245 results on '"Luka"'
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2. Efektivitas Plester Luka Ekstrak Etanol Sargassum polycystum dan Padina australis terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Sayat.
- Author
Sihotang, Nesya Lia, idiawati, Nora, and Prayitno, Dwi Imam
- Abstract
Background: Sargassum and Padina ethanol extracts contain secondary metabolites that have effects as antiseptic, antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and astringent which are useful in the wound healing process. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of wound plasters of ethanol extracts Sargassum polycystum and Padina australis on the time of closure of incision wounds in mice (Mus musculus). Method: This study used an experimental method of post test only controlled group design type to compare the effectiveness of wound plasters of ethanol extracts Sargassum polycstum and Padina australis on wound healing in mice (Mus musculus). Results: The results showed the average speed of incision wound healing, Padina australis extract wound plaster had the fastest time of 6.6 days followed by Sargassum polycstum extract wound plaster 7.8 days and control 12 days Conclusion: Giving ethanol extracts of Sargassum polycstum and Padina australis can be used as an alternative in wound healing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera lamk) untuk Penyembuhan Luka Tikus Ovariektomi yang Diberi Diet Tinggi Lemak
- Author
Sucia Fadillah, Dhirgo Aji, and Devita Anggraeni
- Subjects
daun kelor ,luka ,penyembuhan ,salep eedk 20% ,tinggi lemak ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian salep ekstrak etanol daun kelor 20% (EEDK 20%) pada penyembuhan luka berdasarkan gambaran histopatologi yang meliputi jumlah leukosit pada jaringan luka dan ketebalan epitel. Enam belas ekor tikus Sprague-Dawley betina, umur 3-4 bulan dengan berat 150-200 g, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan (A,B,C dan D) secara acak. Seluruh tikus diovariektomi dan diberi perlakuan pakan selama 8 minggu. Kelompok A dan C diberi pakan normal, sedangkan kelompok B dan D diberi pakan tinggi lemak. Setelah 8 minggu, dilakukan pengambilan darah untuk analisis kadar lemak (kolesterol dan trigliserida) dan pembuatan luka di area punggung dengan biopsy punch (8 mm). Perawatan dilakukan dengan pemberian salep selama 7 hari dan injeksi antibiotik. Kelompok A dan B diberi salep basis, sedangkan C dan D diberi salep EEDK 20%. Hari ke-7 dilakukan pengambilan jaringan kulit untuk analisis histopatologi dengan pengecatan Hematoksilin Eosin. Kadar lemak darah (kolesterol dan trigliserida) dianalisis secara statistik dengan one way ANOVA, sedangkan jumlah leukosit di jaringan dan ketebalan epitel dianalisis dengan two way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah leukosit di jaringan dipengaruhi oleh jenis salep (P
- Published
- 2023
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4. Analysis of The Significance Treatment of Henna in The Formulation Based on Fiqh Al-Hadith.
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HAIR dyeing & bleaching , *LEG pain , *PAIN management , *DYES & dyeing , *BEARDS - Abstract
Henna is a type of plant that is normally used in our society as an accessory to paint their nails, hair and for men, beards. However, it is usually an accessory designed for women. Even so, there are some people in the society who use henna as a treatment for postpartum internal wounds. Through inductive and deductive analysis, the objective of this article is to analyse, from the fiqh al-hadith perspective, on the usage of henna that is explained in the hadiths in order to get a comprehensive explanation of the use of henna that was recommended by the Prophet PBUH so that the discussion can be related with the reality of the proper use of henna in society. The results of the study found that, from the fiqh alhadith perspective, the discussion on the use of henna is [1] Henna as a hair dye to darken grey hair; [2] Henna also acts as an accessory designed for women whether it is for their nails or hair; [3] The law prohibits the use of the colour of henna for men as accessories that resemble women (tasyabbuh); [4] Henna as wound treatments; and [5] Henna for leg pain treatments. Hence, the outcome of this discussion can be developed into a scientific study to prove precisely the use of henna to benefit the society as a whole. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Ariyani, Fitri, Handharyani, Ekowati, and Sutardi, Lina Noviyanti
- Abstract
Copyright of Jurnal Veteriner is the property of Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Blaženka Ljubović
- Subjects
Senj ,Kolan ,potok ,luka ,bujica ,ušće ,Language and Literature ,History of Central Europe ,DAW1001-1051 - Abstract
Za provođenje arheološkog nadzora određen je Gradski muzej Senj i stručni voditelj Blaženka Ljubović, mag. educ. hist. i mag. archeol., uz konzervatorski nadzor Vinka Madirace, dipl. arheologa iz Konzervatorskog odjela u Gospiću. Građevinski radovi i arheološki nadzor uređenja ušća Kolana, desne obale vodotoka od utoka u more uzvodno u dužini oko 80 m, provedeni su od siječnja do svibnja 2022. godine. Predmetni lokalitet, ušće senjskog potoka Kolan, nalazi se u sklopu zaštićene kulturno-povijesne cjeline grada Senja, k. č. br. 740/1. k. o. Senj, koja ima status kulturnog dobra upisanog u Registar nepokretnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske pod brojem Z-4186. Zbog regulacija gorske bujice koja je često činila veliku štetu gradu Senju i senjskoj luci, prokopan je Kolan (18./19. st.), duboko korito duž južne periferije grada Senja. Nakon prokopa korita, vodene bujice su se zajedno s nanosom šljunka, pijeska i mulja izlijevale kod Arta, na ušću Kolana u more, izvan gradske luke. Predmet ovoga rada arheološki je nadzor na zaštiti lokaliteta tijekom građevinskih radova uređenja desne obale ušća Kolana, u svrhu prikupljanja svih bitnih informacija o kulturnim slojevima i arheološkim nalazima na lokalitetu. Tijekom radova otkriveni su arhitektonski ostaci solidno građenoga zida, dužine 40 metara, koji se pruža cijelom linijom desne obale ušća Kolana do Vukasovićevog mosta. Zid je složen u horizontalnom slogu od 4 reda različitih dimenzija kamenih blokova povezanih vapnenim mortom, čineći cjelinu sa zidom lukobrana. U sklopu ovih radova uredio se dio terena na platou ispred Vukasovićevog mosta. Uz zid mosta otkriven je dio pločnika od pravilno složenih komada kamena. Arheološkim nadzorom nad građevinskim radovima uređenja ušća potoka Kolan u more došlo se do bitnih informacija o lokalitetu i kulturnim slojevima te arheološkim nalazima na lokalitetu. Također, otkriveno je još jedno svjedočanstvo bogate senjske povijesti.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Silvi Nurafni, Antonius Padua Ratu, Tia Marliana, and Ega Rahmawati
- Subjects
Gaharu ,Gel ,Diabetes millitus ,Luka ,Pharmacy and materia medica ,RS1-441 - Abstract
Penelitian untuk menguji aktivitas gel ekstrak daun gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke) terhadap luka diabetes pada tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus). Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan metode pre-test and post-test with group design. Gel ekstrak daun gaharu diformulasikan dengan konsentrasi 4%, 6% dan 8% lalu dilakukan pengujian aktivitasnya terhadap luka sayat tikus putih jantan yang tidak diabetes dan tikus putih jantan diabetes dengan induksi aloksan. Sebagai kontrol negatif diberikan basis gel dan kontrol positif diberikan bioplacenton gel. Pemberian gel dilakukan sekali sehari dan pengukuran panjang luka dilakukan setiap hari selama 14 hari. Hasil menunjukan semua formula gel ekstrak daun gaharu mempunyai aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat tikus yang tidak diabetes maupun tikus yang diabetes, semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak maka semakin cepat penyembuhan luka sayat dan semakin besar nilai persentase pengurangan panjang lukanya. `kelompok tikus non diabetes dan diberi pengobatan gel ekstrak gaharu konsentrasi 8% ditunjukan dengan ukuran panjang luka 0,00 ± 0,00 mm (luka sembuh) pada hari ke 6 dengan rata-rata persentase pengurangan panjang luka sebesar 100,00 ± 0,00 %. Hasil pengujian statistik dengan Kruskal Wallis diperoleh nilai p-value > 0,05 (p-value = 0,315) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Uniwersum nadnarwiańskiej wsi w fotografii Jakuba Smolskiego
- Author
Maja Rogala
- Subjects
Białorusini ,fotografia chłopska ,białoruska kultura chłopska ,Łuka ,Jakub Smolski ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Fotografie Jakuba Smolskiego stanowią ważną dokumentację obyczajowości i zwyczajów białoruskiej mniejszości na Podlasiu z okresu międzywojennego. Większość fotografii Smolski wykonał w rodzinnej Łuce. Artykuł przybliża obraz chłopskiego uniwersum nadnarwiańskich, prawosławnych wsi. Fotograf z Łuki wykonywał zdjęcia, które pokazywały prywatny świat chłopów. To, co zostało utrwalone na fotografiach, świadczy o sile obrzędów przejścia, które miały bardzo duże znaczenie w społeczności chłopskiej, ponieważ utrwalały więzi rodzinne i sąsiedzkie. Wyrażały etapy życia człowieka w określonym porządku w zamkniętym cyklu narodzin, ślubów i pogrzebów. Zebrane zdjęcia są także ważnym świadectwem mikrohistorii Białorusinów Podlasia. Fotografie mają wielką wartość ze względów historycznych, kulturowych i społecznych. Mogą mieć duże znaczenie w popularyzacji kultury białoruskiej na Podlasiu jako przykładu jej siły i wartości, a także w zachęcaniu do powrotu do korzeni.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Pemberian Madu Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) Menurunkan Luas Luka dan Kadar Malondialdehid Tikus Diabetes Melitus
- Author
Euis Reni Yuslianti, Afifah B. Sutjiatmo, and Dita Septiani
- Subjects
diabetes melitus ,luka ,madu rambutan ,malondialdehid ,Dentistry ,RK1-715 - Abstract
Diabetes melitus merupakan kelainan metabolik yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan kadar gula darah. Luka pada penderita diabetes dapat menjadi ulkus yang melibatkan radikal bebas. Madu rambutan mengandung tinggi antioksidan yang berfungsi sebagai penyembuhan luka. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh madu rambutan terhadap luas luka dan kadar Malondialdehid (MDA) mukosa mulut tikus Wistar diabetes melitus. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental laboratoris. Sampel penelitian menggunakan 36 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar. Semua tikus diinduksi aloksan untuk mendapatkan keadaan diabetes, kecuali kelompok kontrol negatif. Semua tikus diberi perlukaan dengan menggunakan punch biopsy berdiameter 4 mm pada palatum dalam kelompok kontrol positif, kontrol negatif, dan kelompok madu rambutan. Terminasi dilakukan pada hari ke-0, ke3, ke-7, dan ke-14 sebanyak 3 ekor tikus pada setiap kelompok serta dilakukan pengukuran luas luka dan pembacaan MDA jaringan. Uji analisis statistik menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA dan uji Kruskall Wallis (p 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan madu rambutan dapat menurunkan luas luka pada hari ketujuh dan keempat belas serta menurunkan kadar radikal bebas MDA luka diabetes melitus. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian madu rambutan dengan kandungan antioksidan dapat menurunkan luas luka dan kadar radikal bebas malondialdehid plasma darah tikus diabetes sehingga berpotensi untuk obat penyembuh luka rongga mulut manusia dengan diabetes melitus.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Factors Related to Healing Process of Sectio Caesarea Surgical Wound
- Author
Juldin D. E. Balla, Rafael Paun, and Ina Debora Ratu Ludji
- Subjects
sectio caesarea ,wound ,discharge planning ,personal hygiene ,luka ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Sectio caesarea surgical wound is a disorder in the incontinence of cells due to surgery performed to remove the fetus and placenta by opening the abdominal wall for certain indications. The aim of the study was to analyze and make a modeling of the relationship of factors in healing the sectio caesarea surgical wounds. This research is an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. The sample in this study were 42 mothers with post sectio caesarea surgery at Prof. DR. W.Z. Johannes Kupang Public Hospital. Sampling was performed by simple random sampling. Data analysis was carried out in a bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results of the bivariate analysis found that the variables that give risk to wound healing were age (p = 0.041; RP = 3.4), discharge planning (p = 0.004; RP = 4.75), personal hygiene (p = 0.003; RP = 0.18), nutritional status (p = 0.013; RP = 0.15). Multivariate analysis found three variables that consistently provide risks to wound healing, namely discharge planning (p = -2.078; RP = 829 95% CI), personal hygiene (p = -1.852; RP = 1.039 95% CI), nutritional status (p = -2,374; RP = 1,023 95% CI). Probability model for healing the surgical wound at Prof. Dr. W.Z. Johannes, namely personal hygiene, nutritional status, discharge planning are factors related to wound healing. Keywords : sectio caesarea, wound, discharge planning, personal hygiene ABSTRAK Luka operasi sectio caesarea adalah gangguan dalam inkontuinitas sel akibat dari pembedahan yang dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan janin dan placenta dengan membuka dinding perut atas indikasi tertentu. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dan membuat pemodelan hubungan faktor pada penyembuhan luka operasi sectio caesarea. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 42 ibu post operasi sectio caesarea di RSUD Prof. DR. W.Z. Johannes Kupang. Pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil analisis bivariat menemukan variabel yang memberikan risiko terhadap penyembuhan luka adalah umur (p=0,041; RP=3,4), discharge planning (p=0,004; RP=4,75), personal hygiene (p=0,003; RP=0,18), status gizi (p=0,013; RP=0,15). Analisis multivariat menemukan tiga variabel yang konsisten memberikan risiko terhadap penyembuhan luka yaitu discharge planning (p= -2.078; RP=829 95% CI), personal hygiene (p= -1.852; RP= 1,039 95% CI), status gizi (p= -2.374; RP=1,023 95% CI). Model probabilitas penyembuhan luka operasi di RSUD Prof. Dr. W.Z. Johannes yaitu personal hygiene, status gizi, discharge planning merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan penyembuhan luka. Kata kunci : sectio caesarea, luka, discharge planning, personal hygiene
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
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MARITIME boundaries , *JUDGE-made law , *LEGAL authorities , *COMPETENT authority , *REAL property - Abstract
The paper discusses issues regarding the determination of boundaries of the maritime domain and port area. Despite the well-known disadvantages of the domestic law in this matter, an attempt is made to answer the question of the relevant moment of determining the status of real estate as a maritime domain. This answer should serve as a relevant fact for further action of the competent authorities regarding legal relations related to that real estate. For this purpose, the normative regulation of the determination of boundaries of the mainland component of the maritime domain and port area is analysed, with its application in practice. An overview of the latest case law is given and an analysis is made of the impact of such case law on the existing relations on the maritime domain and port area, especially with regard to ports of special purpose. The final part of the paper analyses the current situation, and a solution to the existing issues is proposed for the purpose of ensuring consistency and legal certainty. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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12. Luka Doncic Issues Strong Statement on Controversial Olympics Decision.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
OLYMPIC Games ,WOUNDS & injuries - Abstract
Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic spoke openly about his Olympics decision [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
13. Luka Doncic and WNBA Star Make Big Announcement.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
SNEAKER advertising ,ADVERTISING endorsements - Abstract
Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic and Dallas Wings star Satou Sabally have big news [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
14. Luka Doncic Makes Major NBA Offseason Decision.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
FREE agents (Sports) ,FREE will & determinism ,WOUNDS & injuries ,TEAMS - Abstract
Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic has made a big NBA offseason move [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
15. Dallas Mavericks Interested in Pairing Luka Doncic With $160M NBA Star.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
- NATIONAL Basketball Association, IRVING, Kyrie, 1992-
- Abstract
The Dallas Mavericks have trade interest in Portland Trail Blazers star Jerami Grant [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
16. Luka Doncic Delivers Blunt Message to Referee After Fouling Out in Game 3.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic reacted to fouling out in Game 3 of the NBA Finals [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
17. Luka
- Author
Kipfer, Barbara Ann
- Published
- 2021
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18. Pengaruh Frekuensi Vibrasi terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Diabetes
- Author
Yunita Sari, Eman Sutrisna, and Hartono H
- Subjects
penyembuhan ,luka ,terapi komplementer ,diabetes ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Penelitian menyatakan bahwa vibrasi 47 Hz dapat meningkatkan penyembuhan luka diabetes. Namun sampai saat ini belum diketahui apakah frekuensi dibawah dan diatas 47 Hz dapat meningkatkan penyembuhan luka diabetes. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek frekuensi vibrasi yang berbeda terhadap penyembuhan luka diabetes. Desain penelitian eksperimen ini melibatkan 5 kelompok tikus putih; kelompok yang mendapatkan vibrasi 40 Hz (frekuensi rendah), kelompok 106 Hz (frekuensi menengah), kelompok 200 Hz (frekuensi tinggi), kelompok 300 Hz (frekuensi sangat tinggi), dan kelompok kontrol (tanpa vibrasi). Induksi diabetes dilakukan dengan Alloxan Monohidrat. Vibrasi diberikan selama 10 menit. Status luka didasarkan pada jaringan nekrotik, ukuran luka, inflamasi, dan reepitelisasi. Analisis histologi dilakukan dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin dan Eosin. Ukuran luka dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA, diikuti oleh tes Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jaringan nekrotik dan intensitas inflamasi paling sedikit pada kelompok 40 Hz, dan paling banyak pada kelompok 300 Hz. Reepitelisasi paling baik pada kelompok 40 Hz, dan paling rusak pada 300 Hz. Ukuran luka di kelompok 40 Hz secara signifikan lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kelompok lain (p
- Published
- 2017
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19. Лакунарні компоненти у фразеології українського ареального континууму.
- Author
Мацюк, Зоряна Сергіївн&
- Subjects
Copyright of Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Slowianskiej is the property of Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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20. NBA Analyst Compares Luka Doncic to Unlikely Icon.
- Author
Brown, Thad
- Subjects
SPORTS - Abstract
ESPN's Brian Windhorst sees parallels between Doncic and a legend from another sport. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
21. Luka Doncic's Ruthless Interaction With Timberwolves Fan Goes Viral.
- Author
Athlon Staff Writer
- Subjects
MERCY ,CONFERENCES & conventions - Abstract
Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic showed no mercy to this Minnesota Timberwolves fan [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
22. Luka Doncic Refuses To Reveal Message To Anthony Edwards During Game 3.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
GAMES - Abstract
Luka refused to reveal his message to Edwards... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
23. Shaquille O'Neal Caught Singing To Luka Doncic Before Game 3.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
Shaq was really singing to Luka... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
24. Shaquille O'Neal's Live Reaction To Luka Doncic's Game-Winner Is Going Viral.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
Shaq's live reaction to Luka's game-winner is all over the internet... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
25. Luka Doncic Gives Two-Word Injury Update After Mavericks-Timberwolves.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
BASKETBALL injuries ,BASKETBALL playoffs - Abstract
Luka gave an update on his injury... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
26. Leaked Audio Reveals Luka Doncic's Heated NSFW Message To Rudy Gobert.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
BASKETBALL playoffs - Abstract
Leaked audio revealed Luka's message to Gobert... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
27. NBA Fans Settled The Luka Doncic, Anthony Edwards Debate Wednesday Night.
- Author
Phelps, Chris
- Subjects
GAMES - Abstract
Fans all agreed on who is the better player... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
- Author
- Subjects
Copyright of Radovi Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zaru is the property of Zavod za Povijesne Znanosti HAZU and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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29. Determination of Maritime Conditions for Boat Mooring in Dobra Luka Marine : Master's Thesis
- Author
Lucić, Antonio and Srzić, Veljko
- Subjects
valno polje ,dubine ,yachts ,depth ,privez plovila ,wave field ,luka ,port ,četverovez ,Dobra Luka ,Mediterranean mooring ,plovila ,maritimni uvjeti ,boat mooring ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Građevinarstvo. Hidrotehnika ,maritime conditions ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Civil Engineering. Hydrotechnology - Abstract
Unutar obuhvata Dobra Luka predviđena je izgradnja manje luke za privez plovila do uključivo 65 metara duljine. Temeljem dostupnog tehničkog rješenja, ovim radom definiranju se maritimni uvjeti unutar štićenog akvatorija luke, dubine za privez plovila te stanje valnog polja uslijed dominantnih mehanizama transformacije. Osim navedenog, rad obrađuje problematiku priveza plovila u četverovezu inkorporirajući mjerodavna djelovanja vjetra, a kroz procjenu parametara plovila i definiciju privezne infrastrukture. The aim of this research was to determine maritime conditions for boat mooring in Dobra Luka marine, where the construction of small port for yachts up to 65 m length is planned. According to existing technical solution, this study defines maritime conditions in protected port basin, mooring depth and wave field during the dominant mechanism of transformation. Furthermore, study deals with problems such as boat mooring by incorporating wind actions through the assessment of boat parameters and mooring infrastructure definition.
- Published
- 2022
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- Abstract
Luke's interesting observations about eschatology are extensive, and they are also multi-layered. His eschatology may be seen through the prism of»the history of salvation «. The immediate expectation of the Second Coming of Christ was not a view held during Luke's lifetime. Trying to address this question, Luke»postpones«the parousia, but at the same time speaks of its abruptness, which is why it is necessary to be vigilant and to live the right moral life - because the time when the parousia will happen is not known. Not to be ready for the parousia means eternal destruction. The absence of the parousia is, at the same time, a sign of God's mercy, and a time for people to be converted and saved, with which the Church can be of help to them. Luke expresses his views on eschatology in many places in his gospel (especially in chapters 12, 17, 21) using certain terms (»almost«,»approached«,»judgment«,»Son of Man«,»end«), and even more through the eschatological theme and concept of»the kingdom of God«- which is one of Luke's fundamental theological concepts. The principal eschatological text in Luke is Luke 21:5-36, where he speaks about the parousia and the Last Judgment. He does not provide an answer to the question of»when«the end will occur, but calls for spiritual and moral vigilance:»Be alert at all times, praying«(Luke 21:36), and in this way he reveals his goal: to connect eschatology with the correct moral life; how to live is more important than knowing the time of the parousia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
31. A Short Cut to Definitive Airway in Open Tracheal Injury: A Case Report.
- Author
SAIFFUL, N. I., AFLIZA, A. B., and TAN, T. L.
- Subjects
- *
TRACHEA injuries , *REOPERATION , *TRACHEA intubation , *WOUNDS & injuries , *TREATMENT effectiveness - Abstract
Open tracheal injury is rare but can lead to disastrous consequences such as massive bleeding, airway obstruction or failure and aspiration of blood. We present a case of open tracheal injury of a man who tried to attempt suicide using a knife. In this case, the initial management was securing the airway by attempting orotracheal intubation. However, it was unsuccessful when the tube came out from the laceration wound. Intubation was then re-attempted through the distal cut-end of the trachea in the face of airway failure. A quick initial assessment and anticipation of a failed airway should always be the top priority in any emergency physician managing these cases. Direct intubation through the laceration wound might be the only option when all else fail and your patient is crashing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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32. Mark Cuban Exiting 'Shark Tank' After Over 10 Years.
- Author
IV, Antonio Pequeño
- Subjects
Cuban joined the show as a guest and eventually became a mainstay by season 3. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
33. Optimizacija skladišnog područja lučkog kontejnerskog terminala
- Author
Rogić, Matea
- Subjects
kontejner ,skladište ,terminal ,luka ,ChessCon - Abstract
Predmet ovog diplomskog rada je korištenje simulacijskih alata u optimizaciji kontejnerskih terminala. Kao studija slučaja korišten je kontejnerski terminal Adriatic Gate Container Terminal na Brajdici. Analizirani su podaci o lokaciji luke, statistički podaci o količini prometa na terminalu u zadnjih 11 godina te karakteristike operativne obale u radu i sva prateća oprema. Model plana terminala izrađen je pomoću simulacijske aplikacije CHESSCON. Nakon izrade plana, kojim je definirana lokacija prometne mreže i skladišnog prostora, određeni su ulazni podaci za simulaciju, broj simulacija i sati simulacije. Nakon što je simulacija završena, prikazani su ulazni podaci kako bi se pokazalo koje podatke planer prometa može koristiti pri analizi terminala pomoću ovog softvera. Ti se podaci zatim mogu koristiti za optimizaciju terminala.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Blaženka Ljubović
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Senj ,Kolan ,potok ,luka ,bujica ,ušće ,arheološki nadzor ,novi vijek ,most ,zidovi ,stream ,harbour ,torrent ,river mouth ,archaeological supervision ,new age ,bridge ,walls ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Za provođenje arheološkog nadzora određen je Gradski muzej Senj i stručni voditelj Blaženka Ljubović, mag. educ. hist. i mag. archeol., uz konzervatorski nadzor Vinka Madirace, dipl. arheologa iz Konzervatorskog odjela u Gospiću. Građevinski radovi i arheološki nadzor uređenja ušća Kolana, desne obale vodotoka od utoka u more uzvodno u dužini oko 80 m, provedeni su od siječnja do svibnja 2022. godine. Predmetni lokalitet, ušće senjskog potoka Kolan, nalazi se u sklopu zaštićene kulturno-povijesne cjeline grada Senja, k. č. br. 740/1. k. o. Senj, koja ima status kulturnog dobra upisanog u Registar nepokretnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske pod brojem Z-4186. Zbog regulacija gorske bujice koja je često činila veliku štetu gradu Senju i senjskoj luci, prokopan je Kolan (18./19. st.), duboko korito duž južne periferije grada Senja. Nakon prokopa korita, vodene bujice su se zajedno s nanosom šljunka, pijeska i mulja izlijevale kod Arta, na ušću Kolana u more, izvan gradske luke. Predmet ovoga rada arheološki je nadzor na zaštiti lokaliteta tijekom građevinskih radova uređenja desne obale ušća Kolana, u svrhu prikupljanja svih bitnih informacija o kulturnim slojevima i arheološkim nalazima na lokalitetu. Tijekom radova otkriveni su arhitektonski ostaci solidno građenoga zida, dužine 40 metara, koji se pruža cijelom linijom desne obale ušća Kolana do Vukasovićevog mosta. Zid je složen u horizontalnom slogu od 4 reda različitih dimenzija kamenih blokova povezanih vapnenim mortom, čineći cjelinu sa zidom lukobrana. U sklopu ovih radova uredio se dio terena na platou ispred Vukasovićevog mosta. Uz zid mosta otkriven je dio pločnika od pravilno složenih komada kamena. Arheološkim nadzorom nad građevinskim radovima uređenja ušća potoka Kolan u more došlo se do bitnih informacija o lokalitetu i kulturnim slojevima te arheološkim nalazima na lokalitetu. Također, otkriveno je još jedno svjedočanstvo bogate senjske povijesti., The Senj Town Museum and specialist leader Blaženka Ljubović, MSc. Education (History) and MSc. Archaeology, along with the conservation supervision of Vinko Madiraca, BSc. an archaeologist from the Conservation Department in Gospić was appointed to carry out the archaeological supervision. The construction works and archaeological supervision of the landscaping of the mouth of the Kolan, the right bank of the watercourse from the inlet to the sea upstream to a length of about 80 m, were carried out from January to May 2022. The locality in question, the mouth of the Senj stream Kolan, is located within the protected cultural-historical complex of the town of Senj, cadastral parcel no. 740/1. cadastral municipality Senj, which has the status of a cultural asset registered in the Register of Immovable Cultural Assets of the Republic of Croatia under the number Z-4186. Due to the regulation of the mountain torrent, which often caused great damage to the town of Senj and the harbour of Senj, the Kolan (18th to 19th century), a deep trough along the southern outskirts of the town of Senj, was excavated. After the digging of the riverbed, torrents of water, along with gravel, sand and silt, poured out near the Art, at the mouth of the Kolan into the sea, outside the town’s harbour. The subject of this paper is the archaeological supervision of the protection of the site during the construction works of the right bank of the mouth of the Kolan, for the purpose of collecting all the important information about the cultural layers and archaeological finds at the site. During the works, the architectural remains were discovered of a solidly built wall, 40 metres long, which stretches along the entire length of the right bank of the mouth of the Kolan to the Vukasović bridge. The wall is composed in a horizontal style of four rows of stone blocks of various sizes joined with lime mortar, forming a whole with the wall of the breakwater. As part of these works, part of the terrain on the plateau in front of the Vukasović bridge was cleaned up. Next to the wall of the bridge, part of a pavement made of orderly arranged pieces of stone was discovered. The archaeological supervision of the construction works of the landscaping of the mouth of the Kolan stream into the sea provided important information about the site and cultural layers, as well as archaeological finds at the site. Similarly, another testimony of the rich history of Senj was uncovered.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Chilyatiz Zahroh
- Subjects
TOHB ,luka ,kaki ,diabet ,Nursing ,RT1-120 ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Gangrenous wounds is one of the chronic complications of diabetes that most feared by every diabetic patient (Tjokroprawiro, 2007). Gangrenous wounds is a condition that begins from the tissue hypoxia where oxygen is reduced, it will affect the activity of vascular and cellular networks, which results in tissue damage (Guyton, 2006). TOHB (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBO therapy (Hyperbaric Oxygen) is a way to increase tissue oxygen levels, by reducing the swelling caused by vasoconstriction of blood vessels. At the same time, TOHB also increases oxygen levels in the blood (Neubauer, 1998). Oxygen is expected to penetrate through to the peripheral tissues are deprived of oxygen, so that the supply of nutrients and oxygen are met, so that the network can do metabolism and function (Smeltzer, 2002). Review was conducted at 10 research/article. Search strategy articles by using two ways: manual and online libraries. This search is getting 113 articles, but the total articles reviewed were the 10 articles. 1 studies are case reports and 9 research is experimental research with 5 studies using random techniques. TOHB with adequate doses can have a positive effect on wound healing and reduce the risk of amputation. TOHB beneficial to improve peripheral perfusion and decrease the incidence of major amputation. However, there has been no research on the psychology of the patient. Abstrak: Luka gangren merupakan salah satu komplikasi kronik DM yang paling ditakuti oleh setiap penderita DM (Tjokroprawiro, 2007). Luka ganggren merupakan keadaan yang diawali dari adanya hipoksia jaringan dimana oksigen dalam jaringan berkurang, hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi aktivitas vaskuler dan seluler jaringan, sehingga akan berakibat terjadinya kerusakan jaringan (Guyton, 2006). TOHB (Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik) atau Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy atau terapi HBO (Hyperbaric Oxygen) merupakan cara untuk meningkatkan kadar oksigen jaringan, dengan jalan mengurangi pembengkakan akibat vasokonstriksi pembuluh darah. Pada saat yang bersamaan, TOHB juga meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam darah (Neubauer, 1998). Oksigen tersebut diharapkan mampu menembus sampai ke jaringan perifer yang kekurangan oksigen, sehingga suplai nutrisi dan oksigen terpenuhi, sehingga jaringan luka dapat melakukan metabolisme dan fungsinya (Smeltzer, 2002). Review ini dilakukan pada 10 hasil penelitian/artikel. Strategi pencarian artikel dengan menggunakan dua cara, yaitu perpustakaan manual dan online. Pencarian ini mendapatkan 113 artikel, namun total artikel yang direview adalah 10 artikel. 1 penelitian merupakan laporan kasus dan 9 penelitian merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan 5 penelitian menggunakan tehnik random.TOHB dengan dosis yang adekuat dapat memberikan efek positif dalam proses penyembuhan luka dan menurunkan resiko amputasi. TOHB bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan perfusi perifer dan menurunkan kejadian amputasi mayor. Namun, belum ada penelitian tentang aspek psikologi pasien.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Sondang Sidabutar
- Subjects
Usia, Budaya, Penyembuhan ,Luka ,Nursing ,RT1-120 ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Wound healing is a long time in there covery process because of damage to the skin or skin tissue disintegritas. According to Rustam Mochtar(1998), the injured in the birth canal when not accompanied by infection will heal within6-7days. Based on the results of a survey on BPS Ny. Arifin S. Surabaya, from as many as7 of 10 respondents (70%) found the wound is still wet. The purpose of this study was to determine age and cultural picture of incontinence on postpartum mother's perineal wound healing on the seventh day in the BPS Ny. Arifin S. Surabaya.In this research using descriptive method with the study population was all mothers with post natal on the seventh day stit chesin the perineum which controls BPS Ny. Arifin S. Surabaya period from July to August 2008 as many as 49 people. Sampling of non-probability sampling with a sampling technique is saturated. By using questionnaires and observation sheets as research instruments. Data created frequency tables and cross tabulations and then summed.Based on the results of research on maternal postnatal day 9 to 7, obtained the majority of postnatal mother saged By looking at these result it can be concluded that the perineal wound healing can be influenced byculture age and abstinence from food. Therefore, the provision of good information and right by the health officer of the perineal wound care will affect the success of the perineal wound healing process.
- Published
- 2015
37. Optimum Dose of Sea Cucumber (Stichopus Chloronotus) Extract for Wound Healing.
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- Abstract
In Malaysia, sea cucumber is also known as Gamat. Among the Malays, Gamat is frequently used as a traditional or folk medicine to relieve pain, to treat wounds and burns. It is also used as a tonic to provide extra energy. Stichopus chloronotus is one of the species of sea cucumber which is found in Malaysia. An experimental study was carried out to determine the optimum dose of aqueous extract of Stichopus chloronotus on the healing of wounds in rat model. A series of concentrations 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% aqueous extract emulsifying ointment mixed with Stichopus chloronotus was applied once a day for 10 days on the excision wound model. Changes in the wound area were measured using a caliper and photographs were taken on day 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10 after the wound creation. The wound reduction rate and macroscopic observation were evaluated to determine the optimum dose concentration. Results demonstrated that percentage of wound reduction and macroscopic observation of 0.5% aqueous extract Stichopus chloronotus emulsifying ointment mixed group was significantly higher than the other groups from day 6 following wound creation. In conclusion, 0.5% aqueous extract of Stichopus chloronotus emulsifying ointment mixture demonstrated the best dose for wound healing in a rat model. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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38. Potensi Ikan Gabus (Ophiocephalus Striatus) Dalam Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka
- Author
Robert Tungadi
- Subjects
Akan gabus ,albumin ,Glisin ,zenk ,Luka - Abstract
Ikan gabus (Ophiocephalus striatus) merupakan jenis ikan yang hidup di air tawar dan sudah banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat. Khasiat dan kegunaan ikan gabus telah terbukti secara ilmiah dapat meningkatkan kadar albumin dan daya tahan tubuh serta mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka pasca- operasi. Adapun kandungan gizi dari ikan gabus terdiri dari protein albumin, asam-asam amino, asam lemak tak jenuh dan mineral. Senyawa bioaktif yang berperan dalam mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka adalah albumin, glisin, dan seng (Zn). Penyembuhan luka sangat bergantung pada proses biokimia yang terjadi pada kulit yang melibatkan faktor intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Proses penyembuhan ini akan dipercepat dengan bantuan dari ekstrak kering ikan gabus yang dirancang dalam bentuk topikal seperti krim atau gel. Baik albumin, glisin dan Zn ini penting untuk penyembuhan luka karena protein ini mampu mengikat Zn dan membawanya dalam plasma darah. Kekurangan Zn mengurangi proses penyembuhan luka. Karena nutrisi ini, dan vitamin lainnya, hadir dalam ekstrak ikan gabus sehingga dapat memicu pembentukan Sel Progenitor Endotel (EPC) dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Kehadiran Zn dalam ekstrak ikan gabus kemungkinan menjadi faktor kunci yang berperan dalam penyembuhan luka dan juga meningkatkan nafsu makan anak-anak. Zn adalah mineral penting dalam struktur dan fungsi membran sel. Suplementasi Zn dapat membatasi kerusakan membran yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas selama peradangan. Selanjutnya, Zn juga terlibat dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh, mulai dari sistem pertahanan oleh kulit hingga regulasi gen dalam limfosit.
- Published
- 2020
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39. WOUNDED FREEDOM AND A MERCIFUL EMBRACE. Exegetical-theological analysis Lk 15, 11-32 in a communicative perspective
- Author
Jurišić, Matej and Fužinato, Silvana
- Subjects
older son ,sloboda ,milosrđe ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Biblijska teologija ,mlađi sin ,younger son ,justice ,stariji sin ,otac ,pravednost ,father ,freedom ,Luke ,mercy ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Biblical Theology ,Luka - Abstract
Diplomski rad pod naslovom »Ranjena sloboda i milosrdni zagrljaj. Egzegetsko-teološka analiza Lk 15, 11-32«, kako sam naslov govori, posvećen je interpretaciji Lukine prispodobe o milosrdnom ocu. Cilj rada je egzegetsko-teološki prikaz Božjega lica. Naime, tijekom povijesti u govoru i prikazu Boga ponekad se, naglašavajući Božje pravedno djelovanje posebice u odnosu prema zlu i grijehu, nedovoljno ukazivalo na njegovo milosrđe i ljubav prema čovjeku. Stoga je primarni cilj rada prikazati, u svjetlu Lk 15, 11-32, dvije temeljne značajke Božjega lica: pravednost i milosrđe. Prvi dio rada posvećen je općim značajkama i teologiji Lukina evanđelja. Drugi dio donosi neke od primarnih teoloških naglasaka Lk 15, 11-32 kao što su: milost, milosrđe, pravednost i obraćenje. Treći i najznačajniji dio obuhvaća egzegetsko-teološku analizu Lk 15, 11-32 s posebnim osvrtom na milosrđe i pravednost. U četvrtom dijelu, posvećenu aktualizaciji teksta i učincima koje pobuđuje u čitateljima, pokušali smo definirati ulogu i značenje prispodobe o milosrdnom ocu za današnjeg čovjeka, te zadaću i poslanje Crkve u suvremenom svijetu. Graduation thesis entitled »Wounded Freedom and Merciful Embrace. The Exegetical-Theological Analysis of Luke 15: 11-32, as the title itself says, is dedicated to the interpretation of Luke's parable of the merciful father. The aim of the paper is an exegetical-theological presentation of the face of God. Namely, throughout history, in the speech and presentation of God, sometimes, emphasizing God's righteous action, especially concerning evil and sin, his mercy and love for man have been insufficiently pointed out. Therefore, the primary goal of the paper is to present, in the light of Lk 15: 11-32, two fundamental features of the face of God: righteousness and mercy. The first part of the paper is devoted to the general features and theology of Luke's Gospel. The second part brings some of the primary theological emphases of Luke 15: 11-32 such as grace, mercy, righteousness, and conversion. The third and most significant part includes an exegetical-theological analysis of Luke 15: 11-32 with special reference to mercy and justice. In the fourth part, dedicated to the actualization of the text and the effects it evokes in readers, we tried to define the role and meaning of the parable of the merciful father for today's man, and the task and mission of the Church in the modern world.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Malvić, Jasna Rotim
- Abstract
Rijeka inscribed herself on the list of great European emigration ports like Hamburg, Bremen, Liverpool in the end of the year 1903. when a ship of the British Cunard Line established a travel line from Rijeka to New York. Up to the year 1914, 317639 passengers – emigrants travelled to America from the port of Rijeka. The large flow of people caused problems for the city, for that reason, already in 1906 did the Hungarian ministry of home affairs started the construction of a grandiose building intended for the emigrants. When it was opened in 1908 it was named Hotel Emigrants and had a capacity of 2500 guests. The name Hotel was given to him because of the highest construction and sanitary standards applied during his construction, but also because of comfort provided for the emigrants, large bright dormitories, living rooms, one big and spacious terrace and a number of smaller ones indicated more to a touristic hotel than to a house for emigrants. Health surveillance of emigrants was performed by Dr. David Friedman, Dr. Arturo Jellouscheg and Dr. Emil Tauffer. They were in charge in front of the Maritime Gubernia in Rijeka, the U.S. consulate in Rijeka and the Adria Maritime Society. Although the city authorities and the Hungarian authorities boasted of the hotel and the rigid medical control over immigrants which was done there, American authorities have still often returned some emigrants, at the expense of the company, after inspection at Ellis Island revealing that before landing some individuals are sick. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Janonienė, Rūta
- Abstract
The subject of the article is the biography of the engineer and architect of Italian descent, artillery colonel Giovanni Battista Frediani. As was established during the research, Frediani was born into an aristocratic family in Lucca between 1627 and 1632, and circa 1648 studied mathematics and art in Rome. He arrived in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a military engineer, and in 1655 moved to Cracow. In 1656, he enrolled in the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1659, Frediani began to serve in the court of John Casimir Vasa and worked as an engineer in Warsaw and Cracow. In 1665, Frediani was appointed the deputy governor of the castle and city of Cracow by John Casimir Vasa, and lived in the city until 1669. From 1670, Frediani mainly lived in Lithuania and maintained close contacts with the most prominent magnate families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of the late 17th century (Pac, Sapieha), as well as the local Italians Tito Livio Burattini (1617-1681) and Bartolomeo Cinachi (circa 1626-1683). In 1671-1672, he designed and built a single-arch bridge across the Neris (it was destroyed by drifting ice in 1673). In 1673, Frediani was conferred the rank of artillery colonel of the Lithuanian Army and the indigenous status, i.e. was included in the registry of the noblemen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He participated in the war against Turkey and Tatars in Ukraine and in the battle against the Turks at Khotyn in 1673. From 1676 to 1679, he mainly lived in Vilnius. In 1680, he arrived in Chernihiv (Ukraine), where the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity was built after his design by 1689. Simultaneously he contributed to the construction of the Church of St Peter and St Paul and the Monastery of the Lateran Canons in Vilnius (and most probably also designed the monastery), and the Pažaislis monastery near Kaunas. On 8 February 1682, Frediani married Franciszka Dunin-Suligostowska (b. circa 1650) in the Jazdow parish in Warsaw, who bore him two daughters: Antanina Cecilia (b. 26 November 1683, married Hilary Sarnowski) and Teresa (married Stefan Kłopocki). In the autumn of 1683, Frediani took part in the battle at Vienna led by Jan Sobieski. In 1684, he designed the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Mhar Monastery in the Poltava district in Ukraine (with some interruptions he continued to work in this monastery until his death). In the last decade of the 17th century, he was closely related to the court of Jan Kazimierz Sapieha and designed the Sapieha ensemble in Antakalnis, a suburb of Vilnius. He also reconstructed the Sapieha Palace in Grodno, and most probably designed the Słuszków Palace in Antakalnis. His creative heritage still has not received sufficient research attention. Frediani died in 1700, the exact place of his death remains unknown. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
42. Informacijski sustav podržan RFID tehnologijom u procesu prodaje i kontrole karata u brodskom putničkom prometu.
- Author
Ristov, Pančo, Mrvica, Ante, Komadina, Pavao, and Tomas, Vinko
- Abstract
In this paper, we have proposed a subsystem for sale and control of passenger tickets in the ship's passenger traffic. The proposed subsystem is based on the use of RFID technology. The subsystem can be easily integrated into an existing integrated information system of marine travel company or in an integrated port information system. Passive RFID tags which you can purchase at any authorized agency for the sale of ferry tickets are used as traffic ticketsThe control ticket is very short and thus allows rapid flow of passengers and cars, and that means less congestion in ports and docks. The core of the proposed subsystem is a software application that connects all the components of RFID technology and distributed database. The application of RFID technology accelerates the process of boarding passengers / cars, reducing congestion in the port, eliminating the passengers boarding the wrong boat line and significantly reducing the use of cash payments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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43. Primjena blockchain tehnologije u pomorstvu
- Author
Dulčić, Roko
- Subjects
Blockchain ,IT tehnologije ,Hash ,Pomorstvo ,Luka ,Kriptiranje - Abstract
Blockchain tehnologija danas se uglavnom primjenjuje u financijskim uslugama. Međutim, postoji još tvrtki iz različitih industrija koje razmatraju mogućnost korištenja ove tehnologije. Potencijal prednosti blockchaina također su prepoznate u logističkom upravljanju i pomorstvu, naročito u domeni logistike i pomorskog prometa. U pomorskom transportu, slično kao u drugim transportnim načinima, primjena rješenja temeljenih na blockchainu još je nova pojava. Tvrtke u sektoru pomorskog prometa suočene su s značajnim izazovima koje su rezultat pojave inovativnih tehnologija koje remete razvoj tradicionalnog modela, na primjer, nedostatka propisa i pitanja sigurnosti i privatnosti. Ipak, remetilačke inovacije definitivno posjeduju potencijal za poboljšanje prijevoznog poslovanja. Blockchain se stoga u pomorstvu determinira kao remetilačka tehnologija i pokretač digitalne transformacije. Ista je predviđena kao najnovija transformacijska inovacija i sve više dobiva na snazi pozornost akademika, praktičara i regulatora iz različitih industrija.
- Published
- 2021
44. Uloga matematike u određivanju ponašanja kruzera na istočnoj obali Jadrana
- Author
Štolfa, Ivan
- Subjects
sezonsko ponašanje ,kružna putovanja ,brod ,istočni Jadran ,luka - Abstract
Sezonalnost je pojam koji se vrlo često koristi u opisu ponašanja u industriji kružnih putovanja, iako značajke tog pojma nisu potpuno ni jasno definirane. Ovaj rad prikazuje analizu i detaljno utvrđivanje obrasca sezonskog ponašanja brodova za kružna putovanja na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora. Analiza je napravljena promatrajući aktivnost dolazaka brodova za kružna putovanja u tri najveće luke na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora tijekom 2017. i 2018. godine, te uspoređujući dobivene podatke sa sezonskim obrascem na Mediteranu. Dvije dodatne analize sezonskog ponašanja brodova za kružna putovanja su prvi puta prikazane, jedna s aspekta prosječnog vremena boravka brodova u luci i druga analizirajući prosječne duljine broda u luci tijekom godine. Uz to, analizirano je sezonsko ponašanje različitih duljina brodova kako bi se što točnije definirale sezonske karakteristike na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora.
- Published
- 2021
45. Blagajnički spisi mletačke Općine Split kao izvor za građevinsku povijest
- Author
Strunje, Petar
- Subjects
Split ,lazareti ,luka ,libro della fabbrica ,radionice ,Scipione Fredi ,Costantino Cappi ,Agostino Alberti - Abstract
Državni arhiv u Zadru čuva najveći dio fonda Općine Split i sve njegove blagajničke knjige koje su do sada tek marginalno korištene kao izvor za građevinsku povijest Splita. Troškovnici gradske blagajne i zasebni troškovnici gradnje sadržavaju niz vrijednih informacija o projektima, inženjerima, graditeljima, kronologiji, materijalima i tehnici gradnje u građevinski izrazito aktivnome periodu grada (1580. – 1641.), čime se ranonovovjekovni Split snažnije pozicionira u povijesti ranonovovjekovne arhitekture i upućuje istraživače na slične izvore.
- Published
- 2021
46. Adverse impact of copper nanoparticles, and the role of copper speciation, in embryogenesis of sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis
- Author
Hazdovac, Ivana, Burić, Petra, Kovačić, Ines, Jurković, Lara, Jaklin, Andrej, Pavičić-Hamer, Dijana, Hamer, Bojan, Lyons, Daniel Mark, Lyons, Daniel M., Brčić Karačonji, Irena, Kopjar, Nevenka, and Herman, Makso
- Subjects
Luka ,Obraštaj ,Kinetika otapanja ,Cu+ ion ,Razvojna deformacija - Abstract
Harbours have long been known as pollution hotspots due to a range of anthropogenic inputs such as, for example, tributyltin which was historically used in ship paints to prevent biofouling but also resulted in toxicity to non- target organisms. Recently the use of copper, as copper nanoparticles (CuNP), in anti-fouling formulations has been gaining popularity. However, there is relatively little data available on the behaviour of such particles in marine waters and how they impact on biota. We report herein on the behaviour and fate of CuNP in marine waters and their impact on embryogenesis of sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis. The colloidal stability of CuNP in seawater (S∙38), and hence potential residence time in the water column, was investigated as a function of various types of natural organic matter (NOM). NOM discouraged CuNP aggregation over a wide concentration range, e.g. humic acid (0.1-10 mg/L) and alginate (1-10 mg/L). Further, NOM decreased Cu+ ion release from nanoparticles, with Cu+ concentrations increasing 36% for uncoated nanoparticles compared to 18% in the presence of NOM. Exposure of S. granularis zygotes to CuNP nanoparticles showed distinctly different outcomes after 72 h. Larval malformations and delayed development increased with increasing concentrations, with CuO showing the lowest EC50 (concentration inducing 50% abnormal development) at 51.47±14.74 μg/L, while Cu2O and Cu0 were less toxic with EC50 values of 106.73±26.28 and 193.86±45.39 μg/L, respectively. These results contribute to a better understanding of the persistence of CuNP in harbour waters and how subsequent copper speciation may modulate toxicity to biota.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2014
48. Atuk y Luka en Atuk y Luka en los páramos
- Author
Tacuri Albarracín, Verónica Gabriela
- Subjects
Atuk ,Páramo ,Quito ,Luka - Abstract
Su nombre científico es Lycalopex culpaeus, una especie de mamífero considerado el segundo canino más grande de Sudamérica y el más grande en el Ecuador. Puede llegar a medir 1.70 metros de largo. Se le encuentra a lo largo de la región andina, en los bosques templados y páramos de todo el país. El color predominante de su piel es rojizo en la parte de su espalda y blanco en el pecho, cuello y panza. La cola suele ser algo gris y casi siempre es muy larga. La dieta del lobo de páramo se compone de mamíferos, aves, insectos, reptiles y vegetales. Por lo general es un animal que gusta de estar solo, juntándose solo para procrear; sin embargo, hay algunos que disfrutan de vivir en pareja y pasan algún tiempo del año juntos. Azogues
- Published
- 2020
49. Atuk y Luka en Atuk y Luka en los páramos
- Author
Tacuri, Verónica
- Subjects
Atuk ,Páramo ,Quito ,Luka - Abstract
Su nombre científico es Lycalopex culpaeus, una especie de mamífero considerado el segundo canino más grande de Sudamérica y el más grande en el Ecuador. Puede llegar a medir 1.70 metros de largo. Se le encuentra a lo largo de la región andina, en los bosques templados y páramos de todo el país. El color predominante de su piel es rojizo en la parte de su espalda y blanco en el pecho, cuello y panza. La cola suele ser algo gris y casi siempre es muy larga. La dieta del lobo de páramo se compone de mamíferos, aves, insectos, reptiles y vegetales. Por lo general es un animal que gusta de estar solo, juntándose solo para procrear; sin embargo, hay algunos que disfrutan de vivir en pareja y pasan algún tiempo del año juntos. Azogues
- Published
- 2020
50. Motiv bijega u Šoljanovim romanima 'Izdajice' i 'Luka'
- Author
Glavan, Josipa and Rados, Zvjezdana
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology ,Antun Šoljan ,egzstencijalizam ,Izdajice ,existentialism ,bijeg ,escape ,jeans prose ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija ,proza u trapericama ,Luka - Abstract
U radu se analizira motivsko-tematski kompleks bijega u romanima Izdajice i Luka autora Antuna Šoljana. Budući da romani pripadaju žanru proze u trapericama i alegorijskome tipu egzistencijalističkoga romana, početna poglavlja i potpoglavlja analizirat će karakteristike oba tipa proze. Za prozu u trapericama važno je istaknuti snažan motiv bijega te ulogu lika-pripovjedača. Bit će iznesene osnovne karakteristike odabranih Šoljanovih romana u krugu egzistencijalističke proze hrvatske književnosti. U radu će analizirati važne odrednice u stvaralaštvu Antuna Šoljana, posebice u romanima Izdajice i Luka . Rad donosi i pregled stručne literature koja predstavlja mogućnosti obrade takve proze. Promatra se motiv bijega kao kompleksan element u prozi Antuna Šoljana te se kasnije razrađuje kroz pojedine romane i njihova poglavlja te potpoglavlja. The paper analyzes the motive thematic complex of escape in the novels Izdajice and Luka by Antun Šoljan. Since the novels belong to the genre of jeans prose and the allegorical type of existentialist novel initial chapters and subchapters, the characteristics of both types of prose are analyzed. For jeans prose, it is important to emphasize the strong motif of escape and the character of the narrator. Then, will be presented the basic characteristics of selected Šoljan's novels in the circle of existentialist prose in Croatian literature. Important determinants in the work of Antun Šoljan are pointed up. The next part of the paper will be dedicated to the novel Izdajice. The following chapter will deal with the novel Luka. The paper also provides a review of the professional literature that describes the possibilities of processing such prose. The motif of escape is observed as a complex element in the prose of Antun Šoljan, and is later elaborated through individual novels and their chapters and subchapters.
- Published
- 2020
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