, T. Wiley, J.W. Wilkinson, S. Willbold, D. Williams, R.L. Williamson, P.R. Wouters, B.G. Wu, C. Wu, D.-C. Wu, W.K.K. Wyttenbach, A. Xavier, R.J. Xi, Z. Xia, P. Xiao, G. Xie, Z. Xie, Z. Xu, D.-Z. Xu, J. Xu, L. Xu, X. Yamamoto, A. Yamamoto, A. Yamashina, S. Yamashita, M. Yan, X. Yanagida, M. Yang, D.-S. Yang, E. Yang, J.-M. Yang, S.Y. Yang, W. Yang, W.Y. Yang, Z. Yao, M.-C. Yao, T.-P. Yeganeh, B. Yen, W.-L. Yin, J.-J. Yin, X.-M. Yoo, O.-J. Yoon, G. Yoon, S.-Y. Yorimitsu, T. Yoshikawa, Y. Yoshimori, T. Yoshimoto, K. You, H.J. Youle, R.J. Younes, A. Yu, L. Yu, L. Yu, S.-W. Yu, W.H. Yuan, Z.-M. Yue, Z. Yun, C.-H. Yuzaki, M. Zabirnyk, O. Silva-Zacarin, E. David Zacks, E. Zacksenhaus, L. Zaffaroni, N. Zakeri, Z. Zeh III, H.J. Zeitlin, S.O. Zhang, H. Zhang, H.-L. Zhang, J. Zhang, J.-P. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, M.-Y. Zhang, X.D. Zhao, M. Zhao, Y.-F. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Z.J. Zheng, X. Zhivotovsky, B. Zhong, Q. Zhou, C.-Z. Zhu, C. Zhu, W.-G. Zhu, X.-F. Zhu, X. Zhu, Y. Zoladek, T. Zong, W.-X. Zorzano, A. Zschocke, J. Zuckerbraun, B.
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field. © 2012 Landes Bioscience.
- Published
- 2012
9. Measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase in the full CDF data set
- Author
Aaltonen, T., Alvarez, González, Amerio, B., Amidei, S., Anastassov, D., Annovi, A., Antos, A., Apollinari, J., Appel, G., J. A., Arisawa, Artikov, T., Asaadi, A., Ashmanskas, J., Auerbach, W., Aurisano, B., Azfar, A., Badgett, F., Bae, W., Barbaro, Galtieri, Barnes, A., V. E., Barnett, B. A., Barria, Bartos, P., Bauce, P., Bedeschi, M., Behari, F., Bellettini, S., Bellinger, G., Benjamin, J., Beretvas, D., Bhatti, A., Bisello, A., Bizjak, D., Bland, I., K. R., Blumenfeld, Bocci, B., Bodek, A., Bortoletto, A., Boudreau, D., Boveia, J., Brigliadori, A., Bromberg, L., Brucken, C., Budagov, E., Budd, J., H. S., Burkett, Busetto, K., Bussey, G., Buzatu, P., Calamba, A., Calancha, A., Camarda, C., Campanelli, S., Campbell, M., Canelli, M., Carls, F., Carlsmith, B., Carosi, D., Carrillo, R., Carron, S., Casal, S., Casarsa, B., Castro, M., Catastini, A., Cauz, P., Cavaliere, D., Cavalli, Sforza, Cerri, M., Cerrito, A., Chen, L., Y. C., Chertok, Chiarelli, M., Chlachidze, G., Chlebana, G., Cho, F., Chokheli, K., Chung, D., W. H., Chung, Y. S., Ciocci, M. A., Clark, Clarke, A., Compostella, C., Convery, G., M. E., Conway, Corbo, J., Cordelli, M., Cox, M., C. A., Cox, D. J., Crescioli, Cuevas, F., Culbertson, J., Dagenhart, R., D'Ascenzo, D., Datta, N., Barbaro, De, Dell'Orso, Mauro, Demortier, M., Deninno, L., Devoto, M., D'Errico, F., Canto, Di, Ruzza, Di, Dittmann, B., J. R., D'Onofrio, Donati, Simone, Dong, P., Dorigo, M., Dorigo, T., Ebina, K., Elagin, A., Eppig, A., Erbacher, R., Errede, S., Ershaidat, N., Eusebi, R., Farrington, S., Feindt, M., Fernandez, J. P., Field, R., Flanagan, G., Forrest, R., Frank, M. J., Franklin, M., Freeman, J. C., Funakoshi, Y., Furic, I., Gallinaro, M., Garcia, J. E., Garfinkel, A. F., Garosi, P., Gerberich, H., Gerchtein, E., Giagu, S., Giakoumopoulou, V., Giannetti, P., Gibson, K., Ginsburg, C. M., Giokaris, N., Giromini, P., Giurgiu, G., Glagolev, V., Glenzinski, D., Gold, M., Goldin, D., Goldschmidt, N., Golossanov, A., Gomez, G., Gomez, Ceballos, Goncharov, G., González, M., Gorelov, O., Goshaw, I., A. T., Goulianos, Grillo, K., Grinstein, L., Grosso, Pilcher, Group, C., R. C., Guimaraes Da Costa, Hahn, J., S. R., Halkiadakis, Hamaguchi, E., Han, A., J. Y., Happacher, Hara, F., Hare, K., Hare, D., Harr, M., R. F., Hatakeyama, Hays, K., Heck, C., Heinrich, M., Herndon, J., Hewamanage, M., Hocker, S., Hopkins, A., Horn, W., Hou, D., Hughes, S., R. E., Hurwitz, Husemann, M., Hussain, U., Hussein, N., Huston, M., Introzzi, J., Iori, G., Ivanov, M., James, A., Jang, E., Jayatilaka, D., Jeon, B., E. J., Jindariani, Jones, S., Joo, M., K. K., Jun, S. Y., Junk, T. R., Kamon, Karchin, T., P. E., Kasmi, Kato, A., Ketchum, Y., Keung, W., Khotilovich, J., Kilminster, V., Kim, B., D. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. E., Kim, M. J., Kim, S. B., Kim, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Kim, Y. J., Kimura, Kirby, N., Klimenko, M., Knoepfel, S., Kondo, K., Kong, K., D. J., Konigsberg, Kotwal, J., A. V., Kreps, Kroll, M., Krop, J., Kruse, D., Krutelyov, M., Kuhr, V., Kurata, T., Kwang, M., Laasanen, S., A. T., Lami, Lammel, S., Lancaster, S., Lander, M., R. L., Lannon, Lath, K., Latino, A., Lecompte, G., Lee, T., Lee, E., H. S., Lee, J. S., Lee, S. W., Leo, Leone, S., Lewis, S., J. D., Limosani, Lin, A., C. J., Lindgren, Lipeles, M., Lister, E., Litvintsev, A., D. O., Liu, Liu, C., Liu, H., Liu, Q., Lockwitz, T., Loginov, S., Lucchesi, A., Lueck, D., Lujan, J., Lukens, P., Lungu, P., Lys, G., Lysak, J., Madrak, R., Maeshima, R., Maestro, K., Malik, P., Manca, S., Manousakis, Katsikakis, Margaroli, A., Marino, F., Martínez, C., Mastrandrea, M., Matera, P., Mattson, K., M. E., Mazzacane, Mazzanti, A., Mcfarland, P., K. S., Mcintyre, Mcnulty, P., Mehta, R., Mehtala, A., Mesropian, P., Miao, C., Mietlicki, T., Mitra, D., Miyake, A., Moed, H., Moggi, S., Mondragon, N., M. N., Moon, C. S., Moore, Morello, R., M. J., Morlock, Movilla, Fernandez, Mukherjee, P., Muller, A., Murat, T., Mussini, P., Nachtman, M., Nagai, J., Naganoma, Y., Nakano, J., Napier, I., Nett, A., Neu, J., Neubauer, C., M. S., Nielsen, Nodulman, J., Noh, L., S. Y., Norniella, Oakes, O., Oh, L., S. H., Oh, Y. D., Oksuzian, Okusawa, I., Orava, T., Ortolan, R., Pagan, Griso, Pagliarone, S., Palencia, C., Papadimitriou, E., Paramonov, V., A. A., Patrick, Pauletta, J., Paulini, G., Paus, M., Pellett, C., D. E., Penzo, Phillips, A., T. J., Piacentino, Pianori, G., Pilot, E., Pitts, J., Plager, K., Pondrom, C., Poprocki, L., Potamianos, S., Prokoshin, K., Pranko, F., Ptohos, A., Punzi, Giovanni, Rahaman, G., Ramakrishnan, A., Ranjan, V., Redondo, N., Renton, I., Rescigno, P., Riddick, M., Rimondi, T., Ristori, F., Robson, L., Rodrigo, A., Rodriguez, T., Rogers, T., Rolli, E., Roser, S., Ruffini, R., Ruiz, F., Russ, A., Rusu, J., Safonov, V., Sakumoto, A., W. K., Sakurai, Santi, Y., Sato, L., Saveliev, K., Savoy, Navarro, Schlabach, A., Schmidt, P., Schmidt, A., E. E., Schwarz, Scodellaro, T., Scribano, L., Scuri, A., Seidel, F., Seiya, S., Semenov, Y., Sforza, A., Shalhout, F., S. Z., Shears, Shepard, T., P. F., Shimojima, Shochet, M., Shreyber, Tecker, Simonenko, I., Sinervo, A., Sliwa, P., Smith, K., J. R., Snider, F. D., Soha, Sorin, A., Song, V., Squillacioti, H., Stancari, P., Denis, S. t., Stelzer, R., Stelzer, Chilton, Stentz, O., Strologas, D., Strycker, J., G. L., Sudo, Sukhanov, Y., Suslov, A., Takemasa, I., Takeuchi, K., Tang, Y., Tecchio, J., Teng, M., P. K., Thom, Thome, J., Thompson, J., G. A., Thomson, Toback, E., Tokar, D., Tollefson, S., Tomura, K., Tonelli, T., Torre, D., Torretta, S., Totaro, D., Trovato, P., Ukegawa, M., Uozumi, F., Varganov, S., Vázquez, A., Velev, F., Vellidis, G., Vidal, C., Vila, M., Vilar, I., Vizán, R., Vogel, J., Volpi, M., Wagner, G., Wagner, P., R. L., Wakisaka, Wallny, T., Wang, R., S. M., Warburton, Waters, A., Wester, D., W. C., Whiteson, Wicklund, D., A. B., Wicklund, Wilbur, E., Wick, S., Williams, F., H. H., Wilson, J. S., Wilson, Winer, P., B. L., Wittich, Wolbers, P., Wolfe, S., Wright, H., Wu, T., Wu, X., Yamamoto, Z., Yamato, K., Yang, D., Yang, T., U. K., Yang, Y. C., Yao, W. M., Yeh, G. P., Yi, Yoh, K., Yorita, J., Yoshida, K., Yu, T., G. B., Yu, Yu, I., S. S., Yun, J. C., Zanetti, Zeng, A., Zhou, Y., Zucchelli, C., Jy, S., Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores JB, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada AR, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Ms, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, Ms, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez Berestein, G, López Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch Day MA, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna Barreto RF, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo Rubio, M, Prætorius Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit Zengaffinen, N, Progulske Fox, A, Proikas Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier Vigouroux, A, Reichert, As, Reiners JJ Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost Roszkowska MM, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez Alcázar JA, Sánchez Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, Os, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva Zacarin EC, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, Rs, Smaili, Ss, Smith, Dr, Soengas, Ms, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, Js, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, Cs, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, Ms, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, Ks, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, Gs, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, Ls, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, Ls, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya, Shira, T., Aaltonen, B. A., Gonzalez, S., Amerio, D., Amidei, A., Anastassov, A., Annovi, J., Anto, G., Apollinari, J. A., Appel, T., Arisawa, A., Artikov, J., Asaadi, W., Ashmanska, B., Auerbach, A., Aurisano, F., Azfar, W., Badgett, T., Bae, A., Barbaro Galtieri, V. E., Barne, B. A., Barnett, P., Barria, P., Barto, M., Bauce, F., Bedeschi, S., Behari, G., Bellettini, J., Bellinger, D., Benjamin, A., Beretva, A., Bhatti, D., Bisello, I., Bizjak, K. R., Bland, B., Blumenfeld, A., Bocci, A., Bodek, D., Bortoletto, J., Boudreau, A., Boveia, L., Brigliadori, C., Bromberg, E., Brucken, J., Budagov, H. S., Budd, K., Burkett, G., Busetto, P., Bussey, A., Buzatu, A., Calamba, C., Calancha, S., Camarda, M., Campanelli, M., Campbell, F., Canelli, B., Carl, D., Carlsmith, R., Carosi, S., Carrillo, S., Carron, B., Casal, M., Casarsa, A., Castro, P., Catastini, D., Cauz, V., Cavaliere, M., Cavalli Sforza, A., Cerri, L., Cerrito, Y. C., Chen, M., Chertok, G., Chiarelli, G., Chlachidze, F., Chlebana, K., Cho, D., Chokheli, W. H., Chung, Y. S., Chung, M. A., Ciocci, A., Clark, C., Clarke, G., Compostella, M. E., Convery, J., Conway, M., Corbo, M., Cordelli, C. A., Cox, D. J., Cox, F., Crescioli, J., Cueva, R., Culbertson, D., Dagenhart, N., D'Ascenzo, M., Datta, P. D., Barbaro, M., Dell'Orso, L., Demortier, M., Deninno, F., Devoto, M., D'Errico, A. D., Canto, B. D., Ruzza, J. R., Dittmann, M., D'Onofrio, S., Donati, P., Dong, M., Dorigo, T., Dorigo, K., Ebina, A., Elagin, A., Eppig, R., Erbacher, S., Errede, N., Ershaidat, R., Eusebi, S., Farrington, M., Feindt, J. P., Fernandez, R., Field, G., Flanagan, R., Forrest, M. J., Frank, M., Franklin, J. C., Freeman, Y., Funakoshi, I., Furic, M., Gallinaro, J. E., Garcia, A. F., Garfinkel, P., Garosi, H., Gerberich, E., Gerchtein, S., Giagu, V., Giakoumopoulou, P., Giannetti, K., Gibson, C. M., Ginsburg, N., Giokari, P., Giromini, G., Giurgiu, V., Glagolev, D., Glenzinski, M., Gold, D., Goldin, N., Goldschmidt, A., Golossanov, G., Gomez, G., Gomez Ceballo, M., Goncharov, O., Gonzalez, I., Gorelov, A. T., Goshaw, K., Gouliano, L., Grillo, S., Grinstein, C., Grosso Pilcher, R. C., Group, J. G., Da, S. R., Hahn, E., Halkiadaki, A., Hamaguchi, J. Y., Han, F., Happacher, K., Hara, D., Hare, M., Hare, R. F., Harr, K., Hatakeyama, C., Hay, M., Heck, J., Heinrich, M., Herndon, S., Hewamanage, A., Hocker, W., Hopkin, D., Horn, S., Hou, R. E., Hughe, M., Hurwitz, U., Husemann, N., Hussain, M., Hussein, J., Huston, G., Introzzi, M., Iori, A., Ivanov, E., Jame, D., Jang, B., Jayatilaka, E. J., Jeon, S., Jindariani, M., Jone, K. K., Joo, S. Y., Jun, T. R., Junk, T., Kamon, P. E., Karchin, A., Kasmi, Y., Kato, W., Ketchum, J., Keung, V., Khotilovich, B., Kilminster, D. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. E., Kim, M. J., Kim, S. B., Kim, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Kim, Y. J., Kim, N., Kimura, M., Kirby, S., Klimenko, K., Knoepfel, K., Kondo, D. J., Kong, J., Konigsberg, A. V., Kotwal, M., Krep, J., Kroll, D., Krop, M., Kruse, V., Krutelyov, T., Kuhr, M., Kurata, S., Kwang, A. T., Laasanen, S., Lami, S., Lammel, M., Lancaster, R. L., Lander, K., Lannon, A., Lath, G., Latino, T., Lecompte, E., Lee, H. S., Lee, J. S., Lee, S. W., Lee, S., Leo, S., Leone, J. D., Lewi, A., Limosani, C. J., Lin, M., Lindgren, E., Lipele, A., Lister, D. O., Litvintsev, C., Liu, H., Liu, Q., Liu, T., Liu, S., Lockwitz, A., Loginov, D., Lucchesi, J., Lueck, P., Lujan, P., Luken, G., Lungu, J., Ly, R., Lysak, R., Madrak, K., Maeshima, P., Maestro, S., Malik, G., Manca, A., Manousakis Katsikaki, F., Margaroli, C., Marino, M., Martinez, P., Mastrandrea, K., Matera, M. E., Mattson, A., Mazzacane, P., Mazzanti, K. S., Mcfarland, P., Mcintyre, R., Mcnulty, A., Mehta, P., Mehtala, C., Mesropian, T., Miao, D., Mietlicki, A., Mitra, H., Miyake, S., Moed, N., Moggi, M. N., Mondragon, C. S., Moon, R., Moore, Morello, MICHAEL JOSEPH, J., Morlock, P. M., Fernandez, A., Mukherjee, T., Muller, P., Murat, M., Mussini, J., Nachtman, Y., Nagai, J., Naganoma, I., Nakano, A., Napier, J., Nett, C., Neu, M. S., Neubauer, J., Nielsen, L., Nodulman, S. Y., Noh, O., Norniella, L., Oake, S. H., Oh, Y. D., Oh, I., Oksuzian, T., Okusawa, R., Orava, L., Ortolan, S. P., Griso, C., Pagliarone, E., Palencia, V., Papadimitriou, A. A., Paramonov, J., Patrick, G., Pauletta, M., Paulini, C., Pau, D. E., Pellett, A., Penzo, T. J., Phillip, G., Piacentino, E., Pianori, J., Pilot, K., Pitt, C., Plager, L., Pondrom, S., Poprocki, K., Potamiano, F., Prokoshin, A., Pranko, F., Ptoho, G., Punzi, A., Rahaman, V., Ramakrishnan, N., Ranjan, I., Redondo, P., Renton, M., Rescigno, T., Riddick, F., Rimondi, L., Ristori, A., Robson, T., Rodrigo, T., Rodriguez, E., Roger, S., Rolli, R., Roser, F., Ruffini, A., Ruiz, J., Ru, V., Rusu, A., Safonov, W. K., Sakumoto, Y., Sakurai, L., Santi, K., Sato, V., Saveliev, A., Savoy Navarro, P., Schlabach, A., Schmidt, E. E., Schmidt, T., Schwarz, L., Scodellaro, A., Scribano, F., Scuri, S., Seidel, Y., Seiya, A., Semenov, F., Sforza, S. Z., Shalhout, T., Shear, P. F., Shepard, M., Shimojima, M., Shochet, I., Shreyber Tecker, A., Simonenko, P., Sinervo, K., Sliwa, J. R., Smith, F. D., Snider, A., Soha, V., Sorin, H., Song, P., Squillacioti, M., Stancari, R. S., Deni, B., Stelzer, O., Stelzer Chilton, D., Stentz, J., Strologa, G. L., Strycker, Y., Sudo, A., Sukhanov, I., Suslov, K., Takemasa, Y., Takeuchi, J., Tang, M., Tecchio, P. K., Teng, J., Thom, J., Thome, G. A., Thompson, E., Thomson, D., Toback, S., Tokar, K., Tollefson, T., Tomura, D., Tonelli, S., Torre, D., Torretta, P., Totaro, M., Trovato, F., Ukegawa, S., Uozumi, A., Varganov, F., Vazquez, G., Velev, C., Vellidi, M., Vidal, I., Vila, R., Vilar, J., Vizan, M., Vogel, G., Volpi, P., Wagner, R. L., Wagner, T., Wakisaka, R., Wallny, S. M., Wang, A., Warburton, D., Water, W. C., Wester, D., Whiteson, A. B., Wicklund, E., Wicklund, S., Wilbur, F., Wick, H. H., William, J. S., Wilson, P., Wilson, B. L., Winer, P., Wittich, S., Wolber, H., Wolfe, T., Wright, X., Wu, Z., Wu, K., Yamamoto, D., Yamato, T., Yang, U. K., Yang, Y. C., Yang, W. M., Yao, G. P., Yeh, K., Yi, J., Yoh, K., Yorita, T., Yoshida, G. B., Yu, I., Yu, S. S., Yu, J. C., Yun, A., Zanetti, Y., Zeng, C., Zhou, S., Zucchelli, B. c., Alvarez, A. c., Anastassov, J. c., Anto, J., Appel, T. c., Ct, V., Barne, B., Barnett, P. a., Barria, P. c., Barto, M. a., Bauce, G. a., Bellettini, D. a., Bisello, K., Bland, L. g., Brigliadori, H., Budd, G. a., Busetto, A. b., Cx, F. p., Canelli, S. b., Carrillo, B. b., Casal, A. g., Castro, A. b., Cerri, L. c., Cerrito, Y., Chen, K. c., Ct, W., Chung, Y., Chung, M. a., Ciocci, G. a., Compostella, M., Convery, C., Cox, D., Cox, F. a., Crescioli, J. c., Cueva, N. c., D'Ascenzo, M. a., Dell'Orso, M. a., D'Errico, A. a., Di, J., Dittmann, S. a., Donati, Dorigo, Mirco, N. c., Ershaidat, J., Fernandez, G. c., Flanagan, M., Frank, J., Freeman, J., Garcia, A., Garfinkel, P. a., Garosi, C., Ginsburg, O., González, A., Goshaw, R. b., Group, S., Hahn, J., Han, R., Harr, W. b., Hopkin, R., Hughe, N. b., Cx, M. b., Iori, A. c., Ivanov, E. c., Ct, S., Jun, T., Junk, T. b., C, P., Karchin, Y. c., Kato, D. c., Ct, H. c., Ct, J. c., Ct, M., Kim, S. c., Ct, S., Kim, Y., Kim, Y. c., Ct, A., Kotwal, V. b., Krutelyov, A., Laasanen, R., Lander, K. c., Lannon, G. a., Latino, H. c., Lee, S. c., Lee, S. a., Leo, J., Lewi, A. c., Limosani, C., Lin, D., Litvintsev, D. a., Lucchesi, R. b., Cr, P. a., Maestro, G. b., Manca, M., Martínez, M., Mattson, K., Mcfarland, R. b., Mcnulty, M. b., Mondragon, C. c., Ct, M. a., Morello, M. g., Mussini, J. c., Nachtman, M., Neubauer, J. b., Nielsen, S., Oh, S. a., Pagan, E. b., Palencia, A., Paramonov, G. b., Pauletta, D., Pellett, T., Phillip, S. b., Poprocki, F. c., Prokoshin, F. b., Ptoho, G. a., Punzi, F. g., Rimondi, L. a., Ristori, S. b., Rolli, F. a., Ruffini, W., Sakumoto, L. b., Santi, V. c., Saveliev, A. c., Savoy Navarro, E., Schmidt, A. a., Scribano, F. a., Sforza, S., Shalhout, P., Shepard, M. c., Shimojima, P. b., Cx, J., Smith, F., Snider, P. a., Squillacioti, B. b., Cx, O. b., Cx, D. c., Stentz, G., Strycker, P., Teng, J. b., Thom, G., Thompson, S. c., Tokar, M. a., Trovato, F. b., Vázquez, J., Vizán, R., Wagner, S., Wang, W., Wester, D. b., Whiteson, A., Wicklund, H., William, J., Wilson, B., Winer, P. b., Wittich, U. c., Yang, W., Yao, G., Yeh, K. c., Yi, T. b., Yoshida, G., Yu, I. c., Ct, S., Yu, J., Yun, S. g., Zucchelli, T. Aaltonen, B. Álvarez González, S. Amerio, D. Amidei, A. Anastassov, A. Annovi, J. Anto, G. Apollinari, J. Appel, T. Arisawa, A. Artikov, J. Asaadi, W. Ashmanska, B. Auerbach, A. Aurisano, F. Azfar, W. Badgett, T. Bae, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, V. Barne, B. Barnett, P. Barria, P. Barto, M. Bauce, F. Bedeschi, S. Behari, G. Bellettini, J. Bellinger, D. Benjamin, A. Beretva, A. Bhatti, D. Bisello, I. Bizjak, K. Bland, B. Blumenfeld, A. Bocci, A. Bodek, D. Bortoletto, J. Boudreau, A. Boveia, L. Brigliadori, C. Bromberg, E. Brucken, J. Budagov, H. Budd, K. Burkett, G. Busetto, P. Bussey, A. Buzatu, A. Calamba, C. Calancha, S. Camarda, M. Campanelli, M. Campbell, F. Canelli, B. Carl, D. Carlsmith, R. Carosi, S. Carrillo, S. Carron, B. Casal, M. Casarsa, A. Castro, P. Catastini, D. Cauz, V. Cavaliere, M. Cavalli-Sforza, A. Cerri, L. Cerrito, Y. Chen, M. Chertok, G. Chiarelli, G. Chlachidze, F. Chlebana, K. Cho, D. Chokheli, W. Chung, Y. Chung, M. Ciocci, A. Clark, C. Clarke, G. Compostella, M. Convery, J. Conway, M. Corbo, M. Cordelli, C. Cox, D. Cox, F. Crescioli, J. Cueva, R. Culbertson, D. Dagenhart, N. d’Ascenzo, M. Datta, P. de Barbaro, M. Dell’Orso, L. Demortier, M. Deninno, F. Devoto, M. d’Errico, A. Di Canto, B. Di Ruzza, J. Dittmann, M. D’Onofrio, S. Donati, P. Dong, M. Dorigo, T. Dorigo, K. Ebina, A. Elagin, A. Eppig, R. Erbacher, S. Errede, N. Ershaidat, R. Eusebi, S. Farrington, M. Feindt, J. Fernandez, R. Field, G. Flanagan, R. Forrest, M. Frank, M. Franklin, J. Freeman, Y. Funakoshi, I. Furic, M. Gallinaro, J. Garcia, A. Garfinkel, P. Garosi, H. Gerberich, E. Gerchtein, S. Giagu, V. Giakoumopoulou, P. Giannetti, K. Gibson, C. Ginsburg, N. Giokari, P. Giromini, G. Giurgiu, V. Glagolev, D. Glenzinski, M. Gold, D. Goldin, N. Goldschmidt, A. Golossanov, G. Gomez, G. Gomez-Ceballo, M. Goncharov, O. González, I. Gorelov, A. Goshaw, K. Gouliano, L. Grillo, S. Grinstein, C. Grosso-Pilcher, R. Group, J. Guimaraes da Costa, S. Hahn, E. Halkiadaki, A. Hamaguchi, J. Han, F. Happacher, K. Hara, D. Hare, M. Hare, R. Harr, K. Hatakeyama, C. Hay, M. Heck, J. Heinrich, M. Herndon, S. Hewamanage, A. Hocker, W. Hopkin, D. Horn, S. Hou, R. Hughe, M. Hurwitz, U. Husemann, N. Hussain, M. Hussein, J. Huston, G. Introzzi, M. Iori, A. Ivanov, E. Jame, D. Jang, B. Jayatilaka, E. Jeon, S. Jindariani, M. Jone, K. Joo, S. Jun, T. Junk, T. Kamon, P. Karchin, A. Kasmi, Y. Kato, W. Ketchum, J. Keung, V. Khotilovich, B. Kilminster, D. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Kim, N. Kimura, M. Kirby, S. Klimenko, K. Knoepfel, K. Kondo, D. Kong, J. Konigsberg, A. Kotwal, M. Krep, J. Kroll, D. Krop, M. Kruse, V. Krutelyov, T. Kuhr, M. Kurata, S. Kwang, A. Laasanen, S. Lami, S. Lammel, M. Lancaster, R. Lander, K. Lannon, A. Lath, G. Latino, T. LeCompte, E. Lee, H. Lee, J. Lee, S. Lee, S. Leo, S. Leone, J. Lewi, A. Limosani, C.-J. Lin, M. Lindgren, E. Lipele, A. Lister, D. Litvintsev, C. Liu, H. Liu, Q. Liu, T. Liu, S. Lockwitz, A. Loginov, D. Lucchesi, J. Lueck, P. Lujan, P. Luken, G. Lungu, J. Ly, R. Lysak, R. Madrak, K. Maeshima, P. Maestro, S. Malik, G. Manca, A. Manousakis-Katsikaki, F. Margaroli, C. Marino, M. Martínez, P. Mastrandrea, K. Matera, M. Mattson, A. Mazzacane, P. Mazzanti, K. McFarland, P. McIntyre, R. McNulty, A. Mehta, P. Mehtala, C. Mesropian, T. Miao, D. Mietlicki, A. Mitra, H. Miyake, S. Moed, N. Moggi, M. Mondragon, C. Moon, R. Moore, M. Morello, J. Morlock, P. Movilla Fernandez, A. Mukherjee, Th. Muller, P. Murat, M. Mussini, J. Nachtman, Y. Nagai, J. Naganoma, I. Nakano, A. Napier, J. Nett, C. Neu, M. Neubauer, J. Nielsen, L. Nodulman, S. Noh, O. Norniella, L. Oake, S. Oh, Y. Oh, I. Oksuzian, T. Okusawa, R. Orava, L. Ortolan, S. Pagan Griso, C. Pagliarone, E. Palencia, V. Papadimitriou, A. Paramonov, J. Patrick, G. Pauletta, M. Paulini, C. Pau, D. Pellett, A. Penzo, T. Phillip, G. Piacentino, E. Pianori, J. Pilot, K. Pitt, C. Plager, L. Pondrom, S. Poprocki, K. Potamiano, F. Prokoshin, A. Pranko, F. Ptoho, G. Punzi, A. Rahaman, V. Ramakrishnan, N. Ranjan, I. Redondo, P. Renton, M. Rescigno, T. Riddick, F. Rimondi, L. Ristori, A. Robson, T. Rodrigo, T. Rodriguez, E. Roger, S. Rolli, R. Roser, F. Ruffini, A. Ruiz, J. Ru, V. Rusu, A. Safonov, W. Sakumoto, Y. Sakurai, L. Santi, K. Sato, V. Saveliev, A. Savoy-Navarro, P. Schlabach, A. Schmidt, E. Schmidt, T. Schwarz, L. Scodellaro, A. Scribano, F. Scuri, S. Seidel, Y. Seiya, A. Semenov, F. Sforza, S. Shalhout, T. Shear, P. Shepard, M. Shimojima, M. Shochet, I. Shreyber-Tecker, A. Simonenko, P. Sinervo, K. Sliwa, J. Smith, F. Snider, A. Soha, V. Sorin, H. Song, P. Squillacioti, M. Stancari, R. St. Deni, B. Stelzer, O. Stelzer-Chilton, D. Stentz, J. Strologa, G. Strycker, Y. Sudo, A. Sukhanov, I. Suslov, K. Takemasa, Y. Takeuchi, J. Tang, M. Tecchio, P. Teng, J. Thom, J. Thome, G. Thompson, E. Thomson, D. Toback, S. Tokar, K. Tollefson, T. Tomura, D. Tonelli, S. Torre, D. Torretta, P. Totaro, M. Trovato, F. Ukegawa, S. Uozumi, A. Varganov, F. Vázquez, G. Velev, C. Vellidi, M. Vidal, I. Vila, R. Vilar, J. Vizán, M. Vogel, G. Volpi, P. Wagner, R. Wagner, T. Wakisaka, R. Wallny, S. Wang, A. Warburton, D. Water, W. Wester, D. Whiteson, A. Wicklund, E. Wicklund, S. Wilbur, F. Wick, H. William, J. Wilson, P. Wilson, B. Winer, P. Wittich, S. Wolber, H. Wolfe, T. Wright, X. Wu, Z. Wu, K. Yamamoto, D. Yamato, T. Yang, U. Yang, Y. Yang, W.-M. Yao, G. Yeh, K. Yi, J. Yoh, K. Yorita, T. Yoshida, G. Yu, I. Yu, S. Yu, J. Yun, A. Zanetti, Y. Zeng, C. Zhou, S. Zucchelli, and Universidad de Cantabria
- Subjects
FERMILAB TEVATRON COLLIDER ,Particle physics ,CP-violating asymmetries ,Meson ,B physic ,General Physics and Astronomy ,FOS: Physical sciences ,B physics ,Angle distribution, Branching ratio, CDF experiments, CP violations, CP-violating asymmetries, Data sample, Fermilab Tevatron collider, Integrated luminosity, Longitudinal polarization, Vector meson ,Longitudinal polarization ,7. Clean energy ,01 natural sciences ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Vector meson ,Physics and Astronomy (all) ,High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,Mixing (mathematics) ,Strange b mesons ,Phase (matter) ,0103 physical sciences ,STRANGE QUARK ,mixing ,Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase ,proton antiproton collisions ,010306 general physics ,TEVATRON ,Nuclear Experiment ,BOTTOM QUARK ,Physics ,Integrated luminosity ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Branching ratio ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,CDF experiments ,CP violations ,Full data ,Content (measure theory) ,Angle distribution ,CDF ,Production (computer science) ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Data sample - Abstract
We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase βs using the time evolution of Bs0→J/ψ(→μ+μ-)ϕ(→K+K-) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of βs and the Bs0 decay-width difference ΔΓs and measure βs∈[-π/2,-1.51]∪[-0.06,0.30]∪[1.26,π/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of βs, we also determine ΔΓs=0.068±0.026(stat)±0.009(syst) ps-1 and the mean Bs0 lifetime τs=1.528±0.019(stat)±0.009(syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments., This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation; the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; the National Science Council of the Republic of China; the Swiss National Science Foundation; the A. P. Sloan Foundation; the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany; the Korean World Class University Program, the National Research Foundation of Korea; the Science and Technology Facilities Council and the Royal Society, UK; the Russian Foundation for Basic Research; the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010, Spain; the Slovak R&D Agency; the Academy of Finland; and the Australian Research Council (ARC).
- Published
- 2012
10. Functional and Sequence Similarities Between HPV16 E7 and Adenovirus E1A
- Author
Phelps, W. C., primary, Yee, C. L., additional, Münger, K., additional, and Howley, P. M., additional
- Published
- 1989
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11. Metal accumulation inAgaricus bisporus: Influence of Cd and Cu on growth and tyrosinase activity
- Author
Münger, K., Lerch, K., and Tschierpe, H. J.
- Published
- 1982
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- View/download PDF
12. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
- Author
Klionsky, Dj, Abdalla, Fc, Abeliovich, H, Abraham, Rt, Acevedo-Arozena, A, Adeli, K, Agholme, L, Agnello, M, Agostinis, P, Aguirre-Ghiso, Ja, Ahn, Hj, Ait-Mohamed, O, Ait-Si-Ali, S, Akematsu, T, Akira, S, Al-Younes, Hm, Al-Zeer, Ma, Albert, Ml, Albin, Rl, Alegre-Abarrategui, J, Aleo, Mf, Alirezaei, M, Almasan, A, Almonte-Becerril, M, Amano, A, Amaravadi, R, Amarnath, S, Amer, Ao, Andrieu-Abadie, N, Anantharam, V, Ann, Dk, Anoopkumar-Dukie, S, Aoki, H, Apostolova, N, Arancia, G, Aris, Jp, Asanuma, K, Asare, Ny, Ashida, H, Askanas, V, Askew, D, Auberger, P, Baba, M, Backues, Sk, Baehrecke, Eh, Bahr, Ba, Bai, Xy, Bailly, Y, Baiocchi, R, Baldini, G, Balduini, W, Ballabio, A, Bamber, Ba, Bampton, Et, Bánhegyi, G, Bartholomew, Cr, Bassham, Dc, Bast RC, Jr, Batoko, H, Bay, Bh, Beau, I, Béchet, Dm, Begley, Tj, Behl, C, Behrends, C, Bekri, S, Bellaire, B, Bendall, Lj, Benetti, L, Berliocchi, L, Bernardi, H, Bernassola, F, Besteiro, S, Bhatia-Kissova, I, Bi, X, Biard-Piechaczyk, M, Blum, J, Boise, Lh, Bonaldo, P, Boone, Dl, Bornhauser, Bc, Bortoluci, Kr, Bossis, I, Bost, F, Bourquin, Jp, Boya, P, Boyer-Guittaut, M, Bozhkov, Pv, Brady, Nr, Brancolini, C, Brech, A, Brenman, Je, Brennand, A, Bresnick, Eh, Brest, P, Bridges, D, Bristol, Ml, Brookes, P, Brown, Ej, Brumell, Jh, Brunetti-Pierri, N, Brunk, Ut, Bulman, De, Bultman, Sj, Bultynck, G, Burbulla, Lf, Bursch, W, Butchar, Jp, Buzgariu, W, Bydlowski, Sp, Cadwell, K, Cahová, M, Cai, D, Cai, J, Cai, Q, Calabretta, B, Calvo-Garrido, J, Camougrand, N, Campanella, M, Campos-Salinas, J, Candi, E, Cao, L, Caplan, Ab, Carding, Sr, Cardoso, Sm, Carew, J, Carlin, Cr, Carmignac, V, Carneiro, La, Carra, S, Caruso, Ra, Casari, G, Casas, C, Castino, R, Cebollero, E, Cecconi, F, Celli, J, Chaachouay, H, Chae, Hj, Chai, Cy, Chan, Dc, Chan, Ey, Chang, Rc, Che, Cm, Chen, Cc, Chen, Gc, Chen, Gq, Chen, M, Chen, Q, Chen, S, Chen, W, Chen, X, Chen, Yg, Chen, Y, Chen, Yj, Chen, Z, Cheng, A, Cheng, Ch, Cheng, Y, Cheong, H, Cheong, Jh, Cherry, S, Chess-Williams, R, Cheung, Zh, Chevet, E, Chiang, Hl, Chiarelli, R, Chiba, T, Chin, L, Chiou, Sh, Chisari, Fv, Cho, Ch, Cho, Dh, Choi, Am, Choi, D, Choi, K, Choi, Me, Chouaib, S, Choubey, D, Choubey, V, Chu, Ct, Chuang, Th, Chueh, Sh, Chun, T, Chwae, Yj, Chye, Ml, Ciarcia, R, Ciriolo, Mr, Clague, Mj, Clark, R, Clarke, Pg, Clarke, R, Codogno, P, Coller, Ha, Colombo, Mi, Comincini, S, Condello, M, Condorelli, F, Cookson, Mr, Coombs, Gh, Coppens, I, Corbalan, R, Cossart, P, Costelli, P, Costes, S, Coto-Montes, A, Couve, E, Coxon, Fp, Cregg, Jm, Crespo, Jl, Cronjé, Mj, Cuervo, Am, Cullen, Jj, Czaja, Mj, D'Amelio, M, Darfeuille-Michaud, A, Davids, Lm, Davies, Fe, De Felici, M, de Groot, Jf, de Haan, Ca, De Martino, L, De Milito, A, De Tata, V, Debnath, J, Degterev, A, Dehay, B, Delbridge, Lm, Demarchi, F, Deng, Yz, Dengjel, J, Dent, P, Denton, D, Deretic, V, Desai, Sd, Devenish, Rj, Di Gioacchino, M, Di Paolo, G, Di Pietro, C, Díaz-Araya, G, Díaz-Laviada, I, Diaz-Meco, Mt, Diaz-Nido, J, Dikic, I, Dinesh-Kumar, Sp, Ding, Wx, Distelhorst, Cw, Diwan, A, Djavaheri-Mergny, M, Dokudovskaya, S, Dong, Z, Dorsey, Fc, Dosenko, V, Dowling, Jj, Doxsey, S, Dreux, M, Drew, Me, Duan, Q, Duchosal, Ma, Duff, K, Dugail, I, Durbeej, M, Duszenko, M, Edelstein, Cl, Edinger, Al, Egea, G, Eichinger, L, Eissa, Nt, Ekmekcioglu, S, El-Deiry, W, Elazar, Z, Elgendy, M, Ellerby, Lm, Eng, Ke, Engelbrecht, Am, Engelender, S, Erenpreisa, J, Escalante, R, Esclatine, A, Eskelinen, El, Espert, L, Espina, V, Fan, H, Fan, J, Fan, Qw, Fan, Z, Fang, S, Fang, Y, Fanto, M, Fanzani, A, Farkas, T, Farré, Jc, Faure, M, Fechheimer, M, Feng, Cg, Feng, J, Feng, Q, Feng, Y, Fésüs, L, Feuer, R, Figueiredo-Pereira, Me, Fimia, Gm, Fingar, Dc, Finkbeiner, S, Finkel, T, Finley, Kd, Fiorito, F, Fisher, Ea, Fisher, Pb, Flajolet, M, Florez-McClure, Ml, Florio, S, Fon, Ea, Fornai, F, Fortunato, F, Fotedar, R, Fowler, Dh, Fox, H, Franco, R, Frankel, Lb, Fransen, M, Fuentes, Jm, Fueyo, J, Fujii, J, Fujisaki, K, Fujita, E, Fukuda, M, Furukawa, Rh, Gaestel, M, Gailly, P, Gajewska, M, Galliot, B, Galy, V, Ganesh, S, Ganetzky, B, Ganley, Ig, Gao, Fb, Gao, Gf, Gao, J, Garcia, L, Garcia-Manero, G, Garcia-Marcos, M, Garmyn, M, Gartel, Al, Gatti, E, Gautel, M, Gawriluk, Tr, Gegg, Me, Geng, J, Germain, M, Gestwicki, Je, Gewirtz, Da, Ghavami, S, Ghosh, P, Giammarioli, Am, Giatromanolaki, An, Gibson, Sb, Gilkerson, Rw, Ginger, Ml, Ginsberg, Hn, Golab, J, Goligorsky, M, Golstein, P, Gomez-Manzano, C, Goncu, E, Gongora, C, Gonzalez, Cd, Gonzalez, R, González-Estévez, C, González-Polo, Ra, Gonzalez-Rey, E, Gorbunov, Nv, Gorski, S, Goruppi, S, Gottlieb, Ra, Gozuacik, D, Granato, Ge, Grant, Gd, Green, Kn, Gregorc, A, Gros, F, Grose, C, Grunt, Tw, Gual, P, Guan, Jl, Guan, Kl, Guichard, Sm, Gukovskaya, A, Gukovsky, I, Gunst, J, Gustafsson, Ab, Halayko, Aj, Hale, An, Halonen, Sk, Hamasaki, M, Han, F, Han, T, Hancock, Mk, Hansen, M, Harada, H, Harada, M, Hardt, Se, Harper, Jw, Harris, Al, Harris, J, Harris, Sd, Hashimoto, M, Haspel, Ja, Hayashi, S, Hazelhurst, La, He, C, He, Yw, Hébert, Mj, Heidenreich, Ka, Helfrich, Mh, Helgason, Gv, Henske, Ep, Herman, B, Herman, Pk, Hetz, C, Hilfiker, S, Hill, Ja, Hocking, Lj, Hofman, P, Hofmann, Tg, Höhfeld, J, Holyoake, Tl, Hong, Mh, Hood, Da, Hotamisligil, G, Houwerzijl, Ej, Høyer-Hansen, M, Hu, B, Hu, Ca, Hu, Hm, Hua, Y, Huang, C, Huang, J, Huang, S, Huang, Wp, Huber, Tb, Huh, Wk, Hung, Th, Hupp, Tr, Hur, Gm, Hurley, Jb, Hussain, Sn, Hussey, Pj, Hwang, Jj, Hwang, S, Ichihara, A, Ilkhanizadeh, S, Inoki, K, Into, T, Iovane, V, Iovanna, Jl, Ip, Ny, Isaka, Y, Ishida, H, Isidoro, C, Isobe, K, Iwasaki, A, Izquierdo, M, Izumi, Y, Jaakkola, Pm, Jäättelä, M, Jackson, Gr, Jackson, Wt, Janji, B, Jendrach, M, Jeon, Jh, Jeung, Eb, Jiang, H, Jiang, Jx, Jiang, M, Jiang, Q, Jiang, X, Jiménez, A, Jin, M, Jin, S, Joe, Co, Johansen, T, Johnson, De, Johnson, Gv, Jones, Nl, Joseph, B, Joseph, Sk, Joubert, Am, Juhász, G, Juillerat-Jeanneret, L, Jung, Ch, Jung, Yk, Kaarniranta, K, Kaasik, A, Kabuta, T, Kadowaki, M, Kagedal, K, Kamada, Y, Kaminskyy, Vo, Kampinga, Hh, Kanamori, H, Kang, C, Kang, Kb, Kang, Ki, Kang, R, Kang, Ya, Kanki, T, Kanneganti, Td, Kanno, H, Kanthasamy, Ag, Kanthasamy, A, Karantza, V, Kaushal, Gp, Kaushik, S, Kawazoe, Y, Ke, Py, Kehrl, Jh, Kelekar, A, Kerkhoff, C, Kessel, Dh, Khalil, H, Kiel, Ja, Kiger, Aa, Kihara, A, Kim, Dr, Kim, Dh, Kim, Ek, Kim, Hr, Kim, J, Kim, Jh, Kim, Jc, Kim, Jk, Kim, Pk, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Kimchi, A, Kimmelman, Ac, King, J, Kinsella, Tj, Kirkin, V, Kirshenbaum, La, Kitamoto, K, Kitazato, K, Klein, L, Klimecki, Wt, Klucken, J, Knecht, E, Ko, Bc, Koch, Jc, Koga, H, Koh, Jy, Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores, Jb, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz-Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada, Ar, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, M, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott-Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez-Berestein, G, López-Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch-Day, Ma, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand-Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez-Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna-Barreto, Rf, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite-Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas-Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo-Rubio, M, Prætorius-Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit-Zengaffinen, N, Progulske-Fox, A, Proikas-Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier-Vigouroux, A, Reichert, A, Reiners JJ, Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost-Roszkowska, Mm, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz-Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez-Alcázar, Ja, Sánchez-Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider-Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura-Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, O, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva-Zacarin, Ec, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, R, Smaili, S, Smith, Dr, Soengas, M, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, J, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, C, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, M, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács-Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, K, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, G, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, L, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini-Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, L, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya-Shirafuji, R, Unni, Vk, Vaccaro, Mi, Valente, Em, Van den Berghe, G, van der Klei, Ij, van Doorn, W, van Dyk, Lf, van Egmond, M, van Grunsven, La, Vandenabeele, P, Vandenberghe, Wp, Vanhorebeek, I, Vaquero, Ec, Velasco, G, Vellai, T, Vicencio, Jm, Vierstra, Rd, Vila, M, Vindis, C, Viola, G, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Voitsekhovskaja, Ov, von Haefen, C, Votruba, M, Wada, K, Wade-Martins, R, Walker, Cl, Walsh, Cm, Walter, J, Wan, Xb, Wang, A, Wang, C, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, Hg, Wang, Hd, Wang, J, Wang, K, Wang, M, Wang, Rc, Wang, X, Wang, Yj, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, Zc, Wansink, Dg, Ward, Dm, Watada, H, Waters, Sl, Webster, P, Wei, L, Weihl, Cc, Weiss, Wa, Welford, Sm, Wen, Lp, Whitehouse, Ca, Whitton, Jl, Whitworth, Aj, Wileman, T, Wiley, Jw, Wilkinson, S, Willbold, D, Williams, Rl, Williamson, Pr, Wouters, Bg, Wu, C, Wu, Dc, Wu, Wk, Wyttenbach, A, Xavier, Rj, Xi, Z, Xia, P, Xiao, G, Xie, Z, Xu, Dz, Xu, J, Xu, L, Xu, X, Yamamoto, A, Yamashina, S, Yamashita, M, Yan, X, Yanagida, M, Yang, D, Yang, E, Yang, Jm, Yang, Sy, Yang, W, Yang, Wy, Yang, Z, Yao, Mc, Yao, Tp, Yeganeh, B, Yen, Wl, Yin, Jj, Yin, Xm, Yoo, Oj, Yoon, G, Yoon, Sy, Yorimitsu, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Yoshimori, T, Yoshimoto, K, You, Hj, Youle, Rj, Younes, A, Yu, L, Yu, Sw, Yu, Wh, Yuan, Zm, Yue, Z, Yun, Ch, Yuzaki, M, Zabirnyk, O, Silva-Zacarin, E, Zacks, D, Zacksenhaus, E, Zaffaroni, N, Zakeri, Z, Zeh HJ, 3rd, Zeitlin, So, Zhang, H, Zhang, Hl, Zhang, J, Zhang, Jp, Zhang, L, Zhang, My, Zhang, Xd, Zhao, M, Zhao, Yf, Zhao, Y, Zhao, Zj, Zheng, X, Zhivotovsky, B, Zhong, Q, Zhou, Cz, Zhu, C, Zhu, Wg, Zhu, Xf, Zhu, X, Zhu, Y, Zoladek, T, Zong, Wx, Zorzano, A, Zschocke, J, Zuckerbraun, B., Viscomi M. T. (ORCID:0000-0002-9096-4967), Klionsky, Dj, Abdalla, Fc, Abeliovich, H, Abraham, Rt, Acevedo-Arozena, A, Adeli, K, Agholme, L, Agnello, M, Agostinis, P, Aguirre-Ghiso, Ja, Ahn, Hj, Ait-Mohamed, O, Ait-Si-Ali, S, Akematsu, T, Akira, S, Al-Younes, Hm, Al-Zeer, Ma, Albert, Ml, Albin, Rl, Alegre-Abarrategui, J, Aleo, Mf, Alirezaei, M, Almasan, A, Almonte-Becerril, M, Amano, A, Amaravadi, R, Amarnath, S, Amer, Ao, Andrieu-Abadie, N, Anantharam, V, Ann, Dk, Anoopkumar-Dukie, S, Aoki, H, Apostolova, N, Arancia, G, Aris, Jp, Asanuma, K, Asare, Ny, Ashida, H, Askanas, V, Askew, D, Auberger, P, Baba, M, Backues, Sk, Baehrecke, Eh, Bahr, Ba, Bai, Xy, Bailly, Y, Baiocchi, R, Baldini, G, Balduini, W, Ballabio, A, Bamber, Ba, Bampton, Et, Bánhegyi, G, Bartholomew, Cr, Bassham, Dc, Bast RC, Jr, Batoko, H, Bay, Bh, Beau, I, Béchet, Dm, Begley, Tj, Behl, C, Behrends, C, Bekri, S, Bellaire, B, Bendall, Lj, Benetti, L, Berliocchi, L, Bernardi, H, Bernassola, F, Besteiro, S, Bhatia-Kissova, I, Bi, X, Biard-Piechaczyk, M, Blum, J, Boise, Lh, Bonaldo, P, Boone, Dl, Bornhauser, Bc, Bortoluci, Kr, Bossis, I, Bost, F, Bourquin, Jp, Boya, P, Boyer-Guittaut, M, Bozhkov, Pv, Brady, Nr, Brancolini, C, Brech, A, Brenman, Je, Brennand, A, Bresnick, Eh, Brest, P, Bridges, D, Bristol, Ml, Brookes, P, Brown, Ej, Brumell, Jh, Brunetti-Pierri, N, Brunk, Ut, Bulman, De, Bultman, Sj, Bultynck, G, Burbulla, Lf, Bursch, W, Butchar, Jp, Buzgariu, W, Bydlowski, Sp, Cadwell, K, Cahová, M, Cai, D, Cai, J, Cai, Q, Calabretta, B, Calvo-Garrido, J, Camougrand, N, Campanella, M, Campos-Salinas, J, Candi, E, Cao, L, Caplan, Ab, Carding, Sr, Cardoso, Sm, Carew, J, Carlin, Cr, Carmignac, V, Carneiro, La, Carra, S, Caruso, Ra, Casari, G, Casas, C, Castino, R, Cebollero, E, Cecconi, F, Celli, J, Chaachouay, H, Chae, Hj, Chai, Cy, Chan, Dc, Chan, Ey, Chang, Rc, Che, Cm, Chen, Cc, Chen, Gc, Chen, Gq, Chen, M, Chen, Q, Chen, S, Chen, W, Chen, X, Chen, Yg, Chen, Y, Chen, Yj, Chen, Z, Cheng, A, Cheng, Ch, Cheng, Y, Cheong, H, Cheong, Jh, Cherry, S, Chess-Williams, R, Cheung, Zh, Chevet, E, Chiang, Hl, Chiarelli, R, Chiba, T, Chin, L, Chiou, Sh, Chisari, Fv, Cho, Ch, Cho, Dh, Choi, Am, Choi, D, Choi, K, Choi, Me, Chouaib, S, Choubey, D, Choubey, V, Chu, Ct, Chuang, Th, Chueh, Sh, Chun, T, Chwae, Yj, Chye, Ml, Ciarcia, R, Ciriolo, Mr, Clague, Mj, Clark, R, Clarke, Pg, Clarke, R, Codogno, P, Coller, Ha, Colombo, Mi, Comincini, S, Condello, M, Condorelli, F, Cookson, Mr, Coombs, Gh, Coppens, I, Corbalan, R, Cossart, P, Costelli, P, Costes, S, Coto-Montes, A, Couve, E, Coxon, Fp, Cregg, Jm, Crespo, Jl, Cronjé, Mj, Cuervo, Am, Cullen, Jj, Czaja, Mj, D'Amelio, M, Darfeuille-Michaud, A, Davids, Lm, Davies, Fe, De Felici, M, de Groot, Jf, de Haan, Ca, De Martino, L, De Milito, A, De Tata, V, Debnath, J, Degterev, A, Dehay, B, Delbridge, Lm, Demarchi, F, Deng, Yz, Dengjel, J, Dent, P, Denton, D, Deretic, V, Desai, Sd, Devenish, Rj, Di Gioacchino, M, Di Paolo, G, Di Pietro, C, Díaz-Araya, G, Díaz-Laviada, I, Diaz-Meco, Mt, Diaz-Nido, J, Dikic, I, Dinesh-Kumar, Sp, Ding, Wx, Distelhorst, Cw, Diwan, A, Djavaheri-Mergny, M, Dokudovskaya, S, Dong, Z, Dorsey, Fc, Dosenko, V, Dowling, Jj, Doxsey, S, Dreux, M, Drew, Me, Duan, Q, Duchosal, Ma, Duff, K, Dugail, I, Durbeej, M, Duszenko, M, Edelstein, Cl, Edinger, Al, Egea, G, Eichinger, L, Eissa, Nt, Ekmekcioglu, S, El-Deiry, W, Elazar, Z, Elgendy, M, Ellerby, Lm, Eng, Ke, Engelbrecht, Am, Engelender, S, Erenpreisa, J, Escalante, R, Esclatine, A, Eskelinen, El, Espert, L, Espina, V, Fan, H, Fan, J, Fan, Qw, Fan, Z, Fang, S, Fang, Y, Fanto, M, Fanzani, A, Farkas, T, Farré, Jc, Faure, M, Fechheimer, M, Feng, Cg, Feng, J, Feng, Q, Feng, Y, Fésüs, L, Feuer, R, Figueiredo-Pereira, Me, Fimia, Gm, Fingar, Dc, Finkbeiner, S, Finkel, T, Finley, Kd, Fiorito, F, Fisher, Ea, Fisher, Pb, Flajolet, M, Florez-McClure, Ml, Florio, S, Fon, Ea, Fornai, F, Fortunato, F, Fotedar, R, Fowler, Dh, Fox, H, Franco, R, Frankel, Lb, Fransen, M, Fuentes, Jm, Fueyo, J, Fujii, J, Fujisaki, K, Fujita, E, Fukuda, M, Furukawa, Rh, Gaestel, M, Gailly, P, Gajewska, M, Galliot, B, Galy, V, Ganesh, S, Ganetzky, B, Ganley, Ig, Gao, Fb, Gao, Gf, Gao, J, Garcia, L, Garcia-Manero, G, Garcia-Marcos, M, Garmyn, M, Gartel, Al, Gatti, E, Gautel, M, Gawriluk, Tr, Gegg, Me, Geng, J, Germain, M, Gestwicki, Je, Gewirtz, Da, Ghavami, S, Ghosh, P, Giammarioli, Am, Giatromanolaki, An, Gibson, Sb, Gilkerson, Rw, Ginger, Ml, Ginsberg, Hn, Golab, J, Goligorsky, M, Golstein, P, Gomez-Manzano, C, Goncu, E, Gongora, C, Gonzalez, Cd, Gonzalez, R, González-Estévez, C, González-Polo, Ra, Gonzalez-Rey, E, Gorbunov, Nv, Gorski, S, Goruppi, S, Gottlieb, Ra, Gozuacik, D, Granato, Ge, Grant, Gd, Green, Kn, Gregorc, A, Gros, F, Grose, C, Grunt, Tw, Gual, P, Guan, Jl, Guan, Kl, Guichard, Sm, Gukovskaya, A, Gukovsky, I, Gunst, J, Gustafsson, Ab, Halayko, Aj, Hale, An, Halonen, Sk, Hamasaki, M, Han, F, Han, T, Hancock, Mk, Hansen, M, Harada, H, Harada, M, Hardt, Se, Harper, Jw, Harris, Al, Harris, J, Harris, Sd, Hashimoto, M, Haspel, Ja, Hayashi, S, Hazelhurst, La, He, C, He, Yw, Hébert, Mj, Heidenreich, Ka, Helfrich, Mh, Helgason, Gv, Henske, Ep, Herman, B, Herman, Pk, Hetz, C, Hilfiker, S, Hill, Ja, Hocking, Lj, Hofman, P, Hofmann, Tg, Höhfeld, J, Holyoake, Tl, Hong, Mh, Hood, Da, Hotamisligil, G, Houwerzijl, Ej, Høyer-Hansen, M, Hu, B, Hu, Ca, Hu, Hm, Hua, Y, Huang, C, Huang, J, Huang, S, Huang, Wp, Huber, Tb, Huh, Wk, Hung, Th, Hupp, Tr, Hur, Gm, Hurley, Jb, Hussain, Sn, Hussey, Pj, Hwang, Jj, Hwang, S, Ichihara, A, Ilkhanizadeh, S, Inoki, K, Into, T, Iovane, V, Iovanna, Jl, Ip, Ny, Isaka, Y, Ishida, H, Isidoro, C, Isobe, K, Iwasaki, A, Izquierdo, M, Izumi, Y, Jaakkola, Pm, Jäättelä, M, Jackson, Gr, Jackson, Wt, Janji, B, Jendrach, M, Jeon, Jh, Jeung, Eb, Jiang, H, Jiang, Jx, Jiang, M, Jiang, Q, Jiang, X, Jiménez, A, Jin, M, Jin, S, Joe, Co, Johansen, T, Johnson, De, Johnson, Gv, Jones, Nl, Joseph, B, Joseph, Sk, Joubert, Am, Juhász, G, Juillerat-Jeanneret, L, Jung, Ch, Jung, Yk, Kaarniranta, K, Kaasik, A, Kabuta, T, Kadowaki, M, Kagedal, K, Kamada, Y, Kaminskyy, Vo, Kampinga, Hh, Kanamori, H, Kang, C, Kang, Kb, Kang, Ki, Kang, R, Kang, Ya, Kanki, T, Kanneganti, Td, Kanno, H, Kanthasamy, Ag, Kanthasamy, A, Karantza, V, Kaushal, Gp, Kaushik, S, Kawazoe, Y, Ke, Py, Kehrl, Jh, Kelekar, A, Kerkhoff, C, Kessel, Dh, Khalil, H, Kiel, Ja, Kiger, Aa, Kihara, A, Kim, Dr, Kim, Dh, Kim, Ek, Kim, Hr, Kim, J, Kim, Jh, Kim, Jc, Kim, Jk, Kim, Pk, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Kimchi, A, Kimmelman, Ac, King, J, Kinsella, Tj, Kirkin, V, Kirshenbaum, La, Kitamoto, K, Kitazato, K, Klein, L, Klimecki, Wt, Klucken, J, Knecht, E, Ko, Bc, Koch, Jc, Koga, H, Koh, Jy, Koh, Yh, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, Hj, Kong, Wj, Korolchuk, Vi, Kotake, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Kouri Flores, Jb, Kovács, Al, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Krämer, H, Kretz-Remy, C, Krichevsky, Am, Kroemer, G, Krüger, R, Krut, O, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuan, Cy, Kucharczyk, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kurz, T, Kwon, Hj, La Spada, Ar, Lafont, F, Lamark, T, Landry, J, Lane, Jd, Lapaquette, P, Laporte, Jf, László, L, Lavandero, S, Lavoie, Jn, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le, W, Le Cam, L, Ledbetter, Dj, Lee, Aj, Lee, Bw, Lee, Gm, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Sh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Legembre, P, Legouis, R, Lehmann, M, Lei, Hy, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leiro, J, Lemasters, Jj, Lemoine, A, Lesniak, M, Lev, D, Levenson, Vv, Levine, B, Levy, E, Li, F, Li, Jl, Li, L, Li, S, Li, W, Li, Xj, Li, Yb, Li, Yp, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Yf, Liberski, Pp, Lieberman, A, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lin, Cf, Lin, Fc, Lin, J, Lin, Jd, Lin, K, Lin, Ww, Lin, Wc, Lin, Yl, Linden, R, Lingor, P, Lippincott-Schwartz, J, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, Cf, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Qa, Liu, W, Liu, Yc, Liu, Y, Lockshin, Ra, Lok, Cn, Lonial, S, Loos, B, Lopez-Berestein, G, López-Otín, C, Lossi, L, Lotze, Mt, Lőw, P, Lu, B, Lu, Z, Luciano, F, Lukacs, Nw, Lund, Ah, Lynch-Day, Ma, Ma, Y, Macian, F, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Madeo, F, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Malagoli, D, Malicdan, Mc, Malorni, W, Man, N, Mandelkow, Em, Manon, S, Manov, I, Mao, K, Mao, X, Mao, Z, Marambaud, P, Marazziti, D, Marcel, Yl, Marchbank, K, Marchetti, P, Marciniak, Sj, Marcondes, M, Mardi, M, Marfe, G, Mariño, G, Markaki, M, Marten, Mr, Martin, Sj, Martinand-Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez-Vicente, M, Masini, M, Matarrese, P, Matsuo, S, Matteoni, R, Mayer, A, Mazure, Nm, Mcconkey, Dj, Mcconnell, Mj, Mcdermott, C, Mcdonald, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mckenna, Sl, Mclaughlin, B, Mclean, Pj, Mcmaster, Cr, Mcquibban, Ga, Meijer, Aj, Meisler, Mh, Meléndez, A, Melia, Tj, Melino, G, Mena, Ma, Menendez, Ja, Menna-Barreto, Rf, Menon, Mb, Menzies, Fm, Mercer, Ca, Merighi, A, Merry, De, Meschini, S, Meyer, Cg, Meyer, Tf, Miao, Cy, Miao, Jy, Michels, Pa, Michiels, C, Mijaljica, D, Milojkovic, A, Minucci, S, Miracco, C, Miranti, Ck, Mitroulis, I, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Molero, X, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Momoi, T, Monastyrska, I, Monick, Mm, Monteiro, Mj, Moore, Mn, Mora, R, Moreau, K, Moreira, Pi, Moriyasu, Y, Moscat, J, Mostowy, S, Mottram, Jc, Motyl, T, Moussa, Ce, Müller, S, Muller, S, Münger, K, Münz, C, Murphy, Lo, Murphy, Me, Musarò, A, Mysorekar, I, Nagata, E, Nagata, K, Nahimana, A, Nair, U, Nakagawa, T, Nakahira, K, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Naqvi, Ni, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Navarro, M, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nemchenko, A, Netea, Mg, Neufeld, Tp, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Hp, Nie, D, Nishino, I, Nislow, C, Nixon, Ra, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nogalska, A, Noguchi, S, Notterpek, L, Novak, I, Nozaki, T, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, Nyfeler, B, Obara, K, Oberley, Td, Oddo, S, Ogawa, M, Ohashi, T, Okamoto, K, Oleinick, Nl, Oliver, Fj, Olsen, Lj, Olsson, S, Opota, O, Osborne, Tf, Ostrander, Gk, Otsu, K, Ou, Jh, Ouimet, M, Overholtzer, M, Ozpolat, B, Paganetti, P, Pagnini, U, Pallet, N, Palmer, Ge, Palumbo, C, Pan, T, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, Ub, Papackova, Z, Papassideri, I, Paris, I, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Patschan, S, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pawelek, Jm, Peng, J, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Perry, G, Pervaiz, S, Peter, M, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite-Carle, V, Pierron, G, Pinkas-Kramarski, R, Piras, A, Piri, N, Platanias, Lc, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Poletti, A, Poüs, C, Pozuelo-Rubio, M, Prætorius-Ibba, M, Prasad, A, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Produit-Zengaffinen, N, Progulske-Fox, A, Proikas-Cezanne, T, Przedborski, S, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Puyal, J, Qian, Sb, Qin, L, Qin, Zh, Quaggin, Se, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Rabkin, Sw, Rahman, I, Rami, A, Ramm, G, Randall, G, Randow, F, Rao, Va, Rathmell, Jc, Ravikumar, B, Ray, Sk, Reed, Bh, Reed, Jc, Reggiori, F, Régnier-Vigouroux, A, Reichert, A, Reiners JJ, Jr, Reiter, Rj, Ren, J, Revuelta, Jl, Rhodes, Cj, Ritis, K, Rizzo, E, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, H, Roccheri, Mc, Rocchi, S, Rodemann, Hp, Rodríguez de Córdoba, S, Rohrer, B, Roninson, Ib, Rosen, K, Rost-Roszkowska, Mm, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Rovetta, F, Rubin, Bp, Rubinsztein, Dc, Ruckdeschel, K, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Ruiz-Opazo, N, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sadoshima, J, Saha, T, Saitoh, T, Sakagami, H, Sakai, Y, Salekdeh, Gh, Salomoni, P, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvesen, G, Salvioli, R, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez-Alcázar, Ja, Sánchez-Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sankar, U, Sansanwal, P, Santambrogio, L, Saran, S, Sarkar, S, Sarwal, M, Sasakawa, C, Sasnauskiene, A, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Schapira, Ah, Scharl, M, Schätzl, Hm, Scheper, W, Schiaffino, S, Schneider, C, Schneider, Me, Schneider-Stock, R, Schoenlein, Pv, Schorderet, Df, Schüller, C, Schwartz, Gk, Scorrano, L, Sealy, L, Seglen, Po, Segura-Aguilar, J, Seiliez, I, Seleverstov, O, Sell, C, Seo, Jb, Separovic, D, Setaluri, V, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shanmugam, M, Shapiro, Im, Shaulian, E, Shaw, Rj, Shelhamer, Jh, Shen, Hm, Shen, Wc, Sheng, Zh, Shi, Y, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shintani, T, Shirihai, O, Shore, Gc, Sibirny, Aa, Sidhu, Sb, Sikorska, B, Silva-Zacarin, Ec, Simmons, A, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simonsen, A, Sinclair, Da, Singh, R, Sinha, D, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skop, V, Skulachev, Vp, Slack, R, Smaili, S, Smith, Dr, Soengas, M, Soldati, T, Song, X, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Sotgia, F, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Srinivasula, Sm, Stefanis, L, Steffan, J, Stendel, R, Stenmark, H, Stephanou, A, Stern, St, Sternberg, C, Stork, B, Strålfors, P, Subauste, C, Sui, X, Sulzer, D, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Zj, Sung, Jj, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, T, Swanson, M, Swanton, C, Sweeney, St, Sy, Lk, Szabadkai, G, Tabas, I, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Takács-Vellai, K, Takano, Y, Takegawa, K, Takemura, G, Takeshita, F, Talbot, Nj, Tan, K, Tanaka, K, Tang, D, Tanida, I, Tannous, Ba, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, G, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Terada, L, Terman, A, Tettamanti, G, Thevissen, K, Thompson, Cb, Thorburn, A, Thumm, M, Tian, F, Tian, Y, Tocchini-Valentini, G, Tolkovsky, Am, Tomino, Y, Tönges, L, Tooze, Sa, Tournier, C, Tower, J, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Tsai, Tf, Tschan, Mp, Tsubata, T, Tsung, A, Turk, B, Turner, L, Tyagi, Sc, Uchiyama, Y, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya-Shirafuji, R, Unni, Vk, Vaccaro, Mi, Valente, Em, Van den Berghe, G, van der Klei, Ij, van Doorn, W, van Dyk, Lf, van Egmond, M, van Grunsven, La, Vandenabeele, P, Vandenberghe, Wp, Vanhorebeek, I, Vaquero, Ec, Velasco, G, Vellai, T, Vicencio, Jm, Vierstra, Rd, Vila, M, Vindis, C, Viola, G, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Voitsekhovskaja, Ov, von Haefen, C, Votruba, M, Wada, K, Wade-Martins, R, Walker, Cl, Walsh, Cm, Walter, J, Wan, Xb, Wang, A, Wang, C, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, Hg, Wang, Hd, Wang, J, Wang, K, Wang, M, Wang, Rc, Wang, X, Wang, Yj, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, Zc, Wansink, Dg, Ward, Dm, Watada, H, Waters, Sl, Webster, P, Wei, L, Weihl, Cc, Weiss, Wa, Welford, Sm, Wen, Lp, Whitehouse, Ca, Whitton, Jl, Whitworth, Aj, Wileman, T, Wiley, Jw, Wilkinson, S, Willbold, D, Williams, Rl, Williamson, Pr, Wouters, Bg, Wu, C, Wu, Dc, Wu, Wk, Wyttenbach, A, Xavier, Rj, Xi, Z, Xia, P, Xiao, G, Xie, Z, Xu, Dz, Xu, J, Xu, L, Xu, X, Yamamoto, A, Yamashina, S, Yamashita, M, Yan, X, Yanagida, M, Yang, D, Yang, E, Yang, Jm, Yang, Sy, Yang, W, Yang, Wy, Yang, Z, Yao, Mc, Yao, Tp, Yeganeh, B, Yen, Wl, Yin, Jj, Yin, Xm, Yoo, Oj, Yoon, G, Yoon, Sy, Yorimitsu, T, Yoshikawa, Y, Yoshimori, T, Yoshimoto, K, You, Hj, Youle, Rj, Younes, A, Yu, L, Yu, Sw, Yu, Wh, Yuan, Zm, Yue, Z, Yun, Ch, Yuzaki, M, Zabirnyk, O, Silva-Zacarin, E, Zacks, D, Zacksenhaus, E, Zaffaroni, N, Zakeri, Z, Zeh HJ, 3rd, Zeitlin, So, Zhang, H, Zhang, Hl, Zhang, J, Zhang, Jp, Zhang, L, Zhang, My, Zhang, Xd, Zhao, M, Zhao, Yf, Zhao, Y, Zhao, Zj, Zheng, X, Zhivotovsky, B, Zhong, Q, Zhou, Cz, Zhu, C, Zhu, Wg, Zhu, Xf, Zhu, X, Zhu, Y, Zoladek, T, Zong, Wx, Zorzano, A, Zschocke, J, Zuckerbraun, B., and Viscomi M. T. (ORCID:0000-0002-9096-4967)
- Abstract
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused o
- Published
- 2012
13. Interference of the dominant negative helix–loop–helix protein ID1 with the proteasomal subunit S5A causes centrosomal abnormalities
- Author
Hasskarl, J, primary, Mern, D S, additional, and Münger, K, additional
- Published
- 2007
- Full Text
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14. Antizyme, a mediator of ubiquitin-independent proteasomal degradation and its inhibitor localize to centrosomes and modulate centriole amplification
- Author
Mangold, U, primary, Hayakawa, H, additional, Coughlin, M, additional, Münger, K, additional, and Zetter, B R, additional
- Published
- 2007
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15. Spectral fluorescence imaging for the characterization of HPV16 transfected cells
- Author
Papadakis, A., primary, Georgakoudi, I., additional, Baldwin, A., additional, and Münger, K., additional
- Published
- 2004
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16. Human papillomaviruses and associated malignancies.
- Author
Alani, R M, primary and Münger, K, additional
- Published
- 1998
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17. Analysis of the p53-mediated G1 growth arrest pathway in cells expressing the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein
- Author
Jones, D L, primary and Münger, K, additional
- Published
- 1997
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18. Progressive squamous epithelial neoplasia in K14-human papillomavirus type 16 transgenic mice
- Author
Arbeit, J M, primary, Münger, K, additional, Howley, P M, additional, and Hanahan, D, additional
- Published
- 1994
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19. The human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein and the cellular transcription factor E2F bind to separate sites on the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein
- Author
Wu, E W, primary, Clemens, K E, additional, Heck, D V, additional, and Münger, K, additional
- Published
- 1993
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20. Homologous sequences in adenovirus E1A and human papillomavirus E7 proteins mediate interaction with the same set of cellular proteins
- Author
Dyson, N, primary, Guida, P, additional, Münger, K, additional, and Harlow, E, additional
- Published
- 1992
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21. Targeted degradation of the retinoblastoma protein by human papillomavirus E7-E6 fusion proteins.
- Author
Scheffner, M., primary, Münger, K., additional, Huibregtse, J.M., additional, and Howley, P.M., additional
- Published
- 1992
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22. Efficiency of binding the retinoblastoma protein correlates with the transforming capacity of the E7 oncoproteins of the human papillomaviruses.
- Author
Heck, D V, primary, Yee, C L, additional, Howley, P M, additional, and Münger, K, additional
- Published
- 1992
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23. Structure-function analysis of the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein
- Author
Phelps, W C, primary, Münger, K, additional, Yee, C L, additional, Barnes, J A, additional, and Howley, P M, additional
- Published
- 1992
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24. Analysis of trans activation by human papillomavirus type 16 E7 and adenovirus 12S E1A suggests a common mechanism
- Author
Phelps, W C, primary, Bagchi, S, additional, Barnes, J A, additional, Raychaudhuri, P, additional, Kraus, V, additional, Münger, K, additional, Howley, P M, additional, and Nevins, J R, additional
- Published
- 1991
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25. Factor-binding element in the human c-myc promoter involved in transcriptional regulation by transforming growth factor beta 1 and by the retinoblastoma gene product.
- Author
Pietenpol, J A, primary, Münger, K, additional, Howley, P M, additional, Stein, R W, additional, and Moses, H L, additional
- Published
- 1991
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26. Biochemical and biological differences between E7 oncoproteins of the high- and low-risk human papillomavirus types are determined by amino-terminal sequences
- Author
Münger, K, primary, Yee, C L, additional, Phelps, W C, additional, Pietenpol, J A, additional, Moses, H L, additional, and Howley, P M, additional
- Published
- 1991
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27. The state of the p53 and retinoblastoma genes in human cervical carcinoma cell lines.
- Author
Scheffner, M, primary, Münger, K, additional, Byrne, J C, additional, and Howley, P M, additional
- Published
- 1991
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28. Complex formation of human papillomavirus E7 proteins with the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene product.
- Author
Münger, K., Werness, B.A., Dyson, N., Phelps, W.C., Harlow, E., and Howley, P.M.
- Abstract
The E7 proteins encoded by the human papillomaviruses (HPVs) associated with anogenital lesions share significant amino acid sequence homology. The E7 proteins of these different HPVs were assessed for their ability to form complexes with the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene product (p105‐RB). Similar to the E7 protein of HPV‐16, the E7 proteins of HPV‐18, HBV‐6b and HPV‐11 were found to associate with p105‐RB in vitro. The E7 proteins of HPV types associated with a high risk of malignant progression (HPV‐16 and HPV‐18) formed complexes with p105‐RB with equal affinities. The E7 proteins encoded by HPV types 6b and 11, which are associated with clinical lesions with a lower risk for progression, bound to p105‐RB with lower affinities. The E7 protein of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV‐1), which does not share structural similarity in the amino terminal region with the HPV E7 proteins, was unable to form a detectable complex with p105‐RB. The amino acid sequences of the HPV‐16 E7 protein involved in complex formation with p105‐RB in vitro have been mapped. Only a portion of the sequences that are conserved between the HPV E7 proteins and AdE1A were necessary for association with p105‐RB. Furthermore, the HPV‐16 E7‐p105‐RB complex was detected in an HPV‐16‐transformed human keratinocyte cell line.
- Published
- 1989
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29. Isolation and structural organization of the Neurospora crassa copper metallothionein gene.
- Author
Münger, K., Germann, U.A., and Lerch, K.
- Abstract
The Neurospora crassa copper metallothionein gene was cloned and its complete nucleotide sequence is reported. Enriched metallothionein mRNA was used as a template for cDNA synthesis, primed by a metallothionein‐specific, synthetic undecanucleotide. The sequence of the cDNA obtained allowed the synthesis of a unique 21‐mer which was used to screen a genomic DNA library of N. crassa. In agreement with the published amino acid sequence, the gene codes for a polypeptide 26 amino acid residues in length. The coding region is interrupted by a small intron (94 nucleotides). The gene structure is compared with those of mammalian metallothioneins. In both cases, the coding regions are split by introns, the intron‐exon boundaries, however, are in different positions. The neurospora copper metallothionein gene is, to our knowledge, the smallest gene interrupted by an intron isolated so far.
- Published
- 1985
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30. (Cu,Zn)-metallothioneins from fetal bovine liver. Chemical and spectroscopic properties.
- Author
Münger, K, Germann, U A, Beltramini, M, Niedermann, D, Baitella-Eberle, G, Kägi, J H, and Lerch, K
- Abstract
Two metallothioneins (MTs) from bovine fetal liver were purified by a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The primary structures of the isoproteins MT-1 and MT-2 were elucidated by peptide and amino acid sequence analysis. The amino-terminal part was deduced from automated Edman degradations of the pyridylethylated CNBr-cleaved derivatives. The remaining part of the sequence was established by a comparison of the carboxamidomethylated tryptic peptides to those from equine liver MT-1A and MT-2B. Peptides differing in either amino acid composition or retention time from high pressure liquid chromatography were further subjected to manual Edman degradations or carboxypeptidase Y digestion. The two isoproteins consist of 61 amino acids and show a sequence identity of 90%. When compared with the primary structures of other mammalian MTs, the 20 cysteinyl residues are totally conserved, in agreement with their function as metal ligands. The two isoproteins contain Cu and Zn at a ratio of 3:4. Spectroscopic data reveal absorption properties typical for both Cu- and Zn-thiolate transitions. The marked differences of MT-1 and MT-2 in the Cu-thiolate CD features can be attributed to the six amino acid substitutions occurring exclusively in the amino-terminal parts of the molecules. It is proposed that in bovine fetal MTs also the three copper ions are preferentially bound to the first 9 cysteinyl residues (cluster B) and the four zinc ions to the remaining 11 cysteinyl residues (cluster A) suggested previously by 113Cd NMR spectroscopy of calf liver MTs (Briggs, R. W., and Armitage, I. M. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 1259-1262).
- Published
- 1985
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31. The Neurospora crassa metallothionein gene. Regulation of expression and chromosomal location.
- Author
Münger, K, Germann, U A, and Lerch, K
- Abstract
The promoter region of the Neurospora crassa metallothionein gene contains no sequences which are similar to the mammalian or the yeast metal responsive elements (Münger, K., Germann, U. A., and Lerch, K. (1985) EMBO J. 4, 2665-2668). We therefore studied the regulation of expression of the N. crassa metallothionein gene in response to different metal ions (Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+) by Northern analysis. Only copper led to the induction of metallothionein mRNA. In N. crassa cultures inoculated and grown in copper-supplemented media, metallothionein mRNA appeared during the late logarithmic growth period (about 30 h after inoculation) and was detectable for a time period of more than 30 h. In response to copper shock, however, rapidly increasing amounts of metallothionein mRNA were detected within minutes after copper administration at any time in vegetatively growing mycelia of N. crassa. Maximum levels were detected about 1 h after addition of copper to the medium. The half-life time of the mRNA was estimated as 2.5 h. The amounts of copper metallothionein reach a maximum level at 3 h after induction and thereafter remain constant. The rapid induction by copper ions of metallothionein mRNA and metallothionein together with the remarkable stability of the native protein intracellularly suggest that this protein serves an important homeostatic role in the copper metabolism in this fungus. The structural gene of N. crassa metallothionein has been located on chromosome VI using restriction fragment-length polymorphisms as genetic markers.
- Published
- 1987
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32. Luminescence emission from Neurospora copper metallothionein. Time-resolved studies
- Author
Beltramini, M, Giacometti, G M, Salvato, B, Giacometti, G, Münger, K, and Lerch, K
- Abstract
The luminescence lifetime of Cu-metallothionein from the fungus Neurospora crassa has been studied by the frequency-domain emission technique. Lifetimes of 10.3 and 3.4 microseconds have been found for the protein in the absence and in the presence of oxygen respectively. Binding of Hg(II) results in a quenching of the luminescence correlated to the shortening of lifetime to 0.3-0.4 microsecond. No quenching by oxygen is found for the Hg(II)-Cu-metallothionein adduct. By analogy to model compounds, luminescence emission is attributed to a triplet excited state of a Cu(I)-to-sulphur charge-transfer complex. The comparison of bimolecular quenching constants for O2 and acrylamide indicates a highly compact structure of the protein.
- Published
- 1989
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33. The human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein can uncouple cellular differentiation and proliferation in human keratinocytes by abrogating p21Cip1-mediated inhibition of cdk2.
- Author
Jones, D L, Alani, R M, and Münger, K
- Abstract
The high risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are associated etiologically with the majority of human cervical carcinomas. These HPVs encode two viral oncoproteins, E6 and E7, which are expressed consistently in cervical cancers. The function of these viral oncoproteins during a productive infection is to ensure viral replication in cells that have normally withdrawn from the cell division cycle and are committed to terminal differentiation. Expression of the E7 oncoprotein has been shown to lead to the abrogation of various negative growth regulatory signals, including a p53-mediated G1 growth arrest, TGFbeta-mediated growth inhibition, and quiescence of suprabasal keratinocytes. Here we describe a novel mechanism by which E7 can uncouple cellular proliferation and differentiation. In contrast to normal, differentiating keratinocytes, HPV-16 E7-expressing keratinocytes show delayed cellular differentiation and elevated cdk2 kinase activity despite high levels of p21(Cip1) and association of p21(Cip1) with cdk2. We show that the HPV E7 protein can interact with p21(Cip1) and abrogate p21(Cip1)-mediated inhibition of cyclin A and E-associated kinase activities. Based on these findings, we propose that this capacity of the HPV E7 oncoprotein to overcome p21(Cip1)-mediated inhibition of cdk2 activity during keratinocyte differentiation contributes to the ability of E7 to allow for cellular DNA synthesis in differentiated keratinocytes.
- Published
- 1997
34. The E6 and E7 genes of the human papillomavirus type 16 together are necessary and sufficient for transformation of primary human keratinocytes
- Author
Münger, K, Phelps, W C, Bubb, V, Howley, P M, and Schlegel, R
- Abstract
The early human papillomavirus type 16 genes that directly participate in the in vitro transformation of primary human keratinocytes have been defined. In the context of the full viral genome, mutations in either the E6 or E7 open reading frame completely abrogated transformation of these cells. Mutations in the E1, E2, and E2-E4 open reading frames, on the other hand, had no effect. Thus, both the full-length E6 and E7 genes were required for the induction of keratinocyte immortalization and resistance to terminal differentiation. The E6 and E7 genes expressed together from the human beta-actin promoter were sufficient for this transformation; mutation of either gene in the context of this recombinant plasmid eliminated the ability to induce stable differentiation-resistant transformants.
- Published
- 1989
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35. Association of human papillomaviruses with a subgroup of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
- Author
Wong, David T.W., Munger, Karl, Wong, D T, and Münger, K
- Subjects
PAPILLOMAVIRUSES ,DNA viruses ,EPITHELIAL cells ,HEAD tumors ,NECK tumors ,PAPILLOMAVIRUS diseases ,SQUAMOUS cell carcinoma ,TUMORS ,DISEASE complications - Abstract
Editorial. Focuses on papillomaviruses, small DNA viruses with a pronounced tropism for epithelial cells. Lesions associated with human papillomaviruses (HPV); Infection which the mucosal lining of the oral cavity and the upper digestive tract is susceptible; Findings of a study on HPV-positive oropharyngeal carcinoma.
- Published
- 2000
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36. Metal accumulation in Agaricus bisporus: Influence of Cd and Cu on growth and tyrosinase activity.
- Author
Münger, K., Lerch, K., and Tschierpe, H.
- Abstract
To investigate heavy metal uptake in the common mushroom Agaricus bisporus, commercial cultures of the fungus were exposed to different amounts of copper ad cadmium. In contrast to copper, cadmium already exerted pronounced toxic effects at low concentrations (>10 μM) in the compost and concomitantly enhanced the uptake of copper. Tyrosinase activity measured in the fruit bodies increased sharply, when small amounts of Cd (10 μM) were added to copper-rich compost. Gel filtration experiments with crude extracts from fruit bodies demonstrated the absence of a low molecular weight metal binding protein. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 1982
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37. Cellular targets of the oncoproteins encoded by the cancer associated human papillomaviruses
- Author
Peter Howley, Münger, K., Romanczuk, H., Scheffner, M., and Huibregtse, J. M.
38. Functional and sequence similarities between HPV16 E7 and adenovirus E1A
- Author
Phelps, W. C., Yee, C. L., Münger, K., and Peter Howley
39. Role of the human papillomavirus oncoproteins in transformation and carcinogenic progression
- Author
Werness, B. A., Münger, K., and Peter Howley
40. Separation of polar and steric effects on absolute rate constants and arrhenius parameters for the reaction of tert‐butyl radicals with alkenes
- Author
Münger, K., primary and Fischer, H., additional
- Published
- 1985
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41. Rate constants for concurring radical reactions in solution obtained by kinetic electron spin resonance
- Author
Münger, K., primary and Fischer, H., additional
- Published
- 1984
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42. Dietary intake of vitamin D during adolescence and risk of adult onset systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis
- Author
Hiraki Linda T, Costenbader Karen H, Munger Kassandra L, and Karlson Elizabeth W
- Subjects
Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 ,Diseases of the musculoskeletal system ,RC925-935 - Published
- 2012
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43. Human Papillomaviruses and Cervical Cancer
- Author
Münger Karl
- Subjects
Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 - Published
- 2005
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44. Excessive centrosome abnormalities without ongoing numerical chromosome instability in a Burkitt's lymphoma
- Author
Cin Paola, Lee Benjamin H, Duensing Stefan, and Münger Karl
- Subjects
Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,RC254-282 - Abstract
Abstract Numerical and structural centrosome abnormalities are detected in various human malignancies and have been implicated in the formation of multipolar mitoses, chromosome missegregation, and chromosomal instability. Despite this association between centrosome abnormalities and cancerous growth, a causative role of centrosome aberrations in generating chromosomal instability and aneuploidy has not been universally established. We report here excessive numerical and structural centrosome abnormalities in a malignant Burkitt's lymphoma harboring the characteristic t(8;14) chromosomal translocation. Using conventional karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we detected no signs of ongoing numerical chromosome instability, although the tumor displayed sporadic multipolar metaphases. These findings demonstrate that centrosome abnormalities are not a universal surrogate marker for chromosomal instability in malignant tumors. Moreover, our results suggest a model in which additional cellular alterations may be required to promote centrosome-related mitotic defects in tumor cells.
- Published
- 2003
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45. Correction for Rasmussen et al., "Virology-the path forward".
- Author
Rasmussen AL, Gronvall GK, Lowen AC, Goodrum F, Alwine J, Andersen KG, Anthony SJ, Baines J, Banerjee A, Broadbent AJ, Brooke CB, Campos SK, Caposio P, Casadevall A, Chan GC, Cliffe AR, Collins-McMillen D, Connell N, Damania B, Daugherty MD, Debbink K, Dermody TS, DiMaio D, Duprex WP, Emerman M, Galloway DA, Garry RF, Goldstein SA, Greninger AL, Hartman AL, Hogue BG, Horner SM, Hotez PJ, Jung JU, Kamil JP, Karst SM, Laimins L, Lakdawala SS, Landais I, Letko M, Lindenbach B, Liu S-L, Luftig M, McFadden G, Mehle A, Morrison J, Moscona A, Mühlberger E, Munger J, Münger K, Murphy E, Neufeldt CJ, Nikolich JZ, O'Connor CM, Pekosz A, Permar SR, Pfeiffer JK, Popescu SV, Purdy JG, Racaniello VR, Rice CM, Runstadler JA, Sapp MJ, Scott RS, Smith GA, Sorrell EM, Speranza E, Streblow D, Tibbetts SA, Toth Z, Van Doorslaer K, Weiss SR, White EA, White TM, Wobus CE, Worobey M, Yamaoka S, and Yurochko A
- Published
- 2024
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46. Virology-the path forward.
- Author
Rasmussen AL, Gronvall GK, Lowen AC, Goodrum F, Alwine J, Andersen KG, Anthony SJ, Baines J, Banerjee A, Broadbent AJ, Brooke CB, Campos SK, Caposio P, Casadevall A, Chan GC, Cliffe AR, Collins-McMillen D, Connell N, Damania B, Daugherty MD, Debbink K, Dermody TS, DiMaio D, Duprex WP, Emerman M, Galloway DA, Garry RF, Goldstein SA, Greninger AL, Hartman AL, Hogue BG, Horner SM, Hotez PJ, Jung JU, Kamil JP, Karst SM, Laimins L, Lakdawala SS, Landais I, Letko M, Lindenbach B, Liu S-L, Luftig M, McFadden G, Mehle A, Morrison J, Moscona A, Mühlberger E, Munger J, Münger K, Murphy E, Neufeldt CJ, Nikolich JZ, O'Connor CM, Pekosz A, Permar SR, Pfeiffer JK, Popescu SV, Purdy JG, Racaniello VR, Rice CM, Runstadler JA, Sapp MJ, Scott RS, Smith GA, Sorrell EM, Speranza E, Streblow D, Tibbetts SA, Toth Z, Van Doorslaer K, Weiss SR, White EA, White TM, Wobus CE, Worobey M, Yamaoka S, and Yurochko A
- Subjects
- Humans, COVID-19, United States, Viruses, Containment of Biohazards, Virology, Biomedical Research standards
- Abstract
In the United States (US), biosafety and biosecurity oversight of research on viruses is being reappraised. Safety in virology research is paramount and oversight frameworks should be reviewed periodically. Changes should be made with care, however, to avoid impeding science that is essential for rapidly reducing and responding to pandemic threats as well as addressing more common challenges caused by infectious diseases. Decades of research uniquely positioned the US to be able to respond to the COVID-19 crisis with astounding speed, delivering life-saving vaccines within a year of identifying the virus. We should embolden and empower this strength, which is a vital part of protecting the health, economy, and security of US citizens. Herein, we offer our perspectives on priorities for revised rules governing virology research in the US.
- Published
- 2024
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47. Virology under the Microscope-a Call for Rational Discourse.
- Author
Goodrum F, Lowen AC, Lakdawala S, Alwine J, Casadevall A, Imperiale MJ, Atwood W, Avgousti D, Baines J, Banfield B, Banks L, Bhaduri-McIntosh S, Bhattacharya D, Blanco-Melo D, Bloom D, Boon A, Boulant S, Brandt C, Broadbent A, Brooke C, Cameron C, Campos S, Caposio P, Chan G, Cliffe A, Coffin J, Collins K, Damania B, Daugherty M, Debbink K, DeCaprio J, Dermody T, Dikeakos J, DiMaio D, Dinglasan R, Duprex WP, Dutch R, Elde N, Emerman M, Enquist L, Fane B, Fernandez-Sesma A, Flenniken M, Frappier L, Frieman M, Frueh K, Gack M, Gaglia M, Gallagher T, Galloway D, García-Sastre A, Geballe A, Glaunsinger B, Goff S, Greninger A, Hancock M, Harris E, Heaton N, Heise M, Heldwein E, Hogue B, Horner S, Hutchinson E, Hyser J, Jackson W, Kalejta R, Kamil J, Karst S, Kirchhoff F, Knipe D, Kowalik T, Lagunoff M, Laimins L, Langlois R, Lauring A, Lee B, Leib D, Liu SL, Longnecker R, Lopez C, Luftig M, Lund J, Manicassamy B, McFadden G, McIntosh M, Mehle A, Miller WA, Mohr I, Moody C, Moorman N, Moscona A, Mounce B, Munger J, Münger K, Murphy E, Naghavi M, Nelson J, Neufeldt C, Nikolich J, O'Connor C, Ono A, Orenstein W, Ornelles D, Ou JH, Parker J, Parrish C, Pekosz A, Pellett P, Pfeiffer J, Plemper R, Polyak S, Purdy J, Pyeon D, Quinones-Mateu M, Renne R, Rice C, Schoggins J, Roller R, Russell C, Sandri-Goldin R, Sapp M, Schang L, Schmid S, Schultz-Cherry S, Semler B, Shenk T, Silvestri G, Simon V, Smith G, Smith J, Spindler K, Stanifer M, Subbarao K, Sundquist W, Suthar M, Sutton T, Tai A, Tarakanova V, tenOever B, Tibbetts S, Tompkins S, Toth Z, van Doorslaer K, Vignuzzi M, Wallace N, Walsh D, Weekes M, Weinberg J, Weitzman M, Weller S, Whelan S, White E, Williams B, Wobus C, Wong S, and Yurochko A
- Subjects
- Humans, SARS-CoV-2, Pandemics prevention & control, Antiviral Agents, COVID-19 prevention & control, Viruses
- Abstract
Viruses have brought humanity many challenges: respiratory infection, cancer, neurological impairment and immunosuppression to name a few. Virology research over the last 60+ years has responded to reduce this disease burden with vaccines and antivirals. Despite this long history, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented attention to the field of virology. Some of this attention is focused on concern about the safe conduct of research with human pathogens. A small but vocal group of individuals has seized upon these concerns - conflating legitimate questions about safely conducting virus-related research with uncertainties over the origins of SARS-CoV-2. The result has fueled public confusion and, in many instances, ill-informed condemnation of virology. With this article, we seek to promote a return to rational discourse. We explain the use of gain-of-function approaches in science, discuss the possible origins of SARS-CoV-2 and outline current regulatory structures that provide oversight for virological research in the United States. By offering our expertise, we - a broad group of working virologists - seek to aid policy makers in navigating these controversial issues. Balanced, evidence-based discourse is essential to addressing public concern while maintaining and expanding much-needed research in virology.
- Published
- 2023
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48. Role and Clinical Utility of Cancer/Testis Antigens in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
- Author
Wu SC and Münger K
- Abstract
Cancer/testis (CT) antigens exhibit selective expression predominantly in immunoprivileged tissues in non-pathological contexts but are aberrantly expressed in diverse cancers. Due to their expression pattern, they have historically been attractive targets for immunotherapies. A growing number of studies implicate CT antigens in almost all hallmarks of cancer, suggesting that they may act as cancer drivers. CT antigens are expressed in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. However, their role in the pathogenesis of these cancers remains poorly studied. Given that CT antigens hold intriguing potential as therapeutic targets and as biomarkers for prognosis and that they can provide novel insights into oncogenic mechanisms, their further study in the context of head and squamous cell carcinoma is warranted.
- Published
- 2021
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49. Beta human papillomaviruses and skin cancer.
- Author
Lambert PF, Münger K, Rösl F, Hasche D, and Tommasino M
- Subjects
- Humans, Papillomaviridae, Alphapapillomavirus, Skin Neoplasms epidemiology
- Published
- 2020
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50. Mapping metabolic changes by noninvasive, multiparametric, high-resolution imaging using endogenous contrast.
- Author
Liu Z, Pouli D, Alonzo CA, Varone A, Karaliota S, Quinn KP, Münger K, Karalis KP, and Georgakoudi I
- Subjects
- Adipose Tissue, Brown drug effects, Adipose Tissue, Brown metabolism, Animals, Carbonyl Cyanide m-Chlorophenyl Hydrazone pharmacology, Cell Line, Fatty Acids biosynthesis, Flavin-Adenine Dinucleotide metabolism, Fluorescence, Glutamine metabolism, Glycolysis, Humans, Mice, Mitochondria drug effects, Mitochondria metabolism, Myocytes, Cardiac drug effects, Myocytes, Cardiac metabolism, NAD metabolism, Oxidation-Reduction drug effects, Imaging, Three-Dimensional methods, Metabolism drug effects
- Abstract
Monitoring subcellular functional and structural changes associated with metabolism is essential for understanding healthy tissue development and the progression of numerous diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. Unfortunately, established methods for this purpose either are destructive or require the use of exogenous agents. Recent work has highlighted the potential of endogenous two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) as a method to monitor subtle metabolic changes; however, mechanistic understanding of the connections between the detected optical signal and the underlying metabolic pathways has been lacking. We present a quantitative approach to detecting both functional and structural metabolic biomarkers noninvasively, relying on endogenous TPEF from two coenzymes, NADH (reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). We perform multiparametric analysis of three optical biomarkers within intact, living cells and three-dimensional tissues: cellular redox state, NADH fluorescence lifetime, and mitochondrial clustering. We monitor the biomarkers in cells and tissues subjected to metabolic perturbations that trigger changes in distinct metabolic processes, including glycolysis and glutaminolysis, extrinsic and intrinsic mitochondrial uncoupling, and fatty acid oxidation and synthesis. We demonstrate that these optical biomarkers provide complementary insights into the underlying biological mechanisms. Thus, when used in combination, these biomarkers can serve as a valuable tool for sensitive, label-free identification of changes in specific metabolic pathways and characterization of the heterogeneity of the elicited responses with single-cell resolution.
- Published
- 2018
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