1. Effects of sowing and type of cultivation on the seedling quality of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.)
- Author
Lednik, Matija and Šušek, Andrej
- Subjects
generativno razmnoževanje ,Covering. Vermiculte ,Valerian ,germination ,baldrijan ,vznik ,zastiranje ,transplantation ,pikiranje ,Valeriana officinalis L ,vermikulit ,Generative propagation - Abstract
Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti optimalni čas setve baldrijana (Valeriana officinalis L.), vpliv zastiranja semen z vermikulitom na vznik in vpliv pikiranja sejancev na kvaliteto sadik. Uporabili smo dva semenska materiala, ki smo ju sejali v dveh terminih med julijem in avgustom v letu 2017. Na osnovi rezultatov poskusa lahko trdimo, da se je drugi termin setve izkazal za značilno boljšega, saj je bil vznik semen pri sorti 'Vojvođanski' večji za 29,7 %, pri semenskem materialu Austrosaat pa za 9,5 %. Ugotovili smo, da je zastiranje semen z vermikulitom negativno vplivalo na vznik semena. Pikiranje sadik je pri obeh semenskih materialih statistično značilno pozitivno vplivalo na kasnejšo kvaliteto sadik. Statistične razlike so se kazale predvsem v sveži in suhi masi nadzemnih ter podzemnih delov rastlin. Sveža masa nadzemnega dela sadike je bila po pikiranju pri semenskem materialu Austrosaat tudi do 60,7 % višja kot pri sadikah, ki jih nismo pikirali. Na število razvitih listov pikiranje ni imelo vpliva. The research in the bachelor's thesis was carried out on valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) in 2017, between July and August. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the optimal sowing date, effect of covering the seed bed with vermiculite on germination of the seed and the effect of transplanting the seedlings on the seedling quality. In the experiment, two different seeding materials were used and each seeding material was sown in two dates. The research indicates that the second sowing date was significantly better for the growth of the plant. The variety 'Vojvođanski' had a 29,7% higher germination and the seeding material Austrosaat had a 9,5% higher germination. Covering the seeds with vermiculite effected the germination in a negative way. Transplantation had a positive effect on the seedling quality of both seeding materials. Significant differences were mostly in the fresh and dry mass of the underground and above ground parts of the plant. With the Austrosaat seeding material, the fresh mass of the above ground part of the plant was up to 60,7% higher after transplanting. Transplantation did not affect the number of mature leaves.
- Published
- 2019