1,656 results on '"Luck J."'
Search Results
2. A renewal approach to configurational entropy in one dimension
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We introduce a novel approach, inspired from the theory of renewal processes, to determine the configurational entropy of ensembles of constrained configurations of particles on the one-dimensional lattice. The proposed method can deal with all local rules involving only the lengths of clusters of occupied and empty sites. Within this scope, this method is both more systematic and easier to implement than the transfer-matrix approach. It is illustrated in detail on the $k$-mer deposition model and on ensembles of trapped Rydberg atoms with blockade range $b$., Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2023
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3. Jamming and metastability in one dimension: from the kinetically constrained Ising chain to the Riviera model
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
The Ising chain with kinetic constraints provides many examples of totally irreversible zero-temperature dynamics leading to metastability with an exponentially large number of attractors. In most cases, the constrained zero-temperature dynamics can be mapped onto a model of random sequential adsorption. We provide a brief didactic review, based on the example of the constrained Glauber-Ising chain, of the exact results on the dynamics of these models and on their attractors that have been obtained by means of the above mapping. The Riviera model introduced recently by Puljiz et al. behaves similarly to the kinetically constrained Ising chains. This totally irreversible deposition model however does not enjoy the shielding property characterising models of random sequential adsorption. It can therefore neither be mapped onto such a model nor (in all likelihood) be solved by analytical means. We present a range of novel results on the attractors of the Riviera model, obtained by means of an exhaustive enumeration for smaller systems and of extensive simulations for larger ones, and put these results in perspective with the exact ones which are available for kinetically constrained Ising chains., Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables
- Published
- 2022
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4. Additive influence of exercise pressor reflex activation on Valsalva responses in white and black adults
- Author
Stavres, Jon, Faulkner, Barry, Haynes, Hunter, Newsome, Ta’Quoris A., Dearmon, Marshall, Ladner, Kenneth R., and Luck, J. Carter
- Published
- 2023
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5. On multidimensional record patterns
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
Multidimensional record patterns are random sets of lattice points defined by means of a recursive stochastic construction. The patterns thus generated owe their richness to the fact that the construction is not based on a total order, except in one dimension, where usual records in sequences of independent random variables are recovered. We derive many exact results on the statistics of multidimensional record patterns on finite samples drawn on hypercubic lattices in any dimension $D$. The most detailed analysis concerns the two-dimensional situation, where we also investigate the distribution of the landing position of the record point which is closest to the origin. Asymptotic expressions for the full distribution and the moments of the number of records on large hypercubic samples are also obtained. The latter distribution is related to that of the largest of $D$ standard Gaussian variables., Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2019
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6. Quantum scattering by a disordered target -- The mean cross section
- Author
Boosé, D, Fortin, J Y, and Luck, J M
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We study the variation of the mean cross section with the density of the samples in the quantum scattering of a particle by a disordered target. The target consists of a set of pointlike scatterers, each having an equal probability of being anywhere inside a sphere whose radius may be modified. We first prove that scattering by a pointlike scatterer is characterized by a single phase shift ${\delta}$ which takes on its values in $]0 \, , {\pi}[$ and that the scattering by ${\rm N}$ pointlike scatterers is described by a system of only ${\rm N}$ equations. We then show with the help of numerical calculations that there are two stages in the variation of the mean cross section as the density of the samples (the radius of the target) increases (decreases). Depending on the value of ${\delta}$, the mean cross section first either increases or decreases, each one of the two behaviours being originated by double scattering; it decreases uniformly for any value of ${\delta}$ as the density increases further on, a behaviour which results from multiple scattering and which follows that of the cross section for diffusion by a hard sphere potential of decreasing radius. The expression of the mean cross section is derived in the particular case of an unlimited number of contributions of successive scatterings., Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2019
7. Parrondo games as disordered systems
- Author
Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks - Abstract
Parrondo's paradox refers to the counter-intuitive situation where a winning strategy results from a suitable combination of losing ones. Simple stochastic games exhibiting this paradox have been introduced around the turn of the millennium. The common setting of these Parrondo games is that two rules, $A$ and $B$, are played at discrete time steps, following either a periodic pattern or an aperiodic one, be it deterministic or random. These games can be mapped onto 1D random walks. In capital-dependent games, the probabilities of moving right or left depend on the walker's position modulo some integer $K$. In history-dependent games, each step is correlated with the $Q$ previous ones. In both cases the gain identifies with the velocity of the walker's ballistic motion, which depends non-linearly on model parameters, allowing for the possibility of Parrondo's paradox. Calculating the gain involves products of non-commuting Markov matrices, which are somehow analogous to the transfer matrices used in the physics of 1D disordered systems. Elaborating upon this analogy, we study a paradigmatic Parrondo game of each class in the neutral situation where each rule, when played alone, is fair. The main emphasis of this systematic approach is on the dependence of the gain on the remaining parameters and, above all, on the game, i.e., the rule pattern, be it periodic or aperiodic, deterministic or random. One of the most original sides of this work is the identification of weak-contrast regimes for capital-dependent and history-dependent Parrondo games, and a detailed quantitative investigation of the gain in the latter scaling regimes., Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2019
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8. Coverage fluctuations in theater models
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We introduce the theater model, which is the simplest variant of directed random sequential adsorption in one dimension with point source and steric interactions. Particles enter sequentially an initially empty row of $L$ sites and adsorb irreversibly at randomly chosen places. If two particles occupy adjacent sites, they prevent further particles from passing them. A jammed configuration without available empty sites is eventually reached. More generally, we investigate the class of models parametrized by $b$, the number of consecutive particles needed to form a blockage. We show analytically that the occupations of different sites in jammed configurations exhibit long-range correlations obeying scaling laws, for all integers $b\ge2$, so that the total number of particles grows as a subextensive power of $L$, with exponent $(b-1)/b$, and keeps fluctuating even for very large systems. The exactly known relative number variance measuring this lack of self-averaging is maximal for the theater model {\it stricto sensu} ($b=2$). In the special case where $b=1$, so that each adsorbed particle is a blockage, the model can be mapped onto the statistics of records in sequences of random variables and of cycles in random permutations. A two-sided variant of the model is also considered. In both situations the number of particles grows only logarithmically with $L$, and it is self-averaging., Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2019
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9. Scaling laws for weakly disordered 1D flat bands
- Author
Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate Anderson localization on various 1D structures having flat bands. The main focus is on the scaling laws obeyed by the localization length at weak disorder in the vicinity of flat-band energies. A careful distinction is made between situations where the scaling functions are universal (i.e., depend on the disorder distribution only through its width) and where they keep depending on the full shape of the disorder distribution, even in the weak-disorder scaling regime. Three examples are analyzed in detail. On the stub chain, one central flat band is isolated from two lateral dispersive ones. The localization length remains microscopic at weak disorder and exhibits disorder-specific features. On the pyrochlore ladder, the two flat bands are tangent to a dispersive one. The localization length diverges with exponent 1/2 and a non-universal scaling law, whose dependence on the disorder distribution is predicted analytically. On the diamond chain, a central flat band intersects two symmetric dispersive ones. The localization length exhibits two successive scaling regimes, diverging first with exponent 4/3 and a universal law, and then (i.e., further away from the pristine flat band) with exponent 1 and a non-universal law. Both scaling functions are also derived by analytical means., Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2018
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10. Return probability of $N$ fermions released from a 1D confining potential
- Author
Krapivsky, P L, Luck, J M, and Mallick, K
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
We consider $N$ non-interacting fermions prepared in the ground state of a 1D confining potential and submitted to an instantaneous quench consisting in releasing the trapping potential. We show that the quantum return probability of finding the fermions in their initial state at a later time falls off as a power law in the long-time regime, with a universal exponent depending only on $N$ and on whether the free fermions expand over the full line or over a half-line. In both geometries the amplitudes of this power-law decay are expressed in terms of finite determinants of moments of the one-body bound-state wavefunctions in the potential. These amplitudes are worked out explicitly for the harmonic and square-well potentials. At large fermion numbers they obey scaling laws involving the Fermi energy of the initial state. The use of the Selberg-Mehta integrals stemming from random matrix theory has been instrumental in the derivation of these results., Comment: 24 pages, 1 table
- Published
- 2018
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11. Quantum return probability of a system of $N$ non-interacting lattice fermions
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L., Luck, J. M., and Mallick, K.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We consider $N$ non-interacting fermions performing continuous-time quantum walks on a one-dimensional lattice. The system is launched from a most compact configuration where the fermions occupy neighboring sites. We calculate exactly the quantum return probability (sometimes referred to as the Loschmidt echo) of observing the very same compact state at a later time $t$. Remarkably, this probability depends on the parity of the fermion number -- it decays as a power of time for even $N$, while for odd $N$ it exhibits periodic oscillations modulated by a decaying power law. The exponent also slightly depends on the parity of $N$, and is roughly twice smaller than what it would be in the continuum limit. We also consider the same problem, and obtain similar results, in the presence of an impenetrable wall at the origin constraining the particles to remain on the positive half-line. We derive closed-form expressions for the amplitudes of the power-law decay of the return probability in all cases. The key point in the derivation is the use of Mehta integrals, which are limiting cases of the Selberg integral., Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2017
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12. How the fittest compete for leadership: A tale of tails
- Author
Luck, J. M. and Mehta, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Physics and Society ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate how leaders emerge as a consequence of the competitive dynamics between coupled papers in a model citation network. Every paper is allocated an initial fitness depending on its intrinsic quality. Its fitness then evolves dynamically as a consequence of the competition between itself and all the other papers in the field. It picks up citations as a result of this adaptive dynamics, becoming a leader if it has the highest citation count at a given time. Extensive analytical and numerical investigations of this model suggest the existence of a universal phase diagram, divided into regions of weak and strong coupling. In the former, we find an `extended' and rather structureless distribution of citation counts among many fit papers; leaders are not necessarily those with the maximal fitness at any given time. By contrast, the strong-coupling region is characterised by a strongly hierarchical distribution of citation counts, that are `localised' among only a few extremely fit papers, and exhibit strong history-to-history fluctuations, as a result of the complex dynamics among papers in the tail of the fitness distribution., Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2017
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13. Equilibration properties of small quantum systems: further examples
- Author
Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
It has been proposed to investigate the equilibration properties of a small isolated quantum system by means of the matrix of asymptotic transition probabilities in some preferential basis. The trace $T$ of this matrix measures the degree of equilibration of the system prepared in a typical state of the preferential basis. This quantity may vary between unity (ideal equilibration) and the dimension $N$ of the Hilbert space (no equilibration at all). Here we analyze several examples of simple systems where the behavior of $T$ can be investigated by analytical means. We first study the statistics of $T$ when the Hamiltonian governing the dynamics is random and drawn from a distribution invariant under the group U$(N)$ or O$(N)$. We then investigate a quantum spin $S$ in a tilted magnetic field making an arbitrary angle with the preferred quantization axis, as well as a tight-binding particle on a finite electrified chain. The last two cases provide examples of the interesting situation where varying a system parameter -- such as the tilt angle or the electric field -- through some scaling regime induces a continuous transition from good to bad equilibration properties., Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2017
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14. Neural cardiovascular control is similar in female habitual exercisers and non-exercisers: a pilot study
- Author
Stickford, Abigail S. L., Stute, Nina L., Luck, J. Carter, Goodman, Taylor, and Stickford, Jonathon L.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Quantum centipedes: collective dynamics of interacting quantum walkers
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L., Luck, J. M., and Mallick, K.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
We consider the quantum centipede made of $N$ fermionic quantum walkers on the one-dimensional lattice interacting by means of the simplest of all hard-bound constraints: the distance between two consecutive fermions is either one or two lattice spacings. This composite quantum walker spreads ballistically, just as the simple quantum walk. However, because of the interactions between the internal degrees of freedom, the distribution of its center-of-mass velocity displays numerous ballistic fronts in the long-time limit, corresponding to singularities in the empirical velocity distribution. The spectrum of the centipede and the corresponding group velocities are analyzed by direct means for the first few values of $N$. Some analytical results are obtained for arbitrary $N$ by exploiting an exact mapping of the problem onto a free-fermion system. We thus derive the maximal velocity describing the ballistic spreading of the two extremal fronts of the centipede wavefunction, including its non-trivial value in the large-$N$ limit., Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2016
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16. Universality in survivor distributions: Characterising the winners of competitive dynamics
- Author
Luck, J. M. and Mehta, A.
- Subjects
Quantitative Biology - Quantitative Methods ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Nonlinear Sciences - Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems - Abstract
We investigate the survivor distributions of a spatially extended model of competitive dynamics in different geometries. The model consists of a deterministic dynamical system of individual agents at specified nodes, which might or might not survive the predatory dynamics: all stochasticity is brought in by the initial state. Every such initial state leads to a unique and extended pattern of survivors and non-survivors, which is known as an attractor of the dynamics. We show that the number of such attractors grows exponentially with system size, so that their exact characterisation is limited to only very small systems. Given this, we construct an analytical approach based on inhomogeneous mean-field theory to calculate survival probabilities for arbitrary networks. This powerful (albeit approximate) approach shows how universality arises in survivor distributions via a key concept -- the {\it dynamical fugacity}. Remarkably, in the large-mass limit, the survival probability of a node becomes independent of network geometry, and assumes a simple form which depends only on its mass and degree., Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2015
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17. An investigation of equilibration in small quantum systems: the example of a particle in a 1D random potential
- Author
Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
We investigate the equilibration of a small isolated quantum system by means of its matrix of asymptotic transition probabilities in a preferential basis. The trace of this matrix is shown to measure the degree of equilibration of the system launched from a typical state, from the standpoint of the chosen basis. This approach is substantiated by an in-depth study of the example of a tight-binding particle in one dimension. In the regime of free ballistic propagation, the above trace saturates to a finite limit, testifying good equilibration. In the presence of a random potential, the trace grows linearly with the system size, testifying poor equilibration in the insulating regime induced by Anderson localization. In the weak-disorder situation of most interest, a universal finite-size scaling law describes the crossover between the ballistic and localized regimes. The associated crossover exponent 2/3 is dictated by the anomalous band-edge scaling characterizing the most localized energy eigenstates., Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2015
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18. Interacting quantum walkers: Two-body bosonic and fermionic bound states
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L., Luck, J. M., and Mallick, K.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate the dynamics of bound states of two interacting particles, either bosons or fermions, performing a continuous-time quantum walk on a one-dimensional lattice. We consider the situation where the distance between both particles has a hard bound, and the richer situation where the particles are bound by a smooth confining potential. The main emphasis is on the velocity characterizing the ballistic spreading of these bound states, and on the structure of the asymptotic distribution profile of their center-of-mass coordinate. The latter profile generically exhibits many internal fronts., Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures
- Published
- 2015
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19. Automated Droplet Size and Rate Control via Electromechanically Actuated Variable-Orifice Nozzles and Boom Pressure
- Author
Rohrer, R. A., primary and Luck, J. D., additional
- Published
- 2022
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20. N-Time: An Automated Decision Support System for Sensor-Based Fertigation Management
- Author
Stansell, J. S., primary, Luck, J. D., additional, Smith, T. G., additional, Yu, H., additional, Rudnick, D. R., additional, and Krienke, B. T., additional
- Published
- 2022
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21. Single-spin-flip dynamics of the Ising chain
- Author
Godreche, C. and Luck, J. -M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We consider the most general single-spin-flip dynamics for the ferromagnetic Ising chain with nearest-neighbour influence and spin reversal symmetry. This dynamics is a two-parameter extension of Glauber dynamics corresponding respectively to non-linearity and irreversibility. The associated stationary state measure is given by the usual Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution for the ferromagnetic Hamiltonian of the chain. We study the properties of this dynamics both at infinite and at finite temperature, all over its parameter space, with particular emphasis on special lines and points., Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures
- Published
- 2015
22. Pesticide application coverage training (PACT) tool: development and evaluation of a sprayer performance diagnostic tool
- Author
Shearer, C. A., Luck, J. D., Evans, J. T., Fulton, J. P., and Sharda, A.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Slow synaptic dynamics in a network: from exponential to power-law forgetting
- Author
Luck, J. M. and Mehta, A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Quantitative Biology - Neurons and Cognition - Abstract
We investigate a mean-field model of interacting synapses on a directed neural network. Our interest lies in the slow adaptive dynamics of synapses, which are driven by the fast dynamics of the neurons they connect. Cooperation is modelled from the usual Hebbian perspective, while competition is modelled by an original polarity-driven rule. The emergence of a critical manifold culminating in a tricritical point is crucially dependent on the presence of synaptic competition. This leads to a universal $1/t$ power-law relaxation of the mean synaptic strength along the critical manifold and an equally universal $1/\sqrt{t}$ relaxation at the tricritical point, to be contrasted with the exponential relaxation that is otherwise generic. In turn, this leads to the natural emergence of long- and short-term memory from different parts of parameter space in a synaptic network, which is the most novel and important result of our present investigations., Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Phys. Rev. E (2014) to appear
- Published
- 2014
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24. Unusual electronic properties of clean and disordered zigzag graphene nanoribbons
- Author
Luck, J. M. and Avishai, Y.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We revisit the problem of electron transport in clean and disordered zigzag graphene nanoribbons, and expose numerous hitherto unknown peculiar properties of these systems at zero energy, where both sublattices decouple because of chiral symmetry. For clean ribbons, we give a quantitative description of the unusual power-law dispersion of the central energy bands and of its main consequences, including the strong divergence of the density of states near zero energy, and the vanishing of the transverse localization length of the corresponding edge states. In the presence of off-diagonal disorder, which respects the lattice chiral symmetry, all zero-energy localization properties are found to be anomalous. Recasting the problem in terms of coupled Brownian motions enables us to derive numerous asymptotic results by analytical means. In particular the typical conductance $g_N$ of a disordered sample of width $N$ and length $L$ is shown to decay as $\exp(-C_Nw\sqrt{L})$, for arbitrary values of the disorder strength $w$, while the relative variance of $\ln g_N$ approaches a non-trivial constant $K_N$. The dependence of the constants $C_N$ and $K_N$ on the ribbon width $N$ is predicted. From the mere viewpoint of the transfer-matrix formalism, zigzag ribbons provide a case study with many unusual features. The transfer matrix describing propagation through one unit cell of a clean ribbon is not diagonalizable at zero energy. In the disordered case, we encounter non-trivial random matrix products such that all Lyapunov exponents vanish identically., Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures. More details in some derivations. A few other updates
- Published
- 2014
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25. Surgical Grade and Repeat Laser Peripheral Iridotomy Procedures with Risk Stratification and Educational Considerations
- Author
Riley OF, Mamtora S, Carroll E, and Luck J
- Subjects
iris ,glaucoma ,education ,laser treatment ,Ophthalmology ,RE1-994 - Abstract
Oliver Francis Riley, Sunil Mamtora, Emma Carroll, Jon Luck Ophthalmology Department, Royal United Hospital, Bath BA1 3NG, UKCorrespondence: Oliver Francis RileyOphthalmology Department, Royal United Hospital, Bath BA1 3NG, UKTel +44 1225 428-331Email Riley-92@hotmail.co.ukBackground/Aims: Peripheral laser iridotomy (PLI) is a commonly performed procedure. While effective, repeat procedures (RPs) may be required for a variety of causes. We report the causes and rate of RP PLI and whether surgical grade is a risk factor.Methods: Two years of retrospective data from 282 patients who had undergone PLI at a single UK ophthalmology department were retrieved using an electronic medical record system (Medisoft, Leeds, UK).Results: A total of 253 patients underwent analysis with 20 requiring RPs. Our data identified a correlation between experience of the operating surgeon and an increase in RP rate, with statistical significance (p=0.036) observed between consultants and registrars. No other statistically significant risk factors were identified from our study. Prescriber preference for iopidine was observed. From our findings and the current literature, prognostic factors that appear to influence RP rate include surgical grade, patient compliance, Asian ethnicity, and anticoagulation.Conclusion: RP rate increases in PLI when a junior surgeon is performing the procedure, and thus cases with established prognostic factors for RPs should have senior input. Formal and standardized YAG-laser training should be implemented alongside risk stratification of patients to improve both trainee education and patient care.Keywords: iris, glaucoma, education, laser treatment
- Published
- 2020
26. An End-to-End System for Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Behavior, Actions, and Appearance with Interactive Query Refinement
- Author
Hoogs, A, Perera, AGA, Collins, R, Basharat, A, Fieldhouse, K, Atkins, C, Sherrill, L, Boeckel, B, Blue, R, Woehlke, M, Greco, C, Sun, Z, Swears, E, Cuntoor, N, Luck, J, Drew, B, Hanson, D, Rowley, D, Kopaz, J, Rude, T, Keefe, D, Srivastava, A, Khanwalkar, S, Kumar, A, Chen, CC, Aggarwal, JK, Davis, L, Yacoob, Y, Jain, A, Liu, D, Chang, S-F, Song, B, Rov-Chowdhurv, A, Sullivan, K, Tesi, J, Chandrasekaran, S, Maniunath, BS, Wang, X, Ji, Q, Reddy, K, Liu, J, Shah, M, Chang, K, Chen, T, and Desai, M
- Subjects
Information and Computing Sciences ,Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation - Published
- 2015
27. Survival of classical and quantum particles in the presence of traps
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L., Luck, J. M., and Mallick, K.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks - Abstract
We present a detailed comparison of the motion of a classical and of a quantum particle in the presence of trapping sites, within the framework of continuous-time classical and quantum random walk. The main emphasis is on the qualitative differences in the temporal behavior of the survival probabilities of both kinds of particles. As a general rule, static traps are far less efficient to absorb quantum particles than classical ones. Several lattice geometries are successively considered: an infinite chain with a single trap, a finite ring with a single trap, a finite ring with several traps, and an infinite chain and a higher-dimensional lattice with a random distribution of traps with a given density. For the latter disordered systems, the classical and the quantum survival probabilities obey a stretched exponential asymptotic decay, albeit with different exponents. These results confirm earlier predictions, and the corresponding amplitudes are evaluated. In the one-dimensional geometry of the infinite chain, we obtain a full analytical prediction for the amplitude of the quantum problem, including its dependence on the trap density and strength., Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Minor updates
- Published
- 2013
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28. On the frequencies of patterns of rises and falls
- Author
Luck, J M
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
We investigate the probability of observing a given pattern of $n$ rises and falls in a random stationary data series. The data are modelled as a sequence of $n+1$ independent and identically distributed random numbers. This probabilistic approach has a combinatorial equivalent, where the data are modelled by a random permutation on $n+1$ objects. The probability of observing a long pattern of rises and falls decays exponentially with its length $n$ in general. The associated decay rate $\alpha$ is interpreted as the embedding entropy of the pattern. This rate is evaluated exactly for all periodic patterns. In the most general case, it is expressed in terms of a determinant of generalized hyperbolic or trigonometric functions. Alternating patterns have the smallest rate $\alpha_{{\rm min}}=\ln(\pi/2)=0.451582\dots$, while other examples lead to arbitrarily large rates. The probabilities of observing uniformly chosen random patterns are demonstrated to obey multifractal statistics. The typical value $\alpha_0=0.806361\dots$ of the rate plays the role of a Lyapunov exponent. A wide range of examples of patterns, either deterministic or random, is also investigated., Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Several bibliographical references and other details added
- Published
- 2013
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29. Asymmetric Langevin dynamics for the ferromagnetic spherical model
- Author
Godreche, C and Luck, J M
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
The present work pursues the investigation of the role of spatial asymmetry and irreversibility on the dynamical properties of spin systems. We consider the ferromagnetic spherical model with asymmetric linear Langevin dynamics. Such an asymmetric dynamics is irreversible, i.e., breaks detailed balance, because the principle of action and reaction is violated. The fluctuation-dissipation theorem therefore no longer holds. The stationary state is however still Gibbsian, i.e., the weights of configurations are given by the Boltzmann factor corresponding to the ferromagnetic Hamiltonian. The model is exactly solvable in any dimension, enabling an analytical evaluation of time-dependent observables. We show the existence of two regimes of violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in the nonequilibrium stationary state: a regime of weak violation where the stationary fluctuation-dissipation ratio is finite but less than unity and varies continuously with the asymmetry, and a regime of strong violation where the fluctuation-dissipation ratio vanishes asymptotically. This phenomenon was first uncovered in the asymmetric kinetic Ising chain. The present results suggest that this novel kind of dynamical transition in nonequilibrium stationary states might be quite general. We also perform a systematic analysis of several regimes of interest, either stationary or transient, in various dimensions and in the different phases of the model., Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2013
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30. Surgical intervention for chronic migraine headache: A systematic review
- Author
Wormald, J.C.R., Luck, J., Athwal, B., Muelhberger, T., and Mosahebi, A.
- Published
- 2019
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31. Condensation in the inhomogeneous zero-range process: an interplay between interaction and diffusion disorder
- Author
Godreche, C. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks - Abstract
We analyze the role of the interplay between on-site interaction and inhomogeneous diffusion on the phenomenon of condensation in the zero-range process. We predict a universal phase diagram in the plane of two exponents, respectively characterizing the interactions and the diffusion disorder. The most prominent outcome is the existence of an extended condensed phase. In the latter phase, which originates as a result of the combined effects of strong enough interaction and weak enough disorder, a typical high-density configuration has a unique condensate on top of a critical background, but the condensate may be located at any site of a large hosting set of favored sites, whose size grows sub-extensively. The novel extended condensed phase thus interpolates continuously between the two scenarios associated so far with the condensation transition, namely spontaneous symmetry breaking and explicit symmetry breaking., Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures, a few updates
- Published
- 2012
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32. The Lyapunov exponent of products of random $2\times2$ matrices close to the identity
- Author
Comtet, A., Luck, J. M., Texier, C., and Tourigny, Y.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We study products of arbitrary random real $2 \times 2$ matrices that are close to the identity matrix. Using the Iwasawa decomposition of $\text{SL}(2,{\mathbb R})$, we identify a continuum regime where the mean values and the covariances of the three Iwasawa parameters are simultaneously small. In this regime, the Lyapunov exponent of the product is shown to assume a scaling form. In the general case, the corresponding scaling function is expressed in terms of Gauss' hypergeometric function. A number of particular cases are also considered, where the scaling function of the Lyapunov exponent involves other special functions (Airy, Bessel, Whittaker, elliptic). The general solution thus obtained allows us, among other things, to recover in a unified framework many results known previously from exactly solvable models of one-dimensional disordered systems., Comment: 63 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. A couple of additions and updates
- Published
- 2012
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33. Spectral properties of zero temperature dynamics in a model of a compacting granular column
- Author
Schulman, L. S., Luck, J. M., and Mehta, Anita
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
The compacting of a column of grains has been studied using a one-dimensional Ising model with long range directed interactions in which down and up spins represent orientations of the grain having or not having an associated void. When the column is not shaken (zero 'temperature') the motion becomes highly constrained and under most circumstances we find that the generator of the stochastic dynamics assumes an unusual form: many eigenvalues become degenerate, but the associated multi-dimensional invariant spaces have but a single eigenvector. There is no spectral expansion and a Jordan form must be used. Many properties of the dynamics are established here analytically; some are not. General issues associated with the Jordan form are also taken up., Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2012
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34. On stochastic differential equations with random delay
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L., Luck, J. M., and Mallick, K.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks - Abstract
We consider stochastic dynamical systems defined by differential equations with a uniform random time delay. The latter equations are shown to be equivalent to deterministic higher-order differential equations: for an $n$-th order equation with random delay, the corresponding deterministic equation has order $n+1$. We analyze various examples of dynamical systems of this kind, and find a number of unusual behaviors. For instance, for the harmonic oscillator with random delay, the energy grows as $\exp((3/2)\,t^{2/3})$ in reduced units. We then investigate the effect of introducing a discrete time step $\epsilon$. At variance with the continuous situation, the discrete random recursion relations thus obtained have intrinsic fluctuations. The crossover between the fluctuating discrete problem and the deterministic continuous one as $\epsilon$ goes to zero is studied in detail on the example of a first-order linear differential equation., Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. A couple of updates and minor changes
- Published
- 2011
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35. Power-law forgetting in synapses with metaplasticity
- Author
Mehta, A. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Quantitative Biology - Neurons and Cognition - Abstract
The idea of using metaplastic synapses to incorporate the separate storage of long- and short-term memories via an array of hidden states was put forward in the cascade model of Fusi et al. In this paper, we devise and investigate two models of a metaplastic synapse based on these general principles. The main difference between the two models lies in their available mechanisms of decay, when a contrarian event occurs after the build-up of a long-term memory. In one case, this leads to the conversion of the long-term memory to a short-term memory of the opposite kind, while in the other, a long-term memory of the opposite kind may be generated as a result. Appropriately enough, the response of both models to short-term events is not affected by this difference in architecture. On the contrary, the transient response of both models, after long-term memories have been created by the passage of sustained signals, is rather different. The asymptotic behaviour of both models is, however, characterised by power-law forgetting with the same universal exponent., Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures. A few updates and other minor changes
- Published
- 2011
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36. Dynamics of a quantum particle in low-dimensional disordered systems with extended states
- Author
Krapivsky, P. L. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate the dynamics of a quantum particle in disordered tight-binding models in one and two dimensions which are exceptions to the common wisdom on Anderson localization, in the sense that the localization length diverges at some special energies. We provide a consistent picture for two well-known one-dimensional examples: the chain with off-diagonal disorder and the random-dimer model. In both cases the quantum motion exhibits a peculiar kind of anomalous diffusion which can be referred to as bi-fractality. The disorder-averaged density profile of the particle becomes critical in the long-time regime. The $q$-th moment of the position of the particle diverges with time whenever $q$ exceeds some $q_0$. We obtain $q_0=2$ for off-diagonal disorder on the chain (and conjecturally on two-dimensional bipartite lattices as well). For the random-dimer model, our result $q_0=1/2$ corroborates known rigorous results., Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Note added on the recent work by Lepri et al
- Published
- 2011
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37. On an imaginary exponential functional of Brownian motion
- Author
Gredat, D., Dornic, I., and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
We investigate a random integral which provides a natural example of an imaginary exponential functional of Brownian motion. This functional shows up in the study of the binary annihilation process, within the Doi-Peliti formalism for reaction-diffusion systems. The main emphasis is put on the complementarity between the usual Langevin approach and another approach based on the similarity with Kesten variables and other one-dimensional disordered systems. Even though neither of these routes leads to the full solution of the problem, we have obtained a collection of results describing various regimes of interest., Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables
- Published
- 2011
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38. The effects of grain shape and frustration in a granular column near jamming
- Author
Luck, J. M. and Mehta, A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate the full phase diagram of a column of grains near jamming, as a function of varying levels of frustration. Frustration is modelled by the effect of two opposing fields on a grain, due respectively to grains above and below it. The resulting four dynamical regimes (ballistic, logarithmic, activated and glassy) are characterised by means of the jamming time of zero-temperature dynamics, and of the statistics of attractors reached by the latter. Shape effects are most pronounced in the cases of strong and weak frustration, and essentially disappear around a mean-field point., Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures
- Published
- 2010
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39. On leaders and condensates in a growing network
- Author
Godreche, C. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
The Bianconi-Barabasi model of a growing network is revisited. This model, defined by a preferential attachment rule involving both the degrees of the nodes and their intrinsic fitnesses, has the fundamental property to undergo a phase transition to a condensed phase below some finite critical temperature, for an appropriate choice of the distribution of fitnesses. At high temperature it exhibits a crossover to the Barabasi-Albert model, and at low temperature, where the fitness landscape becomes very rugged, a crossover to the recently introduced record-driven growth process. We first present an analysis of the history of leaders, the leader being defined as the node with largest degree at a given time. In the generic finite-temperature regime, new leaders appear endlessly, albeit on a doubly logarithmic time scale, i.e., extremely slowly. We then give a novel picture for the dynamics in the condensed phase. The latter is characterized by an infinite hierarchy of condensates, whose sizes are non-self-averaging and keep fluctuating forever., Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. A few minor changes
- Published
- 2010
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40. The various facets of random walk entropy
- Author
Burda, Z., Duda, J., Luck, J. M., and Waclaw, B.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We review various features of the statistics of random paths on graphs. The relationship between path statistics and Quantum Mechanics (QM) leads to two canonical ways of defining random walk on a graph, which have different statistics and hence different entropies. Generic random walk (GRW) is in correspondence with the field-theoretical formalism, whereas maximal entropy random walk (MERW), introduced by us in a recent work, is motivated by the Feynman path-integral formulation of QM. GRW maximizes entropy locally (neighbors are chosen with equal probabilities), in contrast to MERW which does so globally (all paths of given length and endpoints are equally probable). The stationary distribution for MERW is given by the ground state of a quantum-mechanical problem where nodes whose degree is smaller than average act as repulsive impurities. We investigate static and dynamical properties GRW and MERW in a variety of examples in one and two dimensions. The most spectacular difference arises in the case of weakly diluted lattices, where a particle performing MERW gets eventually trapped in the largest nearly spherical region which is free of impurities. We put forward a quantitative explanation of this localization effect in terms of a classical Lifshitz phenomenon., Comment: 40 pages, 19 figures, based on a lecture presented by Z.B. at the 22nd Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics (Zakopane, Poland, September 12-17, 2009)
- Published
- 2010
41. Statistics of leaders and lead changes in growing networks
- Author
Godreche, C., Grandclaude, H., and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Physics - Physics and Society ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate various aspects of the statistics of leaders in growing network models defined by stochastic attachment rules. The leader is the node with highest degree at a given time (or the node which reached that degree first if there are co-leaders). This comprehensive study includes the full distribution of the degree of the leader, its identity, the number of co-leaders, as well as several observables characterizing the whole history of lead changes: number of lead changes, number of distinct leaders, lead persistence probability. We successively consider the following network models: uniform attachment, linear attachment (the Barabasi-Albert model), and generalized preferential attachment with initial attractiveness., Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2009
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42. Finite-time fluctuations in the degree statistics of growing networks
- Author
Godreche, C., Grandclaude, H., and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Physics - Physics and Society - Abstract
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the degree statistics in models for growing networks where new nodes enter one at a time and attach to one earlier node according to a stochastic rule. The models with uniform attachment, linear attachment (the Barab\'asi-Albert model), and generalized preferential attachment with initial attractiveness are successively considered. The main emphasis is on finite-size (i.e., finite-time) effects, which are shown to exhibit different behaviors in three regimes of the size-degree plane: stationary, finite-size scaling, large deviations., Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2009
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43. Does a single oral administration of amiloride affect spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure variability in healthy young adults?
- Author
Fernandes, Igor A., Stavres, Jon, Hamaoka, Takuto, Ojikutu, Qudus A., Sabino-Carvalho, Jeann L., Vianna, Lauro C., Luck, J. Carter, Blaha, Cheryl, Cauffman, Aimee E., Dalton, Paul C., Herr, Michael D., Ruiz-Velasco, Victor, Carr, Zyad J., Janicki, Piotr K., and Cui, Jian
- Subjects
ACID-sensing ion channels ,ORAL drug administration ,REGULATION of blood pressure ,YOUNG adults ,BAROREFLEXES - Abstract
Preclinical models indicate that amiloride (AMD) reduces baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs homeostatic blood pressure (BP) regulation. However, it remains unclear whether these findings translate to humans. This study investigated whether oral administration of AMD reduces spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs BP regulation in healthy young humans. Heart rate (HR; electrocardiography), beat-to-beat BP (photoplethysmography), and muscle sympathetic activity (MSNA, microneurography) were continuously measured in 10 young subjects (4 females) during rest across two randomized experimental visits: 1) after 3 h of oral administration of placebo (PLA, 10 mg of methylcellulose within a gelatin capsule) and 2) after 3 h of oral administration of AMD (10 mg). Visits were separated for at least 48 h. We calculated the standard deviation and other indices of BP variability. Spontaneous cardiac baroreflex was assessed via the sequence technique and cardiac autonomic modulation through time- and frequency-domain HR variability. The sensitivity (gain) of the sympathetic baroreflex was determined via weighted linear regression analysis between MSNA and diastolic BP. AMD did not affect HR, BP, and MSNA compared with PLA. Indexes of cardiac autonomic modulation (time- and frequency-domain HR variability) and BP variability were also unchanged after AMD ingestion. Likewise, AMD did not modify the gain of both spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic arterial baroreflex. A single oral dose of AMD does not affect spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity and BP variability in healthy young adults. NEW & NOTEWORTHY: Preclinical models indicate that amiloride (AMD), a nonselective antagonist of the acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), impairs baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs blood pressure regulation. We translated these findings into humans, investigating the impact of acute oral ingestion of AMD on blood pressure variability and spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity in healthy young humans. In contrast to preclinical evidence, AMD does not impair spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure variability in healthy young adults. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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44. Magnetization of two coupled rings
- Author
Avishai, Y. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We investigate the persistent currents and magnetization of a mesoscopic system consisting of two clean metallic rings sharing a single contact point in a magnetic field. Many novel features with respect to the single-ring geometry are underlined, including the explicit dependence of wavefunctions on the Aharonov-Bohm fluxes, the complex pattern of twofold and threefold degeneracies, the key role of length and flux commensurability, and in the case of commensurate ring lengths the occurrence of idle levels which do not carry any current. Spin-orbit interactions, induced by the electric fields of charged wires threading the rings, give rise to a peculiar version of the Aharonov-Casher effect where, unlike for a single ring, spin is not conserved. Remarkably enough, this can only be realized when the Aharonov-Bohm fluxes in both rings are neither integer nor half-integer multiples of the flux quantum., Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. A few references added and other minor changes
- Published
- 2008
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45. Localization of maximal entropy random walk
- Author
Burda, Z., Duda, J., Luck, J. M., and Waclaw, B.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We define a new class of random walk processes which maximize entropy. This maximal entropy random walk is equivalent to generic random walk if it takes place on a regular lattice, but it is not if the underlying lattice is irregular. In particular, we consider a lattice with weak dilution. We show that the stationary probability of finding a particle performing maximal entropy random walk localizes in the largest nearly spherical region of the lattice which is free of defects. This localization phenomenon, which is purely classical in nature, is explained in terms of the Lifshitz states of a certain random operator., Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes in the discussion at the end of the paper
- Published
- 2008
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46. A record-driven growth process
- Author
Godreche, C. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We introduce a novel stochastic growth process, the record-driven growth process, which originates from the analysis of a class of growing networks in a universal limiting regime. Nodes are added one by one to a network, each node possessing a quality. The new incoming node connects to the preexisting node with best quality, that is, with record value for the quality. The emergent structure is that of a growing network, where groups are formed around record nodes (nodes endowed with the best intrinsic qualities). Special emphasis is put on the statistics of leaders (nodes whose degrees are the largest). The asymptotic probability for a node to be a leader is equal to the Golomb-Dickman constant omega=0.624329... which arises in problems of combinatorical nature. This outcome solves the problem of the determination of the record breaking rate for the sequence of correlated inter-record intervals. The process exhibits temporal self-similarity in the late-time regime. Connections with the statistics of the cycles of random permutations, the statistical properties of randomly broken intervals, and the Kesten variable are given., Comment: 30 pages,5 figures. Minor updates
- Published
- 2008
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47. Tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with spherical topology. II. The effect of spin-orbit interaction
- Author
Avishai, Y. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
This is the second of two papers devoted to tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with the topology of the sphere. We investigate the problem of an electron subject to a spin-orbit interaction generated by the radial electric field of a static point charge sitting at the center of the sphere. The tight-binding Hamiltonian considered is a discretization on polyhedral graphs of the familiar form ${\bm L}\cdot{\bm S}$ of the spin-orbit Hamiltonian. It involves SU(2) hopping matrices of the form $\exp({\rm i}\mu{\bm n}\cdot{\bm\sigma})$ living on the oriented links of the graph. For a given structure, the dimensionless coupling constant $\mu$ is the only parameter of the model. An analysis of the energy spectrum is carried out for the five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) and the C$_{60}$ fullerene. Except for the latter, the $\mu$-dependence of all the energy levels is obtained analytically in closed form. Rather unexpectedly, the spectra are symmetric under the exchange $\mu\leftrightarrow\Theta-\mu$, where $\Theta$ is the common arc length of the links. For the symmetric point $\mu=\Theta/2$, the problem can be exactly mapped onto a tight-binding model in the presence of the magnetic field generated by a Dirac monopole, studied recently. The dependence of the total energy at half filling on $\mu$ is investigated in all examples., Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 12 tables. Various kinds of minor improvements
- Published
- 2008
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48. Tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with spherical topology. I. The effect of a magnetic charge
- Author
Avishai, Y. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
This is the first of two papers devoted to tight-binding electronic spectra on graphs with the topology of the sphere. In this work the one-electron spectrum is investigated as a function of the radial magnetic field produced by a magnetic charge sitting at the center of the sphere. The latter is an integer multiple of the quantized magnetic charge of the Dirac monopole, that integer defining the gauge sector. An analysis of the spectrum is carried out for the five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron), the C$_{60}$ fullerene, and two families of polyhedra, the diamonds and the prisms. Except for the fullerene, all the spectra are obtained in closed form. They exhibit a rich pattern of degeneracies. The total energy at half filling is also evaluated in all the examples as a function of the magnetic charge., Comment: 28 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables. Various kinds of minor improvements
- Published
- 2008
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49. Statistics of quantum transmission in one dimension with broad disorder
- Author
Boose, D. and Luck, J. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
We study the statistics of quantum transmission through a one-dimensional disordered system modelled by a sequence of independent scattering units. Each unit is characterized by its length and by its action, which is proportional to the logarithm of the transmission probability through this unit. Unit actions and lengths are independent random variables, with a common distribution that is either narrow or broad. This investigation is motivated by results on disordered systems with non-stationary random potentials whose fluctuations grow with distance. In the statistical ensemble at fixed total sample length four phases can be distinguished, according to the values of the indices characterizing the distribution of the unit actions and lengths. The sample action, which is proportional to the logarithm of the conductance across the sample, is found to obey a fluctuating scaling law, and therefore to be non-self-averaging, in three of the four phases. According to the values of the two above mentioned indices, the sample action may typically grow less rapidly than linearly with the sample length (underlocalization), more rapidly than linearly (superlocalization), or linearly but with non-trivial sample-to-sample fluctuations (fluctuating localization)., Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2007
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50. Tevatron-for-LHC Report: Top and Electroweak Physics
- Author
Gerber, C. E., Murat, P., Tait, T. M. P., Wackeroth, D., Arbuzov, A., Bardin, D., Baur, U., Benitez, J. A., Berge, S., Bondarenko, S., Boos, E. E., Bowen, M. T., Brock, R., Bunichev, V. E., Campbell, J., Canelli, F., Cao, Q. -H., Calame, C. M. Carloni, Chevallier, F., Christova, P., Ciobanu, C., Dittmaier, S., Dudko, L. V., Ellis, S. D., Etienvre, A. I., Fiedler, F., Garcia-Bellido, A., Giammanco, A., Glenzinski, D., Golonka, P., Hays, C., Jadach, S., Jain, S., Kalinovskaya, L., Kramer, M., Lleres, A., Luck, J., Lucotte, A., Markina, A., Montagna, G., Nadolsky, P. M., Nicrosini, O., Olness, F. I., Placzek, W., Sadykov, R., Savrin, V. I., Schwienhorst, R., Sherstnev, A. V., Slabospitsky, S., Stelzer, B., Strassler, M. J., Sullivan, Z., Tramontano, F., Vicini, A., Wagner, W., Was, Z., Watts, G., Weber, M., Willenbrock, S., Yang, U. K., Yuan, C-P., and Zhu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The top quark and electroweak bosons (W and Z) represent the most massive fundamental particles yet discovered, and as such refer directly to the Standard Model's greatest remaining mystery: the mechanism by which all particles gained mass. This report summarizes the work done within the top-ew group of the Tevatron-for-LHC workshop. It represents a collection of both Tevatron results, and LHC predictions. The hope is that by considering and comparing both machines, the LHC program can be improved and aided by knowledge from the Tevatron, and that particle physics as a whole can be enriched. The report includes measurements of the top quark mass, searches for single top quark production, and physics of the electroweak bosons at hadron colliders., Comment: 206 pages, Tevatron-for-LHC Conference Report of the Top and Electroweak Working Group
- Published
- 2007
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