80 results on '"Lopez, FE"'
Search Results
2. Evaluation of the incorporation of an IOTA-ADNEX model in the discrimination of adnexal masses in our third-level hospital centre, taking into account the menopausal status of patients. Five years of experience
- Author
Elsner Hernández, N., De Luis Escudero, J.F., Pérez Méndez, L.I., Báez Quintana, D.R., Bruno Santana, E., Pérez Álvarez, J.A., Sierra Medina, N.R., Chulilla Pérez, C., and Quesada López-Fe, A.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Facilitation of macrofaunal assemblages in marinas by the habitat-forming invader Amathia verticillata (Bryozoa: Gymnolaemata) across a spatiotemporal scale
- Author
Guerra-García, J.M., Ruiz-Velasco, S., Navarro-Barranco, C., Moreira, J., Angulo, G., García-Domínguez, R., Amengual, J., Saenz-Arias, P., López-Fé, C.M., Martínez-Pita, I., García-García, F.J., and Ros, M.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Frailty as a predictor of clinical problems and events that require elderly patients with heart failure to use health resources
- Author
Flores-Álvarez, FJ., Sillero-Herrera, A., Cuesta-Gaviño, J., Fernández-Sánchez, ML., Vega-Sánchez, J., López-Fe, JL., Gamboa-Antiñolo, FM, Utrilla-Ayala, D., Aguirre-Palacio, A., De Villar-Conde, E., and Vergara-López, S.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C viruses in moderate and severe COVID-19 inpatients: A cross-sectional study at a referral center in Mexico
- Author
Jiménez-Mendoza, JC, Rivera-López, FE, González-Lara, MF, Valdez-Echeverría, RD, Castro-Narro, GE, Tore, A, Uscanga-Domínguez, LF, and Moctezuma-Velázquez, C
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Lopez-Fe, Quesada AA, Álvarez, Pérez JA, De Ganzo Suarez, T, Peńa, Preckler D, and De la Rosa, Gómez G
- Published
- 2019
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7. Vacunación frente al cáncer de cérvix en mujeres fuera de los programas de vacunación sistemática, con o sin infección por el virus del papiloma humano o lesión cervical. Encuesta de opinión y recomendaciones
- Author
Torné Bladé, Aureli, Bayas Rodríguez, José María, Castellsagué Piqué, Xavier, Sánchez, María Castro, García García, Enrique, Martínez Escoriza, Juan Carlos, Puig-Tintoré, Luis María, Quesada López-Fe, Alfonso, and Vidart Aragón, José Antonio
- Published
- 2012
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8. A Study on Contralateral Thermoluminescent Breast Dosimetry of Tangential Breast Irradiation Using 6 MV Linear Accelerator Beams
- Author
Moreno, Dickerson, Lopez, Fe Alexandra, Santacera, Raquel Irene, Kim, Sun I., editor, Suh, Tae Suk, editor, Magjarevic, R., editor, and Nagel, J. H., editor
- Published
- 2007
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9. Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment
- Author
Abu-Shawareb, H, Acree, R, Adams, P, Adams, J, Addis, B, Aden, R, Adrian, P, Afeyan, BB, Aggleton, M, Aghaian, L, Aguirre, A, Aikens, D, Akre, J, Albert, F, Albrecht, M, Albright, BJ, Albritton, J, Alcala, J, Alday, C, Alessi, DA, Alexander, N, Alfonso, J, Alfonso, N, Alger, E, Ali, SJ, Ali, ZA, Alley, WE, Amala, P, Amendt, PA, Amick, P, Ammula, S, Amorin, C, Ampleford, DJ, Anderson, RW, Anklam, T, Antipa, N, Appelbe, B, Aracne-Ruddle, C, Araya, E, Arend, M, Arnold, P, Arnold, T, Asay, J, Atherton, LJ, Atkinson, D, Atkinson, R, Auerbach, JM, Austin, B, Auyang, L, Awwal, AS, Ayers, J, Ayers, S, Ayers, T, Azevedo, S, Bachmann, B, Back, CA, Bae, J, Bailey, DS, Bailey, J, Baisden, T, Baker, KL, Baldis, H, Barber, D, Barberis, M, Barker, D, Barnes, A, Barnes, CW, Barrios, MA, Barty, C, Bass, I, Batha, SH, Baxamusa, SH, Bazan, G, Beagle, JK, Beale, R, Beck, BR, Beck, JB, Bedzyk, M, Beeler, RG, Behrendt, W, Belk, L, Bell, P, Belyaev, M, Benage, JF, Bennett, G, Benedetti, LR, Benedict, LX, Berger, R, Bernat, T, Bernstein, LA, Berry, B, Bertolini, L, Besenbruch, G, Betcher, J, Bettenhausen, R, Betti, R, Bezzerides, B, Bhandarkar, SD, Bickel, R, Biener, J, Biesiada, T, Bigelow, K, Bigelow-Granillo, J, Bigman, V, Bionta, RM, Birge, NW, Bitter, M, Black, AC, Bleile, R, Bleuel, DL, Bliss, E, Blue, B, Boehly, T, Boehm, K, Boley, CD, Bonanno, R, Bond, EJ, Bond, T, Bonino, MJ, Borden, M, Bourgade, J-L, Bousquet, J, Bowers, J, Bowers, M, Boyd, R, Bozek, A, Bradley, DK, Bradley, KS, Bradley, PA, Bradley, L, Brannon, L, Brantley, PS, Braun, D, Braun, T, Brienza-Larsen, K, Briggs, TM, Britten, J, Brooks, ED, Browning, D, Bruhn, MW, Brunner, TA, Bruns, H, Brunton, G, Bryant, B, Buczek, T, Bude, J, Buitano, L, Burkhart, S, Burmark, J, Burnham, A, Burr, R, Busby, LE, Butlin, B, Cabeltis, R, Cable, M, Cabot, WH, Cagadas, B, Caggiano, J, Cahayag, R, Caldwell, SE, Calkins, S, Callahan, DA, Calleja-Aguirre, J, Camara, L, Camp, D, Campbell, EM, Campbell, JH, Carey, B, Carey, R, Carlisle, K, Carlson, L, Carman, L, Carmichael, J, Carpenter, A, Carr, C, Carrera, JA, Casavant, D, Casey, A, Casey, DT, Castillo, A, Castillo, E, Castor, JI, Castro, C, Caughey, W, Cavitt, R, Celeste, J, Celliers, PM, Cerjan, C, Chandler, G, Chang, B, Chang, C, Chang, J, Chang, L, Chapman, R, Chapman, T, Chase, L, Chen, H, Chen, K, Chen, L-Y, Cheng, B, Chittenden, J, Choate, C, Chou, J, Chrien, RE, Chrisp, M, Christensen, K, Christensen, M, Christopherson, AR, Chung, M, Church, JA, Clark, A, Clark, DS, Clark, K, Clark, R, Claus, L, Cline, B, Cline, JA, Cobble, JA, Cochrane, K, Cohen, B, Cohen, S, Collette, MR, Collins, G, Collins, LA, Collins, TJB, Conder, A, Conrad, B, Conyers, M, Cook, AW, Cook, D, Cook, R, Cooley, JC, Cooper, G, Cope, T, Copeland, SR, Coppari, F, Cortez, J, Cox, J, Crandall, DH, Crane, J, Craxton, RS, Cray, M, Crilly, A, Crippen, JW, Cross, D, Cuneo, M, Cuotts, G, Czajka, CE, Czechowicz, D, Daly, T, Danforth, P, Darbee, R, Darlington, B, Datte, P, Dauffy, L, Davalos, G, Davidovits, S, Davis, P, Davis, J, Dawson, S, Day, RD, Day, TH, Dayton, M, Deck, C, Decker, C, Deeney, C, DeFriend, KA, Deis, G, Delamater, ND, Delettrez, JA, Demaret, R, Demos, S, Dempsey, SM, Desjardin, R, Desjardins, T, Desjarlais, MP, Dewald, EL, DeYoreo, J, Diaz, S, Dimonte, G, Dittrich, TR, Divol, L, Dixit, SN, Dixon, J, Dodd, ES, Dolan, D, Donovan, A, Donovan, M, Döppner, T, Dorrer, C, Dorsano, N, Douglas, MR, Dow, D, Downie, J, Downing, E, Dozieres, M, Draggoo, V, Drake, D, Drake, RP, Drake, T, Dreifuerst, G, DuBois, DF, DuBois, PF, Dunham, G, Dylla-Spears, R, Dymoke-Bradshaw, AKL, Dzenitis, B, Ebbers, C, Eckart, M, Eddinger, S, Eder, D, Edgell, D, Edwards, MJ, Efthimion, P, Eggert, JH, Ehrlich, B, Ehrmann, P, Elhadj, S, Ellerbee, C, Elliott, NS, Ellison, CL, Elsner, F, Emerich, M, Engelhorn, K, England, T, English, E, Epperson, P, Epstein, R, Erbert, G, Erickson, MA, Erskine, DJ, Erlandson, A, Espinosa, RJ, Estes, C, Estabrook, KG, Evans, S, Fabyan, A, Fair, J, Fallejo, R, Farmer, N, Farmer, WA, Farrell, M, Fatherley, VE, Fedorov, M, Feigenbaum, E, Feit, M, Ferguson, W, Fernandez, JC, Fernandez-Panella, A, Fess, S, Field, JE, Filip, CV, Fincke, JR, Finn, T, Finnegan, SM, Finucane, RG, Fischer, M, Fisher, A, Fisher, J, Fishler, B, Fittinghoff, D, Fitzsimmons, P, Flegel, M, Flippo, KA, Florio, J, Folta, J, Folta, P, Foreman, LR, Forrest, C, Forsman, A, Fooks, J, Foord, M, Fortner, R, Fournier, K, Fratanduono, DE, Frazier, N, Frazier, T, Frederick, C, Freeman, MS, Frenje, J, Frey, D, Frieders, G, Friedrich, S, Froula, DH, Fry, J, Fuller, T, Gaffney, J, Gales, S, Le Galloudec, B, Le Galloudec, KK, Gambhir, A, Gao, L, Garbett, WJ, Garcia, A, Gates, C, Gaut, E, Gauthier, P, Gavin, Z, Gaylord, J, Geissel, M, Génin, F, Georgeson, J, Geppert-Kleinrath, H, Geppert-Kleinrath, V, Gharibyan, N, Gibson, J, Gibson, C, Giraldez, E, Glebov, V, Glendinning, SG, Glenn, S, Glenzer, SH, Goade, S, Gobby, PL, Goldman, SR, Golick, B, Gomez, M, Goncharov, V, Goodin, D, Grabowski, P, Grafil, E, Graham, P, Grandy, J, Grasz, E, Graziani, F, Greenman, G, Greenough, JA, Greenwood, A, Gregori, G, Green, T, Griego, JR, Grim, GP, Grondalski, J, Gross, S, Guckian, J, Guler, N, Gunney, B, Guss, G, Haan, S, Hackbarth, J, Hackel, L, Hackel, R, Haefner, C, Hagmann, C, Hahn, KD, Hahn, S, Haid, BJ, Haines, BM, Hall, BM, Hall, C, Hall, GN, Hamamoto, M, Hamel, S, Hamilton, CE, Hammel, BA, Hammer, JH, Hampton, G, Hamza, A, Handler, A, Hansen, S, Hanson, D, Haque, R, Harding, D, Harding, E, Hares, JD, Harris, DB, Harte, JA, Hartouni, EP, Hatarik, R, Hatchett, S, Hauer, AA, Havre, M, Hawley, R, Hayes, J, Hayes, S, Hayes-Sterbenz, A, Haynam, CA, Haynes, DA, Headley, D, Heal, A, Heebner, JE, Heerey, S, Heestand, GM, Heeter, R, Hein, N, Heinbockel, C, Hendricks, C, Henesian, M, Heninger, J, Henrikson, J, Henry, EA, Herbold, EB, Hermann, MR, Hermes, G, Hernandez, JE, Hernandez, VJ, Herrmann, MC, Herrmann, HW, Herrera, OD, Hewett, D, Hibbard, R, Hicks, DG, Hill, D, Hill, K, Hilsabeck, T, Hinkel, DE, Ho, DD, Ho, VK, Hoffer, JK, Hoffman, NM, Hohenberger, M, Hohensee, M, Hoke, W, Holdener, D, Holdener, F, Holder, JP, Holko, B, Holunga, D, Holzrichter, JF, Honig, J, Hoover, D, Hopkins, D, Berzak Hopkins, L, Hoppe, M, Hoppe, ML, Horner, J, Hornung, R, Horsfield, CJ, Horvath, J, Hotaling, D, House, R, Howell, L, Hsing, WW, Hu, SX, Huang, H, Huckins, J, Hui, H, Humbird, KD, Hund, J, Hunt, J, Hurricane, OA, Hutton, M, Huynh, KH-K, Inandan, L, Iglesias, C, Igumenshchev, IV, Izumi, N, Jackson, M, Jackson, J, Jacobs, SD, James, G, Jancaitis, K, Jarboe, J, Jarrott, LC, Jasion, D, Jaquez, J, Jeet, J, Jenei, AE, Jensen, J, Jimenez, J, Jimenez, R, Jobe, D, Johal, Z, Johns, HM, Johnson, D, Johnson, MA, Gatu Johnson, M, Johnson, RJ, Johnson, S, Johnson, SA, Johnson, T, Jones, K, Jones, O, Jones, M, Jorge, R, Jorgenson, HJ, Julian, M, Jun, BI, Jungquist, R, Kaae, J, Kabadi, N, Kaczala, D, Kalantar, D, Kangas, K, Karasiev, VV, Karasik, M, Karpenko, V, Kasarky, A, Kasper, K, Kauffman, R, Kaufman, MI, Keane, C, Keaty, L, Kegelmeyer, L, Keiter, PA, Kellett, PA, Kellogg, J, Kelly, JH, Kemic, S, Kemp, AJ, Kemp, GE, Kerbel, GD, Kershaw, D, Kerr, SM, Kessler, TJ, Key, MH, Khan, SF, Khater, H, Kiikka, C, Kilkenny, J, Kim, Y, Kim, Y-J, Kimko, J, Kimmel, M, Kindel, JM, King, J, Kirkwood, RK, Klaus, L, Klem, D, Kline, JL, Klingmann, J, Kluth, G, Knapp, P, Knauer, J, Knipping, J, Knudson, M, Kobs, D, Koch, J, Kohut, T, Kong, C, Koning, JM, Koning, P, Konior, S, Kornblum, H, Kot, LB, Kozioziemski, B, Kozlowski, M, Kozlowski, PM, Krammen, J, Krasheninnikova, NS, Kraus, B, Krauser, W, Kress, JD, Kritcher, AL, Krieger, E, Kroll, JJ, Kruer, WL, Kruse, MKG, Kucheyev, S, Kumbera, M, Kumpan, S, Kunimune, J, Kustowski, B, Kwan, TJT, Kyrala, GA, Laffite, S, Lafon, M, LaFortune, K, Lahmann, B, Lairson, B, Landen, OL, Langenbrunner, J, Lagin, L, Land, T, Lane, M, Laney, D, Langdon, AB, Langer, SH, Langro, A, Lanier, NE, Lanier, TE, Larson, D, Lasinski, BF, Lassle, D, LaTray, D, Lau, G, Lau, N, Laumann, C, Laurence, A, Laurence, TA, Lawson, J, Le, HP, Leach, RR, Leal, L, Leatherland, A, LeChien, K, Lechleiter, B, Lee, A, Lee, M, Lee, T, Leeper, RJ, Lefebvre, E, Leidinger, J-P, LeMire, B, Lemke, RW, Lemos, NC, Le Pape, S, Lerche, R, Lerner, S, Letts, S, Levedahl, K, Lewis, T, Li, CK, Li, H, Li, J, Liao, W, Liao, ZM, Liedahl, D, Liebman, J, Lindford, G, Lindman, EL, Lindl, JD, Loey, H, London, RA, Long, F, Loomis, EN, Lopez, FE, Lopez, H, Losbanos, E, Loucks, S, Lowe-Webb, R, Lundgren, E, Ludwigsen, AP, Luo, R, Lusk, J, Lyons, R, Ma, T, Macallop, Y, MacDonald, MJ, MacGowan, BJ, Mack, JM, Mackinnon, AJ, MacLaren, SA, MacPhee, AG, Magelssen, GR, Magoon, J, Malone, RM, Malsbury, T, Managan, R, Mancini, R, Manes, K, Maney, D, Manha, D, Mannion, OM, Manuel, AM, Mapoles, E, Mara, G, Marcotte, T, Marin, E, Marinak, MM, Mariscal, C, Mariscal, DA, Mariscal, EF, Marley, EV, Marozas, JA, Marquez, R, Marshall, CD, Marshall, FJ, Marshall, M, Marshall, S, Marticorena, J, Martinez, D, Maslennikov, I, Mason, D, Mason, RJ, Masse, L, Massey, W, Masson-Laborde, P-E, Masters, ND, Mathisen, D, Mathison, E, Matone, J, Matthews, MJ, Mattoon, C, Mattsson, TR, Matzen, K, Mauche, CW, Mauldin, M, McAbee, T, McBurney, M, Mccarville, T, McCrory, RL, McEvoy, AM, McGuffey, C, Mcinnis, M, McKenty, P, McKinley, MS, McLeod, JB, McPherson, A, Mcquillan, B, Meamber, M, Meaney, KD, Meezan, NB, Meissner, R, Mehlhorn, TA, Mehta, NC, Menapace, J, Merrill, FE, Merritt, BT, Merritt, EC, Meyerhofer, DD, Mezyk, S, Mich, RJ, Michel, PA, Milam, D, Miller, C, Miller, D, Miller, DS, Miller, E, Miller, EK, Miller, J, Miller, M, Miller, PE, Miller, T, Miller, W, Miller-Kamm, V, Millot, M, Milovich, JL, Minner, P, Miquel, J-L, Mitchell, S, Molvig, K, Montesanti, RC, Montgomery, DS, Monticelli, M, Montoya, A, Moody, JD, Moore, AS, Moore, E, Moran, M, Moreno, JC, Moreno, K, Morgan, BE, Morrow, T, Morton, JW, Moses, E, Moy, K, Muir, R, Murillo, MS, Murray, JE, Murray, JR, Munro, DH, Murphy, TJ, Munteanu, FM, Nafziger, J, Nagayama, T, Nagel, SR, Nast, R, Negres, RA, Nelson, A, Nelson, D, Nelson, J, Nelson, S, Nemethy, S, Neumayer, P, Newman, K, Newton, M, Nguyen, H, Di Nicola, J-MG, Di Nicola, P, Niemann, C, Nikroo, A, Nilson, PM, Nobile, A, Noorai, V, Nora, R, Norton, M, Nostrand, M, Note, V, Novell, S, Nowak, PF, Nunez, A, Nyholm, RA, O'Brien, M, Oceguera, A, Oertel, JA, Okui, J, Olejniczak, B, Oliveira, J, Olsen, P, Olson, B, Olson, K, Olson, RE, Opachich, YP, Orsi, N, Orth, CD, Owen, M, Padalino, S, Padilla, E, Paguio, R, Paguio, S, Paisner, J, Pajoom, S, Pak, A, Palaniyappan, S, Palma, K, Pannell, T, Papp, F, Paras, D, Parham, T, Park, H-S, Pasternak, A, Patankar, S, Patel, MV, Patel, PK, Patterson, R, Patterson, S, Paul, B, Paul, M, Pauli, E, Pearce, OT, Pearcy, J, Pedrotti, B, Peer, A, Pelz, LJ, Penetrante, B, Penner, J, Perez, A, Perkins, LJ, Pernice, E, Perry, TS, Person, S, Petersen, D, Petersen, T, Peterson, DL, Peterson, EB, Peterson, JE, Peterson, JL, Peterson, K, Peterson, RR, Petrasso, RD, Philippe, F, Phipps, TJ, Piceno, E, Ping, Y, Pickworth, L, Pino, J, Plummer, R, Pollack, GD, Pollaine, SM, Pollock, BB, Ponce, D, Ponce, J, Pontelandolfo, J, Porter, JL, Post, J, Poujade, O, Powell, C, Powell, H, Power, G, Pozulp, M, Prantil, M, Prasad, M, Pratuch, S, Price, S, Primdahl, K, Prisbrey, S, Procassini, R, Pruyne, A, Pudliner, B, Qiu, SR, Quan, K, Quinn, M, Quintenz, J, Radha, PB, Rainer, F, Ralph, JE, Raman, KS, Raman, R, Rambo, P, Rana, S, Randewich, A, Rardin, D, Ratledge, M, Ravelo, N, Ravizza, F, Rayce, M, Raymond, A, Raymond, B, Reed, B, Reed, C, Regan, S, Reichelt, B, Reis, V, Reisdorf, S, Rekow, V, Remington, BA, Rendon, A, Requieron, W, Rever, M, Reynolds, H, Reynolds, J, Rhodes, J, Rhodes, M, Richardson, MC, Rice, B, Rice, NG, Rieben, R, Rigatti, A, Riggs, S, Rinderknecht, HG, Ring, K, Riordan, B, Riquier, R, Rivers, C, Roberts, D, Roberts, V, Robertson, G, Robey, HF, Robles, J, Rocha, P, Rochau, G, Rodriguez, J, Rodriguez, S, Rosen, M, Rosenberg, M, Ross, G, Ross, JS, Ross, P, Rouse, J, Rovang, D, Rubenchik, AM, Rubery, MS, Ruiz, CL, Rushford, M, Russ, B, Rygg, JR, Ryujin, BS, Sacks, RA, Sacks, RF, Saito, K, Salmon, T, Salmonson, JD, Sanchez, J, Samuelson, S, Sanchez, M, Sangster, C, Saroyan, A, Sater, J, Satsangi, A, Sauers, S, Saunders, R, Sauppe, JP, Sawicki, R, Sayre, D, Scanlan, M, Schaffers, K, Schappert, GT, Schiaffino, S, Schlossberg, DJ, Schmidt, DW, Schmitt, MJ, Schneider, DHG, Schneider, MB, Schneider, R, Schoff, M, Schollmeier, M, Schölmerich, M, Schroeder, CR, Schrauth, SE, Scott, HA, Scott, I, Scott, JM, Scott, RHH, Scullard, CR, Sedillo, T, Seguin, FH, Seka, W, Senecal, J, Sepke, SM, Seppala, L, Sequoia, K, Severyn, J, Sevier, JM, Sewell, N, Seznec, S, Shah, RC, Shamlian, J, Shaughnessy, D, Shaw, M, Shaw, R, Shearer, C, Shelton, R, Shen, N, Sherlock, MW, Shestakov, AI, Shi, EL, Shin, SJ, Shingleton, N, Shmayda, W, Shor, M, Shoup, M, Shuldberg, C, Siegel, L, Silva, FJ, Simakov, AN, Sims, BT, Sinars, D, Singh, P, Sio, H, Skulina, K, Skupsky, S, Slutz, S, Sluyter, M, Smalyuk, VA, Smauley, D, Smeltser, RM, Smith, C, Smith, I, Smith, J, Smith, L, Smith, R, Sohn, R, Sommer, S, Sorce, C, Sorem, M, Soures, JM, Spaeth, ML, Spears, BK, Speas, S, Speck, D, Speck, R, Spears, J, Spinka, T, Springer, PT, Stadermann, M, Stahl, B, Stahoviak, J, Stanton, LG, Steele, R, Steele, W, Steinman, D, Stemke, R, Stephens, R, Sterbenz, S, Sterne, P, Stevens, D, Stevers, J, Still, CB, Stoeckl, C, Stoeffl, W, Stolken, JS, Stolz, C, Storm, E, Stone, G, Stoupin, S, Stout, E, Stowers, I, Strauser, R, Streckart, H, Streit, J, Strozzi, DJ, Suratwala, T, Sutcliffe, G, Suter, LJ, Sutton, SB, Svidzinski, V, Swadling, G, Sweet, W, Szoke, A, Tabak, M, Takagi, M, Tambazidis, A, Tang, V, Taranowski, M, Taylor, LA, Telford, S, Theobald, W, Thi, M, Thomas, A, Thomas, CA, Thomas, I, Thomas, R, Thompson, IJ, Thongstisubskul, A, Thorsness, CB, Tietbohl, G, Tipton, RE, Tobin, M, Tomlin, N, Tommasini, R, Toreja, AJ, Torres, J, Town, RPJ, Townsend, S, Trenholme, J, Trivelpiece, A, Trosseille, C, Truax, H, Trummer, D, Trummer, S, Truong, T, Tubbs, D, Tubman, ER, Tunnell, T, Turnbull, D, Turner, RE, Ulitsky, M, Upadhye, R, Vaher, JL, VanArsdall, P, VanBlarcom, D, Vandenboomgaerde, M, VanQuinlan, R, Van Wonterghem, BM, Varnum, WS, Velikovich, AL, Vella, A, Verdon, CP, Vermillion, B, Vernon, S, Vesey, R, Vickers, J, Vignes, RM, Visosky, M, Vocke, J, Volegov, PL, Vonhof, S, Von Rotz, R, Vu, HX, Vu, M, Wall, D, Wall, J, Wallace, R, Wallin, B, Walmer, D, Walsh, CA, Walters, CF, Waltz, C, Wan, A, Wang, A, Wang, Y, Wark, JS, Warner, BE, Watson, J, Watt, RG, Watts, P, Weaver, J, Weaver, RP, Weaver, S, Weber, CR, Weber, P, Weber, SV, Wegner, P, Welday, B, Welser-Sherrill, L, Weiss, K, Widmann, K, Wheeler, GF, Whistler, W, White, RK, Whitley, HD, Whitman, P, Wickett, ME, Widmayer, C, Wiedwald, J, Wilcox, R, Wilcox, S, Wild, C, Wilde, BH, Wilde, CH, Wilhelmsen, K, Wilke, MD, Wilkens, H, Wilkins, P, Wilks, SC, Williams, EA, Williams, GJ, Williams, W, Williams, WH, Wilson, DC, Wilson, B, Wilson, E, Wilson, R, Winters, S, Wisoff, J, Wittman, M, Wolfe, J, Wong, A, Wong, KW, Wong, L, Wong, N, Wood, R, Woodhouse, D, Woodruff, J, Woods, DT, Woods, S, Woodworth, BN, Wooten, E, Wootton, A, Work, K, Workman, JB, Wright, J, Wu, M, Wuest, C, Wysocki, FJ, Xu, H, Yamaguchi, M, Yang, B, Yang, ST, Yatabe, J, Yeamans, CB, Yee, BC, Yi, SA, Yin, L, Young, B, Young, CS, Young, CV, Young, P, Youngblood, K, Zacharias, R, Zagaris, G, Zaitseva, N, Zaka, F, Ze, F, Zeiger, B, Zika, M, Zimmerman, GB, Zobrist, T, Zuegel, JD, Zylstra, AB, Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration, Collaboration, Indirect Drive ICF, AWE Plc, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and U.S Department of Energy
- Subjects
General Physics ,02 Physical Sciences ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration ,01 Mathematical Sciences ,09 Engineering - Abstract
For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion.
- Published
- 2022
10. EP608 Learning curve with ICG SLN mapping in endometrial cancer
- Author
T De Ganzo Suarez, JA Pérez Álvarez, AA Quesada Lopez-Fe, D Preckler Peña, and G Gómez De la Rosa
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Sterile water ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Endometrial cancer ,Sentinel lymph node ,medicine.disease ,Vial ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Cohort ,medicine ,Lymphadenectomy ,Radiology ,Stage (cooking) ,business ,Indocyanine green - Abstract
Introduction/Background Appropriate extent of lymphadenectomy in clinically, early stage endometrial cancer remains controversial but sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping has emerged as an alternative staging strategy, until the advent of molecular prognostic markers. The aim our study was to determine feasibility and mapping rates progression usin indocyanine green (ICG) for sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping in endometrial cancer. Methodology We analized the data of our cohort of 46 women. 23 women with les than 50% of myometrial inversion (MI) and 23 with more than 50% of MI. One vial of 25 mg of ICG isd reconstittuted with 10cc of aqueous sterile water. A total of 4cc is used for the intracervical injections at 3 and 9 o´clock deeply into the cervical stroma and superficially. Results Our results show global detection rates of 80,5% (37/46) and bilateral detection rate of 45% (17/46). If we analize the results based in the learnig curve. The first 20 women had a detection rate of 80% but only bilateral rate of 30%. The last 26 women had a detection rate of 81% (21/26) and bilateral rate of 77%. If we consider only the last 10 patients the detection rate was 100% with a bilateral detection rate of 80%. There were 2 positive sentynel nodes (5%) both in the group of women with more than 50% MI. The false negative rate of sentynel node was 0%. There were not further additional complications due to the technique of SNL ICG mapping. Conclusion ICG SNL mapping for endometrial cancer is a feasible, safe and cheap technique. During the learning curve we do not have complications and the improvement in the detection rate appears after few cases. Disclosure Nothing to disclose.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Clash between Science and Politics: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil
- Author
Reis, Elisa and Lopez, Felix
- Published
- 2023
12. EP608 Learning curve with ICG SLN mapping in endometrial cancer
- Author
Quesada Lopez-Fe, AA, primary, Pérez Álvarez, JA, additional, De Ganzo Suarez, T, additional, Preckler Peña, D, additional, and Gómez De la Rosa, G, additional
- Published
- 2019
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13. 6. El dispositivo de sexualidad en la caracterizaci\xC3\xB3n y el tratamiento de la familia
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
14. 1. Caracterización de los manuales escolares de primaia en España y Colombia entre 1900 y 1960
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
15. Conclusiones
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
16. Bibliografía
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
17. 4. Focos de vigilancia del dispositivo de sexualidad: selección de amistades, ocasiones de riesgo (conversaciones, canciones, lecturas y espectáculos peligrosos) y manifestaciones físicas de afecto
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
18. Segunda parte. Preparación para la sexualidad en los catecismos y libros de lectura usados en la escuela primaria en España y Colombia en la primera mitad del siglo xx
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
19. 5. El dispositivo de sexualidad en la caracterización y el tratamiento de la infancia
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
20. 3. El dispositivo de sexualidad en las manifestaciones atribuidas a una pretendida subjetividad profunda de los niños
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
21. 7. El dispositivo de sexualidad en el tratamiento del cuerpo, la higiene y la salud
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
22. 2. La comprensión de la naturaleza del sexo y los placeres en los catecismos y libros de lectura
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
23. Primera parte. Caracterización de los discursos sobre sexualiad en España y Colombia entre 1900 y 1960
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
24. 1. Los discursos de la iglesia católica sobre la sexualidad en el siglo xx previos al concilio vaticano ii
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
25. 2. El debate sobre el cuerpo y la sexualidad en las ciencias de la salud en España y Colombia entre 1900 y 1960
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
26. Introducción
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
27. Dedicatoria
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
28. Prólogo
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
29. Cubierta, Solapa
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
30. Página legal
- Author
López, Federico Serrano
- Published
- 2022
31. Trail of Footprints: A History of Indigenous Maps from Viceregal Mexico by Alex Hidalgo (review)
- Author
Lopez, Felicia Rhapsody
- Published
- 2022
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32. A Study on Contralateral Thermoluminescent Breast Dosimetry of Tangential Breast Irradiation Using 6 MV Linear Accelerator Beams
- Author
Moreno, Dickerson, primary, Lopez, Fe Alexandra, additional, and Santacera, Raquel Irene, additional
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33. Development of an electronic equipment for the pre medical diagnose in the progress of diabetic foot disease
- Author
Gutierrez Martinez, J., primary, Ramos-Becerril, F.J., additional, Leija, L., additional, Lopez, FE., additional, Garcia, UO., additional, Vera, A., additional, and Negreira, C., additional
- Published
- 2014
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34. Off-pump connection of the hepatic to the azygos vein through a lateral thoracotomy for relief of arterio-venous fistulas after a Kawashima procedure.
- Author
Lopez FE, van den Heuvel F, Pieper PG, Waterbolk TW, and Ebels T
- Published
- 2008
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35. A Study on Contralateral Thermoluminescent Breast Dosimetry of Tangential Breast Irradiation Using 6 MV Linear Accelerator Beams.
- Author
Kim, Sun I., Suh, Tae Suk, Magjarevic, R., Nagel, J. H., Moreno, Dickerson, Lopez, Fe Alexandra, and Santacera, Raquel Irene
- Abstract
Tangential beam radiotherapy is a treatment used for early stage, breast cancer treatment, when the goal is breast conservation. This method allows skin sparing and avoids irradiation of the lungs and the contralateral breast. In the case of a one sided breast cancer, scatter radiation to the contralateral breast can cause either erythema or desquamation if the allowable skin dose is exceeded, and a secondary malignancy if the glandular tissue absorbs more than the dose limit for breast. While shielding techniques are available elsewhere like Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and positioning techniques, these are not much put to use in the Philippines. This study will be the first in the country to measure the scatter dose received by an intact, contralateral breast during tangential beam radiotherapy for an early stage breast cancer. A sample of thirty patients with an intact contralateral breast undergoing tangential beam radiotherapy will be asked to participate. Four thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) will be placed each five centimeters posterior, anterior, left and right lateral to the nipple for each patient under 1.5 cm bolus material. Each patient will have one control TLD for reference. TLDs will be read at the National Cancer Center in South Korea. The effective dose on each patient will be compared to the dose limit for breast in order to classify whether or not the hospital techniques put the patients on a risk for a secondary malignancy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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36. Mediación y transferencias culturales en la España de Isabel II. Eugenio de Ochoa y las letras europeas by Raquel Sánchez (review)
- Author
López, Fernando Durán
- Published
- 2019
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37. Revolución, hegemonía y poder (1895–1898) by Antonio N. Álvarez Pitaluga (review)
- Author
López, Félix Julio Alfonso
- Published
- 2015
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38. Cytoplasmic and nuclear estrogen binding capacity in the rat uterus during treatment with danazol and testosterone
- Author
Cano, Antonio, primary, Morcillo, Nieves, additional, Lopez, Fe, additional, Marquina, Pilar, additional, Parrilla, Juan Jose, additional, and Abad, Lorenzo, additional
- Published
- 1986
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39. Proposta d'ús dels topònims en la indexació
- Author
López, Ferran, Farrés, Joan, and Domènech, David
- Subjects
Cataloguing ,Indexing ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Es presenta una proposta d’ús dels topònims en la indexació elaborada a partir de la tasca duta a terme pels autors a la biblioteca de l’Institut Català de Cartografia (ICC). Al principi s’assenyalen els criteris metodològics i les fonts de referència i, a continuació, es presenta de manera detallada la proposta d’ús dels topònims (aspectes generals, geografia humana, accidents geogràfics, etc.). Al final, s’inclou una recapitulació on es tornen a posar de manifest els aspectes clau de la proposta.A proposal on the use of place names in indexing, stemming from work performed by the authors at the library of the Catalan Cartographic Institute (ICC). The article begins by reviewing methodological criteria and reference sources and then presents a detailed proposal regarding the use of place names (general aspects, human geography, geographic events, etc.). The authors conclude by highlighting the key aspects of the proposal.Se presenta una propuesta de uso de los topónimos en la indización elaborada por los autores en la biblioteca del Institut Català de Cartografia (ICC). Al inicio del artículo se muestran los criterios metodológicos y las fuentes de referencia y, después, se presenta la propuesta de uso de los topónimos (aspectos generales, geografía humana, accidentes geográficos, etc). Finalmente se hace una recopilación de los aspectos clave.
- Published
- 2004
40. Lawfulness of humanitarian intervention
- Author
Lopez, Felix
- Subjects
- Published
- 1991
41. Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
- Author
Lopez, Felix and Smithsonian American Art Museum
- Subjects
- North American, American
- Published
- 1942
42. The southwesternmost record of late Silurian (Pridolian) early land plants of Gondwana.
- Author
Drovandi JM, Conde OA, Lopez FE, Coturel EP, Alarcón Gómez CM, Arnol JA, Kaufmann C, Braeckman AR, Pedernera FA, and Abarca U
- Subjects
- Embryophyta classification, Embryophyta anatomy & histology, Ecosystem, Bolivia, Biological Evolution, Paleontology, Fossils anatomy & histology
- Abstract
The Silurian-Devonian transition played a crucial role in the development of early terrestrial ecosystems due to the rapid diversification of early vascular plants. However, records of Pridolian plants in western Gondwana are scarce, limited to outcrops located in southern Bolivia. In this contribution, an association of fossil plants housed in the Rinconada Formation is presented. This association corresponds to primitive fossil flora with reproductive structures and sterile axes linked to basal tracheophytes. The fossil assemblage is composed of Aberlemnia caledonica, Caia langii Cooksonia cf. cambrensis, C. paranensis, C. cf. pertoni, Hostinella sp, Cf. Isidrophyton sp, Salopella marcensis, Steganoteca striata, two morphotypes of doubtful taxonomy, and graptolites colonies. The association between flora remains and graptolites, represents a parautochthonous assemblage in an inner marine platform, dominated by gravity flows. This record has paleophytogeographic importance indicating the extension of the northwest Gondwana-southern Laurusia unit to more southern areas of Gondwana. This expansion would have been favored by the post-glacial climatic improvement of the Late Silurian, together with a great radiation capacity and environmental flexibility of the flora. Furthermore, the biochron is extended of three taxa (A. caledonica, C. paranensis and Cf. Isidrophyton sp) first known from the Lochkovian, to the Pridoli., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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43. Niñas y niños vigilados
- Author
- Published
- 2021
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44. El reto de la gestación subrogada: luces y sombras.
- Author
Álvarez, Carlos Lasarte, Dirección, Muñoz, Francisco Javier Jiménez, Coordinación, Álvarez, Carlos Lasarte, del Lirio Martín García, María, Muñoz, Francisco Javier Jiménez, Álvarez, Henar Álvarez, Domínguez, Luis A. Godoy, Guimarães, Maria Raquel, Martín, Isabel Zurita, Sánchez-Lafuente, Fuensanta Rabadán, Hernández, Ángel Sánchez, Huarte, Elena Goñi, Cerezo, Alberto Hidalgo, López, Felisa-María Corvo, Páez, Abigail Quesada, Velasco, Silvia Ruiz, Cordiano, Alessandra, Almeida, Sonia María Jordán, Pumar, María José Pardo, Martín, Lucas Andrés Pérez, Ferré, Esther Alba, Álvarez, Carlos Lasarte, Muñoz, Francisco Javier Jiménez, Álvarez, Carlos Lasarte, del Lirio Martín García, María, Muñoz, Francisco Javier Jiménez, Álvarez, Henar Álvarez, Domínguez, Luis A. Godoy, Guimarães, Maria Raquel, Martín, Isabel Zurita, Sánchez-Lafuente, Fuensanta Rabadán, Hernández, Ángel Sánchez, Huarte, Elena Goñi, Cerezo, Alberto Hidalgo, López, Felisa-María Corvo, Páez, Abigail Quesada, Velasco, Silvia Ruiz, Cordiano, Alessandra, Almeida, Sonia María Jordán, Pumar, María José Pardo, Martín, Lucas Andrés Pérez, and Ferré, Esther Alba
- Published
- 2021
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45. Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment.
- Author
Abu-Shawareb H, Acree R, Adams P, Adams J, Addis B, Aden R, Adrian P, Afeyan BB, Aggleton M, Aghaian L, Aguirre A, Aikens D, Akre J, Albert F, Albrecht M, Albright BJ, Albritton J, Alcala J, Alday C, Alessi DA, Alexander N, Alfonso J, Alfonso N, Alger E, Ali SJ, Ali ZA, Allen A, Alley WE, Amala P, Amendt PA, Amick P, Ammula S, Amorin C, Ampleford DJ, Anderson RW, Anklam T, Antipa N, Appelbe B, Aracne-Ruddle C, Araya E, Archuleta TN, Arend M, Arnold P, Arnold T, Arsenlis A, Asay J, Atherton LJ, Atkinson D, Atkinson R, Auerbach JM, Austin B, Auyang L, Awwal AAS, Aybar N, Ayers J, Ayers S, Ayers T, Azevedo S, Bachmann B, Back CA, Bae J, Bailey DS, Bailey J, Baisden T, Baker KL, Baldis H, Barber D, Barberis M, Barker D, Barnes A, Barnes CW, Barrios MA, Barty C, Bass I, Batha SH, Baxamusa SH, Bazan G, Beagle JK, Beale R, Beck BR, Beck JB, Bedzyk M, Beeler RG, Beeler RG, Behrendt W, Belk L, Bell P, Belyaev M, Benage JF, Bennett G, Benedetti LR, Benedict LX, Berger RL, Bernat T, Bernstein LA, Berry B, Bertolini L, Besenbruch G, Betcher J, Bettenhausen R, Betti R, Bezzerides B, Bhandarkar SD, Bickel R, Biener J, Biesiada T, Bigelow K, Bigelow-Granillo J, Bigman V, Bionta RM, Birge NW, Bitter M, Black AC, Bleile R, Bleuel DL, Bliss E, Bliss E, Blue B, Boehly T, Boehm K, Boley CD, Bonanno R, Bond EJ, Bond T, Bonino MJ, Borden M, Bourgade JL, Bousquet J, Bowers J, Bowers M, Boyd R, Boyle D, Bozek A, Bradley DK, Bradley KS, Bradley PA, Bradley L, Brannon L, Brantley PS, Braun D, Braun T, Brienza-Larsen K, Briggs R, Briggs TM, Britten J, Brooks ED, Browning D, Bruhn MW, Brunner TA, Bruns H, Brunton G, Bryant B, Buczek T, Bude J, Buitano L, Burkhart S, Burmark J, Burnham A, Burr R, Busby LE, Butlin B, Cabeltis R, Cable M, Cabot WH, Cagadas B, Caggiano J, Cahayag R, Caldwell SE, Calkins S, Callahan DA, Calleja-Aguirre J, Camara L, Camp D, Campbell EM, Campbell JH, Carey B, Carey R, Carlisle K, Carlson L, Carman L, Carmichael J, Carpenter A, Carr C, Carrera JA, Casavant D, Casey A, Casey DT, Castillo A, Castillo E, Castor JI, Castro C, Caughey W, Cavitt R, Celeste J, Celliers PM, Cerjan C, Chandler G, Chang B, Chang C, Chang J, Chang L, Chapman R, Chapman TD, Chase L, Chen H, Chen H, Chen K, Chen LY, Cheng B, Chittenden J, Choate C, Chou J, Chrien RE, Chrisp M, Christensen K, Christensen M, Christiansen NS, Christopherson AR, Chung M, Church JA, Clark A, Clark DS, Clark K, Clark R, Claus L, Cline B, Cline JA, Cobble JA, Cochrane K, Cohen B, Cohen S, Collette MR, Collins GW, Collins LA, Collins TJB, Conder A, Conrad B, Conyers M, Cook AW, Cook D, Cook R, Cooley JC, Cooper G, Cope T, Copeland SR, Coppari F, Cortez J, Cox J, Crandall DH, Crane J, Craxton RS, Cray M, Crilly A, Crippen JW, Cross D, Cuneo M, Cuotts G, Czajka CE, Czechowicz D, Daly T, Danforth P, Danly C, Darbee R, Darlington B, Datte P, Dauffy L, Davalos G, Davidovits S, Davis P, Davis J, Dawson S, Day RD, Day TH, Dayton M, Deck C, Decker C, Deeney C, DeFriend KA, Deis G, Delamater ND, Delettrez JA, Demaret R, Demos S, Dempsey SM, Desjardin R, Desjardins T, Desjarlais MP, Dewald EL, DeYoreo J, Diaz S, Dimonte G, Dittrich TR, Divol L, Dixit SN, Dixon J, Do A, Dodd ES, Dolan D, Donovan A, Donovan M, Döppner T, Dorrer C, Dorsano N, Douglas MR, Dow D, Downie J, Downing E, Dozieres M, Draggoo V, Drake D, Drake RP, Drake T, Dreifuerst G, Drury O, DuBois DF, DuBois PF, Dunham G, Durocher M, Dylla-Spears R, Dymoke-Bradshaw AKL, Dzenitis B, Ebbers C, Eckart M, Eddinger S, Eder D, Edgell D, Edwards MJ, Efthimion P, Eggert JH, Ehrlich B, Ehrmann P, Elhadj S, Ellerbee C, Elliott NS, Ellison CL, Elsner F, Emerich M, Engelhorn K, England T, English E, Epperson P, Epstein R, Erbert G, Erickson MA, Erskine DJ, Erlandson A, Espinosa RJ, Estes C, Estabrook KG, Evans S, Fabyan A, Fair J, Fallejo R, Farmer N, Farmer WA, Farrell M, Fatherley VE, Fedorov M, Feigenbaum E, Fehrenbach T, Feit M, Felker B, Ferguson W, Fernandez JC, Fernandez-Panella A, Fess S, Field JE, Filip CV, Fincke JR, Finn T, Finnegan SM, Finucane RG, Fischer M, Fisher A, Fisher J, Fishler B, Fittinghoff D, Fitzsimmons P, Flegel M, Flippo KA, Florio J, Folta J, Folta P, Foreman LR, Forrest C, Forsman A, Fooks J, Foord M, Fortner R, Fournier K, Fratanduono DE, Frazier N, Frazier T, Frederick C, Freeman MS, Frenje J, Frey D, Frieders G, Friedrich S, Froula DH, Fry J, Fuller T, Gaffney J, Gales S, Le Galloudec B, Le Galloudec KK, Gambhir A, Gao L, Garbett WJ, Garcia A, Gates C, Gaut E, Gauthier P, Gavin Z, Gaylord J, Geddes CGR, Geissel M, Génin F, Georgeson J, Geppert-Kleinrath H, Geppert-Kleinrath V, Gharibyan N, Gibson J, Gibson C, Giraldez E, Glebov V, Glendinning SG, Glenn S, Glenzer SH, Goade S, Gobby PL, Goldman SR, Golick B, Gomez M, Goncharov V, Goodin D, Grabowski P, Grafil E, Graham P, Grandy J, Grasz E, Graziani FR, Greenman G, Greenough JA, Greenwood A, Gregori G, Green T, Griego JR, Grim GP, Grondalski J, Gross S, Guckian J, Guler N, Gunney B, Guss G, Haan S, Hackbarth J, Hackel L, Hackel R, Haefner C, Hagmann C, Hahn KD, Hahn S, Haid BJ, Haines BM, Hall BM, Hall C, Hall GN, Hamamoto M, Hamel S, Hamilton CE, Hammel BA, Hammer JH, Hampton G, Hamza A, Handler A, Hansen S, Hanson D, Haque R, Harding D, Harding E, Hares JD, Harris DB, Harte JA, Hartouni EP, Hatarik R, Hatchett S, Hauer AA, Havre M, Hawley R, Hayes J, Hayes J, Hayes S, Hayes-Sterbenz A, Haynam CA, Haynes DA, Headley D, Heal A, Heebner JE, Heerey S, Heestand GM, Heeter R, Hein N, Heinbockel C, Hendricks C, Henesian M, Heninger J, Henrikson J, Henry EA, Herbold EB, Hermann MR, Hermes G, Hernandez JE, Hernandez VJ, Herrmann MC, Herrmann HW, Herrera OD, Hewett D, Hibbard R, Hicks DG, Higginson DP, Hill D, Hill K, Hilsabeck T, Hinkel DE, Ho DD, Ho VK, Hoffer JK, Hoffman NM, Hohenberger M, Hohensee M, Hoke W, Holdener D, Holdener F, Holder JP, Holko B, Holunga D, Holzrichter JF, Honig J, Hoover D, Hopkins D, Berzak Hopkins LF, Hoppe M, Hoppe ML, Horner J, Hornung R, Horsfield CJ, Horvath J, Hotaling D, House R, Howell L, Hsing WW, Hu SX, Huang H, Huckins J, Hui H, Humbird KD, Hund J, Hunt J, Hurricane OA, Hutton M, Huynh KH, Inandan L, Iglesias C, Igumenshchev IV, Ivanovich I, Izumi N, Jackson M, Jackson J, Jacobs SD, James G, Jancaitis K, Jarboe J, Jarrott LC, Jasion D, Jaquez J, Jeet J, Jenei AE, Jensen J, Jimenez J, Jimenez R, Jobe D, Johal Z, Johns HM, Johnson D, Johnson MA, Gatu Johnson M, Johnson RJ, Johnson S, Johnson SA, Johnson T, Jones K, Jones O, Jones M, Jorge R, Jorgenson HJ, Julian M, Jun BI, Jungquist R, Kaae J, Kabadi N, Kaczala D, Kalantar D, Kangas K, Karasiev VV, Karasik M, Karpenko V, Kasarky A, Kasper K, Kauffman R, Kaufman MI, Keane C, Keaty L, Kegelmeyer L, Keiter PA, Kellett PA, Kellogg J, Kelly JH, Kemic S, Kemp AJ, Kemp GE, Kerbel GD, Kershaw D, Kerr SM, Kessler TJ, Key MH, Khan SF, Khater H, Kiikka C, Kilkenny J, Kim Y, Kim YJ, Kimko J, Kimmel M, Kindel JM, King J, Kirkwood RK, Klaus L, Klem D, Kline JL, Klingmann J, Kluth G, Knapp P, Knauer J, Knipping J, Knudson M, Kobs D, Koch J, Kohut T, Kong C, Koning JM, Koning P, Konior S, Kornblum H, Kot LB, Kozioziemski B, Kozlowski M, Kozlowski PM, Krammen J, Krasheninnikova NS, Krauland CM, Kraus B, Krauser W, Kress JD, Kritcher AL, Krieger E, Kroll JJ, Kruer WL, Kruse MKG, Kucheyev S, Kumbera M, Kumpan S, Kunimune J, Kur E, Kustowski B, Kwan TJT, Kyrala GA, Laffite S, Lafon M, LaFortune K, Lagin L, Lahmann B, Lairson B, Landen OL, Land T, Lane M, Laney D, Langdon AB, Langenbrunner J, Langer SH, Langro A, Lanier NE, Lanier TE, Larson D, Lasinski BF, Lassle D, LaTray D, Lau G, Lau N, Laumann C, Laurence A, Laurence TA, Lawson J, Le HP, Leach RR, Leal L, Leatherland A, LeChien K, Lechleiter B, Lee A, Lee M, Lee T, Leeper RJ, Lefebvre E, Leidinger JP, LeMire B, Lemke RW, Lemos NC, Le Pape S, Lerche R, Lerner S, Letts S, Levedahl K, Lewis T, Li CK, Li H, Li J, Liao W, Liao ZM, Liedahl D, Liebman J, Lindford G, Lindman EL, Lindl JD, Loey H, London RA, Long F, Loomis EN, Lopez FE, Lopez H, Losbanos E, Loucks S, Lowe-Webb R, Lundgren E, Ludwigsen AP, Luo R, Lusk J, Lyons R, Ma T, Macallop Y, MacDonald MJ, MacGowan BJ, Mack JM, Mackinnon AJ, MacLaren SA, MacPhee AG, Magelssen GR, Magoon J, Malone RM, Malsbury T, Managan R, Mancini R, Manes K, Maney D, Manha D, Mannion OM, Manuel AM, Manuel MJ, Mapoles E, Mara G, Marcotte T, Marin E, Marinak MM, Mariscal DA, Mariscal EF, Marley EV, Marozas JA, Marquez R, Marshall CD, Marshall FJ, Marshall M, Marshall S, Marticorena J, Martinez JI, Martinez D, Maslennikov I, Mason D, Mason RJ, Masse L, Massey W, Masson-Laborde PE, Masters ND, Mathisen D, Mathison E, Matone J, Matthews MJ, Mattoon C, Mattsson TR, Matzen K, Mauche CW, Mauldin M, McAbee T, McBurney M, Mccarville T, McCrory RL, McEvoy AM, McGuffey C, Mcinnis M, McKenty P, McKinley MS, McLeod JB, McPherson A, Mcquillan B, Meamber M, Meaney KD, Meezan NB, Meissner R, Mehlhorn TA, Mehta NC, Menapace J, Merrill FE, Merritt BT, Merritt EC, Meyerhofer DD, Mezyk S, Mich RJ, Michel PA, Milam D, 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- Abstract
On December 5, 2022, an indirect drive fusion implosion on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved a target gain G_{target} of 1.5. This is the first laboratory demonstration of exceeding "scientific breakeven" (or G_{target}>1) where 2.05 MJ of 351 nm laser light produced 3.1 MJ of total fusion yield, a result which significantly exceeds the Lawson criterion for fusion ignition as reported in a previous NIF implosion [H. Abu-Shawareb et al. (Indirect Drive ICF Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 075001 (2022)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.129.075001]. This achievement is the culmination of more than five decades of research and gives proof that laboratory fusion, based on fundamental physics principles, is possible. This Letter reports on the target, laser, design, and experimental advancements that led to this result.
- Published
- 2024
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46. Primeras impresiones : Antología de cuentos
- Author
Mitrani, Josef Amón, Fontalvo, Orlando Araújo, Bacca, Ramón Illán, Hobrecht, Mónica Gontovnik, Zuleta, Farides Lugo, Vega, Sara Martínez, Pabón, Daniela, Consuegra, Adriana Rosas, Jiménez, Juan Manuel Ruiz, López, Federico Guillermo Serrano, González-Rubio, Mercedes Ortega, Compiladora, Mitrani, Josef Amón, Fontalvo, Orlando Araújo, Bacca, Ramón Illán, Hobrecht, Mónica Gontovnik, Zuleta, Farides Lugo, Vega, Sara Martínez, Pabón, Daniela, Consuegra, Adriana Rosas, Jiménez, Juan Manuel Ruiz, López, Federico Guillermo Serrano, and González-Rubio, Mercedes Ortega
- Published
- 2019
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47. Sillas, moscas y otros bichos
- Author
López, Federico Guillermo Serrano and López, Federico Guillermo Serrano
- Published
- 2019
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48. Liver transplantation from a donor with multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection. Is it a risk?
- Author
García-Carrera CJ, Rivera-Lopez FE, Papacristofilou-Riebeling B, Fernández-García OA, and García-Juárez I
- Subjects
- Humans, Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Acinetobacter baumannii, Liver Transplantation adverse effects, Cross Infection
- Published
- 2023
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49. Dietary Debaryomyces hansenii promotes skin and skin mucus defensive capacities in a marine fish model.
- Author
Sanahuja I, Fernandez-Alacid L, Torrecillas S, Ruiz A, Vallejos-Vidal E, Firmino JP, Reyes-Lopez FE, Tort L, Tovar-Ramirez D, Ibarz A, and Gisbert E
- Subjects
- Animals, Diet, Dietary Supplements, Skin, Debaryomyces, Sea Bream
- Abstract
The present study explores the effects of two supplementation levels of Debaryomyces hansenii (1.1% and 2.2%) as a probiotic in a reference low fish meal-based diet on the skin mucosal tissue in Sparus aurata . This study includes the evaluation of fish performance coupled with a holistic study of the skin mucosa: i) a transcriptomic study of the skin tissue, and ii) the evaluation of its secreted mucus both in terms of skin mucosal-associated biomarkers and its defensive capacity by means of co-culture analysis with two pathogenic bacteria. Results showed that after 70 days of diet administration, fish fed the diet supplemented with D. hansenii at 1.1% presented increased somatic growth and a better feed conversion ratio, compared to fish fed the control diet. In contrast, fish fed the diet including 2.2% of the probiotic presented intermediate values. Regarding gene regulation, the probiotic administration at 1.1% resulted in 712 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), among which 53.4% and 46.6% were up- and down-regulated, respectively. In particular, D. hansenii modulated some skin biological processes related to immunity and metabolism. Specifically, D. hansenii administration induced a strong modulation of some immune biological-related processes (61 DEGs), mainly involved in B- and T-cell regulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary D. hansenii promoted the skin barrier function by the upregulation of anchoring junction genes (23 DEGs), which reinforces the physical defense against potential skin damage. In contrast, the skin showed modulated genes related to extracellular exosome and membrane organization (50 DEGs). This modulated functioning is of great interest, particularly in relation to the increased skin mucus defensive capacity observed in the bacterial co-culture in vitro trials, which could be related to the increased modulation and exudation of the innate immune components from the skin cells into the mucus. In summary, the modulation of innate immune parameters coupled with increased skin barrier function and cell trafficking potentiates the skin's physical barrier and mucus defensive capacity, while maintaining the skin mucosa's homeostatic immune and metabolic status. These findings confirmed the advantages of D. hansenii supplementation in low fish meal-based diets, demonstrating the probiotic benefits on cultured marine species., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2023 Sanahuja, Fernandez-Alacid, Torrecillas, Ruiz, Vallejos-Vidal, Firmino, Reyes-Lopez, Tort, Tovar-Ramirez, Ibarz and Gisbert.)
- Published
- 2023
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50. Cuba : el legado revolucionario y los dilemas de la izquierda y las fuerzas progresistas en América Latina
- Author
Bolaño, César, del Rosario González Aróstegui, Mely, Morgenfeld, Leandro, López, Julio Paltán, López, Fernando Luis Rojas, Quiroz, Rafael Magdiel Sánchez, Bolaño, César, del Rosario González Aróstegui, Mely, Morgenfeld, Leandro, López, Julio Paltán, López, Fernando Luis Rojas, and Quiroz, Rafael Magdiel Sánchez
- Published
- 2018
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