106 results on '"Lupan I"'
Search Results
2. Is the evidence of breast feeding protection against coeliac disease real?
- Author
Girbovan, A., Sur, G., Samasca, G., and Lupan, I.
- Published
- 2017
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3. The influence of local structure and surface morphology on the antibacterial activity of silver-containing calcium borosilicate glasses
- Author
Ciceo Lucacel, R., Radu, T., Tătar, A.S., Lupan, I., Ponta, O., and Simon, V.
- Published
- 2014
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4. Cytokine Cascade in Kawasaki Disease Versus Kawasaki-Like Syndrome
- Author
BORDEA, M, primary, COSTACHE, C, additional, GRAMA, A, additional, FLORIAN, A, additional, LUPAN, I, additional, SAMAȘCA, G, additional, DELEANU, D, additional, MAKOVICKY, P, additional, and RIMAROVA, K, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Primary immunodeficiency disorders and autoimmune rheumatologic diseases with juvenile onset: a Romanian multicenter clinical study: 6.04
- Author
Spârchez, M., Lupan, I., Delean, D., Bizo, A., Damian, L., Tamas, M. M., Muntean, L., Simionescu, B., Bolba, C., Lazar, C., Felea, I., and Rednic, S.
- Published
- 2015
6. Urinary cylinders: what pediatrician and nephrologist need to know
- Author
Zakharova, I. N., primary, Osmanov, I. M., additional, Machneva, E. B., additional, Mumladze, E. B., additional, Brazhnikova, O. V., additional, Gavelya, A. N., additional, Kasyanova, A. N., additional, and Lupan, I. N., additional
- Published
- 2019
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7. Clinical urine analysis: a role in modern paediatric practice
- Author
Zakharova, I. N., primary, Osmanov, I. M., additional, Machneva, E. B., additional, Mumladze, E. B., additional, Gavelya, N. V., additional, Brazhnikova, O. V., additional, and Lupan, I. N., additional
- Published
- 2019
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8. The role of antimicrobial peptides in defending the urinary tract against infections
- Author
Zakharova, I. N., primary, Osmanov, I. M., additional, Klimov, L. Ya., additional, Kasyanova, A. N., additional, Kuryaninova, V. A., additional, and Lupan, I. N., additional
- Published
- 2019
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9. Professor N.S. Tyurina: founder of the Scientific and Practical School of Pediatricians in the Southern Urals (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth)
- Author
Lupan, I. N., primary
- Published
- 2018
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10. Protective factors of the urinary bladder mucous membrane – the key to new approaches of urinary tract infection therapy
- Author
Zakharova, I. N., primary, Osmanov, I. M., additional, Kasyanova, A. N., additional, Mumladze, E. B., additional, Machneva, E. B., additional, and Lupan, I. N., additional
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Zakharova, I. N., primary, Osmanov, I. M., additional, Mumladze, E. B., additional, Machneva, E. B., additional, Svintsitskaya, B. I., additional, Kasyanova, A. N., additional, Oblogina, I. S., additional, Tambieva, E. V., additional, Bekmurzaeva, G. B., additional, Vasilieva, T. M., additional, and Lupan, I. N., additional
- Published
- 2018
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12. Tuning the coordination properties of phenothiazine by regioselective introduction of diphenylphosphanyl groups
- Author
Filip, I. H., primary, Gál, E., additional, Lupan, I., additional, Perde-Schrepler, M., additional, Lönnecke, P., additional, Surducan, M., additional, Găină, L. I., additional, Hey-Hawkins, E., additional, and Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L., additional
- Published
- 2015
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13. Immunology markers that can be predictive for the diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Author
Sur Lucia M., Silaghi Ciprian, Colceriu Marius C., Sur Daniel G., Aldea Cornel, Sur Genel, Floca Emanuela, Tataru Alexandru, Lupan Iulia, and Samasca Gabriel
- Subjects
antinuclear antibodies ,juvenile idiopathic arthritis ,pediatrics ,uveitis ,Medical technology ,R855-855.5 - Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the implications of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), the association with uveitis and the favorable evolution of the disease.
- Published
- 2020
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14. Evaluation of NT-proBNP in children with heart failure younger than 3 years old
- Author
Iacob Daniela, Butnariu Angela, Leucuţa Daniel-Corneliu, Samaşca Gabriel, Deleanu Diana, and Lupan Iulia
- Subjects
nt-probnp ,serum levels ,congenital heart diseases ,dilated cardiomyopathy ,left ventricle ejection fraction ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
Introduction. Heart failure (HF) is characterized by neuroendocrine activation. The cardiac natriuretic hormones, including atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), together with their related pro-peptides (proANP and proBNP) represent a group of peptide hormones produced by the heart. A normal NT-proBNP level has a high negative predictive value for heart failure. The use of NT-proBNP testing is helpful in diagnosing acute HF in the emergency care setting, allowing an early and optimal treatment. The purpose of this study is to assess the prognostic value of NT-proBNP in heart failure in children younger than 3 years old and to establish whether it correlates with the NYHA/Ross functional class and left ventricle systolic function.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Systolic and Diastolic Function in Congestive Heart Failure Pediatric Patients
- Author
Butnariu Angela, Zamfir Camelia, Iancu Mihaela, Iacob Daniela, Samasca G., and Lupan Iulia
- Subjects
evaluation ,echocardiographic parameters ,ventricular function ,children ,congestive heart failure ,Internal medicine ,RC31-1245 - Abstract
Background and Aims. Two-dimensional (2D) and Doppler echocardiography are the main methods for the non-invasive evaluation of ventricular function in children. Our study monitored the evaluation of systolic and diastolic function in pediatric patients, using classical echocardiographic parameters and pulsed tissue Doppler parameters, as well as the correlation between these.
- Published
- 2016
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16. The number of PON1 mutant alleles, but not PON1 phenotype, is associated with Gensini score of coronary damage
- Author
Ilea Irina, Lupan Iulia, Leucuta Daniel Corneliu, Duncea Caius Romulus, and Dronca Maria
- Subjects
paraoxonase-1 ,arylesterase ,atherosclerosis ,gensini score ,genotyping ,paraoxonaza 1 ,arilesteraza ,ateroscleroza ,scorul gensini ,genotipare ,Medicine - Abstract
Obiective. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a examina efectele polimorfismelor (SNPs) genei PON1 la nivelul regiunii promotor (-909 şi -832) şi a primului exon (+575, 20352A>G, rezultând substituirea Q192R) asupra activităţilor paraoxonazei-1 (PON1) într-un grup format din 53 de pacienţi cu boală coronariană (CHD) dovedită angiografic şi 17 subiecţi fără CHD. Metode şi rezultate. Activităţile PON1 din ser, respectiv arilesteraza (AR-ase) şi paraoxonaza NaCl-stimulată (ssPO-ase), au fost evaluate cu metode spectrofotometrice manuale, folosind acetat de fenil, respectiv paraoxon ca substrat. Markerii biochimici uzuali au fost analizaţi prin metode enzimatice, pe analizorul Roche/Hitachi 912, folosind kituri comerciale. Genotipurile PON1 au fost determinate folosind PCR, iar pentru secvenţierea ampliconilor s-a utilizat kitul BigDye® Terminator v3.1 şi analizorul ABI PRISMTM 310. Severitatea stenozei coronariane s-a evaluat şi clasificat folosind scorul Gensini. Nu s-au observat diferenţe semnificative statistic între grupurile cu şi fără CHD în ceea ce priveste activităţile PON1 şi polimorfismele -909G>C, -832G>A şi +575A>G. Dar, luând în considerare toţi subiecţii investigaţi, am constatat că SNPs -909G>C şi +575A>G au avut efecte semnificative statistic asupra AR-ase, respectiv PO-ase. Folosind modelul regresiei multiple am constatat că diabetul, LDL-colesterolul şi numărul de alele mutante au fost determinanţi semnificativi, independenţi, ai scorului Gensini. O corelaţie pozitivă semnificativă a fost observată numai între scorul Gensini şi numărul de alele mutante. Concluzii. Nu există diferenţe între subiecţi cu si fără CHD în ceea ce priveşte genotipurile şi fenotipurile PON1, dar creşterea numărului de alele PON1 mutante este un factor important în determinarea severităţii leziunilor coronariene
- Published
- 2013
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17. Inhibition of Streptococcus pneumoniae adenylate kinase by some 5-arylidene-thiazolidin-4-on-2-thione derivates
- Author
Ionescu Miliaela Ileana, Costache Adriana Z., Oniga Ovidiu, Banciu Horia L., and Lupan Iulia
- Subjects
adenylate kinase ,5-arylidene-thiazolidin-4-on-2-thione derivates ,inhibitory activity ,adenilat kinaza ,5-ariliden-tiazolidin-4-on-2-tione ,acţiune inhibitorie ,Medicine - Abstract
Adenilat kinaza este o enzimă ubiquitară prezentă atât la procariote cât şi la eucariote. în această lucrare am testat acţiunea inhibitorie a şase 5-ariliden-tiazolidin-4-on-2-tione faţă de adenilat kinaza din Strepto- coccus pneumoniae (A\Ksp) prin metoda colorimetrică cu 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazonă. Efectul inhibitor al compuşilor de sinteză a fost testat faţă de enzima recombinantă supra-exprimată în E. coli. Compusul C10H6BrNOS2 cu atomul de brom în poziţia -orto a fost cel mai eficace inhibitor, valoarea I50 (concentraţia de inhibitor care determină inhibarea activităţii cu 50%) a fost 0.067mM.
- Published
- 2013
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18. Gluten-free diet and quality of life in celiac disease
- Author
Samasca G, Sur G, Lupan I, and Diana Deleanu
19. Clinical and genetic characteristics of russian children with atypical hemolithic-uremic syndrome
- Author
Tsygin, A. N., Mazo, A. M., Ananyin, P. V., Vashurina, T. V., Pushkov, A. A., Ilya Zhanin, Zverev, D. V., Emirova, H. M., Pankratenko, T. E., Muzurov, A. L., Negoda, V. M., Zabolotskih, O. B., Barinov, V. N., Ushakova, N. V., Makarets, B. G., Albot, V. V., Kagan, M. Y., Koval, N. Y., Lupan, I. N., Galieva, G. M., Savostyanov, K. V., and Baranov, A. A.
20. Inhibition of streptococcus pneumoniae and escherichia coli adenylate kinase by 2-amino-4-methyl-N’-arylidenethiazole-5-carbohydrazides
- Author
Mihaela Ileana Ionescu, Rădulescu, A. Z., Oniga, S., Banciu, H. L., and Lupan, I.
21. Genes and dental disorders
- Author
Ghergie M, Cocîrla E, Lupan I, Beatrice Kelemen, and Popescu O
22. Cytokine cascade in Kawasaki disease versus Kawasaki-like syndrome
- Author
Ma, Bordea, Costache C, Grama A, Ai, Florian, Lupan I, Samasca G, Deleanu D, Makovicky P, and Kvetoslava Rimarova
- Subjects
Physiology ,SARS-CoV-2 ,COVID-19 ,Cytokines ,Humans ,General Medicine ,Review ,Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome ,Child ,Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome - Abstract
Kawasaki disease (KD) is a medium vessel systemic vasculitis that predominantly occurs in children below five years of age. It is an acute febrile condition in which coronary artery aneurysms and myocarditis are the most common cardiovascular complications. It is most often characterized by hypercytoki-nemia. The etiopathogenesis of KD is not fully understood. The present review synthesizes the recent advances in the pathophysiology and treatment options of KD. According to different studies, the genetic, infections and autoimmunity factors play a major role in pathogenesis. Several susceptibility genes (e.g. caspase 3) and cytokines (e.g. IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ and TNF-α) have been identified in KD. Patients with high cytokine levels are predisposed to KD shock syndrome. The importance of respiratory viruses in the pathogenesis of the disease is unclear. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) may induce in children and adults an abnormal systemic inflammatory response. This syndrome shares characteristics with KD. It has been called by many terms like MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children), PIMS-TS (pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2), hyperinflammatory shock syndrome, cytokine storm (cytokine release syndrome) or simply, Kawasaki-like syndrome. The cytokine’s role in the development of KD or Kawasaki-like syndrome being triggered by COVID-19 is controversial. The presences of the antiendothelial cell autoantibodies (AECAs) together with the newly developed hypothesis of immunothrombosis are considered potential pathogenic mechanisms for KD. In consequence, the diagnosis and treatment of KD and Kawasaki-like syndrome, one of the most common causes of acquired heart disease in developed countries, are challenging without a clearly defined protocol.
23. Assessing immunological surgical stress markers in patients undergoing digestive surgery for pancreatic, hepatic and gastric tumors
- Author
Munteanu, A., Munteanu, D., Iancu Mihaela, Lupan, I., Samasca, G., Aldea, C., Mocan, T., and Iancu, C.
24. Estimation of radical scavenging capacity of some diaryl- and phenothiazinyl-nitrones
- Author
Petkes, H., Gal, E., Bischin, C., Lupan, I., Majdik, C., Castelia Cristea, and Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L.
25. Current Trends and Investigative Developments in Wheat Allergy
- Author
Gabriel Samasca, Sur G, Iancu M, Lupan I, and Deleanu D
26. Passive transfer of collagen XVII-specific antibodies induces sustained blistering disease in adult mice
- Author
Chiriac Mircea Teodor, Licarete Emilia, Sas Alexandra Gabriela, Rados Andreea Maria, Lupan Iulia, Chiriac Anca Mirela, Speth Hilda, Pop-Vancia Vlad, Domsa Iacob, Sesarman Alina, Popescu Octavian, and Sitaru Cassian
- Subjects
Autoimmunity ,Collagen XVII ,Inflammation ,Skin ,Medicine - Abstract
Abstract Background Bullous pemphigoid is a subepidermal blistering disorder associated with tissue-bound and circulating autoantibodies directed mainly to the hemidesmosomal component collagen XVII. While recapitulating the main immunopathological features of the human disease, frank skin blistering does not develop in the absence of skin rubbing in experimental pemphigoid models that have been established in neonatal mice. Moreover, due to their experimental design they only allow for short-term disease observation. In the present study we aimed to establish a model that reproduces the frank skin blistering seen in patients and allows for longer observation times. Methods Rabbit and sheep antibodies specific to several fragments of collagen XVII were generated and the purified antibodies were passively transferred into adult mice. Results Collagen XVII-specific IgG bound to the basal membrane of the skin and mucous membranes activating murine complement in vivo. Mice injected with collagen XVII-specific antibodies, in contrast to mice receiving control antibodies, developed frank skin blistering disease, reproducing human bullous pemphigoid at the clinical, histological and immunopathological levels. Titres of circulating IgG in the serum of mice correlated with the extent of the clinical disease. Mice receiving sheep antibodies specific to murine collagen XVII showed an early onset and a more active disease when compared to litter mates receiving specific rabbit antibodies. Conclusion This novel animal model for bullous pemphigoid should facilitate further investigations of the pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid and the development of innovative therapies for this disease.
- Published
- 2013
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27. Epigenetic Regulation of DNA Methylation and RNA Interference in Gastric Cancer: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Lupan I, Bintintan V, Deleanu D, and Samasca G
- Abstract
Gastric cancer (GC) remains a significant public health concern because of its lethality, underscoring the need for deeper insights into its molecular mechanisms. Recent studies have increasingly highlighted the role of epigenetic modifications as critical players in cancer progression. Despite their importance, research specifically addressing epigenetic factors in GC is relatively scarce. This paper seeks to bridge that gap by examining recent literature that elucidates the epigenetic landscape associated with GC. The investigation of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) has revealed their substantial involvement in gene dysregulation and epigenetic alterations within GC tumors. Notably, lncRNAs such as LINC00853 and LINC01266 have been identified as significant contributors to the epigenetic modulation of gene expression. Furthermore, the overexpression of KAT5 and GPX4 has been shown to mitigate the antiproliferative effects resulting from the depletion of circRHOT1, suggesting a complex interplay between these molecules in GC pathophysiology. Another pivotal aspect of epigenetic regulation in GC involves modifications in N6-methyladenosine (m6A), which play crucial roles in mRNA maturation processes such as splicing, export, degradation, and translation. m6A modifications are known for their influence on various cancer-related pathways, thus presenting a potential avenue for targeted interventions. Our findings indicate that the most pronounced instances of epigenetic dysregulation in GC can be traced back to the effects of long lncRNAs and alterations in m6A modification patterns. This underscores the urgent need for comprehensive investigations into these epigenetic factors, as a deeper understanding could lead to enhanced diagnostic markers and innovative therapeutic strategies. The integration of genetic and epigenetic considerations is essential for advancing the field of GC research. This synthesis of recent findings concerning epigenetic regulation offers valuable insights that could inform future studies and therapeutic developments. There is a critical need for ongoing research to elucidate the complexities of epigenetic modifications in GC, ultimately improving patient outcomes through tailored interventions.
- Published
- 2024
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28. A New Medical Evaluation for Gastric Cancer Patients to Increase the Success Rate of Immunotherapy: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Samasca G, Burz C, Pintea I, Muntean A, Deleanu D, Lupan I, and Bintintan V
- Abstract
Researchers have performed numerous studies on immunotherapy because of the high death rate associated with gastric cancer (GC). GC immunotherapy research has made tremendous progress, and we wanted to provide an update on this topic. On the basis of this update, we suggest performing a new medical evaluation before initiating immunotherapy in patients with GC to increase the success rate of immunotherapies. We propose that before patients start GC immunotherapy, they should be evaluated and given a score of one to two points for the following factors: immunopathological features, molecular and genomic features, potential consequences for bacterial pathogens, potential immunotherapeutic resistance and hyperprogressive illness, and the potential to use biomarkers to gauge their prognosis and immunotherapy responses to optimize immunotherapy following surgery. The proposed scoring system could also help in the diagnosis of GC. With all the advances in genetics, immunology, and microbiology, the diagnosis of GC could be improved, not changed. Currently, patients diagnosed with GC undergo surgical resection as the only permanent solution. Patients who meet the maximum score from the presented proposal could be eligible immediately after diagnosis for immunotherapy. Therefore, immunotherapy could be a first-line option for clinicians.
- Published
- 2024
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29. Converging Mechanisms of Vascular and Cartilaginous Calcification.
- Author
Gheorghe SR, Crăciun AM, Ilyés T, Tisa IB, Sur L, Lupan I, Samasca G, and Silaghi CN
- Abstract
Physiological calcification occurs in bones and epiphyseal cartilage as they grow, whereas ectopic calcification occurs in blood vessels, cartilage, and soft tissues. Although it was formerly thought to be a passive and degenerative process associated with aging, ectopic calcification has been identified as an active cell-mediated process resembling osteogenesis, and an increasing number of studies have provided evidence for this paradigm shift. A significant association between vascular calcification and cardiovascular risk has been demonstrated by various studies, which have shown that arterial calcification has predictive value for future coronary events. With respect to cartilaginous calcification, calcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite crystals can form asymptomatic deposits in joints or periarticular tissues, contributing to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendinitis, and bursitis. The risk factors and sequence of events that initiate ectopic calcification, as well as the mechanisms that prevent the development of this pathology, are still topics of debate. Consequently, in this review, we focus on the nexus of the mechanisms underlying vascular and cartilaginous calcifications, trying to circumscribe the similarities and disparities between them to provide more clarity in this regard., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2024
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30. The Importance of Extracellular Vesicle Screening in Gastric Cancer: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Bintintan V, Burz C, Pintea I, Muntean A, Deleanu D, Lupan I, and Samasca G
- Abstract
Extracellular vesicles, or EVs, are membrane-bound nanocompartments produced by tumor cells. EVs carry proteins and nucleic acids from host cells to target cells, where they can transfer lipids, proteomes, and genetic material to change the function of target cells. EVs serve as reservoirs for mobile cellular signals. The collection of EVs using less invasive processes has piqued the interest of many researchers. Exosomes carry substances that can suppress the immune system. If the results of exosome screening are negative, immunotherapy will be beneficial for GC patients. In this study, we provide an update on EVs and GC based on ongoing review papers and clinical trials.
- Published
- 2024
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31. Predictive Factors of Immunotherapy in Gastric Cancer: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Bintintan V, Burz C, Pintea I, Muntean A, Deleanu D, Lupan I, and Samasca G
- Abstract
Many studies on gastric cancer treatment have identified predictors of immunotherapy benefits. This article provides an update on the major developments in research related to predictive factors of immunotherapy for gastric cancer. We used the search term "predictive factors, immunotherapy, gastric cancer" to find the most current publications in the PubMed database related to predictive factors of immunotherapy in gastric cancer. Programmed cell death, genetic, and immunological factors are the main study topics of immunotherapy's predictive factors in gastric cancer. Other preventive factors for immunotherapy in gastric cancer were also found, including clinical factors, tumor microenvironment factors, imaging factors, and extracellular factors. Since there is currently no effective treatment for gastric cancer, we strongly propose that these studies be prioritized.
- Published
- 2024
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32. Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Burz C, Pop V, Silaghi C, Lupan I, and Samasca G
- Abstract
Numerous studies have been performed on Helicobacter pylori infection because of the high death rate linked to this illness and gastric cancer. An update on the key developments in recent years in the investigation of Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer is the goal of this review. Using the search term " Helicobacter pylori , gastric cancer", the PubMed database was searched. Only papers published in 2024 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Because case report papers were not part of our investigation, they satisfied the exclusion criteria. Most of the research on the variable genes of Helicobacter pylori is guided by genetics to determine potential treatments. Studies on clinical treatments for the eradication of H. pylori with promising therapeutic options are needed. We found the fewest studies related to the immunopathology of H. pylori infection, which is still unknown. In conclusion, priority should be given to this kind of research.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Prognosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer: A 2024 Update.
- Author
Burz C, Pop V, Silaghi C, Lupan I, and Samasca G
- Abstract
Due to the high death rate associated with gastric cancer, a great deal of research has been conducted on this disease. The goal of this paper was to start a trimestral review of 2024 for the year that had just started. The scientific literature from 1 January 2024 was chosen with consideration of the the guidelines of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), which are updated with new findings but not systematically reviewed annually. We used the search term "gastric cancer" to find the most current publications in the PubMed database related to the prognosis and treatment of gastric cancer. As previously said, the only articles that satisfied the inclusion criteria were those from 2024. Articles with case reports were eliminated since they had nothing to do with our research. The treatment of gastric cancer is the focus of the majority of articles from 2024. The primary research axes include surgery and immunonutrition, immunotherapy and Helicobacter pylori , and therapeutic targets. Patients with GC may experience less psychological, social, and financial hardship if the recently identified markers discovered in circulation are better assessed and validated. This could be achieved by either including the markers in an artificial intelligence-based diagnostic score or by using them in conjunction with traditional diagnostic methods. Due to the rising death rate associated with GC, funding for research into diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and therapeutic targets is essential.
- Published
- 2024
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34. Selective Attachment of Polyethylene Glycol to Hemerythrin for Potential Use in Blood Substitutes.
- Author
Arkosi MK, Mot AC, Lupan I, Tegla MGG, and Silaghi-Dumitrescu R
- Subjects
- Hemerythrin chemistry, Hemerythrin metabolism, Polyethylene Glycols chemistry, Cysteine chemistry, Hemoglobins genetics, Hemoglobins chemistry, Hemoglobins metabolism, Oxygen metabolism, Blood Substitutes chemistry, Blood Substitutes metabolism
- Abstract
Due to its ability to reversibly bind O
2 , alongside a relatively low redox reactivity and a limited cytotoxicity, the oxygen-carrying protein hemerythrin has been considered as an alternative to hemoglobin in preparing blood substitutes. In order to increase the hydrodynamic volume and lower antigenicity, two site-directed variants, H82C and K92C, were engineered that contained a single cysteine residue on the surface of each hemerythrin octamer for the specific attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG). A sulfhydryl-reactive PEGylation reagent with a 51.9 Å spacer arm was used for selective cysteine derivatization. The mutants were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, size-exclusion chromatography, oxygen affinity, and autooxidation rate measurements. The H82C variant showed altered oligomeric behavior compared to the wild-type and was unstable in the met form. The PEGylated K92C variant is reasonably stable, displays an oxygen affinity similar to that of the wild-type, and shows an increased rate of autoxidation; the latter disadvantage may be counteracted by further chemical modifications., (© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)- Published
- 2023
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35. Practical Aspects of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children.
- Author
Sur LM, Armat I, Sur G, Tisa IB, Bordea MA, Lupan I, Samasca G, and Lazar C
- Abstract
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGB) in children is a potentially life-threatening condition that represents a challenge for pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. It is defined as bleeding from any location within the upper esophagus to the ligament of Treitz. UGB can have many causes that vary with age. The impact on the child is often proportional to the amount of blood lost. This can range from mild bleeding that is unlikely to cause hemodynamic instability, to massive bleeding that requires admission to the intensive care unit. Proper and prompt management are very important factors in reducing morbidity and mortality. This article aims to summarize current research regarding the diagnosis and treatment of UGB. Most of the data used in the literature published on this subject is extrapolated from adulthood.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Endoscopic Grading as a Predictor to Develop Strictures in Corrosive Esophagitis in Children.
- Author
Badiu Tisa I, Pepelea L, Pirvan A, Lupan I, Samasca G, and Bordea MA
- Abstract
Introduction: The incidence of corrosive esophagitis, also known as caustic esophagitis in children, is still increasing in developing countries, according to different clinical reports. Acids and alkalis are, in the same manner, involved in the pathogenesis of corrosive esophagitis in children. The aim of our study was to determine the incidence and endoscopic grading of corrosive esophagitis in a cohort of children from a developing country., Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of all pediatric patients who were admitted for corrosive ingestion at Pediatric Clinic II, Emergency Hospital for Children, Cluj-Napoca, over 10 years., Results: A total of 22 patients consisting of 13 (59.09%) girls and 9 boys (40.91%) were found in the present research. The majority of children lived in rural areas (69.2%). The results of laboratory tests were not well correlated with the degree of the injury. White blood cell counts over 20,000 cells/mm
3 , an increase in the C-reactive protein level and hypoalbuminemia were noticed only in three patients with strictures. The lesions were associated with increased levels of the pro - inflammatory cytokines , including interleukin (IL)-2, IL-5 and Interferon-gamma. Severe late complications such as strictures have been noticed in children with grade 3A injuries. The endoscopic dilation was done after the six months endoscopy. None of the patients treated with endoscopic dilation required surgical intervention for esophageal or pyloric perforation or dilation failure. The majority of complications (such as malnutrition) were noticed in children with grade 3A injuries. In consequence, prolonged hospitalization has been required. The second endoscopy (done six months after ingestion) revealed stricture as the most common late complication (n = 13, 60.60%: eight patients with grade 2B and five with grade 3A)., Conclusion: There is a low incidence of corrosive esophagitis in children in our geographic area. Endoscopic grading is a predictor of late complications such as strictures. Grade 2B and 3A corrosive esophagitis are likely to develop strictures. It is crucial to avoid strictures and to prevent malnutrition.- Published
- 2023
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37. A new autoimmune disease: atopic dermatitis in children.
- Author
Floca E, Gaga R, Sur G, Lupan I, Armat I, Samasca G, and Sur LM
- Subjects
- Child, Humans, Skin pathology, Th2 Cells, Dermatitis, Atopic, Autoimmune Diseases epidemiology, Hypersensitivity pathology
- Abstract
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is mainly considered an allergy, exacerbated by allergic factors. Is there evidence to suggest the existence of autoimmune components in the pathophysiology of the illness? Studies in the literature that dealt with the occurrence of autoimmunity in children with AD were analyzed. We followed the studies published in PubMed for 10 years, from 2001 to 2021. Clinical signs and symptoms were similar to other autoimmune diseases, having periods of remission and relapses. Other correlations between AD and autoimmune diseases have been described, and patients with AD can also present with a wide range of autoimmune comorbidities. Three major factors contribute to the pathogenesis of AD: damage of the skin barrier, disorders of the immune response, and imbalances of the skin microbiome-all based on genetic changes and influenced by environmental factors. Predominant activation of Th 2 cells, with the increase of Th 1, Th 17, and Th 22 subsets, promotes skin inflammation. All this evidence suggests that AD might be classified as an autoimmune disease, not just as an allergic reaction., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Assessment of Specific Tumoral Markers, Inflammatory Status, and Vitamin D Metabolism before and after the First Chemotherapy Cycle in Patients with Lung Cancer.
- Author
Crintea A, Drugan C, Constantin AM, Lupan I, Fekete Z, Silaghi CN, and Crăciun AM
- Abstract
Background: We aimed to investigate the changes of inflammatory status reflected by serum levels of chitotriosidase (CHT) and neopterin, and how specific tumor markers such as neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA), as well as vitamin D metabolism assessed by vitamin D receptor (VDR) and 25-hydroxy vitamin D
3 (25OHD3 ), were modified after the first cycle of chemotherapy in patients with lung cancer., Methods: We performed this first pilot study on twenty patients diagnosed with lung cancer by investigating the serum concentrations of CHT, neopterin, NSE, SCCA, VDR and 25OHD3 before and after the first cycle of chemotherapy., Results: The post-treatment values of NSE were significantly lower compared to the pre-treatment levels (14.37 vs. 17.10 ng/mL, p = 0.031). We noticed a similar trend in neopterin levels, but the difference was only marginally significant (1.44 vs. 1.17 ng/mL, p = 0.069). On the contrary, the variations of circulating SCCA, CHT, neopterin, VDR and 25OHD3 , before and after treatment, did not reach statistical significance., Conclusion: Only circulating NSE was treatment responsive to the first chemotherapy cycle in patients with lung cancer, while inflammatory markers and vitamin D status were not significantly modified.- Published
- 2022
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39. Immune Responses to Some Viral Infections That Have a High Evolutionary Potential-A Case Report with Literature Review.
- Author
Sur ML, Moldovan BS, Mocanu D, Samasca G, Lupan I, Armat I, Harabagiu M, Sur G, and Lazar C
- Abstract
Viral infections are a key issue in modern medicine. SARS-CoV-2 infection confirms that we are not sufficiently prepared for these unforeseen infections. The COVID-19 pandemic has cultivated a great sense of fear and distrust in patients. If viral infections, in this case, SARS-CoV-2, overlap with another infection, the symptoms are prolonged and worsened, and complications may occur. Starting from an objective clinical finding of a patient they had in follow-up and treatment, the authors present the problems of the diseases the patient suffered from. These are described as reviews so that readers can get an idea of the clinical methods of expression and the therapeutic possibilities. Therefore, this article describes Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, SARS-CoV-2 infection, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MISC-C), as the patient suffered from an incomplete form of Kawasaki disease. During the treatment for Lyme disease, the patient also contracted the influenza type A virus. Although any of these diseases could have the potential for serious evolution, our patient still went through these infections relatively well. This can be explained by the fact that the patient had a slow immune response to the aforementioned infections, which allowed him to survive these diseases relatively easily, unlike other individuals who have an exaggerated immune response or who suffer from serious immune involvement, e.g., hepatitis B with a fulminant response. The case was presented chronologically, but at the same time, all particular infection manifestations were accurately described. For these reasons, the article is presented in the form of a review, exemplified by the case itself. Of the 52 cases of MISC-C found in the Pediatrics Clinic II of Cluj-Napoca, we present the case of a male patient who presented with Lyme disease, post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, Kawasaki disease, and MISC-C incomplete form.
- Published
- 2022
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40. Genetically modified rodent models and celiac, non-celiac gluten sensitivity: a minireview.
- Author
Rimárová K, Samasca G, Makovický P, Žáková P, Lupan I, Dorko E, Diabelková J, Kaňuková L, Jenča A Jr, Petrášová A, Kluková D, Silaghi C, and Makovický P
- Subjects
- Animals, Glutens, Models, Animal, Celiac Disease genetics, Rodentia
- Abstract
Celiac disease (CD) is a disorder that affects both children and adults. Over the few last decades, several new atypical cases have been identified through improved diagnostic tools. On the other hand, the onset of CD at a later age, including atypical CD forms whose clinical picture overlaps with other autoimmune diseases, shows that currently there are several unknown gene mutations, which could be responsible for the disease development. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is entity included by the ingestion of gluten leading to intestinal, or extraintestinal symptoms that improve once the gluten is removed from the nutrition. In this article relationships between genetically modified rodent animals with previously unknown multiple organ changes and CD, respectively NCGS are reviewed. Relationships between the small bowel histological changes and other organs pathology are discussed. Results of research document that changes have similar genetic background and can develop to serious autoimmune systematic diseases, including small bowel inflammation resembling atypical CD or NCGS. These may have extra-intestinal symptomatology but without a clear explanation of causes and differences in their manifestations. Research on animal models helps to discover links between several disorders associated with gastrointestinal damage. New methods based on individual gene mutations can help in atypical adult CD and NCGS recognitions in the future.
- Published
- 2022
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41. Early Preeclampsia Effect on Preterm Newborns Outcome.
- Author
Matyas M, Hasmasanu M, Silaghi CN, Samasca G, Lupan I, Orsolya K, and Zaharie G
- Abstract
Background: An early form of preeclampsia is rare. Abnormal placentation, placental perfusion disorders, and inflammatory cytokine release will have an effect on the fetus and newborn., Material and Methods: The study group consisted of preterm newborns whose mothers had a history of preeclampsia and a gestational age of between 30 weeks and 34 weeks + 6 days. The control group consists of neonates matched for gestational age with the case group, whose mothers had normal blood pressure. The incidence and severity of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), intraventricular hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, pH gas changes, and hematological parameters were analyzed in the two groups., Results: The study group of preterm neonates had a lower birth weight than the control group ( p < 0.001). Most of the deliveries in the group of newborns exposed to preeclampsia were performed by cesarean section. Severe forms of RDS were two times more frequent in the group of newborns exposed to preeclampsia compared to those in the control group. Even though we expected to see a lower incidence, owing to the high number of deliveries by cesarean section, we still observed a higher rate of intraventricular hemorrhage in the preeclampsia group (16 cases in the study group vs. 7 in the control, p = 0.085). Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were more frequent in preterm newborns exposed to preeclampsia., Conclusions: The study shows that early preeclampsia increases the risk of complications in preterm neonates. RDS was more frequent in the exposed group than in the control group. The severity of preeclampsia correlates with hematological changes.
- Published
- 2022
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42. The First Evaluation of Serum Levels of MGP, Gas6 and EGFR after First Dose of Chemotherapy in Lung Cancer.
- Author
Crintea A, Dutu AG, Constantin AM, Fekete Z, Samasca G, Lupan I, Florian IA, Silaghi CN, and Craciun AM
- Abstract
Background: Vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are involved in lung cancer progression. Therefore, we aimed to study the serum concentration of Matrix Gla protein (MGP), Growth Arrest-specific 6 (Gas6), and EGFR before and after the first cycle of chemotherapy and to investigate how MGP, Gas6, and EGFR are modified after one cycle of chemotherapy., Methods: We performed an observational study on twenty patients diagnosed with lung cancer, by assessing the serum concentration of vitaminK
1 (VitK1 ), MGP, Gas6, and EGFR using the ELISA technique before and after three weeks of the first cycle of chemotherapy. Patients were evaluated using RECIST 1.1 criteria., Results: Serum levels of MGP, Gas6, EGFR, and VK1 before and after treatment were not changed significantly. Regarding the pre-treatment correlation of the MGP values, we found a strong positive relationship between MGP and VK1 pre-treatment values (r = 0.821, 95%CI 0.523; 0.954, p < 0.001). Furthermore, there was a moderately negative correlation between VK1 and EGFR pre-treatment values, with the relationship between them being marginally significant (r = -0.430, 95%CI -0.772; 0.001, p = 0.058). Post-treatment, we found a strong positive relationship between MGP and VK1 post-treatment values (r = 0.758, 95%CI 0.436; 0.900, p < 0.001). We also found a moderate positive relationship between Gas6 and EGFR post-treatment values, but the correlation was only marginally significant (r = 0.442, p = 0.051).- Published
- 2022
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43. Neurofibromatosis in Children: Actually and Perspectives.
- Author
Sur ML, Armat I, Sur G, Pop DC, Samasca G, Lupan I, Timis TL, Florian IA, and Sur D
- Abstract
The three types of neurofibromatosis, namely type 1, type 2, and schwannomatosis, are generally associated with various benign tumors affecting the skin and the nervous system. On rare occasions, especially in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), malignant neoplasms may also be present, several of them possessing a more aggressive course than in individuals without this syndrome. As such, a clear delineation between the three variants of neurofibromatosis is crucial to establish the correct diagnosis and management, as well as predict the neoplasm-related outcomes. Neurofibromin, the principal product of the NF1 gene, is a potent inhibitor of cellular proliferation, having been linked to several key signaling pathways involved in tumor growth. Therefore, it may provide a useful therapeutic target for tumor management in these patients. In this article, we want to present the association between deficiency of neurofibromin and the consequences of the lack of this protein leading to different kinds of malignant tumors. The therapy is still uncertain and most therapeutic options are in development or clinical trials.
- Published
- 2022
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44. To be, or not to be… Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
- Author
Florian IA, Lupan I, Sur L, Samasca G, and Timiș TL
- Subjects
- Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Muscle Weakness, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Guillain-Barre Syndrome diagnosis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome etiology, Guillain-Barre Syndrome therapy
- Abstract
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is currently the most frequent cause of acute flaccid paralysis on a global scale, being an autoimmune disorder wherein demyelination of the peripheral nerves occurs. Its main clinical features are a symmetrical ascending muscle weakness with reduced osteotendinous reflexes and variable sensory involvement. GBS most commonly occurs after an infection, especially viral (including COVID-19), but may also transpire after immunization with certain vaccines or in the development of specific malignancies. Immunoglobulins, plasmapheresis, and glucocorticoids represent the principal treatment modalities, however patients with severe disease progression may require supportive therapy in an intensive care unit. Due to its symptomology, which overlaps with numerous neurological and infectious illnesses, the diagnosis of GBS may often be misattributed to pathologies that are essentially different from this syndrome. Moreover, many of these require specific treatment methods distinct to those recommended for GBS, in lack of which the prognosis of the patient is drastically affected. Such diseases include exposure to toxins either environmental or foodborne, central nervous system infections, metabolic or serum ion alterations, demyelinating pathologies, or even conditions amenable to neurosurgical intervention. This extensive narrative review aims to systematically and comprehensively tackle the most notable and challenging differential diagnoses of GBS, emphasizing on the clinical discrepancies between the diseases, the appropriate paraclinical investigations, and suitable management indications., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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45. Food Allergy a Constant Concern to the Medical World and Healthcare Providers: Practical Aspects.
- Author
Sur LM, Armat I, Duca E, Sur G, Lupan I, Sur D, Samasca G, Lazea C, and Lazar C
- Abstract
Food allergy (FA) is a condition with a growing incidence and is a constant concern for the medical world and healthcare providers. With potential symptoms including anaphylaxis, in the event of an allergic reaction the patient's life may well be endangered. The diagnosis of FA is a continuous challenge because mild cases tend to be ignored or diagnosed late and young children with allergies are cared for by parents, who are not always able to accurately interpret symptoms. It is very important to be able to differentiate FAs from food intolerance and toxic reactions to food. An accurate diagnosis is required to provide personalized management of an FA. More sophisticated and accurate diagnostic tests, including component diagnosis and epitope reactivity, allow the provision of a directed diagnosis, a more accurate therapeutic approach, and a useful prognostic evaluation. Tests used in current practice include the specific search for serum IgE, elimination diets, oral food challenges, single, blind, and double-blind (DBPCFC) tests, as well as skin tests. The risk of anaphylaxis can be assessed by molecular diagnostics/component-resolved diagnosis (CRD) and by conducting a basophilic activation test (BAT). These tests allow a planned, personalized treatment based on molecular and clinical profiles. CRD can determine the individual profile of allergic molecular reactivity and enable the formulation of a prognostic judgment. Our article highlights the importance of knowing the immune mechanisms, diagnostics, and immunotherapies in FAs. Starting from observing exposure to food allergens, to identifying allergic reactions, analysing the severity of clinical manifestations, noting the possibilities of diagnosis, and illustrating adequate management strategies.
- Published
- 2021
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46. Laboratory Negative Predictive Factors for the Occurrence of Cardiac Complications in Children with Kawasaki Disease.
- Author
Sur LM, Lupan I, Gaga R, Samasca G, Aldea C, Sur G, and Lazar C
- Subjects
- Calcifediol, Child, Fever, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, Humans, Immunoglobulins, Intravenous therapeutic use, Infant, Laboratories, Male, Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome complications, Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome diagnosis, Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome drug therapy
- Abstract
Background: Patients with Kawasaki disease (KD) may develop cardiovascular complications in the presence of predictive factors, including young age < 6 months, male gender, unfavorable response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), low albuminemia, thrombocytosis, fever over 8 days, increased C-reactive protein (CRP), elevated levels of 25 OH vitamin D3, elevated levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), elevated D-dimers, elevated ferritin. The objectives of this study were to determine the laboratory negative predictive factors for the occurrence of cardiac complications in children with KD. Studies in the literature that dealt with these predictive factors were analyzed., Methods: We followed the studies published in PubMed over a 10-year period. Seventy articles were reviewed and, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 articles were selected., Results: We evaluated the population studies which showed factors can predict the occurrence of heart complications. These factors were different depending on age and depending on resistance to IVIG treatment., Conclusions: Some biological parameters such as low albumin, thrombocytosis, increased CRP, elevated levels of 25 OH vitamin D3, elevated levels of FGF23, elevated D-dimers, and elevated ferritin could be considered as laboratory negative predictive factors for CAL.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Prevalence of Serum Specific Antibodies to TORCH Agents in a Cohort of Children Using DiaSorin "Flash" Chemiluminescence Technology.
- Author
Bordea MA, Samasca G, Aldea C, Lupan I, and Costache C
- Subjects
- Child, Female, Humans, Immunoglobulin M, Luminescence, Pregnancy, Prevalence, Technology, Cytomegalovirus Infections diagnosis, Cytomegalovirus Infections epidemiology, Toxoplasmosis diagnosis, Toxoplasmosis epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Our study was undertaken to detect the prevalence of serum specific antibodies to TORCH agents in children by establishing the presence of the specific IgM antibodies with DiaSorin "Flash" chemiluminescence technology., Materials and Methods: A total of 804 blood samples were collected for the detection of the Toxoplasma IgM; 2,048 cases were collected for CMV IgM, and 337 cases were collected for HSV-1/2 IgM, over a period of 9 months (from January 2019 to September 2019)., Results: In our cohort, a total of 103 samples (12.8%) were found to be seropositive for Toxoplasma, 1,551 samples (75.7%) were positive for CMV and 174 samples (51.6%) were positive for the HSV-1/2 infections. The perinatal CMV infection was observed in 11.9% of the patients with positive serology for CMV., Conclusions: The routine antenatal screening with chemiluminescence technology should be recommended in general population to avoid congenital malformations, as long as the prevalence of serum specific antibodies to TORCH agents is high and seropositivity rate increases with age.
- Published
- 2021
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48. The Nanosystems Involved in Treating Lung Cancer.
- Author
Crintea A, Dutu AG, Samasca G, Florian IA, Lupan I, and Craciun AM
- Abstract
Even though there are various types of cancer, this pathology as a whole is considered the principal cause of death worldwide. Lung cancer is known as a heterogeneous condition, and it is apparent that genome modification presents a significant role in the occurrence of this disorder. There are conventional procedures that can be utilized against diverse cancer types, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but they are hampered by the numerous side effects. Owing to the many adverse events observed in these therapies, it is imperative to continuously develop new and improved strategies for managing individuals with cancer. Nanomedicine plays an important role in establishing new methods for detecting chromosomal rearrangements and mutations for targeted chemotherapeutics or the local delivery of drugs via different types of nano-particle carriers to the lungs or other organs or areas of interest. Because of the complex signaling pathways involved in developing different types of cancer, the need to discover new methods for prevention and detection is crucial in producing gene delivery materials that exhibit the desired roles. Scientists have confirmed that nanotechnology-based procedures are more effective than conventional chemotherapy or radiotherapy, with minor side effects. Several nanoparticles, nanomaterials, and nanosystems have been studied, including liposomes, dendrimers, polymers, micelles, inorganic nanoparticles, such as gold nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes, and even siRNA delivery systems. The cytotoxicity of such nanosystems is a debatable concern, and nanotechnology-based delivery systems must be improved to increase the bioavailability, biocompatibility, and safety profiles, since these nanosystems boast a remarkable potential in many biomedical applications, including anti-tumor activity or gene therapy. In this review, the nanosystems involved in treating lung cancer and its associated challenges are discussed.
- Published
- 2021
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49. Different Chronic Disorders That Fall within the Term Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
- Author
Sur LM, Gaga R, Duca E, Sur G, Lupan I, Sur D, Samasca G, Lazea C, and Lazar C
- Abstract
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) represents a significant challenge for pediatricians who intend to diagnose and treat this pathology. The classification criteria for JIA subtypes are rigid and often do not fully satisfy the possibilities of classification in the subtype. The objective of this study was to identify clearer criteria for classifying JIA subtypes. The 2019 expert committee meeting (PRINTO) shows the difficulties of this classification and proposes new research directions for the identification of disease subtypes. Four different chronic disorders are used to define JIA in a concise and easy to follow classification system. However, dates from the literature suggest that at least 10% of cases are still difficult to classify. Possibly in the future, different classifications of JIA based on pathophysiological and genetic criteria would be necessary.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Interleukin 8 as predictive factor for response to chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients.
- Author
Burz C, Bojan A, Balacescu L, Pop VV, Silaghi C, Lupan I, Aldea C, Sur D, Samasca G, Cainap C, and Chiorean B
- Subjects
- Humans, Interleukin-8, Male, Colonic Neoplasms, Colorectal Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
Background : Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents a major public health problem owing to the fact that many patients are diagnosed in locally advanced or metastatic stage when chemotherapy is the only remaining option. However, treatment response is still unpredictable and depends upon a diversity of factors such as tumor inherited or acquired drug resistance and the host immune response to the malignant cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum levels of interleukin 6, 8, 10 (IL-6, 8, 10) as possible predictive factors for response to chemotherapy and the correlation between the cytokines and the psychological distress. Methods : Forty-nine patients undergoing chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic CRC were included, for each patient IL-6, 8 and 10 were assessed through ELISA. Depression and anxiety were quantified through questionnaires. Statistical data were performed with GraphPad. Results : Patients with CRC had high serum levels of IL-8 and IL-6 compared to the healthy control group. High levels of IL-8 before treatment were correlated with progressive disease. There was a high incidence of psychological complication in CRC patients, especially in young male patients, from an urban area, with a positive correlation between serum levels of IL-8 and depression. Conclusions : These results indicate that high serum levels of IL-8 are predictive factors in CRC patients that undergo chemotherapy, but also could be useful in identifying psychological distress associated with this pathology.
- Published
- 2021
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