175 results on '"Lugmair, G."'
Search Results
2. Chemistry of Rocks and Soils in Gusev Crater from the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
- Author
Gellert, R., Rieder, R., Anderson, R. C., Brückner, J., Clark, B. C., Dreibus, G., Economou, T., Klingelhöfer, G., Lugmair, G. W., Ming, D. W., Squyres, S. W., d'Uston, C., Wänke, H., Yen, A., and Zipfel, J. more...
- Published
- 2004
3. Isotopic Evidence for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Impactor and Its Type
- Author
Shukolyukov, A. and Lugmair, G. W.
- Published
- 1998
4. Isotope Anomalies in Tellurium in Interstellar Diamonds
- Author
Maas, R., Loss, R. D., Rosman, K. J. R., De Laeter, J. R., Ott, U., Lewis, R. S., Huss, G. R., Anders, E., Lugmair, G. W., and Manuel, O., editor
- Published
- 2002
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5. Live Iron-60 in the Early Solar System
- Author
Shukolyukov, A. and Lugmair, G. W.
- Published
- 1993
6. Samarium-146 in the Early Solar System: Evidence from Neodymium in the Allende Meteorite
- Author
Lugmair, G. W., Shimamura, T., Lewis, R. S., and Anders, Edward
- Published
- 1983
7. Discovery of a 25-cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng impact crater, South Africa
- Author
Maier, W. D., Andreoli, M. A. G., McDonald, I., Higgins, M. D., Boyce, A. J., Shukolyukov, A., Lugmair, G. W., Ashwal, L. D., Graser, P., Ripley, E. M., and Hart, R. J.
- Abstract
Author(s): W. D. Maier (corresponding author) [1, 2]; M. A. G. Andreoli [3, 4]; I. McDonald [5]; M. D. Higgins [1]; A. J. Boyce [6]; A. Shukolyukov [7]; G. W. [...]
- Published
- 2006
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8. Isotopic Evidence for a Hotspot Origin of the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Author
Cheng, Q., primary, Park, K.-H., additional, Macdougall, J. D., additional, Zindler, A., additional, Lugmair, G. W., additional, Staudigel, H., additional, Hawkins, J., additional, and Lonsdale, P., additional more...
- Published
- 2013
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9. Chronology of Asteroid Accretion and Differentiation
- Author
Shukolyukov, A., primary and Lugmair, G. W., additional
- Published
- 2002
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10. Barium Isotopes in Allende Meteorite: Evidence against an Extinct Superheavy Element
- Author
Lewis, R. S., Anders, E., Shimamura, T., and Lugmair, G. W.
- Published
- 1983
11. Two Years of Chemical Sampling on Meridiani Planum by the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer Onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
- Author
Bruckner, J, Gellert, R, Clark, B.C, Dreibus, G, Rieder, R, Wanke, H, d'Uston, C, Economou, T, Klingelhofer, G, Lugmair, G, Ming, D.W, Squyres, S.W, Yen, A, and Zipfel, J
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
For over two terrestrial years, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the martian surface at Meridiani Planum using the Athena instrument payload [1], including the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). The APXS has a small sensor head that is mounted on the robotic arm of the rover. The chemistry, mineralogy and morphology of selected samples were investigated by the APXS along with the Moessbauer Spectrometer (MB) and the Microscopic Imager (MI). The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) provided the possibility to dust and/or abrade rock surfaces down to several millimeters to expose fresh material for analysis. We report here on APXS data gathered along the nearly 6-kilometers long traverse in craters and plains of Meridiani. more...
- Published
- 2006
12. Chemical Diversity along the Traverse of the Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Author
Gellert, R, Brueckner, J, Clark, B. C, Dreibus, G, d'Uston, C, Economou, T, Klingelhoefer, G, Lugmair, G, Ming, D. W, Morris, R. V, Rieder, R, Squyres, S. W, Wanke, H, Yen, A, and Zipfel, J
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
The Alpha-Particle-X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) is part of the in situ payload of the Mars Exploration Rovers. It has determined the chemical composition of soils and rocks along the nearly 6 km long traverse of the rover Spirit. The measuring method a combination of PIXE and XRF using Cm244 sources - allowed the unambiguous identification of elemental compositions with high precision. Besides sample triage and quantification of saltforming elements as indicators for aqueous alteration, the APXS also delivered important constraints to mineralogy intruments (i.e., Mossbauer (MB), MiniTES, Pancam) on minerals and rock types. The mineralogy instruments on the other hand provided constraints on minerals used for APXS normative calculations and, e.g. allowed the attribution of S to sulfate, instead of sulfide or elemental sulfur. This abstract gives an updated overview of the data obtained up to our current rover position on sol 720 at the eastern base of the Columbia Hills. We will emphasize elemental correlations that imply the presence of certain minerals that can not be identified by the MER mineralogy instruments. more...
- Published
- 2006
13. The Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS): Results from Gusev Crater and Calibration Report
- Author
Gellert, R, Rieder, R, Brueckner, J, Clark, B, Dreibus, G, Klingelhoefer, G, Lugmair, G, Ming, D, Waenke, H, Yen, A, Zipfel, J, and Squyres, S
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
The chemical composition of rocks and soils on Mars analyzed during the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit Mission was determined by X-ray analyses with the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). Details of the data analysis method and the instrument calibration are presented. Measurements performed on Mars to address geometry effects and background contributions are shown. Cross calibration measurements among several instrument sensors and sources are discussed. An unintentional swap of the two flight instruments is evaluated. New concentration data acquired during the first 470 sols of rover Spirit in Gusev Crater are presented. There are two geological regions, the Gusev plains and the Columbia Hills. The plains contain soils that are very similar to previous landing sites on Mars. A meteoritic component in the soil is identified. Rocks in the plains revealed thin weathering rinds. The underlying abraded rock was classified as primitive basalt. One of these rocks contained significant Br that is probably associated with vein-filling material of different composition. One of the trenches showed large subsurface enrichments of Mg, S, and Br. Disturbed soils and rocks in the Columbia Hills revealed different elemental compositions. These rocks are significantly weathered and enriched in mobile elements, such as P, S, Cl, or Br. Even abraded rock surfaces have high Br concentrations. Thus, in contrast to the rocks and soils in the Gusev Plains, the Columbia Hills material shows more significant evidence of ancient aqueous alteration. more...
- Published
- 2006
- Author
Ming, Douglas W, Zipfel, J, Anderson, R, Brueckner, J, Clark, B. C, Dreibus, G, Economou, T, Gellert, R, Lugmair, G. W, and Klingelhoefer, G
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
During the MER Mission, an isolated rock at Meridiani Planum was analyzed by the Athena instrument suite [1]. Remote sensing instruments noticed its distinct appearance. Two areas on the untreated rock surface and one area that was abraded with the Rock Abrasion Tool were analyzed by Microscopic Imager, Mossbauer Mimos II [2], and Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS). Results of all analyses revealed a close relationship of this rock with known basaltic shergottites. more...
- Published
- 2005
15. Hematite on the Surface of Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater
- Author
Brueckner, J, Dreibus, G, Jagoutz, E, Gellert, R, Lugmair, G, Rieder, R, Waenke, H, Zipfel, J, Klingelhoefer, G, and Clark, B. C
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
Meridiani Planum was selected as a landing side for the Rover Opportunity because of an indication of hematite observed from orbit. Meridiani Planum consists of sorted sands with aeolian features like ripples and desert pavements. In impact craters, a high-albedo layered bedrock is exposed. The soil is a mixture of: (i) fine sand material in the size ranges of 50 to 150 m, (ii) sub-angular, irregular particles of 0.5 to 5 mm size with submillimeter circular voids that are most likely vesicular basaltic fragments, and (iii) spherules with a restricted grain size between 4 and 6 mm. The Mini-TES on board the rover Opportunity identified a hematite signature at distance resulting from mm-sized spherules as determined by the Moussbauer Spectrometer. Small quantities of similar spherules (2 vol. %) were found in rock exposures in Eagle crater and were interpreted as concretions that formed by precipitation from aqueous fluids inside sedimentary rocks. At Gusev crater no hematite was observed until sol 90 except for layering on a rock. Our investigations of hematite bearing materials, measured by the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS), Moussbauer Spectrometer (MB), and Microscopic Imager (MI), provide a more integrated view of different occurrences of hematite on the martian surface. Chemistry of soils and rocks: Chemical compositions more...
- Published
- 2005
16. Chemistry of Rocks and Soils in Gusev Crater from the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
- Author
Gellert, R, Rieder, R, Anderson, R. C, Brueckner, J, Clark, B. C, Dreibus, G, Economou, T, Klingelhoefer, G, Lugmair, G. W, and Ming, D. W
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
The alpha particle x-ray spectrometer on the Spirit rover determined major and minor elements of soils and rocks in Gusev crater in order to unravel the crustal evolution of planet Mars. The composition of soils is similar to those at previous landing sites, as a result of global mixing and distribution by dust storms. Rocks (fresh surfaces exposed by the rock abrasion tool) resemble volcanic rocks of primitive basaltic composition with low intrinsic potassium contents. High abundance of bromine (up to 170 parts per million) in rocks may indicate the alteration of surfaces formed during a past period of aqueous activity in Gusev crater. more...
- Published
- 2005
17. Results of the Alpha-Particle-X-Ray Spectrometer on Board of the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Author
Geller, R, Zipfel, J, Brueckner, J, Dreibus, G, Lugmair, G, Rieder, R, Waenke, H, Klingelhoefer, G, Clark, B. C, and Ming, D. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum. The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) is part of the instrument suite on both rovers. It is equipped with six 244Cm sources which provide x-ray excitation with alpha-particles (PIXE) and x-ray radiation (XRF). This combination allows x-ray spectroscopy of elements from Na to Br in the energy range of 0.9 to 16 keV. X-ray detectors with a high energy resolution of 160 eV at Fe K allow us to separate even closely spaced energy peaks, such as Na, Mg, Al and Si. The APXS is attached to the rover s arm and provides in-situ measurements of the chemical composition of soils, surfaces of rocks and outcrops and their abraded surfaces. This abstract gives an overview of APXS results obtained during the first year of operation on both landing sites. more...
- Published
- 2005
18. Solar Wind Gases, Cosmic Ray Spallation Products, and the Irradiation History
- Author
Marti, K., Lugmair, G. W., and Urey, H. C.
- Published
- 1970
19. APXS on Mars: Analyses of Soils and Rocks at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum
- Author
Rieder, R, Gellert, R, Brueckner, J, Clark, B. C, Dreibus, G, dUston, C, Economou, T, Klingelhoefer, G, Lugmair, G. W, and Waenke, H
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
Newly developed APXS (Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometers) are part of the Athena payload of the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity [1]. The APXS determines the chemical composition of soils and rocks along the traverse of the two rovers. Spirit and Opportunity operate at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum, respectively. First results of soil X-ray spectra at both landing sites support the hypothesis of a global homogenization of the soil by large dust storms and impact processes in the northern and southern hemisphere. more...
- Published
- 2004
20. Manganese-Chromium Isotope Systematics of Ivuna, Kainsaz and Other Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Author
Shukolyukov, A, Lugmair, G. W, and Bogdanovski, O
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
We have shown earlier that the bulk samples of carbonaceous chondrites [CC] reveal excesses in both Cr-53 (Cr-53*) and Cr-54 (Cr-54*) as compared to the terrestrial standard value. The Cr-53/52 ratios in bulk samples of Orgueil (CI), Murray (CM), Allende (CV), and the Bencubbin/CH-like meteorite Hammadah Al Hambra 237 (HH237) are correlated with the respective Mn/Cr ratios. In contrast to CC, HH237 is characterized by a deficit of Cr-53 (-0.15 +/- 0.10(epsilon)) at a low Mn/Cr ratio of 0.07. The HH237 data point, however, falls on the CC line. Here we report new Mn-53 - Cr-53 results for the CC Kainsaz (CO) and Ivuna (CI). more...
- Published
- 2003
21. Isotopic, Chemical and Mineralogical Investigation's of Extraterrestrial Materials
- Author
Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
During the grant period we have concentrated on the following main topics: 1. Enstatite meteorites and original heterogeneity of Mn-53 distribution in the solar nebula. We have completed our studies of the enstatite chondrites. 2. Processes of planetary differentiation. We have completed our study of silicate clasts from the mesosiderite Vaca Muerta and found that the global Mn/Cr fractionation event that established mantle source reservoirs on the parent body of the Vaca Muerta silicate clasts occurred approx. 2 Ma after a similar event on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body. 3. Carbonaceous chondrites. Much effort has been devoted during the last three years to the investigation of this important class of meteorites. 4. Early solar system timescales. Based on the studies of the Mn-53 - Cr-53 isotope system in various meteorites and using results obtained with other isotope chronometers we constructed an absolute time-scale for events in the early solar system. 5.Unusual meteorites. We have studied the anomalous pallasite Eagle Station. 6. The chromium isotopic composition as a tracer for extraterrestrial material on Earth. Based on the observed difference in the Cr-53/Cr-52 ratios between Earth and the other solar system objects we developed a method for detecting cosmic materials on Earth using the Cr-53/Cr-52 ratio as a tracer. more...
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Benz, W., Kallenbach, R., and Lugmair, G.
- Published
- 2000
23. Cr Isotope Systematics in the Pallasite Eagle Station: Chronology and Evidence for a Genetic Link to Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Author
Shukolyukov, A and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration - Abstract
The study of the Mn-53-Cr-53 system in the pallasite Eagle Station has shown that it formed 4557.5 +/- 0.6 Ma ago. The Cr isotopic signature is different from that of the main group pallasites and suggests a genetic link to CV3 chondrites. Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract. more...
- Published
- 2001
24. Early Archean Spherule Beds-Confirmation of Impact Origin
- Author
Shukolyukov, A, Kyte, F. T, Lugmair, G. W, Lowe, D. R, and Byerly, G. R
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
The oldest record of major impact events on Earth may be a number of early Archean (3.5 to 3.2 Ga) spherule beds that have been identified in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Several field, petrographic, and geochemical criteria distinguish these beds from typical volcanic and clastic sediments. These criteria include the wide geographic distribution of two beds in a variety of depositional environments, the presence of relict quench textures, absence of juvenile volcaniclastic debris within the beds, and extreme enrichment of Ir and other platinum group elements (PGE) as compared to surrounding sediments. Some researchers, however, argued for a terrestrial origin for spherule bed formation, possibly related to volcanism and gold mineralization. more...
- Published
- 2000
25. Isotopically distinct reservoirs in the solar nebula: Isotope anomalies in Vigarano meteorite inclusions
- Author
Loss, R. D, Lugmair, G. W, Davis, A. M, and Macpherson, G. J
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
The isotopic compositions of Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Zn, Sr, Ba, Nd, and Sm were measured in four relatively unaltered refractory inclusions from the Vigarano carbonaceous chondrite meteorite. Three of the inclusions (USNM 1623-2, 1623-3, and 1623-8) show similar Mg, Ca, Ti, and Cr isotopic compositions to those found in most inclusions in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite. This indicates that these Vigarano inclusions sampled the same isotopic reservoirs as the majority of the Allende inclusions that isotope signatures in the latter were not significantly modified by the secondary alteration that permeates most Allende inclusions. In contrast, inclusion 1623-5 has large deficits in Mg-26, Ca-48, and Ti-50 and small but distinct Cr-54, Zn-66, Sr-84, Ba-135, Ba-137, and Sm-144 anomalies. The magnitudes of these unusual anomalies in the refractory elements are within analytical uncertainty of those found in the Allende 'FUN" inclusion C1, yet 1623-5 has a very different bulk chemical composition from C1. The fact that 1623-5 and C1 have identical isotopic anomalies yet have significantly distinct major and trace element contents provide convincing evidence for the presence of isotopically distinct reservoirs in the early solar system. more...
- Published
- 1994
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26. Fe-60 in eucrites
- Author
Shukolyukov, A and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
Additional evidence for the existence in the early solar system of live Fe-60 has been found in the basaltic achondrite Juvinas. The relative abundance of Fe-60/Fe-56 of about 4 x 10 exp -10 at the time of meteorite solidification is one order of magnitude lower than that previously observed for the eucrite Chervony Kut. This difference corresponds to an about 4.7 Ma time interval between closure of the Fe-60-Ni-60 isotopic system in the two meteorites. The factor two higher initial Ni-60/Ni-58 ratio in Juvinas is consistent with this time difference and a common bulk Fe/Ni ratio in the two meteorites. Using the Fe-60-Ni-60 isotope system as a chronometer various models for the evolution of the eucrite parent body of different degrees of complexity are discussed. Regardless of the detailed differences between these models a short time interval of only a few million years between planetary differentiation and basaltic crust formation is indicated. more...
- Published
- 1993
27. FE-60 and the evolution of eucrites
- Author
Shukolyukov, A and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
We have recently presented evidence for the existence of live Fe-60 in the early solar system. This evidence comes from observations of 2.4 to 50 epsilon unit (1 part in 10(exp 4)) relative excesses of Ni-60 measured in samples from the eucrite Chervony Kut (CK). These isotopic excesses have been produced by the decay of the short-lived radionuclide Fe-60 (T(sub 1/2) = 1.5 Ma). Because CK originates from a planetesimal which was totally molten and its high Fe/Ni ratio is due to a planet-wide Fe-Ni fractionation during metal-silicate segregation, the presence of the Fe-60 decay product indicates the large scale abundance of Fe-60 in the early solar system and its presence during differentiation of this planetesimal. The observed variable Ni-60 excesses in different bulk samples and mineral separates from CK can only be understood if some Fe-60 was still alive at the time when basaltic magma had solidified on the eucrite parent body. The lack of a correlation between Ni-60 and the respective Fe/Ni ratios in different mineral fractions from CK indicates a metamorphic remobilization of Ni after essentially all Fe-60 has decayed. However, Ni-60 from three bulk samples from different locations within the meteorite appears to correlate reasonably well with the respective Fe/Ni ratios. If we regard this correlation as an isochron then its slope yields a Fe-60/Fe-56 ratio f (3.9 +/- 0.6) x 10(exp -9) and an initial Ni-60 of 3.2 plus or minus 0.9 epsilon units at the time of crystallization of CK. Estimates based on these values and a approximately 10 Ma time interval between CK solidification and formation of the earliest condensates in the solar system followed by rapid accretion of planetary bodies indicate that the decay of Fe-60 could produce sufficient heat to melt these planetesimals. If Al-26 was present on a planetary scale as Fe-60 and at abundances close to values observed in Allende inclusions then melting of small early formed planets is inevitable. As an attempt to further explore the Fe-60/Ni-60 isotope system as an early solar system chronometer we studied another noncumulate eucrite, Juvinas (JUV) (sample USNM 1051), which belongs to the same subgroup as CK. more...
- Published
- 1993
28. Age and isotopic relationships among the angrites Lewis Cliff 86010 and Angra dos Reis
- Author
Lugmair, G. W and Galer, S. J. G
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
The paper presents results of a wide-ranging isotopic investigation of the the Antarctic angrite LEW-86010 (LEW), and reassesses the type angrite Angra dos Reis (ADOR) in order to obtain precise radiometric ages and initial Sr isotopic compositions, and to search for the erstwhile presence of the short-lived nuclei Sm-146 and Al-26 via their daughter products. The isotopic compositions of Sm, U, Ca, and Ti were measured to allow a detailed appraisal to be made of the relations between, and the geneology of, these two angrites. LEW proves to be severely contaminated with modern terrestrial Pb, which is shown to result from terrestrial weathering. Concordant Pb-Pb model ages of pyroxene separates are obtained; uranium isotopic compositions are normal within error. Overall, striking age and isotopic similarities between LEW and ADOR were found, suggesting almost simultaneous production on the same asteroid, even though recent experimental studies imply that the two are not comagmatic. more...
- Published
- 1992
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29. Zinc isotope anomalies in Allende meteorite inclusions
- Author
Loss, R. D and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
The isotopic compositions of Zn, Cr, Ti, and Ca have been measured in a number of CAIs from the Allende meteorite. The aim was to test astrophysical models which predict large excesses of Zn-66 to accompany excesses in the neutron-rich isotopes of Ca, Ti, Cr, and Ni. Some of the CAIs show clearly resolved but small excesses for Zn-66 which are at least an order of magnitude smaller than predicted. This result may simply reflect the volatility and chemical behavior of Zn as compared to the other (more refractory) anomalous elements found in these samples. Alternatively, revision of parameters and assumptions used for the model calculations may be required. more...
- Published
- 1990
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30. Martian fluvial conglomerates at gale crater
- Author
Williams, R. M. E., Grotzinger, J. P., Dietrich, W. E., Gupta, S., Sumner, D. Y., Wiens, R. C., Mangold, N., Malin, M. C., Edgett, K. S., Maurice, S., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Ollila, A., Newsom, H. E., Dromart, G., Palucis, M. C., Yingst, R. A., Anderson, R. B., Herkenhoff, K. E., Le Mouelic, S., Goetz, W., Madsen, M. B., Koefoed, A., Jensen, J. K., Bridges, J. C., Schwenzer, S. P., Lewis, K. W., Stack, K. M., Rubin, D., Kah, L. C., Bell, J. F., Farmer, J. D., Sullivan, R., Van Beek, T., Blaney, D. L., Pariser, O., Deen, R. G., Kemppinen, O., Bridges, N., Johnson, J. R., Minitti, M., Cremers, D., Edgar, L., Godber, A., Wadhwa, M., Wellington, D., McEwan, I., Newman, C., Richardson, M., Charpentier, A., Peret, L., King, P., Blank, J., Weigle, G., Schmidt, M., Li, S., Milliken, R., Robertson, K., Sun, V., Baker, M., Edwards, C., Ehlmann, B., Farley, K., Griffes, J., Miller, H., Newcombe, M., Pilorget, C., Rice, M., Siebach, K., Stolper, E., Brunet, C., Hipkin, V., Leveille, R., Marchand, G., Sobron Sanchez, P., Favot, L., Cody, G., Steele, A., Fluckiger, L., Lees, D., Nefian, A., Martin, M., Gailhanou, M., Westall, F., Israel, G., Agard, C., Baroukh, J., Donny, C., Gaboriaud, A., Guillemot, P., Lafaille, V., Lorigny, E., Paillet, A., Perez, R., Saccoccio, M., Yana, C., Aparicio, C. A., Caride Rodriguez, J., Carrasco Blazquez, I., Gomez Gomez, F., Elvira, J. G., Hettrich, S., Lepinette Malvitte, A., Marin Jimenez, M., Frias, J. M., Soler, J. M., Torres, F. J. M., Molina Jurado, A., Sotomayor, L. M., Munoz Caro, G., Navarro Lopez, S., Gonzalez, V. P., Garcia, J. P., Rodriguez Manfredi, J. A., Planello, J. J. R., Alejandra Sans Fuentes, S., Sebastian Martinez, E., Torres Redondo, J., O'Callaghan, R. U., Zorzano Mier, M.-P., Chipera, S., Lacour, J.-L., Mauchien, P., Sirven, J.-B., Manning, H., Fairen, A., Hayes, A., Joseph, J., Squyres, S., Thomas, P., Dupont, A., Lundberg, A., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., DeMarines, J., Grinspoon, D., Reitz, G., Prats, B., Atlaskin, E., Genzer, M., Harri, A.-M., Haukka, H., Kahanpaa, H., Kauhanen, J., Paton, M., Polkko, J., Schmidt, W., Siili, T., Fabre, C., Wray, J., Wilhelm, M. B., Poitrasson, F., Patel, K., Gorevan, S., Indyk, S., Paulsen, G., Bish, D., Schieber, J., Gondet, B., Langevin, Y., Geffroy, C., Baratoux, D., Berger, G., Cros, A., Uston, C. d., Lasue, J., Lee, Q.-M., Meslin, P.-Y., Pallier, E., Parot, Y., Pinet, P., Schroder, S., Toplis, M., Lewin, E., Brunner, W., Heydari, E., Achilles, C., Oehler, D., Sutter, B., Cabane, M., Coscia, D., Szopa, C., Robert, F., Sautter, V., Nachon, M., Buch, A., Stalport, F., Coll, P., Francois, P., Raulin, F., Teinturier, S., Cameron, J., Clegg, S., Cousin, A., DeLapp, D., Dingler, R., Jackson, R. S., Johnstone, S., Lanza, N., Little, C., Nelson, T., Williams, R. B., Jones, A., Kirkland, L., Treiman, A., Baker, B., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Davis, S., Duston, B., Fay, D., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Herrera, P., Jensen, E., Kennedy, M. R., Krezoski, G., Krysak, D., Lipkaman, L., McCartney, E., McNair, S., Nixon, B., Posiolova, L., Ravine, M., Salamon, A., Saper, L., Stoiber, K., Supulver, K., Van Beek, J., Zimdar, R., French, K. L., Iagnemma, K., Miller, K., Summons, R., Goesmann, F., Hviid, S., Johnson, M., Lefavor, M., Lyness, E., Breves, E., Dyar, M. D., Fassett, C., Blake, D. F., Bristow, T., DesMarais, D., Edwards, L., Haberle, R., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Kahre, M., Keely, L., McKay, C., Bleacher, L., Brinckerhoff, W., Choi, D., Conrad, P., Dworkin, J. P., Eigenbrode, J., Floyd, M., Freissinet, C., Garvin, J., Glavin, D., Harpold, D., Mahaffy, P., Martin, D. K., McAdam, A., Pavlov, A., Raaen, E., Smith, M. D., Stern, J., Tan, F., Trainer, M., Meyer, M., Posner, A., Voytek, M., Anderson, R. C., Aubrey, A., Beegle, L. W., Behar, A., Brinza, D., Calef, F., Christensen, L., Crisp, J. A., DeFlores, L., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Flesch, G., Hurowitz, J., Jun, I., Keymeulen, D., Maki, J., Mischna, M., Morookian, J. M., Parker, T., Pavri, B., Schoppers, M., Sengstacken, A., Simmonds, J. J., Spanovich, N., de la Torre Juarez, M., Vasavada, A. R., Webster, C. R., Yen, A., Archer, P. D., Cucinotta, F., Jones, J. H., Ming, D., Morris, R. V., Niles, P., Rampe, E., Nolan, T., Fisk, M., Radziemski, L., Barraclough, B., Bender, S., Berman, D., Dobrea, E. N., Tokar, R., Vaniman, D., Leshin, L., Cleghorn, T., Huntress, W., Manhes, G., Hudgins, J., Olson, T., Stewart, N., Sarrazin, P., Grant, J., Vicenzi, E., Wilson, S. A., Bullock, M., Ehresmann, B., Hamilton, V., Hassler, D., Peterson, J., Rafkin, S., Zeitlin, C., Fedosov, F., Golovin, D., Karpushkina, N., Kozyrev, A., Litvak, M., Malakhov, A., Mitrofanov, I., Mokrousov, M., Nikiforov, S., Prokhorov, V., Sanin, A., Tretyakov, V., Varenikov, A., Vostrukhin, A., Kuzmin, R., Clark, B., Wolff, M., McLennan, S., Botta, O., Drake, D., Bean, K., Lemmon, M., Lee, E. M., Sucharski, R., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Blanco Avalos, J. J., Ramos, M., Kim, M.-H., Malespin, C., Plante, I., Muller, J.-P., Gonzalez, R. N., Ewing, R., Boynton, W., Downs, R., Fitzgibbon, M., Harshman, K., Morrison, S., Kortmann, O., Williams, A., Lugmair, G., Wilson, M. A., Jakosky, B., Zunic, T. B., Frydenvang, J., Kinch, K., Stipp, S. L. S., Boyd, N., Campbell, J. L., Gellert, R., Perrett, G., Pradler, I., VanBommel, S., Jacob, S., Owen, T., Rowland, S., Savijarvi, H., Boehm, E., Bottcher, S., Burmeister, S., Guo, J., Kohler, J., Garcia, C. M., Mellin, R. M., Schweingruber, R. W., McConnochie, T., Benna, M., Franz, H., Bower, H., Brunner, A., Blau, H., Boucher, T., Carmosino, M., Atreya, S., Elliott, H., Halleaux, D., Renno, N., Wong, M., Pepin, R., Elliott, B., Spray, J., Thompson, L., Gordon, S., Williams, J., Vasconcelos, P., Bentz, J., Nealson, K., Popa, R., Moersch, J., Tate, C., Day, M., Kocurek, G., Hallet, B., Sletten, R., Francis, R., McCullough, E., Cloutis, E., ten Kate, I. L., Arvidson, R., Fraeman, A., Scholes, D., Slavney, S., Stein, T., Ward, J., Berger, J., Moores, J. E., NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, Petrology, GeoRessources, and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS) more...
- Subjects
MSL Mars Gale Crater Fluvial Activity ,Martian ,Multidisciplinary ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Outcrop ,Curiosity rover ,Geochemistry ,Mars ,Sediment ,Fluvial ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mars Exploration Program ,01 natural sciences ,Abrasion (geology) ,martian fluvial conglomerates ,13. Climate action ,Rocknest ,0103 physical sciences ,MSL ,Sedimentary rock ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,Geology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Going to Mars The Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft containing the Curiosity rover, was launched from Earth in November 2011 and arrived at Gale crater on Mars in August 2012. Zeitlin et al. (p. 1080 ) report measurements of the energetic particle radiation environment inside the spacecraft during its cruise to Mars, confirming the hazard likely to be posed by this radiation to astronauts on a future potential trip to Mars. Williams et al. (p. 1068 , see the Perspective by Jerolmack ) report the detection of sedimentary conglomerates (pebbles mixed with sand and turned to rock) at Gale crater. The rounding of the rocks suggests abrasion of the pebbles as they were transported by flowing water several kilometers or more from their source. more...
- Published
- 2013
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31. Abundance and isotopic composition of gases in the martian atmosphere from the Curiosity rover
- Author
Mahaffy, P. R., Webster, C. R., Atreya, S. K., Franz, H., Wong, M., Conrad, P. G., Harpold, D., Jones, J. J., Leshin, L. A., Manning, H., Owen, T., Pepin, R. O., Squyres, S., Trainer, M., Kemppinen, O., Bridges, N., Johnson, J. R., Minitti, M., Cremers, D., Bell, J. F., Edgar, L., Farmer, J., Godber, A., Wadhwa, M., Wellington, D., McEwan, I., Newman, C., Richardson, M., Charpentier, A., Peret, L., King, P., Blank, J., Weigle, G., Schmidt, M., Li, S., Milliken, R., Robertson, K., Sun, V., Baker, M., Edwards, C., Ehlmann, B., Farley, K., Griffes, J., Grotzinger, J., Miller, H., Newcombe, M., Pilorget, C., Rice, M., Siebach, K., Stack, K., Stolper, E., Brunet, C., Hipkin, V., Leveille, R., Marchand, G., Sanchez, P. S., Favot, L., Cody, G., Steele, A., Fluckiger, L., Lees, D., Nefian, A., Martin, M., Gailhanou, M., Westall, F., Israel, G., Agard, C., Baroukh, J., Donny, C., Gaboriaud, A., Guillemot, P., Lafaille, V., Lorigny, E., Paillet, A., Perez, R., Saccoccio, M., Yana, C., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Rodriguez, J. C., Blazquez, I. C., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Hettrich, S., Malvitte, A. L., Jimenez, M. M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Jurado, A. M., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Caro, G. M., Lopez, S. N., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pla-Garcia, J., Manfredi, J. A. R., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Fuentes, S. A. S., Martinez, E. S., Redondo, J. T., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Mier, M.-P. Z., Chipera, S., Lacour, J.-L., Mauchien, P., Sirven, J.-B., Fairen, A., Hayes, A., Joseph, J., Sullivan, R., Thomas, P., Dupont, A., Lundberg, A., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., DeMarines, J., Grinspoon, D., Reitz, G., Prats, B., Atlaskin, E., Genzer, M., Harri, A.-M., Haukka, H., Kahanpaa, H., Kauhanen, J., Paton, M., Polkko, J., Schmidt, W., Siili, T., Fabre, C., Wray, J., Wilhelm, M. B., Poitrasson, F., Patel, K., Gorevan, S., Indyk, S., Paulsen, G., Gupta, S., Bish, D., Schieber, J., Gondet, B., Langevin, Y., Geffroy, C., Baratoux, D., Berger, G., Cros, A., d'Uston, C., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Lasue, J., Lee, Q.-M., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Pallier, E., Parot, Y., Pinet, P., Schroder, S., Toplis, M., Lewin, E., Brunner, W., Heydari, E., Achilles, C., Oehler, D., Sutter, B., Cabane, M., Coscia, D., Szopa, C., Dromart, G., Robert, F., Sautter, V., Le Mouelic, S., Mangold, N., Nachon, M., Buch, A., Stalport, F., Coll, P., Francois, P., Raulin, F., Teinturier, S., Cameron, J., Clegg, S., Cousin, A., DeLapp, D., Dingler, R., Jackson, R. S., Johnstone, S., Lanza, N., Little, C., Nelson, T., Wiens, R. C., Williams, R. B., Jones, A., Kirkland, L., Treiman, A., Baker, B., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Davis, S., Duston, B., Edgett, K., Fay, D., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Herrera, P., Jensen, E., Kennedy, M. R., Krezoski, G., Krysak, D., Lipkaman, L., Malin, M., McCartney, E., McNair, S., Nixon, B., Posiolova, L., Ravine, M., Salamon, A., Saper, L., Stoiber, K., Supulver, K., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., Zimdar, R., French, K. L., Iagnemma, K., Miller, K., Summons, R., Goesmann, F., Goetz, W., Hviid, S., Johnson, M., Lefavor, M., Lyness, E., Breves, E., Dyar, M. D., Fassett, C., Blake, D. F., Bristow, T., DesMarais, D., Edwards, L., Haberle, R., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Kahre, M., Keely, L., McKay, C., Bleacher, L., Brinckerhoff, W., Choi, D., Dworkin, J. P., Eigenbrode, J., Floyd, M., Freissinet, C., Garvin, J., Glavin, D., Martin, D. K., McAdam, A., Pavlov, A., Raaen, E., Smith, M. D., Stern, J., Tan, F., Meyer, M., Posner, A., Voytek, M., Anderson, R. C., Aubrey, A., Beegle, L. W., Behar, A., Blaney, D., Brinza, D., Calef, F., Christensen, L., Crisp, J. A., DeFlores, L., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Flesch, G., Hurowitz, J., Jun, I., Keymeulen, D., Maki, J., Mischna, M., Morookian, J. M., Parker, T., Pavri, B., Schoppers, M., Sengstacken, A., Simmonds, J. J., Spanovich, N., Juarez, M. d. l. T., Vasavada, A. R., Yen, A., Archer, P. D., Cucinotta, F., Ming, D., Morris, R. V., Niles, P., Rampe, E., Nolan, T., Fisk, M., Radziemski, L., Barraclough, B., Bender, S., Berman, D., Dobrea, E. N., Tokar, R., Vaniman, D., Williams, R. M. E., Yingst, A., Lewis, K., Cleghorn, T., Huntress, W., Manhes, G., Hudgins, J., Olson, T., Stewart, N., Sarrazin, P., Grant, J., Vicenzi, E., Wilson, S. A., Bullock, M., Ehresmann, B., Hamilton, V., Hassler, D., Peterson, J., Rafkin, S., Zeitlin, C., Fedosov, F., Golovin, D., Karpushkina, N., Kozyrev, A., Litvak, M., Malakhov, A., Mitrofanov, I., Mokrousov, M., Nikiforov, S., Prokhorov, V., Sanin, A., Tretyakov, V., Varenikov, A., Vostrukhin, A., Kuzmin, R., Clark, B., Wolff, M., McLennan, S., Botta, O., Drake, D., Bean, K., Lemmon, M., Schwenzer, S. P., Anderson, R. B., Herkenhoff, K., Lee, E. M., Sucharski, R., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Avalos, J. J. B., Ramos, M., Kim, M.-H., Malespin, C., Plante, I., Muller, J.-P., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Ewing, R., Boynton, W., Downs, R., Fitzgibbon, M., Harshman, K., Morrison, S., Dietrich, W., Kortmann, O., Palucis, M., Sumner, D. Y., Williams, A., Lugmair, G., Wilson, M. A., Rubin, D., Jakosky, B., Balic-Zunic, T., Frydenvang, J., Jensen, J. K., Kinch, K., Koefoed, A., Madsen, M. B., Stipp, S. L. S., Boyd, N., Campbell, J. L., Gellert, R., Perrett, G., Pradler, I., VanBommel, S., Jacob, S., Rowland, S., Savijarvi, H., Boehm, E., Bottcher, S., Burmeister, S., Guo, J., Kohler, J., Garcia, C. M., Mueller-Mellin, R., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Bridges, J. C., McConnochie, T., Benna, M., Bower, H., Brunner, A., Blau, H., Boucher, T., Carmosino, M., Elliott, H., Halleaux, D., Renno, N., Elliott, B., Spray, J., Thompson, L., Gordon, S., Newsom, H., Ollila, A., Williams, J., Vasconcelos, P., Bentz, J., Nealson, K., Popa, R., Kah, L. C., Moersch, J., Tate, C., Day, M., Kocurek, G., Hallet, B., Sletten, R., Francis, R., McCullough, E., Cloutis, E., ten Kate, I. L., Arvidson, R., Fraeman, A., Scholes, D., Slavney, S., Stein, T., Ward, J., Berger, J., Moores, J. E., GeoRessources, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), MSL Science Team, NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, and Petrology more...
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Curiosity rover ,chemistry.chemical_element ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mars ,MSL Mars Atmosphere Isotopis Composition ,martian atmosphere ,01 natural sciences ,Astrobiology ,Isotopic signature ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0103 physical sciences ,MSL ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Martian ,Multidisciplinary ,δ13C ,Atmosphere of Mars ,Nitrogen ,chemistry ,13. Climate action ,Sample Analysis at Mars ,Carbon dioxide ,Environmental science ,Carbon monoxide - Abstract
Mars' Atmosphere from Curiosity The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Curiosity rover that landed on Mars in August last year is designed to study the chemical and isotopic composition of the martian atmosphere. Mahaffy et al. (p. 263 ) present volume-mixing ratios of Mars' five major atmospheric constituents (CO 2 , Ar, N 2 , O 2 , and CO) and isotope measurements of 40 Ar/ 36 Ar and C and O in CO 2 , based on data from one of SAM's instruments, obtained between 31 August and 21 November 2012. Webster et al. (p. 260 ) used data from another of SAM's instruments obtained around the same period to determine isotope ratios of H, C, and O in atmospheric CO 2 and H 2 O. Agreement between the isotopic ratios measured by SAM with those of martian meteorites, measured in laboratories on Earth, confirms the origin of these meteorites and implies that the current atmospheric reservoirs of CO 2 and H 2 O were largely established after the period of early atmospheric loss some 4 billion years ago. more...
- Published
- 2013
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32. Curiosity at Gale Crater, Mars: Characterization and analysis of the rocknest sand shadow
- Author
Blake, D. F., Morris, R. V., Kocurek, G., Morrison, S. M., Downs, R. T., Bish, D., Ming, D. W., Edgett, K. S., Rubin, D., Goetz, W., Madsen, M. B., Sullivan, R., Gellert, R., Campbell, I., Treiman, A. H., McLennan, S. M., Yen, A. S., Grotzinger, J., Vaniman, D. T., Chipera, S. J., Achilles, C. N., Rampe, E. B., Sumner, D., Meslin, P.- Y., Maurice, S., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Fisk, M., Schmidt, M., Mahaffy, P., Leshin, L. A., Glavin, D., Steele, A., Freissinet, C., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Yingst, R. A., Kah, L. C., Bridges, N., Lewis, K. W., Bristow, T. F., Farmer, J. D., Crisp, J. A., Stolper, E. M., Des Marais, D. J., Sarrazin, P., Agard, C., Alves Verdasca, J. A., Anderson, R., Archer, D., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Arvidson, R., Atlaskin, E., Atreya, S., Aubrey, A., Baker, B., Baker, M., Balic-Zunic, T., Baratoux, D., Baroukh, J., Barraclough, B., Bean, K., Beegle, L., Behar, A., Bell, J., Bender, S., Benna, M., Bentz, J., Berger, G., Berger, J., Berman, D., Blanco Avalos, J. J., Blaney, D., Blank, J., Blau, H., Bleacher, L., Boehm, E., Botta, O., Bottcher, S., Boucher, T., Bower, H., Boyd, N., Boynton, B., Breves, E., Bridges, J., Brinckerhoff, W., Brinza, D., Brunet, C., Brunner, A., Brunner, W., Buch, A., Bullock, M., Burmeister, S., Cabane, M., Calef, F., Cameron, J., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Rodriguez, J. C., Carmosino, M., Blazquez, I. C., Charpentier, A., Choi, D., Clark, B., Clegg, S., Cleghorn, T., Cloutis, E., Cody, G., Coll, P., Conrad, P., Coscia, D., Cousin, A., Cremers, D., Cros, A., Cucinotta, F., d'Uston, C., Davis, S., Day, M., Juarez, M. d. l. T., DeFlores, L., DeLapp, D., DeMarines, J., Dietrich, W., Dingler, R., Donny, C., Drake, D., Dromart, G., Dupont, A., Duston, B., Dworkin, J., Dyar, M. D., Edgar, L., Edwards, C., Edwards, L., Ehlmann, B., Ehresmann, B., Eigenbrode, J., Elliott, B., Elliott, H., Ewing, R., Fabre, C., Fairen, A., Farley, K., Fassett, C., Favot, L., Fay, D., Fedosov, F., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Fitzgibbon, M., Flesch, G., Floyd, M., Fluckiger, L., Fraeman, A., Francis, R., Francois, P., Franz, H., French, K. L., Frydenvang, J., Gaboriaud, A., Gailhanou, M., Garvin, J., Geffroy, C., Genzer, M., Godber, A., Goesmann, F., Golovin, D., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Gondet, B., Gordon, S., Gorevan, S., Grant, J., Griffes, J., Grinspoon, D., Guillemot, P., Guo, J., Gupta, S., Guzewich, S., Haberle, R., Halleaux, D., Hallet, B., Hamilton, V., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Harpold, D., Harri, A.-M., Harshman, K., Hassler, D., Haukka, H., Hayes, A., Herkenhoff, K., Herrera, P., Hettrich, S., Heydari, E., Hipkin, V., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Hudgins, J., Huntress, W., Hurowitz, J., Hviid, S., Iagnemma, K., Indyk, S., Israel, G., Jackson, R., Jacob, S., Jakosky, B., Jensen, E., Jensen, J. K., Johnson, J., Johnson, M., Johnstone, S., Jones, A., Jones, J., Joseph, J., Jun, I., Kahanpaa, H., Kahre, M., Karpushkina, N., Kasprzak, W., Kauhanen, J., Keely, L., Kemppinen, O., Keymeulen, D., Kim, M.-H., Kinch, K., King, P., Kirkland, L., Koefoed, A., Kohler, J., Kortmann, O., Kozyrev, A., Krezoski, J., Krysak, D., Kuzmin, R., Lacour, J. L., Lafaille, V., Langevin, Y., Lanza, N., Lasue, J., Le Mouelic, S., Lee, E. M., Lee, Q.-M., Lees, D., Lefavor, M., Lemmon, M., Lepinette Malvitte, A., Leveille, R., Lewin-Carpintier, E., Li, S., Lipkaman, L., Little, C., Litvak, M., Lorigny, E., Lugmair, G., Lundberg, A., Lyness, E., Maki, J., Malakhov, A., Malespin, C., Malin, M., Mangold, N., Manning, H., Marchand, G., Marin Jimenez, M., Martin Garcia, C., Martin, D., Martin, M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Mauchien, P., McAdam, A., McCartney, E., McConnochie, T., McCullough, E., McEwan, I., McKay, C., McNair, S., Melikechi, N., Meyer, M., Mezzacappa, A., Miller, H., Miller, K., Milliken, R., Minitti, M., Mischna, M., Mitrofanov, I., Moersch, J., Mokrousov, M., Molina Jurado, A., Moores, J., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Morookian, J. M., Mueller-Mellin, R., Muller, J.-P., Munoz Caro, G., Nachon, M., Navarro Lopez, S., Nealson, K., Nefian, A., Nelson, T., Newcombe, M., Newman, C., Newsom, H., Nikiforov, S., Niles, P., Nixon, B., Dobrea, E. N., Nolan, T., Oehler, D., Ollila, A., Olson, T., Owen, T., Pablo, H., Paillet, A., Pallier, E., Palucis, M., Parker, T., Parot, Y., Patel, K., Paton, M., Paulsen, G., Pavlov, A., Pavri, B., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pepin, R., Peret, L., Perez, R., Perrett, G., Peterson, J., Pilorget, C., Pinet, P., Pla-Garcia, J., Plante, I., Poitrasson, F., Polkko, J., Popa, R., Posiolova, L., Pradler, I., Prats, B., Prokhorov, V., Purdy, S. W., Raaen, E., Radziemski, L., Rafkin, S., Ramos, M., Raulin, F., Ravine, M., Reitz, G., Renno, N., Rice, M., Richardson, M., Robert, F., Rodriguez Manfredi, J. A., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Rowland, S., Saccoccio, M., Salamon, A., Sandoval, J., Sanin, A., Sans Fuentes, S. A., Saper, L., Sautter, V., Savijarvi, H., Schieber, J., Schmidt, W., Scholes, D., Schoppers, M., Schroder, S., Sebastian Martinez, E., Sengstacken, A., Shterts, R., Siebach, K., Siili, T., Simmonds, J., Sirven, J.-B., Slavney, S., Sletten, R., Smith, M., Sobron Sanchez, P., Spanovich, N., Spray, J., Squyres, S., Stack, K., Stalport, F., Stein, T., Stern, J., Stewart, N., Stipp, S. L. S., Stoiber, K., Sucharski, B., Summons, R., Sun, V., Supulver, K., Sutter, B., Szopa, C., Tate, C., Teinturier, S., ten Kate, I. L., Thomas, P., Thompson, L., Tokar, R., Toplis, M., Torres Redondo, J., Trainer, M., Tretyakov, V., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., VanBommel, S., Varenikov, A., Vasavada, A., Vasconcelos, P., Vicenzi, E., Vostrukhin, A., Voytek, M., Wadhwa, M., Ward, J., Webster, C., Weigle, E., Wellington, D., Westall, F., Wiens, R. C., Wilhelm, M. B., Williams, A., Williams, J., Williams, R., Williams, R. B., Wilson, M., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Wolff, M., Wong, M., Wray, J., Wu, M., Yana, C., Zeitlin, C., Zimdar, R., Zorzano Mier, M.-P., GeoRessources, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), NASA, Department of Geological Sciences [Austin], Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG), University of Texas at Austin [Austin]-University of Texas at Austin [Austin], Department of Geology [Tucson], University of Arizona, Department of Geological Sciences [Bloomington], Indiana University [Bloomington], Indiana University System-Indiana University System, Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, and Petrology more...
- Subjects
Basalt ,Meridiani Planum ,Multidisciplinary ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Curiosity rover ,Geochemistry ,Mars ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mars Exploration Program ,Exploration of Mars ,01 natural sciences ,Astrobiology ,Impact crater ,13. Climate action ,MSL Mars Gale Crater Rocknest ,Rocknest ,0103 physical sciences ,Sample Analysis at Mars ,Aeolian processes ,MSL ,Rocknest aeolian deposit ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,Geology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
The Rocknest aeolian deposit is similar to aeolian features analyzed by the Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) Spirit and Opportunity. The fraction of sand
- Published
- 2013
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33. The Petrochemistry of Jake_M: A Martian Mugearite
- Author
Stolper, E. M., Baker, M. B., Newcombe, M. E., Schmidt, M. E., Treiman, A. H., Cousin, A., Dyar, M. D., Fisk, M. R., Gellert, R., King, P. L., Leshin, L., Maurice, S., McLennan, S. M., Minitti, M. E., Perrett, G., Rowland, S., Sautter, V., Wiens, R. C., Kemppinen, O., Bridges, N., Johnson, J. R., Cremers, D., Bell, J. F., Edgar, L., Farmer, J., Godber, A., Wadhwa, M., Wellington, D., McEwan, I., Newman, C., Richardson, M., Charpentier, A., Peret, L., Blank, J., Weigle, G., Li, S., Milliken, R., Robertson, K., Sun, V., Edwards, C., Ehlmann, B., Farley, K., Griffes, J., Grotzinger, J., Miller, H., Pilorget, C., Rice, M., Siebach, K., Stack, K., Brunet, C., Hipkin, V., Leveille, R., Marchand, G., Sanchez, P. S., Favot, L., Cody, G., Steele, A., Fluckiger, L., Lees, D., Nefian, A., Martin, M., Gailhanou, M., Westall, F., Israel, G., Agard, C., Baroukh, J., Donny, C., Gaboriaud, A., Guillemot, P., Lafaille, V., Lorigny, E., Paillet, A., Perez, R., Saccoccio, M., Yana, C., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Rodriguez, J. C., Blazquez, I. C., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Hettrich, S., Malvitte, A. L., Jimenez, M. M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Jurado, A. M., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Caro, G. M., Lopez, S. N., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pla-Garcia, J., Manfredi, J. A. R., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Fuentes, S. A. S., Martinez, E. S., Redondo, J. T., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Mier, M.-P. Z., Chipera, S., Lacour, J.-L., Mauchien, P., Sirven, J.-B., Manning, H., Fairen, A., Hayes, A., Joseph, J., Squyres, S., Sullivan, R., Thomas, P., Dupont, A., Lundberg, A., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., DeMarines, J., Grinspoon, D., Reitz, G., Prats, B., Atlaskin, E., Genzer, M., Harri, A.-M., Haukka, H., Kahanpaa, H., Kauhanen, J., Paton, M., Polkko, J., Schmidt, W., Siili, T., Fabre, C., Wray, J., Wilhelm, M. B., Poitrasson, F., Patel, K., Gorevan, S., Indyk, S., Paulsen, G., Gupta, S., Bish, D., Schieber, J., Gondet, B., Langevin, Y., Geffroy, C., Baratoux, D., Berger, G., Cros, A., d'Uston, C., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Lasue, J., Lee, Q.-M., Meslin, P.-Y., Pallier, E., Parot, Y., Pinet, P., Schroder, S., Toplis, M., Lewin, E., Brunner, W., Heydari, E., Achilles, C., Oehler, D., Sutter, B., Cabane, M., Coscia, D., Szopa, C., Teinturier, S., Dromart, G., Robert, F., Le Mouelic, S., Mangold, N., Nachon, M., Buch, A., Stalport, F., Coll, P., Francois, P., Raulin, F., Cameron, J., Clegg, S., DeLapp, D., Dingler, R., Jackson, R. S., Johnstone, S., Lanza, N., Little, C., Nelson, T., Williams, R. B., Kirkland, L., Baker, B., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Davis, S., Duston, B., Edgett, K., Fay, D., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Herrera, P., Jensen, E., Kennedy, M. R., Krezoski, G., Krysak, D., Lipkaman, L., Malin, M., McCartney, E., McNair, S., Nixon, B., Posiolova, L., Ravine, M., Salamon, A., Saper, L., Stoiber, K., Supulver, K., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., Zimdar, R., French, K. L., Iagnemma, K., Miller, K., Summons, R., Goesmann, F., Goetz, W., Hviid, S., Johnson, M., Lefavor, M., Lyness, E., Breves, E., Fassett, C., Blake, D. F., Bristow, T., DesMarais, D., Edwards, L., Haberle, R., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Kahre, M., Keely, L., McKay, C., Bleacher, L., Brinckerhoff, W., Choi, D., Conrad, P., Dworkin, J. P., Eigenbrode, J., Floyd, M., Freissinet, C., Garvin, J., Glavin, D., Harpold, D., Mahaffy, P., Martin, D. K., McAdam, A., Pavlov, A., Raaen, E., Smith, M. D., Stern, J., Tan, F., Trainer, M., Meyer, M., Posner, A., Voytek, M., Anderson, R. C., Aubrey, A., Beegle, L. W., Behar, A., Blaney, D., Brinza, D., Calef, F., Christensen, L., Crisp, J., DeFlores, L., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Flesch, G., Hurowitz, J., Jun, I., Keymeulen, D., Maki, J., Mischna, M., Morookian, J. M., Parker, T., Pavri, B., Schoppers, M., Sengstacken, A., Simmonds, J. J., Spanovich, N., Juarez, M. d. l. T., Vasavada, A., Webster, C. R., Yen, A., Archer, P. D., Cucinotta, F., Jones, J. H., Ming, D., Morris, R. V., Niles, P., Rampe, E., Nolan, T., Radziemski, L., Barraclough, B., Bender, S., Berman, D., Dobrea, E. N., Tokar, R., Vaniman, D., Williams, R. M. E., Yingst, A., Lewis, K., Cleghorn, T., Huntress, W., Manhes, G., Hudgins, J., Olson, T., Stewart, N., Sarrazin, P., Grant, J., Vicenzi, E., Wilson, S. A., Bullock, M., Ehresmann, B., Hamilton, V., Hassler, D., Peterson, J., Rafkin, S., Zeitlin, C., Fedosov, F., Golovin, D., Karpushkina, N., Kozyrev, A., Litvak, M., Malakhov, A., Mitrofanov, I., Mokrousov, M., Nikiforov, S., Prokhorov, V., Sanin, A., Tretyakov, V., Varenikov, A., Vostrukhin, A., Kuzmin, R., Clark, B., Wolff, M., Botta, O., Drake, D., Bean, K., Lemmon, M., Schwenzer, S. P., Anderson, R. B., Herkenhoff, K., Lee, E. M., Sucharski, R., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Avalos, J. J. B., Ramos, M., Jones, A., Kim, M.-H., Malespin, C., Plante, I., Muller, J.-P., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Ewing, R., Boynton, W., Downs, R., Fitzgibbon, M., Harshman, K., Morrison, S., Dietrich, W., Kortmann, O., Palucis, M., Sumner, D. Y., Williams, A., Lugmair, G., Wilson, M. A., Rubin, D., Jakosky, B., Balic-Zunic, T., Frydenvang, J., Jensen, J. K., Kinch, K., Koefoed, A., Madsen, M. B., Stipp, S. L. S., Boyd, N., Campbell, J. L., Pradler, I., VanBommel, S., Jacob, S., Owen, T., Savijarvi, H., Boehm, E., Bottcher, S., Burmeister, S., Guo, J., Kohler, J., Garcia, C. M., Mueller-Mellin, R., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Bridges, J. C., McConnochie, T., Benna, M., Franz, H., Bower, H., Brunner, A., Blau, H., Boucher, T., Carmosino, M., Atreya, S., Elliott, H., Halleaux, D., Renno, N., Wong, M., Pepin, R., Elliott, B., Spray, J., Thompson, L., Gordon, S., Newsom, H., Ollila, A., Williams, J., Vasconcelos, P., Bentz, J., Nealson, K., Popa, R., Kah, L. C., Moersch, J., Tate, C., Day, M., Kocurek, G., Hallet, B., Sletten, R., Francis, R., McCullough, E., Cloutis, E., ten Kate, I. L., Arvidson, R., Fraeman, A., Scholes, D., Slavney, S., Stein, T., Ward, J., Berger, J., Moores, J. E., GeoRessources, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS), California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Department of Earth Sciences [St. Catharines], Brock University [Canada], Lunar and Planetary Institute [Houston] (LPI), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie (IRAP), Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Météo-France -Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Mount Holyoke College, Oregon State University (OSU), University of Guelph, Research School of Earth Sciences [Canberra] (RSES), Australian National University (ANU), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), State University of New York (SUNY), Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory [Laurel, MD] (APL), University of Hawaii, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie (IMPMC), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR206-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), MSL Science Team, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier (UT3), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), and Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Météo France-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) more...
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Curiosity rover ,Geochemistry ,Mars ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,Jake_M: a martian mugearite ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Nepheline ,MSL ,Chemical composition ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Martian ,Phonolite ,Multidisciplinary ,Fractional crystallization (geology) ,petrochemistry ,Igneous rock ,Planetary science ,MSL Mars Petrochemistry ,chemistry ,13. Climate action ,Petrochemistry ,Geology ,[SDU.STU.MI]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Mineralogy - Abstract
International audience; "Jake_M," the first rock analyzed by the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer instrument on the Curiosity rover, differs substantially in chemical composition from other known martian igneous rocks: It is alkaline (>15% normative nepheline) and relatively fractionated. Jake_M is compositionally similar to terrestrial mugearites, a rock type typically found at ocean islands and continental rifts. By analogy with these comparable terrestrial rocks, Jake_M could have been produced by extensive fractional crystallization of a primary alkaline or transitional magma at elevated pressure, with or without elevated water contents. The discovery of Jake_M suggests that alkaline magmas may be more abundant on Mars than on Earth and that Curiosity could encounter even more fractionated alkaline rocks (for example, phonolites and trachytes). more...
- Published
- 2013
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34. Volatile, Isotope, and Organic Analysis of Martian Fines with the Mars Curiosity Rover
- Author
Leshin, L. A., Mahaffy, P. R., Webster, C. R., Cabane, M., Coll, P., Conrad, P. G., Archer, P. D., Atreya, S. K., Brunner, A. E., Buch, A., Eigenbrode, J. L., Flesch, G. J., Franz, H. B., Freissinet, C., Glavin, D. P., McAdam, A. C., Miller, K. E., Ming, D. W., Morris, R. V., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Niles, P. B., Owen, T., Pepin, R. O., Squyres, S., Steele, A., Stern, J. C., Summons, R. E., Sumner, D. Y., Sutter, B., Szopa, C., Teinturier, S., Trainer, M. G., Wray, J. J., Grotzinger, J. P., Kemppinen, O., Bridges, N., Johnson, J. R., Minitti, M., Cremers, D., Bell, J. F., Edgar, L., Farmer, J., Godber, A., Wadhwa, M., Wellington, D., McEwan, I., Newman, C., Richardson, M., Charpentier, A., Peret, L., King, P., Blank, J., Weigle, G., Schmidt, M., Li, S., Milliken, R., Robertson, K., Sun, V., Baker, M., Edwards, C., Ehlmann, B., Farley, K., Griffes, J., Miller, H., Newcombe, M., Pilorget, C., Rice, M., Siebach, K., Stack, K., Stolper, E., Brunet, C., Hipkin, V., Leveille, R., Marchand, G., Sanchez, P. S., Favot, L., Cody, G., Fluckiger, L., Lees, D., Nefian, A., Martin, M., Gailhanou, M., Westall, F., Israel, G., Agard, C., Baroukh, J., Donny, C., Gaboriaud, A., Guillemot, P., Lafaille, V., Lorigny, E., Paillet, A., Perez, R., Saccoccio, M., Yana, C., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Rodriguez, J. C., Blazquez, I. C., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Hettrich, S., Malvitte, A. L., Jimenez, M. M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Jurado, A. M., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Caro, G. M., Lopez, S. N., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pla-Garcia, J., Manfredi, J. A. R., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Fuentes, S. A. S., Martinez, E. S., Redondo, J. T., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Mier, M.-P. Z., Chipera, S., Lacour, J.-L., Mauchien, P., Sirven, J.-B., Manning, H., Fairen, A., Hayes, A., Joseph, J., Sullivan, R., Thomas, P., Dupont, A., Lundberg, A., Melikechi, N., Mezzacappa, A., DeMarines, J., Grinspoon, D., Reitz, G., Prats, B., Atlaskin, E., Genzer, M., Harri, A.-M., Haukka, H., Kahanpaa, H., Kauhanen, J., Paton, M., Polkko, J., Schmidt, W., Siili, T., Fabre, C., Wilhelm, M. B., Poitrasson, F., Patel, K., Gorevan, S., Indyk, S., Paulsen, G., Gupta, S., Bish, D., Schieber, J., Gondet, B., Langevin, Y., Geffroy, C., Baratoux, D., Berger, G., Cros, A., d'Uston, C., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Lasue, J., Lee, Q.-M., Maurice, S., Meslin, P.-Y., Pallier, E., Parot, Y., Pinet, P., Schroder, S., Toplis, M., Lewin, E., Brunner, W., Heydari, E., Achilles, C., Oehler, D., Coscia, D., Dromart, G., Robert, F., Sautter, V., Le Mouelic, S., Mangold, N., Nachon, M., Stalport, F., Francois, P., Raulin, F., Cameron, J., Clegg, S., Cousin, A., DeLapp, D., Dingler, R., Jackson, R. S., Johnstone, S., Lanza, N., Little, C., Nelson, T., Wiens, R. C., Williams, R. B., Jones, A., Kirkland, L., Treiman, A., Baker, B., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Davis, S., Duston, B., Edgett, K., Fay, D., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Herrera, P., Jensen, E., Kennedy, M. R., Krezoski, G., Krysak, D., Lipkaman, L., Malin, M., McCartney, E., McNair, S., Nixon, B., Posiolova, L., Ravine, M., Salamon, A., Saper, L., Stoiber, K., Supulver, K., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., Zimdar, R., French, K. L., Iagnemma, K., Goesmann, F., Goetz, W., Hviid, S., Johnson, M., Lefavor, M., Lyness, E., Breves, E., Dyar, M. D., Fassett, C., Blake, D. F., Bristow, T., DesMarais, D., Edwards, L., Haberle, R., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Kahre, M., Keely, L., McKay, C., Bleacher, L., Brinckerhoff, W., Choi, D., Dworkin, J. P., Floyd, M., Garvin, J., Harpold, D., Martin, D. K., Pavlov, A., Raaen, E., Smith, M. D., Tan, F., Meyer, M., Posner, A., Voytek, M., Anderson, R. C., Aubrey, A., Beegle, L. W., Behar, A., Blaney, D., Brinza, D., Calef, F., Christensen, L., Crisp, J. A., DeFlores, L., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Hurowitz, J., Jun, I., Keymeulen, D., Maki, J., Mischna, M., Morookian, J. M., Parker, T., Pavri, B., Schoppers, M., Sengstacken, A., Simmonds, J. J., Spanovich, N., Juarez, M. d. l. T., Vasavada, A. R., Yen, A., Cucinotta, F., Jones, J. H., Rampe, E., Nolan, T., Fisk, M., Radziemski, L., Barraclough, B., Bender, S., Berman, D., Dobrea, E. N., Tokar, R., Vaniman, D., Williams, R. M. E., Yingst, A., Lewis, K., Cleghorn, T., Huntress, W., Manhes, G., Hudgins, J., Olson, T., Stewart, N., Sarrazin, P., Grant, J., Vicenzi, E., Wilson, S. A., Bullock, M., Ehresmann, B., Hamilton, V., Hassler, D., Peterson, J., Rafkin, S., Zeitlin, C., Fedosov, F., Golovin, D., Karpushkina, N., Kozyrev, A., Litvak, M., Malakhov, A., Mitrofanov, I., Mokrousov, M., Nikiforov, S., Prokhorov, V., Sanin, A., Tretyakov, V., Varenikov, A., Vostrukhin, A., Kuzmin, R., Clark, B., Wolff, M., McLennan, S., Botta, O., Drake, D., Bean, K., Lemmon, M., Schwenzer, S. P., Anderson, R. B., Herkenhoff, K., Lee, E. M., Sucharski, R., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Avalos, J. J. B., Ramos, M., Kim, M.-H., Malespin, C., Plante, I., Muller, J.-P., Ewing, R., Boynton, W., Downs, R., Fitzgibbon, M., Harshman, K., Morrison, S., Dietrich, W., Kortmann, O., Palucis, M., Williams, A., Lugmair, G., Wilson, M. A., Rubin, D., Jakosky, B., Balic-Zunic, T., Frydenvang, J., Jensen, J. K., Kinch, K., Koefoed, A., Madsen, M. B., Stipp, S. L. S., Boyd, N., Campbell, J. L., Gellert, R., Perrett, G., Pradler, I., VanBommel, S., Jacob, S., Rowland, S., Savijarvi, H., Boehm, E., Bottcher, S., Burmeister, S., Guo, J., Kohler, J., Garcia, C. M., Mueller-Mellin, R., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Bridges, J. C., McConnochie, T., Benna, M., Bower, H., Blau, H., Boucher, T., Carmosino, M., Elliott, H., Halleaux, D., Renno, N., Wong, M., Elliott, B., Spray, J., Thompson, L., Gordon, S., Newsom, H., Ollila, A., Williams, J., Vasconcelos, P., Bentz, J., Nealson, K., Popa, R., Kah, L. C., Moersch, J., Tate, C., Day, M., Kocurek, G., Hallet, B., Sletten, R., Francis, R., McCullough, E., Cloutis, E., ten Kate, I. L., Arvidson, R., Fraeman, A., Scholes, D., Slavney, S., Stein, T., Ward, J., Berger, J., Moores, J. E., Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences [Troy, NY], Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA-California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), PLANETO - LATMOS, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA (UMR_7583)), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES), NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), NASA-NASA, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences [Ann Arbor] (AOSS), University of Michigan [Ann Arbor], University of Michigan System-University of Michigan System, Department of Astronomy [College Park], University of Maryland [College Park], University of Maryland System-University of Maryland System, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Matériaux - EA 4038 (LGPM), CentraleSupélec, Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology [GSFC] (CRESST), Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences [MIT, Cambridge] (EAPS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Laboratorio de Química de Plasmas y Estudios Planetarios [Mexico], Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares [Mexico], Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México = National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México = National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Institute for Astronomy [Honolulu], University of Hawai‘i [Mānoa] (UHM), School of Physics and Astronomy [Minneapolis], University of Minnesota [Twin Cities] (UMN), University of Minnesota System-University of Minnesota System, Cornell University [New York], Geophysical Laboratory [Carnegie Institution], Carnegie Institution for Science, University of California [Davis] (UC Davis), University of California (UC), Jacobs Technology ESCG, Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace (IPSL), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS-PSL), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences [Atlanta], Georgia Institute of Technology [Atlanta], Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences [Pasadena], California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, Petrology, California Institute of Technology (CALTECH)-NASA, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Carnegie Institution for Science [Washington], University of California, École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), IMPEC - LATMOS, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Minnesota [Twin Cities], Cornell University, and École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris)-Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Centre National d'Études Spatiales [Toulouse] (CNES)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X) more...
- Subjects
Martian ,Multidisciplinary ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,[PHYS.ASTR.EP]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Earth and Planetary Astrophysics [astro-ph.EP] ,Thermal decomposition ,Curiosity rover ,[SDU.ASTR.EP]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Earth and Planetary Astrophysics [astro-ph.EP] ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Mars ,organic analysis ,Mars Exploration Program ,01 natural sciences ,Astrobiology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,13. Climate action ,Isotopes of carbon ,Rocknest ,0103 physical sciences ,Sample Analysis at Mars ,Carbonate ,MSL Mars Volatiles Isotopes Organics Soil Gale Crater ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,Carbon ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Samples from the Rocknest aeolian deposit were heated to ~835°C under helium flow and evolved gases analyzed by Curiosity’s Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite. H 2 O, SO 2 , CO 2 , and O 2 were the major gases released. Water abundance (1.5 to 3 weight percent) and release temperature suggest that H 2 O is bound within an amorphous component of the sample. Decomposition of fine-grained Fe or Mg carbonate is the likely source of much of the evolved CO 2 . Evolved O 2 is coincident with the release of Cl, suggesting that oxygen is produced from thermal decomposition of an oxychloride compound. Elevated δD values are consistent with recent atmospheric exchange. Carbon isotopes indicate multiple carbon sources in the fines. Several simple organic compounds were detected, but they are not definitively martian in origin. more...
- Published
- 2013
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35. X-ray diffraction results from mars science laboratory: Mineralogy of rocknest at Gale crater
- Author
Bish, D. L., Blake, D. F., Vaniman, D. T., Chipera, S. J., Morris, R. V., Ming, D. W., Treiman, A. H., Sarrazin, P., Morrison, S. M., Downs, R. T., Achilles, C. N., Yen, A. S., Bristow, T. F., Crisp, J. A., Morookian, J. M., Farmer, J. D., Rampe, E. B., Stolper, E. M., Spanovich, N., Achilles, C., Agard, C., Verdasca, J. A. A., Anderson, R., Archer, D., Armiens-Aparicio, C., Arvidson, R., Atlaskin, E., Atreya, S., Aubrey, A., Baker, B., Baker, M., Balic-Zunic, T., Baratoux, D., Baroukh, J., Barraclough, B., Bean, K., Beegle, L., Behar, A., Bell, J., Bender, S., Benna, M., Bentz, J., Berger, G., Berger, J., Berman, D., Bish, D., Avalos, J. J. B., Blaney, D., Blank, J., Blau, H., Bleacher, L., Boehm, E., Botta, O., Bottcher, S., Boucher, T., Bower, H., Boyd, N., Boynton, B., Breves, E., Bridges, J., Bridges, N., Brinckerhoff, W., Brinza, D., Bristow, T., Brunet, C., Brunner, A., Brunner, W., Buch, A., Bullock, M., Burmeister, S., Cabane, M., Calef, F., Cameron, J., Campbell, J. I., Cantor, B., Caplinger, M., Rodriguez, J. C., Carmosino, M., Blazquez, I. C., Charpentier, A., Chipera, S., Choi, D., Clark, B., Clegg, S., Cleghorn, T., Cloutis, E., Cody, G., Coll, P., Conrad, P., Coscia, D., Cousin, A., Cremers, D., Crisp, J., Cros, A., Cucinotta, F., d'Uston, C., Davis, S., Day, M. K., Juarez, M. d. l. T., DeFlores, L., DeLapp, D., DeMarines, J., DesMarais, D., Dietrich, W., Dingler, R., Donny, C., Downs, B., Drake, D., Dromart, G., Dupont, A., Duston, B., Dworkin, J., Dyar, M. D., Edgar, L., Edgett, K., Edwards, C., Edwards, L., Ehlmann, B., Ehresmann, B., Eigenbrode, J., Elliott, B., Elliott, H., Ewing, R., Fabre, C., Fairen, A., Farley, K., Farmer, J., Fassett, C., Favot, L., Fay, D., Fedosov, F., Feldman, J., Feldman, S., Fisk, M., Fitzgibbon, M., Flesch, G., Floyd, M., Fluckiger, L., Forni, O., Fraeman, A., Francis, R., Francois, P., Franz, H., Freissinet, C., French, K. L., Frydenvang, J., Gaboriaud, A., Gailhanou, M., Garvin, J., Gasnault, O., Geffroy, C., Gellert, R., Genzer, M., Glavin, D., Godber, A., Goesmann, F., Goetz, W., Golovin, D., Gomez, F. G., Gomez-Elvira, J., Gondet, B., Gordon, S., Gorevan, S., Grant, J., Griffes, J., Grinspoon, D., Grotzinger, J., Guillemot, P., Guo, J., Gupta, S., Guzewich, S., Haberle, R., Halleaux, D., Hallet, B., Hamilton, V., Hardgrove, C., Harker, D., Harpold, D., Harri, A.-M., Harshman, K., Hassler, D., Haukka, H., Hayes, A., Herkenhoff, K., Herrera, P., Hettrich, S., Heydari, E., Hipkin, V., Hoehler, T., Hollingsworth, J., Hudgins, J., Huntress, W., Hurowitz, J., Hviid, S., Iagnemma, K., Indyk, S., Israel, G., Jackson, R., Jacob, S., Jakosky, B., Jensen, E., Jensen, J. K., Johnson, J., Johnson, M., Johnstone, S., Jones, A., Jones, J., Joseph, J., Jun, I., Kah, L., Kahanpaa, H., Kahre, M., Karpushkina, N., Kasprzak, W., Kauhanen, J., Keely, L., Kemppinen, O., Keymeulen, D., Kim, M.-H., Kinch, K., King, P., Kirkland, L., Kocurek, G., Koefoed, A., Kohler, J., Kortmann, O., Kozyrev, A., Krezoski, J., Krysak, D., Kuzmin, R., Lacour, J. L., Lafaille, V., Langevin, Y., Lanza, N., Lasue, J., Le Mouelic, S., Lee, E. M., Lee, Q.-M., Lees, D., Lefavor, M., Lemmon, M., Malvitte, A. L., Leshin, L., Leveille, R., Lewin-Carpintier, E., Lewis, K., Li, S., Lipkaman, L., Little, C., Litvak, M., Lorigny, E., Lugmair, G., Lundberg, A., Lyness, E., Madsen, M., Mahaffy, P., Maki, J., Malakhov, A., Malespin, C., Malin, M., Mangold, N., Manhes, G., Manning, H., Marchand, G., Jimenez, M. M., Garcia, C. M., Martin, D., Martin, M., Martinez-Frias, J., Martin-Soler, J., Martin-Torres, F. J., Mauchien, P., Maurice, S., McAdam, A., McCartney, E., McConnochie, T., McCullough, E., McEwan, I., McKay, C., McLennan, S., McNair, S., Melikechi, N., Meslin, P.-Y., Meyer, M., Mezzacappa, A., Miller, H., Miller, K., Milliken, R., Ming, D., Minitti, M., Mischna, M., Mitrofanov, I., Moersch, J., Mokrousov, M., Jurado, A. M., Moores, J., Mora-Sotomayor, L., Morris, R., Morrison, S., Mueller-Mellin, R., Muller, J.-P., Caro, G. M., Nachon, M., Lopez, S. N., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Nealson, K., Nefian, A., Nelson, T., Newcombe, M., Newman, C., Newsom, H., Nikiforov, S., Niles, P., Nixon, B., Dobrea, E. N., Nolan, T., Oehler, D., Ollila, A., Olson, T., Owen, T., Hernandez, M. A. d. P., Paillet, A., Pallier, E., Palucis, M., Parker, T., Parot, Y., Patel, K., Paton, M., Paulsen, G., Pavlov, A., Pavri, B., Peinado-Gonzalez, V., Pepin, R., Peret, L., Perez, R., Perrett, G., Peterson, J., Pilorget, C., Pinet, P., Pla-Garcia, J., Plante, I., Poitrasson, F., Polkko, J., Popa, R., Posiolova, L., Posner, A., Pradler, I., Prats, B., Prokhorov, V., Purdy, S. W., Raaen, E., Radziemski, L., Rafkin, S., Ramos, M., Rampe, E., Raulin, F., Ravine, M., Reitz, G., Renno, N., Rice, M., Richardson, M., Robert, F., Robertson, K., Manfredi, J. A. R., Romeral-Planello, J. J., Rowland, S., Rubin, D., Saccoccio, M., Salamon, A., Sandoval, J., Sanin, A., Fuentes, S. A. S., Saper, L., Sautter, V., Savijarvi, H., Schieber, J., Schmidt, M., Schmidt, W., Scholes, D. D., Schoppers, M., Schroder, S., Schwenzer, S., Martinez, E. S., Sengstacken, A., Shterts, R., Siebach, K., Siili, T., Simmonds, J., Sirven, J.-B., Slavney, S., Sletten, R., Smith, M., Sanchez, P. S., Spray, J., Squyres, S., Stack, K., Stalport, F., Steele, A., Stein, T., Stern, J., Stewart, N., Stipp, S. L. S., Stoiber, K., Stolper, E., Sucharski, B., Sullivan, R., Summons, R., Sumner, D., Sun, V., Supulver, K., Sutter, B., Szopa, C., Tan, F., Tate, C., Teinturier, S., ten Kate, I., Thomas, P., Thompson, L., Tokar, R., Toplis, M., Redondo, J. T., Trainer, M., Treiman, A., Tretyakov, V., Urqui-O'Callaghan, R., Van Beek, J., Van Beek, T., VanBommel, S., Vaniman, D., Varenikov, A., Vasavada, A., Vasconcelos, P., Vicenzi, E., Vostrukhin, A., Voytek, M., Wadhwa, M., Ward, J., Webster, C., Weigle, E., Wellington, D., Westall, F., Wiens, R. C., Wilhelm, M. B., Williams, A., Williams, J., Williams, R., Williams, R. B. M., Wilson, M., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Wolff, M., Wong, M., Wray, J., Wu, M., Yana, C., Yen, A., Yingst, A., Zeitlin, C., Zimdar, R., Mier, M.-P. Z., GeoRessources, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre de recherches sur la géologie des matières premières minérales et énergétiques (CREGU)-Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), NWO-NSO: The role of perchlorates in the preservation of organic compounds on Mars, and Petrology more...
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Water on Mars ,Curiosity rover ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,Mineralogy ,Mars ,Mars Exploration Program ,Martian soil ,engineering.material ,01 natural sciences ,MSL Mars X-ray Diffraction Mineralogy Rocknest Gale Crater ,Meteorite ,Impact crater ,13. Climate action ,Rocknest ,0103 physical sciences ,Pigeonite ,engineering ,Composition of Mars ,MSL ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,mineralogy of Rocknest at Gale crater - Abstract
The Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity scooped samples of soil from the Rocknest aeolian bedform in Gale crater. Analysis of the soil with the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) x-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument revealed plagioclase (~An57), forsteritic olivine (~Fo62), augite, and pigeonite, with minor K-feldspar, magnetite, quartz, anhydrite, hematite, and ilmenite. The minor phases are present at, or near, detection limits. The soil also contains 27 ± 14 weight percent x-ray amorphous material, likely containing multiple Fe 3+ - and volatile-bearing phases, including possibly a substance resembling hisingerite. The crystalline component is similar to the normative mineralogy of certain basaltic rocks from Gusev crater on Mars and of martian basaltic meteorites. The amorphous component is similar to that found on Earth in places such as soils on the Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii. more...
- Published
- 2013
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36. On244Pu in lunar rocks from Fra Mauro and implications regarding their origin
- Author
Marti, K., Lightner, B. D., and Lugmair, G. W.
- Published
- 1973
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37. Ancient relative and absolute ages for a basaltic meteorite: Implications for timescales of planetesimal accretion and differentiation
- Author
Wadwa, M, Amelin, Yuri, Bogdanovski, O, Shukolyukov, A, Lugmair, G W, Janney, P, Wadwa, M, Amelin, Yuri, Bogdanovski, O, Shukolyukov, A, Lugmair, G W, and Janney, P
- Abstract
Asuka 881394 is a unique basaltic meteorite that originated in the crust of a differentiated planetesimal in the early Solar System. We present high precision Pb, Mg, and Cr isotopic compositions of bulk samples and mineral separates from this achondrite. A207Pb-206Pb internal isochron obtained from the radiogenic pyroxene and whole-rock fractions of Asuka 881394 yields an absolute age of 4566.5 ± 0.2 Ma, which we consider to be the best estimate for the crystallization age of this basaltic achondrite. The26Al-26Mg systematics show some evidence of disturbance, but 5 of the 6 analyzed whole-rock and mineral fractions define an isochron corresponding to a27Al/26Al ratio of (1.28 ± 0.07) × 10-6. Comparison with the26Al-26Mg and Pb-Pb systematics in the D'Orbigny achondrite translates to a26Al-26Mg age of 4565.4 ± 0.2 Ma for Asuka 881394. The53Mn-53Cr systematics in whole-rock, silicate and chromite fractions correspond to a53Mn/55Mn ratio of (3.85 ± 0.23) × 10-6. Compared to the most precise53Mn-53Cr and Pb-Pb systematics available for the D'Orbigny angrite, this translates to a53Mn-53Cr age of 4565.3 ± 0.4 Ma; similarly, a comparison with the NWA 4801 angrite yields a53Mn-53Cr age of 4565.5 ± 0.4 Ma, in agreement with the age obtained relative to D'Orbigny. While the26Al-26Mg and53Mn-53Cr ages appear to be concordant in Asuka 881394, these ages are ∼1 Ma younger than its207Pb-206Pb age. This discordance might have been caused by one or more of several reasons, including differences in the closure temperatures for Pb versus Cr and Mg diffusion in their host minerals combined with slow cooling of the parent body as well as differential resetting of isotopic systems by a process other than volume diffusion, e.g., shock metamorphism. The ancient age of Asuka 881394 suggests that basaltic volcanism on its parent planetesimal occurred within ∼3 Ma of the formation of earliest solids in the Solar System, essentially contemporaneously with chondrule formation. This requires more...
- Published
- 2009
38. From Dust to Planetesimals: Implications for the Solar Protoplanetary Disk from Short-lived Radionuclides
- Author
Wadhwa, M, Amelin, Yuri, Davis, Andrew M, Lugmair, G W, Meyer, B, Gounelle, Matthieu, Desch, S J, Wadhwa, M, Amelin, Yuri, Davis, Andrew M, Lugmair, G W, Meyer, B, Gounelle, Matthieu, and Desch, S J
- Published
- 2007
39. Nickel and chromium isotopes in Allende inclusions
- Author
Birck, J. L and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
High-precision nickel and chromium isotopic measurements were carried out on nine Allende inclusions. It is found that Ni-62, Ni-64, excesses are present in at least three of the samples. The results suggest that the most likely mechanism for the anomalies is a neutron-rich statistical equilibrium process. An indication of elevated Ni-60 is found in almost every inclusion measured. This effect is thought to be related to the decay of now extinct Fe-60. An upper limit of 1.6 X 10 to the -6th is calculated for the Fe-60/Fe-56 ratio at the time these Allende inclusions crystallized. more...
- Published
- 1988
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40. Initial Sr-87/Sr-86 and Sm-Nd chronology of chondritic meteorites
- Author
Brannon, J. C, Podosek, F. A, and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
Isotopic analyses of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systems in phosphates from ordinary chondritic meteorites (Bjurbole, Mocs, Menow, Elenovka, Ambapur Nagla, and St. Severin) are presented. The Sm-Nd data yield an isochron of age 4.55 + or - 0.45 Ga and an initial Nd-143/Nd-144 consistent with that of Juvinas. Initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios are characteristically (possibly excepting St. Severin) elevated with respect to BABI or ALL. Considering both presently and previously reported data, elevation of initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios corresponding to metamorphism intervals of the order of 10 to the 8th years seems quite characteristic of chondrites of metamorphic grade 4 or higher. These formation intervals, however, do not correlate with either degree of metamorphism or with I-Xe ages, hence such data for metamorphic chronologies should be interpreted with caution. more...
- Published
- 1988
41. Nuclear tracks, Sm isotopes and neutron capture effects in the Elephant Morraine shergottite
- Author
Rajan, R. S, Lugmair, G, Tamhane, A. S, and Poupeau, G
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
Nuclear track studies, uranium concentration measurements and Sm-isotope studies have been performed on both lithologies A and B of the Elephant Morraine shergottite, EETA 79001. Track studies show that EETA 79001 was a rather small object in space with a preatmospheric radius of 12 + or - 2 cm, corresponding to a preatmospheric mass of 28 + or - 13 kg. Phosphates have U concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 ppm. There are occasional phosphates with excess fission tracks, possibly produced from neutron-induced fission of U and Th, during the regolith exposure in the shergottite parent body (SPB). Sm-isotope studies, while not showing any clear-cut excess in Sm-150, make it possible to derive meaningful upper limits to thermal neutron fluences of 2 to 3 x 10 to the 15th n/sq cm, during a possible regolith irradiation. These limits are consistent with the track data and also make it possible to derive an upper limit to the neutron exposure age of EETA 79001 of 55 Myr in the SPB regolith. more...
- Published
- 1986
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42. The Aravalli sequence of Rajasthan, India: A Precambrian continental margin?
- Author
Macdougall, J. D, Willis, R, Lugmair, G. W, Roy, A. B, and Gopalan, K
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
The extent to which plate tectonics in its present form operated during the Precambrian is unknown, but is a subject of considerable current interest. A remarkable succession of Precambrian rocks in Rajasthan, Northwestern India, which may help to shed more light on this question are discussed. Data indicates that the Aravalli sequence has a number of characteristics generally ascribed to active continental margins. Although much more work is required to bear this out, the evidence suggests that the processes operating in such an environment in the early Proterozoic or late Archean were not vastly different from today. more...
- Published
- 1985
43. Ca isotope variations in Allende
- Author
Jungck, M. H. A, Shimamura, T, and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
Ca-isotope measurements of Allende Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), together with those on an apatite-enriched fraction from Orgueil, indicate the existence of widespread excesses on the neutron-rich isotope Ca-48. Isotopic anomalies are noted in 7 out of 11 CAIs analyzed. This abundance of isotopic excesses places Ca alongside Ti and O, although no clear correlation has yet been found between Ca-48 and Ti-50, which are thought to be coproduced by neutron-rich nucleosynthetic processes within stars. It is suggested that the higher volatility of Ca, by comparison with Ti compounds, led to a variable dilution with isotopically normal Ca in vaporization and recondensation processes in stellar envelopes, the interstellar medium, and/or the solar nebula. more...
- Published
- 1984
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44. Titanium isotopic anomalies in meteorites
- Author
Niemeyer, S and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
Studies of Ti isotopic compositions have shown that virtually every Ca-Al-rich Allende inclusion contains anomalous Ti. The present investigation is concerned with the results of a study of Ti isotopic compositions in meteorites. One objective of the study is to evaluate the possibility of a relation between oxygen and Ti anomalies, while another objective is to explore questions regarding the origin of the Ti anomalies. A summary of the major experimental findings of the study of Ti isotopic compositions is also presented. It is noted that an assessment of the implications of the Ti results favors a chemical memory type of model in which products from various nucleosynthetic sources survive in mineral grains. Isotopic heterogeneities are then preserved due to incomplete mixing and/or equilibriation with the bulk of solar system matter. Strong arguments are found to exist against a pure late supernova injection model. more...
- Published
- 1984
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45. Early solar system aqueous activity - Sr isotope evidence from the Orgueil CI meteorite
- Author
Macdougall, J. D, Lugmair, G. W, and Kerridge, J. F
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
The Sr isotopic composition and Rb-87/Sr-86 ratio have been measured in carbonates and sulfate separated from the Orgueil meteorite in order to determine the time when liquid water may have acted on the parent body. Both of the studied phases probably precipitated from aqueous solution. The results show that carbonate deposition occurred contemporaneously with parent body formation or shortly after it, probably within 100 Myr. On the other hand, at least some of the calcium sulfate seems to have been formed recently. more...
- Published
- 1984
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46. Ni isotopic compositions in Allende and other meteorites
- Author
Shimamura, T and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
A new technique for high-precision isotopic analyses of Ni is applied to terrestrial samples, Allende inclusions, and materials from other meteorites. It is noted that most of the Allende inclusions analyzed here were previously reported to contain isotopically anomalous Ti. In contrast, the Ni isotopic abundances are found to be indistinguishable from normal within presently obtainable precision, with only one possible exception. The latter inclusion has been shown by others to contain a significantly fractionated magnesium isotopic pattern of 9 parts per thousand/amu. A normal Ni isotopic pattern has also been observed for the chromite/carbon fraction of an Allende acid residue, which is known to have heavy noble gases of highly anomalous isotopic composition. All other meteoritic samples analyzed reveal normal isotopic compositions of Ni; no evidence for effects from now extinct Fe-60 could be detected. Despite ubiquitous isotopic anomalies in Ti from normal Allende inclusions there is no signature of isotopic variations in Ni from the same samples. more...
- Published
- 1983
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47. An ancient depleted mantle source for Archean crust in Rajasthan, India
- Author
Macdougall, J. D, Gopalan, K, Lugmair, G. W, and Roy, A. B
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
Data from an initial set of Banded Gneiss Complex (BGC) east of the city of Udaipur are given. In this region the BGC comprises typical grey gneiss with variably abundant granitic and mafic components. Efforts to date were concentrated on the mafic components which, based on chemical data, appear to be metavolcanic. All samples examined were recrystallized under amphibolite or upper amphibolite facies conditions. Pertinent chemical data for a small number of amphibolites analyzed so far are: SiO2: 49-53%; MgO: 5.7-7.3%; K2O: 0.24-0.50%; Ni: 106-140 ppm; Zr: 37-159 ppm. From Sm/Nd data, all amphibolites show small to moderate LREE enrichments. more...
- Published
- 1983
48. Columbia River volcanism - The question of mantle heterogeneity or crustal contamination
- Author
Carlson, R. W, Lugmair, G. W, and Macdougall, J. D
- Subjects
Geophysics - Abstract
It is found that, although crystal fractionation played an important role in producing the chemical characteristics of Columbia River Province basalts displaying a wide range of chemical and isotopic compositions, the isotopic variability calls for the involvement of at least two isotopically distinct components. The major and trace element characteristics of the main volume of the basalts are not consistent with a metasomatized mantle source region, and the presence of a primordial mantel component is not supported by the chemical data. Models of simple binary mixing between a primary magma and Precambrian sialic crustal materials, while satisfying the observed Nd and Sr isotopic variations, fail to account for major trace element abundances. The combination of crustal assimilation and fractional crystalization is found to give a superior fit to the compositional data. more...
- Published
- 1981
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49. Sm-Nd age of lherzolite 67667 - Implications for the processes involved in lunar crustal formation
- Author
Carlson, R. W and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Published
- 1981
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50. Ubiquitous isotopic anomalies in Ti from normal Allende inclusions
- Author
Niemeyer, S and Lugmair, G. W
- Subjects
Lunar And Planetary Exploration - Abstract
A novel technique for the high-precision isotopic analysis of titanium was applied to three terrestrial rocks and coarse- and fine-grained Allende inclusions. Repeated analyses of the three terrestrial rocks gave excellent agreement with a Ti metal standard. All seven Allende inclusions were previously determined to contain isotopically normal Nd and/or Sm, indicating that none belongs to a small group of peculiar intrusions. The discovery of widespread Ti isotopic anomalies in normal Allende inclusions establishes Ti as the first non-noble gas element studied since oxygen to show such isotopic heterogeneity. A survey of nucleosynthetic origins of Ti isotopes suggests that the dominant Ti-50 excesses in these inclusions are due to the relative enrichment of isotopes synthesized during hydrostatic burning in, or near, the core of a massive star. more...
- Published
- 1981
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