264 results on '"Lord Byron"'
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2. Improvised dual lumen nasojejunal feeding tube with gastric decompression
- Author
Tan, Justin Ryan L., Tan, Jose A., Co, Arsenio, Ong, Evan G., and Corral, Lord Byron
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Lord Byron, Paul, Jean-Louis, Guilhot, Florence, Lord Byron, Lord Byron, Paul, Jean-Louis, Guilhot, Florence, and Lord Byron
- Abstract
Les présents poèmes sont choisis parmi les pièces isolées rangées par les éditions anglaises sous les titres Domestic pieces et Occasional pieces. Les grands poèmes de 1816 (Ténèbres, Prométhée) sont écrits en Suisse, lors du séjour à la villa Diodati où Byron fréquenta Shelley, et où il s’était exilé après que ses relations avec sa demi-sœur Augusta Leigh (à qui sont dédiés les Stances et l’Épître donnés dans ce recueil) eussent achevé de briser son mariage et justifié son exclusion par la grande société anglaise. Poète dandy, Lord Byron (1788-1824) a écrit une œuvre empreinte de mélancolie. Mais aussi de rébellion. Mis au ban, par l'aristocratie à la suite de scandales, aussi bien publics que domestiques, il quitta l'Angleterre, se réfugia en Suisse puis en Italie. Mais il était alors déjà entré dans la légende, incarnant le romantique révolté par excellence. Son œuvre et sa vie ont remporté l'admiration de Shelley et de Goethe. Allia a déjà publié Poèmes (1997), Caïn (2004) et Manfred (2013).
- Published
- 2022
4. Urban sprawl: Extent and environmental impact in Baguio City, Philippines
- Author
Gonzales Lord Byron F.
- Subjects
urban sprawl ,urban growth ,shannon entropy ,environmental impact ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
Urban sprawl has emerged as a striking characteristic of recent global urban development. Land use policies advocating urban expansion for residential use to the detriment of a critical environment as in the case of Baguio City, Philippines, have shaped and reinforced the urban sprawl phenomenon. Urban sprawl is characterized by discontinuous, fragmented/leapfrog development, with random population densities. There are generally few studies regarding the environmental impact of urban sprawl and it is along this vein that this study was undertaken. The purpose of the study is to gauge how extensive urban sprawl has grown in Baguio City via Shannon’s entropy model and to explore its impact on the city’s environment. The result of the study revealed that urban sprawl prevails over the city’s physical development. The proximity of the entropy value to the maximum reference value, indicate a highly dispersed urban development attributed to the continuous increase in population, coupled with the physical constraint of topography and its limited land area. The most critical issue challenging the local government of Baguio City and its people is the creation of a Long Term Development Plan that should strike a balance between local ambitions, demographic facts, and the environmental sustainability.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
- Author
Lord Byron
- Published
- 2014
6. Don Juan
- Author
Lord Byron
- Published
- 2014
7. Caïn
- Author
Lord Byron, Merle, Gaëlle, Lord Byron, Lord Byron, Merle, Gaëlle, and Lord Byron
- Abstract
Caïn n’est pas une tragédie classique, mais un “mystère" métaphysique, aux tonalités baudelairiennes, où dominent les thèmes de la révolte, de la faute et de la culpabilité. Caïn est le rebelle total, le négateur de Dieu et de la nécessité même de la vie. Lucifer pour le séduire engage avec lui un grand dialogue sur les misères de la condition humaine, et l’entraîne dans un voyage fantastique à travers l’espace et le temps. Caïn finira par tuer son frère Abel, figure de la soumission à Dieu. Cette pièce tourmentée, éclaircie par quelques moments idylliques, fut encensée par Goethe et Shelley, et au XXe siècle par Tomasi di Lampedusa. Lord Byron (1788-1824) est la figure romantique par excellence. Sa vie sentimentale scandaleuse, son dandysme, son exil en Italie, ont un peu éclipsé son œuvre même, aujourd’hui injustement méconnue en France.
- Published
- 2019
8. Poèmes
- Author
Lord Byron, Paul, Jean-Louis, Guilhot, Florence, Lord Byron, Lord Byron, Paul, Jean-Louis, Guilhot, Florence, and Lord Byron
- Abstract
À ces êtres qui ne m'ont jamais plu ! Poète dandy, Lord Byron (1788-1824) a écrit une œuvre empreinte de mélancolie. Mais aussi de rébellion. Mis au ban, par l'aristocratie à la suite de scandales, aussi bien publics que domestiques, il quitta l'Angleterre, se réfugia en Suisse puis en Italie. Mais il était alors déjà entré dans la légende, incarnant le romantique révolté par excellence. Son œuvre et sa vie ont remporté l'admiration de Shelley et de Goethe, et inspiré Delacroix et Berlioz. Allia a déjà publié Poèmes et Caïn.
- Published
- 2019
9. # 1356 Wire-guide saving endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography rendezvous technique
- Author
- Published
- 2015
10. Die größten Klassiker der Poesie : Die schönsten Gedichte der Weltliteratur: Duineser Elegien, Grashalme, Venus und Adonis, Das verlorene Paradies, West-östlicher Divan
- Author
Lord Byron, Rainer Maria Rilke, Giacomo Leopardi, Walt Whitman, Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Heinrich Heine, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Friedrich Schiller, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Gottfried von Straßburg, Victor Hugo, Dante Alighieri, William Wordsworth, Homer, Vergil, Ovid, Georg Herwegh, Giosuè Carducci, Omar Chayyām, Alphonse de Lamartine, Stéphane Mallarmé, Christian Morgenstern, Joachim Ringelnatz, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Robert Burns, Charles Baudelaire, Lord Byron, Rainer Maria Rilke, Giacomo Leopardi, Walt Whitman, Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Heinrich Heine, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Friedrich Schiller, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Gottfried von Straßburg, Victor Hugo, Dante Alighieri, William Wordsworth, Homer, Vergil, Ovid, Georg Herwegh, Giosuè Carducci, Omar Chayyām, Alphonse de Lamartine, Stéphane Mallarmé, Christian Morgenstern, Joachim Ringelnatz, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Robert Burns, and Charles Baudelaire
- Abstract
„Die größten Klassiker der Poesie“ ist eine Anthologie, die sich wie eine sorgfältig kuratierte Galerie durch die Jahrhunderte der Dichtkunst bewegt. Von den epischen Versen Homers und Vergils über die introspektiven Sonette Shakespeares und die romantischen Visionen von Wordsworth und Byron bis hin zu den modernen Reflexionen Mallarmés und Rilkes spannt sich der Bogen dieser Sammlung. Diese Vielfalt an literarischen Stilen und Epochen beleuchtet nicht nur die Entwicklung der Poesie über die Zeiten, sondern auch ihre Fähigkeit, universelle menschliche Erfahrungen und Emotionen in vielfältigen kulturellen Kontexten auszudrücken. Besondere Beachtung findet die Art und Weise, wie jedes Werk die charakteristischen Merkmale seiner Epoche widerspiegelt und gleichzeitig einen Dialog über die Grenzen von Zeit und Raum hinweg führt. Die in der Anthologie vertretenen Dichterinnen und Dichter bilden ein Pantheon der literarischen Meisterschaft, deren Werke tief in den historischen und kulturellen Bewegungen ihrer Zeit verwurzelt sind. Vom mittelalterlichen Minnegesang Gottfrieds von Straßburg über die Zerrissenheit der Romantik bei Poe und Heine bis zur symbolistischen Verdichtung bei Baudelaire und der philosophischen Tiefe bei Rumi, repräsentiert diese Auswahl nicht nur individuelle literarische Genialität, sondern auch die kollektive Weisheit verschiedener Epochen und Kulturen. Ihr Zusammenwirken in einem einzigen Band ermöglicht ein reichhaltiges Verständnis für die Kontraste und Kontinuitäten in der Welt der Poesie. Für Liebhaber der Literatur und der Poesie bietet „Die größten Klassiker der Poesie“ eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, sich auf eine Reise durch die Zeit und das menschliche Empfinden zu begeben. Die Sammlung ermutigt zu einem Dialog mit den Stimmen, die die Wesenszüge unserer Zivilisation geformt haben, und bietet tiefe Einblicke in die menschliche Seele. Dieses Buch ist daher nicht einfach eine Anthologie, sondern ein Tor zu den unzähligen Welten, die die Poesie zu erschließen vermag. Es ist eine Einladung, die Vielfalt und die Tiefe der poetischen Ausdrucksformen zu erkunden und sich von der zeitlosen Schönheit der Dichtkunst verzaubern zu lassen.
- Published
- 2024
11. Meisterwerke der Dichtkunst : Duineser Elegien, Grashalme, Venus und Adonis, Das verlorene Paradies, West-östlicher Divan, Gedichte aus dem Diwan-e Schams-e Tabrizi
- Author
Rainer Maria Rilke, Walt Whitman, Heinrich Heine, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Lord Byron, Friedrich Schiller, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Gottfried von Straßburg, Victor Hugo, Dante Alighieri, William Wordsworth Homer, Vergil, Ovid, Giacomo Leopardi, Georg Herwegh, Giosuè Carducci, Omar Chayyām, Alphonse de Lamartine, Stéphane Mallarmé, Christian Morgenstern, Joachim Ringelnatz, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Robert Burns, Charles Baudelaire, Rainer Maria Rilke, Walt Whitman, Heinrich Heine, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Lord Byron, Friedrich Schiller, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Gottfried von Straßburg, Victor Hugo, Dante Alighieri, William Wordsworth Homer, Vergil, Ovid, Giacomo Leopardi, Georg Herwegh, Giosuè Carducci, Omar Chayyām, Alphonse de Lamartine, Stéphane Mallarmé, Christian Morgenstern, Joachim Ringelnatz, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Robert Burns, and Charles Baudelaire
- Abstract
Die Anthologie'Meisterwerke der Dichtkunst'vereint in beeindruckender Weise die Werke einiger der bedeutendsten Dichterinnen und Dichter aus verschiedenen Zeitaltern und Kulturkreisen, vom Altertum bis zur Moderne. Sie bietet eine einzigartige Durchquerung literarischer Epochen und Stile, die sowohl klassische als auch moderne Dichtung umfasst. Die Sammlung hebt nicht nur die lyrische Schönheit und thematische Vielfalt dieser Werke hervor, sondern auch deren Einfluss und anhaltende Bedeutung in der Weltliteratur. Von den tiefgründigen Epen Homers und Vergils über die introspektiven Reflexionen Rilkes und Whitmans bis hin zu den herausfordernden Visionen von Dante und Milton, umfasst diese Anthologie ein außergewöhnliches Spektrum an Stimmen und Blickwinkeln, die das menschliche Erleben in seiner Ganzheit einfangen. Die ausgewählten Autoren verbindet nicht nur ihr unbestrittener Ruhm und ihr beispielloses Talent; viele waren auch Wegbereiter oder zentrale Figuren in ihren jeweiligen literarischen, kulturellen oder philosophischen Bewegungen. Diese Sammlung bildet ein Mosaik unterschiedlicher Epochen und Strömungen, von der Romantik bis zur Aufklärung, von der Renaissance bis zum Expressionismus. Die Kombination so unterschiedlicher und doch in ihrem Kern ähnlich berührender Werke veranschaulicht, wie Dichtung über Zeiten und Grenzen hinweg menschliche Erfahrungen und Emotionen kommuniziert und verbindet.'Meisterwerke der Dichtkunst'ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle, die die Tiefe und Breite der poetischen Ausdrucksformen erkunden möchten. Diese Anthologie verspricht eine bereichernde Reise durch die Geschichte der Dichtkunst und bietet eine seltene Gelegenheit, den Dialog zwischen diesen vielfältigen Stimmen hautnah zu erleben. Sie lädt dazu ein, die unendlichen Facetten der menschlichen Seele durch das Prisma der schönsten Dichtkunst zu betrachten und sich von der zeitlosen Schönheit und der transformierenden Kraft der Poesie inspirieren zu lassen.
- Published
- 2024
12. A Rhyme A Dozen - 12 Poets, 12 Poems, 1 Topic ― Dogs
- Author
Rudyard Kipling, Emily Dickenson, Lord Byron, Rudyard Kipling, Emily Dickenson, and Lord Byron
- Abstract
‘A dime a dozen'as known in America, is perhaps equal to the English ‘cheap as chips'but whatever the lingua franca of your choice in this series we hereby submit ‘A Rhyme a Dozen'as 12 poems on many given subjects that are a well-rounded gathering, maybe even an essential guide, from the knowing pens of classic poets and their beautifully spoken verse to the comfort of your ears.
- Published
- 2024
13. Meisterwerke der britischen Literatur : Oliver Twist, Stolz und Vorurteil, Sturmhöhe, Hamlet, Don Juan, Das Herz der Finsternis, Rob Roy, Frankenstein, Dracula, Middlemarch
- Author
Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë, and Rudyard Kipling
- Abstract
Die Anthologie'Meisterwerke der britischen Literatur'bietet eine faszinierende Reise durch die Zeit und präsentiert eine Sammlung, die von den frühen Werken Shakespeares bis zu den modernen Reflexionen Virginia Woolfs reicht. Dieses Kompendium ist eine umfassende Feier der diversen literarischen Stile und epochalen Stimmen, die die britische Literatur über Jahrhunderte geprägt haben. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Transformation der erzählerischen Formen und Themen über die Zeit gelegt, wobei jedes ausgewählte Werk tiefe Einblicke in die sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Dynamiken seiner Ära bietet. Die Autoren hinter diesen Meisterwerken gehören zu den prägendsten Figuren der englischen Literaturgeschichte. Ihre Lebenswege und literarischen Ambitionen spiegeln die Entwicklung und die Vielfalt der britischen Gesellschaft wider, von den turbulenten Zeiten der englischen Renaissance bis zu den introspektiven Momenten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Anthologie knüpft an die verschiedenartigen Hintergründe der Autoren an und bietet Lesern eine umfassende Perspektive auf die literarischen Bewegungen, die durch Werke von Charles Dickens'tiefgehenden sozialen Kommentaren bis zu Mary Shelleys bahnbrechenden Beiträgen zur Science-Fiction definiert wurden.'Meisterwerke der britischen Literatur'ist nicht nur für Literaturbegeisterte, sondern auch für all jene empfehlenswert, die die Breite und Tiefe der britischen Kultur durch ihre bedeutendsten literarischen Stimmen erkunden möchten. Diese Sammlung lädt dazu ein, die Dialoge zwischen den Epochen nachzuvollziehen und sich von der Vielfalt an Perspektiven, die diese Meisterwerke bieten, bereichern zu lassen. Die Anthologie ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle, die den Wert und die Schönheit der britischen Literatur in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt schätzen und verstehen möchten.
- Published
- 2024
14. Die größten britischen Klassiker : Romane, Erzählungen, Dramen und Gedichte: David Copperfield, Sturmhöhe, Hamlet, Don Juan, Das Herz der Finsternis, Rob Roy
- Author
William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, Walter Scott, Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Brontë, John Galsworthy, Rudyard Kipling, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, Walter Scott, Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Brontë, John Galsworthy, and Rudyard Kipling
- Abstract
Die Anthologie'Die größten britischen Klassiker'ist eine umfassende Sammlung, die das reiche literarische Erbe Großbritanniens durch die Werke seiner berühmtesten Autoren feiert. Von den dramatischen Stücken Shakespeares über die lebensnahen Romane Charles Dickens'bis hin zu den tiefgründigen Erzählungen Virginia Woolfs vereint diese Sammlung eine beeindruckende Vielfalt literarischer Stile und Epochen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdient die Einbeziehung genreprägender Werke wie Mary Shelleys'Frankenstein'oder Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes-Geschichten sowie die lyrischen Beiträge Lord Byrons, die allesamt den kulturellen und literarischen Reichtum dieser Ära widerspiegeln. In den Biografien der Autoren spiegelt sich ein Querschnitt der britischen Gesellschaft und ihrer Geschichte. Von adeligen Dichtern wie Lord Byron bis zu Autodidakten wie Charles Dickens zeugen die Hintergründe dieser Schriftsteller von den sozialen Umwälzungen und kulturellen Strömungen ihrer Zeit. Gemeinsam bieten sie ein faszinierendes Panorama der britischen Literaturgeschichte, das durch persönliche und gesellschaftliche Themen wie Liebe, Identität, soziale Ungerechtigkeit und den menschlichen Drang nach Erkenntnis bereichert wird. Diese Sammlung empfiehlt sich Lesern als einzigartige Gelegenheit, die facettenreiche Welt der britischen Literatur zu entdecken.'Die größten britischen Klassiker'laden dazu ein, ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis für die literarischen Werke und Kulturen zu entwickeln, die das moderne Denken und die künstlerische Ausdrucksweise geprägt haben. Die Zusammenstellung fördert einen Dialog zwischen den verschiedenen Epochen und bietet einen umfassenden Bildungswert durch die Vielfalt der Perspektiven, Stile und Themen.
- Published
- 2024
15. Don Juan
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
El gran poema narrativo de lord Byron, en el bicentenario de la muerte del autor Edición y traducción de Andreu Jaume La exuberante obra maestra de Byron narra las aventuras de don Juan, empezando por sus amores ilícitos a los dieciséis años en su España natal y su exilio a Italia. Tras un dramático naufragio, el héroe recala en Grecia, donde lo venden como esclavo, y más tarde en Rusia, donde se convierte en el favorito de la emperatriz Catalina, para luego seguir viaje... Obra capital del romanticismo, el poema combina el drama con el humor, la sátira con la sensualidad, y perdura hasta nuestros días como el mayor tratamiento del mito de don Juan en lengua inglesa. La presente edición, a cargo de Andreu Jaume, que firma también la traducción, incluye una abarcadora introducción sobre el contexto histórico y literario de la obra, una cronología de la vida del autor y una soberbia versión en verso que captura todo el encanto del original.
- Published
- 2024
16. Efficacy of pre-endoscopy simethicone in improving mucosal visibility during upper endoscopy: P-073
- Author
- Published
- 2014
17. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
In'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,'Lord Byron presents a sweeping narrative poem that follows the journey of a disillusioned young nobleman, Childe Harold, as he traverses Europe in search of meaning and self-identity. Written in a romantic style infused with vivid imagery and reflective introspection, the poem not only explores the external landscapes of the continent but also delves deeply into Harold's inner turmoil and existential musings. Byron utilizes a sophisticated blend of lyrical beauty and philosophical contemplation, capturing the zeitgeist of the early 19th century amidst the backdrop of the Romantic movement, which emphasized emotion and the sublime, opposing the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Lord Byron, a quintessential figure of the Romantic era, experienced a tumultuous life marked by personal scandals, political engagements, and a yearning for transcendent experiences, all of which influenced his writing. His own journeys through Europe and his awareness of societal issues made him uniquely positioned to express the melancholic and often rebellious sentiments of his time. Byron's complex character—as both a poet and a social figure—shapes the voice of Harold, bridging the personal with the universal. I highly recommend'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage'to readers who appreciate profound poetry that interweaves personal narrative with broader cultural reflections. Byron's fusion of beauty and introspection invites readers not only to witness Harold's travels but also to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and contemplation.
- Published
- 2023
18. Don Juan : Including The Life of Lord Byron
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
In'Don Juan,'Lord Byron employs a satirical and often irreverent tone to explore the themes of love, identity, and societal norms through the misadventures of its titular protagonist. This mock-epic poem diverges from traditional heroic narratives, using a playful narrative structure and a conversational vernacular, allowing Byron to dissect contemporary moralities, gender roles, and the hypocrisy of his era. Published intermittently from 1819 to 1824,'Don Juan'stands as a hallmark of Romantic literature, blending autobiographical elements with a critique of the Romantic ideal while drawing on influences from classical epic poetry and Enlightenment thought. Lord Byron, a key figure in the Romantic movement, harnessed his own tumultuous experiences of love, scandal, and social estrangement to breathe life into this work. His own reputation as a libertine and the cultural milieu of early 19th-century Europe shaped the conflicts and characters within the poem. Byron's multifaceted personality and vast literary influences give'Don Juan'a unique depth that reflects both personal and societal turmoil. For anyone fascinated by the intricate interplay of satire and romance, Byron's'Don Juan'offers a rich and enjoyable reading experience. It's an essential work that challenges conventional paradigms while showcasing Byron's lyrical prowess and sharp wit. This poem is a must-read for both scholars and casual readers who wish to explore the complexity of desire and the folly of humanity.
- Published
- 2023
19. The Greatest Works of Lord Byron : Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Don Juan, Manfred, Hours of Idleness, The Siege of Corinth…
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
The Greatest Works of Lord Byron is a profound anthology that encapsulates the essence of Romantic poetry, showcasing Byron's mastery in infusing emotional depth and vivid imagery into his verses. This collection includes iconic poems such as'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage'and'Don Juan,'which exemplify Byron's innovative narrative style and his exploration of themes such as love, existential angst, and the quest for identity. Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century Europe, Byron's works reflect the tumultuous socio-political landscape while simultaneously delving into the intricacies of the human experience with a captivating blend of personal reflection and social critique. Lord Byron, a pivotal figure in Romantic literature, was known for his charismatic persona and tumultuous life, which significantly influenced his writing. Emerging from a noble lineage, Byron's education and early life experiences fueled his passion for poetry and his disdain for societal conventions. His travels throughout Europe and his associations with fellow literary giants shaped his worldview, eventually leading him to produce works that challenged the status quo and celebrated the complexities of passion and rebellion. Readers are invited to immerse themselves in The Greatest Works of Lord Byron, a collection that not only celebrates the brilliance of a literary genius but also offers a glimpse into the heart of Romanticism. This anthology stands as a testament to Byron's enduring legacy, making it an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the power of poetry in articulating the human condition.
- Published
- 2023
20. The Poets of the 19th Century - Volume I – Sarah Fuller Adams to Alice Guerin Crist : Volume I – Sarah Fuller Adams to Alice Guerin Crist
- Author
Matthew Arnold, Lord Byron, Robert Seymour Bridges, Matthew Arnold, Lord Byron, and Robert Seymour Bridges
- Abstract
This is the century for the history books. (The Chinese curse of living in interesting times could not be more suited.) A small island continued its expansion across the globe, bringing both good and evil in its march. Empires clashed. Revolution shook many. The Industrial age was upon us. Poets spoke up against slavery, bringing social and political pressure upon an abominable horror. It was also the age of the Romantics. Shelley, Keats, Byron lyrically rapture; Tennyson, Arnold, Browning rode a century of sweeping change, of dynamism and of great verse.
- Published
- 2023
21. The Tales of Villa Diodati : The Origins of Iconic Science Fiction and Gothic Horror
- Author
Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Polidori, George Gordon, Lord Byron, Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Polidori, and George Gordon, Lord Byron
- Subjects
- Horror fiction, Gothic fiction, Fiction, Horror tales, English, Gothic fiction (Literary genre), English, English fiction--19th century, FICTION / Gothic, POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Death, Grief, Loss
- Abstract
In 1816, also known as “The Year Without a Summer,” a group of pioneering writers gathered at Villa Diodati in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, and wrote some of the most iconic Gothic horror stories in English literature. The Tales of Villa Diodati is the result of a legendary ghost story contest between friends confined indoors by unseasonably dismal weather. “We will each write a story,” proposed Lord Byron. The challenge was the genesis of this blood-chilling anthology blending the macabre, supernatural, and romance. Selections include Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the first true science fiction novel, and John Polidori's “The Vampyre,” considered one of the earliest examples of the romantic vampire genre. The story was inspired by Lord Byron's “A Fragment,” which is also included, as is Percy Bysshe Shelley's “Fragment of a Ghost Story.” These spine-tingling tales have enthralled generations of readers for centuries.
- Published
- 2023
22. Deformation and Fracture
- Author
null Montesquieu, Lord Byron, Robert Schumann, and Arnold Wesker
- Subjects
Fracture (geology) ,Deformation (meteorology) ,Composite material ,Geology - Published
- 2020
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23. Some Properties of ‘Good’ Metals
- Author
Lord Byron
- Published
- 2020
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24. Lord Byron: Complete Works : Poetry, Plays, Letters and Biographies
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English literature--Translations into German
- Abstract
Lord Byron: Complete Works is a meticulously curated collection that encompasses the breadth of Byron's poetic genius, dramatic flair, and incisive prose. Spanning his iconic narrative poems, such as'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,'to his compelling plays like'Manfred,'this anthology explores themes of love, loss, and the human spirit against a backdrop of Romanticism. Byron's stylistic innovations, characterized by vivid imagery, emotional depth, and rebellious spirit, position him not just as a poet, but as a revolutionary figure in literature, whose works critique societal norms and illuminate the complexities of the human condition. As one of the leading figures of the Romantic movement, George Gordon, Lord Byron, was deeply influenced by his tumultuous life experiences, noble lineage, and the socio-political landscape of early 19th-century Britain. Byron's own struggles with identity, travel, and love profoundly informed his literary output, revealing not only the artist but the man behind the verses. His charisma and scandalous life continue to captivate scholars and literary enthusiasts alike, reflecting a paradox between romantic idealism and stark realism. This comprehensive anthology is essential for any reader seeking to delve into the multifaceted world of Byron's creativity. It serves not only as an introduction to his remarkable body of work but also as a scholarly resource for those wishing to explore the passionate and often tumultuous life that shaped his literature. Byron's complete works invite readers to revel in the intoxicating prose and transformational poetry that have left an indelible mark on Western literary canon.
- Published
- 2022
25. Vampiros El Vurdalak y otros bebedores de sangre
- Author
Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoi, Lord Byron, Julio Verne, Voltaire, Horacio Quiroga, H. P. Lovecraft, Arthur Conan Doyle, Guy de Maupassant, Ambrose Bierce, Charles Boudelaire, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoi, Lord Byron, Julio Verne, Voltaire, Horacio Quiroga, H. P. Lovecraft, Arthur Conan Doyle, Guy de Maupassant, Ambrose Bierce, and Charles Boudelaire
- Abstract
Incluye los siguiente cuentos: Diccionario filosófico, vampiros, El vampiro en el convento, El entierro, El vampiro, El cuento de la familia de Guzmán, El vampiro Arnold Paul, El vampiro bueno, La familia del Vurdalak, Upir, La metamorfosis del vampiro, Tu amigo el vampiro, El Horla, El castillo de los Cápatos, El floreciimiento de la orquidea rara, Historia real de un vampiro, El conde Magnus, Diccionario del diablo, La visita de J H Obereit a las sanguijuelas del tiempo, El almohadon de plumas, Outsider, El espectro y Sherlock Holmes y el vampiro de Sussex.
- Published
- 2022
26. Manfred
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
In'Manfred'entführt uns Lord Byron in eine düstere und mystische Welt, die von inneren Konflikten und übernatürlichen Elementen geprägt ist. Die Titelfigur, Manfred, ist ein gebrochener Charakter, der von Schuld und Verzweiflung gequält wird, während er versucht, sich den Geistern seiner Vergangenheit zu entziehen. Byron verwendet eine eindrucksvolle, lyrische Sprache und einen dramatischen Schreibstil, der sowohl emotionale Tiefe als auch philosophische Fragestellungen aufwirft. Die Versform und die Dynamik zwischen Mensch und Natur reflektieren die romantische Ära und eröffnen vielfältige Interpretationsmöglichkeiten in Bezug auf Selbstverständnis und das menschliche Dasein. Lord Byron, eine herausragende Figur der englischen Romantik, war nicht nur bekannt für seine rebellische Haltung, sondern auch für seine tiefgreifenden Gedankengänge über Existenz und Leid. Seine eigenen Erfahrungen mit Verlust, Liebe und gesellschaftlicher Isolation spiegeln sich in den Charakteren und Themen seines Schaffens wider.'Manfred'ist ein Produkt seiner Auseinandersetzung mit der Emotion, dem Übernatürlichen und dem Streben nach Erfüllung. Dieses Werk ist nicht nur für Liebhaber der romantischen Dichtung von Bedeutung, sondern auch für Leser, die an psychologischen und philosophischen Fragestellungen interessiert sind. Byrons eindringliche Sprache und die sich entwickelte, emotionale Spannung machen'Manfred'zu einer fesselnden Lektüre, die zum Nachdenken anregt und einen tiefen Einblick in die menschliche Seele gewährt.
- Published
- 2022
27. The Byron Collection : 300+ Poems, Verses, Dramas & Tales
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English literature
- Abstract
The Byron Collection presents a curated anthology of Lord Byron's most significant poems and prose, encapsulating the essence of the Romantic era. Byron's literary style is characterized by its highly emotional tone, vivid imagery, and exploration of complex themes such as love, loss, and existential reflection. Within this collection, readers will encounter works that resonate with the spirit of rebellion and individualism that defined the movement, alongside the profound psychological insights that Byron distilled from his own tumultuous life. The varied forms, from lyrical poetry to satirical essays, reflect his innovative approach and command of language, making this collection a vital exploration of both personal and societal landscapes. Lord Byron, a leading figure of the Romantic movement, was shaped by a life marked by scandal, adventure, and an insatiable quest for truth. Born in 1788, his noble lineage and early exposure to classical literature set the stage for a prolific writing career fueled by his passionate experiences and relationships. His work often mirrors his struggles with identity, societal expectations, and personal turmoil, and he remains a quintessential representative of the Era's spirit of change and introspection. The Byron Collection is an essential compendium for readers seeking to understand the depth and breadth of Byron's literary contributions. It invites a new audience to discover the intricacies of his work while enriching those already familiar with his legacy. Engaging and thought-provoking, this anthology is a must-read for anyone interested in the profound emotional landscape of Romantic literature.
- Published
- 2022
28. Manfred : Including 'The Life of Lord Byron'
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- Verse drama, English--19th century
- Abstract
In his haunting drama'Manfred,'Lord Byron explores the tumultuous psyche of a tormented protagonist grappling with guilt, loss, and the quest for redemption. Set against the sublime backdrop of the Swiss Alps, this verse play interweaves elements of Gothic fiction and Romantic ideals, characterized by rich imagery and a profound rhetoric that reflects Byron's mastery of language. The narrative unfolds as Manfred, a weary nobleman, confronts supernatural forces and the shadows of his past, ultimately revealing the fragmented nature of human existence and the earnest search for a deeper meaning amidst despair. Lord Byron, a leading figure of the Romantic movement, drew inspiration from his own experiences of love, loss, and a yearning for unattainable ideals. His tumultuous personal life, filled with scandal and emotional upheaval, deeply informs the existential themes portrayed in'Manfred.'Byron's keen engagement with philosophical ideas and the Romantic fascination with the sublime culminate in a work that is both personal and universal, reflecting the struggles of the human spirit.'Manfred'is a compelling read for anyone interested in the intersection of Romantic literature and existential thought. Byron's eloquent verse and complex characterizations invite readers to delve into the depths of human emotion and the metaphysical dilemmas that confront us all. This work stands as a testament to Byron's brilliant literary legacy and remains a profound exploration of the darker aspects of the human condition.
- Published
- 2022
29. Il primo vampiro
- Author
Lord Byron, John W. Polidori, Samuel T. Coleridge, John Keats, Bram Stocker, Lord Byron, John W. Polidori, Samuel T. Coleridge, John Keats, and Bram Stocker
- Abstract
Il principe delle tenebre come lo conosciamo oggi nasce nell'Ottocento, grazie al successo de'Il vampiro'di John William Polidori, a sua volta ispirato da'Un frammento'di Lord Byron. Le prime, folgoranti storie di vampiri qui raccolte mostrano la genesi del mito nella letteratura gotico-romantica, comprese le più notevoli declinazioni al femminile di questa figura raffinata, sensuale e assetata di sangue. Contiene:'Un frammento'di Lord Byron'Il vampiro'di John William Polidori'Christabel'di Samuel Taylor Coleridge'Lamia'di John Keats'L'ospite di Dracula'di Bram Stoker
- Published
- 2022
30. Don Juan
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
Don Juan es un poema satírico en prosa escrito por Lord Byron, basado en la leyenda de Don Juan. El autor retrata a Don Juan no como un mujeriego, sino como a alguien fácilmente seducido por las mujeres. Es una variante de la forma épica, una sátira con visos de comedia.Considerada como una obra maestra, Byron completó 16 cantos, dejando el canto 17 sin terminar a causa de su muerte en 1824.-
- Published
- 2021
31. Mazeppa: A Poem
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
“Mazeppa” is a 1819 narrative poem composed by the seminal English romantic poet Lord Byron. Based on a popular legend concerning the early life of Ivan Mazepa (1639–1709), it describes how the young Mazeppa had a love affair with a Polish Countess named Theresa during his time spent as a page in the Court of King John II Casimir Vasa. The Countess Theresa was, however, married and, upon discovering the affair, her husband punishes Mazeppa by stripping him and tying him to a wild horse. George Gordon Byron (1788 – 1824), commonly known as Lord Byron, was a British poet, politician, peer, and important figure of the Romantic movement. He is hailed as one of the most influential British poets and is continued to be widely read and influential. His most famous works include the poems “Don Juan” and “Childe Harold's Pilgrimage”. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.
- Published
- 2021
32. Ghostly Tales From the Lost Summer of 1816 - Frankenstein, The Vampyre & Other Stories From the Villa Diodati
- Author
Mary Shelley, John William Polidori, Lord Byron, Mary Shelley, John William Polidori, and Lord Byron
- Abstract
On a stormy summer in 1816, a group of pioneering writers gathered in a mansion on Lake Geneva and wrote some of English literature's most influential horror and ghost stories. This is a collection of their work. Featuring stories of mutilated monsters being brought to life and sinister vampires roaming among the circles of society's elite, this collection of dark tales from the infamous Lost Summer of 1816 has had a profound influence on the world of horror writing. Written over 200 years ago when Lord Byron rented the Villa Diodati on Lake Geneva, these stories by n William Polidori, poet Percy Shelley, and Shelley's 19-year-old mistress, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, are the result of a writing competition between friends. The most notable tale, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, would go on to become one of the most famous horror stories of all time. This collection includes: - Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - The Vampyre by John Polidori - Fragment of a Ghost Story by Percy Shelley - A Fragment of a Novel by Lord Byron This volume of classic horror tales would make for a worthy addition to the shelves of fans of the horrifying and macabre, and also includes specially-commissioned biographies of each of the authors.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry--19th century
- Abstract
This is the sixth volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 6. The text of this edition of Don Juan has been collated with original MSS. in the possession of the Lady Dorchester and Mr. John Murray. The fragment of a Seventeenth Canto, consisting of fourteen stanzas, is now printed and published for the first time.
- Published
- 2020
34. The Works Of Lord Byron, Letters and Journals, Vol 1
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- Letters
- Abstract
Excerpt:'In preparing this volume for the press, use has been also made of a mass of material, bearing more or less directly on Byron's life, which was accumulated by the grandfather and father of Mr. Murray. The notes thus contain, it is believed, many details of biographical interest, which are now for the first time published.'
- Published
- 2020
35. The Works Of Lord Byron, Letters and Journals, Vol 2
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- Letters
- Abstract
Excerpt:'The material contained in these two volumes consists partly of letters now for the first time printed; partly of letters already published by Moore, Dallas, and Leigh Hunt, or in such books as Galt's Life of Lord Byron, and the Memoirs of Francis Hodgson. Speaking generally, it may be said that the text of the new matter, with the few exceptions noted below, has been prepared from the original letters, and that it has proved impossible to authenticate the text of most of the old material by any such process.'
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry--19th century
- Abstract
This is the third volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 3. The present volume contains the six metrical tales which were composed within the years 1812 and 1815, the Hebrew Melodies, and the minor poems of 1809-1816. With the exception of the first fifteen poems (1809-1811)—Chansons de Voyage, as they might be called—the volume as a whole was produced on English soil. Beginning with the Giaour; which followed in the wake of Childe Harold and shared its triumph, and ending with the ill-omened Domestic Pieces, or Poems of the Separation, the poems which Byron wrote in his own country synchronize with his popularity as a poet by the acclaim and suffrages of his own countrymen. His greatest work, by which his lasting fame has been established, and by which his relative merits as a great poet will be judged in the future, was yet to come; but the work which made his name, which is stamped with his sign-manual, and [vi]which has come to be regarded as distinctively and characteristically Byronic, preceded maturity and achievement.
- Published
- 2020
37. Don Juan
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
Don Juan is a satiric poem by Lord Byron, based on the legend of Don Juan, which Byron reverses, portraying Juan not as a womaniser but as someone easily seduced by women. It is a variation on the epic form. Byron himself called it an'Epic Satire'Byron completed 16 cantos, leaving an unfinished 17th canto before his death in 1824. Byron claimed that he had no ideas in his mind as to what would happen in subsequent cantos as he wrote his work. When the first two cantos were published anonymously in 1819, the poem was criticised for its'immoral content', but it was also immensely popular.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry
- Abstract
This is the fourth volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 4. The poems included in this volume consist of thirteen longer or more important works, written at various periods between June, 1816, and October, 1821; of eight occasional pieces (Poems of July-September, 1816), written in 1816; and of another collection of occasional pieces (Poems 1816-1823), written at intervals between November, 1816, and September, 1823. Of this second group of minor poems five are now printed and published for the first time.
- Published
- 2020
39. Fugitive Pieces
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English literature--19th century
- Abstract
Excerpt:'Fugitive Pieces, Byron's first volume of verse, was privately printed in the autumn of 1806, when Byron was eighteen years of age. Passages in Byron's correspondence indicate that as early as August of that year some of the poems were in the printers'hands and that during the latter part of August and during September the printing was suspended in order that Byron might give his poems an'entire new form.'The new form consisted, in part, in an enlargement; for he wrote to Elizabeth Pigot about September that he had nearly doubled his poems'partly by the discovery of some I conceived to be lost, and partly by some new productions.'According to Moore, Fugitive Pieces was ready for distribution in November. The last poem in the volume bears the date of November 16, 1806.'
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry
- Abstract
This is the fifth volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 5. The plays and poems contained in this volume were written within the space of two years—the last two years of Byron's career as a poet. But that was not all. Cantos VI.-XV. of Don Juan, The Vision of Judgment, The Blues, The Irish Avatar, and other minor poems, belong to the same period. The end was near, and, as though he had received a warning, he hastened to make the roll complete.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry--19th century
- Abstract
- Published
- 2020
42. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Abstract
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a long narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. The poem was published between 1812 and 1818. Dedicated to'Ianthe', it describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man, who is disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry and looks for distraction in foreign lands. In a wider sense, it is an expression of the melancholy and disillusionment felt by a generation weary of the wars of the post-Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. The title comes from the term childe, a medieval title for a young man who was a candidate for knighthood.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry
- Abstract
This is the first volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 1. The edition contains at least thirty hitherto unpublished poems, including fifteen stanzas of the unfinished seventeenth canto of Don Juan, and a considerable fragment of the third part of The Deformed Transformed. The eleven unpublished poems from MSS. preserved at Newstead, which appear in the first volume, are of slight if any literary value, but they reflect with singular clearness and sincerity the temper and aspirations of the tumultuous and moody stripling to whom'the numbers came,'but who wisely abstained from printing them himself.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Lord Byron and Lord Byron
- Subjects
- English poetry--19th century
- Abstract
This is the seventh volume of seven THE COMPLETE WORKS OF LORD BYRON, Vol 7. Of the seventy-three'Epigrams and Jeux d'Esprit,'which are printed at the commencement of this volume, forty-five were included in Murray's one-volume edition of 1837, eighteen have been collected from various publications, and ten are printed and published for the first time. The'Devil's Drive,'which appears in Moore's Letters and Journals, and in the sixth volume of the Collected Edition of 1831 as an'Unfinished Fragment'of ninety-seven lines, is now printed and published for the first time in its entirety (248 lines), from a MS. in the possession of the Earl of Ilchester.'A Farewell Petition to J. C. H. Esq.;''My Boy Hobbie O;''[Love and Death];'and'Last Words on Greece,'are reprinted from the first volume of Murray's Magazine (1887).
- Published
- 2020
45. Building a better mousetrap; Consider the possibilities: what if we could establish a bold new business model for accelerating the adoption of transportation technology?
- Author
Lord, Byron N.
- Subjects
Highway departments -- Laws, regulations and rules -- Technology application ,Freeways -- Innovations -- Technology application -- Laws, regulations and rules ,Business ,Engineering and manufacturing industries ,Government ,Transportation industry ,Government regulation ,Technology application ,Innovations ,Laws, regulations and rules - Abstract
It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that if a man builds a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to his door. However, despite many innovations that can [...]
- Published
- 2004
46. 7 mejores cuentos: Terror I
- Author
Roberto Arlt, Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Ambrose Bierce, Lord Byron, Anton Chejov, August Nemo, Roberto Arlt, Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Ambrose Bierce, Lord Byron, Anton Chejov, and August Nemo
- Abstract
La colección 7 mejores cuentos - selección especial trae lo mejor de la literatura mundial, organizada en antologías temáticas. En este volumen te traemos grandes nombres de la literatura terror y misterio: - Diagnóstico de muerte por Ambrose Bierce - Extraordinaria historia de dos tuertos por Roberto Arlt - El Gato Negro por Edgar Allan Poe. - El color que cayó del cielo por H. P. Lovecraft. - Mi crimen favorito por Ambrose Bierce. - El entierro por Lord Byron. - Una noche terrible por Anton Chejov. Para más libros con temas interesantes, asegúrese de consultar los otros libros de esta colección.
- Published
- 2019
47. 3 Books to Know: Juvenalian Satire
- Author
Jonathan Swift, Lord Byron, Voltaire, August Nemo, Jonathan Swift, Lord Byron, Voltaire, and August Nemo
- Abstract
Welcome to the 3 Books To Know series, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is: Juvenalian Satire. - Don Juan by Lord Byron. - A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. - Candide by Voltaire.Juvenalian satire is often to attack individuals, governments and organisations to expose hypocrisy and moral transgressions. For this reason, writers should expect to use stronger doses of irony and sarcasm in this concoction. Don Juan is a satiric poem by Lord Byron, based on the legend of Don Juan, which Byron reverses, portraying Juan not as a womaniser but as someone easily seduced by women. It is a variation on the epic form. Byron completed 16 cantos, leaving an unfinished 17th canto before his death in 1824. Byron claimed that he had no ideas in his mind as to what would happen in subsequent cantos as he wrote his work. A Modest Proposal, is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The essay suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical hyperbole mocked heartless attitudes towards the poor, as well as British policy toward the Irish in general. Candide is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire. Candide is characterized by its tone as well as by its erratic, fantastical, and fast-moving plot. It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism by his mentor, Professor Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow and painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world. This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.
- Published
- 2019
48. Urban sprawl: Extent and environmental impact in Baguio City, Philippines
- Author
Lord Byron F. Gonzales
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Land use ,Population ,Urban sprawl ,environmental impact ,Urban Studies ,Development plan ,shannon entropy ,Geography ,urban growth ,urban sprawl ,Urban planning ,Local government ,Architecture ,Sustainability ,Environmental impact assessment ,lcsh:Architecture ,education ,Environmental planning ,lcsh:NA1-9428 - Abstract
Urban sprawl has emerged as a striking characteristic of recent global urban development. Land use policies advocating urban expansion for residential use to the detriment of a critical environment as in the case of Baguio City, Philippines, have shaped and reinforced the urban sprawl phenomenon. Urban sprawl is characterized by discontinuous, fragmented/leapfrog development, with random population densities. There are generally few studies regarding the environmental impact of urban sprawl and it is along this vein that this study was undertaken. The purpose of the study is to gauge how extensive urban sprawl has grown in Baguio City via Shannon?s entropy model and to explore its impact on the city?s environment. The result of the study revealed that urban sprawl prevails over the city?s physical development. The proximity of the entropy value to the maximum reference value, indicate a highly dispersed urban development attributed to the continuous increase in population, coupled with the physical constraint of topography and its limited land area. The most critical issue challenging the local government of Baguio City and its people is the creation of a Long Term Development Plan that should strike a balance between local ambitions, demographic facts, and the environmental sustainability.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
- Abstract
La visión del juicio (1821), considerada por H. Bloom como «la mejor obra de lord Byron, con permiso de Don Juan», arranca de una polémica. Byron tenía entre ceja y ceja al poeta Southey, a quien responsabilizaba de acuñar la expresión «La liga del incesto» para insultarle a él y a sus amigos, los Shelley. Como venganza decidió parodiar el poema donde Southey narraba, con gran cursilería, el ascenso a los cielos del rey Jorge III. Pero una vez dispuesto el teatrillo paródico a Byron se le dispararon los poderes visionarios de manera que además de calcinar la reputación de Southey terminó por examinar el poder, la moral, el arte y la ambición de su tiempo. Inolvidable en su brío, en el rigor de la denuncia y en su salvaje y maliciosa comicidad, La visión del juicio (que presentamos por primera vez al lector español en una versión anotada de José C. Vales) nos permite disfrutar de su talento para el poema largo. Completa el volumen una selección significativa de su lírica breve, donde recuperamos al Byron más romántico. Poemas mayoritariamente dedicados al amor; aunque tratándose de Byron el amor puede adoptar formas muy variadas: desde la galantería más exquisita a lo macabro, pasando por el ardor, el nihilismo, la ternura, o una inconforme nostalgia.
- Published
- 2018
50. Engel und Teufel in einer Gestalt : Heldenhafte Einsamkeiten
- Author
George Gordon Noël Lord Byron, Klaudia Ruschkowski, Wolfgang Storch, George Gordon Noël Lord Byron, Klaudia Ruschkowski, and Wolfgang Storch
- Abstract
Die besten Gedanken eines lebendigen, skandalbehafteten Gesamtkunstwerks Lord Byron war das damalige Äquivalent eines Rockstars – sein skandalöser Lebenswandel fand einen hyperbolischen Ausdruck in seinem dichterischen Schaffen, das Wenige, was selbst für ihn nicht zu leben war, war jedoch in jeder Hinsicht denkbar und in überbordender Fülle beschreibbar. Seine Werke reichen von erotisch, exotisch bis befremdlich und transportieren den berühmten Byronschen Weltschmerz. Das Selbstkunstwerk Byron reiht sich mit seinem schillernden Leben nahtlos in die Parade seiner geistigen Exzesse ein. Die besten Gedanken, Aussprüche und Texte Byrons sind hier versammelt: ein Panoptikum von Leid und Lust.
- Published
- 2018
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