1. Verski nacionalizem na indijski podcelini po letu 1947
- Author
Lindič, Alen and Ajlec, Kornelija
- Subjects
nacionalizem ,nationalism ,India ,Pakistan ,Indija ,Islam ,hinduizem ,Hinduism - Abstract
Kot posledica britanskega imperializma se je med prebivalci Indije od 19. stoletja dalje stopnjeval nacionalizem, ki je (bil) na indijski podcelini močno povezan z religijo. Preplet velikih svetovnih verstev, predvsem hinduizma in islama, povezanih z bojem za osamosvojitev izpod britanske nadoblasti, je zaradi različnosti ideologij enih in drugih pripeljalo do velikih napetosti med njimi. Navsezadnje leta 1947 ni prišlo le do osamosvojitve Indije, ampak hkrati tudi do nastanka nove, muslimanske države Pakistana. Pričujoče magistrsko delo se osredotoča na zgodovino nesoglasij med različnimi verskimi skupinami na jugu Azije, ki so v drugi polovici 20. stoletja pripeljale do štirih indijsko – pakistanskih vojn, ter še nekaterih drugih situacij, ko bi do vojn lahko prišlo. Največ krvi je bilo prelite zaradi območja na severni meji med državama, imenovanega Kašmir. Ob dejstvu, da tako Indija kot Pakistan posedujeta jedrsko orožje, hkrati pa odnosi med državama ostajajo tekmovalni tudi triinsedemdeset let po delitvi Indije, velja ta del sveta za enega najpomembnejših kriznih žarišč na svetu. As a result of British imperialism, nationalism – which is (was) strongly associated with religion in the Indian subcontinent – escalated among the people of India from the 19th century onwards. The intertwining of the great world religions, especially Hinduism and Islam, associated with the struggle for independence under British supremacy, led to great tensions between the two due to the diversity of ideologies of one and the other. After all, 1947 saw not only India’s independence, but also the emergence of a new, Muslim state of Pakistan. The present master's thesis focuses on the history of disagreements between different religious groups in South Asia, which led to four Indo-Pakistani wars in the second half of the 20th century and some other situations when wars could occur. Most of the blood was shed because of an area on the northern border between the two countries called Kashmir. Given the fact that both India and Pakistan possess nuclear weapons, and at the same time relations between the two countries remain competitive even seventy-three years after the division of India, this part of the world is considered one of the most important crisis hotspots in the world.
- Published
- 2020