Developed for use by curriculum planners in Emergency Medical Science (EMS) programs throughout the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), and by evaluators in their reviews of existing programs, this manual provides a model set of guidelines for the education and training of the Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P) in pre-hospital settings. Chapter I presents information about the NCCCS, the EMS program, and the Competency-Based Curriculum Project from which the manual was produced. Chapter II reviews the legal statutes and regulations, and professional standards governing EMT-P practice; describes program accreditation procedures; reviews job titles; and describes job opportunities available to EMS program graduates. Chapter III reviews tasks, competencies, and evaluative criteria arranged by subject area and correlated to courses in the model curriculum. Chapter IV presents curriculum standards for EMS; describes the model curriculum; and presents course descriptions and outlines for 27 courses in the curriculum. The final chapter provides guidelines for EMS program implementation and support, reviewing the roles and responsibilities of the instructional faculty, program director, clinical faculty, medical director, and the advisory committee; outlining student admission, enrollment, and evaluation procedures; describing student progression through the training levels; reviewing physical plant facilities, equipment, library resources, and textbooks and references; and listing professional associations. Appendixes include accreditation standards; applicable state human resources regulations; project data; sample clinical evaluation criteria; and a suggested equipment list. (PAA)