110 results on '"Logvinenko, N"'
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- Author
Logvinenko, N. M., primary
- Published
- 2022
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3. Investigation on Genetic Heterogeneity of α-Subunit of the Epithelial Sodium Channel in Rat Renal Cortex
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Herbeck, Y. E., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2011
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4. Effect of aldosterone on the regulation of the volume of principal cells of rat cortical collecting duct epithelium in early postnatal development
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Solenov, E. I., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2008
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5. Effect of aldosterone on kinetics of intracellular sodium in cortical portion of collecting ducts in rat kidney
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Solenov, E. I., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2008
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6. Polymorphism of genes associated with infectious lung diseases in Northern Asian populations and in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
- Author
Mikhailova, S. V., primary, Shcherbakova, L. V., additional, Logvinenko, N. I., additional, Logvinenko, I. I., additional, and Voevoda, M. I., additional
- Published
- 2021
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7. A rapid nongenomic effect of aldosterone on intracellular sodium concentration in the distal nephron segment of the rat
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Solenov, E. I., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2006
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8. Deletion Polymorphism of the Human c-fms Gene Intron 11: Allelic Frequencies in Some Populations of Russia and Possible Functional Significance
- Author
Kouznetsova, T. N., Voevoda, M. I., Podkolodnaya, O. A., Kulikov, I. V., Kobzev, V. F., Ustinov, S. N., Maliutina, S. K., Logvinenko, N. I., Cherdinzeva, N. V., Tumanov, Yu. V., Morozova, O. A., Baum, V. A., and Romaschenko, A. G.
- Published
- 2004
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9. Role of Epithelial Sodium Channel in the Realization of Homeostatic Effects of Aldosterone on the Volume of Principal Cells of Cortical Collecting Ducts in Rats after Hypoosmotic Stress
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Solenov, E. I., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2013
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10. Species-specific peculiarities of functional reactions of the sodium pump to phosphorylation by protein kinase A
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S. and Cornelius, F.
- Published
- 2000
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11. Age differences in hormonal regulation of Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the rat renal cortex
- Author
Svitasheva, N. G., Kalish, E. E., Logvinenko, N. S., and Solenov, E. I.
- Published
- 1992
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12. Перспективи використання в годівлі молодняку свиней кремнієвого сорбенту «Силард» та кормового концентрату «Живина» та їх вплив на продуктивність тварин
- Author
Логвиненко, Н. М., Басаргін, В. А., Мамченко, В. Ю., Logvinenko, N., Basargin, V., Mamchenko, V., Басаргин, В. А., Логвиненко, Н. М., Басаргін, В. А., Мамченко, В. Ю., Logvinenko, N., Basargin, V., Mamchenko, V., and Басаргин, В. А.
- Abstract
Попередні дослідження дії кремнієвих сорбентів вказали на можливість їх поєднання з іншими кормовими добавками, оскільки вони мають нейтралізуючий вплив вибірково на токсичні речовини, не знижуючи надходження вітамінів і амінокислот до організму. Навпаки, при вживанні сорбентів, зокрема «Силарду», зростає інтенсивність засвоєння з кормів, добавок і преміксів необхідних вітамінів, мінеральних речовин та протеїнів, створюються можливості більш ефективної відгодівлі. Попередні данні дослідження свідчать про покращення засвоюваності мікро- та макроелементів, вітамінів і амінокислот АВМКК «Живина» при її спільному застосуванні з «Силардом». Використання кремнієвих сорбентів спільно з кормовими концентратами комплексної дії та широкого складу, до яких відноситься препарат «Живина», дозволяє активізувати обмінні процеси в організмі тварин, покращити продуктивність молодняку свиней, виражену середньодобовими приростами живої маси, а також суттєво покращити стан здоров’я досліджуваних тварин. Досліди показали відчутний ефект від спільного застосування сорбенту та концентрату, за рекомендованими схемами досягнуте достовірне збільшення ваги дослідних тварин порівняно з контролем. Найбільш ефективна схема спільного застосування в годівлі молодняка свиней була визначена в другій дослідній групі («Живина» з ранковою годівлею і «Силард» з вечірньою), що дозволило отримати найвищі серед порівняльних середньодобові прирости – 765г або на 22,4% більше, ніж в контрольній групі з основним раціоном. Таким чином, комбіноване застосування досліджуваних кормових добавок відчутно збільшує приріст живої маси молодняку свиней на відгодівлі і дозволяє отримувати якісну продукцію свинарства на кінцевому етапі виробництва. Обидві рекомендовані добавки мають відносно невисоку вартість порівняно з вітчизняними та імпортними аналогами, є якісними і добре вивченими за механізмом дії препаратами та не місять токсичних і шкідливих речовин, тому можуть бути рекомендовані в органічному тваринництві. Нео, Previous studies action silicon sorbents indicated the possibility of their combination with other feed additives, since they exhibit a neutralizing effect on toxic substances selectively without reducing the intake of vitamins and aminoacids in the body. In contrast, when using adsorbents, in particular «Szilard», increases the intensity of digestion of feed additives and premixes essential vitamins, minerals and proteins, are possible more efficient fattening. Preliminary data of the studies indicated an improvement in the digestibility of micro- and macro elements, vitamins and aminoacids of the drug «Zhivina» when it used jointly with the «Szilard». Using silicon sorbents together with fodder concentrates complex action and a broad composition to which the drug «Zhivina», allows to activate the metabolic processes in animals, improve the productivity of young pigs, expressed average daily weight gain, as well as significantly improve the state of health of the test animals. Experiments showed significant effect of combined use of the sorbent and concentrate on recommended regimens achieved significant weight gain of test animals compared to control. The most effective scheme of joint application in young pigs feeding was determined in the 2nd study group («Zhivina» with morning feeding and «Szilard» with the evening), which allowed to get the highest among the comparative daily average increments – 765g or 22.4% above than in the control group with the main diet. Therefore, the combined use of the investigated feed additives will significantly increase the growth in the live weight of young pigs on fattening and ensure the quality of pig production at the final stage of production. Both recommended additives are relatively inexpensive in comparison with domestic and foreign analogues, are high-quality and well-studied by the mechanism of action preparations and does not contain toxic and harmful substances, that is why they can be used for application in the pro, Предыдущие исследования действия кремниевых сорбентов указали на возможность их сочетания с другими кормовыми добавками, поскольку они проявляют нейтрализующее влияние избирательно на токсические вещества, не снижая поступление витаминов и аминокислот в организм. Напротив, при употреблении сорбентов, в частности «Силарда», возрастает интенсивность усвоения из кормов, добавок и премиксов необходимых витаминов, минеральных веществ и протеинов, создаются возможности более эффективного откорма. Использование кремниевых сорбентов совместно с кормовыми концентратами комплексного действия и широкого состава, к которым относится препарат «Живина», позволяет активизировать обменные процессы в организме животных, улучшить продуктивность молодняка свиней, выраженную среднесуточными приростами живой массы, а также существенно улучшить состояние здоровье испытуемых животных. Предварительные данные исследования свидетельствуют об улучшении усвояемости микро- и макроэлементов, витаминов и аминокислот АВМКК «Живина» при его совместном применении с «Силардом». Опыты показали ощутимый эффект от совместного применения сорбента и концентрата, по рекомендованным схемам достигнуто достоверное увеличение веса подопытных животных по сравнению с контролем. Наиболее эффективная схема общего применения в кормлении молодняка свиней была определена во 2-й опытной группе («Живина» с утренним кормлением и «Силард» с вечерним), что позволило получить наивысшие среди сравнительных среднесуточные приросты – 765г или на 22,4% больше, чем в контрольной группе с основным рационом. Таким образом, комбинированное применение исследуемых кормовых добавок позволит ощутимо увеличить прирост живой массы молодняка свиней на откорме и обеспечить высокое качество продукции свиноводства на конечном этапе производства. Обе рекомендованные добавки имеют относительно невысокую стоимость сравнительно с отечественными и импортными аналогами, являются качественными и хорошо изученными за механизмом действия препаратами
- Published
- 2019
13. Перспективи використання в годівлі молодняку свиней кремнієвого сорбенту «Силард» та кормового концентрату «Живина» та їх вплив на продуктивність тварин
- Author
Logvinenko, N., Basargin, V., and Mamchenko, V.
- Subjects
feed additives ,Zhivina ,кремнієві сорбенти ,feeding pigs ,кремниевые сорбенты ,концентрати ,animal productivity ,concentrates ,годівля свиней ,Силард ,кормление свиней ,продуктивность животных ,кормові добавки ,кормовые добавки ,Живина ,продуктивність тварин ,silicon sorbents ,Silard ,концентраты - Abstract
Попередні дослідження дії кремнієвих сорбентів вказали на можливість їх поєднання з іншими кормовими добавками, оскільки вони мають нейтралізуючий вплив вибірково на токсичні речовини, не знижуючи надходження вітамінів і амінокислот до організму. Навпаки, при вживанні сорбентів, зокрема «Силарду», зростає інтенсивність засвоєння з кормів, добавок і преміксів необхідних вітамінів, мінеральних речовин та протеїнів, створюються можливості більш ефективної відгодівлі. Попередні данні дослідження свідчать про покращення засвоюваності мікро- та макроелементів, вітамінів і амінокислот АВМКК «Живина» при її спільному застосуванні з «Силардом». Використання кремнієвих сорбентів спільно з кормовими концентратами комплексної дії та широкого складу, до яких відноситься препарат «Живина», дозволяє активізувати обмінні процеси в організмі тварин, покращити продуктивність молодняку свиней, виражену середньодобовими приростами живої маси, а також суттєво покращити стан здоров’я досліджуваних тварин. Досліди показали відчутний ефект від спільного застосування сорбенту та концентрату, за рекомендованими схемами досягнуте достовірне збільшення ваги дослідних тварин порівняно з контролем. Найбільш ефективна схема спільного застосування в годівлі молодняка свиней була визначена в другій дослідній групі («Живина» з ранковою годівлею і «Силард» з вечірньою), що дозволило отримати найвищі серед порівняльних середньодобові прирости – 765г або на 22,4% більше, ніж в контрольній групі з основним раціоном. Таким чином, комбіноване застосування досліджуваних кормових добавок відчутно збільшує приріст живої маси молодняку свиней на відгодівлі і дозволяє отримувати якісну продукцію свинарства на кінцевому етапі виробництва. Обидві рекомендовані добавки мають відносно невисоку вартість порівняно з вітчизняними та імпортними аналогами, є якісними і добре вивченими за механізмом дії препаратами та не місять токсичних і шкідливих речовин, тому можуть бути рекомендовані в органічному тваринництві. Необхідне подальше розширення досліджень дії визначених добавок стосовно гематологічних показників, а також якості м’яса тварин, що дозволить рекомендувати ці добавки до широкого застосування в галузі свинарства., Previous studies action silicon sorbents indicated the possibility of their combination with other feed additives, since they exhibit a neutralizing effect on toxic substances selectively without reducing the intake of vitamins and aminoacids in the body. In contrast, when using adsorbents, in particular «Szilard», increases the intensity of digestion of feed additives and premixes essential vitamins, minerals and proteins, are possible more efficient fattening. Preliminary data of the studies indicated an improvement in the digestibility of micro- and macro elements, vitamins and aminoacids of the drug «Zhivina» when it used jointly with the «Szilard». Using silicon sorbents together with fodder concentrates complex action and a broad composition to which the drug «Zhivina», allows to activate the metabolic processes in animals, improve the productivity of young pigs, expressed average daily weight gain, as well as significantly improve the state of health of the test animals. Experiments showed significant effect of combined use of the sorbent and concentrate on recommended regimens achieved significant weight gain of test animals compared to control. The most effective scheme of joint application in young pigs feeding was determined in the 2nd study group («Zhivina» with morning feeding and «Szilard» with the evening), which allowed to get the highest among the comparative daily average increments – 765g or 22.4% above than in the control group with the main diet. Therefore, the combined use of the investigated feed additives will significantly increase the growth in the live weight of young pigs on fattening and ensure the quality of pig production at the final stage of production. Both recommended additives are relatively inexpensive in comparison with domestic and foreign analogues, are high-quality and well-studied by the mechanism of action preparations and does not contain toxic and harmful substances, that is why they can be used for application in the production of organic pork. It is necessary to further expand research of influence the additives on hematological parameters, as well as the quality of the meat of animals that will recommend these supplements for wide use in pig industry., Предыдущие исследования действия кремниевых сорбентов указали на возможность их сочетания с другими кормовыми добавками, поскольку они проявляют нейтрализующее влияние избирательно на токсические вещества, не снижая поступление витаминов и аминокислот в организм. Напротив, при употреблении сорбентов, в частности «Силарда», возрастает интенсивность усвоения из кормов, добавок и премиксов необходимых витаминов, минеральных веществ и протеинов, создаются возможности более эффективного откорма. Использование кремниевых сорбентов совместно с кормовыми концентратами комплексного действия и широкого состава, к которым относится препарат «Живина», позволяет активизировать обменные процессы в организме животных, улучшить продуктивность молодняка свиней, выраженную среднесуточными приростами живой массы, а также существенно улучшить состояние здоровье испытуемых животных. Предварительные данные исследования свидетельствуют об улучшении усвояемости микро- и макроэлементов, витаминов и аминокислот АВМКК «Живина» при его совместном применении с «Силардом». Опыты показали ощутимый эффект от совместного применения сорбента и концентрата, по рекомендованным схемам достигнуто достоверное увеличение веса подопытных животных по сравнению с контролем. Наиболее эффективная схема общего применения в кормлении молодняка свиней была определена во 2-й опытной группе («Живина» с утренним кормлением и «Силард» с вечерним), что позволило получить наивысшие среди сравнительных среднесуточные приросты – 765г или на 22,4% больше, чем в контрольной группе с основным рационом. Таким образом, комбинированное применение исследуемых кормовых добавок позволит ощутимо увеличить прирост живой массы молодняка свиней на откорме и обеспечить высокое качество продукции свиноводства на конечном этапе производства. Обе рекомендованные добавки имеют относительно невысокую стоимость сравнительно с отечественными и импортными аналогами, являются качественными и хорошо изученными за механизмом действия препаратами и не содержат токсичных и вредных веществ, потому могут быть использованы для применения в производстве органической свинины. Необходимо дальнейшее расширение исследований воздействия указанных добавок по гематологическим показателям, а также на качество мяса животных, что позволит рекомендовать эти добавки к широкому применению в отрасли свиноводства.
- Published
- 2018
14. Effect of aldosterone on the regulation of the volume of principal cells of rat cortical collecting duct epithelium in early postnatal development
- Author
Logvinenko, N. S., Solenov, E. I., and Ivanova, L. N.
- Published
- 2009
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15. Serious Asthma Events with Fluticasone plus Salmeterol versus Fluticasone Alone
- Author
Stempel, Da, Raphiou, Ih, Kral, Km, Yeakey, Am, Emmett, Ah, Prazma, Cm, Buaron, Ks, Pascoe, Sj, Austri, Investigators, Altieri, Hh, Antuni, Jd, Bergna, Ma, Cuadrado, Ja, De Gennaro MS, Fazio Lizandrelo CL, Gattolin, G, Gosn, Am, Larrateguy, Ld, Marcipar, Am, Maspero, Jf, Medina, Iv, Perez Chada RD, Silva, D, Victorio, Cf, Bardin, Pg, Carroll, Pa, Clements, Bs, Dore, Nd, Robinson, Pd, Fitzgerald, Da, Robinson, Pj, Russo, Ma, Sajkov, D, Thomas, Ps, Upham, Jw, Forstner, B, Kaik, G, Koeberl, Gh, Studnicka, M, Wallner, G, Balthazar, Y, Bauler, A, Dupont, Lj, Martinot, Jb, Ninane, V, Peché, R, Pilette, C, Dimitrova, R, Dimova, D, Kissyova Ibrishimova, G, Loboshka Becheva, M, Machkovska, M, Madjarov, S, Mandazhieva Pepelanova, M, Naidenova, I, Noleva, K, Takovska, N, Terziev, C, Aggarwal, Nk, Chapman, Kr, Csanadi, Ma, Dhillon, R, Henein, S, Kelly, Aj, Lam, As, Liem, Jj, Lougheed, Md, Lowe, Dw, Rizvi, Q, van den Berg, L, Zidel, B, Barros Monge MJ, Calvo Gil MA, Castillo Hofer CR, Diaz Amor PV, Lezana Soya, V, Quilodran Silva CN, Bolivar Grimaldos, F, Solarte-Rodriguez, I, Butkovic-Tomljanovic, R, Hegedus-Jungvirth, M, Ivkovic-Jurekovic, I, Simunov-Karuza, G, Buresova, M, Bursova, J, Fratrik, J, Guttlerova, E, Hartman, P, Jirmanova, I, Kalina, P, Kolman, P, Kucera, M, Povysilova, L, Pravda, P, Svabkova, A, Zakova, L, Backer, V, Maltbaek, N, Johnsen, Cr, Aries, Sp, Babyesiza, A, Barth, D, Benedix, A, Berg, P, Bergtholdt, B, Bettig, U, Bindig, Hw, Botzen, U, Brehler, R, Breyer, Go, Bruckhaus-Walter, M, Dapper, T, Eckhard, Jg, Engelhard, R, Feldmeyer, F, Fissan, H, Franz, Kh, Frick, Bs, Funck, J, Gessner, Cm, Ginko, T, Grigat, Ce, Grimm-Sachs, V, Groth, G, Hampf, J, Hanf, G, Havasi-Jost, G, Heinz, Gu, Helm, K, Hoeltz, S, Hofmann, S, Jander, R, Jandl, M, Jasch-Hoppe, B, Jung, T, Junggeburth, Jj, Kardos, P, Knueppel, W, Koch, T, Kolorz, C, Korduan, M, Korth-Wiemann, B, Krezdorn, Hg, Kroker, A, Kruell, M, Kuehne, P, Lenk, U, Liefring, E, Merke, J, Micke, L, Mitlehner, W, Mueller, H, Naudts, If, Neumann, G, Oldenburg, W, Overlack, A, Panzer, F, Reinholz, N, Remppis, R, Riegel, P, Rueckert, P, Schaetzl, Rj, Schauer, U, Hamelmann, E, Schenkenberger, I, Schlegel, V, Scholz, G, Schroers, M, Schwittay, A, Sebert, M, Tyler, K, Soemantri, Pa, Stock, P, Stuchlik, G, Unland, M, von Mallinckrodt, C, Wachter, J, Weber, U, Weberling, F, Wehgartner-Winkler, S, Weimer, J, Wiemer, S, Winkelmann, Ej, Zeisler, Kh, Ziegner, A, Zimny, Hh, Andrasofszky, Z, Bartha, A, Farkas, M, Gömöri, K, Kis, S, Major, K, Mészáros, I, Mezei, M, Rakvacs, M, Szalai, Z, Szántó, J, Szentesi, M, Szolnoki, E, Valyon, E, Zibotics, H, Anwar, J, Arimah, C, Djajalaksana, S, Rai, Ib, Setijadi, Ar, Setyanto, Db, Susanti, F, Syafiuddin, T, Syamsi, Ln, Wijanarko, P, Yunus, F, Bonavia, M, Braga, M, Chetta, Aa, Cerveri, I, Luisetti, M, Crimi, N, Cutrera, R, De Rosa, M, Esposito, S, Foresi, A, Gammeri, E, Iemoli, E, Legnani, Dl, Michetti, G, Pastorello, Ea, Pesci, A, Pistolesi, M, Riva, E, Romano, A, Scichilone, N, Terracciano, L, Tripodi, S, Choi, I, Kim, C, Kim, Js, Kim, Wj, Koh, Yy, Kwon, Ss, Lee, Sh, Lee, S, Lee, Sk, Park, Cs, Cirule, I, Eglite, R, Petrova, I, Poga, M, Smiltena, I, Chomiciene, A, Davoliene, I, Griskeviciene, V, Naudziunas, A, Naudziunas, S, Rudzeviciene, O, Sitkauskiene, B, Urbonas, G, Vaicius, D, Valavicius, A, Valiulis, A, Vebriene, J, bin Abdul Aziz FA, Daud, M, Ismail, Ai, Tengku Saifudin TI, Md Kassim RM, Mohd Fadzli FB, Wan Mohamad WH, Aguilar Dominguez PE, Aguilar-Orozco, Ra, Garza-Salinas, S, Ramirez-Diaz, Sp, Sánchez Llamas, F, Soto-Ramos, M, Velarde-Mora, Hj, Aguirre Sosa, I, Cisneros, Am, Estrella Viladegut RA, Matsuno Fuchigami, A, Adiaz-Baui, Tt, Bernan, Ap, Onia, Af, Sandagon, Mj, S-Naval, S, Yu, Cy, Bartuzi, Z, Bielous-Wilk, A, Błażowski, Ł, Bożek, A, Brzostek, J, Chorostowska-Wynimko, J, Ciekalska, K, Ziora, D, Cieslicki, J, Emeryk, A, Folcik, K, Gałuszka-Bilińska, A, Gawlik, R, Giejlo, M, Harat, R, Hofman, T, Jahnz-Różyk, K, Jedrzejczak, M, Kachel, T, Kamiński, D, Kelm Warchol, A, Konieczny, Z, Kwasniewski, A, Leszczyński, W, Mincewicz, G, Niezgoda, K, Olszewska-Ziąber, A, Onasz-Manitius, M, Pawlukiewicz, M, Piotrowicz, P, Piotrowski, W, Pisarczyk-Bogacka, E, Piskorz, P, Prokop-Staszecka, A, Roslan, A, Słomka, A, Smalera, E, Stelmach, I, Swierczynska-Krepa, M, Szmidt, M, Tarnowska-Matusiak, M, Tłuczykont, B, Tyminska, K, Waszkuc-Golonko, J, Wojciechowska, I, Alexandrescu, Ds, Neamtu, Ml, Todea, D, Alekseeva, E, Aleksandrova, E, Asherova, I, Barbarash, Ol, Bugrova, O, Bukreeva, Eb, Chermenskiy, A, Chizhova, O, Demko, I, Evdokimova, A, Giorgadze, Ml, Grigoryev, S, Irkhina, I, Khurkhurova, Nv, Kondyurina, Eg, Kostin, Vi, Kudelya, L, Laleko, Sl, Lenskaya, L, Levashov, S, Logvinenko, N, Martynov, A, Mizernitski, Y, Nemtsov, B, Novozhenov, Vg, Pavlishchuk, S, Popova, Vv, Reshetko, Ov, Sherenkov, A, Shirinsky, Vs, Shpagina, L, Soloviev, Ki, Tkachev, A, Trofimov, Vi, Vertkin, Al, Vorobeva, E, Idrisova, E, Yakushin, S, Zadionchenko, V, Zhiglinskaya, O, Zykov, K, Dopudja Pantic, V, Nadaskic, R, Nestorovic, B, Skodric Trifunovic, V, Stojanovic, A, Vukcevic, M, Vujic, T, Mitic Milikic, M, Banovcin, P, Horvathova, H, Karako, P Sr, Plutinsky, J, Pribulova, E, Szarazova, M, Zlatos, A, Adams, L, Badat, A, Bassa, A, Breedt, J, Bruning, A, Ellis, Gc, Emanuel, S, Fouche, Lf, Fulat, Ma, Gani, M, Ismail, Ms, Jurgens, Jc, Nell, H, Nieuwoudt, G, Noor, F, Bolliger, Ct, Puterman, As, Siddique, N, Trokis, Js, Vahed, Ya, Van Der Berg BJ, Van der Linden, M, Van Zyl, L, Visser, Ss, Antépara Ercoreca, I, Arnedillo Muñoz, A, Barbe Illa, F, Barreiro López, B, Blanco Aparicio, M, Boada Valmaseda, A, Bosque García, M, Bustamante Ruiz, A, Carretero Anibarro, P, Del Campo Matias, F, Echave-Sustaet, Jm, Espinosa de los Monteros Garde MJ, Garcia Hernandez GM, López Viña, A, Lores Obradors, L, Luengo Planas MT, Monsó Molas, E, Navarro Dourdil, A, Nieto García AJ, Perpina Tordera, M, Picado Valles, C, Rodriguez Alvarez Mdel, M, Saura Vinuesa, A, Serra Batlles, J, Soler Sempere MJ, Toran Montserrat, P, Valdés Cuadrado LG, Villasante Fernandez-Montes, C, Cheng, Sl, Chern, Jh, Chiu, Mh, Chung, Cl, Lai, Rs, Lin, Ck, Liu, Yc, Wang, Cc, Wei, Yf, Amer, L, Berenfus, Vi, Besh, L, Duka, Kd, Fushtey, Im, Garmash, N, Dudnyk, O, Godlevska, O, Vlasenko, Ma, Hospodarskyy, I, Iashyna, L, Kaladze, M, Khvelos, Si, Kostromina, Vp, Krakhmalova, O, Kryuchko, T, Kulynych, Ov, Krasko, Mp, Levchenko, O, Litvinova, T, Panina, Ss, Pasiyeshvili, Lm, Prystupa, Ln, Romaniuk, Li, Sirenko, I, Synenko, Vi, Vynnychenko, Lb, Yatsyshyn, Ri, Zaitsev, I, Zhebel, V, Zubarenko, O, Arthur, Cp, Brown, V, Burhan, H, Chaudhuri, R, Collier, D, Barnes, Nc, Davies, Ej, Ellery, A, Kwok, S, Lenney, W, Nordstrom, M, Pandya, Hc, Parker, Iw, Rajakulasingam, K, Seddon, P, Sharma, R, Thomas, Ec, Wakeling, Ja, Abalos-Galito, M, Abboy, C, Abreu, E, Ackerman, If, Acosta, Ia, Adaoag, Aa, Ahmed, M, Ali, Mi, Allen, Dr, Allen GG Jr, Diogo, Jj, Allison, Dc, Alwine, Lk, Apaliski, Sj, Arastu, Rs, Arora, Cm, Auerbach, D, Azzam, Sj, Badar FL 3rd, Baker, Jw, Barasch, Jp, Barber, Ma, Bardinas-Rodriguez, R, Barreiro, Tj, Baumbach, Rr, Baur, Ce, Baxter, Bs, Beach, Jl, Beasley, Rl, Beavins, Je, Beliveau, Wj, Benbow, Mj, Bennett, Nl, Bennett, Rl, Bernal, H, Bernstein, Di, Blaiss, Ms, Blumenthal, Kw, Boas, Sr, Borders, Jl, Boscia, Ja, Boulware, Wn, Bowling, Bt, Brabec, Ba, Bramlet, Dg, Figueroa, Dp, Brautigam, Df, Brownell, Jm, Bruce, Tr, Call, Rs, Campbell, Ca, Canaan, Ya, Cannon, Df, Carpio, Jm, Cathcart, Ws, Cevallos, Jp, Chauhan, Av, Chuang, Rb, Chevalier, D, Christensen, J, Christensen, Ta, Christina, Mo, Chrzanowski, Rr, Civitarese, Fa, Clark, Jp, Clifford, Dp, Lapidus, Rj, Coggi, Ja, Lenz, Jj, Cohen, Kr, Collins, Bg, Collins, H, Comellas, A, Condit, J, Cordasco EM Jr, Corder, Cn, Covar, Ra, Coverston, Kd, Croce, Sa, Cruz, H, Curtis, Ct, Daftary, Pk, Dalan, D, Dalawari, Sp, Daly, Wc, Davis, Kc, Dawes, Kw, Decotiis, Ba, Deluca, Rf, Desantis, Dm, De Valle OL, Diaz, Jl, Diaz, Jd, Dice, Jp, Elizalde, A, Hosler, Mr, Dixon, C, Dobkin, La, Dobrusin, Rs, Dransfield, Mt, Ebbeling, Wl, Edwards, Jd, Elacion, Jm, Elkayam, D, Ellison, Wt, Elsen, Jr, Engel, Lr, Ensz, Dj, Ericksen, Cl, Ervin, Je, Fang, C, Abrahamian, F, Farrah, Vb, Field, Jd, Fishman, Hj, Florea, R, Nayyar, S, Focil, A, Focauld, F, Franco MA Jr, Frandsen, Br, Ganti, K, Garcia, Fl, Lee, Wm, Garscadden, Ag, Gatti, Ea, Gellady, Am, George, Ar, Gibbon, Gw, Gleason, Gp, Goldberg, P, Goldstein, Mf, Gonzalez, Ge, Gower, Rg, Grande, Ja, Gregory, D, Grubb, Sd, Guthrie, Rp, Haas, Ta, Haft, Ks, Hajal, R, Hammond, Gd, Hansel, Nn, Hansen, Vr, Harris, Af, Hartman, An, Harvey, Rr, Hazan-Steinberg, S, Headley, Dm, Heigerick, Gc, Heller, Bn, Hendrix, El, Herrod, Jn, Hewitt, Mj, Hines, Rl, Hirdt, Ap, Hirschfield, Ja, Hoffman, Ks, Hogan, Ad, Howland, Wc, Hsu, Cc, Hsu, Fj, Hubbard, Wm, Hudson, Jd, Huffman, C, Hussain, M, Ioachimescu, Oc, Ismail, Ym, Jaffrani, Na, Jiang, N, Jones, Sw, Jordan, Rs, Joshi, Ke, Kaashmiri, Mw, Kalafer, M, Kamdar, Ba, Kanuga, Jg, Kao, Nl, Karetzky, M, Katsetos, Jc, Kay, Js, Kimmel, Ma, Kimura, Sh, Kingsley, Jk, Mahmood, Sm, Subich, Dc, Kirstein, Jl, Kleerup, Ec, Klein, Rm, Koh, Dw, Kohli, N, Koura, Fa, Kovacs, Sp, Kratzer, J, Kreit, Ci, Kreutter, Fm, Kubicki, Tm, Labuda, Jm, Latorre, Aj, Lara, Mm, Lechin, Ae, Lee, Jj, Lee, Md, Lentnek, Al, Lesh, Kw, Levins, Pf, Anspach, Rb, Levinsky, Dm, Lillestol, Mj, Lim, H, Livezey, Md, Lloyd-Turney, Cw, Lockey, Rf, Long, Ra, Lynch, Mj, Macgillivray, Bk, Mahadevan, Kp, Makam, Sk, Maloney, Mj, Mapel, D, Margolis, Bd, Margulies, J, Martin, Ef, Martin, Ee, Mascolo, M, Mataria, H, Sunbuli, M, Mathur, Rn, Mattar, Pn, Maynard, Km, Maynard, N, Mccormick, B, Mcelya, M, Mcevoy, Ce, Mckenzie, Wc, Medwedeff, Le, Mehta, Kd, Melamed, Ir, Meli, Jv, Merrick, Bh, Meyers, Pj, Miller, Bt, Minton, Sm, Miranda, Fg, Mohar, De, Montenegro, Ch, Morris, Fa, Morrison, Bs, Moss, Mh, Munoz, F, Naini, Gr, Nakamura, Ct, Naseeruddin, S, Nassim, C, Navazo, Lj, Nissim, Je, Norman, D, Oberoi, Ms, O'Connor, Tm, Offenberger, J, Orr, Rr, Osea, Ea, Paine, Wj, Rasmussen, Nl, Palatnik, M, Pangtay, D, Panuto, Ja, Patel, M, Perera, Ms, Perez, A, Peters PH Jr, Pimentel SM Jr, Pluto, Tm, Pollock, Mt, Posner, Ls, Pritchard, Jc, Pudi, Kk, Puig, Cm, Qaqundah, Py, Radbill, Mk, Rahman, St, Raikhel, M, Raissy, Hh, Ramstad, Ds, Ranasinghe, Es, Rangel, Os, Rapo, Se, Raschal, Sp, Reddy, Dg, Rehman, Sm, Reyes, Sr, Rhodes, Rb, Riffer, E, Rihal, Ps, Riley ED 4th, Rodriguez, Dh, Rogers, Cm, Rohlf, Jl, Romeu, H, Roney, Cw, Ronsick, So, Rosen, Jb, Rowe, Ms, Ruoff, Ge, Ryan, Eh, Saff, Rh, Saini, N, Anand, S, Balakrishnan, K, Samuels, Bs, Samuelson, Rj, Saniuk, Rj, Sargeant, Wo, Saunders, Mk, Saway, W, Scarupa, Md, White, Mv, Schear, Mj, Schwarz, Cm, Scott, Rb, Segall, N, Seibert, Af, Seidmeyer, V, Seidner, Mr, Seifer, Fd, Serje, J, Shah, Ms, Shah, Sb, Shapero, Pa, Shearer, Sd, Sheikh, Sq, Shepherd, Ts, Sher, Er, Sher, Ld, Short, Bh, Silas, Pe, Alvey, Jc, Silverfield, Jc, Simon, Sj, Sitar, S, Skoner, Dp, Smallow, Sa, Smart, Ba, Smith, Ca, Smith, Ke, Smith, Sk, Snyders, Gc, Soong, W, Soufer, J, Spangenthal, S, Stahlman, Je, Steele, Lg, Stegemoller, Rk, Stocks, J, Storms, Ww, Suen, J, Surowitz, Rz, Swauger, Jr, Taber, La, Tan, Ae, Pratt, Se, Tanus, T, Tarpay, Mm, Tarshis, Ga, Tenney, Jw, Tilghman, Kg, Trevino, Me, Troyan, Be, Twiddy, Sk, Updegrove, Jd, Urval, Kr, Uusinarkaus, Kt, Vaela, R, Van Cleeff, M, Varano, S, Vo, Qd, Wainz, Rj, Wald, Ja, Wall, Sj, Wasserman, Rl, Weinstein, Dl, Welker, Ja, Wellmon, B 2nd, Wells, T, Wenocur, Hs, Williams, Dl, Williams, Sl, Win, Ph, Wingo, Td, Wisman PP Jr, Wyszomierski, Da, Yamada, Hm, Yarows, S, Yunger TM Jr, Ziering, Rw., the AUSTRI Investigators, Stempel, D., Raphiou, I., Kral, K., Yeakey, A., Emmett, A., Prazma, C., Buaron, K., and Pascoe, S. Scichilone N tra i collaboratori
- Subjects
Male ,asthma ,serious events ,fluticasone ,salmeterol ,AUSTRI ,Exacerbation ,Intention to Treat Analysi ,INHALED CORTICOSTEROIDS ,Severity of Illness Index ,law.invention ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,immune system diseases ,Ús terapèutic ,Broncodilatadors ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Child ,Fluticasone ,RISK ,ACTING BETA-AGONISTS ,EXACERBATIONS ,METAANALYSIS ,MORTALITY ,SAFETY ,DEATH ,FDA ,Medicine (all) ,Hazard ratio ,General Medicine ,Bronchodilator agents ,Middle Aged ,Fluticasone-Salmeterol Drug Combination ,Bronchodilator Agents ,Intention to Treat Analysis ,Anesthesia ,Female ,Salmeterol ,medicine.drug ,Human ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Settore MED/10 - Malattie Dell'Apparato Respiratorio ,Fluticasone propionate ,03 medical and health sciences ,Double-Blind Method ,Internal medicine ,Administration, Inhalation ,medicine ,Humans ,Asma ,Bronchodilator Agent ,Asthma ,Aged ,Proportional Hazards Models ,business.industry ,Therapeutic use ,medicine.disease ,respiratory tract diseases ,030228 respiratory system ,Fluticasone Propionate, Salmeterol Xinafoate Drug Combination ,Proportional Hazards Model ,business - Abstract
BACKGROUND The safe and appropriate use of long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) for the treatment of asthma has been widely debated. In two large clinical trials, investigators found a potential risk of serious asthma-related events associated with LABAs. This study was designed to evaluate the risk of administering the LABA salmeterol in combination with an inhaled glucocorticoid, fluticasone propionate. METHODS In this multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial, adolescent and adult patients (age, ≥12 years) with persistent asthma were assigned to receive either fluticasone with salmeterol or fluticasone alone for 26 weeks. All the patients had a history of a severe asthma exacerbation in the year before randomization but not during the previous month. Patients were excluded from the trial if they had a history of lifethreatening or unstable asthma. The primary safety end point was the first serious asthma-related event (death, endotracheal intubation, or hospitalization). Noninferiority of fluticasone–salmeterol to fluticasone alone was defined as an upper boundary of the 95% confidence interval for the risk of the primary safety end point of less than 2.0. The efficacy end point was the first severe asthma exacerbation. RESULTS Of 11,679 patients who were enrolled, 67 had 74 serious asthma-related events, with 36 events in 34 patients in the fluticasone–salmeterol group and 38 events in 33 patients in the fluticasone-only group. The hazard ratio for a serious asthmarelated event in the fluticasone–salmeterol group was 1.03 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64 to 1.66), and noninferiority was achieved (P = 0.003). There were no asthma-related deaths; 2 patients in the fluticasone-only group underwent asthmarelated intubation. The risk of a severe asthma exacerbation was 21% lower in the fluticasone–salmeterol group than in the fluticasone-only group (hazard ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.89), with at least one severe asthma exacerbation occurring in 480 of 5834 patients (8%) in the fluticasone–salmeterol group, as compared with 597 of 5845 patients (10%) in the fluticasone-only group (P
- Published
- 2016
16. Significance of surfactant proteins in the diagnosis of therapeutic diseases
- Author
Kovalkova, N. A., primary, Ragino, Yu. I., additional, Logvinenko, N. I., additional, Merekina, E. S., additional, and Voevoda, M. I., additional
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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17. Associations of CVD risk factors and airflow obstruction in urban Siberian population
- Author
Logvinenko, N, primary, Malyutina, S, additional, Denisova, D, additional, and Voevoda, M, additional
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
18. Polymorphic variants of chemokine receptor gene CCR5 and morphological phenotype as asthma predisposing markers
- Author
Cherkashina, I. I., primary, Nikulina, S. Yu., additional, Logvinenko, N. I., additional, Maksimov, V. N., additional, Voevoda, M. I., additional, Shulman, V. A., additional, Shestovitsky, V. A., additional, Chupakhina, V. A., additional, Chernova, A. A., additional, and Talaevskaya, A. V., additional
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
19. Analysis of CCR2 chemokine receptor gene polymorphism in patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Author
Cherkashina, I. I., primary, Nikulina, S. Yu., additional, Logvinenko, N. I., additional, Shulman, V. A., additional, Shestovitsky, V. A., additional, Voevoda, M. I., additional, Maximov, V. N., additional, and Chernova, A. A., additional
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
20. [Age-related changes in the molecular mechanisms of the hormonal regulation of kidney function].
- Author
Ivanova, L N, Zelenina, M N, Logvinenko, N S, Svitasheva, N G, Solenov, E I, Ivanova, L N, Zelenina, M N, Logvinenko, N S, Svitasheva, N G, and Solenov, E I
- Abstract
NR 20140805
- Published
- 1990
21. Early clinical signs of Hypermetabolism in severe septic patients
- Author
Leiderman, I., primary, Rudnov, V., additional, Logvinenko, N., additional, and Vishnicki, D., additional
- Published
- 1997
- Full Text
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22. Phosphorylation by protein kinase C of serine-23 of the alpha-1 subunit of rat Na+,K(+)-ATPase affects its conformational equilibrium.
- Author
Logvinenko, N S, primary, Dulubova, I, additional, Fedosova, N, additional, Larsson, S H, additional, Nairn, A C, additional, Esmann, M, additional, Greengard, P, additional, and Aperia, A, additional
- Published
- 1996
- Full Text
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23. Adrenalectomy reduces alpha 1 and not beta 1 Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase mRNA expression in rat distal nephron
- Author
Farman, N., primary, Coutry, N., additional, Logvinenko, N., additional, Blot-Chabaud, M., additional, Bourbouze, R., additional, and Bonvalet, J. P., additional
- Published
- 1992
- Full Text
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24. Adrenalectomy reduces αl and not β1 Na+-K+-ATPase mRNA expression in rat distal nephron.
- Author
- Published
- 1992
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Belotserkovets, Yu. I. and Logvinenko, N. V.
- Published
- 1985
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
26. Problem of rock formation in the oceans (post-depositional changes in oceanic sediments).
- Author
Levitan, M. A. and Logvinenko, N. V.
- Published
- 1982
- Full Text
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27. Red deep-water clays of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.
- Author
Logvinenko, N. V.
- Published
- 1979
- Full Text
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28. Age differences in hormonal regulation of Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the rat renal cortex
- Author
Svitasheva, N. G., Kalish, E. E., Logvinenko, N. S., and Solenov, E. I.
- Published
- 1992
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
29. Functional regulation of reconstituted Na,K-ATPase by protein kinase A phosphorylation
- Author
Cornelius, F. and Logvinenko, N.
- Published
- 1996
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
30. Characteristics of boundary between sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
- Author
Logvinenko, N. V. and Shvanov, V. N.
- Published
- 1973
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
31. [Changes in the receptor link during the development of renal sensitivity to aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone].
- Author
Solenov, E I, Logvinenko, N S, Zelenina, M N, Dzgoev, S G, Ivanova, L N, Solenov, E I, Logvinenko, N S, Zelenina, M N, Dzgoev, S G, and Ivanova, L N
- Abstract
The aldosterone, cAMP and ADH receptors were studied in kidneys of 10-14- and 60-day old rats. Concentrations of aldosterone and cAMP receptors were reduced, while ADH binding was increased during the period of maturation of kidney functions. The investigation of the affinity and molecular weights of cAMP and ADH receptors suggests their complex nature and altering of their individual properties during ontogenesis. Aldosterone and cAMP with their receptors seem to participate in the regulation of gene activity in ontogenesis and ADH seems to participate in the formation of its own receptors., NR 20140805
- Published
- 1986
32. Clinical and genetic features in patients with asthma and their relatives
- Author
Cherkashina, I. I., Svetlana Nikulina, Logvinenko, N. I., Maksimov, V. N., and Liberdovskaia, E. D.
33. [The specific features of TNF-alpha gene polymorphism in asthmatic patients and their relatives]
- Author
Cherkashina, I. I., Nikulina, S. Iu, Logvinenko, N. I., Voevoda, M. I., Maksimov, V. N., and Liberdovskaia, E. D.
34. Reactions of 4,7-Dihydro-1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines with α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds
- Author
Lipson, V. V., Ignatenko, I. V., Desenko, S. M., Shishkina, S. V., Shishkin, O. V., Sergey Komykhov, Logvinenko, N. V., Orlov, V. D., and Meier, H.
35. Polymorphism of genes associated with infectious lung diseases in Northern Asian populations and in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
- Author
Mikhailova SV, Shcherbakova LV, Logvinenko NI, Logvinenko II, and Voevoda MI
- Abstract
The innate immune system is the first to respond to invading pathogens. It is responsible for invader recognition, immune-cell recruitment, adaptive-immunity activation, and regulation of inflammation intensity. Previously, two single-nucleotide polymorphisms of innate-immunity genes - rs5743708 (Arg753Gln) of the TLR2 gene and rs8177374 (Ser180Leu) of the TIRAP gene - have been shown to be associated with both pneumonia and tuberculosis in humans, but the data are contradictory among different ethnic groups. It has also been reported that rs10902158 at the PKP3-SIGGIR-TMEM16J genetic locus belongs to a haplotype race-specifically associated with tuberculosis. Meanwhile, a gradient of its frequency is observed in Asia. The aim of this work was to assess the effect of selection for the genotypes of the above-mentioned SNPs on the gene pools of populations living in harsh climatic conditions that contribute to the development of infectious lung diseases. We estimated the prevalence of these variants in white and Asian (Chukchis and Yakuts) population samples from Northern Asia and among patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Carriage of the rs5743708 A allele was found to predispose to severe CAP (odds ratio 2.77, p = 0.021), whereas the GG/CT genotype of rs5743708/rs8177374 proved to be protective against it (odds ratio 0.478, p = 0.022) in white patients. No association of rs10902158 with CAP (total or severe) was found among whites. Stratification of CAP by causative pathogen may help eliminate the current discrepancies between different studies. No significant difference in rs5743708 or rs8177374 was found between adolescent and long-lived white samples. Carriage of the alleles studied is probably not associated with predisposition to longevity among whites in Siberia. Both white and Asian populations studied were different from Western European and East Asian populations in the variants' prevalence. The frequency of the rs8177374 T (Ser180Leu) variant was significantly higher in the Chukchi sample (p = 0, χ2 = 63.22) relative to the East Asian populations. This result may confirm the hypothesis about the selection of this allele in the course of human migration into areas with unfavorable climatic conditions., (Copyright © AUTHORS.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Logvinenko NS, Katlova LE, Solenov EI, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aldosterone pharmacology, Animals, Cell Size, Intracellular Fluid metabolism, Kidney Cortex drug effects, Kidney Cortex growth & development, Kidney Tubules, Collecting drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Collecting growth & development, Male, Osmotic Pressure, Phosphoinositide-3 Kinase Inhibitors, Rats, Wistar, Sodium metabolism, Aldosterone metabolism, Kidney Cortex metabolism, Kidney Tubules, Collecting metabolism, Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases metabolism
- Abstract
The involvement of wortmannin (10 -5 M), phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) blocker, in the implementation of the rapid nongenomic aldosterone (10 nM) effects on the intracellular sodium (Na i +) and the principal cell volume of cortical collecting duct (CCD) of 10-day and adult rat kidney CCD was studied. Using fluorescence microscopy with intracellular dye Na Green and Calcein we found that wortmannin weakened the effect of aldosterone on the Na i + at low sodium in the extracellular medium (14 mM NaCl), and slowed the rate of reduction of the principal cell volume in the presence of aldosterone at the hypoosmotic shock (240/140 mOsm) since 10 days of age. The findings suggest the participation of phosphatidylinositol pathway in the fast nongenomic aldosterone effects (seconds and minutes) at the early stage of postnatal ontogenesis.
- Published
- 2016
37. [Fast nongenomic aldosterone effect on the kinetics of intracellular sodium and cell volume in the cortical part of collecting ducts of the rat kidney].
- Author
Logvinenko NS, Solenov EI, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Amiloride pharmacology, Animals, In Vitro Techniques, Indoles pharmacology, Kidney Tubules, Collecting physiology, Protein Kinase C antagonists & inhibitors, Protein Kinase C metabolism, Rats, Aldosterone pharmacology, Cell Size drug effects, Epithelial Sodium Channels physiology, Kidney Tubules, Collecting drug effects, Sodium metabolism
- Abstract
The fast nongenomic aldosterone effect on intracellular sodium ([Na+]i) and cell volume was studied by the fluorescent microscopy in isolated cortical part of collecting duct of the rat kidney (CCD). It was shown that aldosterone (10 nM) raised [Na+]i in hyposodium outer medium (14 mM). The rate of [Na+]i changes in response to external sodium shift (137-14 mM) twice as low in the presence of aldosterone (p < 0.05). Corticosterone (100 nM) was unable to simulate aldosterone effect. Similarly to sodium channel blocker amiloride (10(-5) M), protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor RO-31-8220 (10(-7) M) abolished aldosterone effect. Aldosterone (10 nM) significantly decreased the amplitude and increased the characteristic time of the cell volume restoration in hypotonic medium of the rat principle cells (p < 0.001). Corticosterone (50 nM) was also unable to reproduce aldosterone effect. Amiloride (10(-5) M) did not significantly influence either the amplitude or the characteristic time of cell volume restoration during hypoosmotic challenge (p > 0.05). For the first time the specificity and important role of Ca(2+)-dependent kinase in the nongenomic aldosterone effects on ENaC activity and cell volume regulation in rat CCD were demonstrated.
- Published
- 2009
38. [The specific features of TNF-alpha gene polymorphism in asthmatic patients and their relatives].
- Author
Cherkashina II, Nikulina SIu, Logvinenko NI, Voevoda MI, Maksimov VN, and Liberdovskaia ED
- Subjects
- Adult, Alleles, Asthma blood, Female, Gene Frequency, Genotype, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha blood, Asthma genetics, DNA genetics, Family, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Polymorphism, Genetic, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha genetics
- Abstract
The polymorphism of the TNF A gene was studied in 89 asthmatic patients and their 162 relatives in order to estimate the contribution of this candidate gene to the predisposition to the development of asthma and allergic diseases. A control group comprised 258 individuals without bronchopulmonary pathology The polymerase chain reaction was used to study the 308 G/A polymorphism of the TNF A gene. The findings suggest that the asthmatic patients and their relatives have no association of the polymorphism of the TNF A gene in position 308 with their predisposition to the disease. Analysis of the distribution of the frequencies of alleles and genotypes among their probands, relatives, and the control group revealed no statistically significant differences between the groups.
- Published
- 2009
39. [Clinical and genetic features in patients with asthma and their relatives].
- Author
Cherkashina II, Nikulina SIu, Logvinenko NI, Maksimov VN, and Liberdovskaia ED
- Subjects
- Asthma physiopathology, DNA Primers genetics, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Polymorphism, Genetic genetics, Asthma diagnosis, Asthma genetics, Genotype
- Abstract
A familial survey was conducted in 81 probands who were diagnosed as having bronchial asthma (BA) and their 183 first-, second-, and third-degree relatives (a study group). A control group comprised 263 apparently healthy individuals. The familial accumulation of BA was ascertained in the families of probands with this condition. Autosomal dominant inheritance of BA was established. The heterozygous variant of the macrophage-colony-stimulating factor receptor (MCSFR) gene genotype chi-fms may be considered as one of the genetic predictors of BA. The homozygous genotype in a rare allele of the MCSFR gene may be also a predictor of BA.
- Published
- 2008
40. [Aldosterone: the mechanisms of molecular action].
- Author
Logvinenko NS
- Subjects
- Aldosterone metabolism, Animals, Humans, Signal Transduction physiology, Water-Electrolyte Balance physiology, Aldosterone physiology, Kidney metabolism, Kidney physiology, Receptors, Mineralocorticoid metabolism, Sodium Channels metabolism
- Abstract
Aldosterone: a steroid hormone of adrenal cortex, has recently attracted much interest not only due to its great importance in regulation of salt and water balance, but also because of its key role in therapy of cardiovascular and renal pathology. The classical genomic mechanism of molecular action of aldosterone is mediated through interaction with mineral-corticoid receptors. Fast nongenomic pathway of cell signal transduction begins with interaction with hypothetic membrane receptors and includes activation of different kinase cascades. Interference of these two pathways of signal transduction assures abroad spectrum of aldosterone effects depending on the cell type, and also secures multycomponent regulation depending on the need of specific functional and stress situation. This review is dedicated to modern views of mechanisms of aldosterone molecular action, mostly of the level of aldosterone-sensitive segment of kidney nephron.
- Published
- 2007
41. [Developmental pecularuties of aldosterone regulation of rat epithelial Na channel expression and functional activity].
- Author
Logvinenko NS, Solenov EI, Kabilova NO, Katkova LE, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aldosterone pharmacology, Animals, Epithelial Sodium Channels drug effects, Epithelial Sodium Channels genetics, Kidney drug effects, Kidney metabolism, RNA, Messenger analysis, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Rats, Rats, Wistar, Sodium analysis, Aldosterone physiology, Epithelial Sodium Channels metabolism, Kidney growth & development, Sodium metabolism
- Abstract
Developmental changes of mRNA alfa-subunit ENaC abundance in renal cortex of 10-day old and in adult rats and aldosterone (10 nM) influence on it were studied. The mRNA level was lower in young rat renal cortex and there was no aldosterone effect on it within 5 hours and 30 minutes, in contrast to adult rats. Intracellular sodium concentration [Na+ i] measured by fluorescent dye Na+ Green in CCD fragments micro-dissected from the kidneys was lower in fragments from immature kidneys, whereas fast nongenomic of aldosterone (10 nM) was the same at both ages. Aldosterone significantly raised [Na+ i] by 40 and 50% in conditions of low sodium concentration (14 mM) in outer medium in epithelial cells of both type of CCD fragments from 10-day old and adult animals, respectively (p < 0.05). We assume that heterochrony of fast and long time genomic effect takes place in aldosterone molecular mechanism maturation. Fast nongenomic effect on the [Na+ i] appeared earlier compared to delayed genomic effect of aldosterone mediated through the changes of the mRNA alpha-subunit ENaC abundance.
- Published
- 2007
42. [Age-related specifics of aldosterone reception in distal segments of the rat nephrons and of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase expression induction].
- Author
Logvinenko NS, Khlebodarova TM, Solenov EI, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Age Factors, Aldosterone pharmacology, Animals, Blotting, Northern, In Vitro Techniques, Male, Nephrons drug effects, Nephrons growth & development, Protein Subunits biosynthesis, Protein Subunits genetics, RNA, Messenger biosynthesis, Rats, Rats, Wistar, Receptors, Mineralocorticoid metabolism, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase genetics, Aldosterone physiology, Nephrons metabolism, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase biosynthesis
- Abstract
The reason of unresponsiveness of young 10-day rats kidney to aldosterone was explored. The aldosterone binding in distal segments of renal nephrons and the influence of hormonal induction on the mRNA of the alpha and beta subunits of the Na+, K(+)-ATPase in 10-day and 2-month old rats were investigated. There was no age related difference in the aldosterone specific binding in presence of RU-38486 (10(-7) M; Russel Uclaf) in the cortical collecting tubules: 0.26 +/- 0.04 (n = 9) and 0.22 +/- 0.03 (n = 8) mMol/mm of tubule lengths in 10 day and adult rats, respectively. By Nozern blot analysis and RT-PCR more then three and two fold increase of the mRNA abundance of both subunits was found in young and adult renal cortex compare to the adrenalectomized control after aldosterone induction (5 micrograms/100 g. v. b. w. 4 times i/p injections in 3 hour interval between injections) (p < 0.01). By RT-PCR no expression of the alpha 2, alpha 3 and beta 2 isoforms has been observed in all experimental conditions. The age difference was discovered when aldosterone was injected together with spironolactone (5 micrograms and 12 mg per 100 g. b. w. respectively). It was shown, that spironolactone inhibits the effect of aldosterone in adults whereas the latter was unaffected in young rats. The scheme of the age-related differences in the aldosterone regulation of the sodium pump induction in the target cell of the distal part of the rat nephrons is presented.
- Published
- 2004
43. [Deletional polymorphism of the 11th intron of the human c-fms gene: allele frequency in certain Russian populations and possible functional significance].
- Author
Kuznetsova TN, Voevoda MI, Podkolodnaia OA, Kulikov IV, Kobzev VF, Ustinov SN, Maliutina SK, Logvinenko NI, Zhuravskaia EIa, Cherdyntseva NV, Tumanov IuV, Morozova OA, Baum VA, and Romashchenko AG
- Subjects
- Base Sequence, DNA, Humans, Molecular Sequence Data, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Russia, Gene Deletion, Genes, fms, Introns, Polymorphism, Genetic
- Abstract
Analysis of deletion polymorphism of human c-fms gene intron 11 (approximately 425-bp deletion) is of particular interest because of the increased proportion of the deletion heterozygotes among the infants born from the parents, one of which lacks the deletion allele, and the other is heterozygous for the deletion. In this study, allele and haplotype frequencies of the polymorphism examined were assessed in a number of Caucasoid and Mongoloid populations of Russia. In all populations tested, relatively high prevalence of the deletion-bearing allele, ranging from 9.45% in ethnic Germans to 20.75% in Altaians, was detected. Russians and Kazakhs were characterized by intermediate frequencies of the rare allele, constituting in these populations 12.89 and 14.93%, respectively. Hardy-Weinberg expectations were met in all populations examined, pointing to a stable level of polymorphism at the c-fms intron 11. It was established by the context analysis of DNA of the deleted fragment along with the flanking sequences that this region contained a number of transcription factor motifs (Ets, SRF, and Myc), potentially capable of the regulation of the M-CFF-dependant c-fms transcription. The deletion breakpoint was localized within the CArG motif, which, together with the neighboring ets motif, form the potential CArG/ets composite element. It was suggested that allele lacking the fragment of intron 11 could be restricted in its ability to modulate the level of the c-fms transcription in response to the action of M-CSF. The data of molecular epidemiological survey serve as the indirect evidence favoring the suggestion on the possible functional value of this gene fragment. It was demonstrated that in the samples of acute bronchitis and trichomoniasis patients allelic and genotype frequencies were statistically significantly different from those in the population sample. In case of trichmoniasis, the frequency of rare allele was 2.4 times lower, and in case of acute bronchitis it was 2.1 times higher than in the control sample.
- Published
- 2004
44. [Species specific characteristics of the functional response of sodium pump to phosphorylation with protein kinase A].
- Author
Logvinenko NS and Cornelius F
- Subjects
- Animals, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel, Liposomes chemistry, Phosphorylation, Potassium chemistry, Sharks, Sodium chemistry, Species Specificity, Swine, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases chemistry, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase chemistry
- Published
- 2000
45. [The effect of the phosphorylation of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha subunit in rat kidneys by protein kinase C on the activity of the enzyme].
- Author
Logvinenko NS, Averia A, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Animals, Hydrolysis, In Vitro Techniques, Phosphorylation, Rats, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase isolation & purification, Spectrometry, Fluorescence statistics & numerical data, Water-Electrolyte Balance physiology, Kidney enzymology, Protein Kinase C metabolism, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase metabolism
- Abstract
Phosphorylation was shown to lead to a change in the conformational equilibrium toward E1 form associated with a decrease in apparent affinity for the K+ in alpha-1 subunit of the rat kidney Na+, K(+)-ATPase. Rate of transition from E2 to E1 was apparently unaffected by phosphorylation. ATP hydrolysis by the protein kinase C-phosphorylated Na+, K(+)-ATPase shows a decrease in the Vmax and Km for K+.
- Published
- 1999
46. The effects of DHEA.
- Author
Goldman MH and Logvinenko N
- Subjects
- Aged, Dehydroepiandrosterone administration & dosage, Humans, Male, New Jersey, Dehydroepiandrosterone adverse effects, Hyperprolactinemia chemically induced
- Published
- 1998
47. [Characteristics of amino acid metabolism in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock].
- Author
Leĭderman IN, Rudnov VA, Logvinenko NN, and Kogan EO
- Subjects
- APACHE, Amino Acids blood, Arginine blood, Arginine metabolism, Blood Pressure, Humans, Lactates blood, Lactates metabolism, Multiple Organ Failure etiology, Ornithine blood, Ornithine metabolism, Sepsis blood, Sepsis physiopathology, Shock, Septic blood, Shock, Septic physiopathology, Time Factors, Amino Acids metabolism, Sepsis metabolism, Shock, Septic metabolism
- Abstract
The development of the multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, directly determining the severity of the septic process, is characterized by not only inverse ratio of the energy and plastic material, but by metabolic changes which are still unclear and cannot yet be explained. Our purpose was to detect some features of amino acid metabolism in patients with grave sepsis and septic shock. The concentrations of plasma free amino acids were measured on days 1, 3, and 5 in 37 patients with grave sepsis and septic shock. The diagnosis of grave sepsis, septic shock, and organ dysfunction was made proceeding from the criteria defined by R. Bone. The study revealed reliably increased (p < 0.05) levels of arginine, proline, alanine, and the arginine-ornithine index reflecting the direction of arginine transformation in patients with septic shock and grave organ dysfunction (for at least 3 systems). This may be explained by active degradation of endogenous proteins of skeletal muscles, which is characteristic of septic hypermetabolism. Strong correlations were revealed between arginine level and the APACHE-II score (r = 0.57), proline and the same score (r = 0.51), mean arterial pressure and the arginine-ornithine index (r = -0.72), APACHE-II score and the arginine-ornithine index (r = 0.79), arterial lactate and the arginine-ornithine index (r = 0.64). Hence, amino acid metabolism apparently mediates the effects of septic cascade mediators on the following cell.
- Published
- 1997
48. [Correction of surgical stress during different stages of the treatment of children with acute diseases of abdominal organs].
- Author
Moskalenko VZ, Veselyĭ SV, Sushkov NT, Anastazov AG, Logvinenko NG, and Tursunova IuD
- Subjects
- Abdomen, Acute blood, Age Factors, Analgesics, Opioid administration & dosage, Blood radiation effects, Child, Hemoperfusion, Humans, Hyperbaric Oxygenation, Intestinal Diseases blood, Plasmapheresis, Postoperative Complications, Promedol administration & dosage, Stress, Physiological etiology, Time Factors, Ultraviolet Rays, Abdomen, Acute surgery, Intestinal Diseases surgery, Stress, Physiological prevention & control
- Published
- 1995
49. [The age-related characteristics of the hormonal regulation of Na+, K(+)-ATPase activity in the kidney cortex of rats].
- Author
Svitasheva NG, Kalish EE, Logvinenko NS, and Solenov EI
- Subjects
- Adrenalectomy, Aging drug effects, Aldosterone pharmacology, Animals, Kidney Cortex drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Collecting drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Collecting enzymology, Kidney Tubules, Distal drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Distal enzymology, Male, Mifepristone pharmacology, Rats, Rats, Wistar, Receptors, Mineralocorticoid drug effects, Receptors, Mineralocorticoid metabolism, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase drug effects, Spironolactone pharmacology, Aging metabolism, Aldosterone metabolism, Kidney Cortex enzymology, Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase metabolism
- Abstract
The aldosterone binding in isolated distal convoluted and cortical collecting tubules of renal nephrons and the influence of hormonal induction on the Na, K-ATPase activity in membrane fraction of kidney cortex were studied in 10-day- and 2-month-old rats. No reliable difference in aldosterone-specific binding was revealed (0.26 +/- 0.04 and 0.22 +/- 0.03 fmol/mm of tubule length, respectively, at the age of 10 days and 2 months). It was found that Na, K-ATPase activity increased with age from 0.39 +/- 0.06 to 0.72 +/- 0.10 mumol Pi/mg of protein.1 hour.100 microliters. Aldosterone induction caused approximately a 3-fold increase of the enzyme activity in both age groups comparing to the control level. Co-induction of aldosterone and spironolactone resulted in a 50% decrease of Na, K-ATPase activity in adult rats, but did not influence that in young rats. The revealed age-related differences in the mechanism of hormonal Na, K-ATPase regulation are supposed to underlie the absence of physiological reaction of the kidney to aldosterone in early postnatal ontogenesis.
- Published
- 1992
50. [The effect of aldosterone on the second messenger systems in the rat kidney].
- Author
Svitasheva NG, Logvinenko NS, Solenov EI, and Ivanova LN
- Subjects
- Animals, Kidney metabolism, Kidney Cortex drug effects, Kidney Cortex metabolism, Kidney Tubules, Collecting drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Collecting metabolism, Kidney Tubules, Distal drug effects, Kidney Tubules, Distal metabolism, Male, Rats, Rats, Inbred Strains, Second Messenger Systems physiology, Aldosterone pharmacology, Calcium physiology, Cyclic AMP physiology, Inositol Phosphates physiology, Kidney drug effects, Second Messenger Systems drug effects
- Abstract
The effect of aldosterone on the cAMP level, the state of inositol-phosphate pool and the intracellular free Ca2+ activity in the rat kidney, were studied. The cAMP level in the kidney cortex homogenate was not changed after i.p. injection of aldosterone. Reliable changes in the content of inositol-phosphates in the kidney cell suspension was not revealed after aldosterone treatment. A short-term enhancement of the intracellular Ca2+ activity in the isolated distal convoluted and cortical collecting tubules under the influence of aldosterone, was revealed. The participation of the second messenger systems in the realisation of aldosterone effects in kidney and the role of Ca2+ in the mechanism of aldosterone action, are discussed.
- Published
- 1991
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