6 results on '"Lopes, R.W."'
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2. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Cardiovascular Testing in Asia: The IAEA INCAPS-COVID Study
- Author
Kudo, T., Lahey, R., Hirschfeld, C.B., Williams, M.C., Lu, B., Alasnag, M., Bhatia, M., Henry Bom, H.-., Dautov, T., Fazel, R., Karthikeyan, G., Keng, F.Y.J., Rubinshtein, R., Better, N., Cerci, R.J., Dorbala, S., Raggi, P., Shaw, L.J., Villines, T.C., Vitola, J.V., Choi, A.D., Malkovskiy, E., Goebel, B., Cohen, Y.A., Randazzo, M., Pascual, T.N.B., Pynda, Y., Dondi, M., Paez, D., Einstein, A.J., Cerci, R., Hinterleitner, G., Lu, Y., Morozova, O., Xu, Z., Cohen, Y., Choi, A., Lopez-Mattei, J., Parwani, P., Nasery, M.N., Goda, A., Shirka, E., Benlabgaa, R., Bouyoucef, S., Medjahedi, A., Nailli, Q., Agolti, M., Aguero, R.N., Alak, M.D.C., Alberguina, L.G., Arronada, G., Astesiano, A., Norton, C.B., Benteo, P., Blanco, J., Bonelli, J.M., Bustos, J.J., Cabrejas, R., Cachero, J., Campisi, R., Canderoli, A., Carames, S., Carrascosa, P., Castro, R., Cendoya, O., Cognigni, L.M., Collaud, C., Cortes, C., Courtis, J., Cragnolino, D., Daicz, M., De La Vega, A., De Maria, S.T., Del Riego, H., Dettori, F., Deviggiano, A., Dragonetti, L., Embon, M., Enriquez, R.E., Ensinas, J., Faccio, F., Facello, A., Garofalo, D., Geronazzo, R., Gonza, N., Gutierrez, L., Guzzo, M.A., Hasbani, V., Huerin, M., Jager, V., Lewkowicz, J.M., Lopez De Munain, M.N.A., Lotti, J.M., Marquez, A., Masoli, O., Masoli, O.H., Mastrovito, E., Mayoraz, M., Melado, G.E., Mele, A., Merani, M.F., Meretta, A.H., Molteni, S., Montecinos, M., Noguera, E., Novoa, C., Sueldo, C.P., Ascani, S.P., Pollono, P., Pujol, M.P., Radzinschi, A., Raimondi, G., Redruello, M., Rodriguez, M., Romero, R.L., Acuna, A.R., Rovaletti, F., San Miguel, L., Solari, L., Strada, B., Traverso, S., Traverzo, S.S., Espeche, M.D.H.V., Weihmuller, J.S., Wolcan, J., Zeffiro, S., Sakanyan, M., Beuzeville, S., Boktor, R., Butler, P., Calcott, J., Carr, L., Chan, V., Chao, C., Chong, W., Dobson, M., Downie, D.A., Dwivedi, G., Elison, B., Engela, J., Francis, R., Gaikwad, A., Basavaraj, A.G., Goodwin, B., Greenough, R., Hamilton-Craig, C., Hsieh, V., Joshi, S., Lederer, K., Lee, K., Lee, J., Magnussen, J., Mai, N., Mander, G., Murton, F., Nandurkar, D., Neill, J., O'Rourke, E., O'Sullivan, P., Pandos, G., Pathmaraj, K., Pitman, A., Poulter, R., Premaratne, M., Prior, D., Ridley, L., Rutherford, N., Salehi, H., Saunders, C., Scarlett, L., Seneviratne, S., Shetty, D., Shrestha, G., Shulman, J., Solanki, V., Stanton, T., Stuart, M., Stubbs, M., Swainson, I., Taubman, K., Taylor, A., Thomas, P., Unger, S., Upton, A., Vamadevan, S., Van Gaal, W., Verjans, J., Voutnis, D., Wayne, V., Wilson, P., Wong, D., Wong, K., Younger, J., Feuchtner, G., Mirzaei, S., Weiss, K., Maroz-Vadalazhskaya, N., Gheysens, O., Homans, F., Moreno-Reyes, R., Pasquet, A., Roelants, V., Van De Heyning, C.M., Rios, R.A., Soldat-Stankovic, V., Stankovic, S., Albernaz Siqueira, M.H., Almeida, A., Alves Togni, P.H., Andrade, J.H., Andrade, L., Anselmi, C., Araujo, R., Azevedo, G., Bezerra, S., Biancardi, R., Grossman, G.B., Brandao, S., Pianta, D.B., Carreira, L., Castro, B., Chang, T., Cunali, F., Cury, R., Dantas, R., de Amorim Fernandes, F., De Lorenzo, A., De Macedo Filho, R., Erthal, F., Fernandes, F., Fernandes, J., De Souza, T.F., Alves, W.F., Ghini, B., Goncalves, L., Gottlieb, I., Hadlich, M., Kameoka, V., Lima, R., Lima, A., Lopes, R.W., Machado e Silva, R., Magalhaes, T., Silva, F.M., Mastrocola, L.E., Medeiros, F., Meneghetti, J.C., Naue, V., Naves, D., Nolasco, R., Nomura, C., Oliveira, J.B., Paixao, E., De Carvalho, F.P., Pinto, I., Possetti, P., Quinta, M., Nogueira Ramos, R.R., Rocha, R., Rodrigues, A., Rodrigues, C., Romantini, L., Sanches, A., Santana, S., Sara da Silva, L., Schvartzman, P., Matushita, C.S., Senra, T., Shiozaki, A., Menezes de Siqueira, M.E., Siqueira, C., Smanio, P., Soares, C.E., Junior, J.S., Bittencourt, M.S., Spiro, B., Mesquita, C.T., Torreao, J., Torres, R., Uellendahl, M., Monte, G.U., Verissimo, O., Cabeda, E.V., Pedras, F.V., Waltrick, R., Zapparoli, M., Naseer, H., Garcheva-Tsacheva, M., Kostadinova, I., Theng, Y., Abikhzer, G., Barette, R., Chow, B., Dabreo, D., Friedrich, M., Garg, R., Hafez, M.N., Johnson, C., Kiess, M., Leipsic, J., Leung, E., Miller, R., Oikonomou, A., Probst, S., Roifman, I., Small, G., Tandon, V., Trivedi, A., White, J., Zukotynski, K., Canessa, J., Munoz, G.C., Concha, C., Hidalgo, P., Lovera, C., Massardo, T., Vargas, L.S., Abad, P., Arturo, H., Ayala, S., Benitez, L., Cadena, A., Caicedo, C., Moncayo, A.C., Gomez, S., Gutierrez Villamil, C.T., Jaimes, C., Londono, J., Londono Blair, J.L., Pabon, L., Pineda, M., Rojas, J.C., Ruiz, D., Escobar, M.V., Vasquez, A., Vergel, D., Zuluaga, A., Gamboa, I.B., Castro, G., Gonzalez, U., Baric, A., Batinic, T., Franceschi, M., Paar, M.H., Jukic, M., Medakovic, P., Persic, V., Prpic, M., Punda, A., Batista, J.F., Gomez Lauchy, J.M., Gutierrez, Y.M., Menendez, R., Peix, A., Rochela, L., Panagidis, C., Petrou, I., Engelmann, V., Kaminek, M., Kincl, V., Lang, O., Simanek, M., Abdulla, J., Bottcher, M., Christensen, M., Gormsen, L.C., Hasbak, P., Hess, S., Holdgaard, P., Johansen, A., Kyhl, K., Norgaard, B.L., Ovrehus, K.A., Ronnow Sand, N.P., Steffensen, R., Thomassen, A., Zerahn, B., Perez, A., Escorza Velez, G.A., Velez, M.S., Abdel Aziz, I.S., Abougabal, M., Ahmed, T., Allam, A., Asfour, A., Hassan, M., Hassan, A., Ibrahim, A., Kaffas, S., Kandeel, A., Ali, M.M., Mansy, A., Maurice, H., Nabil, S., Shaaban, M., Flores, A.C., Poksi, A., Knuuti, J., Kokkonen, V., Larikka, M., Uusitalo, V., Bailly, M., Burg, S., Deux, J.-., Habouzit, V., Hyafil, F., Lairez, O., Proffit, F., Regaieg, H., Sarda-Mantel, L., Tacher, V., Schneider, R.P., Ayetey, H., Angelidis, G., Archontaki, A., Chatziioannou, S., Datseris, I., Fragkaki, C., Georgoulias, P., Koukouraki, S., Koutelou, M., Kyrozi, E., Repasos, E., Stavrou, P., Valsamaki, P., Gonzalez, C., Gutierrez, G., Maldonado, A., Buga, K., Garai, I., Maurovich-Horvat, P., Schmidt, E., Szilveszter, B., Varady, E., Banthia, N., Bhagat, J.K., Bhargava, R., Bhat, V., Choudhury, P., Chowdekar, V.S., Irodi, A., Jain, S., Joseph, E., Kumar, S., Girijanandan Mahapatra, P.D., Mitra, D., Mittal, B.R., Ozair, A., Patel, C., Patel, T., Patel, R., Patel, S., Saxena, S., Sengupta, S., Singh, S., Singh, B., Sood, A., Verma, A., Affandi, E., Alam, P.S., Edison, E., Gunawan, G., Hapkido, H., Hidayat, B., Huda, A., Mukti, A.P., Prawiro, D., Soeriadi, E.A., Syawaluddin, H., Albadr, A., Assadi, M., Emami, F., Houshmand, G., Maleki, M., Rostami, M.T., Zakavi, S.R., Zaid, E.A., Agranovich, S., Arnson, Y., Bar-Shalom, R., Frenkel, A., Knafo, G., Lugassi, R., Maor Moalem, I.S., Mor, M., Muskal, N., Ranser, S., Shalev, A., Albano, D., Alongi, P., Arnone, G., Bagatin, E., Baldari, S., Bauckneht, M., Bertelli, P., Bianco, F., Bonfiglioli, R., Boni, R., Bruno, A., Bruno, I., Busnardo, E., Califaretti, E., Camoni, L., Carnevale, A., Casoni, R., Cavallo, A.U., Cavenaghi, G., Chierichetti, F., Chiocchi, M., Cittanti, C., Colletta, M., Conti, U., Cossu, A., Cuocolo, A., Cuzzocrea, M., De Rimini, M.L., De Vincentis, G., Del Giudice, E., Del Torto, A., Della Tommasina, V., Durmo, R., Erba, P.A., Evangelista, L., Faletti, R., Faragasso, E., Farsad, M., Ferro, P., Florimonte, L., Frantellizzi, V., Fringuelli, F.M., Gatti, M., Gaudiano, A., Gimelli, A., Giubbini, R., Giuffrida, F., Ialuna, S., Laudicella, R., Leccisotti, L., Leva, L., Liga, R., Liguori, C., Longo, G., Maffione, M., Mancini, M.E., Marcassa, C., Milan, E., Nardi, B., Pacella, S., Pepe, G., Pontone, G., Pulizzi, S., Quartuccio, N., Rampin, L., Ricci, F., Rossini, P., Rubini, G., Russo, V., Sacchetti, G.M., Sambuceti, G., Scarano, M., Sciagra, R., Sperandio, M., Stefanelli, A., Ventroni, G., Zoboli, S., Baugh, D., Chambers, D., Madu, E., Nunura, F., Asano, H., Chimura, C.M., Fujimoto, S., Fujisue, K., Fukunaga, T., Fukushima, Y., Fukuyama, K., Hashimoto, J., Ichikawa, Y., Iguchi, N., Imai, M., Inaki, A., Ishimura, H., Isobe, S., Kadokami, T., Kato, T., Kumita, S., Maruno, H., Mataki, H., Miyagawa, M., Morimoto, R., Moroi, M., Nagamachi, S., Nakajima, K., Nakata, T., Nakazato, R., Nanasato, M., Naya, M., Norikane, T., Ohta, Y., Okayama, S., Okizaki, A., Otomi, Y., Otsuka, H., Saito, M., Sakata, S.Y., Sarai, M., Sato, D., Shiraishi, S., Suwa, Y., Takanami, K., Takehana, K., Taki, J., Tamaki, N., Taniguchi, Y., Teragawa, H., Tomizawa, N., Tsujita, K., Umeji, K., Wakabayashi, Y., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, S., Yoneyama, T., Rawashdeh, M., Batyrkhanov, D., Makhdomi, K., Ombati, K., Alkandari, F., Garashi, M., Coie, T.L., Rajvong, S., Kalinin, A., Kalnina, M., Haidar, M., Komiagiene, R., Kviecinskiene, G., Mataciunas, M., Vajauskas, D., Picard, C., Karim, N.K.A., Reichmuth, L., Samuel, A., Allarakha, M.A., Naojee, A.S., Alexanderson-Rosas, E., Barragan, E., Gonzalez-Montecinos, A.B., Cabada, M., Rodriguez, D.C., Carvajal-Juarez, I., Cortes, V., Cortes, F., De La Pena, E., Gama-Moreno, M., Gonzalez, L., Ramirez, N.G., Jimenez-Santos, M., Matos, L., Monroy, E., Morelos, M., Ornelas, M., Ortga Ramirez, J.A., Preciado-Anaya, A., Preciado-Gutierrez, O.U., Barragan, A.P., Rosales Uvera, S.G., Sandoval, S., Tomas, M.S., Sierra-Galan, L.M., Siu, S., Vallejo, E., Valles, M., Faraggi, M., Sereegotov, E., Ilic, S., Ben-Rais, N., Alaoui, N.I., Taleb, S., Pa Myo, K.P., Thu, P.S., Ghimire, R.K., Rajbanshi, B., Barneveld, P., Glaudemans, A., Habets, J., Koopmans, K.P., Manders, J., Pool, S., Scholte, A., Scholtens, A., Slart, R., Thimister, P., Van Asperen, E.-., Veltman, N., Verschure, D., Wagenaar, N., Edmond, J., Ellis, C., Johnson, K., Keenan, R., Kueh, S.H.A., Occleshaw, C., Sasse, A., To, A., Van Pelt, N., Young, C., Cuadra, T., Roque Vanegas, H.B., Soli, I.A., Issoufou, D.M., Ayodele, T., Madu, C., Onimode, Y., Efros-Monsen, E., Forsdahl, S.H., Hildre Dimmen, J.-., Jorgensen, A., Krohn, I., Lovhaugen, P., Braten, A.T., Al Dhuhli, H., Al Kindi, F., Al-Bulushi, N., Jawa, Z., Tag, N., Afzal, M.S., Fatima, S., Younis, M.N., Riaz, M., Saadullah, M., Herrera, Y., Lenturut-Katal, D., Vazquez, M.C., Ortellado, J., Akhter, A., Cao, D., Cheung, S., Dai, X., Gong, L., Han, D., Hou, Y., Li, C., Li, T., Li, D., Li, S., Liu, J., Liu, H., M. Y., N., Sun, K., Tang, G., Wang, J., Wang, X., Wang, Z.-., Wang, Y., Wu, J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xiao, J., Xu, L., Yang, Y., Yin, W., Yu, J., Yuan, L., Zhang, T., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y.-., Zhang, X., Zhu, L., Alfaro, A., Abrihan, P., Barroso, A., Cruz, E., Gomez, M.R., Magboo, V.P., Medina, J.M., Obaldo, J., Pastrana, D., Pawhay, C.M., Quinon, A., Tang, J.M., Tecson, B., Uson, K.J., Uy, M., Kostkiewicz, M., Kunikowska, J., Bettencourt, N., Cantinho, G., Ferreira, A., Syed, G., Arnous, S., Atyani, S., Byrne, A., Gleeson, T., Kerins, D., Meehan, C., Murphy, D., Murphy, M., Murray, J., O'Brien, J., Bang, J.-., Bom, H., Cho, S.-., Hong, C.M., Jang, S.J., Jeong, Y.H., Kang, W.J., Kim, J.-., Namgung, C.K., So, Y., Won, K.S., Majstorov, V., Vavlukis, M., Salobir, B.G., Stalc, M., Benedek, T., Benedek, I., Mititelu, R., Stan, C.A., Ansheles, A., Dariy, O., Drozdova, O., Gagarina, N., Gulyaev, V.M., Itskovich, I., Karalkin, A., Kokov, A., Migunova, E., Pospelov, V., Ryzhkova, D., Saifullina, G., Sazonova, S., Sergienko, V., Shurupova, I., Trifonova, T., Ussov, W.Y., Vakhromeeva, M., Valiullina, N., Zavadovsky, K., Zhuravlev, K., Okarvi, S., Saranovic, D.S., Keng, F., Jason See, J.H., Sekar, R., Yew, M.S., Vondrak, A., Bejai, S., Bennie, G., Bester, R., Engelbrecht, G., Evbuomwan, O., Gongxeka, H., Vuuren, M.J., Kaplan, M., Khushica, P., Lakhi, H., Louw, L., Malan, N., Milos, K., Modiselle, M., More, S., Naidoo, M., Scholtz, L., Vangu, M., Aguade-Bruix, S., Blanco, I., Cabrera, A., Camarero, A., Casans-Tormo, I., Cuellar-Calabria, H., Flotats, A., Fuentes Canamero, M.E., Garcia, M.E., Jimenez-Heffernan, A., Leta, R., Diaz, J.L., Lumbreras, L., Marquez-Cabeza, J.J., Martin, F., Martinez de Alegria, A., Medina, F., Canal, M.P., Peiro, V., Pubul-Nunez, V., Rayo Madrid, J.I., Rey, C.R., Perez, R.R., Ruiz, J., Hernandez, G.S., Sevilla, A., Zeidan, N., Nanayakkara, D., Udugama, C., Simonsson, M., Alkadhi, H., Buechel, R.R., Burger, P., Ceriani, L., De Boeck, B., Grani, C., Juillet de Saint Lager Lucas, A., Kamani, C.H., Kawel-Boehm, N., Manka, R., Prior, J.O., Rominger, A., Vallee, J.-., Khiewvan, B., Premprabha, T., Thientunyakit, T., Sellem, A., Kir, K.M., Sayman, H., Sebikali, M.J., Muyinda, Z., Kmetyuk, Y., Korol, P., Mykhalchenko, O., Pliatsek, V., Satyr, M., Albalooshi, B., Ahmed Hassan, M.I., Anderson, J., Bedi, P., Biggans, T., Bularga, A., Bull, R., Burgul, R., Carpenter, J.-., Coles, D., Cusack, D., Deshpande, A., Dougan, J., Fairbairn, T., Farrugia, A., Gopalan, D., Gummow, A., Ramkumar, P.G., Hamilton, M., Harbinson, M., Hartley, T., Hudson, B., Joshi, N., Kay, M., Kelion, A., Khokhar, A., Kitt, J., Low, C., Mak, S.M., Marousa, N., Martin, J., Mcalindon, E., Menezes, L., Morgan-Hughes, G., Moss, A., Murray, A., Nicol, E., Patel, D., Peebles, C., Pugliese, F., Luis Rodrigues, J.C., Rofe, C., Sabharwal, N., Schofield, R., Semple, T., Sharma, N., Strouhal, P., Subedi, D., Topping, W., Tweed, K., Weir-Mccall, J., Abbara, S., Abbasi, T., Abbott, B., Abohashem, S., Abramson, S., Al-Abboud, T., Al-Mallah, M., Almousalli, O., Ananthasubramaniam, K., Kumar, M.A., Askew, J., Attanasio, L., Balmer-Swain, M., Bayer, R.R., Bernheim, A., Bhatti, S., Bieging, E., Blankstein, R., Bloom, S., Blue, S., Bluemke, D., Borges, A., Branch, K., Bravo, P., Brothers, J., Budoff, M., Bullock-Palmer, R., Burandt, A., Burke, F.W., Bush, K., Candela, C., Capasso, E., Cavalcante, J., Chang, D., Chatterjee, S., Chatzizisis, Y., Cheezum, M., Chen, T., Chen, J., Chen, M., Clarcq, J., Cordero, A., Crim, M., Danciu, S., Decter, B., Dhruva, N., Doherty, N., Doukky, R., Dunbar, A., Duvall, W., Edwards, R., Esquitin, K., Farah, H., Fentanes, E., Ferencik, M., Fisher, D., Fitzpatrick, D., Foster, C., Fuisz, T., Gannon, M., Gastner, L., Gerson, M., Ghoshhajra, B., Goldberg, A., Goldner, B., Gonzalez, J., Gore, R., Gracia-Lopez, S., Hage, F., Haider, A., Haider, S., Hamirani, Y., Hassen, K., Hatfield, M., Hawkins, C., Hawthorne, K., Heath, N., Hendel, R., Hernandez, P., Hill, G., Horgan, S., Huffman, J., Hurwitz, L., Iskandrian, A., Janardhanan, R., Jellis, C., Jerome, S., Kalra, D., Kaviratne, S., Kay, F., Kelly, F., Khalique, O., Kinkhabwala, M., Iii, G.K., Kircher, J., Kirkbride, R., Kontos, M., Kottam, A., Krepp, J., Layer, J., Lee, S.H., Leppo, J., Lesser, J., Leung, S., Lewin, H., Litmanovich, D., Liu, Y., Magurany, K., Markowitz, J., Marn, A., Matis, S.E., Mckenna, M., Mcrae, T., Mendoza, F., Merhige, M., Min, D., Moffitt, C., Moncher, K., Moore, W., Morayati, S., Morris, M., Mossa-Basha, M., Mrsic, Z., Murthy, V., Nagpal, P., Napier, K., Nelson, K., Nijjar, P., Osman, M., Passen, E., Patel, A., Patil, P., Paul, R., Phillips, L., Polsani, V., Poludasu, R., Pomerantz, B., Porter, T., Prentice, R., Pursnani, A., Rabbat, M., Ramamurti, S., Rich, F., Luna, H.R., Robinson, A., Robles, K., Rodriguez, C., Rorie, M., Rumberger, J., Russell, R., Sabra, P., Sadler, D., Schemmer, M., Schoepf, U.J., Shah, S., Shah, N., Shanbhag, S., Sharma, G., Shayani, S., Shirani, J., Shivaram, P., Sigman, S., Simon, M., Slim, A., Smith, D., Smith, A., Soman, P., Srichai-Parsia, M.B., Streeter, J., T, A., Tawakol, A., Thomas, D., Thompson, R., Torbet, T., Trinidad, D., Ullery, S., Unzek, S., Uretsky, S., Vallurupalli, S., Verma, V., Waller, A., Wang, E., Ward, P., Weissman, G., Wesbey, G., White, K., Winchester, D., Wolinsky, D., Yost, S., Zgaljardic, M., Alonso, O., Beretta, M., Ferrando, R., Kapitan, M., Mut, F., Djuraev, O., Rozikhodjaeva, G., Le Ngoc, H., Mai, S.H., and Nguyen, X.C.
- Subjects
INCAPS COVID Investigators Group ,Pediatric Research Initiative ,positron emission tomography ,CTA ,SARS-CoV-2 ,cardiac testing ,invasive coronary angiography ,Prevention ,coronavirus ,coronavirus disease-19 ,COVID-19 ,global health ,Settore MED/11 - Malattie dell'Apparato Cardiovascolare ,cardiac magnetic resonance ,cardiovascular disease ,NO ,transthoracic echocardiography ,PET ,Good Health and Well Being ,severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 ,TTE ,ICA ,CMR ,computed tomographic angiography - Abstract
BackgroundThe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic significantly affected management of cardiovascular disease around the world. The effect of the pandemic on volume of cardiovascular diagnostic procedures is not known.ObjectivesThis study sought to evaluate the effects of the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular diagnostic procedures and safety practices in Asia.MethodsThe International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a worldwide survey to assess changes in cardiovascular procedure volume and safety practices caused by COVID-19. Testing volumes were reported for March 2020 and April 2020 and were compared to those from March 2019. Data from 180 centers across 33 Asian countries were grouped into 4 subregions for comparison.ResultsProcedure volumes decreased by 47% from March 2019 to March 2020, showing recovery from March 2020 to April 2020 in Eastern Asia, particularly in China. The majority of centers cancelled outpatient activities and increased time per study. Practice changes included implementing physical distancing and restricting visitors. Although COVID testing was not commonly performed, it was conducted in one-third of facilities in Eastern Asia. The most severe reductions in procedure volumes were observed in lower-income countries, where volumes decreased 81% from March 2019 to April2020.ConclusionsThe COVID-19 pandemic in Asia caused significant reductions in cardiovascular diagnostic procedures, particularly in low-income countries. Further studies on effects of COVID-19 on cardiovascular outcomes and changes in care delivery are warranted.
- Published
- 2021
3. Prevalence of malnutrition in liver transplant candidates
- Author
Zaina, F.E, Parolin, M.B, Lopes, R.W, and Coelho, J.C.U
- Published
- 2004
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4. Au Cu Ag mineralization controlled by brittle structures in Lavras do Sul Mining District and Seival Mine deposits, Camaquã Basin, southern Brazil
- Author
Lopes, R.W., primary, Mexias, A.S., additional, Philipp, R.P., additional, Bongiolo, E.M., additional, Renac, C., additional, Bicca, M.M., additional, and Fontana, E., additional
- Published
- 2018
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5. Role of compressive tectonics on gas charging into the Ordovician sandstone reservoirs in the Sbaa Basin, Algeria: constrained by fluid inclusions and mineralogical data
- Author
Gomes, Marcia E.B., Barats, Aurélie, Gerbe, Marie, Lopes, Rodrigo, Nardi, Lauro V.S., Lopes, R.W., Mexias, A.S., Philipp, R.P., Bicca, M.M., Fontana, Eduardo, Pires, G.L.C., Bongiolo, E.M., Geraldes, M.C., Santos, A.C., Jourdan, F., Neumann, R., Pires, Gustavo Luiz Campos, Nascimento, Débora Barros, Prado, Maurício, Bongiolo, Everton Marques, Piza, Patricia d'Almeida de Toledo, Schmitt, Renata da Silva, Mexias, André Sampaio, Mohammed, Tabeliouna, Jean-Yves, Cottin, Peter, Bowden, Christophe, Renac, Mexias, Andre, Louni-Hacini, Amina, Brouillet, Stéphanie, Cottin, Jean-Yves, Wazir, I., Pagel, M., Tournier, F., Portier, E., Renac, C., Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Inst Geociencias, BR-91501970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Fac Agron, Dept Solos, Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique Bio-Inorganique et Environnement (LCABIE), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA), Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul [Porto Alegre] (UFRGS), Instituto de Geociencias, JRC Institute for Transuranium Elements [Karlsruhe] (ITU ), European Commission - Joint Research Centre [Karlsruhe] (JRC), insituto de geociencias, universidade federal do rio de janeiro, Instituto de Biofísica e Biomatemática, Universidade de Coimbra [Coimbra], Helmholtz zentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI), Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement et la société-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Géoazur (GEOAZUR 7329), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD [France-Sud]), Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Inst Geociencias, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene = University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene [Alger] (USTHB), Cité de la céramique - Sèvres et Limoges, Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface (IDES), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Géosciences Paris Sud (GEOPS), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Gaz de France Suez (GDF Suez), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement et la société-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM), Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD [France-Sud])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA), USTBH, Alger, Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement et la société-Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), and Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Geochemistry ,[SDU.STU]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences ,engineering.material ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,Siderite ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,[SDU.STU.GC]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Geochemistry ,Fluid inclusions ,[SDU.STU.HY]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Hydrology ,Quartz ,[SDU.STU.AG]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Applied geology ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Calcite ,Cementation (geology) ,Diagenesis ,chemistry ,13. Climate action ,[SDU]Sciences of the Universe [physics] ,[SDE]Environmental Sciences ,engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Carbonate ,Geology ,Dickite - Abstract
Structure- and tectonic-related gas migration into Ordovician sandstone reservoirs and its impact on diagenesis history were reconstructed in two fields in the Sbaa Basin, in SW Algeria. This was accomplished by petrographical observations, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope geochemistry on quartz, dickite and carbonate cements and veins. Two successive phases of quartz cementation (CQ1 and CQ2) occurred in the reservoirs. Two- phase aqueous inclusions show an increase in temperatures and salinities from the first CQ1 diagenetic phase toward CQ2 in both fields. Microthermometric data on gas inclusions in quartz veins reveal the presence of an average of 92 ± 5 mole% of CH4 considering a CH4-CO2 system, which is similar to the present-day gas composition in the reservoirs. The presence of primary methane inclusions in early quartz overgrowths and in quartz and calcite veins suggests that hydrocarbon migration into the reservoir occurred synchronically with early quartz cementation in the sandstones located near the contact with the Silurian gas source rock at 100-140°C during the Late Carboniferous period and the late Hercynian episode fracturing at temperatures between 117 and 185°C, which increased in the NW-direction of the basin. During the fracture filling, three main types of fluids were identified with different salinities and formation temperatures. A supplementary phase of higher fluid temperature (up to 226°C) recorded in late quartz, and calcite veins is related to a Jurassic thermal event. The occurrence of dickite cements close to the Silurian base near the main fault areas in both fields is mainly correlated with the sandstones where the early gas was charged. It implies that dickite precipitation is related to acidic influx. Late carbonate cements and veins (calcite - siderite - ankerite and strontianite) occurred at the same depths resulting from the same groundwater precipitation. The absence o
- Published
- 2014
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6. A comparison of nutritional status in three time points of liver transplant
- Author
Zaina, F.E, Lopes, R.W, and Souza, M.R.D
- Published
- 2004
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