435 results on '"Libanon"'
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2. Electoral Reform in Lebanon.
- Author
Felsch, Maximilian
- Abstract
Copyright of Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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3. En brikke ingen turte røreNorges fredsbevarende bidrag i Libanon 1978–1982
- Author
Robin Sitter and Hilde Henriksen Waage
- Subjects
norsk utenrikspolitikk ,engasjementspolitikk ,fredsbevaring ,UNIFIL ,Libanon ,Norwegian foreign policy ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Hvorfor bidro Norge med militære styrker til United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) i 1978? Hvorfor trakk ikke Norge sine styrker ut da det viste seg at nordmennene ikke hadde noen mulighet til å oppfylle FNs mandat, og da situasjonen på bakken gikk fra vondt til verre og var direkte farlig for norsk militært personell? Litteraturen rundt årsakene til at norske soldater ble sendt på FN-oppdrag, har vært sentrert rundt to motiver: sikkerhetspolitiske egeninteresser og altruisme. Denne artikkelen analyserer hvordan disse to motivene kom til uttrykk vedrørende den norske deltakelsen i UNIFIL. Samtidig var det klart for norske myndigheter at de hadde et svært begrenset handlingsrom i Libanon. Norges deltakelse skyldtes i utgangspunktet FNs særstilling i norsk utenrikspolitikk. Avgjørelsen om å delta ble tatt på autopilot, men da soldatene først var i Libanon, oppfattet norske myndigheter at bordet fanget. FN-styrken ble en fast brikke ingen turte flytte på. De politiske omkostningene ved å trekke seg ut ble vurdert som for store, selv om situasjonen ble radikalt endret som en følge av den israelske invasjonen i 1982. Samtidig anså norske militære ledere oppdraget som meningsløst.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Međureligijska vijeća i izazovi vjerskih konsocijacija na Bliskom istoku: što razlikuje Libanon od Iraka i Irana?
- Author
Vedran Obućina
- Subjects
Bliski istok ,religija ,religijska konsocijacija ,međureligijsko vijeće ,Libanon ,Irak ,Political science - Abstract
Konsocijacijska je demokracija nakon Drugog svjetskog rata postala učestao način za premošćivanje dubokih političkih podjela u vezi s nasilnim ili dugotrajnim sukobima u društvu. Vjerski su identiteti često bili u središtu konsocijacijskih mehanizama, pa su se funkcionalni politički poreci konsocijacijskim mehanizmima nastojali oblikovati podjelom vlasti između vjerskih skupina u društvu. Na Bliskom istoku su vjerski identiteti posebno značajni, a u vrijeme postsekularizma njihova važnost dodatno jača. Podjela vlasti na temelju vjerske pripadnosti može postati oblikom standardizacije državne ili regionalne vlasti te dovesti do perpetuiranja podjela i blokade društva. Ovaj članak u tom smislu kritizira učinke religijske konsocijacije u Libanonu. Nakon kratke komparacije sa slučajevima Iraka i Irana, autor u članku, koji uz politološku perspektivu obilježava i političkoteološka dimenzija, zagovara međureligijska vijeća kao mogući konstruktivni kanal izgradnje mira u vjerski podijeljenim društvima na Bliskom istoku.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Egzogeniczne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa jednostki – case study uchodźców syryjskich w Libanie.
- Author
Głogowska, Patrycja
- Abstract
Copyright of Security: Theory & Practice / Bezpieczeństwo.Teoria i Praktyka is the property of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, AFM Publishing Office and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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6. God, Workers, Women, and Self: Convergences, Accidents, and Other Uncertainties in Half a Century of Fieldwork in Lebanon.
- Author
Joseph, Suad
- Subjects
Copyright of Ethnologie Française is the property of Presses Universitaires de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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7. Des oiseaux pour se raconter et rever : ethnographie d'une passion colombophile (Liban).
- Author
Emma Aubin-Boltanski
- Subjects
Copyright of Ethnologie Française is the property of Presses Universitaires de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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8. Le Liban au temps de 1'« amour civil ».
- Author
De Giacometti, Michela
- Subjects
Copyright of Ethnologie Française is the property of Presses Universitaires de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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9. Enquête sonore des 20 premiers jours de l'intifada d'octobre 2019 au Liban.
- Author
Kabbanji, Lama
- Subjects
SOCIAL classes ,SOCIAL dynamics ,EMOTIONS ,SOUND recordings ,EXILE (Punishment) ,SOCIAL movements - Abstract
Copyright of Ethnologie Française is the property of Presses Universitaires de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
- Subjects
RULING class ,RELIGIOUS communities ,PUBLIC sector ,PATRONAGE ,POLITICAL systems ,CIVIL society - Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Obućina, Vedran
- Subjects
STATE power ,POLITICAL science ,RELIGIOUS groups ,CONSOCIATION - Abstract
Copyright of Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association / Anali Hrvatskog Politoloskog Drustva is the property of Croatian Political Science Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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12. ”Jag bor i Libanon... jag villbegå självmord” och 19 andrasuicidrelaterade nyhetsartiklar: En studie om suicidrepresentation i officiell suicidstatistik och i inhemsk massmedia i ett krisdrabbat Libanon 2008–2022
- Author
Lundgren, Morgan and Lundgren, Morgan
- Abstract
Bakgrund: Libanon har enligt WHO bland de lägsta suicidtalen i världen samtidigt som detta tabubelagda ämne misstänks vara underrapporterat. Det finns få tidigare studier inom ämnet. Syfte: Att se huruvida, i vilken utsträckning och på vilket sätt suicid framställs av vetenskapliga studier och inom libanesisk massmedia enligt den sociala representationsteorin. Hypotes om åtminstone partiell underrepresentation av suicid. Material och Metoder: Sammanställning och jämförelse av suiciddata, suicidrelaterad forskning och nyhetsartiklar samt artikelanalys enligt social representationsteori. Resultat: Suicidtalen ter sig vara underrepresenterade, medan övriga tillgängliga suiciddata ter sig överensstämmande med varandra. Suicidantal och -artiklar har ökat i och med Libanons försämrade läge 2019. Suicid förankras som ett växande, komplext och skrämmande problem av massmedia. Nyanserad suicidrapportering, dock något få suicidartiklar sett till suicidtalen. Slutsats: Suiciddata, vetenskapliga studier och nyhetsrapporteringen är i stort sett samstämmiga förutom i avseendet antal suicidfall där officiella libanesiska suicidtal ter sig låga. Suicid framställs på ett nyanserat och till största delen adekvat sätt av libanesisk massmedia, dock med tendens till överförenklingar. Hypotesen om partiell underrepresentation stämmer, sett till antalet suicidartiklar, men i övrigt är representationen nyanserad., Introduction: Lebanon has according to WHO among the lowest suicide rates in the world. At the same time this taboo subject is suspected to be underreported. Few previous studies exist within the field. Aims: To see whether, to which extent and in which way suicide is represented in scientific research and Lebanese mass media according to social representation theory. The hypothesis is that suicide is partially underrepresented. Material and Methods: Compilation and comparison of suicide data, suicide-related research and news. Conduction of an article analysis according to social representation theory. Results: The suicide rates seem to be underrepresented, while other available suicide data seem consistent with each other. Suicide numbers and articles have increased with Lebanon's deteriorating situation in 2019. Suicide is seen as a growing, complex, and frightening problem according to the mass media. The suicide reporting is nuanced, there are however somewhat few suicide articles compared to the number of suicides. Conclusions: Suicide data, scientific studies and news reporting are largely in agreement except regarding the number of suicide cases where official Lebanese suicide rates appear to be low. Suicide is presented in a nuanced and mostly adequate way by the Lebanese mass media, although with a tendency to oversimplify the matter. The hypothesis of partial underrepresentation is true regarding the number of suicide articles, but apart from that the representation is nuanced.
- Published
- 2023
13. Hur kan flerspråkiga barn utveckla en aktiv flerspråkighet?
- Author
Haddad, Rima and Haddad, Rima
- Abstract
Ofta får föräldrar till flerspråkiga barn höra att de inte bör prata modersmålet hemma, eftersom det inverkar menligt på barnens språkkunskaper i svenska. Men stämmer verkligen detta påstående? Om inte, vilka faktorer skulle i så fall vara mera avgörande för språkutvecklingen? I sin doktorsavhandling svarar Rima Haddad på dessa och andra frågor om hur språkaktiviteter och språken kring barnet (så kallad exponering) påverkar språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga barn, med fokus på arabisk-svensktalande barns ordförråd. Effekten av hur ålder och språklig exponering påverkar arabisktalande flerspråkiga barns ordförråd i Sverige jämfördes även med flerspråkiga barn i Libanon. De arabisk-svensktalande barnens muntliga berättarförmåga undersöktes också., Publicerad på Svensk Intresseförening för Tal & Språk webisida Sits.nu/artiklar 2023-11-18
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Redaktionssekretær Kulturstudier
- Subjects
flygtninge ,libanon ,arendt ,the human condition ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Med inspiration fra filosoffen Hannah Arendt vil jeg rette blikket mod flugten som et eksistentielt vilkår. I det perspektiv kan flugten opfattes som en indstiftende begivenhed, der igangsætter en kæde af handlinger og reaktioner i verden og ikke mindst hos det menneske, for hvem flugten konstituerer en ny virkelighed. Artiklens empiriske grundlag er en række etnografiske interviews og samtaler med flygtninge i forbindelse med feltarbejder i Libanon udført i perioden 2017-2019.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt (1784–1817) – der Basler Orientreisende malgré lui und sein Besuch bei den Drusen im Gebiet des Mont-Liban.
- Author
Stucky, Rolf A.
- Abstract
The characterisation of John Lewis Burckhardt alias Sheikh Ibrahim as a traveller malgré lui, in opposition to his own primary intention, may at first glance surprise one. It calls for a short introduction to his life and to his work in Basel and in London as well as to his contacts with the African Association. This text provides this introduction and then follows Burckhardt's journey during the spring of 1812 from Damascus through Mont-Liban, the hills between the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean and the mountain chain with the famous cedars. For centuries this area, the Chouf, has been the homeland of the esoteric ethno-religious group of the Druzes. Since the time of the Enlightenment, secret religions have constituted one of the main interests of Western travellers. For only three days Burckhardt was a guest of Emir Bašīr Šihābs in his palace at Beit ed-Din. There he met also once the chief of the Druzes, Sheikh Bašīr Ǧunbalāt. His description of Druze customs and ways of life and his analysis of the rivalry between the two major authorities of Mont-Liban helps one to understand the continual tensions between Druzes and Maronites, which resulted in a series of massacres between 1825 and 1973. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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16. FLYGTNINGENS VILKÅR - et etnografisk studie af flugten og dens følger hos syriske flygtninge i Libanon.
- Author
Vacher, Mark
- Abstract
Copyright of Kulturstudier is the property of Dansk Historisk Faellesraad and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
17. Mobility control as state-making in civil war: Forcing exit, selective return and strategic laissez-faire
- Author
Fröhlich, Christiane and Müller-Funk, Lea
- Subjects
Auswanderung ,Tunisia ,Politikwissenschaft ,Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sicherheitspolitik ,civil war ,Peace and Conflict Research, International Conflicts, Security Policy ,Systems of governments & states ,Migrationspolitik ,diaspora ,Libya ,Mobilität ,Regulierung ,migration ,Prozess ,process ,war ,Libyen ,Lebanon ,Political science ,Libanon ,Syria ,Tunesien ,Kontrolle ,regulation ,mobility ,Mobilitätskontrolle ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Staatenbildung ,ddc:320 ,Syrien ,ddc:321 ,emigration ,migration policy ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,control ,Bürgerkrieg ,state formation ,Krieg - Abstract
This paper addresses the question of how different actors attempt to control mobility during civil war, and how mobility control and processes of state-making interact in such settings. Mobility in civil wars is often considered a political act by the various actors involved: Leaving the country can be perceived as an act of opposition, as can moving between territories which are controlled by different, opposing factions. Drawing on literature on strategic displacement and migration politics and combining this with empirical insights from the ongoing wars in Libya and Syria, the paper identifies three mechanisms of mobility control in civil war settings: forcing exit, selective return as a form of expulsion, and strategic laissez-faire as the intentional absence of regulation regarding displacement and return. The analysis reveals that all three mechanisms are employed by state actor(s), rebels, and militias, and can be understood as elements of a new (post)war order that includes some citizens while excluding others depending on perceptions of political threats. We interpret the three mechanisms as ways in which actors in civil war settings attempt to manipulate a country’s demography in their own favour in a process of state-making. The paper is based on fieldwork conducted between 2018 and 2021 in Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Tunisia.
- Published
- 2023
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18. Europas Energiekrise und der östliche Mittelmeerraum: Über Zielkonflikte zwischen Versorgungssicherheit, Klimaschutz und regionaler Stabilität
- Author
Rau, Moritz and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Ägypten ,Turkey ,national border ,Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sicherheitspolitik ,Peace and Conflict Research, International Conflicts, Security Policy ,climate protection ,Türkei ,Zypern ,Staatsgrenze ,Mediterranean region ,Lebanon ,Israel ,Political science ,internationales Abkommen ,ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone ,EU member state ,Libanon ,internationaler Konflikt ,Erdöl ,Mittelmeerraum ,natural gas ,Dekarbonisierung ,EU-Staat ,energy industry ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,Türkische Republik Nordzypern ,Erdgas ,Rohstoff ,Politikwissenschaft ,Internationale Beziehungen ,Erdgasimport ,Klimaschutz ,crude oil ,AWZ ,EC ,Zypernkonflikt ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Griechenland ,EG ,Republik Zypern ,erneuerbare Energie ,raw materials ,Cyprus ,ddc:320 ,Energiewirtschaft ,international agreement ,Flüssiggas ,LNG ,östlicher Mittelmeerraum ,Energiebedarf ,Erdölgewinnung/Erdgasgewinnung ,Erschließung von Lagerstätten ,Exklusive Wirtschaftszone (Seerecht) ,Rohstoffabkommen ,Energietransport ,Pipeline ,gasförmige Brennstoffe ,Energiewende ,Seegrenze ,International relations ,international conflict ,EU ,Wasserstoff ,ddc:327 - Abstract
Angesichts des russischen Krieges gegen die Ukraine und der gefährdeten Energieversorgung Europas gewinnt der östliche Mittelmeerraum wieder an politischer Aufmerksamkeit. Im Fokus stehen dabei einerseits bisher unerschlossene Erdgasvorkommen und andererseits Perspektiven für eine zukünftige Versorgung mit grünem Strom und Wasserstoff. Doch die Konflikte Griechenlands und der Republik Zypern mit der Türkei bedrohen die Zusammenarbeit auf allen Ebenen. Die EU steht vor einer dreifachen Herausforderung: Sie muss das kurzfristige Problem der Energiesicherheit mit der langfristigen Aufgabe der Energiewende zusammendenken, ihren beiden Mitgliedstaaten Griechenland und Zypern zur Seite stehen und gleichzeitig prüfen, inwieweit eine Einbindung der Türkei in laufende und künftige Projekte der regionalen Energiekooperation gelingen bzw. deeskalierend wirken kann. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2023
19. Journalists as Messengers of Hate Speech
- Author
Harb, Zahera, Strippel, Christian, Paasch-Colberg, Sünje, Emmer, Martin, and Trebbe, Joachim
- Subjects
Sprachgebrauch ,hate speech ,social media ,journalism ,Media Contents, Content Analysis ,ddc:070 ,Middle East ,Communicator Research, Journalism ,Soziale Medien ,Journalismus ,news ,Lebanon ,arabische Länder ,News media, journalism, publishing ,Berichterstattung ,Medieninhalte, Aussagenforschung ,Nachrichten ,Internet ,reporting ,Libanon ,Arab countries ,Kommunikatorforschung, Journalismus ,hate ,language usage ,Hass ,Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen ,Nahost - Abstract
The term "crisis" has become synonymous with describing the political, social, and economic state of many Arab countries including Lebanon. These continuous crises, including a global pandemic, have manifested in Lebanese news and current affairs through messages of hate disseminating via the media and journalists. Hate speech circulated via airwaves and the Internet has been shown to cause more harm than having hate shared in private conversations. The global pandemic, followed by the Beirut Port explosion in August 2020, has raised the level of hate speech in public, and Lebanese journalists have been used directly or indirectly as tools for propagating hate speech. This reflective account engages Lebanese journalists with the aim of producing a set of guidelines for tackling hate speech in news coverage and current affairs programs. Two workshops were conducted with Lebanese journalists in Lebanon in an attempt to understand the level of awareness of hate speech and its consequences among Lebanese journalists, assess how they understand hate speech, and determine the importance of guidelines and tools in helping journalists identify and tackle hate speech.
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
REFOULEMENT ,SYRIAN refugees ,RIGHT of asylum ,REFUGEE services ,REFUGEE policy - Abstract
Copyright of Two Homelands / Dve Domovini is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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21. Living in Refuge: Ritualization and Religiosity in a Christian and a Muslim Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon
- Author
Schiocchet, Leonardo and Schiocchet, Leonardo
- Abstract
This comparative ethnography of a Muslim and a Christian Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon focuses on contrasting social belonging processes through a ritualization approach. The author argues that contrasts emerge out of the intersectionality of religiosity, nationhood, refugeeness and politics, and synthesizes academic research on piety and moral self-cultivation and on the everyday life of religious communities. He contributes to the literature on refugees at large, and Palestinian refugees in particular, with the unique dense socio-historical portrait of two refugee camps for which there is almost no recorded literature.
- Published
- 2022
22. The governance of Syrian refugees in the Middle East: Lessons from the Jordan and Lebanon Compacts
- Author
Bank, André, Fröhlich, Christiane, Bank, André, and Fröhlich, Christiane
- Abstract
Fleeing war, repression, and economic breakdown in their home country, Syrians have become the largest group of refugees in the Middle East. Relative to their own populations, neighboring Jordan and Lebanon have hosted the most Syrians per capita. While both are small, middle-income, and resource-poor countries, the perception of their respective governance of Syrian refugees has been diametrically different: While the 2016 Jordan Compact has been hailed as a success story of innovative refugee governance, the Lebanon Compact has never achieved similar recognition. Instead, Lebanon has been criticized for applying a largely laissez-faire, non-policy approach to the Syrian crisis. The main objective of this short intervention is to evaluate both compacts 5 years after their signing and to outline a more reflective potential EU policy approach.
- Published
- 2022
23. Orte der Zivilisierungsmission: Französische Schulen im Libanon 1909-1943
- Author
Möller, Esther and Möller, Esther
- Abstract
Im Zentrum dieses Werkes stehen die französischen Schulen im Libanon in der historischen Zeitepoche der wachsenden französischen Einflussnahme von 1909 bis 1943. Anhand der verschiedenen politischen Regime des Osmanischen Reiches und des französischen Völkerbundmandats über den Libanon wird die These untermauert, dass diese Schulen immer stärker zu Instrumenten kolonialer Machtausübung wurden. Gleichzeitig zeigt die Autorin, dass die Bildungseinrichtungen ebenso stark von der Akzeptanz und den Erwartungen der libanesischen Bevölkerung abhingen und von dieser zur kulturellen, religiösen und nationalen Identitätsstiftung genutzt wurden. Indem die Studie die komplexen Prozesse aufzeigt, welche die französische Zivilisierungsmission im Libanon begleiteten, leistet sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur hochaktuellen Debatte um Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen von Zivilisierungsmissionen., This book deals with the history of French schools in Lebanon in a context of increasing colonial domination. By covering the period from the end of the Ottoman empire through the French mandate in Lebanon, it analyzes the extent to which French schools acted in the interest of the French government on the one hand, and the Lebanese population on the other.
- Published
- 2022
24. Critical political economy of the public infrastructure crisis in Lebanon: Interview with Karim Eid-Sabbagh
- Author
Eid-Sabbagh, Karim, Ufer, Ulrich, Eid-Sabbagh, Karim, and Ufer, Ulrich
- Abstract
In this interview, Karim Eid-Sabbagh and Ulrich Ufer discuss how the case of the public infrastructure crisis in Lebanon highlights the importance of including analytical dimensions of critical political economy and global financial dynamics in technology assessment alongside a technology-society-governance perspective - in particular when focusing on the Global South. The Lebanese crisis has built up through long-term structural problems that include the legacies of colonialism, the country's peripheral position in global capital relations, elite nepotism, sectarian strife, and the state's dependency on international donor funding to build and maintain public infrastructure. These have coincided with short-term disintegration and disaster events over the past two years: mass migration, countrywide anti-government protests in fall 2019, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, the destruction of large parts of the country's capital by the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut in August 2020, and the spiraling devaluation of the Lebanese currency., In diesem Interview diskutieren Karim Eid-Sabbagh und Ulrich Ufer die Krise der öffentlichen Infrastruktur im Libanon und betonen dabei analytische Dimensionen der kritischen politischen Ökonomie und der globalen Finanzdynamik. Diese sind, neben einer Technologie-Gesellschaft-Governance-Perspektive, auch von Relevanz für die Technikfolgenabschätzung - insbesondere mit Blick auf den Globalen Süden. Die libanesische Krise hat sich durch langfristige strukturelle Probleme aufgebaut, darunter das Erbe des Kolonialismus, die periphere Position des Landes in den globalen Kapitalbeziehungen, Eliten-Nepotismus, sektiererische Kämpfe und die Abhängigkeit des Staates von internationalen Gebermitteln zum Aufbau und zur Erhaltung öffentlicher Infrastruktur. Langfristige Strukturprobleme fielen in den letzten zwei Jahren mit kurzfristigen Desintegrations- und Katastrophenereignissen zusammen: Massenmigration, landesweite Proteste gegen die Regierung im Herbst 2019, Ausbruch der Covid-19-Pandemie Anfang 2020, Zerstörung großer Teile der Hauptstadt des Landes durch die verheerende Explosion im Hafen von Beirut im August 2020 und die rasante Abwertung der libanesischen Währung.
- Published
- 2022
25. Den ja’faritiska familjerätten i Libanon : en kvalitativ analys om kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter i skilsmässotvister
- Author
Saad, Dalia and Saad, Dalia
- Abstract
In Lebanon exists fifteen different religious courts treating personal status laws i.e., laws regarding marriage and divorce, one of these is the ja’farite court. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the process of marriage and divorce within the ja’farite court and to further investigate in which ways the ja’farite court violate women’s human rights. To answer these questions the research method used is a text analysis through a qualitative method where the analysis and the conclusion present the results of the research. The result and the conclusion present that the ja’farite court violate several articles from the CEDAW; Lebanon as a state has ratified CEDAW and is obligated to commit to their undertakings. Therefore, Lebanon should first and foremost engage in the abolishment of the religious courts but also establish adequate oversight mechanism to guarantee women’s human rights.
- Published
- 2022
26. Research with Refugees in Fragile Political Contexts: How Ethical Reflections Impact Methodological Choices
- Author
Müller-Funk, Lea and Müller-Funk, Lea
- Abstract
Research with refugees poses particular ethical challenges, especially if data is collected in places where most refugees today live: namely countries neighbouring conflict, ones that are sometimes at war with their country of origin and where refugees are exposed to different degrees of legal vulnerability, posing security risks to participants and researchers alike. These challenges are exacerbated when data is collected across countries and includes survey research. The article adds to the emergent literature on ethics in forced displacement by highlighting how security precautions and ethical considerations influence and shape methodological choices. Based on recent fieldwork with Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Turkey in 2018, the article discusses a mixed-methods approach combining in-depth interviews with an individual survey based on multistage cluster sampling, random walks and limited focused enumeration. Advocating for a refugee-centred approach, it elaborates on: (i) how to negotiate ‘ethics in practice’; (ii) how risks and violence influence the choice of fieldwork sites; and (iii) how ethical considerations impact in particular quantitative or mixed-methods studies. It describes the advantages of including members of refugee populations in research teams, as well as open challenges with regard to risks, informed consent, confidentiality, sensitive issues, positionality, advocacy and collaborative writing efforts.
- Published
- 2022
27. Resilience, conflict and areas of limited statehood in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria
- Author
Huber, Daniela, Woertz, Eckart, Huber, Daniela, and Woertz, Eckart
- Abstract
In a context of areas of limited statehood and contested order, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria have been affected by similar diffuse global and more specific regional and local risks over the past two decades. Yet they differ in outcomes. Lebanon has not descended into civil war despite fears that the one raging in Syria might spill over to its territory and Iraq has coped better over the past decade than Syria has - despite having been subject to various forms of conflict since 1980. We analyse this variance by asking to what extent resilience might buffer against violent conflict and governance breakdown. Through a comparative discussion of sources of resilience - social trust, legitimacy and institutional design - we find that limited input and threatened output legitimacy are harmful to resilience, while collective memory and reconciliation, as well as flexibility of institutions are crucial factors of resilience. Nonetheless, our findings caution that resilience should not only mean the capability to adapt to crises but also needs to set the stage for comprehensive and inclusive transformations that are locally rooted.
- Published
- 2022
28. Von der 'Islamischen Revolution' zum 'Islamischen Widerstand': Gewaltlegitimationen schiitischer Religionsgelehrter im Umfeld der Hizb Allah
- Author
Rosiny, Stephan and Rosiny, Stephan
- Abstract
Im multikonfessionellen Libanon bilden die Schiiten von jeher eine periphere und diskriminierte Gemeinschaft. Erst durch einen rapiden, aber unstrukturierten Modernisierungsprozess, durch israelische Kriege gegen die PLO auf libanesischem Boden und die Wirren des libanesischen Bürgerkriegs gelangten sie vom Rand ins Zentrum der Gesellschaft. Die schiitischen Religionsgelehrten Musa as-Sadr, Muhammad Husain Fadlallah und Hasan Nasrallah haben seit den 1960er-Jahren ihre Gemeinschaft durch die Wiederbelebung und Umdeutung des Schicksals des Prophetenenkels und Imams al-Husain nachhaltig geprägt. Seinen Märtyrertod im Jahre 680 n.Chr. in der Schlacht von Karbala erhoben sie zum Vorbild, sich auch in vermeintlich aussichtsloser Situation für "Gerechtigkeit" und "Freiheit" einzusetzen. Durch die aktualisierende Rezeption dieses rebellischen Vorbilds konnten sie eine zuvor quietistische Religiosität in Aktivismus verwandeln. Sie haben ihrer Gemeinschaft damit zu einem stärkeren kollektiven Selbstbewusstsein verholfen, ihr Mut gemacht, auch gewaltsam gegen Diskriminierung, Invasionen und Besatzung aufzubegehren, und ihr zugleich die Grenzen des Machbaren in einer hoch fragmentierten Gesellschaft aufgezeigt. Jenseits von Glorifizierung oder Dämonisierung trägt der Aufsatz zur historischen Einordnung der Hizb Allah und ihrer religiösen Autoritäten bei., The Shiite Muslim community of Lebanon has for a long time been a peripheral and discriminated community in multiconfessional Lebanese society. Ironically, it was the rapid and anarchic process of modernisation, the Israeli wars against the PLO on Lebanese soil, and the turmoil of the Lebanese civil war which shifted them from the periphery into the centre of the society. Three Shii religious authorities, Musa as-Sadr, Muhammad Husain Fadlallah and Hasan Nasrallah, rapidly changed their community by reviving and reinterpreting the early rebellion of Imam al-Husain. They extolled his martyrdom as a historical model of 'righteousness' and 'freedom' against a superior enemy, and thus succeeded in turning quietist religiosity into religious activism. They provided the Shia community with a positive self-image, and encouraged them to rebel, even with the use of force, against discrimination, external aggression and the occupation of their country. At the same time, they demonstrated the limits of what it was possible to achieve in a highly fragmented society. This essay analyses the Hizb Allah and its religious authorities in a historical context without glorifying or demonising them.
- Published
- 2022
29. Fuglereden i Byblos - et hjem for armenske børn i nød
- Author
Roesgaard, Marie Højlund and Roesgaard, Marie Højlund
- Abstract
Artikel om Maria P. Jacobsen og hendes virke blandt armeniere med fokus særligt på aktiviteterne i Libanon.
- Published
- 2022
30. Archival reenactement and the role of fiction : Walid Raad and the 'Atlas Group Archive'
- Author
Agnese, Roberta and Agnese, Roberta
- Abstract
The Atlas Group created a digital mixed-media archive of contemporary Lebanese history, made up of produced and found documents. These archives look immediately ambiguous: they don't collect historical documents; they actually contain visual artefacts created by the Lebanese artist Walid Raad. These digital mixed-media archives - partly accessible on the web but also physically exhibited and performed - are not intended to preserve the memory of the past, but they become indeed useful to actualize history by giving it back in the form of a historical fiction. What if archives should not deal with memory, but with amnesia? And what kind of historical temporality do they re-activate?
- Published
- 2022
31. The Mission of the American Board in Syria
- Author
Zeuge-Buberl, Uta, Ustorf, Werner, Pakendorf, Gunter, van der Heyden, Ulrich, Hexham, Irving, and Feldtkeller, Andreas
- Subjects
Mission ,Middle East ,Syria ,Lebanon ,USA ,Ottoman Empire ,transcultural dialogue ,Eli Smith ,Cornelius Van Dyck ,Butrus al-Bustani ,John Wortabet ,Naher Osten ,Syrien ,Libanon ,Osmanisches Reich ,transkultureller Dialog ,American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ,Anthony van Dyck ,Arabic ,Beirut ,Protestantism ,bic Book Industry Communication::H Humanities::HB History::HBJ Regional & national history::HBJF Asian history::HBJF1 Middle Eastern history - Abstract
The work of Christian missions in past centuries has persistently been viewed in a negative light, although missionaries did not always act with cultural imperialist or colonialist intent. This volume presents a more nuanced interpretation of mission work, illuminating the significance of interpersonal interactions within the mission field. The Syria Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), which was active in the Ottoman Province of Syria (present-day Lebanon) between 1819 and 1870, provides the study's central focus. The study analyzes cultural exchange between the Ottoman Empire and the United States through the example of four important protagonists whose significance has been neglected in previous historical scholarship on missions: the missionaries Eli Smith and Cornelius Van Dyck, as well as the Syrian Protestants Butrus al-Bustani and John Wortabet., Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Syrienmission der protestantischen Missionsgesellschaft American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), die sich von 1819 bis 1870 in der Osmanischen Provinz Syrien, d.h. auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Libanon, etablierte. Die Analyse des kulturellen Austausches zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika setzt bei vier wichtigen Protagonisten an, die in der bisherigen missionsgeschichtlichen Forschung nicht ausführlich bzw. gar nicht Beachtung fanden: Die Missionare Eli Smith und Cornelius Van Dyck sowie die syrischen Protestanten Butrus al-Bustani und John Wortabet. Die Syrienmission des ABCFM ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie zwei verschiedene Kulturen in der sogenannten contact zone der Missionsstationen aufeinander trafen und trotz Konflikten und Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu einem fruchtbaren Dialog gelangen konnten.
- Published
- 2017
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32. [Rezension von: Zeina Maasri: Cosmopolitan Radicalism. The Visual Politics of Beirut’s Global Sixties, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020]
- Author
Maltzahn, Nadia
- Subjects
DDC::9** Geschichte und Geografie::95* Geschichte Asiens::956 Geschichte des Nahen Ostens (Mittleren Ostens) ,Libanon ,Beirut ,Cosmopolitan Radicalism ,DDC::7** Künste und Unterhaltung::70* Künste - Published
- 2022
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33. A libanoni keresztények biztonsági helyzete.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Military Science Review / Hadtudományi Szemle is the property of National University of Public Service and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
34. Hizb’allahs råderum i transnationale shia islamiske magtstrukturer
- Author
Rune Friberg Lyme
- Subjects
Hizb'allah ,Fadlallah ,Khamenei ,Libanon ,diskursanalyse ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Lige siden Hizb’allah første gang fandt vej til alverdens forsider for et kvart århundrede siden, har den Islamiske Republik Iran og ayat’allah Muhammed Hussein Fadlallahs indflydelse på organisationen været genstand for megen debat. Artiklen foreslår, at en diskursanalytisk og kritisk diskursanalytisk forståelse af religiøse magtstrukturer kan være med til at nuancere forståelsen af Hizb’allahs aktørråderum og relationskomplekser. Der argumenteres således for, at organisationen er underlagt wali al-faqihs autoritet, men i de senere år har udviklet stadig større frihedsgrader. I udfyldelsen heraf har marja al-taqlid Muhammed Hussein Fadlallah været en vigtig inspirationskilde, om end organisationen officielt følger Ali al-Khamenis marjaiyyat. Som konsekvens har organisationens medlemmers hverdag på mange områder været mere præget af maraji altaqlid, Ali al-Sistani og afdøde Muhammed Hussein Fadlallah end af Ali al-Khamenei.
- Published
- 2016
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35. Resilience in practice
- Author
Rosanne Anholt, Political Science and Public Administration, and Multi-layered governance in EUrope and beyond (MLG)
- Subjects
SDG 16 - Peace ,Turkey ,Public Administration ,Sociology and Political Science ,Refugee ,Refugee crisis ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Krisenmanagement ,02 engineering and technology ,Crisis management ,Development ,Türkei ,Resilienz ,Politics ,lcsh:Political science (General) ,Political science ,050602 political science & public administration ,refugee ,Lebanon ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,lcsh:JA1-92 ,Resilience (network) ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Migration ,crisis management (econ., pol.) ,Governance ,021110 strategic, defence & security studies ,Crisis governance ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Jordan ,Libanon ,Resilience ,Corporate governance ,SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions ,05 social sciences ,Justice and Strong Institutions ,0506 political science ,Flüchtling ,Political economy ,Jordanien ,Humanität ,Terrorism ,ddc:300 ,Theme (narrative) ,Humanitarianism - Abstract
Little is known about how the idea of ‘resilience’ translates into practice. It has nonetheless emerged as a dominant theme in the governance of crises, such as political instability, armed conflict, terrorism, and large-scale refugee movements. This study draws on interviews with humanitarian and development practitioners in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon working under the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan to explore how resilience is interpreted and translated on the ground. Results suggest that resilience is translated as the economic self-reliance of refugees, and the capacity for crisis management of refugee-hosting states, enacted through ‘localization’ and strengthening the ‘humanitarian-development nexus.’ The prominence of the political and economic context and the power relations between crisis response actors that it generates reveals the limits of what a buzzword like resilience can achieve on the ground. The findings highlight the need for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to engage in continuous critical reflection on whether the ways in which resilience policies and programmes are implemented actually improve the ability of systems and vulnerable populations to recover from crisis, as well as on the validity of the assumptions and interpretations on which such policies and programmes are built.
- Published
- 2020
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36. Living in Refuge
- Author
Schiocchet, Leonardo
- Subjects
BIC Standard Subject Categories, Religion: general (HRA) ,BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Palestine (1FBP) ,ÖFOS 2012, Kulturanthropologie ,religiousness ,Palestinian ,migration ,Sociology & anthropology ,Middle East ,BIC Standard Subject Qualifiers, Lebanon (1FBL) ,group membership ,Religiosity ,ritualization ,refugee camps ,social belonging ,refugee ,Religiosität ,Ritualisierung ,Palästinenser ,Flüchtlingslager ,soziale Zugehörigkeit ,Lebanon ,Migration, Sociology of Migration ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,arabische Länder ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Religionssoziologie ,Libanon ,Christian ,ÖFOS 2012, Cultural anthropology ,Ritualization ,Refugee Studies ,Islamic Studies ,Religious Studies ,Arab countries ,Gruppenzugehörigkeit ,Muslim ,flight ,Soziologie, Anthropologie ,Flüchtling ,ddc:300 ,BIC Standard Subject Categories, Anthropology (JHM) ,Sociology of Religion ,Intersektionalität ,Flucht ,ddc:301 ,Christ ,Nahost ,intersectionality - Abstract
Das Buch vergleicht zwei gegensätzliche Muster sozialer Zugehörigkeit in einem muslimischen palästinensischen Lager, Al-Jalil, und dem vor 2011 letzten christlichen palästinensischen Flüchtlingslager der Welt, Dbayeh. Durch seinen innovativen Fokus auf soziale Zugehörigkeitsprozesse, die auf dem ritualisierten Rhythmus des täglichen Lebens basieren, präsentiert und analysiert der Autor komplexe Diskurse, Praktiken, Erfahrungen und Emotionen des Lebens im Exil und vermeidet vereinfachende Erklärungen, die ausschließlich auf dogmatischen Auffassungen von Religion und Nationalität basieren. Die orthodoxe Lehrmeinung neigt dazu, die Unterschiede zwischen den Lagern hauptsächlich den verschiedenen Religionen zuzuschreiben. Diese Studie zeigt jedoch, wie moralische Selbstkultivierung, Frömmigkeit und Religiosität, Nationalität, Zuflucht und Politik miteinander in Beziehung treten und einen Großteil des täglichen Lebens in den Lagern bestimmen., Living in Refuge is a unique dense socio-historical portrait of two Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon for which there is almost no recorded literature and that have changed greatly, especially after 2011 and the influx of Syrian refugees. The book compares two contrasting patterns of social belonging in one Muslim Palestinian camp, Al-Jalil, and what, before 2011, was the last Christian Palestinian refugee camp in the world, Dbayeh. Through its unique approach to social belonging processes based on the ritualized rhythm of daily life, it presents and analyses complex discourses, practices, experiences and emotions of life in exile, avoiding simplistic explanations solely based on dogmatic understandings of religion and nationhood. This study shows how moral self-cultivation, piety and religiosity, nationhood, refugeeness and politics are all embedded in each other and frame much of the camps’ daily life.
- Published
- 2022
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37. Die Mission des American Board in Syrien im 19. Jahrhundert
- Author
Zeuge-Buberl, Uta, Feldtkeller, Andreas, Hexham, Irving, van der Heyden, Ulrich, Pakendorf, Gunter, and Ustorf, Werner
- Subjects
Mission ,Middle East ,Syria ,Lebanon ,USA ,Ottoman Empire ,transcultural dialogue ,Eli Smith ,Cornelius Van Dyck ,Butrus al-Bustani ,John Wortabet ,Naher Osten ,Syrien ,Libanon ,Osmanisches Reich ,transkultureller Dialog ,American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ,American Broadcasting Company ,Arabische Sprache ,Beirut ,Protestantismus ,bic Book Industry Communication::J Society & social sciences::JP Politics & government - Abstract
The focus of this study is the “Syria Mission”, directed by the Protestant missionary society American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) from 1819 to 1870 in the Ottoman province of Syria, operating mainly within the territory of present-day Lebanon. The analysis of the cultural transfer between the Ottoman Empire and the United States of America undertaken in this study focuses on four relevant protagonists, whose contributions have not yet been sufficiently explored in missiological studies: The missionaries Eli Smith and Cornelius Van Dyck as well as the Syrian Protestants Butrus al-Bustani and John Wortabet. As a result, the Syria Mission of the ABCFM demonstrates how two different cultures met in a so called contact zone in the mission field and how these dialogue partners, despite many conflicts and disagreements, succeeded in contributing towards a fruitful dialogue., Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Syrienmission der protestantischen Missionsgesellschaft American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), die sich von 1819 bis 1870 in der Osmanischen Provinz Syrien, d.h. auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Libanon, etablierte. Die Analyse des kulturellen Austausches zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika setzt bei vier wichtigen Protagonisten an, die in der bisherigen missionsgeschichtlichen Forschung nicht ausführlich bzw. gar nicht Beachtung fanden: Die Missionare Eli Smith und Cornelius Van Dyck sowie die syrischen Protestanten Butrus al-Bustani und John Wortabet. Die Syrienmission des ABCFM ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie zwei verschiedene Kulturen in der sogenannten contact zone der Missionsstationen aufeinander trafen und trotz Konflikten und Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu einem fruchtbaren Dialog gelangen konnten.
- Published
- 2016
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38. Forschungen zur almohadischen Moschee Lieferung 1. Vorstufen
- Author
Ewert, Christian and Wisshak, Jens-Peter
- Subjects
Moscheen ,Ägypten ,Libanon ,Israel / Jordanien ,Marokko ,Algerien / Tunesien ,Islamische Kunst ,Hochmittelalter (um 900 bis 1250) ,Qairawăn ,Datierung ,Córdoba ,Cordoba ,Bauforschung ,Spanien / Portugal (mit Gibraltar und Kanarischen Inseln) - Abstract
Madrider Beiträge, Band 09, Inhaltlich unveränderte digitale Reproduktion der Printausgabe (publiziert 1981), Unchanged digital reproduction of the print edition (published 1981)
- Published
- 2022
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39. Archival Reenactement and the Role of Fiction
- Author
Roberta Agnese
- Subjects
History ,Libanon ,Atlas Group ,Memory ,Geschichte ,ddc:770 ,Photography ,Archive ,Archiv ,Raad, Walid ,ddc:800 - Abstract
The Atlas Group created a digital mixed-media archive of contemporary Lebanese history, made up of produced and found documents. These archives look immediately ambiguous: they don’t collect historical documents; they actually contain visual artefacts created by the Lebanese artist Walid Raad. These digital mixed-media archives — partly accessible on the web but also physically exhibited and performed — are not intended to preserve the memory of the past, but they become indeed useful to actualize history by giving it back in the form of a historical fiction. What if archives should not deal with memory, but with amnesia? And what kind of historical temporality do they re-activate? Roberta Agnese, ‘Archival Reenactement and the Role of Fiction: Walid Raad and the **Atlas Group Archive/**’, in Over and Over and Over Again: Reenactment Strategies in Contemporary Arts and Theory, ed. by Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro, and Arianna Sforzini, Cultural Inquiry, 21 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), pp. 91-98
- Published
- 2022
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40. « Ma patrie est caravane » : Amin Maalouf, la question de l’exil et le savoir-vivre-ensemble des littératures sans résidence fixe
- Author
Ottmar Ette
- Subjects
Maalouf, Amin ,Exil ,Migration ,Libanon ,Arabische Welt ,Historischer Roman ,Frankophonie ,Identität ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Au-delà de l’exil – Au sein de l’identité – En deçà de la littérature universelle – D’autres côtés – Entre les mondes – Entre les latitudes – Entre les temps – Entre les lignes – Après l’exil – Histoire figurale de mouvements et savoir translocal – Savoir sur le vivre et le vivre ensemble
- Published
- 2015
41. Marin insats i Libanon 2006 - Varför blev det så?
- Author
Tirén Beckholmen, Lennart and Tirén Beckholmen, Lennart
- Abstract
The 13th of October 2006, the Swedish parliament approved a change in the Foreign Policy. For the first time the Government choose to use a maritime unit in peace-time operations. This had never been done before. The Swedish navy was trained and ready for this, due to the new overall policy, regarding the Armed Forces of Sweden from 2004. The aim of this study is to analyse the process of agenda setting and see how the different policy’s suggestions are picked up, analysed and left, until there is only one policy suggestion that fills the requirement. The analysis is based upon Kingdon’s multiple streams framework theory (2011). Relevant material for the study was collected through text analysis of official documents and interviews with persons who were the key actors in the changes policy. The outcome of this study shows, that, in the end, it is not the most obvious policy’s suggestion that will be used, but rather the one that fits in the political framework at a given moment, like The Armed Forces´ suggestion was demonstrated to be implementable. The Swedish contribution was small but still important one, both in terms of domestic and foreign policy.
- Published
- 2021
42. Cultivating Missional Ecclesiology for the Local Baptist Church in Lebanon
- Author
Haddad, Elie and Haddad, Elie
- Abstract
This dissertation is a study into the missional impulse of the Lebanese Baptist Church. This is accomplished through field research, through case studies, and through an assessment of how the Lebanese crises of the last ten years, as well as theological education, have helped shape the Lebanese Baptist Church. In order to do that, I use a body of missional church literature as a theological tool for conversation with the Lebanese Baptist Church. This body of literature comes out of the Missional Church movement of the Gospel and Our Culture Network in addition to other authors that extended that initial conversation. My approach to this study is autoethnographic. I have been part of the Lebanese Baptist Church for most of its young life. My lived experience growing up in this Baptist community and now one of its leaders for the last fifteen years, gives me an understanding and insight into the inner workings of the Lebanese Baptist Church. I have also been exposed to a missional church framework in Canada and in Lebanon, academically, in church life, in corporate life, and in seminary life. I am passionate about the Church in Lebanon, and I am passionate about missio Dei, God’s mission in the world. My ultimate passion is to witness a Lebanese Baptist Church with an effective missional witness among its neighbors. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to offer a theological framework for the Lebanese Baptist Church to consider as it revisits its ecclesiology to match its evolving praxis.
- Published
- 2021
43. The 'axis of resistance': Iran's expansion in the Middle East is hitting a wall
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Steinberg, Guido, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Steinberg, Guido
- Abstract
Since 2011 the Islamic Republic of Iran has significantly extended its influence in the Middle East. The expansion reached its apex in 2018. It has since entered a new phase in which Tehran, despite not suffering any strategic military setbacks, is hitting a wall. Iran's biggest fundamental problem is that a majority of its allies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen are primarily military and terrorist actors. They frequently succeed in armed confrontations. Yet they are subsequently incapable of ensuring political and economic stability. The best option for German and European policymakers is a strategy of containment so as to put an end to Iran’s expansion in the four countries mentioned above, but also to acknowledge in the short term that Tehran and its allies are in a position of strength. Part of such a containment strategy would be to impose the most far-reaching isolation and sanctions possible on Iran’s armed partners. This includes adding Lebanese Hezbollah, the Hezbollah Battalions, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq and other militias loyal to Iran, including their leaders, to all relevant terrorism lists. Should Iranian institutions and actors involved in its policy of expansion in the Middle East also be listed as terrorists? The close ties between the Quds Corps - which is in charge of Iran's policy towards its Arab neighbours - and unequivocally terrorist organisations such as Lebanese Hezbollah suggest that this step is necessary. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2021
44. Die 'Achse des Widerstands': Irans Expansion im Nahen Osten stößt an Grenzen
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Steinberg, Guido, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Steinberg, Guido
- Abstract
Die Islamische Republik Iran hat ihren Einfluss im Nahen Osten seit 2011 stark ausgeweitet. Doch hat diese Expansion ihren Höhepunkt schon 2018 erreicht. Seitdem tritt sie in eine neue Phase, in der Teheran zwar keine strategischen militärischen Rückschläge erlebt, aber an Grenzen stößt. Das größte grundsätzliche Problem Irans ist, dass seine Verbündeten im Libanon, Syrien, Irak und Jemen mehrheitlich und in erster Linie militärische und terroristische Akteure sind. Es gelingt ihnen zwar häufig, in bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen Erfolge zu erzielen. Doch erweisen sie sich anschließend als unfähig, für politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilität zu sorgen. Die beste Option für die deutsche und die europäische Politik ist die einer Eindämmungsstrategie, deren langfristiges Ziel das Ende der iranischen Expansion in den vier genannten Ländern ist, die aber kurzfristig auf der Einsicht beruht, dass Teheran und seine alliierten Akteure in einer starken Position sind. Ein Bestandteil einer Eindämmungsstrategie wäre eine möglichst weitgehende Isolierung und Sanktionierung der bewaffneten Kooperationspartner Irans. Hierzu gehört die Aufnahme der libanesischen Hisbollah, der Hisbollah-Bataillone, der Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq und weiterer iranloyaler Milizen und ihres Führungspersonals auf alle relevanten Terrorismuslisten. Es sollte überlegt werden, ob iranische Institutionen und Akteure, die an der Expansionspolitik im Nahen Osten beteiligt sind, ebenfalls als terroristisch gelistet werden müssen. Die enge Bindung des Quds-Korps – das für Irans Politik gegenüber den arabischen Nachbarn federführend ist – an unzweifelhaft terroristische Organisationen wie die libanesische Hisbollah legt einen solchen Schritt nahe. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2021
45. Resilienzförderung als Lösung für lang andauernde Fluchtsituationen? Lehren aus den Erfahrungen in Jordanien und Libanon
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Meier, Amrei, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Meier, Amrei
- Abstract
Die Zahl der Flüchtlinge weltweit steigt seit Jahren an, eine Umkehr dieses Trends ist auch in Zukunft nicht absehbar. Noch immer werden die meisten Flüchtlinge von Nachbarstaaten aufgenommen. Dabei nehmen langandauernde Fluchtsituationen zu, die sowohl Flüchtlinge als auch aufnehmende Länder vor große Herausforderungen stellen. Die internationale Gemeinschaft versucht seit Jahrzehnten, Lösungen für solche Fälle zu finden - bislang mit begrenztem Erfolg. Seit einigen Jahre gilt die Förderung von Resilienz, also von Widerstandsfähigkeit, als richtungsweisender Ansatz; unter anderem wird er in Jordanien und Libanon verfolgt. Wie ist dieser Ansatz zu bewerten? Kann er auch für andere langandauernde Fluchtsituationen als Modell dienen, beispielsweise in den Nachbarländern Afghanistans? (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2021
46. L'impact du Brexit sur Israël et les États arabes voisins en période de crise du COVID-19
- Author
Kohnert, Dirk and Kohnert, Dirk
- Abstract
The combined impact of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic on British foreign- and trade relations to Israel and its Arab neighbours constitute a particularly sensitive case. A destabilization of these countries could impact seriously stability and security, not just of the Middle-East region, but on the whole world. So far, the preliminary effects are ambivalent. Whereas Britons entertained reasoned hope for a 'Corona miracle' and a marvellous economic recovery in 2021, the prospects for Israel, the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt were less rosy. Presumably, Brexit is likely to harm the United Kingdom in the medium and long run. The post-Brexit impact on Israel and its Arab neighbours will be negative as well, but probably only be felt in the medium and long term also. However, the direct and indirect negative effects of the global COVID-19 crisis will by far outdo the Brexit impact., L'impact combiné du Brexit et de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les relations étrangères et commerciales britanniques avec Israël et ses voisins arabes constitue un cas particulièrement sensible. Une déstabilisation de ces pays pourrait avoir de graves répercussions sur la stabilité et la sécurité, non seulement de la région du Moyen-Orient, mais du monde entier. Jusqu'à présent, les effets préliminaires sont ambivalents. Alors que les Britanniques nourrissaient un espoir raisonné d'un "miracle de Corona" et d'une merveilleuse reprise économique en 2021, les perspectives pour Israël, les territoires palestiniens occupés, le Liban, la Jordanie et l'Égypte étaient moins roses. Vraisemblablement, le Brexit est susceptible de nuire au Royaume-Uni à moyen et long terme. L'impact post-Brexit sur Israël et ses voisins arabes sera également négatif, mais ne se fera probablement sentir qu'à moyen et long terme également. Cependant, l'effet négatif direct et indirect de la crise mondiale du COVID-19 dépassera de loin l'impact du Brexit., Die gemeinsamen Auswirkungen des Brexits und der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die britischen Außen- und Handelsbeziehungen zu Israel und seinen arabischen Nachbarn sind ein besonders heikler Fall. Eine Destabilisierung dieser Länder könnte die Stabilität und Sicherheit nicht nur im Nahen Osten, sondern auf der ganzen Welt ernsthaft gefährden. Bisher erscheinen die vorläufigen Effekte ambivalent. Während die Briten begründete Hoffnungen auf ein "Corona-Wunder" und eine erstaunliche wirtschaftliche Erholung im Jahr 2021 hegen, sind die Aussichten für Israel, die besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete, den Libanon, Jordanien und Ägypten weniger rosig. Vermutlich wird der Brexit dem Vereinigten Königreich mittel- und langfristig schaden. Die post-Brexit Auswirkungen auf Israel und seine arabischen Nachbarn werden ebenfalls negativ, aber vermutlich ebenfalls nur mittel- und langfristig zu spüren sein. Die direkten und indirekten negativen Effekte der weltweiten COVID-19-Krise werden jedoch die Folgen des Brexits bei weitem übertreffen.
- Published
- 2021
47. The impact of Brexit on Israel and neighbouring Arab states in times of the COVID-19 crisis
- Author
Kohnert, Dirk and Kohnert, Dirk
- Abstract
The combined impact of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic on British foreign- and trade relations to Israel and its Arab neighbours constitute a particularly sensitive case. A destabilization of these countries could impact seriously stability and security, not just of the Middle-East region, but on the whole world. So far, the preliminary effects are ambivalent. Whereas Britons entertained reasoned hope for a 'Corona miracle' and a marvellous economic recovery in 2021, the prospects for Israel, the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt were less rosy. Presumably, Brexit is likely to harm the United Kingdom in the medium and long run. The post-Brexit impact on Israel and its Arab neighbours will be negative as well, but probably only be felt in the medium and long term also. However, the direct and indirect negative effects of the global COVID-19 crisis will by far outdo the Brexit impact., Die gemeinsamen Auswirkungen des Brexits und der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die britischen Außen- und Handelsbeziehungen zu Israel und seinen arabischen Nachbarn sind ein besonders heikler Fall. Eine Destabilisierung dieser Länder könnte die Stabilität und Sicherheit nicht nur im Nahen Osten, sondern auf der ganzen Welt ernsthaft gefährden. Bisher erscheinen die vorläufigen Effekte ambivalent. Während die Briten begründete Hoffnungen auf ein "Corona-Wunder" und eine erstaunliche wirtschaftliche Erholung im Jahr 2021 hegen, sind die Aussichten für Israel, die besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete, den Libanon, Jordanien und Ägypten weniger rosig. Vermutlich wird der Brexit dem Vereinigten Königreich mittel- und langfristig schaden. Die post-Brexit Auswirkungen auf Israel und seine arabischen Nachbarn werden ebenfalls negativ, aber vermutlich ebenfalls nur mittel- und langfristig zu spüren sein. Die direkten und indirekten negativen Effekte der weltweiten COVID-19-Krise werden jedoch die Folgen des Brexits bei weitem übertreffen.
- Published
- 2021
48. Rezension: Schulhofer-Wohl, J. (2020): Quagmire in Civil War
- Author
Ali, Hager and Ali, Hager
- Published
- 2021
49. Religions in foreign policy: Religion-based actors as peace partners in international relations?
- Author
ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Bender, Peter, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), and Bender, Peter
- Abstract
Religious communities frequently work with special motivation, specific credibility and international networks for peace on a global level - even though some perpetrators of violent acts who repeatedly invoke religion cause significant foreign-policy crises. New efforts for peace and challenges in international relations thus require increased competence in and sensitivity to religion in foreign and security policy, and the willingness and qualification to work with religious communities in a spirit of partnership. Numerous states and international organisations have increasingly directed their focus to the peace potential of religions, recognised the strategic meaning of religion-related peace policy and initiated corresponding cooperation. Religions which have assumed responsibility for peace and a foreign policy that has competence in religion could jointly make an important contribution for the peaceful coexistence of humanity. This applies even more so as European societies, which are increasingly becoming secular, are often confronted with communities outside of Europe that are steadily becoming more religious. How can religion-based actors be included into foreign policy as partners? With which subjects, formats or forums?
- Published
- 2021
50. Resilience in Practice: Responding to the Refugee Crisis in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon
- Author
Anholt, Rosanne and Anholt, Rosanne
- Abstract
Little is known about how the idea of ‘resilience’ translates into practice. It has nonetheless emerged as a dominant theme in the governance of crises, such as political instability, armed conflict, terrorism, and large-scale refugee movements. This study draws on interviews with humanitarian and development practitioners in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon working under the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan to explore how resilience is interpreted and translated on the ground. Results suggest that resilience is translated as the economic self-reliance of refugees, and the capacity for crisis management of refugee-hosting states, enacted through ‘localization’ and strengthening the ‘humanitarian-development nexus.’ The prominence of the political and economic context and the power relations between crisis response actors that it generates reveals the limits of what a buzzword like resilience can achieve on the ground. The findings highlight the need for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to engage in continuous critical reflection on whether the ways in which resilience policies and programmes are implemented actually improve the ability of systems and vulnerable populations to recover from crisis, as well as on the validity of the assumptions and interpretations on which such policies and programmes are built.
- Published
- 2021
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