Fe and Mn oxides have long been recognized as important adsorbing phases governing the cycling of trace metals in aquatic environments (33, 35, 46, 62, 64). Fe oxides are often considered more important than other adsorbing phases because the high specific surface area of amorphous or colloidal Fe oxides is expected to result in high adsorption capacity, and thus trace metal adsorption to Fe oxides has been studied extensively (e.g., see reference 20). Less attention has been given to trace metal adsorption by Mn oxides, even though it is likely that fresh biologically oxidized Mn is poorly crystallized or amorphous (41, 58, 65) and could exhibit much greater trace metal adsorption than crystalline Mn oxides. The Mn oxidation states and mineral forms of biogenic Mn oxides have been characterized in several prior investigations (3, 23, 24, 41, 57); however, specific surface areas and trace metal binding characteristics of biogenic Mn oxides have not been reported previously. Moffett and Ho (44) reported that Co, Zn, Ce, and trivalent lanthanides could be incorporated into biogenic Mn oxides by being “coprocessed” via the same putative enzymatic pathways as those used for Mn oxidation, but adsorption of these elements to already formed Mn oxides was not described. He and Tebo (32) measured the surface area of Mn-oxidizing Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 spores and Cu adsorption to these spores, but Cu adsorption to Mn oxides formed by the spores was not reported. Tessier et al. (59) observed trace metal adsorption to freshwater sediment extracts containing Mn oxides, Fe oxides, and organic materials, but the specific role of Mn oxides was not elucidated because the extracted Mn oxides were contaminated with Fe oxides and residual organic material. Additional information on the metal adsorption capacity and specific surface area of biogenic Mn oxides under controlled laboratory conditions is needed to assess the relative importance of biogenic Mn oxides in controlling trace metal adsorption in natural aquatic environments. In the present work, Pb adsorption and specific surface area were measured for biogenic Mn oxides produced by the bacterium Leptothrix discophora SS-1 in a chemically defined medium. L. discophora is a well-characterized, model Mn-oxidizing bacterium whose structure, physiology, and phylogeny have been studied extensively (8, 26–28). In pure cultures of L. discophora, Mn oxidation has been shown to occur extracellularly (1–3, 8, 16, 17, 21, 22, 54, 58). The Mn oxides formed by L. discophora were previously shown to be mixed Mn(III, IV) oxides or oxyhydroxides with an average oxidation state of 3.6 (3). Pb adsorption by the biogenic Mn oxide (with cells and exopolymer) was compared to Pb adsorption by L. discophora cells and exopolymer alone (without Mn oxide). The adsorption properties of the biogenic Mn oxides were also compared to those of Mn oxides of abiotic origin. To unambiguously assess Pb adsorption to Mn oxides produced by L. discophora, it was necessary to grow the bacterium in a defined medium free of competing trace metals and undefined organic ligands or mineral precipitates that could interfere with Pb adsorption. Previous work with another strain, L. discophora SP-6, had shown that this organism could be grown in a defined mineral salts medium that contained 10 μM FeSO4 and a suite of vitamins (3). Therefore, to facilitate our experiments, it was first necessary to determine the minimal vitamin and Fe requirements of strain SS-1. These experiments revealed that vitamin B12 was required for SS-1 growth and also revealed that supplemental Fe enhanced Mn oxidation in the defined medium. Development of a chemically defined medium based on these determinations resulted in more accurate and meaningful measurement of Pb adsorption to the resulting biogenic Mn oxides.