V magistrski nalogi smo se posvetili analizi in izzivom večjezične komunikacije tujih Erasmus in CEEPUS študentov Univerze v Mariboru v povezavi s tolmačenjem za potrebe skupnosti, ki v zadnjem obdobju dobiva na pomenu zaradi globalizacije in pospešenega mednarodnega sodelovanja. Analizirali smo razvojne smernice, ki vključujejo proces internacionalizacije vseh treh javnih slovenskih univerz (Univerza v Mariboru, Univerza v Ljubljani in Univerza na Primorskem). Na Univerzi v Mariboru je internacionalizacija označena kot steber razvoja univerze, saj naj bi spodbujala večjo odprtost v mednarodno okolje in večje sodelovanje s partnerji v evropskem in globalnem prostoru na področjih izobraževalne, znanstvenoraziskovalne, razvojne in druge dejavnosti. V tem kontekstu smo pojasnili pomen in vlogo internacionalizacije univerz glede na večkulturno in večjezično sporazumevanje ter razlike pri njenem uresničevanju na posameznih slovenskih univerzah. Preučili smo pomen in vlogo programov mobilnosti, ki krepijo mednarodno sodelovanje na področju izobraževanja in znanosti. Osredinili smo se na program Erasmus, ki študentom omogoča mednarodne študijske izmenjave in nabiranje izkušenj v tujini, univerzam pa promocijo v mednarodnem okolju. Predstavili smo zgodovino programa Erasmus in navedli letne statistike o številu prihodov tujih študentov v Republiko Slovenijo in na Univerzo v Mariboru (s poudarkom na statistikah zadnjih petih let) ter na podlagi le-teh prikazali trende glede števila izmenjav in s tem v povezavi potrebo po oblikovanju inovativnih univerzitetnih predmetov, ki omogočajo ozaveščanje glede pomembnosti večjezičnosti v globalnem okolju. V empirični raziskavi smo s pomočjo spletnega intervjuja ugotavljali, kako tuji študenti Univerze v Mariboru doživljajo urejanje potrebne dokumentacije v javnih institucijah. Ker domnevamo, da je v okviru univerze ustrezno in strokovno poskrbljeno za večjezično komunikacijo s tujimi študenti (za koordinacijo tujih študentov skrbi več služb, med drugim Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v Mariboru), nas je zanimalo, kako se tuji študenti znajdejo na javnih institucijah (policijska postaja, upravna enota, zdravstvene ustanove, sodišča itd.). V pričujoči raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kje in zakaj so se tuji študenti soočali s komunikacijskimi težavami, na kakšen način so jih premostili in kako vrednotijo večjezičnost in komunikacijske sposobnosti v tujih jezikih mariborskih javnih uslužbencev. The thesis deals with the analysis and challenges of multilingual communication of foreign Erasmus and CEEPUS students at the University of Maribor concerning community interpreting. In recent years, community interpreting has become increasingly important due to globalisation and accelerated international cooperation. We analysed lines of development, including the process of internationalisation at all three public universities in Slovenia (University of Maribor, University of Ljubljana and University of Primorska). At the University of Maribor, internationalisation is regarded as a pillar of development, since it is supposed to promote openness towards the international environment and stimulate cooperation with partners in the European and global area in fields of education, scientific research, development etc. In this context, we elaborated the importance and role of the process of internationalisation at the universities in relation to multicultural and multilingual communication, as well as the differences in the application of internationalisation at the individual universities. Furthermore, we studied the importance and role of mobility programmes, which are designed to strengthen international cooperation in fields of education and science. We focused on the Erasmus programme, which on the one hand enables students to experience international student exchanges and study abroad and on the other hand enables universities to promote themselves in the international environment. We presented the history of the Erasmus programme and listed annual statistics concerning arrivals of foreign students in the Republic of Slovenia and at the University of Maribor (with special emphasis on the last five years). Based on these statistics, we illustrated the trends concerning the number of exchanges and the resultant need to develop innovative university courses in order to enhance the awareness about the importance of multilingualism in a global environment. As part of an empirical study including and online interview, we examined the experience of foreign students at the University of Maribor when dealing with the necessary documentation at public institutions. It was our assumption that multilingual communication with foreign students at the university is implemented accordingly and professionally (coordination of foreign students is in the hands of several departments, among them the International relations office of the University of Maribor). Therefore we were interested in how foreign students manage to find their way at public institutions (police station, administrative unit, health-care institutions, courts etc.). In this thesis we examined where and why did foreign students encounter problems in communication, how did they manage to overcome them, and what did they think of multilingual and communication skills of public officials in Maribor.