Resumen En este estudio se desarroll�� una b��squeda bibliogr��fica b��sica que abarca unos 15 a��os, desde el 2000 hasta 2015 sobre algunos aspectos conceptuales y metodol��gicos relacionados con procesos de biocat��lisis y biotransformaciones, desde la perspectiva de qu��mica eco-sustentable o qu��mica verde. Se consideran los principios b��sicos de la qu��mica sustentable y su aplicabilidad en el campo de la quimio-cat��lisis, biocat��lisis y de implementaci��n de sistemas biocatal��ticos (enzimas, c��lulas completas, sistemas soportados), as�� como ventajas y desventajas de la utilizaci��n de los diversos sistemas biocatal��ticos en la qu��mica fina. Se destacan conceptos fundamentales y algunas aplicaciones, hoy cl��sicas y con relevante significaci��n conceptual y metodol��gica de las biotransformaciones, incluyendo una visi��n estructural-funcional de m��nimo impacto ambiental. Se analiza la aplicabilidad de la biocat��lisis en la qu��mica fina y otros procesos tecnol��gicos tales como desulfurizaci��n, biooxidaci��n avanzada, etc., y en el desarrollo de estrategias para el fortalecimiento de esta l��nea de investigaci��n, en Biotransformaciones, a escala nacional y en laboratorios universitarios. Abstract In this study, a basic bibliographic search was developed that covers about 15 years, from 2000 to 2015 on some conceptual and methodological aspects related to bio catalysis and biotransformation processes, from the perspective of eco-sustainable chemistry or green chemistry. The basic principles of sustainable chemistry and their applicability in the field of chemo-catalysis, bio catalysis and the implementation of biocatalytic systems (enzymes, whole cells, supported systems) are considered, as well as advantages and disadvantages of the use of the various systems. biocatalysts in fine chemistry. Fundamental concepts and some applications, now classic and with relevant conceptual and methodological significance, of biotransformation are highlighted, including a structural-functional vision of minimal environmental impact. The applicability of bio catalysis in fine chemistry and other technological processes such as desulfurization, advanced bio-oxidation, etc., and in the development of strategies to strengthen this line of research, in Biotransformation, on a national scale and in university laboratories is analyzed., {"references":["Aranda, G., Moreno, L., Cortes, M., Prange, T., Maurs, M., & Azerad, R. (2001). A new example of 1a-hydroxylation of drimanic terpenes through combined microbial and chemical processes. Tetrahedron, (57), 6051-6056.","Arroyo, M., Acebal, C., y De-la-Mata, I. (2014). Biocatálisis y biotecnología. Arbor, 190(768), a156.","Baldessari, A., & Mangone, C. P. (2001). 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